The MOST Dangerous Place In Minecraft! - Part 42

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guys watch this oh come on jump jump do it yeah I think somebody would Jeff this is so sad why did they keep jumping so what does it stop I also have a paper form now very epic so now I can just make a lot the rocket of course means we can fly around in the nether because today we're gonna find the last biome and today mark my words we're gonna find nether right apparently I found it in the last episode and didn't pick it up that's right the rarest metal in the game that's just how rich I am gamers that's just how rich I am isn't that right chicken why did you not make a sound it's so understood that's so disturbing squeal yeah that's right that's better alright so another glorious day in Minecraft on 20fps hold up alright there you go that's a little better good morning spend how are you damn a little dance for me girl yeah alright let's check why do I not hear silence why don't wanna hear some sounds this is supposed to make a sound what happened here what happened to your rap oh it broke how can you hear it but let me I think I've got death sounds back okay it's back I can hear you son shut up shut up no one's talking to you no one you will be nothing that's what I thought what happened here alright the door is the gate is open so you have a bet more responsibility shut up shut up oh my god I wish it ah it was better without sound well every time you have a big responsibility okay no one can leave the gates are open so then you tell me I'm gonna say hi to your cursed son Alabama we pray for you Alabama we pray for a what in them get out of night we pray to you Alabama Lord of the nether round to have a safe journey across safe lands please bless us Alabama Alabama saying what the hell are those ty what this this kill it if it walks on lava it has to die I think I'm pretty sure those are the rules oh god I want to can you can you get out of the way fine what the hell what are these stop living yeah yeah Oh why are they there's so many new stuff I have no idea what it even is hold up I got to sit closer to the screen I can't see anything all right mission to find the new place let's go oh god this is so scary I don't I don't like yeah I don't like this it making me very nervous I think one of them was sort of this way hi guys okay all right we're just keep playing it feels like I shouldn't be doing this but it's the quickest way and I really don't know how else you would do it really Oh God all right what do we got here I can fly through here yeah that's what I'm talking about you got kneed me big balls big balls in big brain all right let's keep going oh god it said let's not go there we're making move son we're making moves because I'm in their groove oh okay we found one of them I don't know Oh God we're gonna we have to light perfect climbing really good up there oh that's pretty smooth hey buddy how you then I'll trade you Nuggets alright they're delicious they taste good they're nutritious that just give me the other right alright you understand you don't nuggets this guy doesn't like Nuggets I only have nuggets I forgot my gold where's my gold dude where's my gold I swear I had a lot of gold dude I swear I'm rich I swear it listen to me listen to me I swear I have money listen I'm good for it I'm good for the money and I got dead eyes nuggets over there then you mean nothing to me do you mean nothing to me yeah yeah yeah I said it okay so apparently you can dig down now yeah yeah you can dig down in Minecraft shut up I wasn't done in my sentence you can dig down and I think I took a screenshot let me see okay why 13 and why 12 you can find ancient deborah's that's what we're going to find gamers ancient the brass capably there are three new biomes like oh my god I all nearly dead then I nearly that dead alright lets swoop down here I'll broke my face gold gold is good right Nuggets biscuit nugget in a biscuit nugget biscuit black potatoes that's that's lyrics all right I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die hey guys ow I broke my face I broke it is there any wooden then there is wood in the nether of course I'm so stupid I could have made I could have melted ah my brain so small I can't help it alright don't worry that means oh Jesus missus what happened here what oh hey Oh nuggets nuggets yeah those are mushrooms okay all right let's make sure we're not killing our life threads well plus we have to make it back as well oh god oh god all right all right all right all right fine fine fine this will do this will do do I not have a connects did if Sven was here he would do something useful that's all I'm gonna say about that it does sound like strangling of a toad stop my owl stop judging me everyone was like why do you know what that sounds like are you serious you got to be kidding me dude all right can I make a workbench out of this please say yes that was this yes what the hell how did I even make that I'm so dumb okay so now what we can make nuggets oh yeah oh yeah I told him I was good for it dude I have so many never realized yeah yeah rich 14 yeah yeah let's make some bargains now one thing I want the nether right Armour eibon's all right the children stay away from me I don't waste gold on kids hey hey listen kid take it yours now gimme good give me good come on what Iren did I give you gold you dumbass I can just right-click on them splash up fine No all right fine you give me something now neither right never the right come on come on come on come on come on come on come up recipient really do I look like some guy that just walks around caring hey stop giving me obsidian oh look it's a child I would never hurt that child so dead you're so dead yeah run run little piggy little bit can I write them maybe I should take one with me home yeah yeah take the babies wait I can't put a leash on them when then sure usually you're gonna die then you can keep running keep running it's pathetic I love it keep running that's pathetic you get one too everyone gets one I'm Oprah I'm Oprah no stop this what did the other guy drop Oh what no no it what 14 are you sure buddy are you sure dude this guy's Rachel just keep talking to you hey hey you're my best friend remember okay so goal that's the way to their hearts huh understand really strings do I look like a guy that needs strings and 21 that's pretty generous shut up learn English download duolingo now you dumb