Russian BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier

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Krista Ronnie you people did not guarantee all the we have Bobby can secrete up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone its Maximus thank you so much for joining me today on this video we're going back to the world of APCs today in a very infamous Russian ABC the btr-80 and what a little vehicle it is I mean you know a lot of these vehicles always don't remember the designations for them all there's so many different variations and types modifications and in general just models which rush are very good at producing multiple different variants of things and sometimes I just can't keep up but I thought you know what I've been recently playing as and gains which encompass this vehicle I thought you know let's just do a video on it's an interesting but a kit so guys as always we will go over the overview of the vehicle its specifications a little bit about its history and then I'll actually put my own little tidbit of personal opinion on this vehicle overall guys I really appreciate if you do enjoy my content and wish to support my channel to go check out my patreon page the link is in the description below and if you do enjoy today's video please feel free to subscribe and hit that little Bell button just to be notified of any upcoming videos so let's talk about this impressive little APC then from Russia the btr-80 was the logical evolution of the wheeled armoured personnel carrier series from the PTR range the more or less hits its stride in the 1960s with the development of the BTR 60 now you're probably wondering well why didn't you start off doing reviews on the PTR 60 well like I said recently I saw the btr-80 coming across in my gameplay a lot and I thought you know it was his touch base on it the btr-80 itself was developed to replace both the PTR 60 and similar BTR 70 models and enter production in 1986 seeing operational service soon after the btr-80 was based on the lessons learned from the design and operation of the BTR 70 and incorporates several key strengths over its designs while bringing into the various different technological suites that are required by today's battlefield standards and environment taking the BTR 70 is a standing point most soviet engineers did away with the twin gasoline engine setup from the form of BTR 60 and BTR 70 designs and instead fitted a single v8 form 8 cylinder cam easy seven-four-zero 3-series diesel engine to deliver 260 horsepower at 2,600 rpm the characteristic 8 road vehicle arrangement was retained at Stan for most BTR's and the implementation of the new power plant requires some restructuring of the rear engine compartment which raised the whole line rear modernized sighting was placed onto the vehicle including night vision to both the driver and the commander and an infrared searchlight Elmen was fitted to revise a low-profile one-man turret in given a 360-degree Traverse and a 60 degrees plus or minus elevation to counter low-flying aircraft and engage targets even if the vehicles hampered along sloped terrain the standard operating crew of this vehicle included the driver commander and gunner while up to 8 combat ready soldiers could be ferried in relative safety in a revised fighting compartment the driver and commander was situated at the front of the hull under the shallow glaces plate with the gunner Manning the powered turret system above passengers could take part in given firefights thanks to the inclusion of round firing ports very similar to the Bradley complete with wall mounts located on each side three on each side in fact and the front facing of the hull the vehicles operating weight was listed at nearly 15 tonnes while displaying a running length around 7.65 meters and a width of 2.9 meters a total height of 2.35 metres so guys it's a pretty long vehicle it's not you know short base it's it's quite long independent suspension and drive powers afforded to all eight wheels and operational ranges were listed out to around 600 kilometers steering was assisted at only the front four wheels there is a centralized tire pressure system maintained that required their levels of all eight wheel systems to be controlled by the driver this was done so that the vehicle could on-the-fly change the pressures of the tires to maintain the different variants of train that it's crossing including trying to go across extremely muddy terrain which sometimes does not suit wheeled vehicle the btr-80 was designed with a certain level of self survivability in mind I could really manage to lose two of its eight road wheels and still keep itself quite viable on the battlefield the top speed was 80 kilometers on smooth paved surfaces and obviously a lot lesser on rough and uneven terrain it was given an affiliate capability and could traverse relatively calm waters at roughly around nine kilometers our integrated water jet propulsion system that required no outward preparation by the crew the crew was also protected in the event of a nuclear fallout and chemical weapon attack by nuclear biological and chemical weapons and a pressurized