S2E1 'Mind on Fire' - Impulse

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[bright tone] You have five seconds to show me. I can't. Okay? Admit what you did to my son. -[Henry] Please just put the gun down. -[Bill] Four. -[Henry] Leave my mom out of it! -[Cleo sobbing] -[Bill] Three. -[Henry] Okay! [Henry] I did it. I did it. I hurt Clay in his truck. I did it, and I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry. -Show me! -I don't know how! -No, no, please! Put the gun down! -Two. -[whooshing] -[gunshot] [bodies clatter] [grunts softly] [door opens] [grunting softly] [groans] [panting] Help. He... [grunting weakly] [gasps] [moans] [moans] [grunts] [grunting stops] ["Spirit in the Sky" playing through ear buds] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [man]<i> ♪ When I die and they lay me to rest ♪</i> <i> ♪ Gonna go to the place that's the best ♪</i> <i> ♪ When I lay me down to die ♪</i> <i> ♪ Going up to the spirit in the sky ♪</i> <i> ♪ Going up to the spirit in the sky ♪</i> [chorus]<i> ♪ Spirit in the sky ♪</i> [man]<i> ♪ That's where I'm gonna go when I die ♪</i> -[chorus]<i> ♪ When I die ♪</i> -[man]<i> ♪ When I die and they lay me to rest ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm gonna go to the place that's the best ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ Prepare yourself, you know it's a must ♪</i> <i> ♪ Gotta have a friend in Jesus ♪</i> <i> ♪ So you know that when you die ♪</i> <i> ♪ He's gonna recommend you to the spirit in the sky ♪</i> [chorus]<i> ♪ Spirit in the sky ♪</i> [man]<i> ♪ Gonna recommend you to the spirit in the sky ♪</i> <i>♪ That's where you're gonna go when you die ♪</i> -[chorus]<i> ♪ When you die ♪</i> -[man]<i> ♪ When you die and they lay you to rest ♪</i> <i>♪ You're gonna go to the place that's the best ♪</i> [soft dramatic music] [grunts] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [door opens] [splashing] [door opens] Quite a mess you left me here. I bet you got a lot of questions. Where's my mom? <i> ♪ ♪</i> What did you do? [sniffs] Shouldn't you be asking yourself that? [exhales] Where's the rest of him? -I don't-- -Well, you didn't leave me the whole guy. So where is it? Reston? [water boiling] I didn't mean to hurt anybody. Sure you did. No, it was an accident. It just happened. Uh-huh. Hey, hand me that. Hand me the shovel. Come on. We don't have a lot of time. <i> ♪ ♪</i> [grunting] [ominous music] [gags] <i> ♪ ♪</i> I-- [exhaling] [panting] [music escalates] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [gasping] I need my mom. I can't. [barn rattling] Oh, shit, not now. Hold on. Calm down. Make a fist. -[panting] I need my mom. -[Nikolai] Make a fist. Calm down. -And I just-- -Do it. [panting] Make a fist! Breathe. Clench it, then release it, and again. [light bulbs shattering] [rattling stops] Breathe. [panting] Not gonna do your mom any good if you keep disappearing. [phone dialing] -Come on. -[line ringing] It's me. Got another cleanup. [sniffs] Wait! Wait! Please. Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? -Please. -[heartbeat thudding] [gasps] Okay. Um... [spits] We're gonna get you help, okay? [engine turns over] [car door closes] [soft dramatic music] She's cold. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Use all your weight. The hospital's the other way. What? What are you doing? Helping you. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Bill showed up at your house unhinged, right? Threatening you and your mom. He had a gun. He's spouting some crazy shit. None of it made sense. Why you? Why your mom? That's what they'll wanna know. Um... [panting] He--he thought that I hurt Clay. [stammers] His son. No, don't make it about you. Bill lost his job, his house. His older son kidnapped your mother. Thought it was her fault, wanted to hurt you too-- you don't know why. But you don't need to know why. How do you know all this stuff? He shot your mother, dragged her into the car, forced you inside too. You didn't know what he was gonna do to you or to her. You were scared. You were terrified of what this man was capable of. I'm guessing you can sell that. You begged Bill to take you to the hospital. "Bill, take me to the hospital." But he refused. And then... [engine puttering] He ran out of gas. What? -[car door dinging] -Wait! No. No, you can't-- you can't do this. You don't do this. You cannot leave us