[RUNNINGMAN] He was a guest on Running Man, but Jae Seok hasn't met him? (ENGSUB)

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The second mission is... Call My Name. - Call My Name? - Call My Name. It's a match among three leaders of each team. Each of you will pick one card... and put it on your hat without looking at it. You should guess who the figure in your card is... by asking questions and answering to each other. If you give a wrong answer, you'll be hit with a toy hammer. The team with the highest score wins the game, and they get five coins each. They also get to steal five coins... from a member you want. The team in second place don't get coins, but they will get to eat a meal. The losing team gets only rice and laver. Let's win the game and eat. Now you should divide yourselves into three teams. All right then. I'll divide you guys into three teams. (I'll divide you guys into three teams.) Why would you do that? (He pretends to be generous.) - Who do you think you are? - Excuse me. You don't even have many coins. - Let's give it a try though. - All right. - Let me... - Who do you think you are? With my big data, I'll make the best teams. Jong Kook, stand there. - Me? Okay. - Yes, please. This is based on the number of R Coins. That's important. - I'll form good teams. - Okay. That's good. - Jong Kook. - Yes. Let me check the big data again. - You should trust me. - Okay. We will. - Is that the big data you have? - Yes. (Is that the big data you have?) This is the big data. - Is that it? - I thought there'd be more. This is big. It's big data. That's the only thing you have. - This is big data. - Okay. Good. - It's cutting edge. - First, - Jong Kook should be there. - Okay. Jung Min. (Jung Min joins Jong Kook's team.) - Jung Min. - They're in the same team? - Okay. - Jung Min is there. Let me see. And Yu Hwa. - Gosh. - What's wrong? (Letting out a sigh) Wait. You don't like her? - What was that about? - His reaction was... He didn't seem too happy in his reaction. - Jung Min. - That's not true. It's surprising. I have two guests on my team. And there's Seok Jin. Jee Seok Jin. - And Jeon So Min. - No, I don't want to. (No, I don't want to.) Don't do this. - Stop it. - It's just the big data. It's from the big data. It's just from the big data. - This is good. - What data is that? - Is there any ground? - He has 10... He has 10 coins and So Min has minus 5. That's good. - No. - Just join his team. - Go, So Min. - It sounds perfect. - In total... - Let me join them. The three teams need to have similar numbers of coins. Okay. Come here. - It's done. - This is it. You should put the card on your head. You shouldn't look at it though. We can't lie about the cards. Can we ask direct questions? Like "Is it a man or a woman?" Can we do that? Is it okay? Please put it on your forehead. You guess the name on your head. (Song Ji Hyo is IU.) All right. (Jee Seok Jin is Bruce Lee.) (Choi Yu Hwa is General Yi Sun Sin.) This is hard. (The first person to give the right answer gets 3 points.) Am I attractive? (Am I attractive?) - Am I attractive? - Yes. (He's so attractive.) Very attractive. Am I a man? Yes. An old man? (Am I an old man?) I've never thought that way. But he is quite old. Wait. The question is... Am I a man? (Am I a man?) She has very little chance of being a man. What was that? (She has very little chance of being a man?) What was that? You should just say no. - What is he talking about? - You can't do that. What am I supposed to say then? Am I alive now? - Yes, you are. - I'm alive now? Am I alive? It might be a man? Am I alive? Am I alive now? You can't just ask Seok Jin questions... and ignore his questions. (You should answer his questions too.) How can he guess? Why aren't you answering Seok Jin's questions? How could you pretend not to hear him? Please answer my question. Please meet Seok Jin's eyes... and answer his question. No one answered his question. Am I alive? No, you aren't. (She finally answers.) How old am I? (How old am I?) How old are you? (That's a good question!) You are less than 40 years old. (You are less than 40 years old.) My goodness. - It's true. - That's right. - This is insane. - It's true. - It's true. - It's