RV Shower Renovation On A Budget

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what's up guys okay so this week i'm gonna be tackling a project that has been long awaited that has been put off forever literally since we moved into the rv three years ago and that is our awesome yellow old shower alright so my main gripe with the shower and why i'm refinishing it is i'm not sure if you can tell but it's like that oyster white or that yellow sort of color it is not white you can see that is white and the rest of it is this just white yellowish color that's just not good the fixtures are old this is the other main gripe you can kind of see it there's mold that i have cured off and removed multiple times and it just keeps coming back it's like exceptionally bad right now because i literally when it started coming back this like third or fourth time after i've cleaned it i literally like was like i'm done i'm not doing it anymore and i ordered the new door so it got a little bit worse during that process of me getting all the supplies to redo the shower the other thing that i hate is this however they sealed this was not done very well so it has gotten like mold and mildew built up but that's like under the like silicone caulking that they put in so it's like even when you clean it you can't get that out if that makes sense all right so first thing i'm going to do is just remove anything that does not need to be there before i take out the door so before we remove this fixture we do need to turn off the water supply however i wanted to show you i already removed the screws but i believe the back of this fixture is through this panel i'm pretty sure this is the access point what when we painted we just went ahead and painted right over it so i'm going to get a box cutter and cut it so that i don't uh like tear the paint when i'm trying to remove this little panel when we remove this we will find the cold and hot water hoses connected to the back of this fixture oh yeah we got the plugs in there i know they don't look like they're in all the way but they're pretty much in all the way and i already turned on the water and they're not leaking so they're good i took these caps off of these screws for this shelf i'm going to go ahead and remove that that's not as bad as i was thinking by the way did you notice this random packing peanut that was behind there like what why like i swear people just do weird stuff like they're just like haha there's a packing peanut there not anymore delilah not anymore if you're packing peanut don't touch it all right i'm gonna guess that i'm just gonna take the putty knife to that and see if it comes off like dang it wasn't even glued i thought it must have been glued because the thing was so on there it has been on there for the three years that we have had it and i've tried to pull it off with just my hand and it wouldn't come up all right this is the part i have been waiting for and it is removing this disgusting awful door so the first thing i need to do is get this out of here a little latch um but then after that there's just some caulking that i'm going to cut out i'm guessing but this is glued in a bit so we'll just go at it and see if we can tear it out [Music] all right so this is now the least fun part which is basically i'm just gonna be scraping off a bunch of caulking and cleaning the shower before i can move forward with the project um it looks pretty gross right now so warning i'm gonna show you if you can see where the door was and all the caulking that i'm in the middle of scraping off is all over and yeah well it's gotta look worse before it can look better i guess so i bought a pack of like bristle brushes um i don't i'm gonna be careful not to like scratch up the shower itself too much um obviously i'm gonna be sanding it and painting over it anyway so it's not like it needs to look perfect but obviously like a big gash isn't gonna look good and might show through the paint so i'm gonna go ahead and start with the lightest brush and move up um and see honestly i'm probably not gonna start with the lightest brush it's great it's way too light there's no way it's gonna do anything so let's start with this middle one and see if that one works if not i'll move up to the more heavy duty one um but yeah see if i can just scrape some more of this stuff off the thing i'm really having trouble with is the um sticker adhesive here [Music] this thing has been awesome literally i almost didn't buy it because i thought i wasn't gonna need it i already had putty knives but i didn't have a flexible one i have one this thing and this thing is doing wonders scraping off all this adhesive and caulking and whatever else so who's my new best friend [Music] i'm gonna get ice cream after this all right i got my glue gone or go goof off gopa hopefully this doesn't ruin the shower but i'm gonna try to apply it to get to this adhesive off let's see if it works [Music] all right so i don't know if you can tell but it definitely like kind of worked the only thing is that this just is stuck all over the brush now maybe when i take the sander to it it'll be okay welcome back so i'm gonna go ahead and spray this mold killer in here i know i could use bleach and i know like hydrogen peroxide works pretty good too but you know what i just went ahead and bought something no joke there's literally no directions of how to use it like obviously i know i'm to spray it but it's like how long does it need to sit what is like the process of like can i just wipe it up like after 10 minutes like what is the whole process here it doesn't say it just has a lot of like keep