Sadhguru on Family Problems

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so wow um staying within the home setguru and the relationship dynamics of the family in my family I have one daughter songs many songs so you're also prejudiced on which side on which side would you think on which side would you think on the male side how did you know so okay so in my family four boys there we go but my daughter is very close to her father do we have that in many families where the young lady can get anything from Daddy right and and my sons are very close to Mommy what happens in society that when they grow up like you would think then that a man always will treasure a woman and well I I think when when families get it right it doesn't go wrong later where do we get it wrong because clearly imperiting there's something going wrong oh we must understand this this is that's why I said this is not against a particular gender well a man wants a woman on right it's not that he's against her man woman relationship is one relationship where there is too much overlap you have to share everything from your bedroom to bathroom to including your bodies all right too much overlap even bank accounts yes I wouldn't get into that so you're going back to economics oh yeah so because there is so much overlap there is more room for conflict it is a beautiful overlap only when there is an atmosphere of love once that's gone when it's a transaction this level of overlap is not healthy for a transaction transaction is good like this this much overlap and so many things to transact on a daily basis it is bound to cause friction only when there is a certain sense of love and devotion involved in this then it with that lubrication all this friction Will Go On Without much out you know manifestation of friction yes so today when we are thinking of marriages and relationships with an expiry date in our mind do we a whole lot of people are unfortunately the world is coming to that there was a time when people were anywhere committed when the commitment was there things came up problems happened they fought again tomorrow they were closed and things went on okay today morning quarreling evening fine night full of love and morning again quarrel things were going on I'm saying because there is such a serious overlap of two lives and there will be bound to be areas of friction if your every family comes up with their own devices of handling this friction and some people fail to come up with devices because there is not enough commitment if it was very clear to you hell or high water you got to be with the same person then you would find ways to fix it now you think if it doesn't work she's finished when this is there you are unwilling to find ways because between any two human beings if there is so much overlap if we are not committed then being together is difficult every small thing flares up into a big thing smallest things will blow up into a place where today of course it leads you to doers or whatever this is because there is no long-term commitment because we think there's always another option is it good is it bad it's not for me to say that but I'm just exploring the problem it's a big problem and I am focusing on family because really I believe it is the it plays a pivotal role in society and looking at the society we're living in and children that we're bringing up so Dynamic if they're looking for positive information out there they will find what they're looking for if they're looking for negative information they'll need it it's easily accessible this highly Digital World we're living in what are the key things that you would say this Young Generation to keep them firmly grounded [Music] hello to all the people in the upper regions when a child enters your life it's like a bundle of joy which has entered your life with a lot of pain of course there's a lot of pain involved I can attest to that the women can attest to that but when the child came things that you would have never done in your life you start doing you can't sing if for nuts even in your bathroom suddenly you start singing you can't even bend down and pick up something you can't touch your toes but you crawl under the sofa along with your child you know you go under the furniture with him or her like this many things you sing You Dance you play you for moments at least if not for good for moments at least you forgot the concrete block that you have become and you became life once again all right but somehow all the adults believe they have to teach something as soon as a child comes so this is people ask me sadhguru what is your sadhana you did not read scriptures you did not go to a teacher you did not learn anything but you seem to know everything how is it I tell them this is the only thing that I did in my life is I made sure that I am not influenced by anybody around me whether it's my parents or the culture around me or the teachers or every adult around because every adult around you is trying to teach you something that's not work in their life oh my goodness when I say something that's not worked in their life between you and your child if you look at it who is more joyful your child I'm asking who should be a consultant for life [Laughter] one who knows how to be joyful for no reason should be consultant or one even if everything is working your way you carry a grave face and walk around the world you should be a consultant for life you must decide so if a child comes into your life it's not time to teach it's time to learn once again you could reinvent your life you could learn what it means to be alive instead of learning what it means to be alive people are carrying grave faces and going around grave is grave will Anyway come you don't have to practice it on your face I was I was speaking of the you know just about four weeks ago I was speaking at the Stanford Medical University I just looked around there's many doctors who are sitting there all many of them I said see when you walk into your patient's room grave is one thing that you should not remind them of they're going they might be getting there somebody's not well in a hospital you don't remind them of grief it's very important that the doctor walks in with a different sense of Vitality and life about him so similarly a child has come into your life it's time for to live it up once again to become fully Alive whatever your age your aliveness need not come down isn't it our Physical Agility may come down with age but why should your aliveness come down if aliveness is coming down it means you're committing suicide and installments that's what it means yes or no hello talking to you hello wow that's powerful so children have come time to understand how to make something out of nothing that's what a child is you leave him anywhere he finds an ad and he finds it interesting enough to make a universe out of an ant we've given you a bloody universe and you're making nothing out of it everything you have today compared to any other generation on this planet you know more Comforts and conveniences than any other generation ever before isn't it so but why I mean sir because traffic is well you're sitting in your dream car aren't you enjoy it traffic is helping you to stay in your dream for some more time [Applause] foreign just told us is stop trying to teach your children and start learning from them start living we're such a complaining generation of people oh we are the most whining generation on the planet
Channel: Being Enlightened
Views: 15,868
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Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru 2022, sadhguru exclusive
Id: -YkzCp0Y53c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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