I put random flavored vodkas into classic cocktails | How to Drink

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what does this stuff taste like oh lord oh my god this is awful this is gonna be the terrible experience all right today on how to drink is the all new vodka game it's a wheel of vodkas and it's a skull of classic vodka cocktails put them together and what have you got a very bad time we've been thinking about like what can we do with flavored vodka like just standing around sipping flavored vodka seems stupid so we had this other idea we got 13 of them 12 of them we got a number of flavored vodkas i got this wheel at ikea i've been sitting on this thing forever i figured we'd do something with it at some point meredith put the names of flavored vodkas on the wheels and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna spin the wheel and i'm gonna pull a drink and we got classic vodka cocktails in there i'm gonna make the classic vodka cocktail with this vodka instead of the you know the regular plain vodka it should go with and then i'll review that drink we're just gonna do wheel skull episodes that's what we'll call this the wheel and the skull welcome welcome mortals to the wheel and the sky what's more fun is it because we got to make a classic no it's more fun to do this first so then find out what i got to make with it that's more fun i think it's more fun to know what the cocktail is and start imagining what nasty thing you could pair with milk and i don't think so i think it's more fun to do this first all right watch watch i'll watch don't believe me just watch in the words of bruno mars yeah bruno mars in the words of bruno mars the immortal words of bruno mars all right let's spin the wheel of flavored vodkas natural light strawberry lemonade where is that oh yeah baby that's our contestant natural light strawberry lemonade what a way to start the show [ __ ] okay and i've got to make a bloody mary a bloody mary with natural light strawberry lemonade that actually may not be that might not be it might not be good so here we go i'm going to take a little lemon juice like very little lemon juice like that's good it's not really rocket science kind of cocktail a couple dashes of tabasco i want a couple of dashes of worcestershire i haven't opened this one yet i love worcestershire by the way worcestershire sauce is uh i think really important in my house and kitchen any kind of like an alternative burger that you want to make better throw a little worcestershire on there it's amazing it just it does wonderful things to those where's my horseradish here we go some horseradish oh yeah yeah count cow nitrous horseradish i think that horseradish horseradish horse horse radish horseradish i can't say it right horseradish horse rats i think a little horse radish is the most important ingredient in one of these i don't need a ton of it yeah that's quite a bit actually the tip of a bar spoon you know i want uh four ounces of my tomato juice big old can of stuff right here two ounces of apparently natural light pink lemonade vodka i don't you know the one thing is that this drink the bloody mary might be cheating because like with the horseradish everything can you even taste what we're doing with the vodka crack some ice now one thing about a bloody mary that i've gotten wrong in the past you can't really shake a bloody mary because uh the tomato freezes you just kind of you have to roll it that is really cold already i've got my big old mug my bloody mary in there throw a celery stick in there i think you have to cut the base off these to do what you were trying to do there get our celery with some leaves on it right that's like generally the look a little salt and pepper let's get a little black pepper boom a lot of people like celery salt on this drink i don't know i don't think it's really necessary okay here we go this is a uh goddamn natural light bloody mary here we go that is fine that's just a bloody mary i don't taste this at all i really don't i just taste that's a good bloody mary a bloody mary works without vodka that's the thing like it tastes like a bloody mary whether you put the vodka in there or not this is just a nice hot spicy glass of tomato juice i like this a lot i kind of wish i didn't have vodka because i would just drink it i would bet you could put any vodka you want a bloody mary the one thing i was going to say is like i'm sorry this is kind of a letdown the product is not a letdown this is an insane this is it this is crazy this is crazy that this exists yeah i kind of forgot i like these these are good okay i don't want another celery i want some celery here good all right four more we're gonna make the next one right after this all right next drink we're back let's spin the wheel blueberry it's a blueberry dirty martini oh lord western sun piney woods blueberry flavored vodka what does this stuff taste like the end result by the way is that it's vaguely grayish blue in color which is not appetizing oh lord oh my god oh god it smells like dirty laundry what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell [Music] this is awful this is going to be a terrible experience does it taste like blueberry at all sweet blueberry nasty i usually stir a martini but a dirty martini which i also don't like that's the thing that you you shake that so we're gonna throw a little uh olive juice in here and these are our tipsy blue cheese olives because meredith said that's what they they gotta use yeah dude dirtier than that really i don't know how you make a blueberry oh dirty martini i've never really i like i like i see i like a briny martini so just a little there you go i'll accept that it's pretty it's pretty filthy they're good though right no i like these olives every dirty martini i had when i was younger in chicago had blue cheese olives nowhere else in the country does this from what i can tell yeah they're fine blue cheese off the only other alternative is like a pimento olive but pimentos are normal too but like blue cheese is very common and like i've asked bartenders here they're like what the [ __ ] are you talking about i'm owned three ounces of blueberry vodka a half an ounce