true. - It's true. - He didn't lie. - This is insane. - It's true. It's true. - Am I a comedian? - What? A comedian. No, you aren't. Thank goodness we made her go first. We have no expectations for her. I have seen a comedian play this man. - That's right. - He is right. - Good job. - What's my last name? I can't give you your last name. Ask about your profession, not your last name. - What's my profession? - Your profession? (Flustered) (What should I say?) - What? - Say it. - Your profession? - Yes. You are a civil servant. A civil servant. (General Yi Sun Sin was a civil servant.) - A civil servant. - Don't be like that! - It's true! - Just tell her the profession. It's true. A civil servant. It's true, but... - Tell her the profession. - I will do that. Okay. - You are a soldier. - That's right. You are a soldier. - What's my profession? - Your profession? (What's my profession?) You are a multitalented entertainer. - That's right. - It's true. What's my profession? (It's my turn.) Why won't anyone answer my question? Hey! Answer his question! - Everyone ignoring me! - He doesn't know anything. Yu Hwa. - You aren't telling him anything. - Seriously. You need to answer his questions. I don't know anything. - Tell him the profession. - Please do that. Give him a clear answer. He only has one profession. - No, he doesn't. - What's my profession? - A multitalented entertainer. - That's right. - A multitalented entertainer. - You are really good at sports. - Let me answer. - Go ahead. (Did Ji Hyo figure out that she is IU?) Baek Jong Won. Baek Jong Won. He told you that you aren't a man. What is wrong with her? Ji Hyo asks questions but forgets the answers. - She forgets the answers. - I know. This is driving me crazy. Oh, I am not a man. - Am I alive? - What? Am I alive? (That's a sharp question.) That would be hard. What is your problem? That would be more than hard. - "That would be hard"? - Give a clear answer. - You... - Let me answer. - If he is alive... - Go ahead. General Yi Sun Sin. (She isn't sure but...) - He was a soldier. - Correct. No way! No way! (Yu Hwa guessed the answer, "Yi Sun Sin",) (from "A middle-aged soldier who passed away".) How did you know? - How did you know? - Yi Sun Sin. He was a soldier... from back in the days. - "A soldier who passed away". - No way. - She realized he was someone great. - That's right. It was a hard one. The team gets three points. We need to place second. - We can eat that way, right? - Let's place second. What do I do these days? (Bruce Lee asks, "What do I do these days?") You are on hiatus. (I am on hiatus?) - Ji Hyo! - It's true! What else am I supposed to say? - That's too much. - He is on a hiatus. Am I alive? Oh, I passed away. I answered that question. - Didn't you ask that question? - Didn't you know? - I answered that question. - I don't remember. I was sullen... because everyone ignored my question. Would it be okay if I throw in a white towel? - Seriously. - We have... - He is really bad at this game. - We have... no hope. Am I a foreigner? Yes, you are. You should ask another question. Am I a foreigner? Your name sounds foreign, but... I mean... (He mistakenly shares a valuable piece of information.) - It's a big hint. - Why did you tell her that? It's a big hint. I made a mistake. - Ji Hyo, use this hint. - I made a mistake. I am a woman... whose name sounds foreign, right? Seok Jin tried to twist his answer. Let me answer. (What will be Ji Hyo's answer?) IU. (Correct) Correct. Okay! (Ji Hyo places 2nd.) (He hits her because he is annoyed.) - Okay. - That was too easy. - It couldn't be helped. - Bruce Lee. It couldn't be helped. Seok Jin wouldn't have been able to get it right. - I thought it was a Westerner. - He didn't have a chance. Now, pick... - the next set of members. - I will go next. Sit down. (Jung Min is Sejong the Great.) (So Min is Cinderella.) Who wants to ask a question first? (Se Chan is...) (Ah Gwi?) (Ah Gwi is a character in his 40s or 50s...) (with a knack for gambling and a coldhearted personality.) (Will Se Chan be able to get it right?) Who wants to ask a question first? - All right. - So Min, you can go first. All right. Am I alive? (Cinderella asks, "Am I alive?") (She