Sadhguru: Your Mind Will Follow Your Emotions | India Economic Summit 2017

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to my conversation with Sadhguru he doesn't really need much of an introduction this country and the international community know him well he's a mystic a visionary humanitarian yogi and he has a really fascinating outlook on how spirituality can help business the economy and we're really hoping to tap into that today now as a journalist I travel to some of the world's hotspots and I continue to see death and destruction on a daily basis and it's my job to bring that to your living rooms but I also see the spirit of humanity the human spirit is an incredible thing and you can also see in these communities that one person can make a huge amount of change so in my conversation with Sadhguru wood we're going to talk about these things how you as individuals can make change and what our responsibility is individually collectively and as a society really great to talk to you that said guru let's talk about firstly this concept of inclusive economies that you coined some 12 years ago you took you took the idea to Davos if you can briefly first tell me what you mean by it so yeah I'm a skeleton when you run a business whether you make safety pins or computers or cars somewhere the fundamental intention is you want to sell your safety pin to just all the 7.3 billion people you are not thinking I want two billion people to use my safety pin others can use whatever they want you want all the 7.3 billion people to use your safety so this you can approach it either as a conquest or as an inclusion if you approach it as a conquest then the very process of what you're doing will be destructive in many ways both for yourself and to the people and to the general ecology and the situation but if we do it as an inclusive process not just conceptually but in activity in actual work that we do there are many ways you could include people in making those safety pins where your production and your market place could be just about the same if you do not include everybody your business is not really matured in real sense whether you will get to sell it to all the 7.3 billion people are not either another matter somebody else may be also doing the same thing but your intent is to include everybody into what you doing now if you want everybody to have it not because you want to somehow sell something because you want to contribute to their lives by giving the best that you can give naturally businesses will grow but the most important thing is people get included into the process when this inclusiveness happens you will see you sit in a very stable and safe platform for your business because these days businesses are growing larger their Nations in their budgets many businesses have become larger than many other nations when you have such a large investment and at stake so many things a nation has an army a nation has various other instruments to protect itself a business doesn't have these instruments it's only safety is how much people want it the safety of your business depends on how much people are loyal to what you're doing if you build that loyalty and that inclusiveness from people around the world then you are sitting on a safe platform when you are sitting on a secure platform like that you will have many opportunities to innovate do many things because now creativity flows from variety of places and I'm just saying suppose you are selling a safety pin I'm sticking to the safety is the most basic product if you just give out a call across the world to your customers please design a a new kind of safety pin if it's possible for all you know you may get thousand different designs free of course like this we can do many things I don't want to go into the detail of how each business can be run but businesses should start looking how to make it more inclusive rather than approaching you know when I was first at the Economic Forum I try to change this terminology people were referring to India as an emerging market I said don't call us a marketplace where people if you see a human being as a human being and you see how to contribute to that human beings life that human being will become yours in many ways I mean do you think this way and and you have reached a mystical level where you can approach these things in a humane way but the fact remains that the bulk of the global wealth is in the hands of a handful of people I mean they're just in a session previously to this one they spoke about 70 percent of India's wealth is in the hands of 10% of the people here 150 cent of the country's wealth is in the hands of 1% so it's it's all good and well to ask big business to be more inclusive and be more humane in their approach but it's actually on the grassroots level it's not necessarily happening so when they say wealth they are thinking in terms of stocks and shares and stuff that's fine you don't expect everybody in the country to own that all right the important thing is everybody in the country and in the world should be able to fulfill their fundamental needs and their well-being if we see how to facilitate this instead of seeing them as marketplace if you see them as human beings and see how to facilitate this instead of manufacturing what you want and try to sell it to them if you manufacture what they want what they need in their lives it would become very inclusive we prepared an elaborate system of how this could be done for variety of industries has it become more inclusive than before in the last 1012 years I would say yes to some extent not to the extent that we would want but definitely it's a little more inclusive and you can see this just now I've been on a 30 day right across the country have been driven from driving from Kanyakumari to the foothills of Himalayas as I see India I've done this many times earlier on a motorcycle later on driving around the last time I did was about eight nine years ago nine years ago how India was nine years ago what people's condition was what it is today is phenomenally different at least 80% of the roads that I had drawn this time is as good as anywhere in the world really only one thing is the road is good once in a way on odd guys coming on the wrong side I think he's an American guy I mean you're