of um vermouth it's a chicago style uh dirty martini blueberry vodka and uh uh the blue cheese olives oh you could call it a blue martini oh jesus christ that combination of [ __ ] all holy god damn that's not good that's not good i i really sometimes i wish you could smell what i smell on the show cause that ah there's like times in life when you just gotta like you have like huge emotional barriers to like getting a thing done the first time you jump out of a plane like every part of your body is telling you don't do that and you just gotta shut your brain off and go right you gotta do it you don't have a choice there's a lot of stuff i smell on this show that i don't want to drink like in a very like survival instinct fight or flight kind of way and you just got to shut it off and get it down man this is one of them good lord oh wow that's so bad that ranks that rex is one of the worst things i've had on the show it's so sweet it's so sweet and blueberry but like if you really stop and think about what a blueberry tastes like i don't know like eating blueberries don't ever taste like a blueberry flavored anything so i want to be clear it tastes like blueberry flavor it doesn't taste like blueberries it tastes like blueberry flavor like blueberry jam blueberry candy blueberry something some kind of an interpretation of a blueberry thing meredith is just like guzzling expensive mezcal back here just in case anybody wants to know what meredith is doing behind the camera she is within arm's reach of all of the how to drink spirits and she reaches for him occasionally occasionally so it's it is very sweet very blueberry but also very very oily very very briny and salty sweet and salty two flavors that you don't like together it has a uh god oh god it is a new kind of bad it's a new kind of bad i don't know what the oh doesn't taste pukey it does smell pukey but it doesn't taste pukey but it does taste like something that'll make you puke but it doesn't taste like puke these are two flavors that just do they don't they don't belong together bad things bad bad glass uh we're gonna move on to the next spin of the wheel here on help spin the wheel bust the deal you must bust the deal face the wheel bison grass by bison bison grass vodka now it says this is a bison grass flavored vodka the thing of that is that i have never had bison grass i don't know what bison grass tastes like there's a piece of grass floating oh i see that there is a physical piece of grass in here oh yeah oh yeah [Music] it's weird okay listen i've raised children this tastes like the way a fresh pack of diapers smells it tastes like pampers like what is this product for for people who like bison grass meredith and a moscow mule so this is another one where i actually think that it won't matter i don't think we're gonna taste it so but we'll try it i build this one in the glass for sure just gonna crack an ice cube right in there we need a little bit of lime juice really just like literally a quarter of lime squeezed in there is what you kind of want right two ounces of your bison grass vodka spicy grass where are you from i mean this is the basic grass from the heart of be at sweet forest inspired zumbraka the unique vodka with a soft smooth and aromatic character it is unique just equal parts this might actually be good to be perfectly honest this might be good nah not good it's not good no no good is not the word i would use to describe that it's weird it just tastes weird not bad not like not not not good terrible i wouldn't say it's like the worst it's not the worst thing ever it's slightly worse than neutral like battle media yeah right this is bad over here and like this is like well i don't even know what that is it's just dead center neutral it's like right there you know slightly worse than neutral maybe it's play-dohy play-doh he might be the the word to describe that plasticky the ginger does a lot to cover up the weirdness of this particular flavored vodka but it is um not enough it's not enough it's just not enough let's just let's just move it along let's not waste any more time with this drink here's the meredith tasting i think that's worse than the other one worse than which other one then the vodka than the martini i don't like i don't like the smell of fresh cut grass so the taste of it is so you interpreted that as tasting like fresh cut grass well grass not fresh cut but i don't hold on let me show you [Music] i don't think it tastes like grass i don't know what it tastes like look at your face i don't like that nobody likes it like maybe someone made that to go into like a bloody mary i don't understand that it's a mysterious it's a mysterious thing that that's terri that was an upsetting face you were upset looking well up next on how to drink another spin of the wheel oh boy california apricot it's going into a cosmo i gotta say that's probably gonna be fine this could be a genuinely good drink i want a quarter ounce of lime juice and i got this half a lime right here i need ounce of cranberry juice which you just can't beat the original it says right on there i i need a half an ounce of triple sec this is the luxardo's version luxardo by the way is a brand a lot of people use luxardo to mean maraschino this is not maraschino flavored triple sec it's just triple sec i need one and a half ounces of my apricot vodka so you normally make this drink with a citron vodka i genuinely think this is going to be fine all right so that's that we shake big cube crack cube strain that right into our glass beautiful color flame or orange okay and there is an apricot cosmo i quite like that i like that a lot that tastes like a cosmo but like a little less tart and a little bit more stone fruit i don't know i think you could call it a stone fruit cosmo people love it what you can do you could spin the wheel again for cosmo and see if this is just a drink that adapts really well to different flavored vodkas the answer by the way is no but let's do it anyway all right one and a half ounces of van gogh double espresso this would be terrible that'd be good you know mary you might be honest maybe this will be good the cranberry juice that really is going to make or