fighter compartment was provided by an NBC suite 681 normally two smoke grenades discharges were also fitted to the rear of the turret and to set fire forwards to self-protection in combat environments the r-mo was designed heavy enough to deflect or stop only small arms fire and artillery spray but it was really not specifically designed to withstand direct hits from large calibre weapons rocket-propelled grenades or anti-tank missile weapons it's one of its biggest weaknesses of this vehicle guys was it's armored troops exited it and enter the btr-80 through-hole split side doors found on the whole sides between forward and rear wheel pairings between axles of two and three each door was split horizontally with the upper portion hinged to the open forwards and the lower portion folded down to become a step capable of supporting the weight of a soldier as he embarks the third door section along the whole roof could similarly flip upwards towards the centerline for increased Headroom and speedy insertion extractions once in service the btr-80 had proven a winner for the Red Army with offer of performance equals of any track vehicle system coupled with itself at the time with excellent on-road performance for being able to get troops along the battlefield very very quickly where it lacked was really its protection and firepower not it's specifically designed Forte however it did make up for it in mobility and speed which was the key to its success the btr-80 wented served for the platter of different armies around the world including Colombia Hungary Romania Ukraine North Korea South Korea and among others funnily enough this vehicle also had a little winch on board which she was able to actually pull around four to six tons for self extraction if it got stuck in the mud which being a wheeled vehicle it's always can happen I love my tracked vehicle I'm just kidding but really though it's a handy thing to have the vehicle was armed with an impressive fourteen point five millimeter heavy machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 millimeter machine gun which made it quite capable being able to defend that infantry as it disembarked there were multiple different variants of this vehicle - as standard with Russian military vehicles btr-80 ke was the command vehicle the btr-80 alpha was the armored personnel carrier fitted with an externally mounted Western system inclusive of that of some weapon systems that can be able to take our aircraft and other tanks the BTR 82 was an upgraded version upgraded in 2009 it's a lot better protected and powered by more powerful engine and developed with an extra 300 horsepower it's also armed with a 30 millimeter cannon and the BTR 82 is currently in service at the bazaar and Kazakhstan in 2010 Russia stopped ordering the BG IET in obtains the BTR 82 until as a stopgap measure until the new APC becomes available which we're all looking at right now is the T 15 and I'm not too sure exactly what they're going to do these older vehicles but it'll be interesting to see if they actually keep them in service I think they're going to the btr-90 was actually its final replacement and the armored personnel carrier was armed with the 30 millimeter cannon along with the atgm launcher the BTR 3u is the improved ukrainian variant there is also the brand K or the armored recovery vehicle and the one b11 eight artillery control vehicle there are also multiple ambulances of this variant the BM one the be m2 and the BM three or the almond ambulances of the btr-80 so overall guys this vehicle was quite impressive little ADC for Russia's military militaries around the world hence why it's been staying in service for quite some time being upgraded from the 60 and 70 up to the 80th still in service today and that speaks quite a bit for this vehicle in my own personal opinion this vehicle does have some distinct advantages first of all good visibility and high activity of the occupants inside being able to actually utilize weapon platforms on the side of the vehicle back in its day it was obviously very very key there was also low fumes of contamination of inhabited compartments good floatability and provided really good maintaining of trim by the stern this is great guys a vehicle that could actually cross water and just be an armored boat it's something that the West is really not focused on too much being able to cross rivers with their vehicles we prefer to have these heavily armored beasts but at the end of the day for you know armored rushing and getting into an environment very very quickly and transferring troops in the battlefield very quickly rivers are a huge obstacle in this you know vehicle was able to traverse them very very easily also the uniform wheeled load required for a high cross country capacity of a vehicle like this is fantastic for street wheels like that on a big long platform is able to transport not only a lot of troops but give it a really good flat wheelbase to be able to traverse some really nasty terrain it also with that being said has a really good high trench crossing capability up to around two meters wide and a blast survivability of the running