S4 ● E87 Compost Tea for trees, a whole roast pig and the internship ends...

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smart the last day of the internship and so now we're having a final feast as well as applying compost teas painting Barnes getting winters fit to our Rhino and we've just got sport stem as mushroom delivery and we're going to turn spruce trees and food let them on jaws Swinton's then boil it up here just to lay them off to do sake and we'll see 22 move another human flat-footed in a bit of a stranger mold and Fullman restraining order first big blue very very fresh pig blood oats allspice black pepper bit of salt and some hopes on how long would you cook I'm going to stick it in the oven and then check back on that one oh I should imagine it's going to be open our English clipper what were your breakfast where we go we'd be like pudding from the big black pudding right back but in some made maybe I made my dream not this this is going to be well rid of it but it will put English breakfast but we're more like I'm over brick but knew you came back for exactly aluminum English breakfast today their face we got post eggs hash browns but I put in come the pic kind of works where bin home a baby yeah and so what we've done is taking the feed off let's make it a little bit more manageable taking the tail and ears off because they will burn easily and then I've split to the spine but not all the way through to really enable opening it up a bit and then what I've done is and the ribs will tend to curl up on a cooking so I split them a lot to make it easier serving and I took out the front for ribs to allow to expose the shoulder so it will cook better and we'll get a bit more bark on there too which I've done with the hams I've taken the skin off the hams to expose the meat again and then I just trimmed some of the skirts and trim some of the connective tissue that we don't want to eat anyway and certain goods it's going to maybe take six seven hours so we've lit the fly now at breakfast time and we're hoping for dinner at 6 o'clock what's in there it myself and some ham and the pepper we'll put in the basil so we've grabbed the pig miss mustard and then just liberal salt pepper and can and we'll be coming back to the oil in every hour so I would we'll see what the chef's put together for that and we'll cook it mostly on the back we've scored the back out to this about five million so we get a nice clap in developing and we'll probably turn it over for the last bit by keeping upside down some of the juices and the base things will be kept in here and keep it moist slow and steady it's quite higher for five perfect so this is a bit of a special fish to end the internship we always do something to celebrate the time we've had together so very intense component time and it's just interesting thinking creatively nurses this pig is a heirloom swedish pig way from the forest this is meat we would sell at 150 clams as about 15 euros a kilo carcass weight so this is a - 900 euro Pig it's actually quite a heavy Pig it weighs about sixty kilos now but thinking creatively always thinking like how can you do more with less and you know how do you turn this into a two and a half thousand year old piggy well one thing I always thought of doing here is I could spit roast and with the waterwheel running in the stream let me do a tour of the farm from the family have kids activities and invite our local Brewers to talk about brewing and bring some of his beer charge people 50 year overhead which in Sweden is you know you pay that for not even a good organic meal just a meal at a restaurant so how much does a pig feed well fifty people at least and Pig good size so you know that's the two and a half thousand year old piggy for a bit of organization in the nice um maybe white tablecloth tables out in the pasture there's little ideas like this that you know make a big difference thinking the same day with one of the cows that's enough to feed 400 people it was a 48-hour spit most and I've always thought these interesting ideas I saw this back in there and it was no book talking about when the River Thames in London used to freeze and they would build a wicker cage around the pit around their cow and people would be paying money just to come in and see the spectacle of this huge piece of meat this is a couple hundred years ago 150 years ago but then they were paid to come back again and eat it and I always thought this would make a good base for a tour of the farm you know you can feed 400 people on there on the cow and if they just paid 50 euro beach fur you know an afternoon counter kids activities learn about their local food supply meet interesting people from all over the world who know a lot about these things we served as an amazing meal in the silver pasture lanes from here and with some local beer or ciders here 50 years is very reasonable price and that one cow is now worth 20,000 euros and the costs are pretty low to put on such an event there would be a lot of fun but it's this kind of creativity that you know we can leverage as a small farm we can always out-compete with freshness with localness your quality and the intimacy of marketing you know the personal sort of story that is what we're selling you through this kind of farming is you know why we're doing this that's important people so something to think about and we're really looking forward to epic feast and this amazing time together so let's turn on the piggy it's now two hours nice colour developing no burning play nice finish I'm going to base the back again for let's turn over so three hours in and I turned it over just for half an hour to just tighten up the belly will complete last and we've been applying some basting we've used some milk left and then I've gone back to oil to mean that but in really nice color and smelling really good off this box has the big one half carat and you can loose first tomatoes going in the fifth yeah when I turn it and keep the charred leek garlic cabbages abundance it is roasting bones been painted Georgia survived when its compost about it and we're doing a foliar application for the trees and he's just got a brand new set up for his reputation and computer this is it on the last trailing you would expect the temperature of the pile is to be coming down to some sort of ambient and then tension the temperature so each of these points and I'm watering a system watering the pile as much as as much as is necessary obviously if you are using that a good planting compost you'd need to sit them out this is a applicator free use for applying the patio and the above-ground part of the plant just see that you have a nozzle here that is big enough to allow the organisms out if your model is too small you're going to be obviously obviously filtering out the organisms that you want to colonize there the plant surface and then here your root