Meredith is trying to drive me insane | How to Drink

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today on how to drink i am shamelessly ripping off good mythical morning and doing an episode that i'm calling will it old-fashioned i hope they don't sue a minute before we shot this meredith walked around and picked out a few bottles that she thought would be interesting to see me try to make an old-fashioned from an old fashioned is you know spirit it's bitters it might be some sweetness and some kind of a citrus twist some oil it doesn't need to be whiskey it could be anything it's just that not every spirit is going to yield desirable results so i'm gonna do my best to make an old-fashioned from every single one of these things and i don't know what i'm about to see let's do it let's make our first old fashioned or at least try to what am i doing it's oh nova fogo this is silver cachaca this is going to be an excellent old-fashioned so kashasa is a spirit distilled from fresh-pressed cane sugar cane juice that comes from brazil it's an awful lot like rum agricola but they claim it's not rum but it's pot still rum it's rum so let's get a glass and make a novo fogo old-fashioned now with the rum i do like to bend the way i make an old-fashioned but can i do that can i put a like slice of lime in the drink as long as you're not juicing it and putting like a measure of lime juice in there i think it's fine because there's spoken what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this lime i'm gonna cut a couple of little wheels off i'm gonna put these guys boop right into my glass here throw in two dashes of ango bitters i'm gonna do like a third of an ounce of my simple syrup and now two ounces of my novo fogo we already have our citrus twist in the drink in this case so i'm not gonna do a twist over the top of it big thanks to my patron discord for suggesting this idea here we go this feels a little under citrus actually i was trying to adhere to the spirit of these rules though while also bending this into the arc of the drink that i like to make with this it's not will it make a good drink it is will it old-fashioned yeah wrong i have to say this kind of falls short i know it would fall far short if i treated it truly like like bourbon i can taste the cane juice in that i can taste the cane sugar the bitters are present pleasant i wish if the lime was expressing itself a little bit better as it is it's drinkable it's not terrible it's just not inspired i'm not in love with this if i had really muddled the lime but that's not really part of this drink i don't know i feel weird about how far can we stretch the definition of an old fashion here and probably i already broke the rules probably i should just make it like it was a whiskey old fashioned well i'm gonna say no it doesn't really old fashion that well i do love nova foga though but an old fashioned it does not make we're gonna be moving on to the next bottle right after this all right that's the show thank you guys so much for watching and cut you think we got that was that good episode yeah i think that's good i think we can we can you know on break for lunch we have a sponsor we gotta shoot uh we should probably do hello fresh today hello fresh we have to shoot hello fresh hello sponsor and lunch let's do sponsor and lunch awesome thank you for sponsoring this episode hellofresh what seems really cool about hellofresh is that everything is like pre-packaged and free portions right like pre-portioned ingredients delivered to your doorstep it's hard to cook at home and hellofresh has 50 weekly menu and market items that i can choose from uh i think a little less about what i got to cook that's what it is for me i go up to the kitchen and i just get like brain freeze i don't end up cooking anything like this supposed to only take 20 minutes this is a quick and easy 20 minute recipe so let's do it as quick and easy as we can because frankly i'm hungry and we got things to do got my pan heating up throw a little olive oil and here comes my garlic pinch of the chili flakes let's hit that with our tomatoes that smells like heaven we're gonna need tomato paste next looking good did you know that hellofresh has more five star reviews than any other meal kit i did not but i'm not surprised i know so far i'm i would agree i'll give this a five star review smells good this is gonna make a little something apparently whenever i cook i'm always wasting stuff but so far i mean i can't beat the fact that like i haven't wasted a thing every ingredient is being used um that's one nice thing about hello fresh for sure it's a great way to save time too i mean this is so quick everything was pre-portioned it saved me a ton of time on it was a fascinating takeout let's uh serve it up i'm not a fancy server i'm i'm sloppy with the serving sorry let's kickstart oh really good taking this back to my hole wow well thank you hello fresh it was a great how to drink lunch you guys want to get hello fresh go to use code how to drink 16. you're going to get up to 16 free meals