SADHGURU - Karma, Responsibility, and a Conscious Planet | Ralph Smart

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thank you so much for joining infinite Waters diving deep once again we love your messages we're gonna dive straight into it your new book uh Karma so much is happening around the world with everything with a global pandemic and when I was reading your book we often think that karma is about punishment and Rewards and we come to see that karma is about action and taking responsibility for your actions we find ourselves in a global pandemic right now and in what way do you feel we're responsible for everything that's happening and how can we take responsibility and be a part of the solution in the midst of a global pandemic well if I say this uh I'm going to be extremely unpopular with a whole lot of people but I want you to understand that Global pandemic right now as severe as it seems and it's taken over half a million lives in spite of that it is a small distraction from a larger trouble that's unfolding in the form of loss of biodiversity climate change ecological undoing of the planet in various ways that is a much much bigger problem and we are happily walking towards a disaster not walking pushing the world towards it so in the meantime the pandemic unfortunately it's cost over half a million lives and uh endless amount of suffering for a whole lot of people but in spite of that we must understand it's a bit of a break at the speed at which we're going towards the brink this is kind of put a little bit of break I've been saying this for a long time either we fix these Mega problems on the planet consciously or nature will do it to us cruelly so right now nature is doing it to us and pretty cruel but not as cruel as human beings have been to each other in terms of wars in terms of genocides in terms of slavery in terms of other kinds of exploitations that we have done to each other in the name of race religion nationality philosophies and ideologies what we have done to each other what the virus is now doing is not too bad and that way if I say this everybody will pounce on me right now but let me say I'm not insensitive to the suffering that's happened everybody irrespective of who you are in some way everybody has taken a hit including us okay including myself we have taken a hit we have lost so many people who are dear to us well many are for activities everything's upside down this is true with everybody on various levels so I am not being not sensitive to that but we need to understand the larger perspective what we as human beings are doing on this planet when we say human beings this means we are the most intelligent species on the planet the most intelligent species on the planet is doing the dumbest things that you can do in this universe you're the only smart guy a rap smart [Laughter] but we are doing the dumbest things like uh in India there is a fable ah where a man is cutting a branch sitting on the wrong side of the branch you know when he succeeds with full Fury he's cutting when he succeeds he will fall right now we are in this mode our ideas of development our ideas of economic well-being our ideas of dominance our ideas of success our ideas of doing well are all super destructive the very Way We Exist is super destructive well in the last 50 years nearly 80 percent of the insect biomass is gone sixty percent of the vertebrate population is gone what are we waiting for what is it that we are waiting for at least this pandemic has put some breaks on us this is a time to stop introspect look at what we're doing and see what best we can do next because everybody's saying when will we get back to the old normal the old was not normal you were abnormal they're showing all life around you is not normal so when the post-pandemic situation comes we must be aware enough we must be conscious enough we must be compassionate enough to create a new normal not the old normal that we have been living that is not normal it is normal for a human being to be compassionate it's normal for a human being to be inclusive it's normal for a human being to be loving it's normal for a human being to be joyful unfortunately we've made it the reverse if you're joyful they think you're a freak yes you must be miserable you must be stressed you must be anxious then you're normal so this has to change this pandemic period is a good time for our for ourselves to reconsider what kind of Life do we want to live for ourselves what kind of life we want for everybody around us what kind of life we want to offer for The Unborn for those who are yet to come because this planet doesn't belong to us we are just here for a brief amount of time so this is a good time to consider that it's a wake-up call from the universe and I feel no no your universe is not involved uh don't involve the universe that's too big a thing right here the mess we have done so it is getting back at us that's all it's our karma that's what I'm saying it's our doing this is our doing so if we do something negative something harmful we are also capable of doing something positive positive is a bad word right now with the pandemic I know you're you're negative right I'm both yes so to do something positive to do something that is good and nurturing for all Life as we have caused destruction we are also capable of nurture we are also capable of compassion we're also capable of positive action so this is a time to do that do you want to call this a wake-up call I think the wake-up call planet has been screaming for the last one century yes it is if you still did not wake up I don't know how you will wake up now yes and a lot of people are existing but they're not living many people are just going about their day-to-day life but when they say what can I do I'm just one person what activity do you feel is the most beneficial activity any human being can do uh well if you reduce your activity that's great [Laughter] because right now in the beginning of uh 20th century we were 