Salary Negotiation Strategies

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hey everybody welcome back to my basement this is jeremiah wolfe and today i want to talk a little bit about salary negotiation this is one of those one of those areas that a lot of people for all the effort we put into building our career we we very i don't know a lot of people spend little to no time uh learning how to negotiate a salary so we'll talk a little bit about that today and this was all brought up because of a post i saw on reddit and i will i'll link to this in the description but here's a gentleman he's talking about his experience he has seven years experience in i.t uh he has a degree he's working on his master's degree he has a according to him a stack of certs and he applied for a bunch of jobs he says that it's very easy for him to get interviews because of his qualifications and out of the out of 22 interviews he got seven offers so that's fantastic and uh what he says is that i found that all seven of them were offering me 10 to 15 percent less than what the average market value was for that job he goes on to talk about how after he uh you know sort of confronted them with the data about the position in the market average salary that they were willing to adjust but they went to the minimum number that he told them and they didn't offer him any more and he was i guess surprised by this and it's you know it sounds like this is someone i don't know he says he has seven years of experience um but the way he's talking the way that he was surprised by this it seems like someone who hasn't really been in the uh this sounds derogatory i don't mean that but been in the real world um for for very long like someone who's been in academia maybe for for a while but hasn't really had to like go out there and find a job and negotiate a salary um because salary negotiation is a skill and i want there's a few things i want to talk about and the first thing i want to talk about is when it comes to the relationship between you and your employer it's vitally important that you understand where you fit in that relationship what role you play from their perspective now for a lot of us from our perspective we see the employer as you know almost as like a parent figure they're this authority they have a lot of power over our lives we are beholden to them for our uh financial well-being so it's it's in many ways like a parent-child relationship and maybe it's that reason that that dynamic that causes a lot of people to have the misconception that the reverse is also true that the company sees you as their child and they want to care for and protect you now part of the reason that people might have this thought is because oftentimes that's what we're told by our employers you know in my career how many times was i told by the employer well you know don't worry you take care of us now and we're going to take care of you you know when it comes time we need you to work the we need you to work the weekend we need you to put in extra overtime we need you to i know i actually i worked at a company where they they were having some financial trouble and they had to delay paychecks and they said don't worry you you know you take care of us now you help us out now you be a team player and we're going to take care of you and it's like um i have bills to pay you know i can't i live paycheck to paycheck i i there's no team player here like i i want to help you but you know i need money i've also worked in many positions where well a great examples i used to work for this one company and we would hire on contract employees so we would be bringing contractors we had our core set of of individuals and there was a few people who worked back in staging they would kind of build the computers um there was uh me and two to four total field engineers like myself where excuse me we would travel the country and do installations occasionally go fix stuff mostly just installations excuse me and then there was a one or two like sales engineers who would you know help the the process the sales process but we we would often times need for the field force 20 or 30 people so we would hire contractors and sometimes we would hire a contract well i don't need to go i i have this tendency to just i want to give you guys all the details that's why my videos are always an hour long i'm not doing it this time we're keeping it reasonable although we're already at six minutes all right gotta hurry up so anyway so we would hire these people on as contractors and you know they would be part of the team like we would work hand in hand with these people they would sacrifice for the company they would you know get stuck in another state and have to stay over the weekend and miss their family and they weren't paid for that time like we covered their meals and their hotel and their rental car but they didn't earn any money over that time and um you know over the weekend while they were missing their family because they had you know they had to be in austin this week that you know a couple weeks in a row and so they just had to stay there you know so we asked them to sacrifice for us and by us i mean the company i was a full-time employee so i'm saying us but it wasn't my decision but when the the contract started to slow down when we didn't need people you know what they would do they wait till friday afternoon they would call their home while they were in the office they would call their home leave a voicemail or you know on their answering machine a message on their answer this was years ago people actually had answer machines back then nowadays does anybody still have one and fire them now they were a contract employee and that's kind of like you know par for the course but we had asked them to sacrifice for the company without getting paid and they