Running the Inaugural Cocodona 250 with my Brother

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[Music] starting in five minutes feeling [Music] go ahead and step up to the start line this is the start of your adventure across arizona here we go count it down with me in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one let's go [Music] all right we just started the 22 mile ascent uh 22 miles between eight stations seven thousand feet of climb for about a tenth of a mile in drew's already puking on the side of the trail yeah balmy out lovely day uh got about four and a half five liters of water we're carrying and oh man and the buzzards are circling look at that dry creek all right here we go wow this is tough going straight uphill very hot i don't know i think maybe we're two hours into this stretch and probably another five hours so we've got a lot of water but we're just going nice and easy doing overheat taking a little shade break drew's getting a little overheated and it's just relentless climbing we're about halfway through it so we need to take a break in the shade try and cool off a little bit of a rough start to the race wow uh thankfully some clouds have rolled in and it's gotten there's a little bit of a breeze but it's still except for this part just straight up and we probably got another eight miles to the aid station a couple hours at least but we're gonna get there recoup status update we are climbing a lot you look good man we keep taking breaks to sit find any shade we can get but we need to really sit down and refuel get some hydration going struggle is very real we still have a mile to the aid station can't say i've ever seen drew look this poorly in a race but he always bounces back and then it'll be my turn to feel like crap and he'll help me out so we're just trying to make it up this relentless climb it's just going forever we've been going up for 22 miles and i think the sonoran desert heat is just cooked drew's little wisconsin pasty fanny so he'll rebound he'll be fine all right we're a mile from the aid station and it's kind of an easy walk in so uh that was the hardest 50k we've ever done there's 220 miles to go but uh really good to get that out of the way i i seriously can't imagine if that was in the middle or the end of the race [Music] hey good job say cheese how's video watch the video buddy we just went through the town of crown king quaint adorable drew's back yes losing daylight on day one uh weather is much cooler through anywhere else you'd rather be almost at the mile 52 aid station we're gonna stop and regroup we're currently trying to sleep in our babies because we're exhausted but this should help we're going to try and get a couple hours this climb up mountain union is a tough one [Music] the sun is coming up and we're feeling a little better pretty exhausted but looking forward to getting over this and it's six miles to the next one where uh there's indoors sleeping is that how you say it indoors sleep indoor cots indoor bunks this is bonkers oh my god been climbing for so long not complaining hey we're running day two oh yeah and now we're walking it's midday on tuesday it is starting to boil out here mile 80. here's the plaza it feels really good to get here into some shade drew could just stop farting for 30 seconds hey everybody we made it to prescott mile 80. and we just wanted to say hi we're doing well yesterday was tough really tough but obviously i saw it was really tough for everybody so we're pretty regrouped we're doing well it's hot we're taking our time coming up on watson lake [Music] [Music] well we are struggling and i'm hallucinating a lot about four miles to the next gate station we're just gonna walk nice and slow it's like what six o'clock yeah six o'clock it's still really hot out so we're just kidding silly geez sounds like a real struggle on there good job we're headed out one more aid station and then gonna get up that mountain way off in the distance mount mingus and they have indoor cots up there so we gotta make it so we can get some sleep for once ready buddy [Music] we made it to sleep station maya 112 at the top of mount venus we're [Music] three hours because we are absolutely toasted just slept three hours and a bed it was incredible i said hi my face drew wash's face and thankfully some other things and i just had some coffee it's a beautiful day we're gonna try and get to sedona by tonight [Music] all right we're a couple hours into day three we're feeling good i think it's what 10 o'clock nine o'clock it's only like 130 degrees out so trying to take advantage of the cool weather um but you can see right now way off in the distances the coconino plateau and flagstaff that's where we're headed so we're getting close to jerome and we really wanted to run this really long downhill make up some time so it's like this gradual long five or six mile downhill but it is so rocky honestly maybe it's better you know keep us going slower don't overheat hit the aid station and recoup but uh this rock situation is no joke guys jerome state park one 120 something nobody cared we're having vegan apple pop and we're headed it's way over there um what else is there yeah i don't know what else is interesting to say right now and then uh my feet hurt it's fine uh we're doing well we'll call you i'll call you later bye bye we just crossed the halfway mark and uh this is a really hot section look at how hot drew is so hot and we're crossing this sort of tough stretch but there's there's a creek that runs across it with water you can filter the lifesaver but uh looking forward to the second half of the race [Music] why are you wearing that wearing that buff buddy