Deskreen - An Open Source, Self Hosted way to use a mobile device as a second monitor.

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[Music] it's your open source advocate and i'm back with another video and today i'm going to cover death screen so this is a really cool little application if somebody had asked me about this on the comments about a week ago if i'd seen anything like this and i thought well there's bound to be something open source out there that'll work and and this does it's interesting so if you're ever looking for an extra monitor but you thought you know i've got my smart device and i really just need something over on the side that i can keep an eye on while i'm working on my main screen or you say i've got my tablet i sure like to use that as just an extra monitor sometimes then death screen might be exactly what you've been looking for it's supposed to work on linux windows and mac os which is awesome and it works on ios devices or android devices whenever you're talking about your tablet device and of course linux devices if you have a tablet or linux phone so i think this is a really cool project it is open source so you can get out there and get the source code you can see what they're doing you can keep up with them and it's really awesome i think some pretty cool stuff that they've got going so it tells you about the features that they've got and then self-hosting it is really easy it's really not even self-hosted as an application that you can just run and in this case they've got an app image which i love app images i know a lot of people like flat pack or they like snaps or you know different things like that i'm definitely an app image person i think that the ability to make that a portable application like that really works for me where i can stick an app image on a thumb drive and i can take that with me anywhere and plug it into another machine and use that app image without having to worry about does that person have the software that i'm looking for that's the the real benefit to me of app images whereas flat packs have to install some things in the background you have to have flat hub and stuff like that or flat pack you know support in the system to start with which a lot of them do now but still it makes it a little bit you still have to go install that application if you want to use it on somebody else's machine potentially it's just not so easy same thing with snaps so app image is just really great because it makes portable applications possible on linux which i love so as we kind of go through this you can kind of see what he's got here he's got a little screenshot of what he's doing which i think is pretty cool but today we'll talk about just the software itself now as you kind of look you've got these downloads so if you if you click on if you click on download it's here on the main screen and he's got video demonstrations some things like that you can go check out besides my video how to use it and it's really cool it gives you a little qr code you scan the qr code and that basically brings up a pop-up on your phone or your tablet and you say yes i want to open that basically web page and then the web page gives you options you know do you want to use this for the full screen or do you want to use this as just for one application which is kind of awesome so we'll kind of go through that so he's got a lot of really cool stuff here just on his on his home page so so really awesome i think and of course you can download this stuff from here as well so if we click on forums and then we go click on downloads i want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week i really truly enjoy it and i just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let youtube know that i'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when i have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what i'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way youtube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well i really appreciate it thank you again let's get started so here's linux app image right here you can just get it straight from his page but there is also the github so you can come over here and check out his github and if you come down here you'll see on the releases section he also has the latest release versions available and again if you scroll down through here you'll see app image and you'll see exes and you'll see packages and you'll see debs and you'll see rpms so he's got a lot of different builds for this thing and you can kind of go check it out that way as well but we can just download the app image from here and there it goes it's downloading so app images are really really easy applications in my opinion for linux users if your system will support app images i think it's a great way to go so what happens is you download the app image so we just did that and then you can open up your uh favorite file explorer thing and we'll kind of make this a little bit bigger and we're going to go looking for the app image we just downloaded which it should be an alphabetical order i guess um right here it's right here so you can see it now if i double click this in kde it kind of figures out like hey this is an executable file do you want to continue to run this thing if if you don't trust it you shouldn't do that and if i hit continue it's going to go ahead and make it executable and then run for me which is cool but if you're not on kde or if you don't get that for some reason you can right click click on properties and then find the permissions tab it may look a little different depending on your distro and just check this box that says executable or yours might say run as an executable or run as application there's a little checkbox on the permissions page you need to check and that basically makes the application executable click ok and now go back and you can double click it and it's going to open up the application it might take a couple of seconds just like it did and you see here he's got this thing where you can set day mode or night mode so we'll just set night mode language is english which is great and then hit continue now he has some more stuff here again about you know contributing to the ukrainian efforts that are going on again completely up to you to do that i think that's awesome that he wants to support them so just know that that's there and that you can go do that and i'm going to open up my tablet and i'm going to start recording from my phone so this is going to be a little bit shaky and i apologize because it's not exactly going to be easy for me to do this but we're going to do it let me get my camera open yeah so i'm gonna hold up my phone so i'm gonna hold my phone up and you can see up on the screen there that it's got the qr code right there i'll point with the corner of the tablet get past all the weird prompts and then hold that up and just scan that code and if you see it on the tablet screen you see right below it there's a little yellow url button right there it just kind of went away because i've been sitting here too long waiting but if i move the tablet around it comes back so that's kind of cool right so if i tap on that button so you see it comes up and it says hey all right i see what you want to do and you've got a little bit of an option there so cool now back on the screen for a minute you'll see that it pops up and it says hey this thing's trying to connect to your machine so it says deny or allow so we're going to allow and then as that comes up it kind of changes here on the tablet and you'll see that it's got this little hey i'm trying to load things up and then over here on the screen again we've got do you want to share the whole monitor or just one application now i don't have a lot of applications open but i'm going to pick the applications one it's going to open up a window and it's going to show you all the different applications you've got running and you can kind of choose which one you want to show so let's just call let's just do this uh i don't know let's do let's do this one for my community here on the chat so it's going to start sharing that it's showing you that it's going to start sharing it and what it's going to look like and that's going to be your secondary monitor so you just click ok and then over here on the tablet it is now being shared and i can see that as my second monitor now i can just run rocket chat on my tablet but if i had a terminal