they did it because you know all these guys were hoping for a full-time gig and they thought if i really step up if i help out they're going to offer me that full-time gig which is big then they thought that because that's what the company told them but it never happened never well there might have been one or two people over the three years i worked there but man they would fire those people just like that because they did they couldn't we didn't want to you know float their salary and keep paying them if there wasn't work that needed to be done right now you know they couldn't sit in the office for a week paid without having to you know just doing odds and ends until the the next project kicked in no they were fired i worked at a company we didn't have contract employees but we was all full-time people and you know money things they were rough periods and the company would just this is the thing that pissed me off the most was we had the vice the vp who ran our office um he would take the day off because he was a coward and stay at home while 10 or 15 or 20 people would get fired that day and the whole office would just be sitting it just felt horrible it was you know sickening we're all just sitting there you know i i felt relatively safe i don't think i was ever worried my my girlfriend at the time uh was her name was on the chopping block several times and this is one of those things where i knew but i couldn't say anything because i was in management and it was just it was you know there was once or twice where i had to let people go not because they weren't doing a good job not because they weren't important not because we didn't need them we just didn't have the money and these same people you know they had been told you know you work hard for us we're gonna work hard for you you sacrifice for us we're gonna make sure that that we take care of you it it doesn't happen it never happens to the company you're nothing more than a cog in a machine and the moment that they can replace you for less money or a slightly higher skill set you better believe they're going to do it there's no such thing in the corporate world as loyalty to the employee now the company will always demand loyalty from you and if you show the slightest signs of disloyalty if you complain too much if you post something negative on social media if you have a little bit of an attitude at work they will find a reason to fire you or to make your life so miserable that you quit but have no illusions they will replace you like that the moment it is convenient for them there's a you know today is uh september 11th uh didn't uh well yeah anyway um and you know the economy's been kind of weird here in the united states because of covet and there's been some some more and more layoffs happening uh you know part of the economy is starting to pick up but then at the same time i've been hearing more and more about layoffs and it seemed to weather the initial layoffs you know they seem to be do okay for the first several months but now all these layoffs are starting and then cisco specifically is uh has said they're going to cut a billion dollars in costs and that means usually that means almost almost all that money is going to come out of employees they're going to cut jobs that's you know and a billion dollars is a lot of jobs so a lot of the current employees have been posting online they're worried they don't know what's going to happen and cisco isn't really saying anything they have to keep all those jobs until a certain date i think in some time in september or maybe october because they took money from the government as part of the whole covid relief stuff so they have to keep those people to a certain date if as long as they do that they get that money interest free so they're hanging on to those people now but the moment that date hits you better believe there's going to start being layoffs and the you know the word among the cisco employees is that it you know there's a purge coming and this happens every time that there's a slump in the economy uh you see this a lot in big tech companies and big companies in general they tend to lay off a lot of the older people interestingly and hire on younger people why is that well it's because the older people have accrued their salary is higher because they've been there a long time they have more vacation they might have been grandfathered into a better retirement package because if you've ever been in corporate america for long enough you've seen that health health insurance you know here in the united states we have our health insurance through largely through our employer and over the past 20 years it has gone it's gone to a system where for the vast majority of americans we the health insurance comes to maybe 10 or even 15 000 out of our compensation package most employees aren't even aware of that it's one of those things that it's often used to keep employees in the dark so that the employer can can mess with that stuff and that and the employer employee doesn't realize that they're technically getting a pay cut we'll talk about more that in a second so what's going on is you know these people might have been grandfathered in with a better health care plan a better retirement plan they have they've accrued more vacation time they have a higher salary so what do these companies do they let all those old experienced and old by you know people like my age in their 40s they let those people go and they bring them in with fresh young faces straight out of college and they pay them you know significantly less and they're willing to work for the significantly less benefits and that's how corporate america goes so these people who have put in you know 10 20 years of loyalty to this company the moment it becomes too inconvenient for the company they cut those people free