Laguna IQ CNC Machine Review and V-Carve Pro Demo

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hi I'm Jake from Northside custom crafts and today we're gonna do a review of the Laguna IQ CNC machine let's do it [Music] I'm gonna start this video off by saying that I'm not sponsored by Laguna or anybody else for that matter it'd be nice but I'm not I bought this machine with my own money over a year ago and I've been using it a lot since then and I still got a lot to learn but I feel like I can get other people over the intimidation of buying the CNC machine so with that being said Laguna's information will be down below his name is John Carrasco he's the one that does the Instagram and all the social media for for Laguna and he's also a salesman so give him a call if you have any questions and tell'em Jake sent you so first we're gonna talk about the features of the machine and the first thing that stands out is one of the reasons why I bought it was that it comes standard with a three horsepower water-cooled spindle which that means that you can do either 3d work that takes hours and hours and hours or you can do production runs you can make a hundred or something and take all day and this thing's never gonna get hot and it's gonna last a lot longer than a router and it's a lot quieter too than with the noise this thing in this whole shop is the dust collector you can't even hear this C&C machine run over it so that brings up this collection for the machine my machine came with this dust boot with the four-inch port I don't know if they're doing that now I bought mine a year ago you have to ask John about that but this thing works outstanding this table over here a house all the camera equipment computers radio all that kind of stuff and it doesn't get dusty so this works outstanding the next feature is all of the movie mechanisms on it are done by machine ball screws and liddy or guide rails which in laymen terms that just means that's high-end stuff on a small footprint machine it's a very high quality stuff but it makes person cuts the next thing they did was they put all the electronic equipment separated from the machine so it doesn't get all vibration and all the bad things that come with vibration so you have this over here away from the machine and everything is done with a handheld controller you get your jump drive and it just plugs right into there so if feature that is pretty handy thing to have with that is my shop is almost 300 foot away from the house I don't have internet out here so I can go in the house and do the computer work put it on a jump drive and then I come out here and do it and I don't have to have Wi-Fi set up out here which would be nice but I don't have it but my machine will work this machine has a two feet by three feet working area and it it comes with aluminum t slots here with pretty thick waste board MDF in between each one and this day this table is made out of solid metal so it it weighs 425 pounds or so somewhere around there I was lucky enough if you watch the unboxing video I had a lift a car lift to lift it we just moved the table underneath it but you can either do with the engine hoist or several big dudes can can handle this thing but be sure you have some way to move it around but that's what makes this so great is that it is heavy and it's not gonna move around it's not gonna flex and you're gonna get great cuts with it that's some of the features of the machine so now in the good Laguna fashion I'm gonna do a little project - this is gonna be real simple I'm going to show you the software a little bit and how easy it is to have a product and how fast it is I found this piece of scrap wood in the pile and we're gonna use it I'm gonna take measurements off of it and I'm gonna go to the computer and we're gonna make something so I'll see you at the commuter first thing we're gonna do when they open the B car Pro create a new file click on that and then we got to put in the dimensions I've already put them in here the X is eleven and a half and the height of it six and three-quarters of an inch and the thickness is three-quarters of an inch and we sit the offsets the X&Y datum position to the lower left-hand corner so we got that right there and then we have this right here that shows us that's where we're gonna start our machine from we have it on inches and we're gonna click OK now first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some reference logs out here you just drag get your little thing over here and you left-click and drag a reference line over here and I'm gonna put it at the center should be 5 and 3/4 so you you get it close and then you want to blow this up so that'll do a finer measure measurement and let's see if it'll do it so there's 5 and 3/4 right there and that's all I need for now cuz I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller and so we're gonna come over here we're just gonna do a simple text there's this little saying that my daughter likes and I'm gonna make this 4 so we come over here to the text and I'm gonna type in the text and we're gonna you can come down here and do all kinds of different fonts see all this and and you can do the TrueType or single line we're just going to do single line for this to make it simple and we're gonna apply it so to move this you have to click on it again and move it where you want it and I put that center line on there so we could Center the text just the easy way that I do it now we can adjust this you can make a little bigger smaller or whatever we want to do and then we recenter it and that looks pretty good so I'm gonna do the next part of the text so why would you do two unhighlight this is just click off of it and if you wanna do you want to highlight it and then if you want to move it you click it each time you try to click it it'll do something else click click and then we're off of there so I'm gonna do some more text come over here and then I put the rest of the text first attempt in learning so we're just gonna keep all the text the same just for simplicity and we're gonna apply it and I can already tell we're gonna have to make this way smaller so we just click on there again and we make it smaller so we make it a little bit smaller or some more and again that looks good to me for this demonstration it looks pretty simple so another thing we can do is we can join all these together and you just left click over here and highlight it all then right click it and group objects and now they all go together so we're gonna come over here to tool pass right over here and we're gonna pin it otherwise it'll keep going away and it's kind of difficult so I hit the pin up there and then we'll do a quick and grave just for simplicity sake quick engraving tool path and we already have the 60 degree bit is what we're going to use but if you want to change whichever bit you want to use on it you just hit select here and it goes over here to all your different your different in males and V bits and all that kind of different tools that you have but we're already set on the right things so I'm gonna say okay and point 0 5 inches is about what I want to do for this so we're gonna leave the depth there and then we hit calculate so it calculated the toolpath already for us so we hit close here and then we want to see what its gonna look like so this little picture