Which RV Black Tank Treatments ACTUALLY WORK?

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hey there welcome to RV gear and far I'm Joshua today we are jumping into waste take treatments for your RV there's a lot of different RV black tank waste tank treatments out there on the market and it really has been always confused of like how do they work does one work better than the other and so I bought eight of them and we're gonna test them head to head to each other for six days and we're gonna see which one performs the best let's dive into it all right to start off we got nine different tubs simulation black tanks we have eight different products to try and we're gonna have a control just water only to start off we did one gallon of water each of them then we put the recommended dosing for each treatment into one gallon of water and pour that in so they're all starting out at two gallons of water with enough treatment for 40 gallons so whatever the 40 gallon treatment was we put two gallons of water had that all in and then we put in twice a day morning and evening a mixture of dog food and toilet paper so we did three-fourths a cup of dog food and 10 squares of toilet paper twice a day with 2 quarts the water so one gallon of day a cup and a half of dog food and 20 pieces of toilet paper for six days now it was really interesting to take the lids off the morning after the first day so the morning of the second day and see what they looked like and these are the results that we got they're all kind of floating saturated dog food pieces but I was really impressed the unique digest it plus and the liquified seem to have dissolved those solids pretty much overnight they were incredibly fast compared to every other option that we were trying all right y'all this is the second day I'm about to put the fourth round of dog food and toilet paper into these bins and I didn't expect to see results so fast I'm gonna walk you down the line and it is absolutely evident there are two of these that are outperforming the others um I can't say yet whether the others work given enough time but there's two that are definitely doing more than the the others are my last input of dog food and toilet paper was earlier this morning so six seven hours ago and uh this is what it looks like at the moment all right starting at this end we have the control with just water this is the biogeo method third is the Eco strong then we have the odorless aquamax the TST Max this is the unique digest it plus this is liquefied and this is happy camper so to me the liquefied and the unique are performing really well uh if I go ahead and I count the number of dog food pieces that are still floating at the top the liquefied has about 13. the unique has around 20. so it's really hard to tell someone to learn parts and pieces but it seems like the the liquefied has digested just a slight bit more than the unique but these two compared to the rest of them it's absolute the way ahead way ahead and some of these don't even look like they're doing anything more than the control with just the water so we're going to continue on I'm going to put in the fourth dose now and if you want to connect with other ideas to talk about DIY projects Gear reviews travel locations anything RV related come on over and join us at rbgood and far I'll make sure to put a link in the description then we go ahead and we add in the two doses a day for the six days and then we get to the results and this is what we have right before we dump those simulated black tanks all right so this is the happy camper this is the only powdered one and we've got some mighty big chunks you can definitely tell it's still dog food they're floating on the top um looks like there's majority of it is floating at the top and it really hasn't broken down a whole lot I'm going to move over this is the liquefied I can tell only because I knew what was in here that this was dog food but it is all all the floating pieces are not solid pieces of dog food it's all mush so that looks like it's done its job of liquefying the waste we'll see when we pour it through the funnel how much gets caught moving over to this is the unique digest it plus very similar to the liquefied I don't see any solid pieces of dog food and it looks like everything on the bottom there's an earwig is a liquefied moving next this is the TST Max this is kind of a blend we've got some chunks that look probably the stuff I put in last night that you can tell are still kind of solid but then we've also got some liquefied waste over there let's say this is a kind of a mix between performing and not performing we'll see what that looks like going through then over here is the aquamax this one looks like a lot of the the waste to the dog food has been liquefied but it's also all floating and congealed I could definitely see you emptying your black tank and all the water flushing out and all this gunk staying at the top and then kind of just sitting we'll see what that looks like when we dump it um but it does look like it it liquefied the next is the odorless this um that's definitely just dog food I mean having looked at all these uh the Water the straight control is doing better than odorless so I don't know if there's something in here that's prohibiting the breakdown but those are definitely just chunks of soggy dog food this is the Eco strong um kind of the same here on the