and here in the united states again you know a lot of people in europe might be surprised by this and people in asia too you know i know japan has a very strong employer-employee relationship much different than in the united states but particularly in europe you might be surprised to hear some of the labor practices we have in the united states because while some places like germany and other places have very strong unions which represent workers which give workers a collective voice when it comes to dealing with the company and there's also very strong regulations from the government to protect workers here in the united states for the past maybe roughly 40 years there's been a concerted effort to really strip away all workers rights and just you know decimate the unions we have almost no unions left in the united states workers have almost no rights in the united states and it's always it's done with this idea of oh we're going to help businesses and when as businesses grow you'll make more money because the business is more profitable now it doesn't take more than 10 15 minutes of research to show that that is 100 percent not the case that has never happened ever that money always goes to the top tier this sea level in the investors it never goes to the workers so there are big savings when companies get rid of unions there are big savings uh when companies strip away workers rights but we as the workers don't see that unfortunately uh i think the average american worker they just i'm sorry if you're watching this and you're personally offended but the reality is the average american worker does not have the time or interest to research this kind of stuff to be aware of this kind of stuff they take at face value what politicians say to them and politicians on both sides of the aisle here in the united states uh licked the boots of the of their corporate masters and have thrown the worker under the bus uh almost at every opportunity for the past 40 plus years so whatever that's a whole other discussion but we don't have a whole lot of protections here for workers so it is you against the employer that's it and that is your place in this world you have to understand that going in why am i harping on all this because when it comes to negotiating your compensation package that's that is pretty much your only chance you have one chance to have a role in how you get paid and that is during the negotiations when you get hired there are a couple exceptions where you might be able to modify that later on but it is very rare usually you will have to leave the company in order to make more money significantly more money you know you could get your yearly raise of a couple percent so let's talk about how do you negotiate number one when you're applying for a position oftentimes you will be asked on the application um even for you know it's kind of funny back in the day the idea of someone like us you know professional people filling out an application is kind of a silly thing but nowadays uh you know that's one of the first things you're going to do is you're going to go to the company's website and fill out the application so oftentimes on the application or in the first interview which is oftentimes a phone interview they will ask you how much are you making currently what's your current compensation now this is a trap it is one hundred percent a trap why do they need to know that there's no reason that your new that your potential employer needs to know what you make now it doesn't matter to them at all it shouldn't matter it does matter because the reason they're asking is if they decide to move forward they want to give you just enough above that number that you're currently making to entice you to come over if you're making just for simple numbers if you're making fifty thousand dollars now they're going to offer you 53. just enough for you to be like well that extra three grand would be helpful that's a that's a nice raise that's six percent yeah i guess that sounds good that's how that's their mindset their mindset isn't what is the job worth what are your skills worth what are you going to provo what value do you bring to that company no it's what is the minimum that you will accept so it is my advice that if you can do not fill that out and do not mention it if it comes up in the first interview uh so jeremiah tell me what are you making at your current position i would just say well you know we can talk about compensation uh once we you know if we if we decide to move forward we'll talk about compensation then or something like uh you know i'm i'm paid pretty uh i'm pretty you know i'm in the market average it's it's roughly average for the market uh something like that you don't need to give a number be polite don't get all defensive and weird about it but i recommend you have a couple of answers ready that sort of deflect that question they don't need to know and there are some laws being passed uh supposedly nice i've heard this recently i don't know that this is true but supposedly there's some laws being passed that might actually make that question illegal like right now they can't ask you your age or your religion um similarly they might not be allowed to ask you how much you currently make so be aware of what's going on in your area but for me i do not fill that out i'll just put not applicable or whatever you know put some stupid number in there that makes it look like an error i don't know but i always just try to deflect that we'll talk about compensation when you know if we if we both decide to move forward with this like hey like you know um well you know i'm really enjoying meeting you guys and this sounds like a really awesome opportunity uh so if you know if we decide to move forward uh we'll talk about compensation then but you know i'm i'm i'm in the i'm normal for