okay this guy's guy got a hat let's talk to you hey come on me come on man give me good give me good get the child away from me I don't want that get me good stop get the children away from me I'm not afraid for them I'm afraid what I will do to them what is this is garbage you're garbage to trash all right fine switch you what will you do for this what can you go offer me you know it's written all right and they're pros are pretty good what do I throw away Agatha a raw chicken I got a lot of us the child just take damage that's awesome all right we got three more chances you give me these magma cream sounds kind of yes this is a proper minecraft cringe reaction okay so now I think you put the nether brick like this eh-oh eh-oh eh-oh eh-oh what what do I do with the nether breaks I have to smelt them in the furnace okay well then we should go home I heal my Electra maybe I should just kill them all yes yes yes you will pay all right all right let's do this listen listen listen I got what I came for I got what I came for I need to heal my light right from my fault I'll spare the children all right if you feel bad I'll spread the children but the rest of them will be let's just pick a good spot and I will snipe them snipe them out all of them yeah all right I wish I had TNT that we can I make tea now guys this is PewDiePie here do you copy I got locked on target ready to fire at any issue yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're pathetic [Music] you can't hurt what is already hurt inside yeah heal my Electra my queen [Music] [Laughter] don't run little child don't run I just need your life points I just want your life give me your life well you trying to fight back that's cute your Pig and pig going going going yeah Shh look the pigs are on my sign now Doug he's like yeah dude that was awesome cheers mate he brought me a peace offering that's so cute look we're cool all right we're not cool but you know what I killed the mom I killed the mom and the baby goes BAE all right I kind of don't want I kind of don't want to actually buy that I kind of like don't want to die in this game all right we're shooting me all right my electrons gonna huff a lot yes yes more power yes yes Oh God not not the boar what a shame hey I got cooked potatoes let's get rid of the raw chicken oh no I don't like eating chicken wha look at him it's Jojo weak [ __ ] sorry I shouldn't swear is that all of them wiped them out all of them oh I hear I hear more squealing hey little piggy don't be afraid don't be afraid I wonder what they drop is it worth investigating I don't see them really spawning anywhere let's go home gamers let's make the nether right Armour poor can i okay Wow 40s wings I like angel that's what the pygmies are saying in their own language that's right I started their language duolingo it's whatever we're fine I wasn't even afraid oh great Alabama I kneel to thy thy lordship thank you for blessing this I will pay no Alabama I'm so sorry Jesus eat sorry sorry about that one that's a bit awkward you look like you're stuck in that no sit on your chair Alabama it's not safe trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me your core chip please all right you stay there now when I return Alabama's doing great don't worry I'm treating him so good we're like best friends and in here everything is good lovely that fetus meetup that's what I thought that's what I thought yeah today was a good day we got good today's rations will be increased by a total of five percent that's right you're welcome I'm a good leader I take care of my people what did you hear that what are the odds okay so so I need I need a bus what what all right I need a blast furnace I don't think this will do it's a pretty good loot today I will say yeah okay it's a blast furnace I forgot how you a blast furnace okay so apparently we need smooth stone for whatever reason and we need a furnace and some iron I never done this I thought I did everything in Minecraft I thought I'd beat the game right gamers why can't I make one do I smooth stone oh it's not smooth stone how do I get it smooth eh I gotta burn it again maybe I'm so easily amazed I bill like these awesome redstone contraptions look no one's ever done that but then I see smooth stone and I go one two three four twenty ten to eight what is your favorite book in Minecraft blast furnace that's badass let's put you right here yeah that's where I wanted it so the guy that I watch use lava to melt I don't know if I need lava it just sounds what the hell what at what I'm never nether bricks are useless are you kidding oh they're useless guys hey why didn't you goddamn it what what am I looking for then nether right ingot which spawns from nether right scrap which spawns from ancient debriefs urine that the right scrap you're right you're all right fine you know what we're gonna do I got you fam don't talk to me deep that's right Alabama we're gonna make a mind listen to this we're gonna make a mine ensign out of the mine how cool how cool is that yeah all right let's go Sven spends cursed son out of Alabama and PewDiePie adventures isn't that exciting okay so the hell are you doing you're all right where should we put the mine I think here's a good spot I like this so they spawn at lava level which is a little scary I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared but it's okay as long as you're not scared nothing can hurt you yes yes yes luckily these are very quick so y12 where are we on 4500 my god we gotta go so deep dude shoulda brought deep am i right am i right am i right Alabama he didn't like that one he didn't like that one that's fine it's a sensitive topic in this family I get it all right so how in Lord's name am I going to do this then how in sweet Lord baby Alabama Jesus am I going to do that I can't do that hey careful Alabama Slama been laminae Oh boom about him all right we're gonna have to find somewhere else to dig perhaps in here follow me child and be careful it's ticket day coochie-coochie and now we dig straight down to smell yeah dude I love it Alabama I need to build it back all right let's make sure we don't think too fast though right yeah yeah I see all right where are we 37 dude these are they're deep dude all right deep get it all right so don't touch those because he will die and I don't want you to die it will look bad on my track record I got a reputation to protect no one dies on my watch no Alabama stop it stop it