Sabotaged by Meredith! Forced to make drinks from garbage| How to Drink

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today on how to drink i'm going to a party three parties sort of kinda i'm not moving i'm staying right here i'm bringing the parties to me i am the party so this is a weird one i don't have a real plan here at all this is an episode that i've been thinking about lightly for a while about how to pull off the idea behind this episode brilliant just brilliant miked you up so that you could do that you know totally lost my train of thought the idea is that you walk into a party you want to make yourself a drink but you don't have your tools you didn't pick out your ingredients you got to cope with what's on hand and improvise something on the fly why don't you just want a beer from the cooler i don't know maybe you don't like beer well now how do i do that on the show if i said ah i have meredith here today and i said meredith plan me three parties and so meredith is planned three parties i don't know what parties i'm going to and she's going to pile up a plate of ingredients here for each party that i will have to cope with and invent a recipe on the fly so let's go to that first party also meredith has a microphone now she's on the show a lot from behind the camera so i put her gave her a microphone upgrade i got a promotion do you want to know what do am i telling you what party you're going to i think that you can tell me what party i'm at yeah i think it'd be weird to be at a party and not know what party i'm at i mean i've been that drunk it happens that's fair but let's assume it's early in the evening i think we'll put an edit here and then i'll be in a party so here we go i'll be and i'm at a party meredith i'm at a frat party right absolutely can i leave i'm going with you i don't want to be at this party jaeger fireball and some goldschlager you know i've never sampled goldschlager ever clear not even vodka obviously red solo cups altoids yeah that tracks that makes sense it's mountain dew extreme do the do peanut butter and jelly in this case it's trader joe's organic super fruit spread and creamy salted cashew butter it's a nicer college town property values are high because of the trader joe's you know that the trader joe's within three miles of a house property values are more likely to go up so chicken ramen and of course we gotta have a case of natty ice so boy this is tough do i have a shaker at this party yeah someone got a cobbler shaker for christmas why not they they probably thought like we're gonna be cool guys we're gonna have cool drinks with cobblestone what's my base spirit here i think my base spirit is everclear these are all modifiers these are peppermint bitters these are weird to have as ingredients i don't think i want them it's going to be but those are sweeteners and then these are to make high balls what if i had to make one with every ingredient at this frat i have to use every ingredient all right i have no clue how to pull that off but we'll try it it's going to be a salty sweet thing i'm leaving the altoids out that's the one thing i'm going to say no altoids in this because the mint is really going to screw this up but if i got to balance every ingredient let me get my shaker here we go we're going to go with one ounce of everclear or one shot of everclear i'm not really sure i think that's a i actually think this is a three quarter ounce shot glass so i'm going to actually do an equal measure of mountain dew this mountain dew is going to go completely flat it's just going to provide a hint of orange flavor and actually now i just had another thought i'm going to take my glass and my glass my red solo cup and i'm going to wet the lip of it obviously do this a different way don't just stick your finger into the i mean that's a frat who gives a [ __ ] but normally i wouldn't recommend just sticking your finger into the frats mountain dew right i'm going to take this and i'm going to rim it in ramen flavoring and mountain dew and all the frat dudes are laughing about me [ __ ] anything i've got in here mountain dew and ever clear we're going to do a scant like quarter shot glass of a little something herbal i feel a little bit silly having to use both goldschlager and fireball but i suppose i have to i like the fireball a lot more than the goldschlager so i'm going to do a three-quarter uh shot glass pour the fireball that's gonna provide quite a bit of cinnamon flavor into this thing the goldschlager is there anything i can do with this other than just put it a drop in there just to satisfy the requirements that i use everything not really i mean i can't think of any there's really should only be one of these but whatever we'll just do a quarter pour or whatever the hell that was it's in there great now i'm going to shake this [Music] strain that into your chicken dusted glass i'm going to top that up with a beer there's part of me that wanted to shotgun this into the glass but we're not going to be so crass kind of a frat house shandy i'm going to create a garnish here or attempt to by quartering a set of ramen noodles delicious this is the kind that has to be stirred up it's also not peanut this is