gear through the use of the four acts our wheeled running to your layout again this is great if the vehicle can take a couple of hits onto its wheels it can keep rolling and crossing trenches is quite important really I mean a lot of people disregard it is being a key feature of a vehicle but it is and especially for a vehicle that has wheels it also has the capability to move behind tanks along tag tracks with a good lateral stability it has a very low side role of around 25 degrees due to its broad wheel track and I know I'm a tank fan but you know my respects to wheeled vehicles especially coming from a Canada that's currently using a wheeled vehicles our infantry support vehicle I must have a big respect for the top speed of this vehicle - at 80 kilometers an hour on-road that's an incredible piece of kit to get troops where they need to be with you know basic protection for mobilization of armoured inventory or mechanized infantry and that's really really cool and nice to see that Russia is continuing that trend with some of the more modern wheeled a PCS that are actually producing those bulletproof tubeless tires with a remote pressure regulation really are pretty key and to allow them to actually keep moving for up to 200 kilometers even after they being punctured by bullets or other calibers when they've lost all their pressures that's that's impressive and I'm not sure if they're going to continue this trend of keeping these you know eight wheeled vehicles rolling but in terms of we never carry eight troops and lose a couple of years or bit of the axle and keep it rolling that's impressive in terms of mobility and I really do think that's what they were focusing on when they produce this vehicle the fact that they've continually upgraded this vehicle again really does speak at service a little bit I mean countries around the world are still using it as we see right here Ukraine and doing some target practice and you know they put simple little fixes on there be different you know scanner sites for weapons usage of both day and nice and armored protection I think is something I really need to do a little bit more research on I couldn't find much information on what they've actually done to increase protection these vehicles I have honestly never seen any er AR explosive reactive armor on any of these vehicles before I'm pretty sure it does exist but I don't think it's something they've really focused so much on because it's not really required they're not putting these things against other main battle thanks they're not requiring that heavy duty armor this is really kind of to prevent you know troops getting slammed with artillery or small arms fire from ambush and such as seems to be doing the job pretty well and I got to admit though it would have been nice to see a little bit more firepower out of this weapon system but really I think it speaks for itself if it's continually being used right now and it provides enough support for the troops on the ground to actually cover them as they disembark it'd be nice to speak to people who have actually utilized this thing before whether it be driver command or you know infantry support if you have please leave me a comment below I'd love to hear your opinion on this vehicle and overall guys let me know what you think about this vehicle I mean personally I think isn't extremely impressive eight wheeled armored personnel carrier very capable of protecting its troops on the ground and providing them enough fire support to get them where they need to be it's just a real letdown with its armor capability but I guess what makes up for that is its mobility and I really do think that's what they were focusing on from the Russian military in its day those infantry having that support is really really key and when getting where they need to be as protected as best as possible really really happy to see that that's something they wish to do guys I would love it if you could leave me a like if you enjoyed today's video like I said before leave me your comments about not only what you think of the vehicle what you think of my video in general so really an impressive vehicle overall from Russia and they have clearly done very very well and being able to provide those troops support and let's just hope in the future there's going to be even more special interesting vehicles that we can review guys have a wonderful day once again thank you for watching and all the best bye bye [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 552,288
Rating: 4.899725 out of 5
Keywords: BTR-80, BTR-80 armored personnel carrier, Russian BTR-80, BTR-80 APC, BTR-70 APC, armored personnel carrier, BTR-70, BTR-60PB, BTR 80, BTR 80 8X8, 8X8 APC, Russian APC, BTR-80K, BTR-90, Armoured Transporter, wheeled amphibious armoured personnel carrier, Soviet Army, Soviet APC, 14.5 mm KPVT, BTR-60, BTR-82A, russian BTR 80, Russian troop transport, BTR-80 8x8 Armoured vehicle personnel carrier, BTR-82AM, russian infantry troop carrier, BTR-80 infantry, matsimus, BTR-3U, RKhM-4 NBC
Id: 0GA8nnmC7VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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