Best Workflow & Gear to Speed up your edits & backups

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace whether you need an amazing blog gallery or an online store Squarespace is an all-in-one platform for an awesome online presence and to build and run your business hope you guys are doing pretty well I'm actually packing up to head down to South Florida for a little bit and if you're anything like me you either travel a lot or maybe you have to edit off of a laptop or multiple computers these are things you probably faced and you probably have a couple different problems so mine are like how do I stay editing very quickly and reliably with backup when I'm on the road and just have a laptop like this with limited harddrive space and I'm shooting 4k video and all this kind of stuff the second is um what happens when I get back how do I get all of this information maybe onto my desktop computer how do I organize this on my bigger hard drives and then the third is let's say I get stuck in an airport and I want to edit some past project or have a client call up for a past picture or I need my logos or my music or all my files and transitions on the road how do I keep it all organized across any amount of computers that I have and maybe it's just me but I've had two hard drives go bad this month alone so I've been really about 100 on this one but all of my stuff is safe and if I didn't have this workflow in place and these tools in place I probably would have been screwed so here is the optimum workflow and gear that you need to keep yourself organized when you're traveling and when you're editing on the road this is mostly for the photos side if you want I'll do a video on the video side of things hit alike for me and let me know if you want to see that as well and here are all the tips that you need to get started so the first thing you're gonna need is some storage tools there are three main things that I need and the two that I travel with are going to be this you need a working Drive a working Drive needs to be fast it needs to be tiny because it needs to travel with you everywhere you go and it needs to be ideally pretty rugged so like drop resistant and water resistant or anything like that I use these Samsung t5 s I absolutely love them they're fast as hell they work right even for 4k video on the road so these are amazing to get none of this stuff is sponsored by the way so these are just the tools that I use that have been working so amazingly well for me the second thing you're going to need is some kind of pack up now this doesn't need to be as portable you don't need to have it with you maybe at all times but you're gonna want it before you wipe out a card you want to make sure your stuff is backed up at least I use these WD drive but LaCie makes a bunch of really cool ones that I highly recommend you can either get them ruggedized if you want something that will go with you anywhere they're a little bit larger or you can just get a regular one like what I have these are not rugged because I'm only really dumping to this when I clear cards out so this is my backup drive right here these don't need to be as fast if you can do it and you have the budget for a really fast Drive go for it ideally these would be in two separate locations too so if I'm traveling with this one on me at all times this one's gonna stay back at the hotel to keep safe in case my car gets robbed or anything like that so the last piece of gear that I use and when I started using this it was like just a mind blown experience on what this offer it revolutionized everything for me I should get paid for talking about this kind of crap because it like it did so much for me and that is a nice Drive or a network attached storage drive and this is actually my old one right here I'm now using a Synology ten nineteen plus five bays in there I've got about 50 terabytes inside of this but they're a couple reasons so you're gonna want this the first one is that multiple drives allows for redundancy so I know that if any one of my drives goes and one of my drives just went last week all my other data is pushed on to all the hard drives so that there's always a duplicate so I just pop out that bad drive I sent back it got a warranty replacement put the new one back in all of it kind of reorganized itself onto the drives and I never lost anything I never went down for more than a second it was just fine I had to pull out a drive put it back in hot swappable super super easy the other reason is that because this is network attached it means that all of my computers are all the time backing up to this Drive so my desktop my laptop's either wirelessly or wired can be backing up to this Drive and then it means that I can actually access any file from this Drive from any device in the entire doesn't even have to be my computer can just be any computer or my phone I can quickly pull a picture from the desktop a logo anything like that so I never have to worry if I accidentally left like a music file I wanted or a picture for a client it's always on this drive and I can access it anywhere so this is actually crucial I'll throw kind of a more budget-friendly option out there but I highly recommend these they are amazing and they just revolutionize what I could do so now it's time to put this into action talk about the workflow but first shout out to Squarespace for sponsoring this video I'm sure you guys need a website or maybe your website just needs a little bit of sprucing up head to Squarespace comm check out what they have to offer I mean you guys already know they have a ton of awesome templates that make it crazy easy to get your site on the way even in a matter of minutes but check this out you don't even need custom graphics or product shots to get started so I want to add a picture for my camera guides right on the front page so I can just click a little image search type in camera and bam I have all of these amazing images I can use