Sadhguru - How To dissolve Your karma ? || Spiritual Guru ||

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what is karma now how do you handle your karma this is the most significant dimension of being human that you have a discerning mind if I die will you fix all my karma no now how do you handle your karma see karma is the information or the memory which happens at various levels which makes you who you are you are who you are only because of the karmic memory that you carry then when did it become a problem it became a problem because you got identified with that memory like even now in your life only way less than one percent of your memory are you really conscious of over 99 plus percentage is existing in you unconsciously to what extent means well in spite of all kinds of efforts you will see the memory within you plays out in its own way genetic memory karmic memory right from childhood every small thing so this is what memory is does to you after some time you're not even thinking about it it will make you behave in strange ways I'm saying that's why you always such strange creatures the various kinds of unconscious memories making you behave in particular ways so this entire dimension of karma becomes significant on the spiritual path because you're looking for transformation to transform means to change the very shape of who you are to make yourself in such a way that your shape is of least resistance the shape that you have taken is such it will allow you to pass through life and death effortlessly you have taken on that kind of a shape which will become available to the process of dissolution naturally that is the kind of shape you're trying to take so you're trying to transform that means you're trying to take on a different form than the way you are your present form is a consequence of very complex amalgamation of memories which have come to you through five senses which have come to you through genetics which have come through you come to you through evolutionary process there are various dimensions eight dimensions of memories are there all these are in one way karmak though we call a particular memory karmic because that is an active process if I die will you fix all my Karma No so now you're trying to change the form of who you are the very way you are the person that you are that is essentially you're trying to make yourself into that kind of a person who does not become an impediment in your process of liberation or dissolution right now if you have strong sense of I am this I am that then you yourself are a impediment you yourself are a block you don't need any external help your own self help so spiritual sadhana means just this you are trying to make yourself into that kind of a form where you are not an impediment there are other issues with the creation which we have to deal with this is the significance of sitting with a guru that you only have to deal with your own issues the exists engine issues he will deal it he will deal for you that's what it means the existential dimensions which are not in your consciousness which are not in your experience that is what he's supposed to deal with that means we gave you some tools to tighten some screws instead you're poking it in your nose and it bleeds yes yes that's all that's happening so that part is not about dissolving your karma that part is just facilitating that you are available to the process to the real process that needs to happen you're available for that that's all you're supposed to do to become available now how do you handle your karma the most significant dimension of your present existence even if you have the infection you're still alive to ask the question the significance of this aliveness is you have a discerning mind I want you to understand this this is the most significant dimension of being human that you have a discerning mind that you don't have to react instinctively like other animals do you can think through the issue and respond the way you want no matter what your instincts say so once you have lost this with the process of depth then your ability to handle that is over you cannot handle anything you just function only by tendencies see just some time ago all these limbs were dry and falling down now all the fresh leaf has come even a dry dead leaf is going somewhere but it is not deciding where to go where the wind blows it goes there that's what you will become when you're dead you will not decide where to go it's only now it is now when you are alive and you still have a discerning mind working even if it is partially working still you have a discerning mind now you can decide where to go this privilege of where as my life should go this privilege will be taken away the moment you have lost your body and your discerning mind one must know this this is the value of being human when you were a monkey you did not have a discerning mind when you were a reptile you did not have a discerning mind now that you become a human being no matter what sort you are just grew but I am whatever sort you are you have a discerning mind you may not be using it you can be storing it to use it post-mortem you know I am saying you will not have it this is the only period where you can use it this is the only period where you can navigate your life where you want beyond this it is only by tendencies other forces will decide well Sadhguru can you fix it if I die will you fix all my karma no because I want you to understand that to make any intervention existentially relevant intervention not telling you advise not giving you teaching proper intervention a life must be at an appropriate place otherwise you just cannot intervene nobody can I'm telling but if one has thrived brought it to a place where there is minimum amount of stuff that it's become fragile now it would roll on forever when I say forever because time is the way it is playing out right now the time is only because of your physical body you have such an experience of time because there is a body time has become a certain of certain relevance this is the reason why when moment of death comes people are always trying to create a peaceful loving our joyful atmosphere for the person to pass because if he leaves in that condition once again as you have all noticed on a certain day if you're depressed one day feels like 10 years another day if you're very joyful one day feels like 10 minutes so we want to make sure the one who is departing leaves in a pleasant condition so that he won't feel the length of time he will not suffer that condition because it's just passing away like that this dimension of life when it has lost its physical body and it's discerning mind still has other aspects how actively simply depends upon how how much are you identified with your karmic substance if you are strongly identified it will continue to function even beyond the body but if your identity is low then it is very mild which can easily be dealt with what this means is when you are identified with your karmic process that means naturally life is longing to take on one more form it is longing to take on one more form you cannot intervene with that life you just have to love it at the most guided a little bit to take on a form that will be beneficial but you cannot completely intervene with that lie and it or liberated so only that life whose identity with its own karmic substance is very minimal that life you can intervene so it's important what we are doing right now will you leave fully consciously you may not but if you live in such a state that things have been minimized your karma has been minimized it's your only working with the allotted Karma the accumulated karma or what is you know the storehouse of karma or the warehouse of karma that you carry that is not been handled yet but that can be easily detached because you have no conscious identity with that that can be taken away now the karmic substance with which you have conscious identification right now this is what I am I like this I don't like this this is how you're establishing your identity with your karmic substance if that is strong you cannot simply intervene and break it [Music]
Channel: Spiritual Guru
Views: 82,284
Rating: 4.931973 out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru meditation, jaggi, sadhguru mahabharata, sadhguru speech, sadhguru inner engineering, sadhguru isha, dissolve Your karma, sadhguru on karma, sadhguru dissolve
Id: gWQ3fVlD0yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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