right and we often report you know internationally about India's growing middle class and and you know that that people are becoming more affluent but equally do you think in an technological age it's also creating resentment in this country as well where you can see that someone has the latest iPhone for example or they have the best job they have more access to information now that perhaps it's creating more of a resentment especially with this current generation the resentment could be there in certain segments of society or in certain people individual people will be resentful for so many things within a family of four or five one person will be resentful about somebody else within the family so unfortunately human beings are still like that but I don't believe your resentment is rising aspirations are rising I don't think resentment is rising it is just that as we were talking every small thing is reported every small thing comes into your sitting room so it looks like everything is going up but believe me the world is more peaceful than it ever was in the history of humanity and the number of people the populations have multiplied but still our violence is not multiplied still there are things which must end that's a different matter but today if ten people die somewhere it's just the blood pours into our sitting room because of you it's true we do I mean because people have access to so much information death and destruction has always existed in fact less so now I would say but because we are able to instantaneously give people that information they see it immediately at the same time there are so many tools or technologies to express your resentment the moment you feel something immediately or on the facebook if it was if it was twenty five years ago by the time you walk at home it would be gone but before you go home you already texted a thousand people and they said so many things and by the time you go home this resentment has multiplied into ten thousand people so which was not so earlier you saw you got upset about something you had physical activity to do by the time you walked home I reached your workplace normally it would be gone but today you try to express it but at the same time what I see is I'm seeing one thing among the kids because they're so exposed to so many things which we were not exposed to when we were children there's a kind of a wisdom about them also they're able to take these things with a certain kind of dispassion about a lot of things we grew up at a time where always people around me and myself were always talking about a revolution the times of say you know but not today today people are talking about their aspirations they're not thinking of large-scale disruption of present situations to achieve something they are seeing how to exploit the present situation to fulfill their aspirations in our time we did not think of our own self aspirations we thought everything the whole system has to change this has to happen that has to happen I see from that hotheadedness that we were as youth today I think they're little cool and I think the terminology has changed see when we were young if something was really good we said oh it's hot now they're saying it's cool but I mean we are seeing fractures globally in the international community I mean there's been so much discussion around the election of Donald Trump you know why that happened with Briggs that in the UK why that's happening with the migrant crisis with people being pushed out of their homes and communities and conversations about far-right movements in in Europe do you think attitudes globally are hardening you talk about the revolution of your time and people are more cool now but from the experiences that I have reporting in these places that I sense that attitudes are hardening and people are identifying more now there's more sense of identity politics I think we have in the last couple of decades we have overdone this political correctness too much people are sick of it trying to be right about everything not looking at what people's needs are but too much political correctness every word that you say you have to say it in a certain way this has led to a certain level of frustration particularly in the United States now they're trying to protect their rights because they feel threatened the majorities the majority communities in various nations are feeling little uncomfortable because they feel slowly it is being taken over whether it's real or it's just perceptional it doesn't matter but this feeling is strong it is strong in India also because constantly talking minority ISM people feel uncomfortable what is what is going to happen to us so we must understand this minorities have always stuck together and because of this politicians have played these games because minority votes are the only things which come in mass majority oats will never come in mass so they always focused on them gave them better things to such a point I must tell you this this is shocking but it happened in this country one of the our former prime minister said the first access to all resource must be to the minorities particularly to the Muslim minorities you should not say such things even if you intend you should not say such things why did you find that shocking how can the nation's resource belong to anybody even if you say it must belong to majority it will be shocking for me I am NOT saying it is shocking because it he pointed at a particular community I am saying it's shocking in a democratic country which is secular nation that you think it should belong to one particular segment of people is wrong whether it's majority or minority so when you make these kind of statements postures and positions get hardened by other people to protect their own interests what is economic will take on a religious however you know hue altogether is essentially an economic issue but it will take on a religious tinge once it takes on a religious tinge everything becomes uncontrollable do you think that's a result of a lack of leadership do we have a global lack of leadership at the moment there is lack of leadership in a certain way but at the same time we need those kind of leaders only when we are in crisis the rest of the nee time we just need a CEO to manage the nation only when you have to