and apparently three surprise gifts meredith what do you think the surprises are gonna give it can't imagine maybe a pan a pot unimaginable surprise gifts thank you guys so much and now back to your regularly scheduled episode of hgd it's italicus does italicus old-fashioned eredith this is only 20 alcohol by volume uh this will be something else italicus uh is a very interesting liqueur it is a bergamot liqueur i happen to love bergamot um italicus is available at curiata you can check out carry out in the link in the pin code below they are shipping spirits to your front door things that aren't at your local liquor store check it out pick up a bottle of italicus or a lot of other stuff we have the whole how to drink collection up there you can buy the bottles i use on the show so maybe that's something you want to do anyway italicus uh old-fashioned oh boy maybe this is where we gotta think about our bitters the bergamot is a citrus it is the orangey parts of an earl grey tea what do you pair with that coffee and cocoa would this be no i don't like that caramelized orange it's not too bad [Music] interesting oh i think that we found our winner here i think that's the pairing get an ice cube i don't know if this is going to work but it showed the most promise i'm going to put a few uh dashes of the bitter men's ella macule tiki bitters and a dash is a lot more than a drop and now i want to put in my two ounces that i must pour of this modifier non-spirit sweetened liqueur i'm not adding any sugar to this um italicus is plenty sweet we don't need any more sweetness here grab a little peel of orange here's my italic as old fashioned will it old-fashioned my expectations are that it shall not wow nope that's kind of like saying hey greg try a glass of cinnamon like it's a spice it's meant to be used in tiny amounts in other drinks it's a great thing to have it's a wonderful ingredient building an old fashioned from it is insane meredith it's like sweet orange and then it just gets like dried out and bitter tartness all the way out all right that does not old-fashioned away with ye what bottle is next oh [ __ ] oh jesus what what now meredith i know a lot of people drink peppermint schnapps straight so why shouldn't it old-fashioned it's crystallizing i can see the sugar crystals floating in it all right peppermint peppermint schnapps old-fashioned i'm thinking angus store cocoa bitters i think you do chocolate and peppermint together we got the makings of a peppermint patty it's not going to taste anything even remotely like an old-fashioned i just want to point that out to you that this entire is a few this is an exercise in absolutely the most just depraved futilities just two ounces of peppermint schnapps a few dashes of the chocolate cocoa bitters from the bitter truth 10 to 20 dashes of cocoa bitters honestly like the more this the better no sugar again the peppermint schnapps has plenty of sugar i'm giving this every fighting chance i can i think that's a great choice i know from experience that lemon and chocolate go together remarkably well i still think this is going to be an absolute garbage drink here we go a peppermint schnapps old-fashioned is really much way too sweet the flavor components here do work together it's a little underproofed too because this is 30 you know your standard bourbons are like 40. if you could somehow cut the sweetness though i i think that there's actually room for something like this we knocked the mintiness of this way down it's still very minty but i really thought it was gonna be like eating toothpaste and it's not the cocoa bitters deeply temper the mintiness of this and the lemon as well really knocks it down and provides a huge amount of balance in the strength it's not going far enough but it's in the right direction i gotta say really perversely i think this might fashion i am no longer a hundred percent convinced that a a mint flavor presenting old-fashioned formatted drink is in a a abysmally terrible idea this isn't quite there yet but it does show enough promise that i must concede that in your ignorance meredith you pulled a bottle that some glimmer of hope resides inside um reluctantly i must confess that this sort of works good pick meredith let's get on to the next bottle here try it if you want a maniac goddamn maniac what have i got here i got app this makes sense please explain to me how this makes sense cause like an emperor spritz is like you're just taking away the the sparkly stuff eleven percent alcohol by volume meredith this is pure syrup not for nothing but like jeebus this is both bitters and sweeteners so now i am sort of at a loss i know what the answer is though tonic and grapefruit bitters you know an aperol and tonic is actually not an insane notion so we're gonna do two ounces i mean this is as good as i can do i still don't know if it's gonna be good but happily i have this artist's palette of bitters to work with we got grapefruit bitters i'm gonna put a couple dashes in there i think i'm gonna go with the orinoco bitters i am like somewhat