here. Bill ditched you and your mom in the truck, took off into the woods. Probably trying to get to the Canadian border. He's got a history of smuggling drugs from there, so it'll track. I don't give a...shit if it tracks! My mom could die! -Then you should hurry. -[Henry] Please. There's a gas station half a mile up the road. Stay calm. You stick to the story I told you. You don't have to know all the answers, but you do need to sound convincing. -[Henry] But-- -I'll find you soon. [coughing] [gasps] [moans] Okay. Oh, shit. -Okay, okay. -[coughing] [car tires rustling on road] Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! [panting] <i> ♪ ♪</i> Okay. Just hold on, o-- just hold on, okay? <i> ♪ ♪</i> -[road creaking] -Shit. Not now. [whooshing] [can rattles] [panting] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [tires rustling on pavement] [tires squeak] [van doors slam] [indistinct chatter] [breathing heavily] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [whooshing] [grunts] [grunting] [suspenseful music] <i> ♪ ♪</i> My mom--my mom's been shot. [panting] [dramatic music] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [music playing softly through radio] <i> ♪ ♪</i> I got you two cherries. -Does it hurt? -No. [sniffs] -I should've done something. -[Cleo] Ugh, you saw how he was. That wouldn't have changed a thing. How are the fries? Soggy. Mm. Sorry you didn't get to say good-bye. Mom, I, like, really don't care. -But saying good-bye isn't always-- -What's best. Yeah. I got it. I want you to be happy. You know that, right? Yeah? Okay, good. So this place is hiring. I checked just to see. Maybe I could get a job and wait tables until something better comes along. I thought you said we were gonna go somewhere warmer this time. I know, but... [sighs] Heat is overrated, and our car breaking down here? I mean, maybe that was kismet. Did you ever think of that? I think that our car is just a piece of shit. And that guy from the bowling alley? He was nice. Thomas? He was fine. He was kinda cute. -Mom, like, I-- -Henry, I'm not saying that. I'm not-- Look, I'm just-- He has a daughter who's your age and I thought maybe you two could be friends. Come on. It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we're together. Isn't that what we always say? That's what you always say. Close enough. [soft dramatic music] You're gonna love it here, Henry. I can feel it. [laughs softly] [machine whirring] [nurse] Relax your hand, honey, or it'll mess with the reading. [sighs] This doesn't matter. What's that? This... this doesn't... -Hold on. -Doesn't matter. Just hold on. Who gives a shit what my...blood pressure is? Who cares? This is just standard procedure. What do you think this is gonna do? Help me? You don't know me. You don't know what...I can do. My mom didn't know either. -[Henry] Where's my mom? -Henry. -Can we have a minute? -[sighs] I got this. Your mom's still in surgery. Are you okay? Why are you here? I'm sorry, Henry. I wish I could've been there-- I already talked to the other cops. -I know. -And I told them everything, so I'm... Do you wanna sit? Look, I can't change what happened, but I want you to know I'm gonna find him. I'm gonna make sure Bill never hurts you again. But to do that, I need to better understand what took place-- if you're up for it. -Otherwise, we can wait for your mom-- -No, we can do it now. Okay. Okay, I've been trying to make sense of this. Your house is here. And Bill's car with your mom was found here. Now you told the other officers that you were in the car with your mom. But The Yolk is a good three miles away on the other side of town, so how did you make it all the way over there? I don't know. I don't know. I'm... I mean, I wasn't in the car with her the whole time. Okay. I didn't know what he was gonna do or where he was gonna take us, so... I wanted to stay with my mom to take care of her. But... I just jumped. I jumped out of the car and ran into the woods. And I left her. I mean, I... I was running for a long time, I guess. It didn't feel like a long time, but I guess it was. And then I saw the diner, and they said that someone else had found her and saw the car and pulled over and got her help. I left her for nothing. You did everything you could. Henry. This isn't your fault. [Patty] You need to get your shit together, Jenna, 'cause there is nothing more important than this party. I know