it away from children don't get it in your eyes or on your skin or on your clothes or anything basically so i don't know if it's that dangerous it's probably gonna kill the mold so that's all i really want it's ready to be sanded [Music] okay so i'm a little sweatier than last time you saw me i'm gonna do this before i do the tsp cleaner basically this should help just pick up any of the debris left over from sanding and then we're just going to rub it with a cloth with some tsp cleaner mixed with water and then it should be ready to paint it's kind of a fun texture it's like a little sticky but not too sticky it's fun oh there's multiple i didn't realize okay [Music] this is the cleaner and it's supposed to be like eight ounces to a gallon but i'm not gonna need a whole gallon to like clean this thing so i'm gonna use a cup this should be 1 16 of the water so i'm just gonna eyeball it and make my biscuits let's go ahead and just [Music] it might be a little strong but if we're doing heavy duty cleaning it can be double so two parts to the sixteen so i think it's probably good that's probably fine i also didn't mention this but i clogged the little hole while i was sanding and doing stuff so stuff wouldn't fall so now i'm just gonna set my cup there a dip dip dip a glue and wipe it down you get the point basically i watched a couple tutorials some used this and some used a product called like tub and tile i believe or tough as tile i don't remember um but i could not find it not in the aerosol which i did i read a couple things that said the aerosol wasn't great i couldn't find it in the can so i went ahead and just went with this i had some pretty good reviews from youtubers that have done this probably gonna have to do three coats i don't know how much it's gonna take i got three cans just to be on the safe side so let's do it i also want to mention that this paint does have small bubbles when you first apply it but they do disappear and the paint dries really smooth so now that the sunlight is coming in just beading in it looks a lot more white you can definitely probably see that it's just the first coat a little better now too so you can see like the yellow showing through the second coat should probably cover most of that up but we're definitely going to do a third coat regardless just because it i want it to have full coverage even if it looks covered i want to make sure that it has like an extra layer there just to really get it on there time to remove [Music] all right it's a new morning and it is time to talk this seam here now that the painting is done and dried so let's get to it i know this isn't the most common way to apply caulking but this was what was recommended if you didn't feel comfortable doing it to get clean lines this was my first time doing it so i wanted to try the method i am gonna try to use this application tool to see if it you know helps smooth it out well the thing i will say is you can use your finger or a plastic spoon if you don't want to get one of these but these are super cheap so we'll see if it does a good job or not [Music] [Music] oh my god no oh my god okay so update not a good one i'll just get in here and show you guys because why not the uh painters tape hold up the old paint i'm just going to show you kind of what's going on here yeah what's going through my head i'm like you know i was really thorough with the sanding i was really thorough with cleaning it before i painted i waited um before i cocked it the paint was completely cured um i waited over you know the 24 hours um i know some people waited longer in their tutorials the can says 24 hours it felt really solid i mean it is dry i don't think it had anything to do with the wait time um it does have a really good finish but it's gotta come off um i did not use primer um partially because i saw a couple of people do this project with this paint without primer and i feel dumb because we we painted our cabinets and we were you know it was a little earlier on and i knew like when we talked to people they were like you should definitely use primer when you're you know painting on a a slicker surface basically if you're painting onto a smooth surface you should rough it up which i did with the sandpaper i cleaned it with the tsp like those steps were what everyone else did what i you know what you should do um the thing is is a lot of paints just aren't really gonna grab on still so i know there's a lot of um bathroom renovations tub shower renovations with this paint and i know there's quite a few that they don't use primer and i'm here to tell you that you know maybe things went well for them but i would just use primer basically i'm back at ground zero of having to like remove stuff before i can now probably reprep the surface all over again and then i'm gonna go in with primer and basically do the whole thing over again and just hope that it works this time i think the other thing is you know i'm gonna try to again without the tape method and i'm really gonna use my finger this time and the caulking tool just didn't do the best job i think i watched a video and i liked his style the best he went through with his finger first and then went back through with a caulking tool just to like make sure it was good to go and i really liked that method mostly because the caulking tool when i was going around the corner um it worked great on the straightaways but when i was trying to go around the corners it really like didn't it was hard to maneuver it properly and i felt like using a finger would be a lot easier so yeah a couple things that i want to do differently so you know like i