1.6 billion people today we are inching towards 8 billion they're saying by 2050 we will be 10.2 or 10.3 billion well if you reduce your activity it'll be good yes and we can talk about the subconscious mind because a lot of people are now starting to realize the subconscious mind is controlling over 95 percent of our lives this is the part of ourselves we're unaware of is it possible to reprogram the subconscious mind and what role does yoga play well uh see yoga does not look at mind as conscious subconscious like this we look at it like this and chitta what this means is the intellect which is the front end the sharper it is the better it is you boo you your parents thought you really sharp so they called you smart they didn't call me that I don't know why so the front end must be sharp it's very important but this sharpness will it work for well-being or to destruction simply depends on what kind of identity you have right now you know people have done the most horrible things because of limited identities that they have carried somebody in the name of belonging to a certain Nation how many cruel things they have done how many wars have we fought how many millions have we killed somebody who's identified with a religion oh my God what all they have done and you see right now Afghanistan is unfolding but the people who are doing whatever they're doing because of their identity they think they are doing the right thing with great conviction with a Divine stamp on their actions which look horrific for somebody else but for them they are doing the right thing this is because of the kind of identities you take the moment you take limited identity your intelligence is a Peril for the world and for yourself probably it is apparel real parallel right now that's all you see what is it that human beings are suffering they are suffering the sharpness of their own intelligence if you take off half their brains all of them will be peaceful believe me yes right now you know too much no you don't know nothing no no no way we know nothing it's just that you have a sharp mind and you're cutting yourself all the time you call this stress you call this anxiety you call this uh misery you call this madness you call this depression call it what you want essentially you have turned the sharpness of your intelligence against yourself today I was talking to a group because today is supposed to be the day for preventing suicide on the planet over 700 000 people committed suicide last year or so 19 I think 2019. so every every 20 seconds somebody in the world is taking his own life so suicide is the ultimate manifestation of your mind turning against yourself initially you call it stress then you call it anxiety Then you call it depression then you call it Madness then you call it suicide but essentially your own intelligence turned against you so how you hold this knife of intelligence with what kind of hand with what kind of grip you hold is very important this is something unfortunately modern societies have simply failed to address this is why you are seeing this as more education and more knowledge more science more technology comes people are becoming more and more destructive and more and more damage and more and more problems are happening simply because the identity my identity versus your identity believe me today we may be fine but if it comes to a point we will fight we will kill each other because maybe we will kill each other because we belong to different nations maybe we will kill each other because we belong to different religions or different race or different identity philosophy ideology something so the moment you make a limited identification now you are in conflict with something it is very important human being should be brought to this that first thing is they must experience themselves as a you know Wonderful throbbing piece of life after that you are a human after that you are a man or a woman after that many many many things if you do not bring them to this which we have failed to do unfortunately in this world you will see as human beings become more and more empowered they will become more and more dangerous to every other life on the planet this is what you are seeing when 80 percent of the insect biomass is gone knowing fully well that without them we can't Farm we can't grow anything everything could die because of that we have done this 50 or 60 percent of the vertebrate population that means those creatures which carry bones like us and spine like us we've killed them in the last 50 years this means our intellect the weight is our intelligence the way it is it is in the wrong hands so this is Ankara or this is the identity the third dimension of the intelligence is called Manas it's a large Silo of memory in this memory we identify various levels of memory we call this evolutionary memory genetic memory ah you know sensory memory and conscious memory and conscious memory and you know like the surface of articulate and inarticulate memories like this there are various dimensions of memory so only with memory your intellect can function if we remove or unplug your memory your intellect is cannot do anything it needs memory to function so there is a vast amount of memory and there is intellect between these two things is the identity if you make your identity a global or a cosmic identity then your intelligence will functions from everybody's well-being if your make your identity into small identity either myself my family my community my nation my race My Religion if you like if you make these identities then your competence your capability will work against every other creature on this planet that's what is happening so the fourth dimension of a intelligence which is most important it is called as chitta this is a dimension of intelligence which is unsullied by memory there is no memory in this it's pure intelligence if you touch this intelligence then you your experience of life becomes Limitless or Cosmic why this is so easy as memory is