lift the nation out of some pit then you need that kind of an inspiring leader rest of the time you don't really need that kind of leader more a manager is good enough actually there is a survey in India which shows that in many of the states when they had the weakest chief minister that state does very well in economically in why is that because he doesn't know how to meddle with everything so do you find I mean a you've raised the the kind of the previous Prime Minister did you say the previous Prime Minister said one of former leader talking about you know incentives going to certain communities is that an issue that India continues to face in its attempt to be politically correct so somewhere we have to come to this in a democratic country numbers are important because elections are just a number game because numbers are important people are trying to get those now whichever way possible so our Election Commission has put so many restrictions if you say one religious word immediately there's censure there is you can even go to prison by inciting something so they don't do it in public meetings they do it in those closed meetings whatever so one important thing is if a democracy has to succeed individuals who should vote as individuals not as family not as community not as caste creed or religion only when you and me ought individually what we want to do whether we are right or wrong it doesn't matter we vote individually only then democracy will succeed otherwise you're practicing feudalism with a democratic Bob so once it becomes feudalistic naturally everybody's position hardens what is the role of spirituality when it comes to business it's very important in the sense first of all let's understand what is spiritual process spiritual process does not mean looking up or looking down it is not about believing something it is not about going to a temple church or mosque or whatever spirituality means this when your experience of life transcends the limitations of your physical nature then we say you're spiritual when we say physical nature what is physical about you was all gathered from outside isn't it the food that we've eaten which is sitting here as a body either we get it now or when we when we buried one day we get it that we are actually part of the soil so what is soil is now sitting here and acting up like this just because it can prance around it starts believing things but we all know what we have gathered there is something else which you can look at you and call as life you can call it whatever you want but you exist beyond your body so what body parts we gathered is just earth which we have to put back one day something beyond that is within us if we come to experience that dimension then we say your spiritual or if you're seeking to experience that dimension then we say you are on a spiritual path now if you touch the dimension naturally the sense of boundary will go away within you because boundaries are of the physical nature boundaries is a must for physical nature this is me that is you physically these boundaries are very essential and this is needed that goes for individuals that goes for communities that goes for nations we call this a nation because it is a border isn't it so physical spaces are always defined by boundaries a dimension beyond physical if you touch there is no sense of boundary within you it is naturally inclusive if you bring people actually when I was at where I was asked that guru if there is one thing we can do for you that will change this world what is it I said I will name 25 people give them to me for five days I haven't change the world in two to three years time there will be a huge change in the world who are these 25 people I named 25 heads of the major nations of the planet normally I need two and a half days to do this to people but because they are politicians I said five days you don't you doubled the time just to ensure if I want you to understand this whether it's yourself or anybody who's leading a business or a nation if you sit here and if you can experience all these people as you are experiencing the five fingers of your hand after that I don't have to tell you what you should do with them once you have experienced something as a part of yourself then everything that you do will be an expression of that so if you run businesses like this if you run Nations like this will work how is this possible very simple we could do an Express and if you do like this and hold it you will see something starts happening between your two hands you know so what do you think ultimately then is missing from these 25 people who run the world why did you choose them limited identification is the only problem I'm sorry Sadhguru has a slight cough and cold asked me to bear with him see these people could have experienced when they're very joyful or loving if you felt very very exuberant within yourself if you just take your hands and place it here six to eight inches away from you right here you will feel sensations if nothing like that happened then we have to do something horrible if we you have heard this somebody lost their leg or hand though the physical leg was lost the sensory leg was still there they could still feel the sensations it's called a phantom leg or a phantom hand this is because sensory body has a presence of its own right now this water is here this is definitely not you but if you drink it it becomes you isn't it what is it that you did all you did was include this water into the boundaries of your sensation nobody ever sees me and well that would be great ya see now this water is not you but if you drink it it becomes you all you have done is what was outside the boundaries of your sensation you include it into the boundaries of your sensation what you call as my body was all over the place today because it's within the boundaries of your sensation you experience it as myself isn't it now I can teach you a method with which your sensory body can expand let's say your sensory body became as large as this Hall if you sit here you'll experience everything here as a part of yourself because everything is within the boundaries of your sensation this is what yoga means Yoga means Union Yoga does not mean twisting and turning your body or standing on your head Yoga means union in your experience