screen or anything else up that i was running on the desktop and i just wanted to have this on a second monitor this is really a great option so i'm going to turn the tablet here and you'll see that it gets a bit bigger now i'm not really interacting with it on the tablet that much i'm really still going to use my keyboard and mouse so if i mount that tablet next to the screen you can see that that really become a useful tool so this really becomes a very nice way to actually make everything function the way that you want and so you see right now it's done it says connect a new device so i can do that but i can also go here and i can just say you know what i want to see my connected devices i can see what's happening here and i can say disconnect so all this is done from the desktop no problem and on the screen here it now tells me hey you you just got disconnected so i'm going to try to hold this up and i'm going to go through the process again uh i'm going to turn my phone yeah i'll leave my phone this way apologize for any kind of weird kind of i don't even know how to say it reflections that you're getting but my desk is full of stuff and i need to be able to record and talk at the same time so we're going to try this again so we're just going to go back to the main prompter here and we're just going to say connect a new device now i get a qr code up on the screen so you can see that so down here you can see that i don't even have this running anymore so i can just exit from that thing and i'm going to open up my camera again okay you see that it gives me a little yellow pop-up i'm just going to touch that thing now maybe a little bit different on an android device there we go so you can see that it's waiting so if i go back up to my screen it says do you want to deny or allow this i'm going to say allow and then it's going to say again what do you want to do so i'm going to say full screen this time let's just go full screen see what see what it says we're going to do i'm going to click on it it's going to show you like hey i'm going to show you the full screen over on that device now again this could be something where i want to take my device with me and go use it to do it you know to do work somewhere else so if i've got wireless keyboard and mouse i could move away from the main screen or if i need to disconnect my main screen for some reason i can still use the wireless keyboard and mouse and and use this tablet as a screen if i need to so there's lots of different reasons you might want to use something like this so i'm going to hit continue and you see right there it comes up and now you can see exactly what's happening on the screen it's pretty close i mean it is there is very little lag there i'd say you know less than a half second so that's pretty cool and then you can go here and click on what are my connected devices and i can just disconnect so the cool thing is you can connect more than one device so let's go back and just try that real quick so let's say connect a new device so first i'm going to connect my tablet i'm going to go here and you'll see that i'm going to get the little yellow marker there and i'm going to touch that marker maybe there we go so now my tablet is set i'm going to say allow just like i did before well we'll go ahead we'll say rocket chat again and we're going to say allow and there's rocket chat showing up on my tablet now i'm going to add another device and i'm going to use my phone actually so i'm going to scan this qr code i'm going to stop recording for a second i'm going to scan this qr code i'm going to tap the little number and it's going to tell me hey there's another device coming up i'm going to say allow again i'm going to say a different window and let's go put my terminal on this one even though it's really small um i'm gonna say go and then here's my terminal on my phone so now i need something else to actually show you that this thing is doing what i say all right so here i am on the webcam i'm just gonna wave at you there i'm just gonna show you as much as i can what i have set up here so there's my main monitor so you get the matrix effect and then there's my tablet next to my drink and here's my phone that shows the terminal so i'll move this a bit closer and you can see as i move my mouse around and i get to the terminal window you can see here that i've got the terminal going and if i type i can do ls and there it is so it's actually showing up on my on my little screen down here so i have something running in the background that i'm just keeping an eye on on my phone and then over on the tablet i've got an eye on my chat and then i've still got everything else i can use on my desktop so if i move something to the front of the desktop you still don't use you don't lose it on the phone or the tablet you're looking at those windows so it's really kind of a cool application that lets you kind of keep an eye on multiple things going on if you don't have an extra monitor you don't have to use this thing i guess since i'm not showing you exactly the webcam you're not seeing everything but yeah so if i cover this up with the webcam you see of course if i record the webcam what it looks like and then if i go back down i can still see rocket chat even though it's in the background behind the other windows here on the screen and again my phone still has everything set up so that i can see the terminal window so if i'm running multiple things this is a really kind of cool way to do this now i know this isn't the best way to show you this video i'm going to make this window a little bit bigger i'm going to show it to you one more time so there's my main monitor you can see it's going crazy very cool there is the tablet and you can see that i've got rocket chat up and running and i've got some stuff where people have asked a question and then over here of course we've got the terminal and you can see that i can do things on that as well so really a very very simple way to do this and very quick very easy so that this works on ios right through the browser that it works on you know other things like android and linux makes it really great i think it's a really cool application it's super easy to set up and get running so this is desk screen i think it's a really cool application i love that the developer made this open source and i really do appreciate that he's trying to do something for his country and take those donations so if you guys get a chance if you want to donate if it's something that's important to you i think it's totally worth it i'm not trying to leave anybody out i'm not trying to say that you should go do that but anytime you can support open source it's absolutely worth it it is 100 a great thing to do so i hope you will i hope you'll enjoy this hope you go out that go out there and give stars on his github page and encourage him to keep making this because it's really great and i hope you'll find some great uses and let me know if you do go over to join into the rocket chat into the community i want to build my community up you know 50 000 subscribers is great i don't have a lot of people in the community and i'd love to have more people to help support the ones that are coming to ask questions or help them troubleshoot scott from sky bites over there on the community a lot he helps out a lot of people i try to get on when i can and help you guys out as well i love being on there and kind of checking things and seeing the conversations that are happening and joining in so i hope you guys will do that but get over there and tell us how you're using death screen tell me how you're using other open source projects that you love tell me how you're using things where you've seen a video that i made already and let me know about it because i want to hear about those things i really love hearing that you guys are getting something out of what i'm doing i hope you're doing well and i hope you enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the journey with us and i'll talk to you next time [Music] you
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 28,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, digitalocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, deskreen, sidecar, second, secondary, display, monitor, mobile, device, ipad, iphone, galaxy, tablet, smart phone, phone
Id: 6flkkBBglQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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