a great possibility in our life in in our day to day function because everything that you are right now the shape of your body the color of your skin who you are and what you are everything is by memory isn't it genetic memory evolutionary memory everything so memory is a great thing on one level in terms of survival and day-to-day function but it's also prison it creates a circle so right now I am a different person and you are a different person how I have one kind of memory you have another kind of memory isn't it yes if you are in my memory I will say oh this is my friend if you are not in my memory I will say this is a stranger if you are in the bad part of my memory I will say this is my enemy yes or no so memory memory is a tremendous possibility at the same time it is a prison so the fourth dimension of intelligence is pure intelligence without memory if you enter or touch this dimension of intelligence then you be your experience of life becomes boundless even for a moment if your experience of life became beyond the limitations of your body the limitations of your thought and emotion and Imagination beyond that if you experience life after that nobody has to tell you what is good what is bad anything that you have experienced as a part of yourself with that you have no conflict this is yoga the word yoga means Union means the individual and the universal became one it is always one it is just that you have a fancy idea that you are an individual right now as much an individual as you are you are breathing aren't you absolutely I'm breathing in the good ass Prana yes and now that is your idea but your breathing your breathing means you are in communication with the rest of the creation otherwise you cannot exist if you stop this you cannot exist so in every way every cell in the body every atom in the body every subatomic particle in the body is in communication is always together only in your head you think you are an individual so word yoga means you consciously obliterated the boundaries of your individuality now you're in yoga yoga does not mean wearing Lulu Lemon pants and twisting and turning hey you know the brand see look at you you shouldn't be wearing them come on yes yes so when we talk of letting go because a lot of people always ask how can I let go and Trust the universe do you feel it's about letting go of all of these Concepts we've given ourselves our race our religion our nationality is this the greatest way to let go and Trust the universe Let Go water what is sticking to you I want to know well a lot of people might say they want to let go of the stress they want to let go of the confusion they want to let go of the chaos around them okay they want to let go we will leave the chaos around us that is a different aspect we'll handle that separately want to let go the stress want to let go the confusion no no you don't have to let these things go you just don't have to cause it yes your confusion is caused by you your stress is caused by you because all human experience is coming from within what is coming from within must happen the way you want it if it's not happening the way you want it it's simply because fundamentally you have not seen that this is my karma you have not seen that right now I have a crazy thoughts going in my head you don't see this is my doing you think somebody is doing it to you now nobody is doing this to you it is you somebody will throw a ball how you hit it is yours isn't it see what the world does to you you have no choice about it but what how what you make out of it is entirely yours this is karma because when the outside situation you said there is chaos I don't know which part of London you are I'm in the chaotic part so the world around you will never be 100 the way you want it even if there are just two people at your home still it's not the way you want it hundred percent never will be outside will never will be 100 the way you want it but what is within this must be 100 the way I want if this is hundred percent the way you want how would you be miserable or joyful joyful Blissful or stressful Blissful then how when you're not stressful how do you let it go um you have to choose when you don't have how do you let go something that you don't have you create it you create it and then you want to let it go what for you don't have to create it because what you call a stress is inefficient way of managing your mind what you call it I'm sorry definitely a lot of people right now humanity is looking for answers many people are losing hope and they're wanting the World to Change if we truly all stepped into our true power who do you think we would be and what would the world look like if everybody stepped into their true power who would we be and what would the world look like uh we would be human beings right now we are acting like aliens on this planet we would be human to be human means the significance of being humanies every other creature has its territories and boundaries there is a Reptilian Brain in our within our brain which fixes boundaries maybe in London I don't know if you have seen this or not if you come to Asia or anywhere else you will see there are Street dogs peeing all over the place all the time ah they are doing this not because they have some urinary issue they are doing this because they are building a kingdom P Kingdom of course but it's a kingdom they're setting the boundaries as to this boundary belongs to me so unfortunately most human beings are still in the same condition they are constantly busy fixing boundaries though the idea of Being Human in terms of physiological development is the cerebral cortex which allows us to think beyond our boundaries which is always making us feel wherever there is a boundary we want to break it and be bigger than that see if I lock you up in a five by five cubicle you will feel horribly imprisoned after three days I will release you and you will feel terribly liberated all right hugely liberated but within two days again 10 by 10 