Sadhguru- "become fully alive." -With The One Who Knows

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and I said a what the same will take on a certain day a man went to the dentist he walked in and went to the doctor and he said I am a MOT so the dentist looked at him and said say what you need is a psychiatrist not a dentist Marta's never any dental problems you need a psychiatrist the man said I not then he said why are you here he said because the lights are on the light is on the mots will come that's why you're here so next thing is what am I supposed to do nothing what is the mode to do just drawn by the light rushes into it and kills itself that's what you're supposed to do if you're drawn to this and if you're thinking from the satsang what is the takeaway now this is not a fast-food restaurant there is no tip takeaway so I do the takeaway don't you I take away you don't take away anything nothing to take away this is give away if you give away yourself then there is something see this take away give away everything makes sense only when you're dealing with limited quantities of things if you're handling only objects in your life if your life is an objective process and if your life is limited to physical objects giveaways takeaways all these things are meaningful if your life has been touched by something that is not of the physical nature then there is no give away take away if you give away everything that is physicality then there is something that you can't take away it takes you away oh is this self-destruction is this some kind of a negative process for someone who is working in the wrong direction for someone who is taking the whole life process in the wrong direction who is having a wrong perspective of life who is looking at life through a small keyhole for him opening the door is going to be a dangerous process but while one who is longing to be free for him opening the door is a benediction if I open the door will there be too many dangers yes there will be but I want you to know if you close the door maybe your neighbor cannot enter your house maybe your friend cannot enter your house but death still will through the keyhole even if you plug the keyhole it still does actually it comes quicker doors are closed try and see just close these two doors and see it comes very quickly with doors closed that can sooner not later if one does not know if one has not known even a moment of abandon in his life but all your life you have been your own security guard if you are the watchman of the house not the Lord of the house then an open door is a dangerous thing a locked door is always the best thing but if you're the lord of the house you wish to walk in and out as you feel only then you can claim to be the lord of the house right now this this body I have no nothing against the body I am NOT against the body but I am NOT far the body is either because what the body contains is very important keeping the body well becomes important because what the body embodies is sacred keeping the container in a certain level of sanctity becomes important let me see all of you just come out of your body for some time and then get back okay just come out for a while two minutes and get back can you know even if you are staying in a palace if you cannot come out that's called a prison that's not called a palace yes see I'm not asking that question yes or no any more things have changed even if you're living in a palace if you cannot walk out and walk in by your choice you cannot call it a palace it's only a prison if you cannot come out of this by choice and get back by choice definitely it's a trap and a prison if you're not willing to open the doors because your security-conscious in search of safety all kinds of idiotic things have been done very life negative things very self-destructive things now if I talk about the rivers it looks like I am talking negative once a little boy went up to his mother and said mama I want to go and swim in the river the mother said no way you are not going to get into the river that river is full of alligators hungry bloodthirsty alligators crocodiles don't you ever step into the river but mama every day in the morning daddy swims in the trimmer' river oh don't you worry about him he has an excellent insurance cover an insurance is not a safety for your life it's good for somebody it's very good for somebody who's wishing you to die just for some Mexican sees that may happen insurance but it is not a safety a closed door is not a safety to handle certain situations we close the door open the door but a door is a door only if it can close and open if it is always closed it's a wall isn't it a door is a door only if you can open and close by choice if it's shut all the time it is not a door you cannot call it a door so why am I here what am i doing then the next question will be said guru what what is it that you're trying to tell us anyway I'm sure it's going to progress there's only one thing I'm trying to tell you I'm just trying to beat my own drum but these boys ourselves keeping all of them but to blow my own trumpet that I know I know and I know that's all I'm trying to say I know not only that I know that which you want to know is also me that which can know is also me this is the self trumpet that I'm blowing all the time don't believe all the other words all I'm trying to say is I know I know I know I know this is somebody blowing his own trumpet all the time day in and day out every opportunity whether people are willing and not willing whether the situation is a proper it are not appropriate same thing that Suns hedonistic it is if that is not thirst in your heart it is a horrible thing somebody going on saying he knows if there is the thirst in your heart to hear this that somebody can clearly say that he knows is the greatest benediction if there is thirst in your heart water is valuable only when you're thirsty isn't it if your tennis tee a glass of water is divine otherwise what is it doesn't mean anything only when you're thirsty packed up like this I believe you're thirsty I hope I can assume that Sadhguru what is the exact nature of the relationship between any guru and his disciple is the Guru an authoritarian a parent a friend this is a corniest