Ecoflow Delta 2 Max Review: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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oh hello this is my review of the ecoflow Delta II Max solar battery system now before we get into this I want to set out a couple of ground rules so that you and I know where I'm coming from and making this video first ninety percent of the videos that you see on YouTube that contain something from Eco flow or blue Eddie or jackery they're all sponsored YouTube's got a crazy way these days of just sliding products into it that is not this video it's come to a point now where about 60 of all the videos that you watch or some sort of advertising in it the other day there was a guy he was using his chainsaw and then he just pulled out an e-bike and said hey this company sent me an e-bike there's the other guy oh is there a war in Russia buy this battery buy these food that's not what we're doing here I do not and probably never will create content with the sole intent of getting your money I like buying expensive toys and apparently according to my analytics you guys like watching videos of me reviewing those toys I do not take money from companies to review their products I buy them with my own money and I give you my own opinion proof of that there's no discount code use my code safd to get 20 off this unit with that out of the way let's get into The Good the Bad and the Ugly of the Eco flow Delta 2 max I purchased this unit on July 12 2023 on Prime day from Santa Bezos you realize Prime day is six months exactly away from Christmas right and they told me it would take about a week to show up totally fine much to my surprise it actually showed up in three days totally cool ahead of schedule nothing wrong with that no complaints there the battery itself came from Eco down in Georgia and the solar panel that I bought bundled with it the 220 watt solar panel came from some Warehouse up in Pennsauken New Jersey you know what I would have to do with anything I don't know they both showed up at the same time box was in great shape on both items this obviously had no damage but the solar panel was had gotten fedexed if you're watching this from the other channel you know my issues with FedEx it's not exactly a surprise FedEx going to FedEx but I was like a little boy at Christmas so as soon as the thing got delivered I opened everything up and I wanted to immediately play with it I noticed that the solar panel was smashed and within 30 minutes of delivery I had gotten in touch with Amazon to tell them hey the solar panel smashed it took Eco flow about 12 hours to get back to me totally fine can you send those pictures blah blah blah yeah I did that uh fast forward about three days of emailing back and forth and I finally got an RGA the package is on its way back to ecoflow we'll see how the exchange process works and I'll let you know in a future update if there was any issue now one of the things that did bother me about that process is the customer service representative from ecoflow told me please let us know when the parcel has been delivered that kind of bothered me you want me to cook the steak too you I mean come on you're the customer service people I'm mailing it out using your RGA and I have to track this thing back to wherever it's going and then let you know the broken one has arrived back at your return facility shouldn't they be able to handle that as a matter of fact I've dealt with companies where as soon as they see you ship the item back they'll ship you a new one for the matter of customer service you know it's already on its way I have to track the thing back and tell you when it gets delivered whack it's not all negative this is great this battery is great and yes I keep saying battery and not solar generator because that's marketing wank this does not generate anything if anything the sun generates the PV panel converts it into energy and then this stores it it's not a generator I cringe whenever I hear people say that this is a battery that stores solar energy anyway this thing works great what I did on the day and subsequent days since it was delivered it's kind of meta but I actually want this to live in the chicken coop my chicken coop is completely off grid and I'm tired of running extension cords all the way down to the coop it's like 250 feet away so I want this to harness the power of the sun to power the pumps and the light and the fans and the other things that we have going on down at the chicken coop so what I did was I built a shelf a little cabinet action for this to rest in inside the coop and I could say without a doubt this outlasted me it was Vietnam hot out there 100 humidity down pouring rain mid 80s very hot this thing worked all day and eventually I ran out of gas before it did so I dug out all of my corded tools so it could build a house for itself it ran the big Dewalt drill the corded circular saw a quartered miter saw and a quartered table saw a job site table saw kind of emblematic of a job site or somewhere where you wouldn't have power like out in the woods something like that it performed flawlessly nothing stopped it and like I mentioned earlier it outlasted me that day secondly it recharges super fast that's not marketing wank in and of itself this thing charged up from the 30 or whatever they shipped these out at all these lithium batteries come with a little bit of charge in them this is no different it came at about 30 percent and about 40 minutes on the house plug it charged up really quick less than an hour it was ready to rock and roll another thing that I like about it it's actually not that heavy this goes about 51 pounds which is much lighter than the equipment that I've used in the past that this is replacing specifically the Ryobi 4500 inverter generator that goes about 80 pounds so it's all significantly lighter than what I was using before and then that is completely a bonus I did see a comment on another video where a person complained that the handles really extended the footprint and it was dumb that Eco flow did this and I think that that was just a dumb comment because it probably only makes it about two inches longer than the base maybe three that was a dumb comment but ergonomics the handles are stout it travels nicely I have no complaints with that operationally thing works terrific now let's get into the band first off the instructions are laughable it's two or three pages one of which is how to dispose of it with the remainder being warnings about what not to do with it there is a quick start guide that explains to you what the buttons are but not really what they do that said if you go onto