ecostrong is with the aquamax it's kind of like a floating mass of liquefied waste there are some chunks in here that are not yet liquefied um yeah so this between you know the aquamax and this ecostrong they have the liquefied waste it's kind of sitting on top the digest it and the liquefied also had it but their top layers seem to be much thinner much more watery um whereas this stuff is is broken down but it's very chunky a lot a lot thicker almost a foamy this is the biogeo and we didn't expect the biogeo to break anything down it's not a liquifier like the others are but I wanted to show what it does compared to a dedicated lickfire this is definitely um chunky it's a lot soggy dog food and this is by far the thickest not much in here has broken down at all which is interesting because now we go over to the control with just water and there's quite a bit that's broken down with just water I was actually surprised you know this stuff right here is probably what I put in last night so that's 17 hours of just water but then look at all this that did break down it's really interesting so it's ah we'll have to see when we pour it through the funnel but there's definitely some of these did not perform any better than just straight water and I would venture to say some of them performed worse than just water but we'll go pour them through the funnel and see if we can get any more information out of that now those results are interesting of themselves we're also now going to cart those over to my dump station I've got a funnel and we're going to pour these dump tanks into the funnel with a filter on it and to see how much of the waste has been liquefied all right this is the control [Music] it's quite a bit of solids down at the bottom still clogged up our funnel um I'm going to kind of shake this some get it to go a little bit but I understand I'm putting some of the solids through the funnel but just to give us a yeah that's actually just letting them out through the bottom so we'll have to extrapolate from that it's quite a bit of dissolved there's no I mean over here are a few chunks there's a leaf from the tree but uh the Water actually dissolved dissolve the solids pretty well all right this is the biogeo so the water softener and the dish detergent I have a feeling this one's going to clog up quite fast [Music] yep as expected that's just a big chunks of dog food are getting caught up real fast so we're gonna take out this strainer and we're just going to pour down there and watch and see what kind of salads are left maybe at the bottom of the tank after all this gets poured out so I will note with the biogeo method there's not a whole lot of dissolved solids which makes sense because of what we saw but that also means that there's not a whole lot left in the tank so there definitely maybe something to this of it doesn't necessarily break down the waste but it definitely has less solids left in the tank versus just the water because there's there's less silt at the bottom so we'll have to see compared to the others what that means all right so this is the Eco strong [Music] so we definitely got a little bit more through than just the control before we got down to the solids that aren't coming through and clogging the sifter so we're gonna dump that now and then pour the rest of this liquid off well with the Eco strong there's definitely just silty residue left all the chunks have been dissolved might be a little piece there off to the right hand of the screen but it definitely went through the funnel with the sifter on it significantly longer than the control which tells me that it broke down the toilet paper probably faster than just plain water but that's the Eco strong all right here is the odorless now this is definitely much chunkier than the others have been outside of the biogeo so I'm wondering I'm curious to know if there's just chunks or if there's also going to be silt at the bottom and that's definitely you know chunky got to go a lot slower it's not going through the sifter very much at all foreign so it's still staying chunky so we're going to dump that didn't get much through at all before it clogged up the sifter so as far as a liquefier the sodalos is not doing the best but let's see how much residue is left we're at the point now where it's all very sludgy there's not a whole lot of liquid left it's all sloshy food and toilet paper so yeah quite a lot left in there if I'm just gunk all right next up is the aquamax and this it's a lot of toilet paper fragments we're gonna see how fast that clogs it up [Music] that did impressively well there's quite a bit of silt left on the bottom still but it is all liquefied so there's you know there's still definitely some some silt in there but there's very few pieces of even small chunks of food and as much as there were chunks I could see floating pieces of tissue paper toilet paper it definitely had no problem going through that that medium-sized grate right there so this did pretty well as far as liquefying the waste all right now we have the TST Max we've definitely got some chunks floating in here but it's pretty murky water with some big chunks dump it and see how far we get so it was a little over half the amount that is in the tub that got dumped before it clogged that up let's see what we get here yeah still a bunch of undissolved chunks this is the biggest amount of toilet paper particles