cheating because you're not gonna be able to get these probably but i'm gonna throw a couple dashes of those in there and i'm not gonna add any sweetener at all because the aperol is very sweet we're gonna stir that up now i've said before too that like you can make an old-fashioned from just about any spirit these aren't spirits these are liqueurs so it's kind of throwing me for a loop here aperol already has a lot of an orange flavor to it so i'm gonna go lemon which is a little bit sharper brighter louder and honestly that might save this drink i'm not joking so here we go with the apparel spritz i'm sorry that would be sane here we go with the afro old fashioned [Music] no this is a orangey bitter glass of cold like there's not anything going on here at all and it's it's certainly not i mean it doesn't have anything even remotely close to the proof this is insane this is just off the chain meredith what are you doing it's a summer old-fashioned no it's not it's just not it's in no way it isn't it it an old-fashioned it shall not be this is a glass of sorrow up next we're moving out of this thing we're getting done with the apparel fashion we're moving on to the next whatever the hell she's got for me will it old-fashioned continues right after this it is oh oh ho ho ho ho what have we here this is the mr black coffee liqueur that has been whistle pig barrel rested so they put this into barrels that were used by whistle pig bourbon or whistle pig whiskey spent six months on those barrels which is quite a while actually that probably does impart a big flavor and only 28 alcohol again so we're coming in pretty low on proof for an old fashioned but maybe we can make this work with coffee i feel like there's no other way to go than some cocoa bitters the question is do i want bitterman's chocolate bitters the mole or angostura's cocoa bitters let's see well you know what the hell we can do both dash of this and a dash of the ango maybe even two dashes of the ango let's throw a little simple here i think a bar spoon should be plenty and a two ounce pour of mr black i find that an orange twist and coffee liqueur goes together way better than you'd expect and uh that is a mr black whistle pig old fashioned here we go well now that dog will hunt that's pretty cool definitely not something i'm always in the mood for um i mean and it is primarily a glass of coffee it tastes very much like a cold brew coffee i kind of have to say i i rather like that the one thought i have is that the cocoa bitters very complementary to the whiskey to the to the um to the coffee i do want to have something like angostura which brings in other flavor components because like cocoa really goes with it i have a funny feeling what i made a mistake there i probably should have done something that brings in something that's not there all right here we go with a little ango instead or as well oh yes that's the way to go that's a huge difference so now that has a lot of the characters of an old fashioned if an old fashion was made with coffee which is not bad much lower proof um i don't know if that matters like i'm not looking for the proof when i make an old-fashioned i want the way it tastes and presents but if you could do that at a significantly lower alcohol content i would be off for it um and here you have it this feels like an old fashioned it truly does it just happens to be a coffee one it's bitter i mean like you have to like dark like unsweetened coffee but i do but for me i love it i actually really like that i would say that this will old-fashioned next bottle all right next old-fashioned reaching into the basket what do i got is waxy what is this what was [ __ ] goslings family reserve old rum hey yay that's gonna make an old fade uh well for me anyway i'm gonna love this i'm gonna treat this straight up like it's a whiskey old-fashioned a couple dashes of angostura bitters bar spoon maybe two bar spoons of simple and two ounce pour of my old we'll stir this sucker up [Music] let's get a twist of orange for this let's do a little flamed peel here [Music] here is the old rum old fashioned with a flamed orange peel [Music] oh that is delightful oh that that is wonderful it is oh man that is very nice that is like caramel burnt sugar [Music] molasses just like dark heavy crystalline [ __ ] flavors i just absolutely adore that the orange really compliments everything else that's going on in there this sweet and the rum i i thought this would be good i had never tried it i didn't expect it to be this good i think that this bottle belongs in an old fashioned like that is a phenomenal old-fashioned um really just nailed it on this one so the answer is yes it's going to hold fashion great that's fantastic yeah i'm not going to finish this now but i am going to keep this after we shoot so i'll finish this one tonight up next we've got this stuff what is this this is ancho reyes oh [ __ ] man this is 40 alcohol this is foolproof spirit huh i had to give this it's due it might be an okay drink what do you balance that with because it's pepper it's