JACKIE CHAN and CHRIS TUCKER were TOO FUNNY in *RUSH HOUR* (Movie First Reaction!)

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[Music] foreign [Music] what's up guys I'm Bryce I'm Rob and I'm zuff and we are real time today we have movie night number 51. this one is Rush Hour this is a movie that's been requested a lot it's a movie that I have really wanted to do we haven't done like like a pure comedy movie in a while just like straight funny no romance involved and yeah this is one of those ones where I don't know how any of us haven't seen it before I mean I I really like Jackie Chan I really like Chris Tucker a lot I don't know how we haven't seen this one I know there's like multiple as well I feel like I've definitely seen like clips of it or something either on YouTube or like brief moments yeah of the movies or one of the movies I don't know if it was the first one or not from like my childhood and everything but I can with 100 say like I've never sat down and watched rush hour before I honestly don't even know what it's about I just know that it's Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan so I mean that combination sounds really really funny I mean it's wild yeah I don't know I I have an idea of what to expect um just because like I've heard some things about this movie I know that it is from 1998 so it is pretty dated I'm sure a lot of the humor is just going to be very very outdated and probably cringe at moments but I mean it's a classic people still think that it's hilarious to to this day so I definitely think it's going to make us laugh this is um in fact it coming out the year I was born 1998 so I'm sure uh it's a good movie because it was blessed in the year that I was blessed and I think it's a very good thing yeah but before we get into this one guys we're going to make a quick little announcement um if you guys heard the beginning this is movie night number 51 so 52 weeks in a year next week is going to be our one year straight of movie night so we're gonna do something special for you guys we are going to do another movie week if you guys are familiar with the channel we do movie wigs all the time one of our favorite things to do in here I think it's going to be our third one on the channel so we're very excited about that if you're watching us on YouTube for the first time we're going to start posting them on our patreon tomorrow so they're going to be posted one a day and they're each gonna be uploaded on there a week before they go live on YouTube so next week for movie night number 52 on YouTube whatever it is that's going to be the start of movie week so for seven days straight we're gonna have movies go up on the channel and yeah hopefully you guys are excited about that but yeah if you guys are watching on patreon for the two week early access for the first time you're gonna have to wait two more weeks unfortunately but you guys are gonna get one week before they go on YouTube Early Access so hopefully you guys are excited but yeah we are very very excited for this one it's kind of crazy we've been doing this for like pretty much a year now just the movie Nights it's it's been really really fun we've watched some awesome movies so can't wait to to do movie week next week and cannot wait to just see what we get to watch in the future because we like I said we watch some awesome stuff for this so thank you guys for voting every single week over on the patreon we really really appreciate it but yeah with all that being said guys we're gonna get right into rush hour if you guys do like our movie reactions make sure to drop a like comment and subscribe we're getting very very close to 100K subscribers so if you have not hit that button yet you're brand new make sure to hit that button it helps out a ton we really really appreciate that check out our links in the description as well we got our patreon our Discord and our social medias they're at the very bottom of the address to our P.O box send us something to be opened up on our series Mail Time like everything you see behind us right now but yeah let's get into it movie night number 51 Rush Hour let's go oh what was that all someone just got snatched oh boy that's a gun I think that was a girl is this Jackie Chan do you think I don't know is he like a spy or something oh this is definitely a Jackie Chan bro oh yeah the man himself Jackie Chan I haven't seen him he couldn't shoot him oh God that was sick dude I can't wait to see Jackie Chan fight I don't even think about that dude he's one of the best he's a goat oh my God someone operating the crane oh dude you he's sick dude he's really good I would have been smushed in two seconds I just would have had a panic attack oh my god dude that's so cool they got away [Music] oh yeah he is a cop huh so this is literally when Hong Kong is becoming independent early this evening detective inspector Lee and his special task force have once and for all crushed the Gentile criminal organization and reclaim artifacts for 5 000 years like I got away though I feel like it's not completely over this is the kind of Legacy I dreamed about Hong Kong forever he's bad I actually