[RUNNINGMAN THE LEGEND] He can't be polite with this face (ENGSUB)

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The mission for the keyword, 10 Dollars, is... Blow for the Money. (Blow for the Money) - "Blow for the Money"? - All right. It will be a tournament in pairs. You will blow away the flour in the bowl. And the member who figures out the amount of money... under the flour will win the match. (Okay. We understood the rules.) Even before... we heard what the mission was, Seok Jin said, "Do it with me." (Whispering) (Just now, the rules were being announced to them.) (When he said it'd be done in pairs...) Do it with me. (Do it with me.) (The weakest guy picks the weakest girl.) I'm the weakest here. Everyone knows here that I'm the weakest. If this happened on a blind date... or in a situation like that, - Right, right. - It's a heart-fluttering moment. "Hey, do it with me." (It would've been heart-fluttering.) (Team up with me.) This is like... - holding hands under the table. - Right. (This is like holding hands under the table in secret.) - It'd look like that. - But this is a competition. Gosh, you're so low. But this is a competition. Everyone, pair up with an opponent you'll compete against. All right. - Should we flip for it? - Let's do that. - Why? You two can do it. - Let's flip for it. - Or rock-paper-scissors? - Okay. (They'll choose their opponent after playing rock-paper-scissors?) - Okay. That sounds good. - Okay. - Rock-paper-scissors. - Rock-paper-scissors. (Seok Jin and So Min lose.) (He won't be able to pick So Min for his opponent.) I can't ever win. The winner gets to pick. (He confirms it once again.) - We'll pick our opponent. - Yes. (Looking determined) I'm very popular when it comes to choosing opponents, you know? (Weak So Min gets popular.) But both of you are popular today. Right. That's so true. - Both of you are popular. - Stop it. Get ready. Rock-paper-scissors. My gosh. This is intense. - It's intense for no reason. - Rock-paper-scissors. (Who will be the winner of this intense-for-no-reason match?) (Kwang Soo wins.) Okay! So Min! (Okay! So Min!) I don't feel good about this at all. Not at all. You're so petty. - How could you choose her? - So Min. So Min! Okay. Seok Jin. - So Min and Kwang Soo will go 1st. - They'll go 1st. You can't be sure. So Min might win. - Yes, I might win. - You can't be sure. - Right. - Who knows? - How are we supposed to play? - The flour... (The game is set up now.) All right. Under the flour, - there's money. - I see. The one who writes down the amount in the back will win. (They must blow out the flour to figure out the amount.) Will there be coins? There will be coins. - There are many types of bills. - That's hard. - The total amount? - Write down the total amount. That's hard. - My gosh, this sounds hard. - This isn't easy. Get ready. - Set. Go. - Get ready. (The mission for Chance Card starts.) (He attacks her with the powder as soon as they start.) (She'll play dirty too. She retaliates.) (Coughing) (The game has changed into Blow for the Flour.) (As they keep on blowing to ruin one another...) - I can see it. - I can see it. - I can see it. - I can see it. (They finally find their first dollar.) (Let me take a breath.) (She starts attacking him by exhaling into the white flour.) - Hey, let's work together. - Yes, you have to. - Yes. - There's too much. - Let's work together. - How should we... (She wanted to look at him when they made up.) Look at him. (He can't be polite with this face.) I can't do this. I can't. I'll choose War. Korean Alphabets. I'll choose the Korean Alphabet. (I'm done too.) (I'm so glad I didn't go up against them.) (Let's just blow out the flour instead of looking at ourselves.) - I can see it. I can see the money. - I see it. (They find the second dollar.) (And then, the third dollar.) Is it a foreign currency? (So Min attacks him.) No, it's a Korean dollar. My gosh. (He counterattacks.) (They fight for a while.) - There's one over there. - You're right. - There's a five-dollar