there is, but whatever. You know what I mean. Uh-huh. Anyway, Keith Harrison got accepted early at USC. Really? Yeah, I mean, he's a legacy, so it's not like he earned it. Plus, Lincoln High... boo, but whatever. He's throwing a killer party to celebrate. His parents are super rich and they have acres of land and a hot tub. Promise me you'll come. We never hang out anymore, and I miss you. -[trays clatter] -Excuse me, Jenna. Hello, Patricia. We have a science club thing. She wears a lot of perfume. Have you seen Henry? We need to discuss the ackerhay ituationsay. -What? -The hacker situation. I've been thinking more about what it means. "If I can find you, they can too." It's very ominous. Yeah, it's a warning, Townes. It means we need to stop looking into this stuff, okay? -Henry could get hurt. -Right. -We could get hurt. -Yes. So, I re-uploaded the teleportation video to as many sites as I could find. How? I downloaded it before it was removed. [boy groans] [whispering] Why would you do that? Because we're clearly onto something. And the only way we're going to find out who "they" is is if we bait the hacker into telling us. [softly] Now is not the time to cower, Jenna. -We need to be brave for Henry. -No. We needed to be guarded and careful and not die. Okay, that teleporter guy broke into my house, Townes. I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't... you know? Exactly. It's too late for us to do nothing. They already know where we live. We need to defend ourselves against whatever it is that's coming our way, and the only way to do that is to gather more information. We're not strong enough otherwise, Henry hasn't had time to train, and you're very weak, physically. So am I. Though I am stronger than you. But we're both smart, so the more information we gather, the more we can outsmart the bad guys. -I don't know. -[Dr. Paige] Ms. Hope? Please come with me. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Henry. Hey. Did he hurt you? I'm fine. Okay. Do you wanna talk about it? What are those? Oh, those are your mom's... you know, medical history, insurance. I mean, I should know this stuff, but... -I can do it. -Okay. [sniffs] She's a bit disorganized. Maybe. [doctor] Excuse me. Are you Cleo Cole's family? -I'm her daughter. -[Thomas] Yes, yes. [doctor] Her surgery went well. She's lucky though, all things considered. The bullet went straight through without hitting any major organs. She'll be herself again after some physical therapy. But right now, she needs time. She's lost a lot of blood and, well, won't likely be alert until tomorrow. I suggest you both go home, get some rest. Right. Okay. Thank you. Thanks. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Hey, so, we can't actually go back to the house just yet. The police need to, you know. But I called Townes's parents. They're old friends. They'd be happy to have you and Jenna sleep over. You head there. I'll stay here. I'll call you as soon as your mom wakes up. -No. -Henry. I'm... I'm not going anywhere. No. You heard what the doctor said. -Your mom's not gonna be awake-- -She's my mom. I have a right to be here. I'm not going anywhere. No one's saying that you don't. Why do you get to stay? You're not her husband. Why... why do you get to stay? I don't--I don't get to. -I'm-- -I'm the adult. You don't even know her. You don't know her middle name. It's Abigail, by the way. Right, yes. I'm sorry, I... -I should've-- -No, no, no. I am her family, okay? Me. Not you. You're just a guy. You are a guy who couldn't fix her car, and that is the only reason why we are stuck here in this shitty town living in your shitty house where she almost...died. [Jenna] Henry. [Thomas] Hey. You all right? Okay. Henry, Jenna's gonna take you to the Lindermans'. I will call you if anything changes. Blood splatter's consistent with your vic's shoulder wound. Looks like she was facing in this direction when she took the hit. Pop. Poof. Perp must've been in close proximity too. The bullet went in the wall there. And the weapon? We dug a 9mm slug out, but couldn't retrieve a shell casing. Not much trace evidence in general. Really? Well, it's possible that the perp had the forethought to nab it. You know, maybe he wanted to keep a souvenir. I don't know. I've seen creepier. One guy, he collected women's toenail clippings in a little-- Yeah, I got it. Thanks. [pensive music] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [birds chirping] <i> ♪ ♪</i> Make sure to tell him you said that. [chuckles] [sighs] [sighs] Fisher, how was it out there? It's cold as whiz. We tracked Boone's footprints about a mile and change, then lost the trail at a creek bed. You want one? I'm trying to lay off the chew. Berry flavored. Got the sugar crystals in it. No, no, but thanks. So what about the perimeter? Boys are on it like you asked, Sheriff. You prefer I don't call you that? 