think Hong Kong's not becoming independent they're becoming like a territory of China now [Music] I feel like he's definitely gonna go to America here we go two months later right after oh Chris Tucker right after me because it's a very uh friendly place he looks dope [Music] you just pulled in what are you talking about Chris Tucker looks like he's from The Matrix right now oh yeah that's a bomb [Music] I've been trying to find C4 oh cops step away from the car hey oh all right take it easy buddy you don't want to do that oh yes I do oh no you don't obviously oh God [Music] is Chris Tucker a cop too I feel like he is right all right yeah oh yeah [Music] no he's not a cop is it oh I'm still doing now oh no he is he's undercover or something right now what are they doing what he just shoot them yeah it looks like he shot that one cop's finger off like it looks like they caught the bullet oh we got the tire he's driving on rim that's a big car accident right you're gonna hit somebody that's what I'm saying [Music] C4 oh my God you can't tell me that someone isn't gonna get hurt from that yeah I mean [Music] yeah oh that's like that's literally like a fortnight Dance Before for night dances nice yeah dude I had a feeling he was undercover I'm pretty sure this movie is like they're Partners right yeah Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker [Music] that was cute hello what what was that about that was really weird they can't say a damn thing that's the boss's daughter oh it's the guy he escaped oh yeah it is isn't it what oh my God they're kidnapping this little girl did he just kill them yeah she got blood on her face from them oh my god oh yeah she is pretty tough huh yeah because she's Jackie Chan student this is saying that guy right yeah got away who is this Jackie Chan no looks like Christian Gyllenhaal not a person this is insane bro just in the middle of the street nobody cares abducting a child excuse me oh the guy on the left is that the guy from Breaking Bad hope you're not thinking who I think you're thinking I know this is a difficult time for your Council but I want you to know we're going to get your daughter back I would like one of my people to help let me show you I wonder what who that one person is Jackie Chan so the plot is to get the daughter back that has to be we'll talk to y'all later all right you know this is why nobody will work with you man I'm in Jackie Chan are just gonna have such clashing personalities the LAPD we're the most hated cops in all the free world oh mama shame of me she tell everybody I'm a drug dealer oh actually you're on the verge of being suspended when I say wow wow just because he doesn't want to work as a partner call the field might as well be LAPD I hate the lap that's where Chris Tucker comes in [ __ ] assignment well it's a disgrace to me yeah then I'm sending someone right destroyed half a city block that block was already messed up and you've lost a lot of evidence you still got a little bit left what you did was dangerous it was very dangerous it was just like firing people could have gotten very hurt it was true he he didn't a good thing regardless nice to meet an L.A detective who was willing to lay it on he's just gassing him up so he wants to do this job huh we have to let the general public know that we can still blow [ __ ] up right that's the only way I work yeah so that mean I ain't against the Spain suspense yeah I want me that's right stop lying I don't lie the the FBI wants you because they don't want to do it bro [Music] oh no dude well he went from getting suspended to now he's working with the FBI okay now he's at this building that is such a nice car you can make any matches or connections okay boys you're just taking over he's just taking charge he's in he's just the [ __ ] of this situation dude none of them actually want him here James caught a FBI your particular assignment is considered G14 classified now G14 Club he just made that up oh it's a little girl your assignment is Lee who is leading what kind of assignment is that it's your job to keep him out of sight and away from danger you understand it's just like this dude's bodyguard yeah what that is not what he wanted to do or what he was told he was doing but they're gonna be the ones that actually solve it yeah oh boy here we go yes I do do you understand oh gosh she's not gonna tell me dude come on he knows what you're saying so it doesn't even speak American I'm sure because he just walked around and told him that he's got this big ass case card it looks like you finally got yourself a partner dude they're just [ __ ] on him dude maybe he doesn't speak English I I just kind of assumed he did yeah he doesn't speak English [Music] bro oh my God this is in like uh downtown L.A right yeah I think it's Chinatown yeah I'll be right back your cousins walking around here I'll be right back you know anything about a kidnapping I don't know nothing for 45 hours do you understand what I'm saying why am I normal okay well we've got bribed explosives you don't know his name 45 almost oh man how much do we gotta pay where'd he go oh no Lee's gone Lee's gonna be the one to solve