cashew butter i don't know what the hell cashew butter is just seeing this one this is also what's in your house not oh yeah my wife bought that you know people think we're married no i'm gay [Laughter] and also married i'm gonna put a little jelly on this just a little a little touch of jetty i will set that atop my glass like so oh it fell right in that was not intentional that's okay though because actually it all holds together even though it fell right in so you start with a bite of the garnish way better than you expected to be this is just the delta special it's not so bad it's not so good all we did here is make kind of a cinnamony shandy orange thing mostly you taste the beer which is making it dangerous because there's a whole shot of ever clear in there and the cinnamon is like a nice light accentuation to it the question i have is how does it pair with i've been avoiding the the the rim my chicken rim how does it pair with the chicken rim i'll tell you what that chicken rim gross as hell you you put your mouth on that it's gross and then when you drink the delta special over the top of it it's not so bad the combo there is better than you would think my favorite part of it though is definitely the ramen cashew butter jelly sandwich that's surprisingly good and i have to say it fell into the drink in totality i think that was a factor i think that it's it's softened slightly by soaking up the drink you know back in medieval times folks were served their beers with toasts to sop them with right and you would take this the toast and you would soak up your beer with it and i found worse i mean all i need was not bad sure you would do that oh and when you finish it enjoy an altoid do you suck on your altoids or eat them i crush them i also have this weird ocd thing where i always have to put two in my mouth at a time number one i always want two two out towards my mouth i don't know i can't explain it there's always two i'm moving on down frat house road to the next party right after this i'm at another party meredith where the f what what the hell party is this uh it's new year's at the retirement home new year's at the retirement home so what do i got a box of franzia sauvignon blanc and sure i got a little bottle of drum buoy of course i do ah prune juice is disgusting a water extract of dried prunes i got a pocket full of werther's originals a time a tiny dropper of liquid smoke is that because they're smoking ours it's because they're smoking i see a small thing of instant coffee is it sanka by any chance um i'm not sure how to open i've never done this well it says open here so maybe pull this all the way out so it'll stay out that's a [ __ ] mystery to me man whatever we got it there's our franzia box wine how's our room temperature frenzy going to be oh yeah nothing i love more than a little poor spout action there oh what the [ __ ] you do people drink this it smells oh my god it smells like corpse piss i don't know what corpse smells like but that's what it smells like it's disgusting why do people drink that what are the rules at this party do i got to use all this stuff yeah i have to use it all i'm um yeah i think about you one two three four five yes you want me to mix instant coffee with the franzia yeah [ __ ] you the wine is the really hard thing honestly if it was everything but the wine i can make this drink work the werthers the coffee the drambuie and the insurer and the liquid smoke that'd be not bad at all prune juice is a bit of a stretch but not impossible the wine i've got it this is going to be a positively insane riff on a new york sour let's start here with our tram boy um we're going to take our tram buoy and we're going to do a full shot we assumed that there was a shot glass somewhere i could use for measuring they're doing shots at this retirement party they're of age they're of age they're of age sure now i'm going to add a double so two parts of vanilla ensure to one part dram bui uh one spoonful of our instant coffee i think that's a lot of instant coffee [ __ ] i may have overdone it i might have to go back on that well we'll try for it this was a little bit tart we're going to use that sparingly like a half okay we're going to add one drop of liquid smoke maybe i'll add two drops that's it so somehow i was able to distill the cigar smoke out of the air and pour it into the drink i'm gonna do something stupid i'm gonna go one half more on the grand bui so i'm kind of editing myself on the fly we're gonna go a little bit more on the dram beauty this would be pretty sweet unfortunately there's not much i can do about that at this point other than like adding hot water to this i suppose that's true i could have just taken the instant coffee and added hot water to it because we determined that hot water will be available and made coffee i could have done that i didn't i don't know why i am going to dry shake this i'm going to treat the ensure i don't know that it's going to matter but i'm going to pretend it's a little bit like an egg white was the purpose of this episode to make good drinks or to just make drinks because i feel like things have gone way off the rails i don't hate that now we're going to shake with ice let's