bill. - There's a lot. (He finds a 50-dollar bill.) (They finally see all the bills.) There's money inside. (Kwang Soo writes 62 dollars.) (He's wrong.) - He's wrong. - He is wrong. (One 50-dollar bill, one 10-dollar bill, three 1-dollar bills.) So Min, hurry. There's no time to rest. (A coin falls.) (A coin falls from the tray.) What? Something fell. (How much is that?) - What is this? - Is that a nickel? Is that a nickel? (She hides the coin.) Wait. How much was it? (He's irritated.) (She throws it.) How much was it? (You can go there and find out.) They're playing... - It's a nickel. - very dirty. (She finds another coin.) 55 cents? (She throws it before Kwang Soo arrives.) (They're glad to be watching.) (Clinking) (She finds another coin.) - What was it? - Hold on. (She picks it up.) There's so much money. How much was it? Was it a coin? (So Min writes down her answer.) (So Min writes 63 dollars and 65 cents.) 63 dollars and 65 cents. (Is she right?) - No. - You're wrong. (How much did I stash away?) "63 dollars and 65 cents". - There's a lot of money. - My gosh. There's a lot. (There's quite a bit of money hidden.) (They need to dig in deeper.) 63 dollars... 63 dollars... How can I do this when she's stashing away the money? You need to explain the rules to her! (Don't act like a newbie.) (A bunch of coins falls.) They fell. (The total amount of bills is 63 dollars.) Hey. (They need to figure out the amount of coins.) (Kwang Soo writes 63 dollars and 76 cents.) - Let me answer! - That's wrong. You're very close. (Kwang Soo is close?) It's not 76 cents. (Kwang Soo is close?) (So Min writes 63 dollars and 75 cents.) (If she's right, she'll be in the play-off.) So Min is right. Why did you write 76 cents? So Min is right. (That was the answer?) (So Min will go to the play-off.) - I was a cent off? - I saw it. There was a nickel. (She hid the nickel.) (Thanks to this nickel, I've won.) Next time, reduce the number of bills and the amount of flour. What is the point of making such corrections now? (Pale) - Okay. - Okay. I'm looking forward to this big match. (This is the 2nd round between 2 middle-aged men.) (It's Jae Seok versus...) (Seok Jin.) It's a big match. - Let's do this! - It's a big match. - Get ready. - Okay. I'll do this. (Suddenly,) What are you doing? (Jae Seok prepares himself.) We shouldn't have gone first. - It's important who goes first. - Yes, we could've been prepared. - We couldn't prepare at all. - After watching them, I got some tips. I had no idea... - the order was so crucial. - I know. You're right. We should cover ourselves. I doubt Seok Jin can blow that hard. I think he has weak lungs. Okay. (They're all ready now.) (Which one of them will win the victory?) Ready, set, go. (He blows the whistle.) You're strong. (After giving two strong blows,) (Seok Jin begins to cough.) (He's dazed.) (He's struggling.) (They feel sorry for him.) I'll do it instead. I'm afraid they'll pass out. - Let me. - Please. - Please make them stop! - Please stop! Please make them stop! (Amidst their painful exhales,) (a 10-dollar bill is found.) (Is this it?) - I can't bear... - Did you get one? - That's it? - to watch them do this. - Is that it? - What? That's it? (They both run towards their boards.) Wait. (Jae Seok finishes writing the answer first.) (Soon after, Seok Jin follows.) This is wrong, right? (Is Jae Seok's answer right?) - This is wrong, right? - Is that a dollar or 10 dollars? 