everything became one simply because your sensory body has been expanded if your sensory body became as large as this world you would experience everything as yourself sitting here for one moment if you experienced me as yourself after that do I have to teach you morality thou shalt not do this thou shalt not do that would it be necessary for you so you're saying the problem is religion then no no no the problem is limited identification you are identified only with this so this is naturally either an enemy or something to get something out of it is a market place other people have become our market place if we saw them as human beings if you experience them as human beings we would see how to contribute to their lives if you see them as marketplace you will see how to exploit them so if you exploit them there will be resentment there will be we can't live without you but if you get a chance we would like to do something to you this is how the world is going on so if the top leadership in the world within themselves if they experience a certain sense of union with everything around them the very way the function will change why I am saying the cease see this is for the first time this is for the very first time in the history of humanity today we have the necessary resource capability technology to address every human problem on the planet you take what you want nourishment health education everything we can address only thing that's missing is there is no inclusive consciousness even fifty years ago we wouldn't be capable of even if we intended we could not do it thank you thank you fifty years ago even if you wanted to do it we did not have the capacity today we have the capacity and we are not if we don't do it that I call it as a crime against humanity if you are not capable of it that's different but we are capable of it and we did not do it that's a crime isn't it do you think though that religion divides you want me to get killed [Laughter] see the moment you believe one thing you must understand this why do you believe something do you believe I have to do you believe you have two hands or do you know you have two hands I know you know you have two hands so what would you believe something that you do not know you believe to pretend that you know if human beings understand the immensity of not knowing immensity of seeing I do not know if you see I do not know only then the possibility of knowing opens up in your life but now what we have done to humanity is whatever you do not know you just believe it so you believe one thing I believe something else today we are nice to each other but when my belief and your belief comes to a competition then we will kill each other do you think religious men you know people in positions of power that others follow exploit that I wouldn't say they exploit that they are also victims because they also believe first of all belief means this you don't have the courage to admit something that you do not know as I do not know what is your problem what I know I know what I do not know I do not know what is the big deal about it but that one thing humanity is not able to come to terms with ease they are not able to live with I do not know but I do not know is a tremendous possibility if you are in a state if I do not know your intelligence is at its peak the moment you think I know then stupid things start happening out of you so we have gotten human societies into this that everybody has to believe something it's very important we bring up our children in such a way that they become sincere enough what I know I know what I do not know I do not know what's the problem with this but then there will be no religion how would you feel about that how would you feel about that people think if there is no organized religion everybody will go haywire I don't think so I have deep and profound trust in humanity if you stir up Humanity in the world you will see it will go fine it is not necessary because of fear of God you're doing the right things you should do the right things because you experience life as certain kind of unity if you pay enough attention around you you can understand very clearly you could not even exist here without the worms and the insects and the birds and the trees you cannot exist here this is how I launched this moment called project greenhands now which translated itself into a rally for rivers I made people say Tana trees and made them breathe in a certain way set up a certain spiritual process I said see what we exhale the trees inhaling what the tree exhales you are inhaling one half of your breathing apparatus actually hanging out there people sat like this and now they got into your tree planting frenzy you can't stop them thirty-two million trees they have planted living trees in Tamil Nadu where it's changing the landscape you can't stop them any more because when they see tree tears come to that because there is a sense of union so our best insurance is our humanity not some from somewhere else and impose law upon ourselves in substring of humanity we are trying to make people believe all kinds of things the moment you believe one thing and I believe another thing conflict is just a question of time I mean you spoke about the trees and people now planting all these trees you've used the connection that you have people and the fact that they follow you in a positive way but we've also seen men of God God men gurus religious men use it to exploit people just recently we had we had a case here in India see unfortunately corruption has seeped into every sphere of life there are corrupt politicians there are corrupt policemen there are corrupt journalist in court on something or the other and unfortunately there are corruption there is corruption in the so-called spiritual space also so this is a more fundamental problem than being associated with one particular type of activity it is there everywhere but in this sphere of life maybe it's more star and more painful because this is a sphere of life which runs on trust so this is why in many ways in the last 35 years I have transformed the spiritual space you don't have to you don't have to trust me you don't have to like me you don't have to allow me just a simple procedure like a science so we call this inner engineering it's a technology for well-being