RX 7 Drift Trike First Start and Flames!
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Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 105,841
Rating: 4.9676976 out of 5
Keywords: off road, how to, test drive, 13b rotary build, crazy project ideas, crazy project cars, wankel engine, off road fails, 13b, 13b rotary, 13b miata, 13b sound, 13b rebuild, 13b rotary idle, 13b engine, rotary build, rotary build timelapse, 2 stroke, orr road, grind hard plumbing co, drift trike, drift trike build, drift trike motorized, drift trike race, drift trike frame build, drift trike build with motor, drift trike diy, off road go kart, 13b rotary sound
Id: fhkrUqqKWB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sorry I'm late, I haven't figured out how to hook a channelbot into my acct yet