Rush Hour | First Time Watching! | Movie REACTION!

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hey everyone like And subscribe so today we are going to be watching uh okay wait what was it called again Rush Hour rush hour yeah I mean I've always heard that it's super fun and basically the exact opposite of actual Rush Hour you know when you're stuck in cars in the traffic so it's not stressful we're no this isn't going to be like a thriller movie not that rush hour is a thriller are you thrilled by the concept of sitting in your car surrounded by other cars moving very slowly when you just want to be at your destination yes I am thrilled by that then yes this is not going to be that okay okay let's go Jackie Chan in it and Chris Tucker that's exciting I don't like I know who they are but I can't say I've seen many things with either of them I don't think I've ever Tucker in anything before honestly I've definitely seen some Jackie Chan even if it's just stunt reels um oh yeah okay for his wonderful stunt work yes okay I definitely know that I'm hoping there's gonna be some cool action sequences where Jackie Chan is like diving over cars or like fighting guys on a bridge where cars are flying around or something I guess this isn't like a superhero movie so maybe not quite that but am I expecting too much from this movie I don't know [Music] okay off to a good start like the shot of the city and just like the exciting music and the exciting title I love a good title job it's the flying smash [Music] this definitely seems like bad guys up to some shady dealings yeah you're right there's like the Epson in the background this like big looming building it feels all very kind of mysterious and sketchy a classic the off-screen grab yeah [Music] oh that was so cool so slick yeah how do you teach yourself how to do something like that I assume hurting yourself oh because he's got a heart of gold wait what Oh you mean Jackie Chan does yeah oh okay it's like I think that's a bad guy he probably doesn't have Heart of Gold but also he's way cooler to just beat the hell out of him yeah [Music] that seemed like he really did that yeah [Music] man do I need to watch all the Jackie Chan movies in a row right now foreign police officer I think that's yeah Oh I thought he was like uh on his own vigilante style of China's heritage the bad guy got away didn't he yeah but maybe still got the stuff that they know yeah oh my God wait did you just say eye gouges that is uh I mean it's better to practice your eye gouge and not need it oh is that like a stingray yes it was a very cool car come on come on come on man don't be late again oh my God there's someone in the trunk right now okay oh that's tight that's FIFA that's C4 oh [ __ ] let's do it now [Music] does that guy in on it oh my God [Laughter] okay come on get back in the car just mad let me just talk to him all right all right all right everything cool he down Jesus we're like 10 minutes into this movie and it's also already been like great hand-hand action and car stunts and a giant explosion yeah I'm feeling good about this yeah pick you up myself flaggle that's extremely cute child actor too yeah yeah bye bye hello interesting oh my gosh it's Russia it's Rush Hour it's like seeing a famous person oh look at these cool cars oh are they the only car they got weaved over yeah this is no problem just rush hour isn't he the guy from the beginning he's got the blonde hair He's the bad guy also maybe it's because I live in the country but that is not what I expected rush hour to be you thought there'd be more action in the rush hour no he just said it's rush hour and then shot him in the face oh I see is she I gouge in there laughs that looks so cool excuse me we need to speak with you in private sir no oh I would like one of my people to help he's already on the plane yes it's a good premise for a movie Super cop from Hong Kong meets the street smart cop from L.A I think they are yeah they're Nelly [Music] I work alone I don't want no partner I don't need no part in classic oh mama shame of me she tell everybody I'm a drug dealer what can we do he's on his way that's one of our own men what do you suggest why wouldn't they let him help because they're the FBI they don't need help an extra man who wouldn't want such a [ __ ] assignment I'm sending someone right over you lost a lot of evidence we still got a little bit left did a good job what FBI on me that's right yeah I ain't gonna let you down I'm gonna look out for you when I go to the top yo take care is this good to have you on board I've been waiting a long time for this movie has a good energy so far I really like it gets a little girl your assignment is Lee how every shot of him in that car is designed to look as cool as possible yeah for sure [Music] you speak any English do we know if he speaks English or not we haven't seen him speak hitting this movie yet I feel like he probably does speak English but he's just messing with him hey you need to call the FBI tell him you made a mistake Mr Lee we'll have a nice time together partner [Laughter] one little pinky get blowed off everybody tripping bars nice long shots not a lot of like quick cutting or steady [Music] I feel like he's got to be just pretending to be like really like not knowing what's going on just so you can kind of pull the same thing that he's trying to do or he wants to be like alone in the investigation he's clearly trying