you learn to use it that's all see you are using a phone you're using a samsung so you don't have to allow the Koreans you just learn to use the phone so similarly you don't have to love me you just learn to use the method and it will work for you so this has been my fundamental work that spiritual process has to be delinked from faith as such because this is the technology and science and technology for inner well-being as there is a science and technology for external well-being there is a whole science and technology for inner well-being if you transmit it without frills it will remain clean and good so that's how it's working across the world right now but somebody may misuse it always but that misuse is there in every sphere of life isn't it unfortunately it's true on that note I'll open it up to the floor and and give you a chance to our Sadhguru your questions I'm sure you have lots of things in your mind and thoughts got to two people there if I can just get the microphone to them thank you so much that you introduce yourself I'm Angelica Pollan with the NASA Foundation which is an HIV aids service organization Satguru recently I have read about muta ma this really poor tribal woman who's taken on the Isha Foundation to get back her land which she claims Asia Foundation has usurped and and the land for 400 over 400 other tribal families is there any chance that the Isha Foundation would return that land to the tribal people and this documented evidence or any kind of evidence there are some people who should be pulp fiction writers who claim to be journalists right now unfortunately okay you are most welcome to come and examine everything that you want to these people should be writing pulp fiction but they claim to be journalists and fortunately as she was talking about some spiritual leaders being corrupt certain journalists have taken to blackmail okay right now any journalist or anybody is free to come and investigate the entire process if there is an inch of land just an inch of land taken from anybody I will leave the country is that good enough inch thank you very much my name is barrage patnik and thank you for talking about the environment and inspiring young people I think that's very very important today and that's a role we wish more people did you just spoke about Pulp Fiction and journalists but what about the Tamil Nadu government which is filed in affidavit in the High Court clearly stating and showing the violations environmental violations and construction violations of your foundation on the land the blocking of the elephant corridor I mean leading to the situation where where justice sorry platinum as you know appeal to the Prime Minister not to go find foundation because of these illegal activities surely the tamil nadu government filing an affidavit in a high court is not a work of fiction Sadhguru all right now if there was substance to that you think the Prime Minister would make the trip I have some sense about what we are talking about okay if you have invested yourself in something already and you have to say these things you are free to say it but a thousand times w double wildlife fund Tamilnadu forest departments and the environmental ministry everybody has said there is no elephant corridor in the region anywhere within 100 miles and you go on inventing a elephant corridor which doesn't exist what can I do about the Tamil Nadu government's affidavit Tamil Nadu garnon's forest forest Department has clearly stated in the High Court that this is not an elephant corridor and not an inch of land has been taken by the foundation if this is not good enough somebody goes on filing an affidavit I will tell you they said we have chopped off an entire rainforest so we produce the Google Maps of 2002 2008 2010 2016 and 2017 not a single tree has been taken out now you don't open your mouth on that what you said entire forest has been taken out look at the Google Maps today there is technology you can't sell your lives forever some of you believe if you utter a lie hundred times it will become a truth it will not okay I've got a question at the front here so a mistake ah so I think the work we do with our firm is kind of infringing with your you know engineering because we are trying to potentially put 3d printed organs into people so that's again you know engineering giving someone new life so again to keep it serious so my question is on the lines of the work you're doing with rally for rivers and again steering up the in then Indian youths enthusiasm to kind of go out there and create positive change where do you see this going forward now its rally for rivers do you see yourself being an advocate for much bigger changes and you see yourself as being us someone as a change maker who can drive the Indian youth towards creating positive change in this country I'm interested in you whether you're young or old okay just for you about rally for rivers we have presented a draft policy recommendation to the government now it is going to the state governments we are also we have put it online for the media and others and we are also sending it to all the top and one analyst in the world in case they can contribute something but the important part is largely all the states have agreed upon the policy this was the biggest hurdle because it's a concurrent subject between the center and the state and they could never get the states to agree because they are various political parties now all the political parties we brought them to concurrence that they have agreed to the how the rivers should be treated as such which is a major step because concurrence has come this makes it easy for the central government to go about the policy it will definitely become a policy in a short while when it will become a law may take some time because there are many social and other kinds of complexities in implementing this but we want to set up large-scale modules which are economically successful to prove to the farmers this new way that we are talking about will work out advantage without setting up an economic success we don't want to push it once it's an economic success I think it will go like a revolution by itself thank you for sharing with us all your thoughts I just want to ask you a very fundamental question you know some of us and I'm from