Sad Day..

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what is going on everybody Welcome Back to The Elegant Channel I don't know how to feel about this video today truthfully um I know I had mentioned it in previous videos that uh you know we will rewind to the beginning if you guys didn't watch it I highly recommend you do the rest of my videos piece everything together on how it all makes sense but um yeah so long story short we originally got offered an R32 gtst to trade for my black 6-0 power stroke that you guys all know and love on the channel well long story short that deal never ended up happening I was in like that seller's mindset and uh yeah trying to just reminisce a little bit but um I threw the truck up for sale didn't expect it to go anytime soon um I've had it up since April and uh you know I wasn't letting it go for cheap uh you guys all know the time money and effort I have into the truck so it's not something that someone is just gonna have that kind of amount of cash laying around to buy it and just you know whatever it it takes a certain person to want a truck like that so well I've been driving it I've been enjoying it naturally and I know I needed an emblem I had to finish the bed caps the bumper caps stuff like that there was still stuff to be paint matched truthfully guys I owned the truck for three years no one even knew I even owned it up until last year and um yeah it took me like almost two and a half years just to get it to that point still needed a bunch of body work um the cab corners were going pretty bad in it bottom of the door started go um you know we obviously if you guys saw Southern bed tailgate I mean all new hardware we bought pretty much everything from Ford you name it on the truck um but yeah it just I put so much time money and effort into it business has been pretty slow I mean truthfully we're in a time right now in America that it's literally like a great depression and no one even knows it uh me being a business owner it is very difficult for me to run the business successfully produce all this content while having time to do everything to the vehicles and stuff like that it's just been very stressful I also you know if you guys don't know um you know I race and stuff on the weekends produce content for that on my personal Channel and uh you know it's a lot it's a lot on my plate the last thing sometimes I want to do after doing all the customers trucks and cars that come in here um is do my own stuff well I couldn't obviously do the body work I don't do body work um you know rust repair body work so yeah long story short I got really sick and tired of seeing this freaking thing sitting here has to sit outside it just gets worse and worse by the day don't have the money to go through at Bodywork right now so you know we uh it's kind of where I was at just trying to enjoy it but it got to a point where like even this year there wasn't really many shows happening a lot of them we just had nothing but rain this whole year so far so anytime there was a truck event that I wanted to go to and was interested in going to it literally poured it's just been a nightmare this year um also contributed to why my business is also so slow so um yeah randomly I've done nothing but waste my time on Facebook Marketplace pretty much recently and um just got word basically that someone's actually serious I had ju I just got back from vacation um I was down in South Carolina Myrtle Beach had an awesome week off um but you know we don't you know have a bunch of money to go throw at the truck right now um like I said I don't really know um how to feel about making this video because you know yes I obviously I I could use the money but uh you know there's no replacing all the time and effort and stuff like that that actually went into something like this so yeah guys um we got offered a number um definitely High Enough we got the 24s sitting on the OBS behind me so they we don't have to get rid of the wheels on the stock Lariat Wheels we got offered a good number and long story short um we're about to find out we're about to hop in the truck right now this is the I literally got back last night we're about to go find out we're about to meet up also with the first person in since April no one's even came to look at the truck yet so this is the very first time someone's even meeting up with it I don't know how it's really gonna go but um fingers crossed um either way I guess like I said guys I mean I'm tired of seeing it sit here and honestly starting to rot so you know it'd be best if it was you know used the mileage is getting up there we have been driving it um it's just you know not something I can really see myself being comfortable with throwing all this money at um long story short before AC this year we ordered a lift kit for it I mean spent thousands of dollars on this lift kit we're getting ready to go to powder the whole nine and I'm just like looking at the frame I'm looking at the cab corners I know it needs body work all this other stuff I ended up bagging the whole thing I ended up canceling the order on the lift um and everything else because like I said truthfully it's like it's high mileage it's a 6-0 it needs body work I already put in so much effort into this and it's just like you know what do I do now it's gonna basically cost me over twenty thousand dollars to even get the truck to where I want it to be and then still at the end of the day I have almost a 200 000 mile 6-0 power stroke so um yeah fingers crossed that you know something happens positively here like I said I don't really know you know having a good amount of money in my hand would be great but um obviously there's no replacing something that was my dream truck for sure um my OBS behind me and that truck were my two dream diesel trucks to own so uh you know I guess an end of an era for us possibly here about to go meet up with the guy now the price is too good for me not to let it go and I'd honestly be stupid so you know might as well quit while you're ahead sometimes and financially make the smarter decision and at least for you guys I'll be able to supply you guys with a lot more content with maybe a lot more Vehicles so yeah might be a sad day might be an Enderman era for the 6-0 power stroke so uh stay tuned it's the day we got an offer we couldn't refuse on the truck and uh could have went that's what you get for vlogging and driving but we uh yeah we got the uh we got an offer we couldn't refuse guys so I'm sorry for those the ones who like watching the progress on this truck just times are tough we need money to put into other things we're doing bigger things with the channel and uh yeah unfortunately she's going to her new home so this is our last drive with it sad day but the uh money makes it a little bit better last drive I'm following him to his house he threw me an extra 300 bucks [Music] you love