said we're learning on the fly and now i get a shot at round two but i gotta peel this paint up first the only thing that i'm hoping for right now is that as much of the paint will just peel up without me having to really go after it too hard so we'll we'll find out so after scraping some more off by hand we were like this is really like hard to get off so i wanted to avoid doing stripper but this is the kind we got first of all this kind that was recommended to us it's supposed to be safe for fiberglass um it didn't say anything about acrylic and this is the thing i wasn't totally sure if our shower is fiberglass glass or acrylic still really not sure um i saw somebody use this stripper on an acrylic shower and they said that it really just sort of like roughed up the surface a little bit and they ended up sanding it and it actually made it more um adherent to the primer so i was kind of like well i'll just do it in a small spot to test it kind of see what we think um and basically i just got ballsy and went for it so i did two test spots so this spot i sanded the paint a little bit before the primer just to see if it was gonna be necessary this spot i did not sand it i just did it straight i just like literally sprayed on the paint um both worked equally as well i would say actually it did um rough up the finish on this spot a little bit it's nothing like too bad though nothing that i'm like concerned about i would say um so but i do feel like this didn't like really damage it at all it just took the paint right off and literally only let it sit for 15 minutes just just let it sit for 30 but it was really quick did the trick very fast so i'm just going to be ballsy i'm just going to go ahead and spray this and try to get this done we'll clean it up after um to make sure that you know it doesn't stay sitting on there doing anything you know we'll sand it we'll clean it with the tsp um all tonight and then hopefully that'll set me up to just paint in the morning careful with paint stripper you don't want to get on your skin and your eyes on your clothes on anything um but hey if you remember the mold killer pretty similar to that probably a little more serious than that um so yeah let's uh spray this down and scrape this off in 15 minutes while i did have the vent running and windows open when using this product our bathroom probably still wasn't properly ventilated for it so do with that information what you will and definitely wear a mask and safety goggles we got all of the paint removed um there's only a couple places that got a little too much of the paint stripper and got like i would say slightly damaged but it won't be an issue since we're painting over it you can see a couple spots where it's like darker that's like where the paint stripper got partially like almost directly like on the shower itself and so it kind of like took the top layer of that off um but other than that it's fine um but we're exhausted it definitely still needs to be touched up a little bit and like sand it down but we're basically tired it's too small of space for us to both do at the same time so we basically just took turns scraping it uh literally all night it's like one in the morning we are exhausted and we're just gonna call it for the night i'll touch it up in the morning and hopefully we can um start over our painting process all right this is what it looks like in the morning so we're just gonna give it another sand down touch it up obviously in the daylight it's a little easier to see some spots that we missed um so we're just gonna clean it up and then we should be able to paint it another thing i decided to do differently this time around was use a hundred grit sandpaper prior to this i was using 220 grit which is generally recommended for painting prep but i honestly felt like that was just smoothing things out and not helping with adhesion [Music] okay [Music] that is a white white shower all right it definitely think this method was much better than using the tape so you live and you learn it's got these cool lights that i want to put up in that little like sunroof thing but gotta make sure it works first there's a switch here okay turn it on a flash cool they have this blue adhesive covering on the back but they should stick before applying the light strip i made sure to wipe down the surface with alcohol to make sure it would stick the door we ordered was just a bit too wide so we had to trim the top and bottom rails inserting the door was definitely a two-person job because the adhesive was super sticky however we did pull it off once or twice while lining it up and the paint stayed intact so that made me feel even more confident that the second paint job was much better [Music] okay so a lot has happened since i've last like talked directly to the camera so put in the fixtures put in the new shower head and installed the new door which is so awesome i love it so much better than that awful accordion shower door you can see that there's a seam like that i'm going gonna put caulking where the door meets the wall and here on the bottom um where the frame meets like the edge of the like kind of um well tub portion of the shower i want to put caulking on the frame but the door is kind of in the way so i'm gonna have to try to i don't know maybe like finish up that section last i'm not really exactly sure how i'm gonna do that but i'm thinking i'm just gonna start over on this side go to here and then maybe like um stop once i feel like it looks good and then pull this out and do the remainder um so that'll be interesting because i have to obviously do that quickly i was watching