Why you should consider becoming a truck driver in Canada making up to $100,000 per year

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hello people welcome to Chocolate millionaire I hope you're doing fine if you are if you enjoy my videos make sure you hit the like button or subscribe and activate the notification so that whenever I drop a video you can actually get to see the video all right so yesterday I did a video on track driving an opportunity that I saw when I thought I it would be nice to share with our friends especially those in Canada or those with truck driving license here and all those with some driving background you know and I thought I would do this follow-up to let you guys know what my opinions are I used to be a taxi driver yes I came to Canada I did my master's degree but when I completed man was looking for money we had so many plans so at some point I became a taxi driver I was also working a full-time job yeah I used to work in the factory and after working in a factory I'll move to another Factory and in the middle of the night Yours Truly will go and drive a taxi and I would drive and drive and drive sometime to 4 a.m sometime to 5 a.m and then look I've done all of this um I wish somebody had told me to go into truck driving in fact some of the things I know today I didn't know them as early as two three years back we learn every day in Canada okay there is this South African lady her name is Sue Sue probably will watch this video I had a chance to teach her how to drive in Canada and after I taught her how to drive she had come here I think through the student route and she was hoping to also get a permanent residence so when I finished teaching Sue how to drive and she got her license this South African lady called me one day and said she is going into truck driving school I was really really baffled because where I'm from we don't really and see a lot of women I'm from Ghana right we don't really tend to see a lot of women going into truck driving stuff like that so when I saw her say hey she's going to go into truck driver I'm like okay okay this South African woman what's up what's up but anyway she went there she applied and then she she decided to go to truck driving and now the lesson I got from that given what I know today is that she probably made a smart decision because at that time she was working as a PSW PSW Personnel support worker and if I'm not mistaken psws in the same Catharines or Naga region make an average of 21 an hour now this woman decided to ditch the PSW which was getting more hours and go into truck driving that was about two three years ago okay fast forward giving what I know now if I were to go back by being a graduate here in Canada would have gone into truck driving yes oh yes I would have gone into it why though because I was already doing well as a taxi driver I was a good driver at that time I was so good to the point that I had to train so many of my friends African Brothers on how to drive for those who don't take me seriously you know I even created videos on how to drive and I posted them on YouTube I have a whole Channel which is different from Jacob learner by the way money good it's all about driving driving but why am I telling you that truck driving could be something you should look into one it pays that stuff pays it pays it really pays an average an average truck driver makes close to eight thousand dollars every month I know of an Indian living in Brampton who makes close to nine thousand dollars every single man doing truck driving Indian lives in Brampton I know of a Somalian who is a truck driver lives in Saint Catherines who makes over eight thousand dollars that's where every month from truck driving but you know why I'm actually emphasizing this I'm emphasizing this because I noticed that yesterday's video that I made a lot of you showed interesting it's a whoa it was as if you never saw that side of me talking about truck driving and I noticed that most of the people who are sharing the videos are actually men telling me that men are more interested in the truck driving so I said let me do this follow-up guys the money is good oh and let me also tell you something about this do you know truck driving is also one of the areas that the requirements are almost achievable and does not take time somebody who does not even have a background as a truck driver can actually train in Canada to go into truck driving and within a matter of some few weeks would have already secured their license of course it differs from driving school to Driving School some driving schools can do it faster and quicker for you by training some driving schools may take maybe a month or two or three depends on which Driving School right so wait a minute imagine you were a newcomer in Canada coming brand new to join your wife or come with your wife imagine you already have the interest in driving and driving for a living imagine you already were doing driving back home as a truck driver a regular driver do you know that the average person will come and start off as a minimum wage income earner what does it mean 15 an hour 16 an hour if you live in Nova Scotia or other places where the wage is even lower it could be slightly lower that is actually the life of many of our brothers and sisters including myself when I came I was a factory worker I was chasing over time I was chasing two jobs I was chasing three jobs look at it guys two jobs those days minimum wage was 11.25 I used to have two three jobs my people two three jobs eleven dollars 25 cents and I wasn't even hired directly by the company I got a job through what we call a temporary recruitment agency and if any of you are familiar with these recruitment agencies in Canada or other countries they never pay you the full salary whilst we're getting paid 11.25 they will pay us about two dollars less meaning that the actual money that I was getting was about nine dollars an hour why because I was hired through an agency that was me with a master's degree by the way that was how we started so in order for me to make more money I had to now add a second job by working in a laundry or in a greenhouse where they were working on flowers yes I used to work in a greenhouse with clean flowers most of the flowers you see Walmart and stuff for birthdays and Mother's Day and Father's Day yours truly I cleaned and I wiped over thoughts of all those flowers on the line we'll be standing there like that working without Vietnamese and Filipino friends and brothers