stuff I feel like he's a really good detective just not gonna be oh come on [Music] look at him okay oh jeez strong man there's no Jackie Chan but oh he says a gun out dude you're a cop [Laughter] he's just gonna jump up yeah he's just gonna be getting away from him the whole time how does he get down from there there's a truck coming by he's gonna jump into it that one oh I see pallets or whatever imagine having to Chase Jackie Chan it's just with a family on an RV now [Music] he's just in the back of a taxi now how did we get here that was smooth move what oh [Music] there's no way bro what again okay dude oh look I found out where you was going man you thought I was gonna shoot you I want to go with you hey what's happening here open second gun oh he's got a gun policeman okay so you can't speak English yep here it goes you lied to me I didn't say I didn't keep your little Beijing you see as if you like to talk I like to let people talk who like to talk it makes it easier to find out how full of [ __ ] Chris Tucker seems like he is full of a lot of [ __ ] right away yes yeah quite literally is damn about you they don't like you wasn't their main reason that they just don't want him to die or something they think that he's not going to be useful and that he'll get hurt well the console called him here and if he gets hurt it's going to be like an international issue at that point he wants to listen to the beats the Beach Boys what are we doing here and just watch me what the hell is he about to do Billiards are like a bar oh that was a mess if it is yeah where is it uh where is it it's just it's um looking like a cigarette you better have glaucoma confiscate that is that in the car oh [Music] I may have some questions go outside and wait by the blood man when I told you back me up go outside I'm gonna take everything all right bro he's just about to sit down and like [ __ ] with him yeah and pull out the joint I need to know who this guy is running around town buying up all these explosives and weapons badass dude out of Hong Kong listening [ __ ] I don't know his name no one knows his name that's the thing I knew it was coming here bro that's what he said he's just repeating what the stalker says bro he's gonna beat his ass though because Jackie Chan like oh god oh no is he gonna fight this entire pool hall yeah he's gonna have to beat them all out oh bro he's so clean oh [Music] they're trying to kill him oh oh [Music] bro he's insane it's actually insane he's tough that one dude's still just smoking right there he's got another enjoy it that's bad for you bruh you're stuck with me [Music] oh my gosh I could see him getting out of those though yeah [Music] and he's out what do you think man he took the wheel off yeah oh and he's here yep I mean I can't blame him no he's been he's been trying to work this whole time yes dog he asked about the daughter you don't understand I was invited oh you should be funny oh he just got out of the steering wheel I thought so why are we being so rude to the console sorry about this he just took apart the gun with one hand that is badass I mean was he not invited he was but the US they're the FBI is just like no you don't want him here [Music] oh man he is cool you know I want to see him I just want to get him alone oh he's literally gonna be in here oh screw the FBI we're knocking them all out oh he's so cool how do you explain that I would like you to meet Detective inspectorally describe by all of the FBI oh yes are you here have you come back bro it was really easy taking it from you by the way so I can explain has been education he's upset that we have not done our job mainly taking care of the situation we have everything under control now they're going to be assigned to it oh oh my God you want FBI yeah look at him he's like no no the drop will be made tonight 11 pm the amount will be 50 50 million dollars he said don't talk 20 million 20s and 10 million and 10. very specific about how he wants it because you want any fries is that the end of your order sir you know when you eat it because I don't even I don't even really work for them he's trying to play Both Sides he's gone for sure that was a why was he just in a random wear like building to make that phone call just drop the phone off can't trace him probably they're gonna they're gonna blow that [ __ ] up probably right you think um [Music] girl compromises your journey they're about to get bullied yeah no he just knows it how these guys work 50 million dollars would you be in a place like that get this clown away from me take a hike wow the FBI are idiots yeah actual idiots [Music] uh oh yep yeah just like you said get your men out of there oh well didn't listen now they're dead these guys don't know who they're dealing with bro he does [Music] oh there it is you can't tell me this guy's I guess he did get away from Lee before but oh he's taking the ladder up oh yeah I don't think he needs a ladder to be honest oh he's about to do some wild [ __ ] yeah this is gonna be crazy oh [Music] he can't do this and the fact that Jackie Chan does all his stunts by himself like that's crazy or I don't know if it's all