needle inject I bought this on the specs very simple tool squirts out compost extract around the roots of the plant nearly blue green pro solutions Villa combivir company yeah yeah well I'm not strictly comfortable needles and of landscaping you but they do deal with this is what the new compost bro I bought from Britain actually supplied by the growing solutions is an American company Martin mission leads the the European distributors if you want to defy a one of these you'd have to buy them because the new move you know but alone it'll be you know that hump product so they come in varying sizes this one is four hundred liters and when you're brewing tea you can go through that three two one so make twelve hundred liters of tea so you can see here we have this little aeration what do they call them number eight I'm just from aeration discs so your pump is blowing air through these discs and creating your really fine air aeration bubble in the animal surface area and just big bubbles but we are have announced yeah there's a finer and then on top of that you have saturated stones so in here you can pass this around but so you have this plastic lid that's sitting inside the brewer itself and then inside that plastic lid you submerge the baskets that you fell to about three quarters and then inside of our baskets you're putting the air stones that are kind of blowing air through the through the compost yeah exactly and we're trying to keep the coals at the edges now to get some heat in the hands and the shoulders could smell super delicious in your clapping and is all bubbling up here very nice if anyone wants to come and sort of hang out and grabbing a where I live and just see the operation then you do get in touch and come and see what we're doing it's we're working I'm operating the business from the farm now I can show you the whole brewing system I can show you the compost production I can show you the raw materials and that way you'll get a sort of real understanding an idea but I can this introduction here was mainly to do with the application of compost teas and its benefits and we can delve a little bit deeper into the science that the microscope that's tonight tomorrow morning but yeah so that's that's good I have to say about that this is the new piece of kit so this is a diaphragm pump petrol driven diaphragm pump which can deliver about 70 litres of tea a minute we're restricted here by the hose diameter so it's not delivering that delivering probably about thirty twenty five or thirty but that's plenty was I Russia pressure unlooked the pressure I can alter here actually but some up to six six five and Edward pressure do you in tech because I could imagine them some bacteria that I sense of vulnerability in the bacteria actually the most recalcitrant and Hardy organisms of them all actually so it's more the fungi and the larger nematodes it's going to be the ones again smushed up so that's a really good point you can get like this bug against the windshield effect which is brain too hard just like this much everything and then you'll be still delivering bioavailable nutrients but the organisms that are responsible for the cycling of nutrients aren't going to be nearly as in country so you want to deliver the nutrients that are in the tea in a live very happy so they can do their job okay so diaphragm pump hose from got a thousand liters of tea in the tank there and and then obviously from and so this I said this pump has the capacity and a capacity of 70 liters a minute we're only delivering 30 so the the other forty liters needs to go back into the tank and we're getting this agitation process because all of the sediment likes to sit it's heavier supply system and the bottom of the tank it's really important to let all of this and sediment kind of mix through so then you get a uniform delivery of and you can so this is the return and someone can screw that to the top of the face okay so we have two on this particular system we have a bond here Cydonia ten meter house it's really [ __ ] so I never use it and and I have this 60 meter hose - this is the one we're going to be using so I'll just start her up and point out the ground yeah in the nervous [Applause] like that and you just want to kind of soak you want to soak the whole plant so the whole of the plant is dripping that's desirable and you see any access fee that supplied is just dripping down into the root zone of the plant and working its way down to the carving tool and money also going to get an assistant to the breakdown of their mulch here too for something like that I would think so then sermon we've been box for mr. Tennant in America now interesting Kingdom here this is paralyzed it goes alone on Bert since it has built some alder then we've got a bag turkey kale now you can only get it on plugs and we prefer to use sawdust spawn it's more efficient or may have better tools that we a rapid inoculation the tech tail will do well in spruce and then we have glue a sentinel on it as well in owl or bear then we have shiitake but what's interesting we've just got some type of fruiting at the moment but Paul Stamets drain can produce mushroomed in even four months as little as four months so that's you know a big difference the same strain thank you and this is Phoenix oyster and very excited about because this is nice that it grows in spruce and if you can turn spruce in the food you're doing good in Sweden where monocultural spruces everyone who got loads of Ag again we couldn't we don't get letting plug them a new chef been doing 10 he's really in Flushing we have the little lab at home so we're going to do some serious inoculation I now suspect Amon is just might seen this beautiful little small holding in the forest and then previous video but he's just fitted this super nice little wings and I'm trying it yet let's just come back but family we have a switch there I'll control their do we like it I guess we do it's going to be useful for pulling things up into the air pulling things lifting up carcasses and just totally moving stuff around I think it's a ton and a half winch which is perfect what we need there's been nine hours well to seminary degree agents I make money basically well and then we're going to have a feast they're making bunting sauerkraut some kimchi started with him to here kimchi simple self off and the rest of it is not the side it's always just just put some applesauce for applesauce Hawks we within Europe traditionally happen before mustard there's quite a lot of mustard on the pig already baked say baked potatoes huh so please eat well and be ready for battle tomorrow [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Richard Perkins
Views: 16,268
Rating: 4.8845143 out of 5
Keywords: ridgedale, ridgedale permaculture
Id: 6K-zxZDYsKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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