all of us standing on the line and those kind of factory works if any of you are done is more than military marathoners so they don't give you they don't give you 30 minutes break like last year like that it's 10 minutes break by the time you walk up five minutes is gone two microwave 100 people chasing it two microwave you see everybody running going to chase my cream what kind of life is this 10 10 minutes break you see everybody running like this and the white people they never like with the black people when it comes to competition for microwave do you know why black people when we eat our food we take a lot of time to warm our food in the Mercury we need two or three minutes to warm the banku to warm them a white man has a piece of bread he only needs 20 seconds but when the Black will run faster than them and put our food in the macro when they kind of said damn is already ahead of us telling you this and laughing because I want you to know life here in Canada is not that easy if you don't have a game plan you can be working minimum wage here and making 15 so which you think is more than what you make back home but here you are still a poor person here the standard of Canada you are still poor minimum wage you are still poor if somebody had told me to go into truck driving school I would have probably done that course back as early as 2015. because I had already loved driving I was already a taxi driver if somebody had told me that I would have actually gone to get the truck driving license and by now probably added that to my what my my CV as a truck driver now think about this for one second an average attack truck driver makes about 7 500 Canadian dollars to 9 000 Canadian dollars a month multiply that by 12 months how much is that tell me how much is that just multiply even if it's eight eight times ten months that's eighty thousand dollars add another two months of salary to it sixteen thousand not ninety six thousand dollars a year truck driver what is a requirement most truck drivers all you need is your AZ license which is a standard here in Canada truck driver license level of education is not even supposed to be so high minimum Secondary School you're good to go if you don't even have that second risk when you have the experience most truck driving companies will hire you now I'm telling you this at the time that Canada has officially declared an emergency for truck driving meaning that they don't have truck drivers so the data shows that we need about 30 000 truck drivers to fill jobs here but our people are coming here nobody's advising them you've heard me say if you're coming to Canada you're either going to have sector you are going to I.T or you are going into Trace you are either going to the health sector you are either going into I.T or you are going into Trace Trace means hand work or truck driving Carpenter plumber if you come here where can they do grammar grammar use me say you mean poverty you could kill you for a year I'm saying that they're laughing seriously this country recognizes people will do stuff with your hand I'm not saying if you're working in a bank you won't be paid you'll be paid but the truck driver is going to make more than you in AC air conditions as a fact the barber is going to make more than you working on the bank I said tell her that's a fact so yesterday I'm telling you this maybe you have not gotten your Visa yet but if Canada is on the topic list of prayer list and you've been taking anointing oil for and you'll be taking anointing oil and you're receiving prayer for when you pray beyond the prayers activate an action plan to actually acquire a truck driving license some of you have all the time now to go and enroll in a truck driving school in your respective countries whether in UAE whether in China whether in Philippines whether in India whether in Ghana whether in Uganda whether in Liberia whether in Sierra Leone you are there now you are now at the stage of gathering your documents to apply for your Visa go get it go get those things it's better for you to come here with the experience of knowing how to drive a truck or with the truck driving license from your country down for you to come here and have nothing this is not to say if you come already and then you don't have the truck driving from Bank of you can do you can still go and get your truck driving license in Canada but it definitely will give an advantage to the person who already has a license back home already knows how to drive so that when it comes here that person's transition is faster you are now not going to be taught how to pump air brake for track how to do this you already learned them in Ghana before you came here please take this advice from me I love you I don't want you to go and work in factories the way I did eh it is in my eye will make red like I smoke something so you see I'm sometimes the stress from 10 years ago IBN way is still there when a system is away in Oakland they only respect right drivers you see I'm where we they come from truck drivers they really respect them this is really respect drivers they didn't respect the how many they picked around for back yeah how much after truck drivers pay back home then you come here and you hear in fact those of you who actually will take this information seriously this is the next step when you become a truck driver here in Canada and make your money try and buy your own track and own your own track in other words even if you need to take a loan from A bank go and take it and get your own truck and own it you actually will make more money than the person making ninety six thousand dollars a year as a truck driver if you are a truck driver you make money but if you become the owner of the truck you drive you make ridiculously did you hear what I said you go boss your brain and they tell you then they teach you this for school they tell you say make a goal line book make with the golden book book igudo but bookway we learn um we we know they get money he be foolish book me until he be foolish but that book before put down for rubbish this life money problem number one you see a money problem everybody gets up number one so they teach a book therefore teach you how to use the book take my make money let me say go go get degree degree degrees no shame no shame now those of you watching me too will listen to this battle some of you are coming on the student study route woman you've gotten a student visa you're coming your husband and children are going to come soon your