down here it says preview tool path we're gonna click on that and you get a screen that looks like this then right here the speed of it we're gonna slow it way down so we can actually see how it does otherwise it'll be too fast to to really be able to see what it's doing so preview visible tool paths I'm gonna hit that that looks pretty good and we can actually turn this different angles and see what we're doing if it doesn't look right right here it's not right so if you get to this point it's not right you need to go back and figure out what you did wrong and it's usually pretty obvious what you did wrong so that looks pretty good to me so what we're gonna do is we're gonna close this and we're gonna save tool path and that's right here quick and gray one quick them grave one and we're gonna save this tool path and I'm gonna change it to fail one and so we save it to your computer and then you put it on a jump drive and then we'll take it out to the CNC machine so here we go so I'm back from the computer and I save that little simple cut list to this right here and now you just get your handheld controller and there's a slot on the top when you plug it in first thing we need to do is attach hold this down somehow is is all we need to do and I prefer wedging things and you can use tape or clamps or whatever but I prefer wedging whenever I can so I'm going to pick the prettiest side of this which is probably like that what I do is I just get a piece of melamine and I have the Machine route a grid in here 1 inch strips and then I know what it gives me a good reference of what straight-across is and straight across this way is so then I put so then I'll uh I'll screw a straight board down over here so now I have a good reference that's going to be straight that's gonna be straight as long when my stock is straight so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna wedge this over here and I'm just gonna line it up with the front of the table you get them a little hammer that's it it's gonna stay there so now first thing you need to do is we're gonna turn the machine on and turn the water on you never forget to turn the water on or you're gonna ruin your spindle so we'll turn this on I'm gonna turn our water on if you turn on your machine I want you to say it says all axes home so you just hit okay here it comes next thing we're going to do is hit origin we're gonna hit the origin button and it's going to go to the home place for X & Y first thing this program is going to call for a 60-degree bit so I'm going to go ahead and change the bit the cool thing about this spindle is it has different size kaulitz you can change these colors from real tiny to half an inch so that's pretty good feature too so what we need to do now like on our computer program is we need to find X&Y where we're going to start from so the Machine knows where we're at so that means that we're gonna find we're going to put the tip of this bit right here at the tip of this material those arrow buttons there's X plus and X and then you move it around like that with these buttons right here I have this set right at the corner of this material so there's a button right here that says X y equals zero and that's going to tell the Machine where it's at it's that easy so the next thing we need to do is figure out how deep this is so we have our our little tool that we send our material we plug this into the machine up here we set it under the bit when you hit on/off and menu and it'll go down and touch that and that and then the machine will know where the material is at so now the machine knows where to start at the X the X and Y and the Z so it knows where it's at this way it knows where it's at this way and it knows how deep it is so now so we're going to hit run positively to to find our flash drive you just file we're going to hit yes and then we find our file this just say fail 1 fail 1 right there so we hit OK and then we're gonna hit OK again but I'm gonna get the disk collection on now this should need it we're just gonna we're gonna do it without the disc collection just for this this demonstration so you hit go [Music] so here's what we just made I spent about eight minutes designing this and filming me designing it and this three minute cut time so I'm gonna give this to my daughter and I almost she's gonna paint understand it or whatever she's gonna do or just clear it but I'm gonna show you a few more examples of what you can do with this things I've already made and some ideas to give you this particular project right here is a real good example of why C and C is good and the program is good because I've already got to Texas programmed in the computer I've already got where the clock goes and and you turn it around and you you make this spot for the clock mechanism back here and if somebody wants I've done a lot of these for family reunions and the raffle and office their family reunions so all it takes is you take this off and you add whatever to other texts you want to do and so you have very little program and time because you've already done it you've already done the work the first time and you might have hours and hours in it the first time but after that it's real simple to not put this on and change it to Texas strong or whatever so this particular material is two by sixes so basically you have a five dollar clock mechanism five to seven dollar clock mechanism and you by the time you do the middle in and everything and you got the stain in the paint let's say at the high end you have ten dollars in this and I sell these for $45 so and then if you're batching them out this thing will make them all day so that's where your money your money gaining back comes into play is is this stuff once you get the programming done you you have to make money after that so that's one example this is another real good example too it's a picture frame across and you can put Marines or Navy or army whatever I sold all the marine ones because obviously there's a cool but you can put whatever text you want here it could be a memorial cross we've sold a lot of those so all it takes is the crosses already in the program you just change the text and there you go so there's a little bit of examples of what you can do and kind of the money make inside of it now VTR Pro can be intimidating but I just showed you that you can make a simple sign with no problem in minutes so but there's plenty of good YouTube channels you got mark Lindsay C&C they've gotten C&C hobbies woodshop I'll put links to all the ones that I know in the link below and you can go check them out and if this is your first time to see one of my videos go and hit subscribe I like it when you do that if you're interested and getting a CNC machine or just talking about it go get get a hold of John and the link below and we'll see you next time y'all be good [Music] you
Channel: Jake Thompson
Views: 71,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laguna IQ CNC Machine Review and V-Carve Pro Demo, Laguna IQ CNC Machine Review, V-Carve Pro Demo, V-Carve Pro Demonstration, Laguna IQ, CNC Review, V-Carve Pro software, cnc for begginers, vcarve, cnc for dumies, Jake Thompson, Northside Custom Crafts, Laguna CNC, CNC Router, woodworking CNC, wood CNC
Id: 330LaofaxIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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