RuneScape Historical Timeline 1998 - 2020

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] again I'm four years old and don't even know anything about the internet or video games across the pond however 20 year old Fitzwilliam College computer science student from Cambridge England Andrew Gower has been working on a project on and off for the last seven months of this year that project was an online computer game called devious multi-user dungeon AKA devious mud working on this project in his spare time he was working part-time for a video gaming website called games domain one of the leading gaming websites online at this time with approximately 1.4 million users accumulating 15 million page views per month with Andrew as the lead programmer and his brother Ian who worked on Graphics a bit they developed a program called castle games domain an online Lobby for the website that hosted 10 other games that could be played once logged into the castle this program would run for a couple of years and have many fans until Yahoo purchased and closed down the service ultimately killing castle games domain and most of Andrew's work honing his skills through his university his job and simply just on his own throughout the year since the age of seven Andrew Gower decided that he himself would like to create something similar that was his and wouldn't be sold to another company thus began devious mud Andrew and his brothers grew up playing all sorts of dungeon-based games mostly with their father as children their family would travel to castles in the real world sometimes and the Three Brothers couldn't get enough of the adventuristic feel and the fantasies of the Medieval Era Paul and Ian described their brother Andrew as always being at the computer creating something their father would purchase books for the boys for Paul and Ian mostly graphical books as that's what they were into at the time always drawing and creating fantasy worlds and characters Andrew on the other hand received books about computer programming he loved creating his own games and playing muds online games that were multiplayer and were simply just text based without images and required a lot of imagination one of his favorites at the time was a mud called non-event and it heavily inspired him Andrew wanted to create an online medieval multiplayer video gaming experience that was similar but he wanted to actually have Graphics instead of just being a traditional mud with his background knowledge and creating muds as well as Java Games he knew that he could achieve this one of Andrew's friends named Pete introduced him to a graphical mud called Ultima Online however Andrew never actually got to play it and he would later state that that was probably a good thing so devious mud didn't come out too similar during this year on his webpage Andrew described this project as a mammoth task he began redesigning all of the internal file formats that were used to make the game much more extendable and easier to edit he continued on to say that this is taking a long time but should be worth the effort when I finish this it'll be very easy for anyone to add new monsters new objects new blocks new maps new skills new quests new spells Etc when he used the term anyone to add new anything I assume he means those he chooses to work on the game with him as of right now of this year though Andrew is the only one working on Devious mud devious mud would not go online until next year in 99 on a website ran by Andrew called cunning and devious games [Music] it is now 1999 and devious mud has now been completely Rewritten by Andrew with the help of his brothers Ian and Paul Gower during this year Andrew Gower owned a website that could be found at the URL of cunning and this website would feature five games with devious mud included among their most popular games on the side at the time was a game called Grinders in which you'd use a joystick to draw a line on the game screen avoiding obstacles against a second player that was to be your opponent until one of you failed and the other one had gained a point another popular game was destruction imminent a single-player first-person shooter game with multiple weapons in which you travel levels of dungeons killing bug-like creatures and humanoid monsters as well as dodging and destroying Machinery such as turrets and robots through each level these two games and the others on the website were available at the price of 10 pounds and were to be sold on a floppy disk apart from his cunning and devious games website Andrew also had his own personal webpage called Andrew's homepage however I'd do not know what the URL to it was on his website though he would have different subject categories on the page that people could browse for example under the fireworks category Andrew shows off his first effort into writing program's indirect X fireworks was a screensaver he had developed and shared with others during this year within the Atari Zone fractals bottomless pit penguins and Ray tracing categories you could find other games that Andrew had made something else interesting under the music category was a little brother-like program in relation to devious mud called cunning mod essentially cunning mod was a library for DJ gpp a development tool used to compile files in other words cunning mod was basically a sound library and media player program that would work together with a compiler program when it came to adding music and sounds into programs like games that were still under development the argument for cunning mod being a little brother program to devious mud was that both of these programs were later taken down within a week of each other during this year going back to devious mud Andrew's biggest project among the others at the time there was devious mud Alpha and devious mud beta the alpha was the first version that was never released to the public as Andrew felt it wasn't ready and the beta was the second version that was released publicly for about a week before Andrew decided to scrap it while the beta was public Andrew had his friend he met through his part-time job he had at games domain try out devious mud that person was Rob Law otherwise known as RAB who had later become the first RuneScape player ever but more on that later RAV also convinced some of his other friends to try out devious mud as well those people being lightning Merlin and Gage there was loads to do and much of the game was unfinished and had a lot of bugs Andrew stated that he made this version of devious mud in his bedroom before jagex and everything that jagex entailed later