10 dollars. Jae Seok wins. - What? - That was it? (Jae Seok gets it right.) - What? - What is this? (There was only 10 dollars?) That was it? - What? - But when... - we did it, - What is this? - We had all those coins! - it was harder than this. - There was a nickel too. - It looked too hard, so we took it down a notch. This is why going first is a disadvantage. (This match was customized.) (Jae Seok will now have a match with So Min.) I wrote 10 dollars too, but I was late. (Which one of them will obtain a Chance Card?) This is your mission for obtaining a Chance Card. The mission that befits your keyword, War, is... Protect the Gate. "Gate"? It'll be a tournament with two players at a time. There will be an offense and a defense. The offense will need to penetrate a paper door... by shooting a rubber gun. The other player will play defense. The defense must protect the door with his body. Rubber gun? It's going to sting. - We'll be bruised. - What's wrong? - We'll get bruises. - Okay. This will hurt. This is a war, indeed. You're right. Only the last one standing... - will receive a Chance Card. - Okay. - But first, we'll play a mission... - Okay. that'll make you win by default. - We can do that? - Okay. - This is the most crucial game. - Yes. It is. This is the most important. It's the Pirate Roulette Game? - Okay. - This is good. - This? - Okay. Haha. - This is based on luck. - Okay. We can do this. This is based on luck. (Who will win by default?) The one who makes the pirate pop up will win. - Okay. - Which means, the order is crucial. - Play rock-paper-scissors. - Okay. - Rock-paper-scissors - Rock-paper-scissors (Haha loses.) (Gosh, I'm last.) - Rock-paper-scissors - Rock-paper-scissors (Se Chan wins.) Okay. I'm first. You must go with your first choice. - Okay. - You can't switch holes. I'm the one with the worst luck. - I'll start. - Okay. 1, 2, 3. (How will his first attempt play out?) (The barrel makes a sound.) (But nothing happens.) - That's a disappointment. - Okay. (Go away.) Jong Kook. Why did you have to push me? (General Kim has appeared.) (I'll win this battle.) - This is war. - Yes. (He puts in a sword.) Okay. (General Kim fails on his first attempt.) - Thank goodness. - Okay. - You can't switch holes. - All right. I will win. You can't go back... - on your choice. - No. Don't change. You can't. (He puts in a sword.) - No changing! - Darn it. (They each got a turn, and it's back to Se Chan.) Okay! - What was that? We're the same. - I didn't hit you. - I was cheering you on. - Okay. I'll start. - You chose your hole. - 1, 2, 3. (He inserts the sword.) (He fails once again.) Okay! - Just one. - Please! (There are only 4 holes remaining.) Just one. Let's just get it once! - Please! - Please! I need to win! Okay, it's my turn! (General Kim fails again.) (It's Haha's turn.) If you fail, I win. It'll be me. - I hope they both fail. - This is thrilling. I hope they both lose. - Okay! - Where will you insert it? It's either 1 of those 2. - No, there are 3 holes. - There are 3? There are three holes. (Which hole is the door to victory?) - Please. - This is... very thrilling. Okay. (He inserts his sword.) Yes! (Haha wins by default.) I am the default winner! (I'm jealous.) Okay, then. Jong Kook and Se Chan will have a match. (These two will go against each other.) - These are the rubber bands. - We're using these? These are thick. My gosh. It's okay. I don't feel pain. (It's okay. I don't feel pain.) Please, Jong Kook. This isn't an actual war. It's just a Chance Card. - It's just a Chance Card. - It's okay. I don't feel pain. Let's decide on our positions. (They need to play rock-paper-scissors.) - Gosh. Rock-paper-scissors - Rock-paper-scissors (Jong Kook wins.) I won. Don't worry. If he attacks and gets a point, - you'll change positions... - I'll get a turn right? - and have a chance to make a tie. - Right. Okay. Do you want to go first? - No, I'll defend first. - What? - I want to. - Why? - Because I won. - Let's play rock-paper-scissors. - Let's do it again. - We just did. - When? - Just now. I didn't see it. The camera didn't record it. Right? Let's play. Do you want to go to a place where there are no cameras? Come on. Do you want to go to a place where there are no cameras? (Se Chan is terrified.) - Fine! We did play it! My gosh! - Right? We did it. You played scissors, and I played rock. Let me tell you something. When I was young, I could even... target a pen with a rubber band. - Really? - Yes. - You're good. - It was back in school. Look at his eyes. He's so determined. He's intimidated. That's good. - Should I hit you in your knee? - Okay. - You're