pepper what do you do with that [Music] cucumber is the answer cucumber no i don't know i'm gonna try these green bitters i'm gonna try cucumber and also even the celery we're gonna go for something a little uh fresco here a little fresh a little breakfasty maybe two ounces of ancho rays a bar spoon of simple give that a big stir [Music] it can't work it's weird um i do think a twist of orange again here we have the ancho rays old fashioned does it old-fashioned a little syrupy a little oversweet [Music] but i have to say that the spicy chili flavor of the ancho rays does work really well with the cucumber and the celery that that mates up well is it an old fashioned i mean i know it follows the formula but it tastes nothing like an old-fashioned i gotta say that it is it does old-fashioned because when you put it together it does work you have to like spicy stuff i i bet meredith will like this because she likes the spicy things right i do like spicy yeah merit try it oh no i like that yes so meredith is into it the cucumber celery combo was the right choice but you know what i think you do i think you swap the simple syrup for honey syrup in this case uh because you do like a hot honey mesquite kind of thing oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i think there's more that you could do with this i think maybe even a little drop of salt in this or a little bit of some kind of other spice on here but foundationally yeah i guess ancho reyes will old fashioned which is a shocker i did not think that was gonna be great all right is this uh the next one the last one this one's the last one oh my god and it is the only base spirit to my knowledge that we've not made an old fashioned let's see what she gave me a base spirit that sounds interesting it is uh it's it's goddamn vodka today on how to drink a vodka old-fashioned honestly in theory it shouldn't be bad it should just be flat i'm gonna do something crazy i'm gonna throw in bogart's bitters i'm gonna try and do this in a theory right like the vodka just gets out of everything's way so maybe we can use something unusual and kind of feature it here i'm dropping in two bar spoons of it might be a little heavy-handed but honestly a dash is a lot more than most people think it is i'm gonna put in probably two bar spoons again of my simple syrup now two ounces of vodka absolute apparently stir that up [Music] okay and orange twist lemon would be probably good here too but let's see if we can make a vodka old-fashioned [Music] oh man that's not too bad it isn't i mean it is just a vehicle for the bogart spitters but honestly it's kind of interesting for a person who really likes old fashions this is very interesting to see how the bitters tastes without the whiskey kind of holding it up you realize like how much of the flavor profile is really supported by the whiskey in those drinks this does feel thin it's like you have a scaffold like a bare bones structure just holding these bitters aloft rather than having a strong foundation for the bitters to build on but it's interesting because it does let the bitters really shine there's no confusion about where the flavor is coming from here and in this case it is a strong earthy spicy bitters thing they're nice it's eminently drinkable it is missing a lot of the qualities that you will come to associate with a whiskey old fashioned however i have to say it will old-fashioned because you i just followed the format and it worked you know it is a working drink yeah i guess you could vodka old-fashioned it's a weird idea well i made a bunch of old-fashioneds today from bottles that meredith chose at random to torture me um i made 10 of them and some of them were old-fashioned and some of them were not i made this rumble fashion is quite nice it's old drum old-fashioned that is nice that is lovely i don't know what is this this is cool right was this fun shamelessly ripping off good mythical morning thank you guys please don't send a cease and desist thank you if you like it let me know if you don't like it let me know um you could like comment and subscribe or you could just not that's fine that's your personal preference i leave that entirely to you uh no and i'll see you guys soon with another episode of how to drink uh in the meantime check out the links in the pink comment below he's got all the links you need for the things you want see you soon with another episode of htd bye
Channel: How To Drink
Views: 329,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: htd, how to drink, mixology, tape brothers territory, alcohol, liquor, bartending, mixed drinks, how to, how to make, spirits, bitters, drink, cocktails, cocktail, classic, recipes, Will it, old fashioned, old fashioned cocktail, rum old fashioned, taste test, good mythical morning, gmm, trying gross stuff, new old fashioned recipes, weird drinks, food torture, drinks with a twist, greg from htd, what is an old fashioned, Rhett and Link
Id: aXw6GH1JKbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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