some caulking videos and one of the videos um said to put a screw in the top and that basically it will pull out the dried caulking when you pull the screw out and it's a good way to preserve it so hopefully that's true um everything in that video so far has worked out really well so we're gonna go ahead and trust them and hopefully get the show on the road [Music] um at the bottom actually i was the most worried about and i feel like it went the best um even in the corner it's a little above but i think uh given that i had to like move everything out of the way it was okay there's like this border seam on the shower and then this didn't line exactly up to it so i had like a crease there and a crease there so i ended up like running two lines to seal them both up and definitely went uh smoother in some areas than others [Music] i don't know if i told you guys but the shelves are a little bit too they were a little bit too pointy so when you're trying to put them back in the wall they weren't actually going in just because ours is so curved and these are made for like a 90 degree angle so yeah we just had to trim off that back portion there [Music] all right so update is i got the top shelf in however this screw hole goes into some steel back here i think that's just part of the frame of the rv and i tried to use a self-tapping screw to get it in there unfortunately it is so tough and just the angle that the shelf makes makes it really hard to get a good um straight like grip and angle at the screw to get it into the wall so unfortunately it was just starting to strip the screw and i tried a couple of times wasn't successful so i used the adhesive right there i don't feel like it's really going to work so probably what i'm going to do is have adam actually get this self-tapping screw in just because he can push on it a little harder than i can without stripping the screw and we will uh see that in just a second and hopefully it should be okay all right i didn't film it because it's literally just those two screws but i went ahead and put this on the screw holes lined up perfectly with the last one that was on there so it's good to go and i can just go ahead and voila now we have a shower head almost have shelves this is just like a little trim that we got at the store and it just sticks on i wish i had a 90 degree angle it didn't i might try to look for one we got a little squeegee to go with our shower just so we can keep the new door clean and dry and actually some of the shower like this corner specifically um is a little lower so we can like squeegee that so it doesn't like get mildewy or whatever so it's starting to actually look like a legit shower it is dirty in here for me drilling right now um and actually these came with extra sets of these like screw covers so i think i might actually use um them on this just to keep those from resting and yeah i think it should look pretty good here in just a minute that screw adam just put in we were able to sink it and the shower is officially done i love this you hang like a razor on it you can put a phone on it if you wanted to the new shower head works great it's got this fancy little off switch i did buy some dispensers to put right here but honestly with the size of the shelves and everything it wouldn't have really taken up space that was like usable in the shower but it just made it feel a little bit more cluttered so i ended up not using them but i'm still going to link them down in the description because they were a really nice product and i'll just show you them really quick so this is the um dispenser i almost got and like i said like it still looks really nice i just felt like it feels cluttered um in here but yeah i would have gone on the wall like right here pretty much it ended up not really being necessary i was thinking it might look a little nicer if you didn't want like your shampoo bottles just out um that's really just a matter of preference but honestly i think this is a really great product i obviously didn't use it myself so i can't really like speak to it but i mean it had really good reviews it looks really nice you basically just flip over the top and then you can fill it up there you go all the rest of the products will be linked as well the shower is officially done i took my first shower in it last night and honestly it was so awesome it felt so clean it felt so nice and the light is probably my favorite part um i gotta be honest though i definitely felt like a little weird like i wasn't allowed to be showering in it yet because i had to wait for the paint and all this stuff so when it finally was like oh i can shower in it i didn't feel like i was allowed to but um yeah i'm really happy with it um it took a little time and a little finagling um but i think it turned out really well so if you like this video go down hit that like button hit that subscribe button and we'll see you next week bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Way
Views: 46,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The DIY Mommy, DIY, home decor, DIY home decor, rv renovation, rv remodel, rv tour, bathroom makeover, rv bathroom, bathroom ideas, camper remodel, tiny house, rv before and after, rv repair, rv life, The way, shower, renovatoin, remodel, diy, repair, makeover, rv, rv shower renovation, rv shower, shower remodel, shower makeover, renovation, step by step, travel dogs, rv travel, rv on a budget, budget, one a budget, cheap, cheap remodel, renovate, simple, easy, rv improvement, van
Id: OUme86fBDmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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