of them or a large majority oh [Music] my God oh wow is that an ax all I know is it's not enough to take down Lee [Music] oh God how do you get out of this [Music] does Carter have a gun should right oh my god oh my god dude oh this is just a random trip I think so oh no the floor was falling through [Music] go dude well he told you to stop oh dead they would be dead that's him wow he got in that car fast yeah what oh my God no that's him where was he shooting at it's just I think he just shoots like oh she's tweaking wow it was a fake bomb yeah yeah there's training let me train with real bombs distracted sir the distractions can occur in the field that's why we call this practice she's gonna have to do a real bomb huh probably I feel like he's about to ask her about whatever he picked up there could be cross delay definitely not homemade definitely not American I mean it could open up a garage door blobs from C4 and I'm sorry about spreading all those rumors on Christmas about us sleeping together oh gosh not the place to be stopping you got a lot of time on your hands I brought you a little toy to play with I don't want that you don't want this somebody told me you like to play with stuff like this I don't even know what it is that's why you don't want to touch it because I don't want to touch it I think he definitely knows what it is something what are you gonna do to Jackie Chan yeah just tell him the name bro you know what that is I I don't care about him I don't care about you care about the little girl the name just give him the name bro yeah that's the operation he was trying to boss at the at the beginning he wasn't there he told him where he's at and everything now [Music] [Laughter] hmm yeah these are real absolutely nothing y'all [Music] goofy ass how to do this he's gonna bust out singing nothing this is a good scene I got Chris Tucker is it good for I don't know the song good song I feel like this is the first time they're like being friends with each other yeah like they're just getting along naturally oh dance off you're working right now what are they doing it's gonna make you look way more intimidating if you do that laughs best friends now this is how I do it look oh well okay they're like dancing yeah Jackie Chan's moves literally look like dance moves it's not there where they're at right now I believe so damn shame some greasy [ __ ] ain't got no better food like some chicken wings some baby back ribs some fries or something Chinese food no salt y I'm no punk [ __ ] [Laughter] it is good an officer a legend All Over Hong Kong my daddy a legend too all over America my daddy wants to arrest 15 people in One Night by himself Monday direct 25. my dad can beat up your dad I don't know about that [Laughter] I love how they're just having this whole operation on their own separate from the FBI well they're not coming in here because they know the drop-offs here they're coming to because that guy yeah or some wow that's not him but this won't work I'm not 6-1 yes it will work look it's one of the craziest fake ideas because I'm not six one is it supposed to be for him yeah yeah [Music] he got into some [ __ ] again I'm down here my wife want me to come home my favorite and [ __ ] all over the house for nothing you give me some gas money I feel like she doesn't know who it is look she does thank you oh maybe yeah he's upstairs he's just upstairs why are they saying it like he's not here because no one's supposed to know his name right I don't know what they're saying yeah go deal with him whoa yeah I said he was bad remember oh that's the guy from the UK I literally said right away when we saw him he's bad yeah you did so the UK like gave up Hong Kong as a territory to China and now I guess he's like mad about it maybe and kidnapped the console's daughter because that whole meeting was the day before yeah the UK like gave it up he sees a symbol yeah that's not the necklace he gave the girl I think it might have been oh remember because it came off yeah in the car she got it back but I wonder if they just gave it to that girl maybe she sliced that dude's eye with it oh yeah I remember that not the room you want to walk into go back up from Lee here though girls just had a terrible go with things just got to America like two minutes ago this is a super cool room like this room a lot oh yeah this is some serious [ __ ] Carter I came out here you see June child cause he told me to come down here because I'm his half brother from Beijing and got the same bro I'm blocking these I'm blackanese and fight me like a man that's right fight me like a man [ __ ] anybody can shoot somebody he'll beat your ass whoa no idea oh that one punch in I think he's gonna do some work classic [Music] he didn't mean actually killing me oh okay oh my God what was that move bro oh okay this is like actually more fair yeah he doesn't know he can fight like this does he I don't think so definitely I don't think has seen him fight or the way he moves around is insane it's really cool [Music] here bro yeah it's awesome oh [Music] I'm leaving like fired the gun yet I don't think so I mean we did a little bit besides uh Carter