isn't a real person.) It's hard to say. - Is it hard to say? - It's really hard to say. - What's hard to say? - It's not hard to say. Can your answer be like, - "You are alive in my heart"? - That's right. Of course. - You are alive... - That's the perfect answer. - You are alive in our hearts. - You are alive in our hearts. You are forever alive in my heart. Am I not a person? I'm a person, right? Would you go out with me? - What? - Would you go out with me? Gosh, if you would give me a chance... (He grabs his chance.) I would go for it. - Anyone would go for it. - I would go for it. - Anyone would go for it. - Even if I spend all of my money... It's strange to see Se Chan say that... to So Min. I would go for it. Am I a man? - Yes. - Yes. Am I... in the entertainment business? (Ah Gwi asks, "Am I in the entertainment business?") You know, - it's hard to say. - That's a bit... Was that a sharp question? I don't know which side of you I should focus on. - Is it hard to say? - To be honest... No, no. You have nothing to do with the entertainment business. I have nothing to do with it. - You have nothing to do with it. - He is a separate character. - Thus, - That's right. - he has nothing to do with it. - That's right. He isn't in this industry. Really? - Jung Min, ask a question. - Ask a question. Am I a character? (Sejong the Great asks, "Am I a character?") You are a character at times. - Yes. - There could be merchandise. - That's right. - Don't give away too much. I have a hunch. I think this question will tell me everything. (He is certain.) I think this question will tell me everything. (What is Se Chan's crucial question?) I am popular these days, right? No. (He doesn't have a clue.) No. No. It was so funny to see you act like you have a hunch. I must be popular these days. - No. - It was so... - He makes me laugh. - Se Chan, you were an eyesore. Our faces are turning red. Okay. The answer is no. I thought I had a hunch. In my case, what is my nationality? - Nationality? - Which country am I from? - It's important. - That's right. It's a sharp question. - Can I make a guess? - Yes. I think you are British. (That's my guess.) (Is that because she uses English in the animated movie?) Say what you think. - That's what I think. - That's right. I think you are British. What do you think? I think... - she is Norwegian. - Our answers are close. - Really? - Norwegian? Is it Xylitol Gum? "Hyva, hyva." (Shouting) - Ignore that. - Stop it. (Hyva, hyva?) Don't get fooled. - Don't get fooled. - Don't pay any attention to him. Don't get fooled. Haha is lying... - when he does something like that. - Don't look at him. - Don't get fooled. - Don't pay any attention to him. Don't... Don't pay any attention to me. Jung Min, ask a question. I am... (I am...) Did you say I am a celebrity? He lost his focus. - Jung Min, what are you doing? - Jung Min, eat some chocolate. - Jung Min. - Would you like some chocolate? (Okay, okay.) Am I... Am I a person? - Yes. - Yes. - My goodness. - Of course, you are. Jung Min, what are you doing? - What is your problem? - Seriously. - He isn't as smart as I thought. - I know. - Go and wash your face. - Everyone is a person. Your eyes are unfocused. - He isn't as smart as I thought. - Hey. Everyone is a person. You know, I had intentionally saved him for later. - All right. - I was mistaken. I made a mistake earlier, but I have a good hunch now. You have a good hunch. Let's focus. Please ask... - a sharp question. - Please refresh us. - Please refresh us. - Okay. (One question that will refresh the frustrated onlookers' hearts) I am young, right? No. (I am young, right?) No. - You aren't young. - You were young once. That's right. (He doesn't have a clue.) - He doesn't have a clue. - Seriously. - What is he doing? - Seriously. He doesn't have a clue. - What are you doing? - He doesn't have a clue. Give me two turns. (Okay!) After two turns, I will give the right answer. Just you wait. - Give me two turns. - He is ridiculous. It's so funny to see him pretend to be sharp. - Okay. - You are nowhere near the answer. - Jung Min, ask a question. - Ask a question. - What's my profession? - There you go! You write. - I write? - Yes. Here is the