S4 ● E70 Keyline Plows and 1000's of Salix cuttings...

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we're putting in a wind break with the key lime flowers going to be willow cuttings along the edge they're going to cut this forest in a few years and we're also putting in quick wind protection before we establish more native hedgerow around farm so one of the rabbits escaped last night and Mae woke up a bit faster because the rabbit had come into her tent so she woke up at 3:00 in the morning with a rabbit in a tent she put it back in the pan but she couldn't see any holes but I came this morning rabbit was out again and he had pushed up we just stapled the chicken wire rod so he got out again so I thought to myself Oh where's rabbit in this jungle and either who's in the riparian he's been eaten always sitting just in the tree laying next door so I went looking around my meter and meat there's quite good at finding things so we found this sitting down in repairing having a nice time and rabbits quite hot cats that's what we learnt there there they also quick to tire so I sort of went random and at 10 this morning into Scott too tired then I picked her up and put her back in pixel pendant like rabbits doing really good the incredibly little and drink very little and me doing fine on the pass room we give them a bit of salad mix that we can't sell all of it so we give them a bit of that and very beautiful remnants very happy I'm moving the water lines that supply water to the Eggman bills and cows and sheep etc pretty long grass here it's a bit shorter along the fence line so I've been getting away with cutting I've done the other side of nap field and the other side of the road and top field and we're on the bottom there and just deciding whether we're going to come along here because it's going to block their view if we plan weather along there but we'll come down this edge we already have a windbreak up here but for the keyline plow to come in we're thinking to do a couple of rips well I'm not ripped so sub sorting essentially 25 centimetres deep and I'm thinking - normally I put black plastic down and poke cuttings through I think we're going to do this without plastic just to not to have plastic sitting in the field indefinitely and willows kardi enough that you get away with doing cuttings any time of year really as long as the ground is moist which is no problem here because it rains every week it's time we get a four-wheel drive roma just not really built this the wheels have no traction I'm cutting up along here but I I turned too late I can't get back up this hill I'm telling a line all the way to the top of this field and then I'll be cutting down there missing breakfast because I don't know when the factory's coming that's going to help pull me out No what you wanted me up there yeah I think so every day come on daddy birthday birthday order to Selma for my campaign have you got this you got this beautiful thing is that what's in the red box and sweet we have kohlrabi we have cabbage very nice Wow we have more Ternes we have the first tunnel beautiful we are broccoli right yes three types of spirals and beautiful reddish you can be happy what about mess a mess yeah messy mix - sure okay and then garlic fresh garlic still season the hardship and the options are really big - and then yes very nice super amazing bands [Music] someone happy about the price of the box we sell a large shirts for the 295 it's about 29 years that represents a good price in Sweden it's a competitive price and you know we feel good about it customers feel like they're getting good value and a tricot we sell for 350 we've quite open about that on the website it's ok if you want to subscribe for the rest of the year this is how much it costs if you just want a one-time box this is what it costs and people have been happy with that because they like the convenience I'll share half of that 150 there's a small increase very small increase if you only buy a hard share but both the half samples are always over the allotted value we're always adding a few little bonus things in to keep everyone happy ends and goods and we enjoy it and it works for our economy that we've planned and everyone's winning if everyone's winning everything keeps playing for the elderly so we work that we're going to go for 90 centimetres facing so these are they're putting a pencil-thin cutting three seasons ago just look at some enough I mean that's the scale you can see my hand there and so we're going to not use plastic on the next lease is very well because of the anti glass properties of the plastic but we're going to go straight into grass with long cutting so these were 30 centimeter cuttings put 20 in the ground we're going to pull the keyline plow through 25 centimetres and put in cutting the 50 centimetres long when you've got grass competition bigger cuttings longer and thicker they have more stored energy will do much better than short cutting so we're going to try without plastic see how that goes so what I want to do this six rows of willow here and I always want to alternate lis coppers rows so we just took a couple of these women are down the hybrid fast-growing willow for the biomass and we're working out how many 50 centimeter cuttings we can expect to get as we come through here to determine if we have enough material we've worked out we want 664 meters up around top and nut field and we're putting three plants and meters and 90 centimeters between the plants and two rows so there'll be a plant here 45 centimeters long there'll be a plant in the next row and then 45 centimeters along another plants and 90 between each plant on the row three plants a meter so we need