question you can ask friend I'm willing to be but I'm not actually if I'd be a friend it's good for me but not at all good for you because a friend means what somebody who supports you in your limitations somebody who makes you feel comfortable somebody who sustains your ego would you make friendship with somebody who punctures your ego you will not somebody who shows up your ego somebody who buttresses here you go that is the one whom you would choose as a friend so friend definitely not that you must know by now parent how great regarding reverence for mine and yours but but Parenthood happened out of certain ignorance art of certain compulsions most people didn't know what they were doing you were 10 12 years of age you were just fine you became 14 15 16 you're ready in ordered in arts got poisoned with other kinds of chemicals suddenly you looked at this woman all kinds of things happened you looked at this man all kinds of things happen they were quite okay just lost you but now suddenly you look suddenly everything looks somehow somehow from within you what poisoned in such a way that everything started looking in a certain way you will see once this hormonal hijack is over you look at everybody everybody looks normal you look at a man or a woman they look just normal when this was on you looked at them they look like fire it consumes you it was not unreal it was real it was very real isn't it so parents but generally people who are trying to do all the things that they could not do in their own lives through their children normally not always some of them are here so you know we keep seeing this our school teachers kept coming to me people who are running the school come and tell me you know we made it very clear to the parents once you put your child in tuition home school we are not going to give you a marks card we are not going to put up a marks card and say your child is better than somebody else's child everything is being done a great amount of striving to see that the child flowers many things very elaborate things are being done which very few schools in the world can ever do but slowly you know Perry they're okay they know it's nice children are developing well they're physically mentally they seem to be much more mature than themselves which is very threatening but all that is fine but when they go back for the vacation the neighboring the neighbors children they say we got 92 what is your number how kids don't know what number they belong to they what number we don't have numbers so parents feel very different my child doesn't have a better number so they come back and they get worked up and they come and say no no this is should happen my child is not doing as well as he could if my child goes to summer school he would get hundred or 100 then I I told him next time somebody raises this just tell the parents first bring their marks cards all the parents should bring their mock sheets let's see how much they got we'll say it's just genetic if your child got 23 ins of 92 is genetic problem you know so 1 & 2 parent once you ask this question the rumor spreads on they're going to ask for your marks cardoon don't ever ask about your children so parent definitely not authoritarian I think I fit into that an authoritarian means usually you think authoritarian means a Hitler or Stalin or a miscellany or somebody else like that no they really had no control or anything all the time things were freaking around them they were trying to keep control in the most violent ways but they never had control or anything just things you're always falling apart around them but I think I fit into that label much better than them because uh when it comes to life doesn't matter what you say what you think what you do what I say will happen when it comes to life fundamental life though I am an authoritarian because I don't listen to anybody with simple things of life even if a child speaks I will listen with great respect but when it comes to certain aspects of life it doesn't matter who if God comes I will not listen to because I know better than this sounds absolutely egoistic stupid Mike nice and like but what can I do it's true so when it comes to life fundamental life I am an absolute authoritarian there's no question they're not two ways about it you was caught the scripture to me I will dismiss it you bring your pundit to me I will dismiss him you bring anybody to me you wake Buddha up from his grave and bring him I'll still dismiss him unless he agrees with me I am a total authoritarian when it comes to life I think I fit into that label better than anything else okay with you please anybody wants to ask questions here do pyramids have in spiritual significance pyramids you are neither a Pharaoh nor are you dead so nobody is going to build a pyramid for you do pyramids have any significance this is options or 4,500 to 5,000 years ago they started building this pyramids is what you have heard about mainly because it is always the Westerners who write books generally the eastern people they see something if you overwhelms them they just shut up they don't say anything but it's a Western mind the moment they see something they have to write a book on it there are pluses and minuses to this lots of minuses but lots of places otherwise you won't have heard about the pyramids unless you went there because it's the Western minds we generally talked about it they only talked about the pyramids of Egypt because they're very death oriented it is because of this the obsession with pleasure death and pleasure are very directly connected people always think life and pleasure are connected no death and pleasure are very directly connected if you are very alive if you become alive fully I know the eastern mines have also absorbed this in a horribly distorted way but right now if you told your friend or your relative I'm going to the Iceland for three days they would become very kind towards you and ask why what went wrong something must be wrong with your life you're going to the ashram to heal a wound to solace yourself something must be really wrong with your life or you must be too old for life otherwise why would you go to an ashram so this has crept into this culture also essentially if you're alive only in