RV Interior Remodel Completed!

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well well well the time has come the finished project tour i think you guys will be pretty excited about this as i am as well this is uh for those of you who are new it's a 1995 gulfstream scenic cruiser it's got an 8.3 liter cummins with a six-speed allison transmission diesel pusher obviously the radiator in the back there i got this thing off of a friend of a friend after it sat for nearly a decade i've been told and we've been putting a bunch of work into this thing i've put tires on it had all the fluids serviced everything's looking good there this thing has been a long time coming but nevertheless the big part of it the inside is all done so let's go take a look i'm going to show you guys a few things on the outside though got a hitch there and as you'll notice in the very front i did get a tow dolly so i can tow this jetta with it it tows it great you don't even know the car's back there it's nice to have a vehicle to drive around once you get to your destination i keep my extra fluids and emergency stuff in here not too much in there at the time those are the straps for the car dolly uh just keep spare fluids and all that good stuff in there and then this next one up here that's just a tiny little bit of storage space i bought an air compressor that fit perfectly right in this spot here it's really cool because this uh these storage compartments are extremely well insulated so i can run this air compressor and then run the hose out through this little spot here where you can theoretically run electrical plugs as well run your extension cord through there and then you don't have to leave this door open the whole time and the air compressor inside here is extremely quiet obviously you don't want to run it too much because it'll get hot in there so everyone's trying to enjoy the nice peace and quiet and then all of a sudden oh no someone turns their air compressor on once you close up all the compartments run your air hose through here that is incredibly quiet oh my gosh you don't even hardly hear it anymore it's really nice if you just gotta air something up or use a little blow gun there blow something off really cool i love how that turned out this is more tool storage space my wife and i basically agreed that i have full access to everything on the lower end here and i can put whatever i want in there so i've got all my tools and everything right now they're in the back of the jetta but all these tool boxes fit perfectly in there so i've got all my tools should i need to do some work here's a little car dolly i got i keep it chained up to the frame underneath the rv so nobody can take off with it but it works great this car fits perfectly on there i love how that turned out very happy with it let's go inside let's power it up here we are i'll push the slide out out here shortly but yeah we're pretty much all done on the inside i am really really happy with how this turned out pretty cool um there's a few little things here and there you know nothing's going to be perfect on an old 95 but considering what it was and what we've done to it now and we've never done anything like this before we're no experts i'm really happy with it so let's push the slide out here [Music] now you're probably wondering what these little yellow mats are for this was our solution to the slide out dragging on this floor material here so we just put these mats down whenever we're moving the slide out in and out that way it drags on the mats and not the floor itself keeps the floor from getting scratched up and it works perfectly once we've got the slide out all the way out here all we do is just roll these mats up and throw them in a storage bin under that bench by the table it works great can't complain i'm pretty happy with it and there's a slide out fully extended there we go a lot more room with the slide out extended obviously so that looks great curtains are new everything's freshly painted and this looks great put all brighter led lights in here so it looks really nice mounted a flat screen tv thermostats and all the carbon monoxide detectors smoke detectors and all that are still original we took the inoperative convection oven out put this in its place i gotta say it works all right i'm pretty happy with it so we'll probably just hang on to it put a new sink in redid the kitchen even got some water in our tank here we have some nice uh nice running water now yeah look at that yeah i love it so there we go got some running water now which is great i'm really happy with that everything's working great no leaks seats here with seat belts illegally we can have four people ride a ride in this vehicle with seat belts but i mean you know how that usually goes sometimes people pack more this thing is very well insulated i'm very impressed with how quiet it is in here on the inside even with the carpeting out and this flooring in its place it's really really quiet i really like it so let's move along here let's go into the bathroom we've got a new sink back here also with uh you know running water as well good stuff got hot cold sweet got some light fixtures at your medicine cabinet the shower works great i have not tried the jacuzzi tub yet just haven't had time to get around to it but i don't have any reason to doubt that it would work put a high flow air fan up there so that pulls in lots of air keeps it nice and cool in here got these little straps in here to keep these doors from moving around while the vehicle's in motion and here is the clothes washer and dryer works got a little safe in there all these closets are lit up as well so that's pretty sweet back in the bedroom here we've got an oversized mattress and it's almost a little bit too big and the reason i say that is look how high up you're sitting here along the nightstands so i don't know we might swap this out with the one we have at home but we'll see how it goes we like having a fan in the master bedroom especially when we're sleeping so we found this uh this small ceiling fan we could find it's a ceiling fan light combo and it's got a remote control sitting over here on the table here it is