Safely Backing Up Footage To Multiple Drives With HEDGE // Tool Talk

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hello I'm Kenny Macmillan and welcome to tool talk today on tool talk we're gonna be talking about post-production in general but Hedge specifically now hedge is a data copying program not unlike silverstack or shotput or anything like that but it's super super easy and quick as hell usually you know you get these programs that you have check sums or which basically means you have a method for which to guarantee that the bits and bytes went from point A to point B with no corruptions or anything getting lost or anything like that and hedge does it so fast usually it takes longer because of that process so we'll get into that but first I wanted to talk about your data as you make it one thing that we learned from Phil Holland at his post production workshop at film tools was that the camera really has two jobs make the image and save the image so because of that you want to make sure that you have enough cards for the day for the day's shoot you don't want to end up in a situation where you wipe a card and you hadn't actually dumped it or you don't want to keep writing over and over you just you just want something where you can the card is saved you can put it down and nothing will happen to it until the end of the day when everything gets dumped maybe that's not possible for everyone just got to be really really sure you're not you know formatting a card that hadn't been dumped yet on the subject of formatting you want to make sure that you do that in the camera and not on a computer and the reason for that is simple the camera was meant to do that the computer is meant to format you know drives not necessarily memory cards and I'm sure we've all just deleted everything off a card or formatted it on a computer and nothing has happened but again we're talking best practices not what technically works now on the subject of backups you're gonna want to make sure that you're not just dumping the footage onto a drive and then that's it you're gonna want multiple backups in physical different spaces you know I subscribe to the idea that two is one one is none these are actually two backups of my friends feature film is documentary so they are with me because again you should have your backups in physical different places you know if his house gets hit by a meteor we've still got so in regards to editing what you're going to want to do is set up your drives in a very specific way now this research was done by Puget systems so don't try me trust them you're modest system will probably see a huge uptick in its capabilities in regards to editing various footages first things first you want your OS and your programs on you know your C Drive separate I have an SSD for that and then you want a separate SSD preferably an nvme but I have the regular SATA SSDs and they work fine that's gonna be where your active footages so the footage that you're currently editing and that alone does a lot another thing you're gonna want to do is get your cash and your scratch files and put them on another separate Drive I again have another SSD for that but you that can be a pretty small one because cache and scratch files don't take up a lot just doing that will speed up your workflow so much I cannot overstate that if you're going to edit off of a drive like this something with Thunderbolt if you're capable would be a great idea I my computer is not a thunderbolt capable which is a bummer I'm gonna need to get a new motherboard for that if you're using a raid you're gonna want to go with one of the redundant raids there's tons of various types of raid setups out there they are all various types of redundant basically it just means if one of your drives fails your data isn't lost now if you're just editing off the drive and you've got multiple backups in place and then you might want to try raid zero which basically just means that it's going to read both drives at once which gives you faster thorough put now I have found that my SSD reads it like 500 ish megabytes per second and this G raid through USB 3 reads it about 300 something so that drives that set up that's best practices now let's go into hedge and show you how to use that to get the footage from your camera onto these drives because that's what we're reviewing here so here's how hedge works it's really simple on the left you've got your sources and on the right you've got your destination so in sources we're going to choose this Canon a low six that is what I just shot the video that you're watching on that is a CF Express card so 343 gigs kind of big it's a handful it takes if I really wanted to I could go to source folder and pick specifically just the CRM or excuse me just the contents here you know whatever but I'll take the whole thing because it's just smart to do that you can also label it c500 if I wanted to and so that's fine we're gonna leave that like that now we're gonna say well where do we want to put this footage well I'm gonna put it on my active drive I'm gonna put it on my G raid and I'm gonna put it on my mobile SSD right here right so I'm gonna have to drive I'm editing off of a backup and another backup in the active folder I actually want it to go somewhere specific so we'll go make a new folder here actually we'll call this hedge and then on my G raid we will do projects film tools new folder ft edge there we go and then on my mobile SSD we'll just leave it it'll just be an exact copy so once we've done that and you can label these if you want we can just hit go what before you go actually it will we can show you some other things you can eject disks here and then in under settings you can organize what you're gonna transfer if you wanted to you could do a folder structure you can tell it to ignore files so maybe you've got some kind of file you don't need transfer over transferred