parts or if you partially alive to be partially alive to be partially alive is a terrible torture many of you have been through this science classes I'm sure you open up frogs and cockroaches did you there were nice lively beings but you opened them up because you wanted to find their heart and liver and kidney half alive being half alive is torture have you seen this always being half alive is torture this is the torture that a large segment of humanity is going through right now because they're half alive only one part of them has become a lie only their physicality and mentality has become a lie the rest of it is yet to become a live half-alive people will suffer everything they will suffer ignorance they will suffer education they will suffer poverty they will suffer affluence they will suffer being alone they will suffer being in a relationship if they are not married they suffer if they're married this day if they don't have children they suffer that as if children if they are there they can come and bite you they do know children what are you suffering but that also they suffer just show me one thing that human beings are not suffering right now just show me one aspect of life that human beings are not suffering right now they're suffering just about anything not just life they're even suffering death before it happens he's thinking of a building a pyramid for himself that which is and that which is not everything there suffers this is not you are not suffering loneliness you are not suffering company you are not suffering money you are not suffering poverty what you're suffering is you're half alive you're desperately trying to make yourself fully alive through money through drink through sex through going on a trek coming to the ashram in so many ways you're somehow trying to make yourself fully alive which is yet to happen fully here and there you feel a burst of aliveness but again it ABS down so when people are constantly half alive pleasure becomes an important part of your life very important part of your life without it you cannot exist pleasure becomes paramount in your life when you're only half a liar when physicality is all that you know pleasure becomes of immense importance in your life if you become fully alive you will become so blissful joyful ecstatic without reason bursts of ecstasy without within you without any reason it's almost embarrassing now the thought of pleasure just evaporates looking for a drink looking for some kind of pleasurable thing just evaporates out of your mind because you're fully alive when you're fully alive pleasure disappears when you're half dead pleasure is an important important thing when half of you is buried in the grave to have pleasure becomes extremely important Braves have their own problems you know some time ago I told you there is no problem in the grave but graves have their own problems because after I went into these pyramids and saw this recently you know I went into this Egyptian pyramids and seong graves have their own heavy problems mrs. Peabody okay the name mrs. Peabody was a hypochondriac all the time worried about that something some ailment is catching up with her so she bothered her physician so badly all the time every day she comes up with a new complaint and the doctor knew she's making it up all the time because there is no other way if nobody pays attention if nobody touches you and sees every day you think you're going to die so the doctor just started giving her aspirins under different names you know the many companies every day on your prescription same aspirin new prescription and she would feel better to Muraki she comes up with a new problem one day she came and said I have chest pain doctor gave her aspirin that evening she died this was real the doctor felt very bad he just assumed that she's still making it up three days later the doctor died not because of this he just I'm everybody dies you know a day this way or that way and it so happened they found him a plot a grave plot right next to mrs. Peabody's and he was buried and there he heard a knock on his coffin is that who's that I said why doctor it is me mrs. Peabody do you have something for warmth this is real so just to dodge the worms the trouble that the Egyptians took is unbelievable you know you heard of the mummies they took the liver out and put it in a can of something they took the heart out and put it another part I put different parts of the body and then they wrap this up and wrap this up in so many different ways an elaborate process and then this building there are over 3 million stones each one of them weighing over 20 to 25 tons in the one of the largest pyramids that are there and it's a fabulous engineering feat no question about it fabulous fabulous engineering feat we have to marvel at their engineering skills but about the knowledge about afterlife there's nothing much to say but the most important thing in Egypt is not the pyramids it is the fabulous temples that they built they're built some of the most magnificent temples on this planet the largest and the most magnificent you won't see anything like that in India most of them were built for Sun God and certain goddesses the Sun God in Egypt is referred to as wrong what do you call sun there are many names you know ravi ravi and today most of the world's history was written by the English the British generally either history was written by the conquering generals or by the conquering priests both of them are vested interests there's a whole parallel line of history written by the French French historians wrote history it is barely read in the world all our textbooks the Indian textbooks are 100% by the British authors so these people write a certain kind of history which is the history of the generals and the priests but the Egyptian culture is all about temples huge somebody worships a pyramid which is a place of death so they are very depth oriented when they saw the temples full of live music dance revelry life they didn't like it it looked most irreligious to them they wanted to pull down the temples but these were too massive massive massive massive means you not imagine buildings like that I would like a meditation hall like that but the Egyptian temples are truly massive truly