no absolutely not oh man i just got you a little cocky with your nose picking did you get it there he is there you you got this [Music] rolling into i can't remember where i did station but deer park the old deer trail your pass can't remember um that was a fun little segment we got really lucky because it was going to be crazy hot but some cloud cover came in and some wind so we got in here much quicker and then we're gonna get out of here relatively fast and um try and get up to sedona and sleep tonight night three drew's got another nosebleed wow karma um we got about a 16 mile jaunt up to sedona hopefully get in around one in the morning and there are indoor cots there so just like last night at mingus we have found that get making it to an indoor bed is absolutely crucial um just gonna try and not go insane for the next five hours yeah it's a beast of a climb we are a little shattered right now um but uh we know where we got to get to just gotta keep going there's a lot of carnage out on the trail people are really getting pretty exhausted um but we keep inching closer [Music] drew still looks pretty good still got some toilet paper shoved up the nose ah onward this is far and away i said this is far and away the lowest low i've ever had to got a long race i can't believe this stretch looks like the three hours of sleeping feel better like we did this morning but we're getting in at like three a.m or something instead of a good night [Music] just nabbed two hours of sleep and got some warm food and coffee it's chilly right now but it's supposed to be 90 today in sedona so we're trying to get through it quickly um climb up onto the plateau in the middle of the day so that'll be a stretch and then see how far we can get we're just taking a lot longer than we thought because the trails are so tough yeah yeah let's see how it goes [Music] all right this is why we can't really run well hey it's really hot out but b it's just so rocky can't get going um and it's day four so i'm complaining a little bit it's all right but i think we're a mile out from the aid station and i'm gonna just dive head first into a bucket of ice hey how about a summary on this last section and how we're feeling that's good sedona's got an amazing trail system here shrugging along and moving on our early start and then sun came up and it's a furnace and now we're on an endless jeep road that's about a thousand degrees just trying to get to an ice bucket figure out oh what a lifesaver we just stopped at huntley something aid station and they poured ice water all over us took great care of us we got in there pretty wrecked even though we've been conservative this is so boiling hot out um so we're carrying four liters of water to just go seven miles on a straight road it's kind of that hot but then uh the section after that is 13 miles and uh 3 500 feet again so we're trying to figure out what we're gonna do about that maybe just take a nap and wait to do it later in the day we'll see but first here i'll get through this part all right update time talk to me it's hot i think we're almost there but sleep sleep please we are currently in the medical tent just trying to take a nap um we have plenty of time we're just resting half an hour or something before we go back out into this crazy section [Music] besides magic happens sometimes oh my god [Music] it is hallucination o'clock look at all this what is that this type of night weird weird stuff starts happening [Music] we just left the cinder hut aid station got up a little before our alarm in the tent because really your chest teeth chattering shaking cold um so we're out of here like 3 40 or something which is good but it's a couple hours till sunrise it's a nice flat section so we might try and run a little bit and warm up and let our feet feel a little better after some sleep and unfortunately the blisters didn't magically disappear but it would be good to get some some miles out of the way and stay warm we're going for it you're known for it it is a day we're leaving fort cut hill with about i don't know this point maybe less than 35 to go got some nice runnable sections in the pines and [Applause] it is just so much better up here than in the desert so we're moving better we got like 20 flat miles and then we go up a big mountain and after that we just drop into the finish so we're we're hoping to get it done through the day today and as early in the night as we can but so far we're looking pretty good [Music] we're at mile probably 230 and cruising into the elden now the ah what's it called uh walnut creek aid station and we're going to get some food and a bunch of stuff and then head out and probably take a short little trail nap to rest up for the big climb wow and uh yeah the last push so we're just trying to get these last few miles done to get into that aid station [Music] we're getting close six miles growing up elvin [Music] you just take a quick 20 minute cat nap before we have to go up mount eldon so we're putting our feet up and just trying to get ready for this with the last little bit of energy a mile to the top we're almost there look at this what oh unbelievable [Music] [Music] wow coming down the back side of eldon three four miles on forest road into town and then another few in town to the finish line home stretch i think we got it [Music] finally [Music] congratulations to douglas watson and drew watson on that amazing finish of the cocodona 250.
Channel: Staghound Films
Views: 2,377
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cocodona250, ultrarunning, run200s
Id: yKvTeMSytQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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