on only half of one Quest was done at the time called Sheep Shearer there were also about two half-finished shops in the game and only about 10 objects some of the bugs listed were being able to force an NPC through walls when fighting them characters not facing each other when talking it was hard to go up and downstairs items of armor that should have totally obscured any clothing underneath didn't yet you could talk to NPCs they were running away from your attacks and much much more towards the end of devious mud a quest compiler was finished but didn't support many commands the player to player conversation system was worked on heavily but still itself wasn't finished and Andrew had finished designing a wooded forest area to the left of the starting zone devious mud did have a resizable game screen though which is something that RuneScape wouldn't have until a decade later a server could also hold 2500 players at the time more than even one RuneScape server can hold today at the end of it all in this year on March 28th one of the last written updates for devious mud by Andrew Gower stated as follows fix some more bugs I've not got as much done as I would have liked but I'm putting it online anyway I've put the beta version of devious mud online and a few people have tried it out however I'm having another break from writing it to give me some more time to do other Java Games that I'm working on it's not really anywhere near finished yet so I've removed the address from this page try again in a few months time during devious mud's Time online there were about 20 players that played it after graduating University Andrew was offered two jobs one with his friends over at games domain and another from a man named constant Tedder who owned a competitor towards game's domain called gameswire towards the end of this year Andrew and his brothers Ian and Paul decided to go it alone though and began trading under a new name other than cunning in Devious games cunning in Devious games came to an end and the new name that they eventually decided on was jagex it stood for a variety of things Java audio and Graphics extension Java gaming experts as well as just about the gaming experience jagex had finally been born foreign and the world hasn't ended but devious mud has and a new game from Andrew was underway after throwing ideas around and of course checking that the domain name was free the brothers decided on the name RuneScape for their new game his original logo was actually just the name in stones without the sword like we see today but the brother's friends had some funds with that first idea calling the game Run escape and not its actual name so the sword was eventually added between roon and scape later on by Ian commonly practiced while developing Mud Games at this time to make adding content into them easier developers used scripting systems Paul and Ian Gower came up with great ideas for the game at this time but they came up with ideas much faster than Andrew could Implement them so Andrew created his own scripting system that Paul and Ian themselves could use to implement his ideas into the game to alleviate some of the imbalance that system became known as runescript after Paul learned how to use runescript and the map editor he eventually made lumbridge Castle the starting point for the game the first NPC ever added was actually a sheep and if you look here at the sheep from Devious mud he can see lots of similarities another NPC that Paul first created that would wander around lumbridge Castle would be Hans from there The Cook's assistant Quest was born as well in fact the sounds that were in the game were mainly recorded from real life like opening and closing doors and cooking cooking anything on a fire or a range in RuneScape at this time was actually the recorded sound of Andrew gower's mother cooking bacon in a skillet she even Drew four monsters for him those being a camel a bear a spider and a bat and they were all put into the game much of the game's graphics and play style mechanics were inspired by other games such as Lucas Arts Monkey Island and day of the tentacle that were popular at this time as well announcing to games domain that RuneScape was almost ready for launch he recruited some people who had earlier played devious mud once again RAB was back testing another project for the Gower Brothers excluding the brothers he was the first player to ever sign up for RuneScape lightning Gage and Merlin were back as well rad was actually given jagex moderator Privileges and helped to moderate the game once it had released to the public after a testing period in March of this year year at this time in-game moderator crowns did not exist yet so players wouldn't be able to tell who is a moderator and who wasn't the game did have bugs and sometimes players would get stuck somewhere so moderators were required when Andrew Ian and Paul weren't online Ram's Jag X moderator account was simply just called moderator also copied over from Devious mud was much of the mud's map ideals places like varrock al-karad falador and Port sarum were also copied over in concept Rabb learned how to use the RuneScape scripting system too and actually wrote the Romeo and Juliet Quest during this year around four to five months before the release of RuneScape to the public at the beginning of 2001. Rabb stated in 2010 that he wrote The Quest partly because there were a few people speaking about Quest riding and he thought that if an outsider wrote one then perhaps others would too and the game would receive a bigger Community due to this RAB also had a hand in creating the Prince Ali rescue Quest and the dorix quest as well feeling satisfied with the amount of content that had been placed into the game by the Gower Brothers at jagex and their friends RuneScape was ready for launch on one playable server Game World to the public [Music] it's January 4th 2001 and the pressure was on one playable server that could only hold two thousand players turned out to be a big Underside and the Gower brothers were overwhelmed having to set up more game worlds to take on the extra players as they didn't want to turn anyone away that wanted to play frantically working against the clock Andrew kept having to re-engineer the servers to keep up with the number of players being registered when players did register they had a few options when creating their players character types used to exist as bonuses when starting but your account became more rounded the more you progressed later on catching up with whatever bonus you chose when you started these categories were Adventure