the website there is a PDF of a user manual that is a little bit more detailed than what's shipped with the package there's also a PDF for the app the manual for the unit is only three pages longer than the manual for the app there's not a whole lot of instructions that go on with this now you say well it's a battery what do you need instructions for and you would be right and the app itself is cool but what do I do with the settings it gives me all these settings I don't know what to do with them again there is a how to use video on the website but it's just a video version of the paper instructions that doesn't really go into detail about say some of the settings that are inside of it that's not to say that you can't use the thing without the app or the manual but there are some things that I've kind of picked up along the way that I don't really know something like Don't Let It Go below 20 or charge over 80 percent I still don't know like what to do with that and why it would give me these options so what do I have to do go watch those paid advertisements from those other YouTube creators to get the actual information on how to use the machine that I bought and let's say hypothetically if I was a boomer what if technology and I didn't get along together what happens if I don't have a cell phone the reason why I bring this up is neighbor Bob neighbor Bob went ahead and bought himself the pro version of these the big ones you want two of them plus an extra battery he's called customer Fortune neighbor Bob's an old school guy doesn't even own a cell phone definitely doesn't have internet and most certainly doesn't have a computer there are settings that neighbor Bob can't use because he doesn't have technology there's no way to access some of these settings on the unit itself so neighbor Bob and I he's 76 I'm in my 40s we still don't really know how to use all the settings I don't know what to tell him because I don't even know what to do myself not good I think those two things are the bad not the end of the world you could still use it I don't think you're getting your full potential or the full life span out of the unit without using the app another thing it's kind of related I know that this hooks up into the Wi-Fi that's how it controls you know that's how we could you could use the app and see your battery levels and all that stuff and I don't know if this is important to anybody but it doesn't show up on my router I don't know how the information is getting up getting onto the app is this talking to my phone directly I don't think so because it has to hook up to the Wi-Fi but when I go and look at the list of things that are connected to my Wi-Fi because I'm a dork like that the Eco flow is not on there kind of creepy again not the end of the world it's my video my opinion and finally let's get into the ugly this is my opinion but let's get into it first the customer service we went into that earlier I shouldn't have to do the leg work and finding when the return gets delivered customer service is leaving a little to be desired that's kind of like everything else secondly personally I don't like the fact that the outlets are on the back and the screen is in the front I mean honestly how many people are using the USB Outlets as opposed to the AC Outlets uh they should be all together like I said I'm putting this in a cabinet now I have to make a choice whether I have this facing outwards so I know the information of the unit charging level all that kind of stuff or do I put it back facing out of the cabinet so that I have access to the plugs and I can actually plug things in I don't know I'm honestly who's going to be using the plug the USB plugs more than the 110 volt Outlets then again I guess that's why you have the app you can get all that information from just the app not the most convenient if you're not the most technologically advanced person kind of bugs me I ask I'm aware that there's a pro we'll get into the pro later another ugly thing that I'm not really crazy about as far as Eco flow in and of itself and not specifically this unit is the marketing wank that goes along with it and it's pretty heavy on the website it states that that this unit could Power 99 of your appliances it's probably true but what it also shows is this thing in the middle of the floor with little cartoon wires going all to all over to everything and that's where I have an issue this does not have a 30 amp output there's no 30 amp whole house plug on it the unit the 99 of the things that it could power in your home have to be 110. you have to plug them into the unit itself via extension cord or bringing this over to the Appliance there's no way for this thing to power your whole house despite what the marketing says I plugged the coffee pot in and when I made coffee with it it brought the useful time down all the way down to two hours so it could run the coffee pot for two hours not a lot of capacity and it seems kind of misleading to tell people that they can power their house with it in case of an emergency I don't think that's the case on a side note two of the things that they show on that cartoon picture the dryer and the oven wouldn't even work in my house the oven's 220 and the dryer is 220. so then it takes your graphic down was that 75 percent of appliances and I did just notice in researching in this video ecoflow is now selling this in a bundle available soon with a transfer switch again to power your whole house I don't know how that's going to work this only puts out 110. that's half of your panel it's it's not going to be able to power the whole house and even if it did it's not going to do it for very long this is not a generator it's a battery so keep that in mind when you're on the website and watching all these videos that claim it could do 99 of your appliances yeah if you pick it up and put it next to it or run extension cords all over your house that's not what this thing is made for so don't be swayed by the marketing on it so finally I like to make these videos on the guys of is it worth it this is not all doom and gloom for me it's exactly what I was looking for I wanted to replace a small generator that I have to drag her all over the property and start and you know when you're working you don't always the generator is just always going to be running it's a waste because you can do a cut and then go turn the generator off this fits what I want it to do absolutely perfectly the coupe is off grid in the truest sense of the word so if you are thinking about using this in an off-grid setting on a small scale small RV backpack van life whatever it's going to work perfectly for