the global shapers community with the World Economic Forum so we've been selected because we are interested in making an impact in the world and in the communities so why is it that some people feel this way and other people don't feel this way I've always struggled with trying to identify why is it that I have this kind of responsibility towards my country and my community and some people just do not seem to have it so does the upbringing the schooling the education have something to do with it and how can we inculcate this feeling in everybody definitely there are many influences but the most fundamental thing that we need to understand is as I was telling is it's a question of identity what are you identified with if you are identified just with yourself then naturally your intelligence will function only to for the well-being of this one if you are identified with your family your intelligence will function for the well-being of your family if you are identified with the community it works for that if you are identified with the nation it works for that if you are identified with the entire life on this planet it works for that so this is the nature of human intellect whatever you are identified with that's what it works for one thing that's happened with modern education is we are only focusing on the development of the intellect the other dimensions of intelligence are completely neglected when I say other dimensions in the yogic way of looking at things we look at human mind as 16 parts they can be seen as four segments this is called Buddha Mannis and citta goodthe means the intellect right now entire modern education is totally intellect oriented would you like your intellect to be sharp or Dada sharp so essentially intellect is a cutting instrument it's like a knife it's alright to use a knife to cut something so in right now you want to stitch something if you use a knife you leave it in tatters this is what is happening to modern human being because the only part of intelligence that they're employing is their intellect they're trying to do everything with their life if you try to do everything with your knife obviously you are going to cut yourself into pieces as you get hurt you will fix smaller and smaller boundaries for yourself you step out into the world if something hurts you you put one boundary something else hurts you you put one more boundary if you get hurt within the family you will make us much smaller boundary so because you're employing only the intellect part of the intelligence it's very important the future generations at least human intelligence has to be brought up in an equitable way so that the other dimensions of intelligence function only when they function will they be able to think of a larger identity otherwise naturally it's about me me and me alone so in this you do very small things you do very small things to yourself and ugly things to yourself because one thing that a human being suffers most is being trapped the trapped need not necessarily be because somebody locked you up the trap can be just in your own mind and people immensely suffer that this is the transition you see when you are five years of age your face was like this slowly it becomes like this you think you have grown up no at five if you were so joyful at thirty you should have become ecstatic isn't it but just the reverse is happening simply because intellect is the only dimension of intelligence you're using you are trying to understand everything by cutting it open if I want to know you should I dissect you but that's what you're doing in your mind isn't it whatever you want to know you dissect it with your intellect you can know some aspects I can know your live liver kidney spleen by dissecting you but I will not know you as a human being so this is something we have to focus on in our education systems hello so guru I've always wanted to ask this question then today I've got this opportunity it's a very basic question but yeah we've always been told that you know everything is pre decided in our fate and then it's all about luck so I always keep arguing with my mom that no I have to take risks I have to become a big entrepreneur she says no everything is pre-written so what is in our control and what is not in our control it it is always confusing so do we just let things go to happen or keep struggling and then make things happen it's it's very confusing Satguru please guide us if you're making something happen why should you struggle but some things that really do not work in our favor we keep really have to give by taking a risk I would like to give an example like for example if we see Mark Zuckerberg Slive story or Bill Gates life story it all began with so much of no controversy you know and all that but at the end they have really landed successful and now they're doing well so when we really see stories like this it confuses us what part do we follow and then we be honest or just keep doing or following things to anyway see if you take charge of your physical body if you have some mastery over your physical body about 15 to 20 percent of your life and Destin we'll be in your hands if you take to take charge of your intellect intelligence fifty to sixty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands if you take charge of your very life energy within you 100 percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands the question is only have you taken charge of this the problem is you are trying to take charge of the world no you have to enhance this if this is enhanced the activity you perform is naturally enhanced this is like you know there is a bhoot circuit here the f1 circuit Asia Delhi you are on the Formula one track with your old marthy 800 if you hit 300 km/h all four wheels will fly in four different directions if you want to be an f1 track you must have a reasonably good machine which can take it so the important thing is you must enhance this one but you are trying to enhance activity if you enhance activity without enhancing this one this will break up this is what a lot of people are doing to themselves but if you focus on enhancing this you will take activity in your stride effortlessly then you will see creating something is not a struggle I interviewed such a Nutella the Microsoft CEO is born in India