'Cause for the record, I'm in full support of you taking over, even if it is just an interim thing. -All right. -I mean that. Dale got what was coming. Not the whole bullet exploding his face thing. That's just brutal violence. But yeah, we could use a woman in charge. Hell, I would've voted for Hillary if she wasn't so unlikeable. Uh-huh. I think what I mean is, we could clean things up around here, and I got your back. Well, I appreciate that, Fisher. I do. Hey, what can we do to... to expedite the crime scene cleanup in here? Responsibility falls on the homeowner. You know that. Yeah, but two teenage girls live here. I don't want them coming home to this if we can help it. Boys left a business card on the fridge. That's about the best we can do unless you wanna make a special exception. But given how people are looking for any excuse to cut you off at the knees, I'd be careful. [door creaks] [door closes] [door creaks] [door closes] [Townes] We've gotta get you back there. I don't even know where I was. But you know your dad was close by. I think so. It had to be him. Who else would have a picture of your family? Maybe he's drawing you to him telepathically, like when Charles Xavier uses Cerebro to find other mutants. Or when Lord Voldemort possesses Harry's mind. What about Bill Boone? Henry, what do we do about him? There's nothing to do. -[Townes] But if he saw you teleport-- -He didn't. Well, we have to be sure. I am sure. -But you left. -[Jenna] Right. You can't know what Bill saw. And now he's out there on the run. -He's not. -And with Clay in the fire, we-- He's dead. Bill Boone's dead. [Townes] How? Wh... Are you sure? Yes. But, like, on a scale of-- Jesus, Jenna, I yanked his arm off and I took it with me to wherever the fuck I went, so yes. He had a gun pointed at my mom's face, so I grabbed it. I grabbed him, and I-- I don't know why. I didn't mean to. But I did it. I killed him. <i> ♪ ♪</i> You were just protecting your mom. You didn't know your body could do that. How could you? You chose fight over flight, or a combination of the two. Regardless, Bill Boone is the villain here, which further reinforces that you're the hero, and I'm your sidekick. And Jenna is your sometimes friend. It was self-defense, Henry. You didn't do anything wrong. Jenna? Were you not gonna tell us? Did something else happen? [knocking on door] Mom, I told you. No interruptions. I know, and I'm sorry, but you have another visitor. Jenna! Oh, my God. I can't believe it. Are you okay? I'm so sorry. [panting] You too, Henry. Your poor mom. The whole school's been talking about it. Don't worry. I'm not going to Keith's party tonight. Okay? I told everyone I'm staying here with you... all night, if need be. Whatever you need. Girls, Megan's room is ready for you whenever you need it. Mr. Linderman and I are heading off to bed, but please, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. Oh, and Townes, don't forget about your humidifier. These winter months are so-- -Mom, Mom, Mom. -[Mrs. Linderman] Oh. Uh, okay. Okay, good night. I'm in. Let's go. -Where? -The party. I don't think that's a good idea, not with what we just talked about. Sure it is. [Townes] But we have more work to do, which means you should leave now. -And wear less perfume. -What? No, Patty can drive us. -[Patty] I can? -Yeah. No. Absolutely not. I have a schedule that I need to keep to. I don't like crowds. I don't do well in them. There are already one too many people in my room. Well then, you should stay here, but I'm gonna go. [Jenna] Henry, are you sure this is what you want? ["Free Animal" playing] [indistinct chatter] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [man]<i> ♪ My heart beats and patters to the broken sound ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ You're the only one that can calm me down ♪</i> Where's the weed? You think I know? You're the pothead. [man]<i> ♪ My head spins in circles so I'm dizzy now ♪</i> Is that why you wanted to come here? -[man]<i> ♪ All of this time ♪</i> -[Damian grunting] God, what the hell? -Ooh, shit. -What the hell? [Damian] I'm sorry. I just wanted to love on you. [man]<i> ♪ Free animal free animal ♪</i> I cannot believe you're here. Everyone's talking about it. Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, we're fine. Right. It was your mom. But, like, didn't Clay's dad attack you too? Do you guys have any weed? -Um, no. -Henry. Maybe Keith does. Who's Keith? This is his house. He got accepted early into USC. Cool. What's that? Vodka Red Bull. Can I have it? Um, sure. [man]<i> ♪ What you're made of ♪</i> Guys, I'll be back. [man]<i> ♪ Won't lie ♪</i> So you drink now? [man]<i> ♪ Free animal free animal ♪</i> Well, I prefer the ganja, but... [man]<i> ♪ To the broken sound free ani-- ♪</i> [indistinct chatter] Hey, we shouldn't be here. -Henry-- -Jenna, these are your friends. Go do your own thing. Have fun. Let loose. [sighs] Hey, I'm worried about you. You shouldn't be. I don't want you to get hurt. I saw the way that you looked at me. You're afraid of me. No, I'm not. -Who are you pretending for? -I'm sorry, okay? I just wasn't expecting...that. But I know Townes is right. I mean... I stabbed that guy, and he could be dead too. He's not. -What? -He's not dead. He came back. Yeah, and I helped him dissolve Bill's body in a vat of acid in your dad's barn. So don't worry. You're not a murderer like me. What are you-- did that really happen, Henry-- Jenna, you don't have to say everything that comes into your...head, okay? Leave me alone. ["High" playing] [man]<i> ♪ It feels good to be running from the devil ♪</i> <i> ♪ Another breath and I'm up another level ♪</i> <i> ♪ It feels good to be up above the clouds ♪</i> <i> ♪ It feels good for the first time in a long time now ♪</i> <i> ♪ What comes next I see a light ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm along for the ride as I'm taking flight ♪</i> [girl] That's the girl Bill Boone shot. Thought it was her mom. [boy] Didn't she hook up with Clay? [girl] I heard her mom's on life support. [girl 2] Then why the hell is she here? ["Something to Lose" plays] [man] Hey, uh, do you know where I can find Keith? I'm the pizza delivery guy. I'm just trying to get paid. People keep telling me he's the guy to talk to, so... [snickers] Yeah, me too. Do you know he got into USC? [man]<i> ♪ I can't let you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Leave me behind ♪</i> Do you have any weed? [man]<i> ♪ You were first to open your mouth ♪</i> Um, I don't, no. I'm... I'm working right now, or I would. And she's walking away. [indistinct chatter] -[girls laugh] -Hey. I had no idea you were coming. Yeah, Henry wanted to. I've been thinking about you all day. You look surprised. Oh, no, I just... I don't know. It's been a really shitty day. What can I do? You're doing it. [laughs softly] Can I get you a drink? Um, yeah, sure. Something fruity, right? [laughs] Right. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I really like you, Jenna. Oh. [stammers] I've been kind of afraid to, you know, but, like, today, just the idea of you not being okay, you know, I just wanna take care of you. And so, you should know that. That's really sweet. [laughs softly] <i> ♪ ♪</i> And I... I really like you... too. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I'll get you that drink. <i> ♪ ♪</i> [indistinct chatter] Keith's mom donated a ton of money to that school. [Keith] Hey, hey-- [coughs] Hey. [scoffs] Yeah, my mom's a legacy, but that's not why I got in. -[boy] Dude, you couldn't throw a football if your life... -[Henry] Keith? Yeah? Oh, my God. I'm so excited for you. California. What an adventure. [Keith] Thanks. [soft dramatic music] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [Keith] Hey, what was it like to kill Bill Boone? What? You dissolved his body in acid, right? [foreboding music] Why'd you leave your mom like that? Don't you love her? Come on. Show us your little trick. What? Show us your little trick. Come on. Haven't I earned a peek? -No. -Yeah, you showed Bill Boone. I mean, why don't we get to see? -[Bill]<i> You have five seconds to show me.