that it's got enough gigawatts and whatever to do what you wanted to do you can be a hundred percent confident in its ability to handle your regular day-to-day Life off-grid Style secondly if you're a small construction crew this could easily handle a one or two man off-grid job site construction off there you throw the extra battery on it and you wouldn't really even have to think twice about it also being that it charges really quickly you could if it did die you could probably recharge it in the course of the lunch break now I wouldn't use a dirty old Furman open cage regular old Generator to charge it up but if you were running an inverter generator out there why you would have that this and that but just go with the theater of the Mind you could recharge this thing up over the course of a lunch break and to touch on one final subject that this channel kind of gravitates around we don't we tap dance on it we don't break dance around on it that unless I'm really missing something this is not an acceptable shtf backup plan despite what other content creators may put out there on their Channel as far as a prep goes I don't think this helps me out any on a grand scale I bought this with the sole intent of doing what I already explained but as far as when the bombs start falling I don't think this is going to help me out any it lacks the ability to run a house then again how long even if you were to run a bunch of extension cords how long would it actually run for of course you could always add extra batteries onto it getting yourself six thousand kilowatt hours but at that point you're like you're at almost six thousand dollars do you know what kind of generator real generator you can get for six thousand dollars you get three of these tremendous so if you really wanted a true shtf battery backup ncya in a shtf situation you would need to upgrade to the pro which is significantly more expensive than this unit but to be clear I didn't put that in the bad category because that's not what I bought this unit for this unit for me is for what I needed it for I'm just trying to dispel any of the marketing if you're buying this for preps it's the wrong unit but I'm not knocking this unit itself the unit itself is great I don't know if this is going to be b-roll or I'm just going to tack it on at the end of the video but what are some of the things that I have powered with the ecoflow in a real world situation one I mentioned the coffee pot two during the aforementioned uh power outage it did run the big refrigerator here in the kitchen no issues it's just wasn't going to do it for very long I also ran the smoker outside with it like I said I'm like a kid with a new toy I just want to see what it can do could you power your Pit Boss on the Eco flow yeah yeah it seems to be working why you would take this camping I don't know maybe you're maybe you're scared of like open fire or something I like my smoker you could totally use the Eco flow for that I could definitely say though foreign get some solar action going you're not doing a brisket he's only have about eight hours worth of uh smoker time you can do some damage in eight hours though and finally I ran the list of power tools that I ran earlier I got one more thing I want to try okay so I'm here in my bedroom and if we're talking about emergencies we got a regular old window unit this is an 8000 BTU Medea mini mini split if you will uh typical so say it's an emergency it's a power outage you get the whole family into one bedroom you have to sleep let's see if the Eco flow can handle an air conditioner under the compressor and all the other doodads just kicked on so yeah I mean this can this can run it AC is still spooling up all right well in the this air conditioner is does have eco mode is on yeah it's running it's about 500 watts oh 550 Watts it's bouncing up and down now yeah it says uh three hours of usage but right now the air conditioner is trying to cool the room down obviously it would cycle on and off and if this really was an emergency situation you do your initial cooldown you shut the unit off try to preserve the battery as long as possible and maybe you get six hours out of this probably stretch it out if you're really Johnny on the spot but at that point are you really actually sleeping I don't know if it's during the day you just need a comfortable spot yeah yeah this will it's running so to wrap up if you're looking for off-grid out of household power this thing works great I have no issues with it if you're looking for something for in the household battery backup will this help sure is it what it's designed for I don't think so I think in order for a true prep you would need to get up into the pro and that unit is while more expensive is more suited to what you would be looking for in an efficient backup prep but for off-site way out in the woods for whatever reason you're in the woods don't judge this is just the ticket thanks for watching good bye I didn't talk about any of the jigawatts or kilowatts or who gives a look X boost I didn't talk you know what the people who Eco flow pay talk about all the jigawatts we build on this channel we turn wrenches around here right cat God you're fat you're a fat cat when I die I'm coming back as you oh hello this is my review of the Eco flow what the hell is it ecoflow Delta 2 max I gotta work on the marketing on that there's a lot of words and they're getting so good at it sometimes the creators don't even know that they're being used as advertising they just turn the camera on and sign the check I saw a video the other day where on the display here there was a little red mark on it and the Creator who was making the video didn't know what that Mark was but the comments sure knew what it was it was a beta unit that Eco flow sent out to content creators to make content about it it's certain guys are you serious could you stop if it's not the chicken it's the cats what do you think Electronics were my only toys
Channel: WoodRidge Creek
Views: 40,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portable power station, best portable power station, best portable power stations 2023, solar generator, ecoflow, jackery portable power station, ecoflow delta 2, ecoflow delta 2 max, solar, generator, bluetti, jackery, backup power, emergency power, prepper, doomsday prepper, emergency preparedness, prepping, Ecoflow river 2, Jackery 240, bluetti eb3a, bluetti solar generator, jackery 240 review, jackery explorer 240, solar generator portable, best portable power stations
Id: AD9emLpKT1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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