massive the carnot temple which is one of the well preserved lot which is a world 4,600 years old is something like I may not be exact on this I would say it is something like 20 times the Rameshwaram temple that we have which is one of the largest temples we have that's how large it is and in terms of its height it is running into you know really fabulous heights above all what kind of devotion must have driven these people for millenniums ago to handle rocks like this some of this pylons which they have made which have made them stand up which have been transported hundreds of kilometers down the River Nile and erected there are stones which weigh over 400 to 500 tons running 227 meters tall what kind of devotion must have driven these people to do this kind of work no machines no trucks no cranes just human beings it takes phenomenal sense of devotion and sense of purpose for anybody to do this and today French historians are writing that Egyptian culture was connected with the way the culture 7,000 years ago and the builders went from here from this land this you can see in Baalbek temple in Lebanon which is once again about four thousand two hundred years old once again it's a fabulous fabulous feat they don't have any granite in the area so they brought it from Egypt they transported it across what is now Swiss kunal and they brought it up through Syria and climbed up the mountains which is over 350 to 360 kilometers of climb on the mountain and they put it up there a huge temple a finishing temple which was built almost four thousand two hundred years ago and here you will see lotuses hanging from the ceiling a lotus in Lebanon there is no such possibility because these are Indian sculptors so there is history in Lebanon which clearly says Indian elephants Indian labor and Indian sculptors came and worked here and most amazing thing for me was I saw a 16 pointed stone even today when we do the Guru puja guru puja is essentially in the yogic parlance it is known as short Ashoka chara that means 16 ways of treating a guru that's what guru puja is so usually we have a guru puja stone which we still don't have in our son because of whatever still putting up the stones the standing ones the 16 pointer guru Buddha stone which is prepared traditionally in a certain way is essential from the yogic culture it cannot come from anywhere else you will see a proper guru Buddha stone with all the necessary symbols and everything in Lebanon which is over 4,000 years old so today a lot of French historian have published many aspects of history so pyramids are just one aspect but they have become very popular because our very death oriented people the temples of Egypt should have been celebrated and the defacement of these temples who did such a crime even a caveman if he walks into this temple he cannot help being overwhelmed the columns are standing twenty seven meters tall hundreds of them not one or two even if a caveman without any sense of aesthetics walked into this place he cannot help being overwhelmed you don't need you don't need to be an artist you don't need to be a connoisseur of art the crudest human being if he walks in he will be overwhelmed by what's been done there nobody can miss it this is the way to build a temple that nobody can miss it temple is not for one specialized sadaqa that nobody should be able to miss it that's how overwhelming it should be and the structure and the ambience of that is as important as the energy of the place because otherwise people will miss it they built the right kind of temple as a temple should be built but these people who defaced the temples they wrote the history and they talked only about the pyramids that was fascinating for them this they wanted to demolish they were raised it to ground if they could but it was too much work they couldn't do it otherwise they would have just finished it so pyramids are just one bullet foolish effort towards immortality we have no such problems in India we have no longing for immortality our whole effort is to end it our whole effort is to end the cycle of birth and death Mukti is the attitude Neron is the attitude moksha is that the children that's the goal immortality is not the ball so I have havelis things to say about Egyptian engineering but nothing to say about Egypt's Egyptian knowledge of the beyond there is nothing much that is some occult that is they created certain things which are beautiful no question now that they were totally ignorant but the kings are always the most ignorant of the whole population always they're the most egoistic the crudest most ruthless they will become the kings the gentle beautiful ones never become kings rare is such a human being rare is such a culture that once in a way they saw a gentle beautiful enlightened King otherwise they were always the crudest grossest cruelest and the most ruthless who became the kings so the pyramids were not built for every Egyptian it was built only for the Pharaohs who are the kings who had a stupid belief that they will come back again and occupy the same old broken body I don't know why SATA wish there are enough woman in the world you can get into their womb then come back with a brand new body I don't see what is the point preserving the body keeping your liver in a pot keeping your heart in a pot and now tourists are gazing at your heart and liver people are dying to take a picture with a Pharaoh's heart pyramid is a powerful form because it's preservative in nature oh okay don't try to overcome possessiveness just possess something absolutely aunty once you know the pain of being possessed and trying to possess something once you know the pain of that the pain will heal you of possessiveness you trying to overcome possessiveness is not going to work because you already tried isn't it obviously you've tried you failed and that's why you're asking me possess absolutely whether it's your husband or your child or your even your home I even your dog try hard to possess it totally you will see it will bring unbearable paint here when it brings that kind of pain it will cure you so why is it that you want to possess you know in India or anywhere in the world if you say somebody is possessed what it means the one who is possessed is a victim but