How to Deal with Insecurities? | Sadhguru

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you are living on a daily basis as if you are forever the fundamental awareness that this is motto if you come to terms with that one thing there will be no insecurity because there is nothing to gain nothing to lose in this life you came with nothing whatever the hell is happening you are on the prophet side guruji my question is how does one deal with insecurities how does one deal with insecurity life is insecure there is no security about life because shall I reveal a secret to you however young and healthy you are you're going to die one day I'll bless you with a long life but you will die one day is it okay no foreign so you can die joyfully or you can die crying it's up to you but anyway you'll die one day yes or no if you say I don't want to die today you start the chanting I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die all that will happen is you will not live but you will die yes the fear I don't want to die will make you not live but it will not make you not die anyway you will die coming to terms with mortality is one very important thing if you don't come to terms with mortality you're living in a fancy world of unreal world not in the real world the real world is we come and go so many countless number of people have come and gone before us isn't it your an institution from 1857 I was just wondering how they started an institution in that year because in that year there was such turmoil all over the country 19 1857. a lot of upheaval in the country but somehow somebody managed to start an institution the soil that you're walking upon we don't know how many people about it yes or no all these countless people number of people who walk this planet before you and me where are they they are all topsoil yes or no this will also become top soil one day unless your friends choose to bury you real deep fearing you may raise from the dead there have there have been certain instances this happened there was an old couple in Texas over 75 years of age it was their dream to go to the holy land or the Jerusalem but because of business and then children children growing up going to the university and their marriages and da da da they never made it when they're over 75 years of age they made the trip to Jerusalem Jerusalem is a place where every Cobblestone reeks of History so they walked that pathway where Jesus is supposed to have walked they went to that place where he's supposed to have walked on the water and many things like this they were overwhelmed by this whole experience and unfortunately the lady had a heart attack and she died then the man was preparing to take her body back to Texas but then the local people approached and said see Jerusalem is the holy land this is the right place to die she's done the right thing so let's do all the rituals here and bury her here and it just costs you twenty five thousand dollars because if you take her back to Texas just the transportation costs eighteen thousand dollars and local charges and in America the cemetery charges are very heavy all this put together you will spend much more money and above all she has chosen to die in the Holy Land This is where she must be buried let's do it the man said no I am taking her back to Texas they said see you're very distressed because of your wife's death you are not able to think straight we can understand so we will give you a super discount fifteen thousand dollars this are hagging place you know let's do it the man thought about it and he said no I will take her back to Texas then they said see it doesn't make sense you I can see you're very distressed you lost your wife of 45 years so obviously you're very very distressed you're not thinking straight at all we can understand this just because of that you are an American and you are from Texas so we give you an absolute super super discount ten thousand dollars Let's Do It come on let's do it let's do it you must what I am talking if you want to understand you must go to Kashi someplace how these things happen you know then the man thought about it and he said no I'm taking her back to Texas and they threw the ends up and said why what's the problem with you ten thousand dollars let's do it he said see in Texas dead stay dead so so if you come to terms with your mortality security insecurity all these things will go you are living on a daily basis as if you are forever the fundamental awareness that this is motto this is here only for a limited amount of time if this was a you know a normal conscious thing for you you would put your life to best use for sure and if you come to terms with that one thing there will be no insecurity because there is nothing to gain nothing to lose in this life you came with nothing whatever the hell is happening you're on the prophet side yes or no isn't it so did you come with investment no you come with nothing so whatever the hell is happening you're always on the profit side isn't it and anyway they don't allow you to take a container in the end so all you have is how profound intense and beautiful is your experience of life so don't make too much fuss about it you are acting as if you're going to lose something no there's nothing to lose nothing to gain because you come and you go you may think oh my life my life no it's your your life on this planet is like a pop-up on the computer screen you've seen this pop-ups you just pop up and pop out in the meantime will you rise and shine is the only question all right so if anywhere you shine sometimes you may be seen by people sometimes you may not be seen by people the important is you sh you're shining within yourself and that's all that matters if people have eyes they will see it if they have no eyes they won't see it that's their problem but you are living an intense and profound life that's all that matters here if you understand this and if you bring this into your life insecurity will not happen because security can happen only in depth yes or no people keep asking me coming to me and asking me sad Guru please bless us nothing should happen to us I say hey what kind of blessing is this my blessing is let everything happen to you everything that's life must happen to you have you come here to avoid life or have you come here to experience life please you must make a decision right now have you come here to avoid life or to experience life experience life all the different dimensions of what this life holds must happen to you isn't it so if you come to avoid life there's an ocean right here you can jump into the ocean see if you want to avoid life you must die it's a more efficient way of doing things isn't it you're alive and you try to avoid life it'll become miserable if you feel insecure that's what you will do you will try to avoid life when you're alive and try to avoid life it'll cause immense misery when you're alive you live when you die you die don't get up from the dead foreign [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 163,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2018, sad guru, Sadguru, satguru, sathguru, jaggi, vasudev, jakki, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking
Id: uKofIMo_2B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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