I've seen yet [Music] it seems like it's potentially working it's just not working very fast foreign [Music] yeah and those are all just kind of medium sized chunks all right this is the unique digest it plus the simulation of driving from where we had these stored on the little cart over to here definitely jostles them up a bit would be very equivalent to you driving from a partial hookup site to the dump station so a lot of the foam that I've been seeing on these is getting kind of mixed back in and this is pretty darn clear at the moment [Music] so everything is definitely digested it's not solid anymore but we're at the point now where we're got enough toilet paper that it's clogging up this filter there's definitely stuff at the bottom and there's not a whole lot not a whole lot of anything left those are crazy tiny particles I'll leave those in there so we can take a look at them here's the unique digest it plus you can see there's there's not a whole lot of anything that's all just silty silt breakdown very few pieces of toilet paper but they're all definitely broken down there were no big chunks of anything and uh the last time anything was introduced in here was about 17 hours ago all right we've got the liquefied [Music] and we got about as far as we did as we hit the unique digest it before it started clogging up [Music] here's the liquefied definitely all breaking down there are no big chunks of anything in there some pieces of toilet paper and then a bunch of gritty broken down dog food all right this is the last one this is the happy camper crowd favorite and the only powdered one that we tested now there's definitely even after pulling it over here this is still just chunky dog food very similar to the to the biogeo method I'm feeling not a lot of this is going to go in it's going to clog up real fast and that's already clogged so we're not going to be able to do that clogged up real fast so it definitely is not liquefying anything let's see how silty it is at the bottom I would actually venture to guess it's not very silky because it's not breaking anything down all right and here's the happy camper still quite a few big chunks um didn't really break much down but it all seemed to be going out I could I could pretty easily pour most of that back out but it definitely did not liquefy or dissolve things like the unique or the liquefied um I think the happy camper is very much similar to the biogeo method and having you know most of the chunks fly out okay so here's happy camper we've got uh a few definitely a it's definitely chunky there's a lot of stuff that didn't dissolve in there moving down to the liquified everything is pretty much dissolved that's just silt same thing with the unique digested plus that's all just silt now moving over to the TST Max there's mostly silt in there it's definitely not as dissolved as the unique and the liquefied but more dissolved than the happy camper and we have aquamax next and that's pretty well dissolved too I would say that's comparable to Aqua or the aquamax is comparable to the unique and the liquefied and we have the odorless this one is just a soupy sloppy mess partially digested not there's just a lot of slop in that I don't know that that is uh that is probably if if there's two chains of thought of going big chunks or little chunks this is medium sized chunks Eco strong is next the Eco strong pretty much all dissolved that uh that definitely dissolved all the solids and there's not any big pieces of toilet paper now we have the biogeo method now this there are some big chunks pieces of chunks over on the sides there but when it all dumped all the solids came out so we're gonna have to talk about that now we've got the control the last one is the control and it's dissolved and there's some big chunks in there but for having no sort of solvent just digester it does all pretty well so what do these results mean well it's very clear to me that there's not one answer there's not one of these products that is outshines the rest from every aspect there's a lot of things to consider dosage size price you know whether you're going for the Chunky Soup or if you're trying to dissolve everything based off of your personal preference on how you want to treat your waste tanks let's just start narrowing these down and go off of my opinion and my preference and I understand that this is a backyard experiment there's a lot of things that I could not control for whether by time location you know how much energy or effort we're going to put into this experiment but hopefully this will give you a little bit of just insight into how these work in a real life situation again we all put in enough dosage for a 40 gallon tank and we only had eight gallons of stuff in those totes so keep that in mind as well two of these I want to highlight the second day after I put in a morning and evening dose and then the next morning I opened up and I looked at them the unique digest it plus and the liquefied we're by Far and Away ahead at digesting versus the rest of these all the rest of these had some floating very clearly dog food in the bins the liquefied and the unique digest it plus they were already working that fast which is important right because most of the time our veers are going out for the weekend a long weekend four days five days max you know we've got full-timers like me out there that are going for longer or you go