to get away from him I think you're right it's okay wait wait so you're responsible oh my God is he actually doing that it looks like it that was really high up yeah FBI need this motorcycle that is one way to get on a motorcycle yep is good it's a great scene because it like it's been showing both of their capabilities the whole time put the gun out I ain't playing with you man you think I'm playing with you guns hey man I'm just showing him how to take a gun from a suspect all of a sudden you speak in English now huh a little I'ma kick your ass they're doing a lot of parallel things like you said how they're showing like when you said put down the gun both of them like swirled it with their fingers and then just now like they each get in the car but in a very like different fun way [Music] they're both such good physical actors yeah what's up my [ __ ] what's up oh this is we look take your ass dear you know that for what look at this this sick of weed you better have glaucoma I do what's happening what New York glass I'm gonna take care everything all right oh but he actually hit that guy in the gut why I have this school in that rookie man showing them the Rope bad ass dude out of Hong Kong you don't know his name no I love how pleased he looks all the time so wholesome yeah exactly what's up huh [Music] wow please I said I don't want to travel that's bad for you what are we doing here I thought this sounds and stuff good voice actor and also really good body actor I'd do a beef and bean burrito eating the burrito he got for him I'm sorry I'm sorry about this it was so much less trouble if they just let him help and that's what they're gonna learn what if they're actually bad guys they seem like they might be but I think they're just classic like jerk cops or jerk FBI wait did you just jump up that wall oh yeah just casually like he made it it looks like he put less effort into that than I do climbing a flight of stairs so now they kind of have to play dumb I would like you to meet Detective inspectorally where the hell is Carter am I speaking with FBI you just happened to pick up the phone rang like a split second before he picked my FBI yeah to step yeah the drop will be made tonight a 15 million oh they were tracing the call they must not go into the building well there's probably a bomb I missed the rust you must put your man back take your listen to um yeah it's pretty classic all these guys are gonna die but it's gonna be like Kick-Ass explosion foreign was probably triggered by the phone yeah exactly whether they picked it up or not oh I see or maybe they picked it up and it blew up but stick around I mean if you built up on that big wooden you want to see it explode that's true I mean if you're gonna try now parkour Jackie Chan you're gonna have a bad time I don't know this guy might be really good too I mean he's got a huge lead on him I imagine it must take oh clever so much strength to pull yourself up like just from the bottom of a ladder like this oh yeah [Music] what is that an ax oh wow yeah man he's just giving her with that thing yeah I guess you don't need good parkour skills when you have a giant ax yeah all the locations is but we are great too like this like the buildings under construction and the cool lighting and stuff holy sh yeah you're right oh so someone threw that really hard at his face I mean it must have been green screen but it looked really real time nobody ever listens to Jackie Chan hahaha y'all coming to bed time for you Johnson we're all dead we found this on one of the kidnappers tell me what the hell this is come on it's a remote for a blobs from C4 sorry about spreading all those rumors on Christmas about us sleeping together she's just joking [Laughter] I really like her character too can't do it Bobby I love that he just knows everybody too yeah I totally I brought you a little toy to play with I don't want that name is juntao I never seen him Chinatown jeez I thought they were going to do good cop bad cop instead they did Bad Cop sad cop and it worked yeah I feel like sad cop would work on me too everybody knows well [Music] I did not think we'd be getting Duo dance so what are they doing right now why are they just messing around they're scoping the place out they're like waiting for for something to happen or someone to show up okay so it's a Stakeout yeah they're just not being very inconspicuous [Music] come on [Laughter] 29 minutes left oh he's got a scar on his eye now the gouge yeah from the eye gouge definitely makes them look cooler they're definitely more of an imposing villain yes I ain't no punk [ __ ] oh my God is it good very good my Daddy a legend too all over America why did you rest 25 by myself my daddy kick your daddy's ass [Laughter] is that your boy yes let's go that's it he was at the dinner table yeah I knew it okay I didn't know he was a bad guy but I felt like something was fishy yeah they're gonna drug him [Music] they stole her necklace that's zipped up yeah and bad move on the bad guys [Music] I came down here I mean he's very good at talking his way into and out of situation because I'm his head brother we're not there yet [Laughter] come on how apj [Laughter] this is so good yeah all of his moves are so precise he always used the environment like so well [Laughter] behind you [Music] thank God I never watched this movie as a kid I definitely would have tried to do that with it yeah I don't think it would have