last week and I said to him the top nine CEOs in the world or all Indian why they all leaving the country why aren't we seeing a Microsoft or Google being created here in this environment because in this country we still have a socialist bag backlog there are some people like this who raised their hands in the beginning who doesn't like anything to succeed if anything succeeds they will go against it anything doing well they don't like it people are happy they don't like it so people go out and thrive so should they be a Googler of Microsoft here in India I'm sure it's bound to happen because the time for Google and Microsoft is passed something new has to come up I'm sure it will come up I'll take some more questions if there are yep just the lady in the back namaste Sadhguru my name is Nina clay and I'm a business world and I was just wondering that is in an engineering program that you're talking about can it help people with psychological problems as well already manifested problems it depends psychological problems are not as simple as you know it's not black and white there are too many shapes in between so all psychological problems cannot go under one banner it is every individual psychological problem is very unique if there is no one solution for all of them some of them are pathologically embedded in their system which is not easy to handle many are induced because of the situations and the challenges that they face in their life those can be easily turned around people who have become psychologically imbalanced because of situational pressures upon them we can definitely turn them around but those who have pathologically so it's not easy we can give them some relief but will it be all fixed that would be an empty promise we spoke about ambition earlier and you're talking now about anxieties and disorders and psychological issues do you think with the drive of ambition more people are developing depression anxiety mental health issues I personally don't like the word ambition because in a certain way you're trying to impose your will upon the world you want to be something and you want the world to cooperate to make you that something if we transform ourselves from ambition to a larger vision we can do the same thing very joyfully still we will become who we become depending upon our capabilities but we can do it joyfully with a great sense of fulfillment rather than being crushing ourselves to become something I keep telling people most people are trying you know they're killing themselves to live to live you don't have to kill yourself if you have to do this life joyfully it's very important that you have invested yourself in a vision to create something rather than an ambition to become something this is just a question right there oh hi so guru namaste I'm Samir Preet Singh lobha Schaffer from Chandigarh I was reading Asia Foundation's blog and there is this one article the heading is South gurus and lighten mint in his own words so I want to know according to you what is enlightenment and how can other enlightened beings as you have mentioned your experience of getting enlightened can you tell us about that thank you the blog didn't tell you let me put it technically because there are so many glorious explanations about what it is as I was speaking earlier see when you sit here your experience of yourself is largely physical isn't it if I if somebody next to you folks you will you say don't poke my body or will you say don't poke me don't poke me isn't it because your experience of the body is my self but is it true this body is something that you accumulated over a period of time yes what you accumulate can be yours can never ever be you isn't it whatever you accumulate it can be yours it can never ever be you right now as I am speaking I say this is my cup you will think all Sadhguru has some problems but let's listen some more because everybody says he's wise after some time I said this is me then he will say let's go because this is sheer madness isn't it something that you acquire you think is you isn't that madness so right now that is the madness what you accumulated you think it's me the day you are free of this madness we will say you are enlightened experientially not intellectually it's quite difficult to get to that stage you would know it's not difficult it is just that it's in a different direction than the way you're looking right now when I say the way you're looking right now can you see me yes use one hand and point out where I am now you got it wrong are you everywhere is that this light is falling upon me reflecting going through your lenses inverted image in the retina you know the whole story so where do you see me now within yourself yeah where do you hear me right now within yourself where did you see the whole world within yourself have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself your pains and pleasures happen within you your joy and misery happened within you your agony and ecstasy happened within you even light and darkness is only happening within you isn't it but what about the pain that others inflict on one another and the suffering you know the last time somebody poked you with the dagger I was actually in Mosul and I saw a lot of people poking each other with all sorts of things see when you say the pain that other people inflict if it's physical this is what the issue that he's raised now if your experience is such if you sit here that you clearly experientially know you clearly know this cup is not me similarly if you know not because you're thinking about it simply you know this body is just one more acquisition of mine you will keep it well you will use it well but just because this is not me I'm not going to break this I'm going to keep this well because it's useful to me if this is so you will see you will be completely free from various things that normally people suffer just now I have been on a 30-day ride across the country all the other drivers who were driving with me they have spare drivers I have no spare driver because I am supposed to drive every kilometer daily I'm driving 12 to 16 hours a day and in these 30 days I did 142 events events like this and some of them are very large events with 2025 thousand people and 186 one-on-one interviews that means when I am driving most