Ryobi Milwaukee DeWalt inflator and compressor review

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hey I'm gonna make this short and sweet if I can if you guys are deciding on an inflator I've got four lined up here we're gonna try the Milwaukee the ryobi inflate or deflate er the ryobi compressor and the DeWalt a real quick overview the DeWalt has the ability to plug up to the car it's the only one that can do that the rest take the batteries and that's it obviously the compressor you can run other tools on that kind of thing get to a higher pressure all these tires are set to zero and what we're gonna do is inflate them to about 32 no I'm sorry 31 psi from zero and the reason I'm doing that is because worst case scenario is you have to inflate a completely empty tire to at least enough to get you to another gas station and something like that I think 31 could get you a good spot I've seen some reviews on these where they don't like pressing the button or they time a basketball filling up I don't really care if it takes me five minutes or you know seven minutes to fill up a basketball so that's why I'm doing these tires if you're really worried about two minutes filling up a basketball then you know watch those videos so anyway I'm gonna hit start on the timer it's a level playing field so just add a couple seconds to each one oh that one just turned off so right off the bat but you know they're gonna be close enough it's really just to see if they can do it [Laughter] all right first one at 450 oh let the tank build up 21 at seven minutes [Music] that is done looks like the battery is almost dead 7:20 eight minutes [Applause] alright 9 minutes and 30 seconds so a couple takeaways from all this I'm trying to decide which one to put in my vehicle the DeWalt here is on a one-and-a-half amp hour battery the Milwaukee is on a 2.0 these are on four and four so let's see the battery level I don't see an indication on the DeWalt and this is not mine either so I really don't think there's any way to see exactly what the level is on the DeWalt this says this is a 2 amp hour battery it says it has two bars this one says it's still full and the compressor is 3 or 4 the compressor beat them by far so I'm surprised that the Milwaukee edged out the other two so if you're looking for it and playing the tires in the truck I'm gonna go with the Milwaukee based on the speed and the size of it you know and the other tools are small good for cars I hope this helps somebody they all pretty much about the same as far as ease of use except for the compressor which you have to sit there and hold down the nozzle so we'll see now if we can get any higher all right round two we're gonna go to 45 psi we stopped at about 935 on the ryobi so you just have to actually I'll we reset it and we'll see what so you just add to the original times we have start that Oh Oh all right we're there Oh battery just went out for 18 from 31 to 45 on the 1.5 but it was just about to get there so will will count it at 44th 44.7 that's pretty good this is off also with battery indicator for 57 [Applause] all right there we go so from 31 to 45 six minutes will stop so the DeWalt and the Milwaukee cut off right before 45 will count it a few more seconds they would have had it certainly enough to get you where you're going if you're you've got high pressure tires something like that these are thirty twos so which one to get well basically any of them the ryobi takes the longest but if you've got the batteries for it already and it's definitely the cheapest and it comes with an inflator if you notice when I'm checking these gauges the easiest one by far is the Milwaukee it's got a big display it's tilted at just the right angle if you have this sitting like it's supposed to be you're not gonna be able to see it and the ryobi is a tiny gauge so finally put one of these in my car it's definitely going to be the Milwaukee that being said if I only had Ryobi batteries could be the ryobi if speed was an issue could be this one right here but you're sitting there holding that valve I like to think that if I had a spare that was flat I could hook that in the walkie up to the pressure get in my truck and just sit there in the safety of my vehicle waiting for the tire to fill up so I hope this helps somebody
Channel: Apocalypse
Views: 363,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ThmIYEqiPHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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