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hello everyone today I'm making Sato pudding I don't know if you can hear the rain falling yeah anyways yeah we got a liter of milk and I've got the pan the pot on a medium heat and when you don't have burn anything it's heating up and yeah I have a cup of sago that I soaked in water and it has solon up double in size I'm just gonna add this and say go tastes like nothing so you want to flavor it up and that's way your sugar your vanilla your cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom comes in okay so yeah two sticks of cinnamon you can throw in whole cardamom I'm just gonna add a few pinches of ground cardamom and that is optional okay now before I throw the sugar in give it a slight stir and this will thicken up now the eggs will lend to that nice custody flavor and if you short of some eggs you just add a few tablespoons of custard powder stirred with milk which I'm going to do okay gentle stir now this pudding is how thick or how thinly you like it so if it's a bit on the thin side add one or two tablespoons of custard powder mixed with milk and then you just stir okay now I'm gonna add a cup of sugar sugar is also to your taste okay my vanilla I'm gonna add later on because I'm still cooking away and now we just cook until say go east translucent so the milk and the sago has cooked it's nice and thick now we have to wait till it cools off a little so we can add our inks and our vanilla essence and sprinkle with some cinnamon it will be right back you know I forgot to add my custard I'm so excited so what is I'm gonna add just 1 tablespoon of custard to a quarter cup this will also help sit the pudding look at that what it looks so good I haven't even added the vanilla and it smells amazing just that cinnamon and the cardamom yummy we grew up my um eating this especially in winter it's correct the laws butts out of the bowl you can of course add a few dollops of Cham just before you break it just for that extra sweetness and flavor so I've also removed the cinnamon sticks and I have transferred the mixture into a bowl in the interest of time so it can cool off a bit quicker while the sago is cooling off I thought I'll just show you how it's raining this is blessings okay back to the kitchen so my mixture is cooled off a bit and I've put on my oven to play it on 180 degrees Celsius I'll add my vanilla and this is to your taste and I'm gonna add about two teaspoons give it a stir it's gonna be good and now I'm gonna add four large eggs or extra-large eggs that I've whisked okay and if I don't want it to curdle so I think I'll add a bit of the mixture to the eggs just to temper it a little bit and stir it and then I'm gonna add the egg mixture to the sago mixture and then we'll be right back so it's important not to add your eggs to a hot mixture otherwise you're gonna get scrambled eggs will say go and stir well now we're gonna transfer it to my baking dish with our family phone us and we'll do the next step so I've just sprayed with cooking back straight but you can part it butter your pan if you like no transfer the mixture over walk on meat I'm making a bigger part because you know I like to share everyone neighbor was favorite is sago pudding so he's getting a lot of skin off of this if not more now we're going to just dollop a few knobs of butter here and D if you don't have butter don't put it on if you don't have next week when you have but you got paid or something then you put the back one yeah I've got some left over look your cinnamon sugar let's just sugar mixed with cinnamon and I want to waste it I'm gonna sprinkle this over and this will go into the oven like I said 180 degree Celsius for plus minus 45 minutes until it's nice golden brown with a few little dog golden brown bits oh this is gonna be good now I'm just gonna add some extra cinnamon here Indy there we go this goes into the oven and I'll see you guys in 45 minutes okay here it is sago pudding look at that you can dish it up now as it is hot hot or you can wait about 10-15 minutes wait to sit some more and then dish up and that's exactly what I'm gonna do I don't know guys what icon which terrain if you can years telling you to dish up [Applause] [Music] yummy there we go I say go pudding that easy hope you enjoyed the video please go to my youtube channel Fatima cider cooks and I'll be back again with another video soon bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Fatima Sydow Cooks
Views: 361,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dessert, Pudding, Halal, Cape Town, South Africa
Id: V9gVSou8T10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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