pour this into our glass i don't want to add wine to this because i think that's a halfway decent drink down there but we're gonna have to i'm trying to do this little wine float here oh that's disgusting it's like curdling that's really gross i'm gonna do something totally insane am i allowed to have fire they're smoking cigars so oh yeah they are on fire since they're smoking cigars that means i have a blowtorch because you would light a cigar with a blowtorch i am heating up the tip of this cocktail pick it is now cherry red and i am going to this werther's original on it perfect um a lot of smoke from that actually is quite a bit of smoke um but there we have a werther's original stuck to a cocktail pick and then i'll garnish it with a werthers all right stir that together with your werthers and just let that melt into the drink and develop over time uh i'm gonna call this drink uh what do i do now that i'm retired it just kind of tastes like bad coffee the i think that it was probably really not bad actually before we put the franzia in there i'm really annoyed about the franzia it doesn't sit on top which is weird too you would expect the friends here to sit on top oh god that's disgusting we're going to do this again no franzia franzia's gone i'm doing this without the i i i'm sorry i can't no no i mean and let's be honest okay who the the lunatic who's at this retirement party making this drink he they are not interested in the franzia the person who's making this drink is really kind of just interested in avoiding this party they don't want to be at this party they're looking to keep their hands busy uh away from the party so here we go we got an ounce uh i did one and a half jiggers of the drum bowie and i don't think that's a mistake two of this good lord that stinks ah one prune juice which by the way be careful about this this drink will cause you to see the bathroom just the one drop of the smoke and now we're going to do a lot less of the instant coffee like i would say like that much just like the tip of my bar spoon great we're going to dry shake that now let's shake it with some ice that into this glass and uh garnish that with a skewered werthers delicious to your retirement jim uh enjoy the gold watch it's sweeter than i would like but that's actually really good it's very drinkable the vanilla coffee and dram bui they really work well together actually like kind of surprisingly so the ensure it's vanilla it's got some protein in it so it gives a little froth which you can see actually worked um gives it a little bit of body not bad sweetness there the prune juice it make a lot you probably do without that but you don't mind it in there either it just thins it out and it brings the whole thing down so that it's not it's like the least potent flavor so the prune juice actually kind of dilutes things along with the ice prune juice is a little bit tart as well so it also kind of adds a bit of balance of acidity to some of this sweetness not much but a little the liquid smoke i'm not gonna lie i don't detect it but it does provide authenticity to the environment in which we imagine ourselves one smoke-filled retirement den do not attempt to add a frenzy afloat to this drink ultimately this is sort of a coffee vanilla milkshake with quite a bit of whiskey in it there's an ounce and a half or a shot and a half of 40 alcohol drambuie so that's gonna be one fun time at jim's retirement it's like if i your grandparent was like sneaking booze into their into their protein shakes which my grandparent would do i think it's time to move on down the road from this retirement party i have no idea where meredith is sending me next so let's go there right after this meredith what kind of party am i at now what the heck is this so these are these are new yoga moms and the their lunch at the house afterwards meredith what why am i at that party you didn't say they were parties that you would go to that's true i didn't say that that's fair i have a hug and a mug stress therapy cinnamon chamomile tea coconut water premium coconut water i have honey i have some screw top rondo prosecco i have some vodka that's good we have a base spirit today and i have some that's a name whispering angel rose okay here i am new moms i'm here at your party your yoga party do the new moms have a yoga party they're getting back in shape and they do that together in the midwest i think they do so my first thing here i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take uh like half of these bags of stress therapy garbage and i'm gonna i'm gonna make an infused vodka also like that it says relax and rewind not unwind like like i just wanna undo it i want to undo what i did yeah that is what it said i'm going to just add a lot of vodka to this now i'm going to kind of just like shake this lightly to sort of help it do its job there's a very loud warning on the back of this honey thing warning do not feed honey to infants under one year of age that's true as everyone knows on your 365th day on this earth after your 13th moon a magic event occurs which quickens inside of you and gives you the ability to digest the nectar of the bees [Music] ah we've made gin that was step one step two