Warrior wizard Ranger and minor for example if he chose wizard you'd get more runes when you started out and your two magic levels would be a little boosted if you chose minor your level would be boosted as well and you'd get a pickaxe but it wouldn't be bronze specific metal types of items such as pickaxes back then didn't exist yet only one specific pickaxe did and it was just called pickaxe also when you started you wouldn't be on tutorial Island as it didn't exist yet either and wouldn't until next year this was actually the location that you started outside of lumbridge Castle as well as your respawn point if you happen to die compared to the RuneScape classic versions later in 2002 and 2003 there was actually a lot missing in the first few months of 2001. for example the report abuse button didn't exist yet the area Miss thaland was the only area in the game that existed at the time and the asgardia area was added later in the year Banks weren't released until the 23rd of January this year 19 days after the release of the game even with banks releases though players still had to keep all of their items on them because the banks would only hold coins at the time and speaking of coins the max amount that you could hold in a single inventory slot and One Bank slot was 65 535 coins and the same number cap applied to all stackable items during this time as well because of this picares would often work together with skillers having them hold their cash stacks while they risked all their other items became which you could also do anywhere in the game at this time because the Wilderness didn't exist yet when you were fighting it was mandatory for both players to hit each other three times before being able to retreat so the goal was to kill your opponent in three hits before they could flee and the same rule applied to combat with NPCs as well next month in February an option was created for players where they could toggle whether or not they wanted their account to be a player killer or a non-player killer and this could be switched a few times before you got stuck with one of the categories looking at this screenshot from Blue Rose 13x in 2001 you'll notice a number of differences on the snap menu as well for starters the font is different compared to the later RSC stat menu magic and prayer were divided into two skills break good and pray evil good magic and evil magic tailoring was a skill in which you'd craft armor but this was later merged with the crafting skill which at this time the crafting skill itself was in the game but didn't actually work yet your influence skill was raised by completing quests so it was basically an early version of quest points influence granted you perks with NPCs just as Quest points do today the fishing and Fletching skills also hadn't been released yet thieving was on the stats menu but also didn't work properly much like crafting on the equipment status portion of the menu there was a hiding bonus as well hiding was an equipment bonus that existed briefly and it was intended to help keep aggressive monsters away from the player by reducing the monster's chances of noticing you it was on the equipment status list but was never actually implemented Instead at this time you could use a good magic spell called camouflage that would hide you from Monsters this way which is why hiding may have never been implemented in May however good magic and evil magic along with prey good and prey evil were merged into just two regular skills being magic and brayer next month on June 11 2001 the island of karamja and the fishing skill were finally released before fishing players would have to use dough based foods such as pizzas picayers also finally had better food to eat in combat and no longer had to rely on skillers as much a lot of players during this time stopped choosing the player killer account mode however because the cost of losing your items was way too high and the number of players playing the game that could attack you just kept increasing RuneScape already had 600 000 players registered by July of this year to the Gower Brothers knew that they needed a new system for keeping players items safe so they updated the banks around RuneScape to be able to carry all of your items instead of just your coins 18 days later on August 13 2001 the Wilderness was released in the north for fighting making PVP allowable everywhere as well as the PKR account modes a thing of the past to the Gower Brothers surprise players were literally playing RuneScape for 10 to 15 hours a day level 99 was the maximum you could obtain in a skill and just eight months after the game's release on the 28th of August a player called everdread became the first player ever to achieve the very first level 99 in RuneScape being the woodcutting skill and he was even way ahead of everyone in the skill at this time when the Gower brothers made level 99 the maximum level for stats they never really imagined that anybody would ever attain that level in any skill next month in September the dragon slayer Quest was added and with it so was Rune armor and weapons before runes exist in adamant armor and weaponry was actually the best in the game on the 21st of October Blue Rose 13x was the first to level 99 magic the high scores began this month as well in an early concept form the initial concept of the high scores was to display the best player in a particular skill or profession on each server on the 24th of November the concept of the high score table was changed showing player ranks overall along with all of their stat levels and experience points but would only record and display at the top 2000 players the maximum number of stackable coins and items were finally updated during this month too changing the new Max number from 65.5 K to 2.147 Bill as we know it to be today on the 13th of December blue rose 13x was also once again the first to another level 99 which was smithing at this time she was the only player that could make full Rune armor sets and because of it she could essentially charge however much she wanted to Blue Rose 13x was eventually given along with RAV and the others I mentioned in the year 2000 the secret moderator status as well RAB however would resign from his secret moderator position at the end of this year due to the amount of stress that the job fault this year became a very successful yet stressful year for all three brothers RuneScape launched at a very interesting time it was just as the internet was becoming a big thing and bubble era was beginning bubble also known as the internet bubble was a rapid rise in Technology stock