Sadhguru on the Truth About Bermuda Triangle

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The Bermuda triangle which was again another enigma of the previous generations it’s an old volcanic spot there are spires underneath like small peaks. This keeps happening around the Italian coast also, Superscript: I have read about the Bermuda triangle and how ships disappear there. How does that happen? So, the Bermuda triangle which was again another enigma of the previous generation not any more. These days nobody… no ships go and crash in Bermuda triangle. It’s a difficult to navigate place. There was a documentary on the news channel showing how difficult it is to navigate the Bosphorus. The water body between two parts of Istanbul in Turkey is called Bosphorus. So.. It’s a difficult place to navigate. There are eight radar stations which help the ships through these days. Earlier many ships used to crash into some thing or the other. Now there are eight radar stations guiding them through, because it's a little complicated. It's like there will be some road bends where every other day there will be an accident. People will immediately say there is some ghost waiting here causing accidents, gathering more ghosts. (Sadhguru laughs) Bangalore Mysore road there was Kingeri. Every month at least three to five people would die on this corner. it's just an upcoming road like this, there is a climb, sharp bend, it’s a railway track below. A sharp bend like this and it goes out this way. People come and every day crash in to this culvert. Boards – dangerous, accident spots – reading that they think they must cause an accident (Sadhguru laughs) I don’t know how many hundreds and hundreds of people have gotten killed on this bend it was famous. I had a record of doing Mysore-Bangalore inone hour thirty four minutes on my motor cycle, roads were not like how it is today. I came one day full blast and I tried to take the corner I almost went in to the culvert, then I stopped, I went back and looked. The simple thing, it’s not some thing that you have to look, but this damn road is so deceptive. It seems to be a sharp climb, so you always throttle up much more than you should and when a road turns like this, the roads should be engineered this way, but it is slightly engineered this way. It's just so deceptive, I mean these are things that you normally know, it's not some thing … it's not some rocket science. But this particular road because of the way it is, the trees behind, the railway track, the way it falls off and the way this side is – all this together creates a certain visual thing. I almost went, that day. Then I spent half an hour walking up on that road, up and down that road wanting to know why the hell I went out of control and I figured these are the things that are happening. Today they made the high way and they removed that bend and straighten it out no body dies in Kingeri the ghosts have left. So similarly Bermuda triangle is just a difficult place to navigate, because it’s an old volcanic spot there are spires underneath like small peaks, underneath the sea. One should know and navigate. This keeps happening around the Italian coast also, Because some places are not easier to navigate and negotiate it takes a certain skill and today these things have come down dramatically no body goes and disappears in to Bermuda triangle because every ship has gadgets and gadgets, which show every thing. There are sonar radars, there are radars and radio altimeters and every thing which shows you a million things. So people don’t crash any more when captains of the ship were taking the ships into these kind of situations with only their visual and their own sensory capabilities there was every chance for this to happen. So people are always looking for intrigue. This is not a bad thing because these are all aspiring... What to say? Aspiring students of mysticism, because they didn’t find a way they invented some thing. Instead of discovering some thing they invented some thing. So you don’t invent any thing, the important thing is you discover some thing. Discovery means it's about truth, invention means you made it up. Don’t make up any thing (Sadhguru laughs) it's important to open the doors in the existence not to imagine some thing.
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 1,745,763
Rating: 4.8324037 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2019, sad guru, Sadguru, satguru, sathguru, jaggi, vasudev, jakki, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking
Id: ItJWiGToezM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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