is this we're taking a high ball glass and i'm going to add to it that's really coconutty i've had a lot of coconut water so don't really taste that coconut that one is like coconut that tastes like tanning butter or something i wasn't really planning on that because now i want to try to honor that i want to try to make sure that the coconut is tasteable in this beverage okay here we go we're going to add two jiggers of the coconut water and i would measure this more accurately but i can't we're going to add like one quarter to one half part um that's probably about a third like it's like one third part if the coconut was one part i've just added like one third part um in honey obviously if you're at a party you're gonna use whatever you got probably a butter knife or something and i'm just going to mix the honey and the coconut water until they are um a singular consistency so there's no lumps it's just like you know mixed i'm gonna uncork this jose tart just basically tart okay can i have some lemons are there lemons at this party yeah yeah we can do lemons i've been granted lemons so i'm gonna take one lemon um i don't have a juicer at this party uh anyway i can just juice this sucker like this i find that one of the most important things to do when juicing by hand is to roll it as much as you can let's just say that this is done infusing we're going to drain our infusion off oh yeah look at that that's our infused vodka great nicely done presumably you might want to put that into a bottle or something i didn't have anything else to put it into um so i'm just going to put it into this glass mug that i found but make sure people at the party know that that's all vodka now i'm going to take this is going to be tricky pour i'm going to try and do two of these off of the mug one two one better than i thought it was gonna i'm gonna take this whole thing put it back into my shaker um the only reason i didn't build it in the shaker to begin with is because the shaker is busy doing the infusion a little roomy i gotta get some ice now okay we got that in there i'm going to add some ice to that i'm going to top it up with prosecco and uh i think i've made a uh yoga detox collins here oh that is nice oh man i really like that this is actually a good drink the lemon honey um come in strong and then immediately give way to this like floral thing uh this floral sweetness that kind of percolates through it's quite nice i'm not sure i'm getting any coconut in there i mean the coconut is probably contributing a little bit of the sweetness but mostly it's the honey that's in there um it's also probably protruding contributing a lot to that froth that we have that beautiful froth the infusion of the tea into the vodka worked really well i mean the tea is very present you get like a lot of these floral chamomile notes this is a good this is a genuinely good drink not just um uh oh shoot what else can i do it's on the sweet end of the spectrum it's a it's a long drink it's a collins it's that kind of a thing i don't think anybody's gonna object to it being this sweet you could cut the honey back a touch how did we do at these parties i think he nailed this one this one was very good i think the old people would be happy too somebody would be happy and frat boys will drink whatever's in front of him yeah they don't they don't mind yay i made it through the three parties but now i just want to go home and return to my anti-social solitude i think that the way to really do this though rather than having meredith kind of make up parties is to have have guests or go to guests or meet with guests and have them kind of show me what they have in their liquor cabinet or kitchen and have to come up with a cocktail on the fly i think that's the way to do that i think we'll probably try that i think we'll be trying that very soon you know my social medias are there i'm on instagram and twitter and i'm gotta get back onto twitch and you can see those places there and i'm on tiktok i don't i'm just watching i'm not like doing much yet i should make tiktaki content i don't know should i probably not um but do i mean if you like the show please i guess like follow and subscribe i'm supposed to ask you to do that then i've been making the show for a long time so here are some other things for you to check out i hope that you will enjoy them thank you i want to go away i want to go away now from making this episode i'm going to be done now so um i totally missed my face with the straw i just went right along i had to recover um i don't think i looked cool okay
Channel: How To Drink
Views: 461,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: htd, how to drink, mixology, tape brothers territory, alcohol, liquor, bartending, mixed drinks, how to, how to make, spirits, bitters, drink, cocktails, cocktail, classic, recipes, mystery ingredient challenge, grab bag, frat party, party drinks, party cocktails, mystery drinks, cocktail challenge, drambuie, prosecco, flavored vodka, franzia, worst drinks, bad drinks, fail, fails, youtube fail, recipe fails, original drinks, party fail
Id: M4amFvqBqtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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