Ryan Reynolds Reveals How He Snagged the "Peloton Wife" for Aviation Gin

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-The last time we talked in this program... -Yeah. -It was -- we were talking about "Detective Pikachu." -Yeah. -And I said to you, I go, "Oh, my gosh." I go, "Ryan, what's up, man? What's going on?" And you said to me, "Not much." -Not much, no. -Not much. Yeah, it was great. We had a fun talk. Yeah. -It was really fun. And after that, you went right to the premiere. -Yep. -And I get a Google Alert saying that Blake is pregnant. -Oh. -And... [ Cheers and applause ] On the red carpet. -Nobody was more surprised than me, Jimmy. I got to tell you. [ Laughter ] -But I said, "what's up?" Like, "What's going on in your life?" You said, "Not much." -I was like, "Not much." I know. -Well, kids -- -I thought -- I thought the fact that I was wearing a denim vest would be all the rage. [ Laughter ] That would be all over the news. -[ Laughing ] Gonna be the news there. -But then Blake shows up, uninvited, I might add. -Oh, my goodness. That is unbelievable. -I thought she's just been pounding beer. [ Laughter ] -Oh, my God. -And it turns out that she's, like -- She's six months pregnant or something. You know? -Yeah. -I got to get way more hands-on at home. -You thought -- Yeah. [ Laughter ] You thought it was gonna be the denim vest. It wasn't at all. -No, I thought that was gonna be the lead story, that that was gonna be the big Google Alert. -I will tell you now, 'cause I thought you were -- I thought you were trying to-- there was no love for me. But I tell you who does have love for me. your beautiful daughter James... -She obsessed with you. -...who I love so much. -My God. -She's the cutest girl. -Jimmy Fallon is Shawn Mendes to my daughter. [ Laughter ] Like, legitimately. -She gave me this drawing last time. -She made that drawing. -And I kept it. Yeah, I hang it in my office. -She made that drawing just for you. When you walk in, though, she can't even look at you. She, like, hides in a corner, and that's it. It's hilarious. -She gets shy? -Oh, she loses her mind. -But how does she know me? -I don't know, Jimmy. You tell me. -I don't know. I don't know anything. -She's up late at night, watching the damn show. She's, like, obsessed with you, though. -But she's -- I love her so much. James, if you're watching, go to bed. -Yes. -It's almost midnight now. Go to sleep. -Yeah. -She's actually -- Is she 5? -She is almost 5, yeah. -Almost 5. She's so cute. But I heard that she said to you the words that no actor wants to hear his kid say. She said she wants to get into acting? -She wants to be an actor, yep. -Oh, my gosh. No, no, no. -And I -- No, I mean, like, it's -- I'm fine if she'd want to be an actor. Like, go ahead. Like, you know, in school, do, like, after-school stuff. Like, that's all fine. And right now, it's every day is, like, a recital. She's singing songs. She's doing little plays at home, all that stuff. But, like, being a child actor in, like, movies and stuff? That's a whole other ball of wax. I try to -- I explained to her. I was like, "Look, you know, that's a huge burden on your nervous system. I mean, having to, you know, process all of that attention and information. And also you would develop all of these, like, unhealthy coping mechanisms." And she just looked at me like she didn't know what the [bleep] I was talking about. [ Laughter ] And I was like, "You know what? Here's what's cheaper and easier is like, let's just skip showbiz and enroll you right into cocaine." -No, no, no, no. That's bad advice. -Because showbiz is not good for kids. -It's not. No, it's not. -I feel like we should know this by now, right? -Yes, we should know this. -But parents everywhere are like, "Yeah, let's just put them in a movie, unsupervised." -"Yeah, don't wait. -"Yeah, it's great. -I will say, the business can get dangerous and edgy because -- I have an example of something you recently did. You were in Brazil? -Yeah. Oh, yeah, like, a couple days ago, yeah. -You got some fans in Brazil, man. Oh, my goodness. -Yeah, a barricade came down. I was kind of buried. -Was that at Comic Con? Where was it? -It was at the Brazil Comic Con. Yeah, the CCXP Comic Con. It was an amazing Comic Con. But, yeah. -We actually have a clip. Can I just show everyone what happened? Here's the moment the barricades collapsed. Watch this. [ Crowd cheers ] I mean, wow. No one got hurt. No one was hurt. -Oh, man. -You jumped up. No one got -- Dude, that was fast reflexes. -I was not drunk. [ Laughter ] -You were -- I mean, you jumped backwards. -Wow. Yeah, I know. It felt like slow motion, though, 'cause you see that they're falling. You're thinking, "Oh, my God. Is someone gonna get hurt?" And you can see they're all kind of falling evenly, like they're gonna go down. They're gonna be okay. And then it was like, "My legs are not gonna be okay." So I jumped back and landed on the thing. -Wow. -It all happened really fast. -Is that Steve from "Stranger Things?" -That was Joe Keery from "Stranger Things," right behind me, who's in my movie "Free Guy" that we were there for. -Did he save you? -Well, no, if you can see him, you should look at this back. You can see him saving his beverage. He's not worried about -- Watch, watch, watch, watch. [ Laughter ] Yep. -He just what? -Out of the way. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. He's more concerned about his... -Yeah. That guy's uncomfortable with the word "hero." [ Laughter ] Yeah. He was just -- He was like "The Big Lebowski." "I got a beverage, man!" -Yeah. -Like, getting out of the way, and, yeah, no. -I got to talk to you about it, because I love what you're doing with your gin. If you haven't tried this Aviation gin, it is unbelievably tasty and delicious. -Pretty damn good. -I do love it. It's great, but the ads and the commercials that you put on the Internet -- -They're pretty good. -You know what I'm talking about. They are fantastic. [ Cheers and applause ] Every one of them, a knockout home run. Every one, I look forward. -Thank you. -But this was the gift of all gifts. You got the Peloton girl... -Yeah. -...like, the next day, to be in your ad. -Yeah, within a few hours of her ad. -How did you pull this off, and why did you do this? -Well, like, you know, I've been there in that position as an actor, where you do something that doesn't quite work. And I really wish somebody from a gin company called me right after "Green Lantern" and was, like, "Hey." [ Laughter ] Like, "I got something funny you can do as an answer to that." So, yeah, we got ahold of her. It was really difficult 'cause nobody wanted -- nobody knew how to get ahold of her. Obviously, the people at Peloton didn't want us to get ahold of her. But we got ahold of her, and within 36 hours, we had shot and put out this commercial. -What is her name, again? -Monica Ruiz. -Monica Ruiz. -She's super funny. She's great. -I've seen her on talk shows now because of what you did. And I hope she gets hired more. Monica Ruiz, you are awesome, and I think she was great. [ Cheers and applause ] Let's talk about your movie. It's on Netflix. "6 Underground" this Friday. This is the -- I mean, you guys know Michael bay. He does all those giant movies with a lot of explosions. -Yeah, and this was just one of his home videos. [ Laughter ] Home movie. -This -- We were talking. You said, "This is the Michael Bay-est of all Michael Bay movies." -It's the most Michael Bay movie in the history of Michael Bay. -This is the Michael Bay-est movie ever made. -Yeah, the bay-est. -[ Foreign accent ] This is the Bay-est I've ever seen. -It's absolute Bay-hem. I could go all day. [ Laughter ] I could go all day, Fallon. -It is -- The first -- I will say, the first 30 seconds of the movie, probably 20 cars explode. -Yeah. -Like nice cars, like Maseratis. -Oh, yeah. Like, really nice cars. -You're racing through Italy, and it's really Italy. It's not CGI. -No. No CGI. We spent a month doing one car chase in Florence, Italy. -That opening car chase was unbelievable. -It's crazy. Yeah. -Well, I want to show everyone just a little taste of the car chase you'll see from the beginning of this movie. You'll never see a car chase like this, ever. -Probably not. -Here's a clip from "6 Underground." Take a look. [ Tires screech ] -You said, whatever I need to do, right? So I'm just gonna do it. -We're definitely gonna be on the news. -Hang on. [ Engine revving ] [ Up-tempo music plays ] [ Tires screeching ] ♪♪ -No, no, no, no! -You were supposed to have faith. ♪♪ -Do you see any choppers? I don't see any choppers. -We lost the chopper. Not the David. No, no, not the David. Not the David. Not the... -You want to get out and compare, or should we maybe think about going? -Nah, I'm good. -Yep, let's go. Go! [ Cheers and applause ] -Ryan Reynolds, everybody! "6 Underground" is available on Netflix, Friday!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 5,552,239
Rating: 4.9129062 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Ryan Reynolds, Reveals, How, Snagged, Peloton Wife, Aviation Gin, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Ryan Reynolds on Fallon, Ryan Reynolds interview, Blake Lively, Deadpool, Wade Wilson, X-Men, Wolverine, Buried, Fast and Furious, Marvel, Spiderman, Peloton Commercial, Exercise, Joe Keery, Stranger Things, Comic Con, Steve Harrington
Id: 8ARCrlFLu88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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