as the thumbnail but maybe you've got a food blog no problem Squarespace has you covered there and check this out I can actually go in here change my photo settings maybe go black-and-white control my crops custom filters everything that I need so now I can add products to sell for an online storefront create some awesome galleries which I can even password protect from my clients and have my latest Instagram images imported right to the gallery or even post automatically to the website homepage just go set it up it's a hundred percent free to try out it's a no credit card required just use the coupon code learning cameras and you'll get 10% off and go live with your new site today so now that we have our hardware on the way pull out the computer because this is what we're gonna need to do right here okay first thing you need to do go sign up for a cloud storage and if you already have a cloud storage but you're using it for like personal stuff maybe consider getting a new one the last thing we want to do is be waiting on our files to sync because you know our kids soccer game is backing up some photos or you're you accidentally left your phone recording an hour-long video and you're waiting for that to backup so I highly recommend in separating your personal from your work and so I used Dropbox but there's a ton of services out there that you guys can use go ahead and go into Lightroom and turn on smart previews if you are not familiar with this this is a huge tool it basically allows you to edit a raw file as if you were editing a raw file without actually having the raw file on your computer so this is very important because a raw file can sometimes be 50 to 100 Meg's each and you could never be able to store I could never store all of that on my computer and I might not have some of these drives with me and want to worry about having them all hooked up so what we're gonna want to do is create smart previews for all of these files that's going to allow us to edit all of our RAW files these files take up about 2 Meg's so I have no problem storing those in an online Dropbox folder 2 Meg's a picture is nothing and then that is going to allow us to do some tremendous stuff which I'm gonna show you in a second now anytime that I have a shoot what you're gonna do is take your RAW files copy them from your card to that Sam some t5 or whatever you're working storage is once those RAW files are in there we're going to import them into Lightroom now we're just gonna add them to our Lightroom catalog we're not gonna move them at all we want them to live onto this drive but we are going to make sure that we select smart preview so if that is checked boom go ahead and start that import now all of these are gonna go really quickly now because we're not actually moving the files we've already put them on this disk and then before we delete that card make sure you back them up onto this drive as well now here's a quick secret for you guys while you're doing that if you have a slower computer here's what you need to do go ahead and pop into your preferences under the performance tab go ahead and check use smart previews instead of RAW images for editing this is going to dramatically speed things up because instead of looking for these RAW files on your t5 or whatever you're using it is going to use those two megabyte RAW files that are stored locally on your computer or are not raw files but smart previews that are stored locally on your computer those are gonna edit so much faster and the only downside really is that if you're shooting with super high-resolution cameras like 24 megapixels and up you'll notice that you won't be able to zoom in quite as much without quality loss because I think the smart previews are about 2500 pixels now the raw files still exist so don't worry we're not losing any of that but if you're editing based on the smart previews they are going to be smaller resolution but if you have a slow computer that is going to dramatically speed things up so now we're gonna just edit like normal off of our laptop if you want to edit later on a desktop no problem those files are all going to be synced I can pull open that catalog on any computer edit them even if I don't have this attached with the raw files the smart previews are gonna allow me to edit them whenever I want to export or get the full resolution files out I just plug in my t5 into whatever computer those files will now sync up so now I have my RAW files connected Lightroom will see them and now I'll be able to export the full resolution files so the last line of defense is going to be the Synology Drive and what that's going to do is that every file from this computer is going to be automatically backed up to this I can also set these drives to back up to here and that also means that I can access any file from any past project if it wasn't on any of these drives and I need the raw file I can always access it here solely this helps you guys stay back - preciate you guys hitting like again I'll be hanging out in the comments if you have any questions on this workflow or gear I can help you out with hit me up on learning cameras at social media Instagram Facebook whatever you guys want Twitter I'm there as well thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you soon in a new video [Music]
Channel: Dan Watson
Views: 6,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom tutorial, Smart preview, photography workflow, lightroom workflow, photography tips and tricks for beginners, photography tips for beginners, photography backup, hard drive, ssd, photography, gear, backup gear, photography gear, dan watson, learningcameras, travel photography tips, travel photography gear, synology nas, photo backup, file backup, photography tips, backup your photos, wedding photographer, synology, Speed, faster, workflow, business
Id: ROJvPbhArCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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