now you can stop it now the BAM oh that's lava that's lava Alabama not love but Alabama stop it all right we stopped it the Bama Alabama I love them Alabama you like that you like that song Alabama if only you had a theme song or something like that with your name in it that'd be so cool about maybe like a theme song about the feeling of home and security and family and all that stuff that'd be cool if you I don't know I just can't think of any I feel like you're judging me stop doing that were you afraid he's afraid of jump isn't he coward listen listen this is unexplored territory for all of us Alabama oh you're sitting that's we okay all right be careful though Alabama I'm serious the issue here is not too big fast the issue is the lava the inevitable lava that will come all right you hit the lava will make a turn how about that Jesus Christ maybe we should just scour out this entire area like this oh yeah we're gonna find it we're gonna find it this is how you murder your diamond pickaxe by the way god dammit I can't see anything I hate these lights it's too dark oh my god my pickaxe is dead alright I guess we head back all right looks like we're gonna have to kill some people so I can heal my pickaxe I'm sorry it's for the greater good of mankind okay here we go nice let's just let's just keep it cool others and others Enderman they're kind of hard to kill I just need your XP it's better to kill the Pigman they were like rich and stuff and the man you're not really good for anything alright this isn't work I need to find the pigment if I can find the pigment we should be all set what whoa whoa no oh God I made a big mistake oh stop it you're scaring me dude there's blue flames you see this stop it Swedish Swedish remember remember never forget e what are those look at that what is there we found it gamers oh this is new solar soil that's me after I take a big poop boy am i right gamers yeah dad you're dead you're dead nothing personal kid let's use the ender pearls why not I'm here now so what's the dealy over this place dude what do I find in this area all the other ones were so distinct look at this dude wait a minute sorry let's fly over here 360 oh that was snakes the mast oh I'm sorry did that kill your little friend I'm so sorry about that you're terrible I swear so what is this what are the house very ominous this place indeed yes let's mine it with my fast just wait basalt bath salts finally they put it in Minecraft apparently Bessel is a real thing it's Aeneas rock extrusive mafic extrusive igneous rock form from the rapid cooling of magnesium rich in the iron-rich lava okay oh it's basically like lava rock yeah but what is it doing minecraft I don't care by real life cringe you can make a basalt generator that's so cool so it's basically like a new form of stone block and they form because lava fall cools in this area I guess it's cooler that's why the the fire has a dissing different to English it has a different color okay guys I can't do this guess you can feel like forms and stuff here what are those you know yeah stop leave me alone he's a frame he's a frame look at him alright we're doing it Jesus alright watch it a kitty cat oh god there's so many other okay I'm good with that's I was done dude there's so many died thank you stop stop so you can make blue flames with these that's kind of cool so what are these looks like monuments how did he die from that this is quartz sir sounds like bones bone block block what I like the sound they make that's why they're skeletons in here because get it because yeah oh yeah oh god they spawn like crazy in here this is a dangerous area boys but I am Not Afraid yeah yeah they just keep spawning in here that means you can farm them in here you know people are coming up with ways to break the game already so we got bones stuff we got cobblestone at the bottom we got a castle in it that's so cool and so what a difference to the nether all right guys I'm being impressed right now don't make me regret it I was just about to really leave a good year yelp review what a crazy area Oh Mike there's so many of them are you serious hey boys this is the privilege of the hoe the short boy no no illegal illegal no God hey god damn it what how oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god eat keep the chicken this is bad this is red okay we're fine Oh with their skeleton yeah thanks buddy definite it's gonna be easier to farm the wither now right what just happened what how so lucky all right we're back home gamers Jesus Christ and I realize how dark it is Alabama I got some sacrifices for you I know you like bones so I got you some bone blocks for your house don't you just love it look at him he's so happy you live hearing that with your soil and you can have some chicken because I love you even though you're horrible and shouldn't exist that's right hey to to wither skulls I think I have enough to some of the wither I'm back Flynn that wood thumb we didn't get the nether right it's okay it's okay shut up here again I brought you a gift as well I know how much you like Gucci pants so I got you these are specially imported there you go I know he loves some deep I got you and a gas here because I know you like people crying so there you going and because you're a crying little boy that's right I should probably repair the meatball I'll do that for next time there's a lot of stuff I want to do actually I don't know if you remember we made the inside clean but we haven't cleaned that we're having cleaned the top of it I've always wanted to do that oh yeah thank you for watching another episode of Minecraft if you enjoyed smash like subscribe for more videos I appreciate it I upload every single day and see you tomorrow hey dope oh and remember check out the March that we're doing right now it's support the ocean foundation it's very nice it has shrimp on it that's it you know what's big peepee ooh they play PewDiePie's pixel ings of course pixel ins is a creature collecting game I'm the primary shareholder over a bazillion players have downloaded and it's got a perfect score it's safe to say it's the most popular game of all time PewDiePie pick slings is awesome deal with it deal with it [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,754,218
Rating: 4.9470053 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: evcMQ7Lk8NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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