Ryan Pretend Play with Lego Vending Machine Healthy Snacks!!!

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okay mommy I'm gonna cook turkey for you oh the turkey smells yummy Ryan welcome to Ryan's world rinds vending machine is open for business anybody want some stuff Brian's vending machine is open Hey oh hi there Ryan whoa so many options there's banana milk orange juice apple broccoli shrimp carrots and chicken my favorite Oh what should I get so many choices what do you recommend I recommend that Curtis oh the turkey oh this is Turkey okay mommy said Turkey where's the turkey okay it's right here [Music] mommy welcome to my restaurant I'll meet you over there okay mommy I'm gonna cook turkey for you I can't wait to be so yummy oh the turkey smells yummy Ryan where there buzz on the turkey I don't know here's a free wood chips ok Ryan I can't eat the turkey but how much was the food well how much do you have oh let's see 5.0 going thank you six coins how much was a turkey so these coins are ten dollars I need sixty dollars Turkey to fix it I'm getting out of here oh oh and don't forget to get my restaurant a good review and just wait mommy would you say this restaurant is really helpful that's a or b super helpful or C extremely helpful whoa I'm gonna give it zero helpful min okay bye I think mommy liked it she's definitely give me a five star and say it was extremely helpful back to the vending machine anybody else want some yummy food for my vending machine whoa Ryan what do you have here a lot of stuff hmm I think maybe I want to try the milk it milk right here look I got a milk and I got an apple wait how am I supposed to eat this welcome to my restaurant now meet you over there all right I'm gonna make you my Apple deluxe [Music] [Music] some pop stars peppers is that spicy no it's the non-spicy version they definitely have a non spicy version it's non spicy hmm okay you seem like you know what you're doing I'm excited to eat whoa that looks delicious there's definitely a non spicy pepper and no hot sauce inside I can't wait to eat first non spicy [Music] well why don't you drink your milk yeah I'll do that [Music] that's so much better Thank You Ryan so much more spicier than I thought I'm leaving you forgot to pay da to pay I paid over there but you also gotta pay for my restaurant because of it it's an exactly different place I run out of money I'll let you get it for free if you beat me by doing bottle flipping okay let's do it and if you lose you have to wash the dishes wash the dishes challenge accepted okay three two one go three yes I win to put five star my restaurant will do okay last call for some food at my vending machine it's about to close down anybody want something from a vending machine oh yeah I want some food can I get some okay all right let's see hmm what do I want I think I want some bananas and let's see what else looks good Oh some OJ looks good there we go get some orange juice yeah that ought to do it [Music] okay awesome look at some orange juice I love orange juice I drink it every day in a banana wait a minute can I call somebody with this hello hello nope no one answers wait come to my restaurants I'm gonna make you a banana thingy let's go you have a restaurant yeah let's go whoa all right you have to pay extra I'm so ready for my snack time to pour some orange juice into the cup go go go go all right oh there it goes mmm delicious one banana thingy coming right up okay we need a popsicle small super sponsor yeah and then whatever this is and whatever this is and also our carrot [Music] [Music] now I'm God okay so we gonna put it like this whoa that's a lot of food you made all that for me yeah look at all this food it's a pie so it's sweet it's a fish so it's healthy it's a banana so it's even more healthy it's this thing that kind of looks like an orange a popsicle so it's quoting another carrot oh man all right Ryan what happened I died so shooting star shooting star I didn't see anything okay okay all right I guess here we go yummy yummy no that's not yummy that's he's terrible and I see any water I need something to drink ah ah much better Ryan what did you put in there I gave you a lot of food hopefully it was yummy but don't forget to pay what I gotta pay for that oh but I don't have enough money all I have is three dollars here you go is this enough I keep a lot of food Plus not so hot hot sauce so that should be like seven hundred twenty five billion dollars seven hundred and twenty five billion dollars I don't have that kind of money what am I gonna do I'm challenging to a cup stacking challenge since you've never done one in your whole entire life a challenge all right I guess let's do it so we're doing a cup stacking challenge and whoever loses has to wash the dishes but by the way washing the dishes is pretty good because you get a two hundred billion dollar discount oh that's perfect that's just what I need I need a discount so I can pay off this food finally but you would still be 500 Oh No okay well I guess I guess I'll wash the dishes okay you call it [Music] versus five and then how you doing it okay all right now you have to wash the dishes but you get 200 billion dollars oh man all right well I'm sure glad I got the discounts but I guess I better start washing now you don't have to wash the dishes all right I guess it's time to wash these dishes let me see let me put on these vlogs oh these gloves are super small they don't even fit my hand okay oh it's so tight all right there we go I'm ready time to wash I got a really big bill to pay off I hope I can pay it all because that's a lot of money thank you for watching my pretend video bye remember or stay happy and rise up bye it's closed Oh No I'm trapped how do I you know I'm gonna break it [Music] [Music] thank you for watching bye oh right star by the way what you still want a five star rating that food was spicy
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 50,031,559
Rating: 3.8707254 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, Vending Machine, Lego, Giant Lego, Pretend Play, vending machine for kids, kids pretend play, healthy snacks
Id: ZHvL9ix95S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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