S5 E7 // Mayhem Monday 03.08.21

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[Music] i need your feet however wide you go with your stance you're gonna get more resistance there the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take this and put it up over on our shoulders and i want you to hang on to it like backpack straps from here there's a slight bend in your knees i want you to push your hips back and then you're going to come right back up as you go through this you should feel this in your hamstrings as you get down to the bottom check [Music] so the hand closer to our knee you're going to reach through to the opposite wall and then i want you guys to go up towards the ceiling i want you to give me seven reps on this side you're gonna go seven on the other side what made you decide to do the class workout today oh we did a couple weeks ago we're gonna start trying to do friday's coach's choice anyway we missed last week because i was out of town or something something so luke's your partner probably probably easier that was changing weights from changing weights much less working out just like what you're gonna do with your partner you guys are going to have to where's the round partner parker is going to take you too fast and you won't get as much restraint let's go speed it up [Applause] it's like your workout right here sounds over yeah i want all of this i heard jay webb was really good yeah me and joe cause i told him my secret start to build your way up to whatever you're working with prescribed is 150 for guys 100 for ladies getting michael did you get a 125 pound sandbag i really think you need to she was like let's do a 200 and a 150 i was like we just did 60 cleaning jerks at 225 she wanted to go to the heavier sandbags we literally did this movement this morning so there is no no but all these times where i'm like well we just did a bunch of squats are we lift it off the floor a bunch and then it doesn't matter i don't even know what's going on all you hear when haley opens her mouth [Music] [Music] and obviously it works because i've had no injury over here probably didn't put on enough that day what do you think 100 went a little heavier with the tiger bomb we wouldn't have this problem it's true living learn yeah we're using this sandbag using that one over there i'm gonna use that use all that stuff right there the empty sandbag come on sup submit rounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not doing 70 second rounds some of them are 8 80. well then you've got a big problem you're just all over the place there's no way it was wonderful she's fast on that workout because the calories and then she moves that sandbag like it's nothing and she was barely getting 90. yeah i was biking at 17 high 16 34 right i have no idea there's a few times where i just whenever she started i did 20 seconds after that i know i was like what are you doing over there we're like the same thing darren we were doing 15 and 12 calories we did the same workout you did what we like in the aspect in 10 rounds i wasn't doing rounds i was resting that much oh okay yeah i just cheated a little bit from a rest because honestly i was debating that's not all right cheating and catching up to haley to push her but he looked at me in the last one he's like should i go i was like don't do it she'll fight you he said that to me and i said i've gone hard the whole time i can't go anytime i wasn't doing six rounds i was resting that much oh okay yeah i just cheated a little bit i'm arrested because honestly i was debating that's not all right she didn't catch up to haley to push her but he go he looked at me in the last one he's like should i go i was like don't do it she'll fight you he said that's me and i said i've gone hard the whole time i can't go anytime i was like you can't do it that would be a bad idea he looks over and he goes should i go i was like no i was struggling or no we agreed to terms one million dollars you have six months from the time this video comes out well after the game you see it starts after the game no the times you get six months from now oh you start now you can start raising the money now let's start next week we get a game video comes out you have what six months to raise a million dollars but it has to be directed it can't just be like oh we got a million dollars for this other thing like the memo on the checks or we set an account whatever it is a million dollars and i'll do a bodybuilding show so to whoever's rich my proposition is give us a million dollars to mayhem mission one check it out or six months later i'll write you a check for a million and five pounds after he does the show like the largest giver gets to pick out the bikini he wears too didn't agree to that the underwear that's good the largest giver gives it i think it's fair did not agree that it's motivated no motivation rich i'll do it with you and i'll wear the teeniest tiniest thing i can squeeze into you know ben has to do it if we raise it may have mayhem mission for this one director of mayhem mission six months what is this i feel like tasia is uncorruptable and will be fair in all of this so tasia is the accountant on all this okay if we raise one million dollars for this cause this cal zone this calls only we can't be like listen like we can't take rescue freedom money that we raise and all this stuff to this car separate one million dollars and i'll do a bodybuilding show i think you could just step out right now just the fact we get him on here that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me thank you thank you pretty much appreciate it and starve yourself for a little bit right yeah and get a spray tan and baby oil that would be the best part