that [ __ ] super cool dude glad it's going to a good home gonna get it all mechanically sound and uh well he's saying he's just gonna drive the hell out of it so hey whatever at least it's uh gonna be used instead of sitting there collecting dust at my house so sad day guys but this is the final drive of the 6-0 power stroke doing up at its new home final goodbye well guys we got an empty spot in the driveway and uh yep it happened so I just wanted to come on here I apologize for people um that really came here for that truck and the content look if I could if I could get everything I want now vehicle wise and things that I have planned like I mentioned in previous videos that like I want to get into drift thing I want to do this stuff seriously I can't do that without selling this so you know I'm sorry guys if the channel is you know going a different direction than maybe you thought those of you who still support me and everything I really do appreciate it and don't worry guys because just because I'm like obviously hugely into cars does not mean the truck content is going anywhere where do you think some of the money's going yeah that's right we're definitely going to start on the OBS um got crushed into tornado yada yada I will get into it in the next video but um it's long overdue it's um a million times cleaner of a starting point than the 6-0 ever was um I've built this truck when I was 18 years old 18 Till I was like 21 so yeah much bigger start and I'm way cleaner start than the 60 was so obviously I never wanted to get rid of my 6-0 being one of my dream trucks um this obs and the 6-0 were literally my dream diesels I was obviously I'm still begging the Diesels I mean guys I still got the 7-3 band even I had nothing but diesels out of the car to the fleet which was long overdue but uh yeah I mean if I could have the money to do everything I wanted to do and kept the black truck I totally would have um but you know and done all the body work and stuff but it's just like my whole thing was how much money are you gonna spend here you know like eventually it's gonna have to be bulletproofed you know that's 13 Grand to actually bulletproof it um non-vgt swap like I wanted to do gonna have to frame swap it because the frame's not as clean as like I mean look at Atlantic City truck meet for instance like everybody's frame is absolutely glass mine will never be that way because of the salt damage up north that naturally happened over time yeah we got it under control and got it all cleaned up and made it mint but it's still the damage is still there unfortunately so like I couldn't go spend you know over twenty thousand dollars to make the truck what I wanted to and then what am I looking at at the end of the day like you know a 200 000 mile 6-0 it just doesn't really make sense guys like I don't know I don't know if it's me getting older and realizing that certain stuff's not really worth putting the money into as much as we want to as much as we love driving it the sounds everything trust me I feel you I did not want to get rid of it either but um we kind of have to because we finally have this back after being crushed um Body Shop all sorts of screwed it up um so yeah long story short we're gonna get started on this thing we're gonna do the undercarriage and Chassis and stuff first then start replacing panels get it all painted body work etc and this thing is going to be like a quarter of the cost to build because it's already like half done and it's way cleaner so there's not really much rust repair to fix so um yeah it's kind of a no-brainer for me being like this was my childhood truck so you know and nothing is you know it has a million miles on it I mean you know 200 000 miles as well but um the point is is an OBS is a Timeless body style it's a Timeless seven threes are like famous you know everyone this is a truck that like nobody can really just go out and buy anymore they're rare it's it's well worth my time to actually go ahead and put the money into this same thing like this you know it's I just had to basically kind of I don't know grow up a little bit and um the main thing is too is originally I built the black truck to haul this truck when this was done but uh yeah I'm not getting paid even on YouTube yet so um there's no point of me having two show trucks and a work van and a car and it's what's the point you know I want to have a use for everything here on this channel Granite this channel is elegant I own elegant Auto Works I like everything being 100 mint and you have to realize how much it is on me after doing customer stuff just to keep these things presentable enough to get on video because they sit outside so I grind behind the scenes like you have no idea just to keep these things presentable at all times um you know whenever a show pops up a meat or anything so there's a lot that I do do behind the scenes that a lot of people probably don't even understand and they think it just magically stays like this but no it doesn't um but yeah all in all guys sad day unfortunately had to let her go and uh it's in a new home where he's gonna basically finish it and drive the hell out of it which I kind of encourage it I mean it's almost got 200k on it anyway it's nice it's absolutely show ready for him for me I'm trying to I'm trying to grow I'm trying to get to like a higher calling and my expectations and you know my version of mint now is completely different of how my version was meant two years ago even so you know standards are getting higher and uh I want to produce higher quality content and I have bigger goals than I did two years ago it's all part of the process guys so you just gotta trust it you gotta stay subscribed turn your notification bells on and all that good stuff I apologize to all of you that are gonna miss that truck I will too trust me it's painting me but I did get enough money for it to where I'm satisfied and everything's gonna be okay guys because I'm going to have some crazy content being pushed out of this channel so please help support me like subscribe uh hit me up on social medias to pre-order the merch it's coming out real soon get yours today and we'll see you on the next video peace out guys
Channel: Elegant
Views: 2,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Mayer, Whistlin diesel, Truck edits, Atlantic City truck meet, Justin fio, Showtruck, obsford, showtruck, truckscene, 6.0powerstroke, fassfuelsystems, 7.3 powerstroke, 7.3 idi, sema, truckshow, nj trucks, builtnotbought, polarexpress, ford, f350, lgnd, nydiesels, jdm, cars, s chassis, formuladrift, englishtown, drift, sim drifting, adam lz, chelsea denofa, car build, ricermiata, new edge, car edit, slammed, haggardgarage, seafoam, carbon clean, engine maintenance, NJ car scene, carshow, h2o, vlog
Id: 4FEflxHMNDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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