over they've got xml's and thumbs as an example you can rename files if that's necessary I tend to do renaming batch renaming after the fact but that is neither here nor there and then you can also create folder structures which you know it's bizz pretty cool if you want to make sure that each of these three have the exact same folder structure you don't have to design them on the drives you can just do it here in the organize tab so that's cool so those are the settings then you just hit add three transfers and they will pop up simultaneously and as you can see it is now kicking the footage to those drives at a pretty decent clip now this is also doing the checksum it's xx hash instead of md5 so these speeds is about as quick as copy and pasting would be anyway but you get the added benefit of the checksum to verify that everything is going as planned so you just you just leave that and let it go there's the connect app which is on your phone and when you read the article for this I can show you what that looks like obviously I can't really well I guess I can here it is isn't that exciting all this is done with their fast lane cysts where you'll see all of these things are pretty much saturating the connection but in any case that's it so instead of making you wait for the next 21 minutes we will speed through this and we're done and you just close that and you're back here let's say you you know went and filmed more stuff on here transfer it again it'll only transfer the new files it won't transfer the old ones but on these you'll see that you've got hedge media hash lists which are MHL files but i've found you can just open them in notepad and that's just your list with the hashes and all that and so that's how you know that every single bit and byte has gone from the SD card using the c fast express card or whatever you're using the media and the destination files also you can use different sources doesn't have to be one source and be multiple sources so we can see on our g drive here boom same thing transfer log success 343 gigs took 2400 seconds start at 1111 how about that and at 1152 so you know if you were dumping footage I'm sure that's short enough time that you know we'll be on set fretting like oh the cards not dumped yet because I think you know if you're shooting on one of these cards you get at least an hour of 4k so and if you'd like you can just take these put them back and you're ready for the next transfer so that's it from me that's it from hedge I hope that you found this informative really I hope you take the drive management thing home I can't overstate how important that is and give hedge a shot because if you are dumping important footage from your day-to-day shooting activities you know you're gonna want to make sure that they are backed up and safe you don't want to trust the gremlins inside your computer to do it for you so that's it we will see you next time when we review something else okay normally I'd go somewhere but I don't have anywhere to go so I'm just hanging out what do you guys want to talk about you know what I never say that let's move on now now it's Kenny talk obviously we're stuck at home I'm actually stuck in the film tools gambling den as you can see they didn't come to get me when when the pandemic started so I'm just kind of sitting here and I'm bored so if you've got any questions or any products you'd like reviewed feel free to let us them know and I can answer them for you we've got a lot of stuff though we can play with you know I've been doing a lot of stuff for the c500 if you go over to the owl bot YouTube you can see a test that we did between the c500 the Alexa LF the Venice and the fx9 that was if you'll see that in the fourth wall playlist that was done with stray angel and you know that was fun what else is new out there c300 Mark three just got announced which is basically a c500 with a super 35 sensor it's a new sensor and it has a like a new more sensitive it the dual gain output they're calling it which is not dual ISO it just means that it like basically I think records the image twice one bright one dark it's like HD rx kind of and then it can shoot 4k up to 120 in raw which is pretty cool so your choices kind of are do you want full-frame 6k with a C 500 or do you want super 35 124k personally I shoot almost no high speed stuff everything's at 24 frames so I will take the full frame 6k but if you're doing whatever it is that needs 120 frames everyone's been asking for it there you go that's new the red comodo should be coming out any day I really hope I get to check that out that would be really cool I'll be reviewing a webcam coming up that's from lumens that's webcams have gotten crazy you got P I went to I was gonna do some streaming on Twitch cuz I got a valoran beta and I didn't want to use my face I wanted to do character animator Adobe character animator which I was able to use the puppets mouth with the microphone but I couldn't I didn't have a webcam so I went to go figure out how I'll get a $30 webcam no the world is out of webcams they're all $400 no matter what one but I got a really nice one sent to me by lumens to review so it's it's meant for boardrooms and stuff you know you put it on a big TV you look at the guys overseas want to yell at you but it's really nice it was I was actually pretty shocked at that so look forward to that and that's about it it's all I got any other updates new
Channel: Filmtools
Views: 1,768
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Keywords: filmtools, hedge, hedge software, hedge backup, hedge footage backup, back up with hedge, backing up footage with hedge, backing up footage, quick footage backup, gtech drives, gtech hard drives, hard drives, harddrives, hedge backup for harddrives, is hedge worth it, what is hedge
Id: XvcwisawX7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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