i just got to get a battery for it it takes one of those like miniature aaa batteries or something anyway remote for the tv and uh let me go start the generator up here and we'll turn on these lights and i can show you guys some more what's going on here generator is running great haven't had any problems with it topped the coolant off once and never had any other issues there she goes i already had it running by the way that's why i didn't have to preheat it and within about 30 seconds the 110 stuff will kick on so you'll see this light back here come on and you'll see the uh the other two lights here there's one main light here and then another two lights here on either side that are much brighter those will be kicking on any second now there we go how bright that thing is i really like it really lights up the master bedroom so it's got the little fan up in there so once i get the remote powered up i'll be able to try it out see how it works and your other 12 volt lights are right here and here and here on either side it's got two air conditioning units i got one up in here and then another one up in the front there but yeah that's pretty much it all your fuses and circuit breakers are down there and your power switch as well to go from generator shore power whenever you connect and disconnect so all that's working great looking good tv powers up as well whenever you turn the uh whenever you connect to 110 this tv has worked really well i'd like to redo the stereo system in it sometime and tie it into the tv but that's a project for another time right now all the outlets work we got us a little light strip here so we can change the colors of these lights you can turn the whole thing on and off the push of a button here you can also change it to just a solid white or the different colors that are on here anyway this show called smart tv isn't so smart when i try to look up my youtube channel here so here for example let's go to youtube so let's give this a try and see how it works daniel jaker films getting that from youtube and why does he come up with daniel tiger films and what this is like these kids videos [Music] yes i do like trains but i want to see my videos but it works pretty good i'm happy with the tv for the most part uh it has really good sounds we've used it a lot so it works pretty well now this fan here is controlled by a thermostat so i can shut it off here or up here so i'm just going to close it or shut it off by the thermostat and then close this up it is supposed to rain a little bit today so i'm going to go ahead and close the fans up and turn the air conditioning on a little bit here show you guys the air conditioner units working we've got one in the back here in the bedroom so we like to run it between 68 and 70 so we'll just flip this on to cool there she goes and within a matter of a minute or so there'll be nice cold air coming out of there and we got the one up here as well fire it up as well there we go yeah you get both these ac units going you get cool air really quick we'll shut all the lights off in here see how it looks with just uh just natural light coming in through the windows looks pretty good looks all right i'll close up all the blinds here and give you guys an idea of what this looks like when all the blinds are closed all right who's ready for movie night you literally can see so much with this huge windshield it really makes a difference it's really fun to drive you can see a lot i do have to fix the cruise control i'm not sure what's going on there if anybody has any tips on those eco cruise controls let me know unfortunately i don't really have much service information or anything so i'm kind of guessing and going off of internet research at this point the walls are painted the cabinets are painted everything's looking good yeah look at that oh i love it everything's looking sweet i really like how we got privacy in the bathroom here go back into the bedroom here there we go all right so there's your look at it with everything closed up generator running and ac units on i mean here just give you an idea of how quiet it is so we'll close the door generators running both ac units are running and the tv is going ah it's nice and quiet you don't hear anything but the ac unit run turn light on here turn my other light on here sweet i don't know if i like that mirror in the back but it is what it is i guess it makes it feel bigger in here i don't know oh better keep my shoes off the mattress the wife's going to kill me so yeah there we go that's pretty much it there's the grand tour hope you guys enjoyed it i'm sure we'll have more videos to come with this thing of the trips that we have with it the adventures that we take it just kind of covers up the covers of this footwell area here so you have a youtube video playing there was a lot of there we go and yeah that's pretty much it like i said i'm pretty happy with how it turned out i can't complain for what we got into it who we were doing this kind of work i'm pretty tickled with the way it turned out i like it i can't wait to use this thing some more all right well that's all for now guys hope you enjoyed this video if you did as always give it a thumbs up and maybe i'll see you guys next time behind the wheel of this thing maybe we'll take a trip with it who knows what we're gonna do so it's just here for fun right that's pretty much all this thing is it's not like it's anything that i really need but it's something fun and it's videos for you guys all right i'll catch you guys in the next video take care well folks we were doing great uh but then i walked around the back of the rv and noticed something was missing so uh that exhaust pipe didn't hold on very well there's a little something here maybe that's where it hit i don't know but i do remember hearing a pretty loud clunk at one point while i was driving i just hope it didn't hit anybody on the highway
Channel: DanielJaegerFilms
Views: 92,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV, motorhome, camper, interior, remodel, gulf stream, Scenic Cruiser
Id: 8Hi4B1a5MdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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