doing it before at the cars look at him tag team watch out oh yeah oh look at that oh no Carter [Music] okay now the gun's over on off oh they had gone to the seal air in the lamp or something or the what's it called chandelier chandelier [Music] is it gonna blow we need to save yeah why did they go there again to get the to get the girl right they were following because uh no June Tao was there oh yeah they were meeting Junta they took the little girl somewhere else no the FBI you were just a bunch of fools bro Ransom is now 70 million ah just went up 20 mil the money or pick up let me get that girl back I mean realistically if you're about to get 50 mil you can get someone or what's 20 more all business for him man he was here for one thing only how does he how does he stop though and come back obviously he's not going home is that him oh this snake bro I'm so sorry about your daughter man shut up what a snake bastard how is she gonna figure out isn't she what I'm not sure [Laughter] it's an instant hangout wow yeah I mean deservantly what a snake all right how does he get out of this yeah he ain't leaving bro oh my God it's hard he's gonna get him off this plane we got him this is all nonsense dude I mean if I had no idea about planes which I don't it would all just I would just be like yeah I'll go let him know right now because we have been having trouble with that alternator later yeah the engine does need a new alternator you're right what about the little girl what about me alone I mean like you could never understand there's a legend my father was a legend my father was killed making a routine traffic stop in broad daylight by some punk his partner supposed to get out the car and back him up but never did as much devoted as you and now he's dead and for what that's why it's such a problem with Partners yeah you believe in your father wastes his life then he died for nothing you prove me wrong you're sitting right here bro you're the proof I'm going upstairs to make the drop and I was to remain calm as if nothing's wrong and don't leave age and Whitney's side even for a moment I understand I didn't mean he stink all of the FBI's agents think he can't even hear the worst he's here Johnson he's gonna have to defuse a bomb yep I think they're gonna get together at the end too with a kiss yeah that'd be cool this is the history of my country Priceless pieces of Chinese culture anything gets damaged don't worry about anything gonna happen to none of this stuff oh I don't say that everything's gonna blow up everything's gonna get destroyed that guy's such an ass Bros Carter saw him on the on the TV screen excuse me ladies and gentlemen I'm detective Carter from the lap we ask you please exit the building as soon as possible and please this is completely ruining their plan foreign I mean I think he's saving them though yeah get them titties out of here I feel like June Tao might just be the the evil dude and we just they just don't know what he looks like yeah that's just his code name oh yep that's that's a C4 device oh oh she's gonna have to undo the C4 from the daughter [Music] a word it worked oh one more time yes sir there's the daughter just in this car I guess uh she's yeah he's just being here oh my God oh my goodness dude don't touch it [Laughter] okay I think it'd be safe yeah ladies and gentlemen what does that wink about it thank you and good night oh my God it's a van with the little girl in it foreign hair like the only bad guy here besides like I don't know he is not good at shooting that what I don't know what does he have if you said if you set it off it'll kill you bro come on push the button yeah come on I know you won't do it [ __ ] I think that might be the funniest part of the movie no way she just got smashed like that what what are we doing what are we doing it's Lee I thought it was Lee that got her yeah it was it was oh thank goodness okay okay thank you just give me a second I don't know that'd be so scary bro yeah we knew she was gonna have to take a bomb huh uh-huh I guess like like the like the guy said in in the real world there's any pressure around there's distractions there's a lot of them Yo Yo holy [ __ ] he just killed the entire room ah what if she just [ __ ] it up and blows everyone up thank you and so are you did you just Bank this decision on a rhyme oh my gosh it was like an eeny meeny miny mo there's no way that's what you did why does he have it oh she's defused a bomb now she's firing off shots [Music] no no no no no oh save that one too We're Gonna Save the art [Music] boom boom that was your best effort why oh for a distraction that's a smart plan that was a smart plan he's pushing it over so he's distracted he really wants that thing to break he just he wants to do it because it makes Lee distracted got it yep that's the third time you've told us yes do have ears oh my gosh wow can we please put this thing on the ground are you kidding worst with that Uzi I feel like that's just a not act very accurate gun either especially when you shoot it like I feel like he is way off look at him he has the best so June pal is that guy yeah [Music] yeah I've been looking