break it i i agree with that statement it looks kind of like a trinidad sour oh [ __ ] you it's an espresso cosmo yeah that is remarkably good it's weird but honestly it's fine the thing is is that tart and coffee go together much better than you think maybe a cosmo is a drink you just can't break i think you could make a better cosmo i don't think that you know i mean like they're not all perfect cosmos apricots yeah forgot is good right i like that right yeah so the coffee works too yeah i mean they're just fresh and good it's also the only drink that i'm like i get the vodka the unique vodka flavors in both of those for sure the vodka you're using makes a big difference up next on how to drink another spin of the wheel [Music] mango pineapple white russian oh no there's no chance that's gonna be any good this is a suitably cursed combo this could end up tasting like a milkshake like a like a strawberry shake you understand that coffee is a huge component but it's kahlua like you don't really taste coffee what have you ever drank collum it's coffee ice cream at worst come over here and have some kahlua for me tell me okay maybe i'm maybe i'm thinking of like maybe i think kahlua and bailey's are too closely related oh no they're not related one ounce of kahlua for the for the glass here why do you have a little sip of kahlua try that okay i stand corrected it's coffee syrup yes it's very sweet coffee you're right two ounces of svenka mango pineapple the mango pineapple white russian might turn out to be like a real classic people like oh no that's genius that's so good you want to take an ounce of heavy cream and float it really now i've heard people say that you're supposed to stir it in i've heard people say you're not supposed to start in i think that probably the truth is you're supposed to stir it roughly you're not really supposed to stir it in but you just give it like a spin you know so it's combined but like kind of a disaster here we go one mango pineapple why you're rushing [Music] all right listen hear me out this is good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is significantly better than i would have imagined a moment please i have to cl i have to collect myself i don't know how to process this experience i'm having right now do i like this better than a regular white russian probably not the thing is that in this context the kahlua ends up tasting not so much like coffee but like chocolate and so it just tastes like a chocolate mango pineapple chocolate goes with mango and pineapple if you were imagining yourself at a fondue party and there were bits of mango and pineapple to dip into some chocolate a chocolate fountain if you will that's what this one tastes like and it's like it's fine it's very sweet it is absolutely alcoholic candy but this is not bad do you know what this means meredith it's not the episode i thought we were shooting i am now forced to admit since most of these were okay except for the dirty martini and the bison grass oh and the bicycles but i have to admit flavored vodka is pretty good this is my villain origin story this is how if greg was the joker this would be the backstory like one time my producer had this crazy idea she was a boozer she drank she drank this cow behind the camera and she said spin the wheel spin the wheel i went crazy [Laughter] try it it's very sweet it's dessert it's a milkshake 100 shake yeah but it's not a bad it's there's no clash of flavors here the flavors actually complement each other shockingly well i just i suspected you svenka mango pineapple i'm forced to admit that you're good oh damn it i think that like with vodka anything sweet is gonna taste good and like this is a milkshake yeah i want someone out there to put a mango pineapple white russian on their menu i want you to talk a customer into buying it i want to see it i want to hear i want in the comments i want to hear about it happening i i wanted to be on your menus at your wedding we have we got a tray of mango pineapple white russian ceremony to pull from at your upscale bars your real fancy pants joints i want to hear about mango pineapple white russians taking the world by storm did we learn anything today i think i i think i have no i don't think we learned a goddamn thing in all seriousness though i don't want to cut you off again i won't cut you off again did we learn something today mary no i mean i have been curious about the wall of vodka flavorful like someone is buying it and using it for something yeah so i feel like we've explored some of that maybe yeah i think they're just adding it to salsa probably i think that's all they're doing with flavored vodka look we've opened up the world of of cocktails that people can make with flavored vodka now we've done a service add add some new cocktails to my skull and maybe we'll do another one of these uh flavored vodka episodes in the meantime you will find me on the social media places now appearing before your lovely eyes where i'm on twitter twitch tick tock instagram uh patreon the patreon of course and uh and also i've been making the show forever the internet i i was born on the internet so i have i think over over 1 000 episodes of how to drink at this point um 1727 episodes so if you haven't seen 1720 episodes of how to drink there's probably one you missed check it out it's one of these four right here all right i'll see you guys soon on another episode how to drink where i will not be drinking a uh pineapple mango white russian but honestly if i had to it wouldn't be the worst
Channel: How To Drink
Views: 413,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: htd, how to drink, mixology, tape brothers territory, alcohol, liquor, bartending, mixed drinks, how to, how to make, spirits, bitters, drink, cocktails, cocktail, classic, recipes, game show, flavored vodka, what to make with flavored vodka, cursed, recipe fails, white russian, cosmo, dirty martini, Moscow mule, bloody mary, bad drinks, good drinks, drinking games, taste test, food torture, drinks made with vodka, worst drinks in the world, discovery
Id: hSlHbBOM3Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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