gone as well though what's up I was just thinking there weren't enough explosions in this movie all we need to do now go down this assignment Carter boy you either deliver the money or pick up the body of your daughter [Music] okay baby I'll get her back Thomas can't wait that's the bad guy right yeah that's a real big bad guy couldn't stand by and do nothing you're not sorry [Music] also soundtrack for this movie great hello hey what's up baby are you on drugs you think you can help me [Laughter] I wish I had that much confidence when talking about nothing what about the little girl what about me alone prove me wrong [Music] it's uh it's a lot of cash [Music] one thing might explain probably because you've been watching the movie so far 5 years of Chinese history and Heritage on me finish what he started did he start crying yeah just received a threat on the building he's exit the building as soon as possible it seems like the worst thing he could do what is going on [Laughter] get the potatoes out of here somebody grabbed what did he just say uh I don't want to repeat it okay then he said what I thought he said he did six blocks of C4 are wired to your daughter in a transportation will be here shortly wait that's a Mr Lee taught him earlier tell your friends about me what is that what you don't want oh now his friend we'll have to undo the bomb yeah okay I think it'd be safe if we foreign did he just wink at him he did what okay that wasn't uh I'm a good guy wink that was a haha we have you yeah wink oh okay that wasn't I hate you and I'm rubbing your face and it went what are you doing I'm just playing oh my God it's a goddamn blood [Music] come on I can't get over how cute she is give me a second so badass just carrying like bomb equipment in your purse got like some lipsticks and this and that [Music] a way of actually knowing you just have to guess is that how it works is she okay yes oh that was close probably should have been paying attention more [Laughter] so dedicated to saving this stuff oh my God I'm so stressed out no no meet me on the roof Roger good night oh my God I love that statue [Music] don't move man that guy is so sweaty you might be too quiet yeah only black go ahead I mean it's true he actually doesn't like him [Music] I wouldn't trust him [Music] wipe yourself off man you dead [Laughter] someone's doing that it's probably him both move using the money just kick him oh that seems like a really bad idea yeah I feel like I'm in pain just watching this well that's okay [Applause] whoa it's a serious fall that is so far not awful wow I'll be right back oh my God run or something like he's just standing there I'll just play [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] thank you thank you I really want to see them again in another movie oh I think this belongs to you I think you should come with me get on the plane when you get off work you know you always talking it out and trying to expand my horizons you know travel a little bit you got me an FBI badge waiting for you take that badge and shove it up your ass [ __ ] what's up man you ready to go yep whoa oh yeah [Laughter] yeah that was great that was so fun good news is I'm pretty sure there's a rush hour too I think I really hope so now I would love to watch that next I think there's also a ton of Jackie Chan movies around that era for us to watch that's awesome they didn't blow up the vest though I was sure the bad guy was gonna blow up with the vest at the end wait didn't it he oh he fell into the water yeah yeah what the heck I feel like it was totally leading up to being one more giant explosion mm-hmm well that was oh my God I can't remember the name of it right now see I am just like Chris Tucker see I can remember his name Chris Tucker I just said there was a rush hour oh my God I know it's like I hear it but for some reason it's hard for me to remember because there was almost no traffic in that movie so there were plenty of cars though yeah that's true but that doesn't really count as rush hour but there was a rush hour there was one rush hour there was one rush hour yeah I just really I thought there was gonna be a lot more like kicking butt during rush hour there was a lot of kicking butt during rush hour I mean it might have been the hour of rush but we don't we don't know well they think that was hoot of a time yes it was I'm so glad we got to watch it yeah I I really really love to watch more movies like that comedy action when the action was like flying off the walls yeah if you have more movies like that or specifically more Jackie Chan you'd recommend just uh drop it down in the comments let us know because we got we got a lot of catching up to do I'm so excited yes and uh don't forget to like subscribe and have a great day or evening yep or morning or rush hour or Rush Hour hopefully your rush hours are better than that rush hour in that Rush well that was a good Rush Hour actually so okay I'm at the rush hour where the guy got shot oh yeah that was bad hopefully your rush hours have less explosions all right thanks for joining us bye bye
Channel: Maplenuts React
Views: 38,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #rushhour, #christucker, #jackiechan, #actionmovie, #comedy, #moviereview, #moviecommentary, #moviereact, #firsttimewatch, #cinebinge, #tbrschmitt
Id: POH0eGgzFHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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