for your sweet and sour chicken that one's bad like a man all right come on and dropping his oh come on oh let's go let's go we didn't drop it oh no we did yeah they both had second guns oh that's what he said to him you're dead no way this guy's a good shot huh the balance oh that's scary the money bag I mean a one-on-one fight's not even close this guy's a loser we would never lose oh I kind of want to see junetal die oh there goes all your money and you and he saved you it's raining money he's gonna love it we still have a C4 explosive strap to Jackie Chan's chest oh dude I should hold on to that thing with a 2002 oh man on you sweaty hands no shot look at him he's grabbing money out of there oh he's holding onto the vest yeah is it gonna blow no I don't think it'll blow [Music] oh wow that just sounded like a really hard impact you think he died yeah yeah how hey oh he's gonna fall oh no strength bro no strength left [Music] just hang on man I'll be right back what yeah what what are you gonna do [Music] that it's gonna create like a trampoline or a slide foreign [Music] the timing is absolutely perfect look at that was so smart yeah I would have never been able to think of that yeah that's a really well you just would have died if I was there to help him probably run try to catch him and then dive from the guy falling on me for real we would have both done oh rig these guys are or Carter and Lee ah ordering lead is there a freaking like uh the Nobel Peace Prize the badge of honor somehow they deserve all the awards the FBI [ __ ] sucks it needs to be shut down after this operation well it took out a lot of the members I think the guy went got shot at the man yeah Dude is coming by to tell you what a great job you did yesterday when you come back you're an actual agent the FBI badge let's go he doesn't want that anymore or does he yeah go [ __ ] yourself yeah yeah he doesn't want that [ __ ] anymore LAPD for Life yeah that guy's such a [ __ ] bro what he's in everything who is that Lee's gonna be on here dude I would be if like oh wow he's speaking Chinese now bro [Music] this is cool man why I would have not thought he'd spoke Chinese I will show you my hood IES wow oh they're singing the song [Music] I think there's some extra hair yeah I think it's like bloopers foreign don't smile 50 million dollars is Jessica Kelsey I can't remember the name bro 50 million dollars what do you think you got Chelsea yeah he did all this bro that's crazy oh I want to be them I want I want them my daddy want to create him no [ __ ] that's literally sounded like me I just said it wrong oh my God even cannot see three words the fact he calls Jackie Chan Jack is so funny to me all right well that was rush hour that honestly the the comedy it held up a lot better than I expected it I feel like I had this weird idea that it was going to be a lot of outdated jokes and a lot of like inappropriate jokes but not a weird idea it was made in 1998 but yeah it was actually like really tasteful I think I feel like all the jokes landed they hit really really well it was actually really funny I'm glad that you guys voted for this like we said at the beginning it's it's been a long time coming this movie is I feel like always gotten suggested every time we've ever had comedy on the polls so I'm glad that it's finally been watched super super good movie would definitely be open to watching the sequels in the future yeah um I'm gonna highlight I think Chris talker was definitely my favorite part of this movie he was hilarious the the character Carter was funny the whole time but he was I mean the Jackie Chan action scenes were also like just badass they were they were super cool I think Jackie Chan was my favorite character I always also thought he was incredibly funny and too like he him even just watching this uh like bloopers at the end he is such a funny dude I love Jackie Chan I never knew how much I loved him until I watched this yeah I think that those two actors definitely have just like insane chemistry on screen together they're really really good now I understand like why they made so many of these movies because I mean they just trying to replicate that for sure yeah I just I think Chris Tucker is just one of the funniest people for real he could just say I feel like he could just read me the Declaration of Independence and I would just be crying it's like if we watch something with him and before Friday yeah we watch Friday it's just like his voice and then his like facial expressions and just like it's so funny to me and like him and Jackie Chan together was just absolutely hilarious like it's like nice watching a comedy like this because like you don't really have to think too much about the storyline like we kind of know it's just we gotta find this girl yeah you don't really need to like analyze like moves they're making like some other movies like try to like theorize it's like all right we'll get the bad guy and we can just laugh along the way so I I love it's very refreshing to watch like a movie like this every once in a while yeah I mean honestly like the comedy aside I I really loved the action scenes like I would I