husband day eh tell her make a good study learn this you know if the mind no get interest for tractor I know for Samo maybe his own is I.T maybe his own is half nurse whatever whatever but if your husband has interest for truck driving tell her I say choco say make you no wait for him to get a visa to come let him start let him try driving back home there let him even try and get that license from back home as a truck driver when he comes here within the first two three four months he should become a truck driver come back on this platform and come and give testimony you see it the way to the wise it's in the northern region of Ghana or if you don't like Northern regions in North Korea take it seriously truck driving is a serious industry that pays a lot North America he huge Canada the second largest country in the world needs a lot of truck drivers out there to be able to cut all the fresh produce from the stores and grocery stores across in this country you cannot be selling food that is actually expired and stuff like that too most of the food here is Fresh So everyday truck drivers on the road covering the length and breadth of this country from here to whichever second largest country in the whole world most of our staff even come from the US too so truck drivers here get the opportunity to actually be driving across Canada in the U.S you see them here they have their license and permit and Visa which allows them to cross you see truck drivers in Canada Crossing and going to different places in in in Minnesota in in name them and if you even drive a truck and you cross the border from Canada to USA your salary is not they pay you more we call International truck driver they can serious and learn it if they know they respect you are driving for your country chocolate they tell is they take us serious Lena you no go school like me no problem come and collect the money may I go speak grammar they collected eight thousand forty thousand fifty thousand sixty thousand seventy dollars you go take Trader go collect your own 9600k simple nobody so our money will be money you get time yeah yeah I must also question you that being a truck driver is not an easy walk in the park very mentally draining physically draining being a truck driver your your blind spots are big small small cars can cross you on the road so if you notice you get anger problem with the master back home I bet you come here they go discipline very well you cannot just cash people's car and get away a truck driver as well sometimes they are greedy most truck drivers especially are brown and black people are greedy they are tired their body is tired they don't go home their wives children are waiting they don't go home they've targeted making 200 000 150 000 they'll be on the road now so they go they drive then they go to sleep they drive then they go to sleep they are driving on the road there says I'm here they tell you make you know Kanye can't be greedy greedy greedy greedy go drive struggle enter the the sky moon or whatever it is and they say chocolate bar they tell you if you don't say be greedy person for money don't go there but the money go carry you go early the money you make small go home go spend time with your wife let me say Monday to Sunday church stuff you know they go more stuff you need to go everyday money everyday money you know that one you didn't hear that one from you I'm telling you if you are greedy for money don't go there because when you go to that industry you go work uh by the way I'm not even afraid that you'll be greedy the government of Ontario and Canada are introducing a new law which will restrict the number of hours you do as a truck driver and some people did a good they do I always say they go they fake the hours to to so that they won't see how many hours they've done and then we'll do more hours on top of it right now the government into this punishment you cannot wait Beyond a certain number of hours as a truck driver they know you are greedy you'll be on the road and be taken over time eh so you can't always be greedy and they tell you ahead of time and if you can't get away you know they see your husband every day because they do track I don't blame you I advise him in it if you don't say a degree don't tell the man to go and do it and if you're watching me right now and you're a woman I know you ask this question is this also for women yes Canada doesn't discriminate it is for all gender and even if you be LGBT rainbow set you goofy also Dua everybody defeat one we are Burma with a pass front he go feed they pass back they feel that they pass lows whichever your orientation is actually wherever they pass they go people have no discrimination it's for everybody men can do truck driving women can do track driving so you did the way be your interest don't let nobody tell you a woman this country is not for women and men it's for everybody so long as you have the competence and you can acquire that license if you have the experience go into it woman drive that truck your husband they drive moto YouTube share this video tag anybody who you think should know about it as well and remember don't say because of money you're going need to do this because you really love it some of you may be Qatar for it maybe you can go into it some of you can actually go into nursing because you will have professionals staying there don't just follow and say hey check what series I'm gonna no do this if you think it's one of your area but you will be held professional when you're okay for the stay there as a nurse or doctor whatever you'll be I.T guy at the back stated those of us where we do with the driving way will they take do anything I beg go into truck driving okay and when you can Canada with a business Visa when you follow my videos from there you see how they come back again on this day you carry your experience come where you lose up get your G license for Ontario whichever Province the equivalent of that you know you can easily go into truck driving even as a visitor some driving schools GO train you well where where they go help you make it take care of papers all the best I love you guys make sure you're following me on YouTube as well and make sure you're subscribing and make sure you're hitting the notification but I see you another time bye take care
Channel: Chorkor Millionaire
Views: 187,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UtIhPUfKsl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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