thing. - What people say... Jung Min? - Yes? People twist the words to drive you further away... - from the answer. - Really? - You write. - Don't take them literally. Jong Kook won't let you come back if you fail. Jung Min, I will speak to you casually. - Okay. - He is angry right now. He is a bit annoyed. You need to concentrate. Jung Min, you are doing a good job. Okay. You are... a high-ranking civil servant. (Here is a hint.) That's not half bad. - I put it bluntly. - That's not half bad. Listen to that answer. - It's true. - Jung Min, combine the two hints. That's right. What do I write? What do I write? You write Korean. - You write Korean. - What? (It's a daring hint.) My goodness. (A high-ranking civil servant who writes Korean?) - Let's go. - Jung Min, let's go. Did I live back in the days? - Yes. - Yes. (Jung Min also figures out that he lived back in the days.) (Did he figure out the answer?) Han Seok Bong. (The best calligrapher of Joseon, Han Seok Bong) (He ruined his chance.) Han Seok Bong. Han Seok Bong! Han Seok Bong! I can't believe him! - Hey! - No, he could think that. - For goodness' sake. - He could think that. Did I go in the wrong direction? - A high-ranking civil servant. - That's right. - I gave all the hints. - The three of you... should make a show. This is the best. - Hey. - Jung Min. "The Fools' Show". I will ask a question. Please ask a sharp question this time. I got an idea when I heard his answer. - Really? - I was like, "That's right!" How much do I make in a year? (How much do I make in a year?) - It's the worst. - It's the worst. - It's the worst. - It's the worst question. - What? - It's performance-based. - Performance-based? - Yes. Do I have a performance-based salary? - For goodness' sake. - Performance-based? Performance-based? - Jung Min, that was a good one. - Performance-based? - That was a good one. - A performance-based salary. - Good job. - I have a performance-based salary. - That means... - Jung Min, that was a good one. It's a big hint. - A performance-based is? - That's right. (A performance-based salary) So Min, ask a sharp question. Is there a song I sing? Is there a song about me? I have heard it. - There is a song. - Please sing it. - You can hum it. - That's right. I don't know the song. I will sing it. (Some time) Hey! What? What? What? I was singing the song. If you don't know it, just say so. - If you don't know it, just say so. - I was singing the song. If you sing it as you please... I was singing the song. Where did "Some time" come from? Kwang Soo, sit down. Let me answer. - A high-ranking civil servant. - Cinderella? (Cinderella?) I can't believe it. Cinderella. Correct. (Team Blue gets 3 points.) - How did you know? - It just occurred to me. My goodness. How did you know? It just occurred to me. Jung Min, let's place second. - Let's place second. - Jung Min. You are almost there. Am I alive? - No. - I am dead. You know you lived back in the days! (You know you lived back in the days!) Jong Kook. He already said you lived back in the days! It was basically the same question. - Jung Min, don't lose to Se Chan. - You are almost there. Jung Min, I told you everything. - You are almost there. - Let me answer. - Sejong the Great. - All right. (Jung Min beats Se Chan and gets 1 point.) So Min shouldn't have said anything. - All right, Jung Min. - You almost had it. - You could have won. - Look at yours. - You surprised us. - Look at yours. Ah Gwi? (He never imagined it.) How are we supposed to know how much he makes in a year? That's right. (After the 2nd and 3rd round) All right. This is the last round. I won't joke around this time. I will show you what I can do, Jong Kook. Okay. (Jae Seok is Count Dracula.) (Count Dracula is a fictional character...) (who was based on a Romanian king.) (He is a rich man...) (who lives the life of a vampire at night.) My goodness. (Se Chan is Freddie Mercury.) (He is receiving more love thanks to "Bohemian Rhapsody".) - This is... - Go, go, go! Look. - Look at Se Chan. - You can do it. - Kwang Soo. - Let's go, Kwang Soo. - Let's place 1st. - If we place 1st this time, we will receive the coins. Let's play rock-paper-scissors. <i>- Rock-paper-scissors! - Rock-paper-scissors!