the mark i'm you know my market value so i'm comfortable where i'm at or something like that um you know so you want to convey the idea that well i'm not desperate that uh you know if if i like the job i'll take it you know we can talk about it then but i'm not desperate um so don't tell them what you make the other thing is don't mention money as much as possible until it's time to negotiate negotiations are going to happen when you know your third or fourth interview when they they're offering you the position usually they're not really going to offer talk about it before that now they they might ask you at some point what are you looking to make and what i always say is well you know i once we start to negotiate i said when it comes to negotiation i i i'm curious to see what your complete package is that'll kind of determine the dollar value that i'm looking for and if they say well you know we really need to know like a number i say well you know i do you know health care and vacation and all that that to me that has real value so i i'm hesitant to give you a number but if you really need to know then give them a high number some you know take what you really want to make add a couple grand to that er you know whatever you know scale it appropriately but you want to highball them right they're going to come in low they're always going to come in low so you need to go in high um yeah i do say be honest so i wrote this down be honest i don't really you know i don't think it's right to lie to people so i would much rather deflect a question that you know if i don't want to tell you what i'm making then i'll just say you know i honestly um if we decide to move forward with this position together we'll talk about compensation then but what i'm making now really i don't think that's really relevant and so that's the other thing the other thing when i say be honest this is kind of an interesting tactic that has worked for me multiple times because you know when you're interviewing there's this sort of dance that's going on and part of that is you are trying to convince this person to hire you you want them to be your friend you're trying to convince them that you're a good person that you're enjoyable to work with that you have this certain skill set that you're you know you're going to be part of the team and then if you carry that same mentality of like hey please like me please like me if you bring that into your salary negotiations you're gonna get screwed straight up you're gonna get screwed so what i have and i've i've literally done this in multiple uh interview or multiple you know when they've when it's time to negotiate i have told the hiring manager you know we sit down in his office and or her office and i say listen i just want to be up front when it comes time to negotiate i can be a bit of a jerk and i'm only doing that because i want to make sure that i get you know this is for my me and my family i need to make sure that this is fair for everybody involved so i might be a little bit of a jerk but i promise you that's just i just you know for negotiations you know i'll go back to being a nice guy when this is done and you know people tend to respect that i've never gotten any pushback on that and i have been a bit of a jerk during negotiations like at that point they've established they want you so you have some bargaining power you know what you know do they really want to go and interview 10 more people and try to find someone with your skill set that's going to fit in there you think that's going to cost them less than the few extra grand you're asking for probably not like it's probably financially makes sense for them to just work with you rather than say oh we're not going to we're not going to negotiate i have been in interviews where they say no i'm sorry this is the offer and that's it and then i say okay well i'll think about it and then you know walk out if it's not what i need then i walk away obviously we're not always in that position sometimes life says you need a job and you're going to take the first thing that comes up and you know that's okay but be aware that you're going to keep looking so that's kind of my thing when it comes to negotiating um be honest be open and stand up for yourself uh you know great example someone very close to me i won't say her name who happens to be upstairs right now but um she was looking for a new job several years ago and she was this opportunity came up in a different part of the country about a six-hour drive from where we live so we got in the car we went we spent a few days in the area and we hung out a little bit you know she interviewed a couple times she met with the employer a couple times and we went and you know did a little sightseeing drove around a little bit looked at the neighborhoods you know got to feel what would it be like if we moved here and the takeaway was it's just it's not worth moving i i you know the it just didn't it didn't feel right to move to this place but she really wanted the job and i said listen listen her because her instinct was to possibly take the job or just you know like i don't know i say listen they love you you you have you meet all their criteria you're a good value so go back to them and say listen i need this much money i need this much vacation and i'm going to work from home in ohio i'm willing to drive out here once a month to spend time with you guys she gave them that offer we got in the car we went home couple days later she gets a call congratulations we can't wait for you to get started so for the past however many years now she works from home for a company that is six hours away uh several states over and uh she goes she was going there once a month and now it's once a quarter so i mean that really worked out and it was only because she knew she knew her value she