for a week or month-long trips but you're not typically keeping your black tanks that long either so if you're in the camp that is going for the digestion the liquifying these two guys had a speed advantage over the rest of them now a couple other ones caught up in the digestion uh by the time you know day six rolled around and we did 12 doses the Eco strong and the aqua Max performed pretty on par with these two Daedra just happened to be slower um the TST Max it was just meh it was just meh it uh I would I would not hesitate not to use it but um there are definitely some better products out there the odorless very disappointing This was um it definitely did not uh did not work very well it um yeah I don't know it says it liquefies all waste and tissue and it definitely maybe given enough time it would do so and that's a thing right is all these probably work it just depends on how much time you have to get that result and then again are you going for Chunky Soup or you're going for dissolved solids and so for me personally my preference these two are probably off the table of the ones that are left the aquamax worked pretty well however each dose is an eight ounce bottle you know eight ounces is a lot eight ounces per dose this is one ounce this is two ounces this is one scoop one ounce you know this is I put a cup in so that's quite a bit too the aquamax works it's just a lot of volume I wonder how much water is in there you know the aquamex this is six doses this is 32 doses 17 doses so there's a big a big difference there the happy camper 64 doses so you'd have to have a lot of aquamax on hand and be refilling and carrying around all that weight compared to some of these other products so while it worked I think that one for the sake of the packaging and how it's delivered would be off my table so now we're getting down to these guys in my opinion they all worked to some degree uh liquefied and unique digested plus definitely dissolved solids and dissolve them fast they Eco strong work too these two worked faster so I'm going to take this one off now we're down to almost two different camps uh we've got two two different winners here so we've got liquefied over here and happy camper and we've got unique digestive plus and the biogeo method so on the right hand side we've got the products that liquify well on the left hand side we've got the products that are probably going to keep things a bit more chunky but you're gonna have bigger chunks flowing out I'm kind of you know lubing your tank and kind of making things flow a little easier the reason I have them separated out is the unique digestive plus and the biogeo method require you to have additional equipment you've got to have a measuring device of some sort in order to use these happy camper and liquefied on the other hand there's a scoop for the happy camper which makes it super easy to use you just scoop that out and then you dissolve it by sprinkling it over the top of your toilet and the liquified is really easy because you just uncap this lid and you push and it fills up a dose and then you dump it and you cap it back again very very simple and so if you're looking for a product that you can buy and just use ready to go I think happy campers and liquefied are the go-to winners in my book based on my experience how how concentrated they are how little you have to carry around with you and you know it all depends on which Camp you're going to be and if you want something a little more Chunky Soup or a little more dissolved salads this worked super fast this is a lot of people absolutely love it and it I definitely could see how it works within the black tank to get things out um you know one of the things about RV tanks the biggest thing is water water the more water you use the better off you're going to be that being said if you are boondocking and you need to get the most out of your tanks I think liquefying it is probably a good way to go because you're going to have less dry less solids and more liquids if you can break it down but you know this is all personal preference all these products work to some degree for all those folks who say I never use anything just a lot of water we saw that that works pretty darn well too so hopefully this gave you a bit of insight let me know down in the comments which waste tank treatment you're going to use on your RV so while this experiment is not perfect it did take a lot of time if you enjoy seeing this comparison I'd love to hear your comments down below what could I improve on what could I do better give me a like and consider following the channel and uh leave those comments let me know how we could improve this experiment and what information would be helpful for you to know [Music]
Channel: RV Gear & Far
Views: 76,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv, rv life, rving, rv lifestyle, rv travel, travel trailer, black tank, black tank cleaning, rv black tank, rv tank treatment, rv black tank treatment, rv grey tank, rv tank cleaning, rv sewer, rv sewer treatment, rv sewer system, rv black tank cleaning, dump black tank, happy campers, unique digest it plus, unique rv, liquified, liquified rv tank treatment, rv sewer hookup, tst max, calgon and dawn dish soap, odorlos, aquamax, ecostrong, bio geo method, happy camper
Id: iTo36_zgLkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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