[RUNNINGMAN] You won't be able to see anything.There's no way you'll get it right. (ENGSUB)

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- Action School. - What is that? What's Action School? It's a game played in pairs. One person chooses a situation and a person without looking. The other person acts out the words. You're given three minutes to say the correct answer. If the player gives the wrong answer, shoot the player with your water gun without hesitation. (Give the wrong answer, and you'll be shot with a water gun.) Two teams with the most correct answers will be rewarded. Second place is good too. Now it's time to decide teams. Your partner is important. I'm good at guessing. Draw one. (Team Results) Ready, and... (Jong Kook picks two cards.) All right. (What?) Is it even possible to act out those words? (Jong Kook picked...) ("Talking back" and "Principal".) (The player has to act out the words almost without talking.) This is impossible. No way. What? (Panicking) (He starts acting.) (Testing the microphone) That's clever. (He is mimicking a principal making a speech.) A microphone. (I'm describing a person.) A principal. (Correct) (Thanks to Se Chan's clever mime, Jong Kook gets the person right.) (Se Chan has to mime "talking back" now.) (Hilarious) (Miming) A complaining principal? (You're getting close.) - Gosh. - A principal picking a fight? A frustrated principal? (Se Chan is using his whole body.) (I hate this. What? Do you have a problem?) (It's something like this.) Something like this. Giving an excuse? What should I say? I'm not allowed? (Se Chan catches a chance.) (He is literally talking back.) - A rebelling principal? - Do you think I'm rebelling? (He keeps talking back.) - A principal acting up? - Am I acting up? - That's brilliant. - I'm not acting up. You say this to me all the time! A lecturing principal? I wasn't lecturing! (He talks back again.) This is the answer! (It really is the answer.) Well... (Time's up.) Jong Kook, "Talking back". (Jong Kook and Se Chan fail.) Jong Kook, "Talking back". Hold on. In this case... - He's scolding Se Chan. - Look. All right. "Talking". You should have done this. Then I would have known. Otherwise, it's too hard. It was difficult. It's not easy. It's too hard. Why don't we say this was just practice? - Good. - All right. It's hard. - All right. - Okay. This is how you play. You can return them. - Okay, let's do this. - Jae Seok. You act out the words. I'm going to get them soaking wet. I'm going to kill them. - I'll take revenge. - Definitely. Someone kept shooting me even after the game was over. - And I saw who it was. - Kwang Soo. (I saw who it was.) (Surprised) Seriously... I'll... I'll soak him completely. (Indoor heavy rain warning) This is... (Jong Kook warns Kwang Soo that he'll take revenge.) Please pick good cards. I'll just go with my gut. (What are the words for Jae Seok and Jung Seok?) ("Running into your first love on the street", "Shaman") That's good. It's easy. - Ready, and... - Start with this one. Start with the person. (He starts with exorcism.) A psychic? A psychic? Three syllables. (Let me splash some water on you.) A shaman. (Now it's time to get the situation right.) A shaman... (He is walking on the street.) - Wait. - You ran into someone you know. - Did we go to the same high school? - A shaman... A shaman ran into his high school friend. "Did we go to the same school?" "Are you my high school first love?" ("High school first love" and "shaman") (He just needs to combine the words right.) (That's right.) - He might get it right. - He'll get it right. (Will Jae Seok get it right?) "Did we go to high school together?" (Jae Seok is too focused on high school.) (He ends up acting instead of answering.) I mean... Look. Where am I right now? You ran into your high school first love on the street. A shaman's first love who he ran into on the street. Say the person and the situation. - A shaman's... - No. A shaman is the person. A shaman you ran into on the street who is your first love. (Let me try.) (Your first love has become a shaman.) - What is that? - What are you talking about? Gosh, this is frustrating. - Why did you do that? - Is it really wrong? It was almost correct. You ran into your first love, and she became a