of the time arrangements were made in the car for microphone camera everything continuously I was talking through the day and night and driving driving on Indians roads like that is not easy to do okay what is it that keeps you going it's just that if you have a little space between yourself and your body suddenly you will see the limitations of the physical does not rule you anymore so is it easy or difficult to get there it is not difficult it's in a different direction see right now when you say where am i you say you point the finger here but actually in your experience it's happening within you if you were conscious of that you would clearly understand all experiences with the new are created by you maybe unconsciously but it is created by you everything that happens within you happens because that's the way you are doing it so this is why in this culture we said the way you're experiencing your life is your karma the word karma means it's your doing today's been misinterpreted they think it's a faith it is not a faith the most dynamic way to live when we say your life is your Karma it means your life is your making 100% why is it then that the majority of the 8 billion people on our planet follow the other path and not this path if it's not difficult you're counting me a say because people have begun to live in such a way that their involvement with life is very superficial they're busy making arrangements on the outside they have not paid enough attention to the life that they are but if you want to really live well you must understand the mechanism of what this is isn't it suppose you buy a phone if you don't read the user's manual will you be able to use it well I am asking this is the most sophisticated gadget on the planet isn't it so human mechanism is there a better technology this is the technology have you read the user's manual so if you understood the user's manual fully and learn to use it that way then that's enlightenment in a certain way we've got time for one more question if anyone has something brief that they'd like the opportunity to ask Sadhguru anything yes Alisha's referring to the 188 interviewed me 144 events you know in this 35 years my average sleep has been anywhere between two and a half to three hours per day because right now you check my pulse and see because I have a cold and things it's a little up it's around 50 to 54 in that region but I found wealth and if I sit in one place it'll settle down to 36 34 in this range it's going at ease if everything is going at ease then there is no stress of doing something it's very important that human beings first learn to work upon themselves before the meddle with the world if this one thing is done then you will do the right things with the world around you because if you do not even know how to treat yourself well how will you treat other people well if you don't know how to bring well-being to yourself how will you bring well-being to other people it's not going to happen it's just talk empty talk I was in a peace conference International Peace Conference 42 novel or eights were there one after another one after another belting out long speeches mostly read from paper they don't even look up they're just reading reading pages and pages then when my turn came I asked it so much talk about world peace how many of you can genuinely put your hand on your heart and saying that you have a peaceful mind the mind is peaceful they were very honest they said no we are not peaceful but we want the world to be peaceful see the world is very peaceful - the human beings world is fantastic - the human beings it's only what is happening in the human mind a larger manifestation is happening on the street which is looking ugly otherwise tell me what's wrong with the world if you and may not hear the world is just fine isn't it so we do not know how bring balance to our own self but we want to do that in the larger world it'll never happen we have to understand this what you see as a world is just a larger version of who we are if you don't fix this we can't fix that do you predict that will ever happen because we're seeing a more divided as we realized how small the world is we're also creating more barriers and divisions I am NOT somebody who thrives on predictions of any kind I don't like predictions because predictions go are made from the cold facts of today predictions don't take into consideration what's beating in the human heart human beings are aspiring to do something about themselves like never before and today I think you know I keep joking with people I say see I'm the greatest guru ever in the history of humanity they look at what happened to that guru is becoming Mike Tyson or something this is because when our Krishna came when a Buddha came and so many other great beings came if they spoke hardly fifty people could hear them today I can sit here and speak to the entire world this was never before possible thanks to the technologies so today this is possible this is also possible that we could make the world meditative very much possible and for the first time we are touching that many number of people as we would have never done before so is it a possibility definitely will it happen right now not necessarily but in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do it's not a problem in our lives if we do not do what we can do we're a disaster so it's my wish in my blessing that none of us should become a disaster like that what we can do must happen what we cannot do I'd really like to thank you sadguru for taking the time to speak to us and despite your cold as well thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: World Economic Forum
Views: 299,336
Rating: 4.8291721 out of 5
Keywords: The World Economic Forum, WEF, Davos, Finance, Economic, Economics, Politics, The Forum, Sadhguru, Guru, Isha Foundation, India Economic Summit, India, Indian, Yalda Hakim, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru speech, sadhguru latest, sadhguru yoga, organize your mind sadhguru, mediation, guru, philosophy, india, indian economics, indian economic summit, humanity, empowerment, collaboration, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 48sec (3828 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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