honestly just kind of want to watch more action movies like this that have like super like really good choreographed fight scenes because like all of Jackie Chan's fight scenes you could tell like they weren't just fighting like those were super scripted thought out moves to make them like look super super cool and I feel like that's sort of what Jackie Chan's best at so I I might need to catch up on some Jackie Chan movies bro I might need to watch some yeah it was just crazy like I know everyone says he does and I'm sure we're gonna get a lot of comments but like seeing at the end there like he does do all of his own scenes it seems yeah the most part I'm sure like he doesn't do the ones where he's like hanging on stuff like that I mean maybe bro but then again he's obviously not hanging on that high but I wouldn't put it past the guy that was super cool that that scene that when uh Chris Tucker caught him flying out of the air I don't know how he thought of that bro he's got he's just built like that that's crazy I don't know how that fabric didn't rip that's insane that's some strong [ __ ] I knew that guy was a freaking snake as soon because they zoomed in on him and like made this weird yeah and I'm like wow he's bad like it was like some some we watched so much I can just realize that yeah I mean if I had to pick someone to I probably would have picked him but honestly I was kind of surprised like whenever they showed him on the side I feel like I just kind of forgot about that character more so than like I didn't expect it to be him but as soon as they showed it I was like oh it makes total sense because they just had that whole like ordeal with the UK giving over Hong Kong and stuff like that so it makes a lot of sense that it ended up being that guy yeah I really liked it at the end how like they they're like yo bro you're in the FBI you gotta you got an invitation he's like nah grab it up your ass I don't know you guys were talking [ __ ] on the LAPD this whole time the LAPD we're the ones who saved everybody dude the FBI didn't do [ __ ] it was literally Chris Carter or it was Carter and the girl I can't remember her name but the girl from the bomb squad Johnson yeah they were LAPD and they were the ones actually out there doing stuff all the FBI people just got shot like what the hell I liked um that the girl the bomb girl who disarmed the bomb I'm happy uh they've got it off of the the child there at the end the little girl she must have lived a horrible day I feel like that whole um the whole movie was one day even Max two days yeah it was either one or two days it was a very short time though I feel like they I mean if you think they had to fly over from Hong Kong so it probably yeah I mean after that I think it was one or two days but I think yeah we saw there was like a two-month time skip from the first couple scenes but once Jackie Chan like was there I think it was all just like one or two days which is crazy to think about because so much happened like they were just all over the place while and they're just absolute best friends now too I think it's insane that this all could have just been avoided if the FBI were just normal and and didn't just oh the console wants to use his personal agent what an idiot like what dude or like maybe after the first time Jackie Chan was like hey you should get all your guys out of that building it's gonna blow up like we need to stop doing this maybe not go get this clown out of here and then 30 seconds later the building blows up you probably should have known like yeah maybe that guy's on to something we should probably listen to him those were douchebag FBI agents they were the worst all right guys that's pretty much for this movie if you guys did enjoy our reaction make sure to drop a like comment and subscribe check out our links in the description the first one is the patreon we have the full watch along for this movie and every other movie we do up on there so check that out the second Link's a Discord come join that talk to us about rush hour we got a movie talk chat in there and a really really cool community so stop by and join that lastly follow our social medias we got our Instagrams and our twitters down there then at the very bottom is the address to our P.O box send us something to be opened up on our series Mail Time like everything you see behind us right now but yeah that's pretty much it we'll catch you guys next week for movie night number 52. peace out [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Reel-Time
Views: 169,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rush hour, rush hour 1, rush hour reaction, rush hour 1 reaction, rush hour review, rush hour first reaction, first time watching rush hour, reel time movie reaction, reel time rush hour, reel time rush hour reaction, rush hour jackie chan, rush hour chris tucker, rush hour funny moments, rush hour bloopers, rush hour best moments, rush hour 1998, rush hour interview, rush hour ending, rush hour fight scenes, rush hour fight scenes reaction
Id: myHc1fB1zVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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