good. - Hold on. How about your face? - How does that sound? - Try it. Should I shoot now? Okay. Try it. (Shoot me in my face.) Okay. Se Chan pretended not to hear Jong Kook. (Haha is sharp.) (He feels guilty.) Come on. You could've ignored that! - He looked elsewhere. - Okay. (He needs to penetrate this sturdy defense.) (Shooting) (He misses.) (Haha curses at him.) It didn't work. I should've done this. - We usually do this. - No, it doesn't fly out. That's great. What are you trying to do now? (Hold on.) How are you pulling it back? Like this. (He's pulling back the rubber band as tight as he can.) You did this too. - Over here? - Yes. His looks more terrifying. (He's scared.) - Why does it look terrifying? - What's wrong? (He's ready.) Hold on. (Where should I shoot?) (Just don't shoot my body.) Look at his arm. (He focuses all his energy on his finger.) (It makes Se Chan dance.) My goodness. (This will be over soon.) (He aims and shoots.) (It hits his forearm.) (Jong Kook fails.) My gosh! It's so painful! Jong Kook! (It wasn't intentional.) (This is a real battle.) You did that on purpose, didn't you? You need to aim at the paper. Of course, I did. (They switch positions.) There? I hope this flies. (He shoots.) (It hits Jong Kook's lower abdomen.) (It's a sensitive area.) Okay. My turn. He's fine. - I was accurate. - It didn't make any noise. (General Kim is back.) It's not flying the way I want it to. (If Jong Kook succeeds, he'll go to the play-off.) Se Chan, put down everything. If I step forward, he won't have much space. But it'll hurt more. It will hurt more. (He sees Jong Kook's fingers.) (Dance all you want, you fool.) I don't think he's aiming at the paper door. (Just watching him terrifies Haha.) I hate this. (The sound is intense.) What? Okay. (It hits the paper.) (Jong Kook succeeds.) Okay. (He aims at the available space...) (and penetrates the paper door.) (He crushes the paper.) I got hit with that! (Did it hurt a lot?) That's great. (Jong Kook goes to the play-off.) - Okay. - I hate winning by default! - That's great. - Jong Kook... - wins. - Okay! You need to succeed. I need to. (Haha is in the offense.) (He carefully chooses his weapon.) Get one that looks taut. Okay? (He picks one.) Let's do this! (Haha is no rookie.) (During practice time,) (he was just as good as Jong Kook.) (I can do this.) (He focuses all his energy on his fingers.) Do it. (Will he be able to penetrate this sturdy fortress?) Graze his skin, please. Okay. (The tension is high.) (Will he block successfully, or will he penetrate successfully?) Shoot it. Good. (He attempts to throw him into confusion...) (and then fires.) (Jong Kook blocks it.) Okay! Move. (Did he just block it?) (If Jong Kook wins, it's game over.) The one who wins in this match... will acquire a Chance Card. - There are no more chances? - Okay. This is the final play-off. (Will Haha block successfully?) (If I block this, it'll be my turn again.) From my experience, you need to give him no space. You need to come forward. Right. You need to move around. Come here. Come here. All right. (Jong Kook gets ready to fire.) Wait, wait, wait! (Haha suffers from the aftereffects of Jong Kook's fingers.) (I'll let you live.) Hurry up. (He gets into the defense position.) There's space below. Good. There's a lot of space around you. Move your arms. Put them to the side. Good. Good. Okay. Gosh, this is taut. It's so tight. (He charges his weapon.) (Where should I aim this time?) (Terrified) (If Jong Kook succeeds, he'll be the final winner.) (Will Haha block successfully, or will Jong Kook get the victory?) (While he flails his arms around,) (Jong Kook fires.) (What is the result?) (The paper is torn.) (Jong Kook succeeds.) Where? Where did it go? - It went through. - He penetrated it. (Darn it.) He's way too strong compared to us.
Channel: sNack!
Views: 428,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Id: 587O6RjQL0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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