shaman. My first love became a shaman. (Team Jae Seok fails because of Jae Seok's imagination.) - Shall we give it a go? - Okay. All right. It's not easy. - It's hard. - One correct answer is enough. Ready, and... - Knock, knock. - Knock, knock. - Hello. - Greeting. Keep watching. Hello. Let me start. (Auditioning) - Auditioning. <i>- Don't look for me</i> - An occupation. - An occupation? An idol. - An idol auditioning... - I mean... I'm sorry. I'll do better next time. - Bye. - An idol who failed an audition. An idol failed an audition? (Is that right?) (Seok Jin says the wrong answer while making sure it's right.) Next. (Trumpeting) No! (She relies on...) (onomatopoeia.) (A performing elephant...) (disciplined by the circus leader) An elephant... who failed an audition. No. Try again. (So Min succeeded in describing an elephant.) A zookeeper who failed an audition. No. Look. (So Min switches to acrobatics.) Someone failed an audition. Uncle Tong. (Uncle Tong appears in So Min's circus.) - Uncle Tong. - No. So Min, what happened to your hair? (Her wet hair makes her look like...) She looks like The Undertaker. The Undertaker. - Is this right? - Yes. Gosh. (Time's up.) This one was right. (Seok Jin and So Min got nothing right.) - Just one... - That was close. You just have to get one right. - Who's next? - Kwang Soo. (It's Kwang Soo and Yoon A's turn.) I should fill up my water gun again. - Fill it up, please. - Fill it up, please. No. Can I get another water gun? - We almost got it right. - Give me one more water gun. Unbelievable. Jong Kook has two water guns. It's Kwang Soo's turn. (Because I love him so much.) I got two water guns for him. Aim at his shoes. Get just one right, and you'll win. Let's do this! - Let's get just one right. - Let's do this. You won't be able to see anything. There's no way you'll get it right. (Try your best.) (With Jong Kook's warning, Kwang Soo and Yoon A start.) Ready, and... (What are the words for Kwang Soo and Yoon A?) That's too easy. Unbelievable. This is the easiest so far. (It's easier because it's only one word each.) Food. Rice. Side dishes. Soup. You should eat a balanced diet. Say something. Say something. - Side dishes. Soup. - Say something. This food is good for you. - Eat this too. - A chef? (He finally says the wrong answer.) (The shooting starts.) (As warned, Jong Kook pours water on Kwang Soo so that he can't see.) - Baek Jong Won! - It's... A cook. (He's getting close.) (Regional heavy rain warning) No one is shooting Yoon A though. (No one is shooting Yoon A though.) - I can't... - Wait. Keep going. I'm eating this, this, and this. But I don't want to eat this. - She's talking too much. - You can't talk. - You talked too much. - Did I? (We failed?) (You're allowed to say only the necessary things.) Try again. (I'm sorry, Kwang Soo.) "Try again"? (They pick a new pair of cards and try again.) Yoon A is so funny. Ready. (They switch places.) (What are the new words?) - That's hard. - That's hard. (Eating rice with ramyeon, A mother-in-law) (Wedding march) - Marriage. - "Marriage". Okay. (Screaming) (The water guns make her scream.) Yoon A, look at me! Come over here! - You come here! - Look at me! - Come here! - You have to look at me! - No! - Yoon A! Be careful. - A microphone. - No. Ramyeon. - Ramyeon. - Well... - Can I see the cards again? - Sorry. (Can I see the cards again?) (Yoon A hasn't recovered from the water guns.) It's hot? (It's time to describe rice.) - Cooking starts - What? (He sings the song from the rice cooker commercial.) A fool! (Yoon A says what she sees.) A fool eating alone. (Yoon A hurts Kwang Soo without meaning to.) Have another bite. - This... - Ramyeon. - Gosh. - It's ramyeon. I'm not full yet. What should I do? (I'm not full yet. It means he wants rice.) My ramyeon is finished. (It means it's time for rice.) (If you've ever eaten ramyeon, you understand what he means.) What? Rice in ramyeon? (Time's up.) It was too hard. (Kwang Soo and Yoon A didn't get any right.) It's hard to describe a mother-in-law. All right. I'll take off my shoes. - He's smart. - He's well prepared. I'm sure I'll get soaked. - Ready. - Okay! And... (Panicking over a clogged toilet, Good-for-nothing) That's easy. (Se Chan starts describing a clogged