Rusty and Broken Bench Grinder - Awesome Restoration
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TysyTube Restoration
Views: 3,494,900
Rating: 4.8593383 out of 5
Keywords: old grinder restoration, antique restoration, tool restoration, restoration videos, bench grinder, German Bench Grinder - Restoration, antique grinder restoration, diy restoration, restoration vintage tools, my mechanics, hand tools, professional restoration, old tool restoration, vise restoration, remove rust, tool restoration project, hand tools only, hand tools 2019, remove rust with vinegar, hand tools safety, my mechanics vice, hand crank grinder restoration, tysytube
Id: 5tJHecKpDV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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The whir of the motor after he restores that is awesome
Wow. He did an amazing job.