Running the CNC Laguna IQ Router

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all right so we're gonna go ahead and power up this router so on the side there's a little power switch that's the only button we touch on this whole control panel here unless we have to e-stop it over there uh we don't touch any of those other buttons up there so that's the power on second thing we want to do is going to be grab this cord this cord goes to our pump so and we're going to plug this in we should hear that pump turn on and just make sure we got water in that bucket there what that pump is doing is it's going to pump water through these two lines here which is going to call uh cool this this is our spindle which is actually connected to our bit which is going to spin our bit so we are all powered on now so we've got our material here we have pre-drilled these holes you want the hole in here large enough that the screw slides through it and doesn't grip that's going to allow you to securely tighten that down to the bench there so we'll go ahead and take our drill and we'll just tighten all these down now as we're doing this we want to make sure that everything is down super tight if you had something like that and you had this gap under that that's going to cause a problem because the height of this is going to be different and that's going to affect your cut so you just want to make sure all of that is down nice and snug so that's all mounted down there we've got our job setup sheet here we can review this it tells us the size of it we can verify our stock it tells us where our home position is in this case the bottom left corner of this is going to be our home position we can see that right there too on that origin this is my board the rectangle is the board with my artwork there in the middle uh it says here we should have a quarter inch end mill which is what we have right here in the spindle if not we throw two wrenches on here loosen that up and we could adjust it put a different uh collar in or call it i should say so here's an eighth inch so that could go in there as well uh so also on our setup sheet here we can just verify our feed rates make sure everything looks like it should verify our spindle speed verify our cut depth so it tells me i'm going to do my letters first they're going in a quarter of an inch and then we're going to cut all of the way through 0.75 i measured this material right here with a pair of calipers and it was exactly 0.75 so i'm good as long as you're within i'd say probably about five thousandths so if this was uh if my material was 0.755 or 0.745 i'd be okay same thing all of these feed rates and all look good so we're done with our setup sheet at that point we can set that aside a couple other things we'll get to this little puck here in a second on our controller the first thing we're going to want to do is home all access we're going to push this green button here and the router is going to move all the way to the left and all the way forward anytime you power it up you're going to have to re-home the router itself and you can see on the controller it's saying it's waiting for it to get to those locations now it's all there now using the buttons xyz we're going to jog the router over where we want our origin to be so if you remember from our setup sheet right here the origins at the bottom left corner so over here that is exactly where we're going to jog the router now we do have a little leeway on exactly how close we line this up because if we go back to our setup sheet and look at our artwork we have quite a bit of space around our text before it gets to the edge of that uh wood so that's one advantage of giving yourself some extra leeway however you still want to try to get as close as you can so you don't want to crash this thing down on the z-axis but if you get it a little bit lower it will let you see i'd try to set my x-axis from this side so the center of that bit looks lined up there then we can rotate around this way and try to get a good line of sight on the y-axis and once again i'm hitting y positive or negative to change the direction that that goes once that's where we want it the z height doesn't matter we're gonna hit this button says x y zero that's gonna set my x and y origin now here to zero i'm gonna head and just raise my z-axis up just to get this thing out of the way a little bit and then i'm gonna jog this over to roughly the middle of my board this is a real rough spot it doesn't have to be exact um real rough get it in the middle what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a height now to see how long this tool is and where the top of this surface is so we're going to grab this puck here that plugs into the side we'll plug that in right up there uh and then we'll bring this down got it tangled a little bit and it's going to set right here now it's super important that this sits flat that it's not tipped you may have to hold this down what we're going to do is we're going to push over here on off and menu at the same time as soon as we push that what you're going to see is this thing is going to automatically start coming down and it's not going to stop until it senses this bit touches that metal so if this isn't lined up or if it's out of the way this thing is going to crash right into the wood because it's never going to sense that touch off so we'll come back here we'll push menu and on off both of them together at the same time you'll see this is going to start coming down it's going to come down until it hits that as soon as it hits it it's going to go back up what that just did is that just measured for the height of this tool anytime you put a new board in if it's a different thickness or a different bit you're going to want to do that exact process there if you're doing multiple pieces and they're all the exact same board and you've verified them with calipers every single piece is the same you don't need to do this touch off every time the last step you'll do is just set your origin over that corner there so then we want to take this and unplug this and we want to make sure that absolutely nothing else is on this table we don't want anything else to get in the way we want to make sure this is all clear when we go to run it this here is a little air nozzle that's going to blow air on that bit there make sure you have that plugged in if that's not plugged in that spindle up here is going to overheat when it starts to run on the controller now we're ready to load our program we're going to hit run pause the udisk is the flash drive i'm going to push ok and now i have to find my file so i happen to call and you can see these little tildes in here that's where i said that only supports like six or eight characters uh so i want to find my ss that's the file i just saved from vcarve pro once i have it selected i'm gonna hit okay uh and then on this screen all we're going to do is just hit ok it's going to start up you'll see the spindle is going to start up i will close this door in a second here i just want to show you uh what's going to happen here so this is where we're going to do the letters first [Music] this [Music] so you can actually see on this g here it did in two pieces all those vectors weren't linked together and that's why i did that [Music] and there we have it so we can pop this out and there is our sign so uh we may tweak a couple of things i see there's like a couple letters here that chipped out where there wasn't quite enough space between these letters so we may up our instructions to space stuff out a little bit further so that works a little bit better if it didn't cut all the way through and your part is still stuck in here that means your depths didn't match and your material here is thicker than what you had designed on the computer there is a way to actually add tabs that's one of the things in vcarve tabs would leave a little piece of material at the very bottom layer so this wouldn't be loose you'd have to cut that tab off wood tends to be pretty okay it seems like from my experience but sometimes definitely with metal and plastic they're a little bit harder sometimes we'll add a tab to keep them in place
Channel: Steven Schlegel
Views: 1,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6jo34oPGeBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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