toilet.) (Gushing) (Shocked) This. Jong Kook isn't saying anything to avoid getting sprayed. - He isn't saying anything. - He isn't saying anything. (You!) (Me!) (Se Chan means Jong Kook is a good-for-nothing.) (He gets his point across.) Kim Jong Kook with an overflowing toilet? (They stand up and shoot with their water guns.) Stop it. Stop it. What about the toilet? Stop it. (What is he doing?) (Those are the shoes Jong Kook took off.) He is shooting at Jong Kook's shoes. (He changed the target.) (I will make sure they are soggy even after the game.) Look at me! Look at me! - Surprised? - It's something like that. (It's hard to describe "Panicking".) A clogged toilet. (They shoot without stopping.) Is this a water bomb festival? Seriously. Is this a water bomb festival? So the toilet is clogged. Explain the rest! Look at me. What about the clogged toilet, you jerk? (He gets annoyed since he isn't close to the answer.) This is it. What is this? Panicking. Kim Jong Kook. (Kim Jong Kook who is panicking over a clogged toilet) A good-for-nothing. (A good-for-nothing who is panicking over a clogged toilet) - Correct. - Is that correct? Seeing Se Chan point at him, he understood "good-for-nothing". (He agrees he's a "good-for-nothing" of Running Man.) He did a good job. We need two minutes. The microphones aren't working properly. (They get their microphones fixed.) Did someone shoot water in my shoes? (This is strange.) (Startled) (Kwang Soo acts like he doesn't know anything.) (You did this.) Okay. I got it. (What? Me?) My shoes are very wet. (It's all thanks to Kwang Soo.) (I did my best.) Seriously. Okay. (At that moment) (Looking around) (He looks around before he leaves the studio.) You prepared two pairs of jeans, right? (Jung Seok suddenly looks for a pair of jeans.) (One of the secret missions the Hunters need to carry out is...) ("Change into different pants.") (That's one of the secret missions.) ("Change into different pants.") My goodness. - All right. - Let's go. - Let's go. - Let's go. (Jung Seok returns to his seat.) - Jung Seok. - My goodness. The microphone. (On his pants,) (the wet spots have changed.) - Get ready. - Let's go. Set, go. - Okay. - Jung Seok, you are a Hunter of this race. (The first Hunter, Cho Jung Seok) This is my third visit to the show. If I do something I haven't done before, they will know. We are almost there. (This Hunter completed a hidden mission with ease.) (During the game,) (he shoots the water at his own pants.) (He is daring and meticulous beyond expectations.) I have an announcement to make. At this point... - What? - Did someone complete a mission? Did someone complete a mission? If a Hunter has the Hunter's number, they will be attempting their secret missions. - That's right. - Really? If a Hunter doesn't have the Hunter's number, completing a mission is meaningless. (The mission is pointless.) (The secret mission doesn't count without the number.) (Thus, "Change into different pants" didn't count.) What does that mean? It's a message to the Hunters. - Right? - I guess a Hunter did a mission... - without the Hunter's number. - It seems that way. Who is it? It must be one of the fools. You are right. This Hunter is a fool. A foolish Hunter. All right. Which team will go next? Since you don't have... the Hunter's number yet, doing the missions is meaningless. Why do you keep saying I'm a Hunter? For goodness' sake. Let's go. Kwang Soo thinks I am a Hunter. (He wishes he wasn't a Hunter.) Get ready. (Haha and Ji Hyo are up for the last game.) (Awake and late for school, Middle school girl) I want to go to high school. When will I attend high school? A middle school student. A middle school student. A girl? Combine. (Combine the two!) A middle school girl. She woke up but is late. She is late. A middle school girl who up and is late. Haha. (They fail because they didn't get the "For school" part.) Okay. She is late for school. Thus, the first place goes... - to Team Jong Kook and Se Chan. - Okay. Okay. The second place goes to Team Haha and Ji Hyo. Okay. (Haha and Ji Hyo came close to the answer.)
Channel: sNack!
Views: 278,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Id: YjGHbAIjuhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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