Rusty Old Coffee Grinder - Perfect Restoration
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Channel: my mechanics
Views: 3,956,180
Rating: 4.9296074 out of 5
Keywords: my mechanics, professional mechanic restores old coffee grinder, coffee grinder, coffee grinder restoration, perfect restoration, tool restoration, how to paint, how to weld, copper rivets, how to stain wood, how to polish brass, vinatge tool, antique tools, old tools, my mechanics restoration, restauration, attention to detail, stain wood, car paint, 2k painting, diy painting, diy restoration, lathe, lathe work, wood work
Id: zFbHfB2AnVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Why is the setting for the sandblaster pixilated?
I can't really even watch any other restoration channel at this point. This guy goes so far with this stuff.
How well did it work? The lower grinder burr looked too worn out to produce a fine or even a medium grind.
Wait this is for coffee?? Smh my grandpa's house used to have one of these and we always used it to grind up black peppers. As a kid it was one of the better "chores" to refill the pepper shakers.
Ooh we've got one of these at home! Obviously not as aged, but it's just pretty cool to see the same "tech" used for so long
Dang, this is more of a resto-mod than just a restoration, ha. All the effort gone into making new parts.
This guys channel is absolutely amazing, but his restorations always make me think about the Ship of Theseus argument - at what point has he "restored" the original grinder, if he replaces so many of the components with new ones? Obviously it's still the same device functionally, but it's interesting to see how much he'll replace to bring it back to what it used to look like - so much so that he may as well have built a new one himself.