knew the value that she could bring to the company and she was willing to stand by her her own self uh you know her her own self-assessment i don't know what you can call it but she trusted what she she knew what she was worth and she was willing to stand up for it if you are willing to do that will it cost you a job it very well might there might be a position that it's going to cost you but ask yourself this if you interview for a job and they're not willing to pay you what you're worth do you really want to work there anyway because as we talked about for the first 10 minutes of this video they don't care about you if you don't get every dime you can during the negotiation of your new position they're never gonna they're never going to come to you and say you know you've done such a great job we're gonna give you this massive raise i remember i worked i worked this was years ago i had this guy and uh we had given him a lot of extra responsibility i had given him a lot of extra responsibility over the the previous year he had i don't think he got any certification but he'd been working hard he'd really stepped up his skills he'd been an incredibly valuable member of the team and he was very underpaid and i submitted his raise for the his annual raise and the um the vp of the company called me in his office and he's like hey uh i see i see this uh you have this number here for chris and i was like yeah you know chris has really stepped it up he's he's just he's done this project this project this project like he is such a vital member of the team and when we hired him he uh he really didn't have a whole lot of skills but he has just he's transformed himself as a as a technical employee and and he deserves he deserves this number and the boss said well jeremiah what you need to understand is that uh and he he proceeds to draw me a bell curve and explain how you know it's impossible that anybody could really deserve that much of a raise and so he gave him a four percent raise four percent and that night this is the truth that night we were all meeting at um i was taking the guys out to dave and busters which is a um like it's an arcade it's like a franchise here and i don't know where i don't know if they're all over the u.s or but they're they're definitely throughout a lot of the us and there's like video games and uh you know games of chance and stuff it it's and they have a restaurant anyway whatever so it's a fun time so i was taking my team out and i was excited because he kept asking me like hey what's the raise what's the raise and i couldn't get him what i wanted but i did get him the maximum that the company was willing to do he was getting more than anybody else percentage-wise so i i called him you know it's all loud with the clinging and clanging and the buzzing and you know from the video games and stuff and i called him over to a corner and i was like hey uh i talked to so-and-so and i got you raise approved it's it's it's this this amount and his face just dropped he was hoping for double that at least and he deserved it and i couldn't give it to him and he went and got his wife and he left and i just i felt so bad i felt so bad because he deserved he worked so hard but the company just wouldn't do it they just wouldn't do it so that brings me to the next point and that is sometimes when it comes to salary you just have to leave you simply have to leave now there was a guy that um i've i've probably mentioned before he started off when he came to us he was literally an electrician right he didn't have any technical knowledge he started off in a different department but he was always over in engineering he always wanted to learn he always wanted to see if he could help out and he he just he was smart and he was a hard worker and you know through a series of events he ended up getting a ccna and i i brought him over into engineering as a junior engineer and man he just worked his butt off and he became an integral part of the team you know on equal footing with my other he was a he focused on voice and he was eventually he was right on par with my other voice guys and he he you know because he he came in with no real skills he was paid very little but he had he had transformed his skill set he had gotten some certifications he literally deserved double at least double what he was being paid and the company refused refused and we went back and forth and back and forth i couldn't do anything being a lowly manager so that my director fought for him and the cfo the chief financial officer his the final ruling was we will never never give any employee more than a 10 raise period it's like well you realize that if he quits it's going to cost you two to three times what you're currently paying to replace him do you not understand that they didn't care so you know he did he quit he quit he went and almost tripled his salary well maybe doubled it for another company he worked there for like three months turns out he didn't like it talked to his old boss they hired him back and he got even more than he made when he left so he was making x he left and got 2x and when he came back they were paying him 2.5 x so it it cost them tens of thousands of dollars more than if they had just given him if they'd given a 20 000 raise he would have been thrilled but instead they ended up costing him 40 or 50 000 like how stupid was that so this is something to be aware of sometimes you just have to leave and when we're talking about leaving this is my last little bit of advice you've got to really think hard about taking the counter offer so when you come in and you say listen i got an offer letter from this other company i'm going to give my notice and leave if you are a valued employee usually hr will come to you with a counter offer and it's going to be the number that the new employee offered