</i> <i>- Rock-paper-scissors! - Rock-paper-scissors!</i> I'll go first. - What? - You lost. - I will ask... - Why would you do that? - We never decided on it. - The winner goes first. We never decided that the winner goes first. All right. Let's go in this direction. Okay. In this direction? Shouldn't it be clockwise? No, we are righthanded. We should go in this direction. Do you want to go first? Go ahead. - Go first. - Okay. Am I alive? (Jae Seok asks, "Am I alive?") (He is well and alive before your eyes.) - You are alive. - Yes. - You are alive. - You are alive. Read the first letter. (Read the first letter.) - For goodness' sake. - What? - You can't do that. - What? - Who am I? - Read the first letter. - Then I could ask the same thing. - Read it. Asking you to read the entire thing would be against the rules. Just read one letter. - I will give you a crucial hint. - Okay. - If I tell you the first letter, - What? you will be able to guess the full name. The full name. Then I will cancel this question. (Is that so?) - What? - You can't cancel it. - What is your problem? - You didn't read the first letter. - Don't be ridiculous. - In that case, what's my profession? - Your profession? - Yes. I will know the answer after a few questions. - Your profession? - Yes. You run a business. - No, he doesn't. - He does too! - What? - He doesn't run a business. I will end you if I later find that this information is wrong. I can tell you. - You are rich. You are rich. - That's right. You do something bad. - I do? - Yes. - I do something bad? - Stop sharing information. Why are you telling him everything? Each question is taking an hour. I will ask a question. What's my profession? - You are... - It's very clear. in a popular field. That's not a profession. Am I a singer or... You can't word a question that way! (You can't word a question that way!) (What?) What did I do? You can't do that. What's my profession? - A celebrity. - A celebrity? Am I a singer? (He has a hunch.) (Hesitant) The thing is... - Personally, - Go on. I have seen him sing. - Is that allowed? - This is driving me crazy. "I have seen him sing." Seok Jin, are you going to drink coffee? (What?) (Am I seeing things?) He wanted a cup of coffee. (Is he getting coffee in the middle of the shoot?) - What are you doing? - That was so sudden. - Keep going. - That was so sudden. - What was that? - Don't mind me. - I thought I was seeing things. - What are you doing? - What are you doing? - We are having a shoot! How could you get coffee in the middle of the shoot? Just keep going! (The members of Running Man are strange.) Have you seen me sing? Just tell me that. - I have seen you sing. - That gives you... the answer. I am a singer. Okay. - I have a question. - Okay. Tell me... (I have a question.) if you have met me. (Jae Seok asks, "Tell me if you have met me.") I haven't. (Thinking) Why won't he answer? Hurry up and tell him. Answer the question. Tell him honestly. - Have you met me? - Hurry up. - Yes, I have. - Have you met me? Yes, I have. (Does that mean I am a celebrity?) What's my nickname? - What do you think is my nickname? - It's a sharp question. - Your answer must make sense. - It's a sharp question. - Your answer must make sense. - It could be... a nickname from childhood. What's my nickname? - I don't know. - I think it's Tiny. - Tiny? - Yes, Tiny. (How is my nickname Tiny?) Tell the truth! - That's how he is called. - Yes. I have heard that nickname. - All right. Let me ask a question. - Do I have a tiny body part? - Is it about a body part? - It's not like that. It could be about their height. - He doesn't know. - Tiny? Let me answer! - Haha. - You jerk! (Haha) (Haha gets dragged into this.) That's right. That's right. That came out of nowhere. - If my nickname is Tiny... - Don't be like that. I was just thinking about the nickname. I can't believe you. - I will give you a hint. - Okay. Sticky Rice. Sticky Rice. (Does Jae Seok have that nickname?) - Sticky Rice. - That's right. - I have heard of it. - Why Sticky Rice? - He was called that for a while. - Sticky Rice and Tiny. - Sticky Rice? - That's right. Tiny Sticky Rice? All right. What do I wear? (It's a sharp question about