one who possesses you know what who is you are just that when you try to possess you'll become a devil no no no I love very much but yes with good intentions you will become a devil that is the problem about possessiveness very good intentions and how do you know devil has no good intentions for you who knows how do you know God has good intentions for you believe it only the propaganda says so but you don't know for sure isn't it yes if all this is God's making all that's happening in your life you don't really know whether he has good intentions for you or not anymore isn't it you know for sure you know for sure you don't know and you don't know whether devil has bad intentions for you you don't know but one who is one who possesses is usually a devil so with good intentions when we said somebody is a devil we did not question his intention we only are talking about the result of his action isn't it yes we are not questioning his intention we a devil of a wind maybe the wind is blowing with good intention but because it's devastating your home you call it the devil because of the result isn't it so if the result that you are bringing about is painful you are the devil your intentions may be good but the result is painful for somebody around you then you're a devil so if you manage to possess you must be a devil and these victims were possessed by something else they can cause hell of a lot of problem to everybody around them have you seen them so if I tell you don't possess you are not going to stop anyway because this is a very deep-rooted problem this is not going to go away because of somebody's advice please don't possess anybody he's not going to go away you may shift your objects of possession from this to that but the longing or the need to possess is not gone you may shift your object of possessing from this to that because you're wanting to possess something is essentially coming from a certain sense of unfulfilled experience of life a certain sense of being incomplete all you are trying to do is fulfill yourself I want you to understand you are not trying to be rich you are not trying to be ambitious you are not trying to be possessive the answer is same for greed for anger for hatred you are not trying to be all this all you're trying to do is somehow find fulfilment either by embracing this person or by killing this person or by taking what he has or by taking him somehow you want to fulfill yourself because you are unable to bear the incomplete nests of who you are try hard not get you anywhere so all I'm telling you is you try everything you try greed you try possessiveness you try love you try lust you try what you want if you realize it's not getting you anywhere you must be sensible enough to shift if something is not working and you're going on this doing the same thing then you are an idiot beyond redemption isn't it hmm I don't listen to my advice try something if it works go on that path if it doesn't work leave the nonsense and try something else isn't it and you will see none of these things will work all of them will create a sense of as if it's going to work but they'll deceive you later try hard and see don't try it in a lukewarm way try absolutely if you try absolutely within 24 hours you will know if you try off-and-on in lukewarm ways it will take a lifetime to know then if there are 24 qualities you need 24 lifetimes to realize this doesn't work this doesn't work this doesn't work this doesn't work if you try really hard within 24 hours you will know it doesn't work whatever it is your problem go all the way into it you'll see within 24 hours this is no good it will never work it will be 100% clear to you once it's clear to you I trust your intelligence the only thing that I trust is intelligence because life is intelligence the tree is blossoming it is a certain intelligence the very earth that you walk upon is intelligent there that you breathe is intelligent one way of looking at life life is just an explosion of intelligence what you call is creation and what you refer to as the Creator is the ultimate intelligence isn't it that's the only thing you can trust right now and that will function only if you go all the way if you go like this it'll give you a false sense of comfort and solace you can carry on with these stupid things for a whole lifetime you know it doesn't work but it's not intense enough so give yourself absolutely to whatever nonsense you're doing very soon within a day you will know it doesn't work it doesn't work if you realize it doesn't work I believe you will shift am I wrong can I believe that you will shift something doesn't work and you're sure it doesn't work you will shift fulfilment completeness is not going to happen by getting this or getting that it'll only happen when this piece of life is alive to its call that the very source of creation in this you have divined only when you have touched that then you'll find everything is fine now you can play life like a football game you're on when it's on when you want to switch it off it's all then nothing is a problem getting that it lonely happened when this piece of life is alive to its call that the very source of creation in this you have divined only when you have touched that then you'll find everything is fine now you can play life like a football game you're on when it's on when you want to switch it off it's all then nothing is a problem the body or the mind all the emotion there cannot be any virtue now for example is Veerappan a virtuous men to check life either we can refer refer to this process that you're right now going through as night oh we can refer to this process as death
Channel: know Thyself - Познай Себя
Views: 160,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: become fully alive, Sadhguru, pleasure, fully alive, death and pleasure, death and pleasure are very directly connected, Sadhguru- become fully alive, With The One Who Knows, half dead, sadhguru wisdom, spiritual master, spiritual teaching, spirituality, awakening, guru, sadguru, Sadhguru talks, Yoga, Spiritual wisdom, Spirituality, Mind, Mystic, wisdom, Yogi, master, Guru, know thyself
Id: QulK6Oy33mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2016
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