</i> -No. Five. Show us! -[all] Four. -Stop it. -Show me your trick. -[all] Three. -Stop it! -[girl] Show us! -[boy] Come on! -Haven't I earned a peek? -Stop it! -Two! Stop it! Stop it! [grunts] -[bones crunch] -[screams] [all screaming] [overlapping shouting] [panting] [soft dramatic music] [Keith] Hey. Hey. Hey. You okay? ["Deathco" playing over speakers] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [screams] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [cup crunching] [gasps] [heavy breathing] [foreboding music] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [panting] [buzzing] [whimpering] [electricity crackling] ["Deathco" continues over speakers] <i> ♪ ♪</i> ["Los Ageless" playing] <i> ♪ How can anybody have you and lose you? ♪</i> <i> ♪ How can anybody have you and lose you? ♪</i> [overlapping panicked chatter] <i> ♪ How can anybody have you? ♪</i> <i> ♪ How can anybody have you and lose you? ♪</i> [panicked chatter] The cops are here. <i> ♪ ♪</i> [man]<i> ♪ Oh ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> [mellow string music plays] [Townes] Oh, no. I'm decaying. I can't heal. [Zoe]<i> Can you taunt them as a man or a bear, or anything that taunts?</i> -[Townes] I can try. -[whooshing] Oh, crap. I don't know. Maybe Uncanny Evasion would be better. [Zoe]<i> It's okay. It's a hard fight, Townes. You're doing great.</i> [sighs] Thanks. [Zoe]<i> What happened to you this morning? You weren't online.</i> Yeah, I was hacked. [Zoe]<i> What? What do you mean?</i> It's best if I don't expand on the details, Zoe. It's kind of personal. [Zoe]<i> Okay. Does it have to do with that teleportation video?</i> [fire whooshing] How... how do you know about that? [Zoe]<i> You posted it, like, a thousand times today. Was that you or the hacker?</i> We can't discuss this any further, Zoe. I have to protect Henry. -[Zoe]<i> Who's Henry?</i> -[computer blips] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [Zoe]<i> Townes?</i> [foreboding music] Hello? [computer blips] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [doorbell rings] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [dog barking softly] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [both panting] I don't hear anything. Hey, no, no, no. -We can't stop. We gotta go. -Or what? We could get caught. For underage drinking? Fuck. There goes my fucking future. Henry, come on, get up. [sighs] You were right. [sighs] You were right to be afraid of me. I told you. I'm not. [softly] I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill him. And then I did. And it felt... okay. Not in the moment. In the moment, it was... But after... After, it felt good. [softly] It felt like a relief. 'Cause I did it. I stopped him. [scoffs] [laughing] [laughing] I'm sick. [sad laugh] I'm sick, right? You're a good person, Henry. But you need to believe it too, or it doesn't matter. [sighs] [sniffs, grunting] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [panting] I don't think anyone heard us. [door creaking quietly] [sighs] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [Jenna sniffs] [door thumps] [thunder rumbles] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [heavy breathing] [panting] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [exhales softly] [wooden sword clatters] [clanking] [thud] Dad? Hank. We can't stay here. We need to go. Wait, wait! Why? Where are we? [Simon] We don't have a lot of time. Dad, just... just wait. Just... Dad, please. Dad, wait. -[grunting] -[mud sloshing] -Come on. -I can't. I can't. [soft suspenseful music] You need to find me before he does. [grunts] Dad, please, please. Wait. Please wait. Just wait for me, Dad! Please! Dad, wait, please! Just wait for me! [grunts] Dad, I need you! Please don't leave me, Dad! Dad, stop! Please don't leave me! I need you! [grunts] Dad! [heavy breathing] What the... <i> ♪ ♪</i> [muffled clattering] [muffled creaking] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [footsteps creaking] [lamp clanging] [objects rattling] -[whooshing] -[screams] ["Bratt" playing] <i> ♪ ♪</i> [woman]<i> ♪ It's okay ♪</i> <i> ♪ That the words are gone ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ I don't care ♪</i> <i> ♪ About the drugs you're on ♪</i> [bright tone]
Channel: Impulse
Views: 106,122,122
Rating: 4.5341902 out of 5
Keywords: Impulse, Impulse Youtube, Impulse YouTube Originals, Drama, Season 2, Impulse S2, Impulse Season 2, Impulse 2019, Joker
Id: E7qyZawdbww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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