maybe either either the same number or maybe it's just a pittance more because they're they're banking on the fact that hey it's going to be a real pain for you to go get this other job so we're going to just match what they what they offered you now you can you can take that counter offer if you really like where you work and you don't want to leave but you feel like you're being forced out because they won't pay you what you're worth you know and then they give you that counter offer that kind of solves the problem here's the issue you can only ever do that once you're only ever going to do it once if you're the kind of person who's always studying always getting new certs who's trying to really grow their career you're going to get stuck again and you're still going to end up leaving you know six months or a year two years later the other thing is that once you take that counteroffer you are now the black sheep of the family right they are looking for a reason to get rid of you even if they you know they paid you more to keep you now they feel like you're not loyal it doesn't matter that they would dump you in a heartbeat if it was convenient for them law in the corporate world loyalty is only important one way you must be loyal to them they will never be loyal to you there's always exceptions i know they're except please don't fill the comments up with well there's this one guy in the company really like that's fantastic but in the hundreds of millions of working americans at least in this country or tens of millions however many there are probably 150 200 million working americans i don't know something like that um of all those people the tiniest tiny fraction of a percent have ever experienced the company going out on a limb for them but we are all expected to sacrifice for the company so it doesn't matter that they would dump you in a heartbeat they expect you to be loyal in the moment they realize that you're not happy and that you're looking and even if they had to give you more money to keep you keep in mind they're now looking to get rid of you they're either going to treat you like crap until you quit and leave or they're just literally gonna find some excuse and fire you that's simply the reality of it so you can take that counteroffer but oftentimes it is a trap let me share one last example from my own life about the counteroffer so i was working for this company and i had already contrary to what i just told you i had been able to kind of get them by the balls and force them to give me a pretty significant raise and then i had because i had been such a performer i had gotten like i'd maxed out my raise every year so i was i had drastically increased my salary since the time i was hired i was i was there for six years and in that time i almost doubled my salary and they didn't like me they didn't like me because i was a bit of a prima donna admittedly i admit that but they also you know i was getting more certifications the labor market was tight i deserved more money i was doing drastically more more and more every quarter i was there asking more and more of me they're asking more of my time they're asking me to learn more things and my attitude was always like hey i will work harder i will learn more stuff but you're going to [ __ ] pay me for that but they at some point we hit this this plateau where they refused to keep paying me more so i out of the blue i got a call from a company that had worked with me at some point and this is one of those things i always talk about you know work hard be a good person and you know you make these connections with people things good things happen not always but this is one of those things where years prior i had worked on a project with some dude now he's the big hot shot at this company he needs a cisco guy and he's like you know what let's call jeremiah i know jeremiah is a hard worker and the funny the funny thing is like the project that we worked on his his big anyway it's a whole story it's funny it's a fun he and i ended up spending um we worked like it was like a 24-hour day that we ended up working together one time and uh you know he was just he was just so blown away by how i just wouldn't quit and i went above and beyond it was a [ __ ] situation but not only did i just keep do working i eventually you know figured it out and made it you know whatever we figured it out we got it done and that really impacted him to the point that ten years later he was still impressed by it and he you know so he calls me up and or has his hr person called me up and they offered me a job like i went down there and met with them but it was never like interviewing it was like the job is yours if you want it and they gave me a number and i said that's a pretty good number and i said can i get that in writing that's not true that's not true that's not what happened they gave me a number and i said okay i said listen i'm going to be honest with you i really like where i work there's some things i don't like about it but i'm going to see if they're willing to work with me on this i'll let you guys know so i go to my my boss i say listen they're offering me like fifteen thousand dollars more than what you guys are paying me i don't wanna leave but i mean it's a lot of money you know so he you know they okay well give me a couple days see what i can do it's this big thing because you know money was tight at the company but i you know i don't care like i don't care that money is tight at the company keep that in mind like there's always an excuse as to why they can't pay you there's always an excuse while they can't give you more vacation time while they can't cover more of your medical costs there's always a reason why they can't step up for you why they can't match your 401k donation or contributions like they used to a couple years ago they