Count Dracula's attire.) You wear something like Song Hae's outfit. You wear something like Song Hae's outfit. (Something like Song Hae's outfit?) Song Hae? Isn't that right? Something like Song Hae's outfit? - Is there a certain style? - Well... Tell me what kind of clothes I wear. You wear oversized clothes. - Oversized clothes? - Yes. (You wear oversized clothes.) (Oversized clothes?) That's right. He does wear oversized clothes. - All right. - Oversized clothes! Oversized clothes! He said oversized clothes! Let me ask a question. Sing a line of my famous song. (This is a disaster.) It's a good one. You have to get the melody right. You can go first. (Running Man) Running Man? What? (A famous song by Freddie Mercury, "Running Man") What? What was that? Sing the lyrics. - I sang the part I remember. - You sang that song. - You know the song, right? - It's that song. - I sang it. - That's right. - I was going to sing that part. - Really? - We heard it. - Okay. (Safe) (Hey, yo) - "Hey, yo"? - Does that song really exist? <i>Hey, yo</i> (Does Freddie Mercury have that kind of a song?) - "Hey, yo"? - "Hey, yo"? (Hey, yo) - "Hey, yo"? - "Hey, yo"? Isn't it that song? (Isn't it the line that symbolizes the singer, "Ay-oh"?) He sang it well. - Okay. - Kwang Soo told him everything. - It's a very nice hint. - I am almost there. I am almost there. What's my nationality? They don't know that. - I don't know if it's true, - You have to tell him if you know. but maybe a Czech. (Dracula is Romanian but Kwang Soo thinks he's Czech.) I'll ask a question. Let me answer. Dracula? (Let me answer! Dracula?) - Hold on. - Correct. (Jae Seok wins 1st place.) (He took "Czech Republic" as a hint and deduced the answer.) I did that to confuse him. (Team White scores 1st place with 7 points.) They're a singer and not in an idol group. Kwang Soo, focus on the nickname. - That's the most certain hint. - Sticky rice. - It's my turn. - Tiny. - Tiny. - Answer me. How many characters is it? - That's too direct. - Number of characters. Number of characters? - He won't know. - He won't know. He won't know. - Tell me the number of characters. - He won't know regardless. Six characters. What? Six characters? He's shocked. See? I'll ask a question. Do you personally think... Be honest. Is this person handsome? (Am I handsome?) (Give him a good answer, Se Chan.) - Personally, okay? - Tell him! - Do people think he's handsome? - Yes. No. (No.) (Goodness, Se Chan.) Okay! People don't think this person is handsome? That's enough. You got everything. Think about it carefully. You got everything. It's an ugly, tiny, Glutinous Rice, an all-around entertainer, and a man. (Kwang Soo accumulated many hints.) - Can I ask more... - Let me answer. - What is it? - Haha. I mean... (Haha is surprised.) No, that's not what I meant. Goodness. That's the answer. - This can't be Haha. - He got me. That's the answer. Question. Has he been on Running Man? (Have I been on Running Man?) - Yes. - He has. Was he a guest? - He has. - Yes. It was a tiny man? - He's ugly and tiny. - This is so frustrating. - He's close. - He's so close. Is this one person? - Is it one person? - Yes. - What is it? - It's one person. - Wait a minute. - His name has six characters? He was a guest, but Jae Seok hasn't met him? No. He was a guest on Running Man, but Jae Seok hasn't met him? (Are you sure?) Oh, gosh. (The secret behind the unseen guest) He was an ugly kid on Running Man, but he hasn't met Jae Seok? He hasn't. He hasn't met me. - You're so close. - Kwang Soo. - Question. - Let me answer. (Se Chan sounds confident.) (It's one person with six characters in their name who sings "Ay-Yo".) Freddie Mercury. (Freddie Mercury) Correct. (Se Chan wins 2nd place.) (He beats Kwang Soo and saves his face.) How did you know? Hey! (Who am I?) That was frustrating. - Hey! - Idiot. That was frustrating. Tiny. I had many nicknames, but when I used to eat a lot of sweet rice donuts, my friend called me... Sticky Rice momentarily. I had no idea.
Channel: sNack!
Views: 1,310,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Id: SfKC9CR638I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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