about 2,000 plants and we want to determine how many rows would need to cut do this and then what we're going to do is cut these and soak them in buckets of water hopefully the tractors coming today and then we would actually plant these on Monday or Tuesday before they actually go to root but that they're just on that point of starting to root because we don't want to be planting sticks into the ground when they've already grown roots and we want them to have the best chance possible to compete with the grass so 92 cuttings farm to plant I mean though we have enough plants in not even half a row probably but we've got other meters 5 600 600 metres of plant so we've got plenty of gang material ok so we determine a few things for this project we know now that the keyline plow and a closest it's going to realistically get to the hedge is about 60 centimetres because the wheel this is the depth wheel that stops the cloud digging itself into the ground it's about 60 centimetres from the first shank leaving 15 centimetres that I expect the tractor driver to be able to come up to the fence and then because there's frames within the plow we're looking at about 60 centimeters between the row so we're going to use 120 out from the fence and we got 664 meters times 3 plants per meter and they're going to be at 90 sent to me this with 45 longitudinally for the second round so in the diamond platen like that so three plants per meter blocks is going to give us approximately 2000 plants and so we're planting up in nut field now we've got a windbreak here already and they're going to cut this forest one day so we're going to put in a row here two rows here two rows here this is in front of people's homes but we're putting it in there I think and then we'll keep it trimmed a bit lower because they have a view of the lake down across their farm so we want to consider that and we'll be cutting down here and then putting in there two rows down here there's a gate in the middle there and then in top field on the other side of the road I've drawn this incorrectly it's here here and here so that's a plan we know what we're doing we're growing without plastic so we expect the glass to have more competition when you pull the keyline plan to the ground you get a bit of die back on the edge of the cut which is what people use to establish cover crops or and pasture crops or whatever so we're carpeting mostly women analysts in this room and we're putting that material out here to then be stripped and graded it's almost reminds me like working with bamboo really nice amount of biomass and that's going to open up this window Namek a bit but the aim is here is to also there's six rows so we want to alternate leap office three rows each year and get a cycle going and we are then grading and selecting the big cuttings to make sure to get away from the grass will bundle those up and cut them with the bigger saw here just to make a large amount of sister Philomena cutting somebody's elders are two seasons old so they've had 12 months of growth essentially and you see some of the marathas so before meters now we will put in the 60 centimeter whips single stem leader whips but super nice post is taking some of our wind by year and multiplying around the red zone we've got now 1800 cuttings some are quite big but that's why we'll oh you can be pretty merciless so we're going with well okay this free it's easy we can just do it that's a nice project and it's going to give us very quick wind breaking very different size of cutting so I'm happy with that the you know we'll it was so Hardy and vigorous it was Willow popping up in the fields as it is and then we'll plant it I might put alder inside just because I was so fast growing these are two year old whips that there you know formulas tall in places now and I'm happy having just some basic wind breaking up as quick as possible it might be the website for the hedgerow in later it's kind of design on the fly we know we want to win protector it's not that important to me the specifics and right now I just feel like I want to get it up quick and so that will be shading off some of our inheritance plantings I like to call them as chestnut here these are badger set chestnuts and Oaks we have red oak in English okay and that will shade them out a bit so you can see the line of cut behind me ready for the tractor but that will just make those trees grow take their straight and tall I'm going to prune the laterals at some point soon and then we'll just have them growing up nice and straight of timber trees you now have a new planting so just turn the key now I'm ready for the tractors come you might come tonight might come tomorrow and we're using this to put in the cuttings so we've set up two Colton's and cut the grass roots just above the flower sense of the wombat point of the Yeomans plan has a really good soul dynamic for breaking up and compaction in the sub shop so we've set the together 60 enemy of the buck and we've got about 60 centimetres of clearance to keep 15 centimetres off the wheel so be able to drive up along the fence line we've dropped the other Chang can cut it off and we've dropped the roller bar off the backs and when we lift this we'll set the depth will somewhat drop off these bars to allow the tractor to reverse right up to our fence line let's get the most out of the machine work as we can and then we can do any last bits by hand as well [Music]
Channel: Richard Perkins
Views: 19,606
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: ridgedale, ridgedale permaculture, windbreak, keyline plow
Id: i-GFzZJYds0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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