always have a reason but when you have a reason i can't work this weekend because of this you know i can't stay late because of that they don't want to hear it they don't want to hear so again you're nothing but a cog in the wheel to them you treat them the same way they are a cog in the wheel of your life your cog in the wheel of their business they're a cog in the wheel of your life and when that cog is worn out not working anymore you're going to replace it with something better so it takes them three or four days they come back to me okay we're going to match the offer i call up the other company i said listen they decided to match the offer i really appreciate it but i'm going to stay here the next day my boss comes to me and it wasn't his fault it wasn't his fault jeremiah listen they reneged they're not going to honor the the deal they're not going to give you the raise i'm like are you [ __ ] kidding me they basically lied to him and to me because this is what they wanted me to do they wanted me to reject the offer and then be stuck and they thought they were so smart they thought they were so clever to pull one over on jeremiah he's a little bit of a jerk anyway we'll get it we'll stick it to him well i just called up the other company i said listen um this is really awkward um if the if the position is still available i'm you know could you please send me over an offer letter an official offer letter and um so i took so i i went to i you know basically i had to go back and forth and eventually i got the company to give me in writing that they were going to give me a raise and then i finally once again turned down the offer from the new company and i felt kind of bad because i was you know i was kind of stringing on the new company i but i really didn't want to leave where i was at like i just i had really good friends there we had a really great community like my relationship with other upper management back in new jersey was bad but here in ohio i just got along with everybody and i had an anyway whatever all right well this is about twice as long as i wanted to be so let's review during your interview do not tell them what you're currently making don't do it it's a trap deflect that question be prepared to deflect that question before you go into the interview you better research what your position is worth know what you're worth know what you're worth both on the averages for your area and your own personal experience and what you know if what if anything extra you bring to the position maybe you deserve on the high end of the average or maybe you're new and you deserve you genuinely deserve on the low end of the average know what you're worth hold off on talking to about money until it's time to negotiate and when you're negotiating make sure to understand how much vacation are you getting how what's the health care like they are generally very reticent to give you many details about that but you know the health care that could be worth five or ten thousand dollars out of your pocket depending on what their plan is like so they might it might seem like a good job based on the salary but if they got [ __ ] health care it might end up costing you in the end so get the details on all the entire compensation package and go from there always counter their offer they're going to come to you with a number they're going to say okay we're going to offer you 50 grand you say wow that is uh um okay i appreciate it you know what i i'm i'm actually really looking forward to working here i love the fact that you guys are doing this i love the fact you guys are doing that i can't wait to work with him you know i think he's just like a fascinating guy here's the thing though i'm going to need a 50 is not going to cut it i need 55 and i need two weeks of vacation isn't going to cut it i have four weeks where i'm at i understand if you're not willing to give me four weeks but i need three weeks i'm not taking a cut and pay you know i'm a senior level person i have earned my status and if i come here i'm not starting over with vacation you're gonna give me three weeks so i need i need five fifty five thousand in three weeks i'm just throwing those numbers out there and what are they gonna do they're gonna say oh well i don't know you know that's not normal we don't normally give extra vacation i'm not sure i can do that you know the the rules are [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] line in a spreadsheet it's a it's a it's a cell in an online database don't tell me that you can't give me extra vacation they absolutely can they're going to fight you about it but stand up know what you're worth stick for it be honest tell them listen hey during negotiations i can be a bit of a jerk i've really enjoyed getting to know you guys i'm looking forward to being here being a team member right now i'm going to be a bit of a jerk i promise you it's only during negotiations just be honest about that and the final thing is when you're there and it comes time and you're forced to leave you know just be aware that that counter offer can be real problematic and sometimes it's just not worth it sometimes you just have to leave all right i hope this was uh you know helpful i hope you got some good information out of it this is all my perspective i promise you there are hr people there are career people out there who would tell you that everything i just said it's like a load of bullocks and not to listen to anything i just said but hey you know that's my experience i hope you found it uh helpful as jeremiah and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Jeremiah Wolfe
Views: 631
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Career Advise, Salary, New Job
Id: bX51tQfEmng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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