i'm fired up we're gonna get you in a spray tan baby oil i'll do the whole deal if we raise a million dollars i pick out my speedo though you'll wear speedo you have to right well some are bored shorts some are speedos we're doing it i have to wear speedo that's what it is it's a rule how about like a wow no bananas we gotta raise dude i gotta see this the whole episode is practicing his poses oh yes you're gonna do it yeah that means you have to like you know just eat like grilled chicken and broccoli all the time i actually like gaining weight no peanut butter pretzels how funny do you have a huge muffin top and get out there can you get into it yeah i'm fired up hey how much would you have to raise for us to like be able to pick out any tattoo we want to put on you mayhem mission any tattoo that's dangerous dude we give it a three inch diameter tattoo i'm not good for that because i'm so cheap anywhere we get to pick it up how much money for mayhem mission yeah yeah dude we could put any tattoo we want on you for sure it's not in my face anywhere else fine huh how much i want to tattoo so bad my parents are cute i want my sleeve so bad hillary won't let me i want to get one of my faces no no no no no tear drops you can get a tattoo it's your body but please don't do it your face does it make you feel special that you're on the wall right i actually do feel special that i'm on the wall i think that um whoever put that up code chosen may be a better picture of me but it's it's not about me i think it's a great picture of you i was really fatigued after the final workout everyone else was fine but you're like your chest is tall so it means you're like you're not like hurting i yeah i was trying to fake it if the final event in 2019 dre and china got to just watch us do the last 30 i think it was like clean jerks or snatches i can't remember so they were like fully recovered and then i had to got to wrestle time i was ringing muscle up so he was like 80 recovered and i was dying and so they finished and they were like ah i was like yeah they kind of that was the second workout they had sandbag because i remember dre was struggling to push that that big brown thing this is like this yeah i don't know the smell yeah and then he got out from behind it and you and rich got behind it and just powered that thing through and i was so fired up that was sick that was cool that's one of the best or something like that 2019 was so fun to california and got some internet everyone can thank josh for the internet oh hey josh yes mayhem mission raises one million dollars rich said he'll do a physique bodybuilding show oh wow so that we're gonna do that over six months you should uh put on ebay like auction off who gets to put baby oil on them it's not a bad idea that would be it hey rich how much would somebody have to pay to put baby oil on the body are you asking for a friend like someone if that person does for you josh nothing okay i'll buy the baby oil double under legless i got nothing else i want to borrow myself in the morning gonna do that open workout from the power snatch burpee power snatch i mean uh no the power snatch burpee muscle up burpee like rest because i'm gonna do a pump sesh after that's a good like console i am [Music] but then you have that i know but that's team i don't care about that it's overwatch team i'd like to open but barely let me go see what my kids are doing double under and oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right whoop update yesterday uh a relatively light-ish day uh swam in the morning rode a little bit in the afternoon with hinshaw it's actually pretty high intensity row um then did some crossfit weightlifting in the afternoon recovery 79 even though i got pretty crappy sleep lakeland was up coughing all night she's not half coping 10 pm sleep time 7 a.m wake time um a little bit in the bed uh today recovery was 92 pretty high recovery got a massage yesterday got cuffed a little bit so i think that has a little bit to do with it i've noticed that when i get some body work done the next day my recovery is a little bit higher um today we did quite a bit um sleep so i guess that was the previous sleep so sleep last night was seven hours eleven minutes uh we did six rounds or six sets of 25 ghds five cleaning jerks 225 50 foot handstand walk five cleaning jerks at to one sets i don't know if ben got that or not or if that's the the corrupt file but that's what we did we did some crossfit weightlifting after that just build up to 93 percent for two reps um that's on snatch and then on clean and jerk and then this afternoon we did a little partner back and forth with the afternoon class here at mayhem uh we changed just a touch from what they did but it was pretty close but we did ten rounds with the partner back and forth full rounds 15 cal bike for the men 12 for the ladies 30 yard sled push uh relatively heavy moderate heavy and then six sandbag cleans with the 150 a lot of cleans today a lot of pulling from the ground um and then after that we did um 10 minutes of 50 double unders and one legless rope climb no idea how many rounds i got overall day strain so far is 15.3 so we are in pretty close to the optimal range of 0.2 shy of the optimal range um total for the week looks like that recovery is kind of ping-ponged a little bit but it's stayed relatively high so it's been a good week monday was pretty beat up from train with rich just mentally uh but rebounded pretty good for the rest of the week so there's your loop update for the week [Music] you
Channel: CrossFit Mayhem
Views: 25,352
Rating: 4.9663301 out of 5
Id: nVu9OWYmS0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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