cubicle will feel terrible once again if I release you into a hundred by hundred cubicle then you will feel wonderfully free for two days but then again you will feel horribly imprisoned so it doesn't matter where I set the boundary the moment you can feel the boundary you want to break it so this is the essence of Being Human there is something within you which is Longing To Be boundless but right now people are approaching boundlessness people are approaching in finite nature in installments they want to buy it in the shop or they want to conquer the world piece by piece no it will never you you're not going to approach the infinite in installments if you want the infinite you have to obliterate the boundaries of your own individual nature that is a that is how you will know the infinite this is what the word yoga means many times in this new world is instant gratification people want a quick fix they want to do something in 24 hours many Masters like yourself yogis have spent an entire lifetime working on themselves so how long do you think it's going to take the average human being one moment really one moment is all it takes one moment okay yes because from outward Focus to inward Focus it's just a simple turn around there's no journey to make there's no distance what is the distance between you and yourself I am asking time time arises only when there is a distance isn't it yes when there is no distance there is no time so how long will it take there's no such thing if you make yourself absolutely willing it's just one moment but if your willingness comes in installments all the best who knows how long it all depends on you how willing are you if your willingness is total is just one moment so one moment to change the world that's so empowering I feel like no no no no no no no no no not I'm not talking about changing the world I'm talking about an individual human being yes yes see you said how to transform the humanity you cannot transform the humanity because there are no such thing as Humanity they're just human beings there is you and me yes if you are willing I said it'll take one minute you try to make your friend willing let me see you will see how long it will take that's very true that's very true that's so true and what keeps you in good spirits with everything that's happening because you have to deal with a lot of every single I'm not keeping myself in good spirit I'm a good spirit you're a good spirit I am not soaked in spirit I am the spirit yes yes because this whole concept of raising the frequency raising the vibration oh is this what is that are they running a radio station or something well a lot of people always want to elevated State of Consciousness they want to feel more alive would you say that sometimes just letting go of all of that is how you feel more alive in itself trying so hard Letting Go what only thing that is going away is life as you sit here life is just sticking away nothing else to let go what is ticking nothing sticking here you imagine all those things and you see it's like this you imagine a burden on your head and you carry it with great difficulty and then you imagine you put it down all the best but tomorrow morning something bigger will be sitting on your head because you are living in the land of imagination on memory this is the problem see memory is of yesterday it's something that's already gone by imagination is about something that's yet to happen so your imagination is rooted in your memory whichever way your memory is an exaggerated version is the imagination both these things have no relevance to life because both of them are not alive you are talking about me being in good spirit no no I am not in good spirit this is the spirit this is the way every life is made but they have put a head on top of it which is like a rock and it puts the spirit down Spirit can't get out there is a rock sitting here I don't have a rock on my head just to make it substantial I am wearing a turban many times people are looking for someone to guide them leaders politicians do we have to lead ourselves or is someone coming to help us where most of us are in democratic nations why are polit why politicians are not ourselves they are ourselves too hello don't refer to them like they landed upon us from somewhere they were ordinary people like you and me something that you think is a dirty job you're not willing to lend your life to make it happen so they lent their life and today we are putting and putting them under microscope and think they are the evil people no they were just like you and me but they took this Troublesome job of leading a nation which is a big headache in today's world but they have taken it up so all we have to do is support them and demand the right kind of action because this is a democratic process rather than thinking they are some kind of evil species which has invaded this world sad Guru I want to thank you for your precious time and you diving deep with us into Infinite Waters you are truly appreciated I love your message and thank you for everything you do for you next time next time I'll come with an oxygen tank uh uh Ralph thank you thank you so much difference what the hell is that thank you thank you so much thank you thank you so much thank you thank you
Channel: Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
Views: 319,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO, MIND, BRAIN, ralph smart, infinite waters, thoughts, the secret, law of attraction, focus, money, happy, happiness, brain tricks, let go, dream, Third Eye, Meditation, Cute, ALIENS, anxiety, worry, doubt, smile, food, Inspirational, change your life, Relax, Chill Out, Boy, Girl, Vegan, Amazing, dreams, CHAKRAS, I AM, AFFIRMATIONS, CREATE YOUR REALITY, purpose, powerful, eye opening speech, dream motivation, believe motivation, secret, inspiring, believe in yourself, make money online, hi
Id: tjM_956o4fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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