Equity valuations fueled by investments in internet-based companies during the late 90s in other words RuneScape launched right when people really began using the internet and when people began investing in internet-based companies like jagex at this time all sorts of online multiplayer games were coming out and it was exciting because before them you'd have to be in a room with your friends if you wanted to play say Dungeons and Dragons with broadband and dial up internet becoming more popular everywhere it also meant that RuneScape could be played in other places than just your personal home you could play it at your school computer labs public libraries and anywhere else that had a public internet connection which really helped RuneScape spread at first disaster would soon strike for Andrew Paul and Ian though because purely internet-based companies like jagex began losing over 70 percent of their valuations on the Financial Times stock exchange index on the London Stock Exchange advertisers began pulling the plugs on internet-based companies and their websites jagex had lost their advertisement investors as well and they had Revenue they had wasn't enough to keep the game running it was literally costing Andrew Gower money to continue to keep the game online since membership didn't exist yet not wanting to shut it down for all the players sakes and for all his hard work over the years he decided to move back in with his parents in Nottingham England to try and save money there Ian Paul and Andrew would set up a divider curtain in their parents kitchen and this area would serve as a makeshift office for them to continue working on the game it was also during this year that Andrew was approached by a player named RS guide who said he wanted to purchase RuneScape from jagex but was later found out to be a fraud Ander stated that this player had begun asking him to send him money via Western Union transactions and he became suspicious Andrew had checked his website at the time and found out that RS guide's website wasn't getting near as much traffic as he had led him to believe they were eventually supposed to meet with lawyers as well but Andrew also found out that RS guide lied about even having a lawyer booked in a nearby hotel where they would have met Andrew never sent RS guide money or signed any contracts with him though and the deal obviously fell through RS guide seemed legitimate at first though so he was eventually given moderator status within the game but this was later revoked ending this year on a high note though RuneScape received their second holiday event on Christmas the first holiday event took place back in October in this year edible pumpkins respond around the world for players to find Christmas crackers were dropped around the game during Christmas though and when used on another player one of them would receive a different colored party hat that was inside the crackers party hats and pumpkins were not worth much during this time though and were mostly given away eaten lost or sold to General stores around the game but today in RuneScape 3 since not many of these items exist anymore from this time those items are now worth billions making them also worth thousands of real-life dollars foreign stepping away from the business side of the game for now let's talk about some player achievements during this year a player named TKS was the first player ever to reach 99 cooking on January 8th of this year she would also continue on to be the first player to level 99 fishing four months later on May 23rd she was ranked one overall in the game at this time actively competing against the old Knight a little unknown fact about TKS was that her username was an abbreviation of her real name Tina K and in her spare time she had a website where she tracked her weight loss journey through a low-carb diet she also stated that she had only started playing RuneScape because of her kids and she just wanted to be better than them and she was the old Knight even admitted that he was only ever able to overtake the rank because she had eventually quit in the summer of 2003. unfortunately after the username Cleanup in 2014 TKS lost her username to somebody else the person who took her display name kindly campaigned on the RuneScape forums to have her name restored to the original account but jagex never fulfilled this request later she reported that she could not see herself playing RuneScape without her original name so she unfortunately quit for good on April 5th cow chicken was the first to 99 Fire making on the 16th of May Zhong Hui was the first 299 attack and level 123 combat the max combat level at the time in June lady killjoy was the first to 99 strength on the 3rd of August Swede Mike was the first to 99 thieving next month in September Joe Bill 64 was the first to level 99 mining on the 17th of September snake's lava was the first to level 99 range and those conclude all of the players to the first 99s within this year going back to February at the beginning of this year on the business related end of RuneScape and Jag X the Gower Brothers had been working in their parents kitchen for the last six months and the game was still costing more to run than it was making in profit one million players had been registered by February of this year and Andrew knew something needed to change fast the brothers began discussing putting paid membership into the game but Andrew also knew that if he did this jagex would have to become a much more commercial operation and that he wouldn't be able to just ignore customer support emails if he was taking players money Andrew wasn't very experienced in running a company to turn a profit and he knew he needed staff to help him that's when he remembered constant Tedder the CEO of gameswire that had previously offered him a job two years ago in 1999. constant hitter agreed to work with Andrew and was named CEO of jagex a position he would keep until 2007. RuneScape needed around 3 000 membership subscribers to cover the server hosting costs on the 27th of February membership was fully installed and it was confirmed by Paul Gower at runefest in 2010 that the first membership benefit was being able to log in anytime you wanted within the first few days 5000 players subscribed to membership and the Gower brothers were blown away and their game was saved membership also brought in new quests such as the heroes Quest and lost city which in turn yielded players for the first time ever a dragon battle ax and a dragon long sword the dragon medium helmet was also added this year and later most of the northeastern parts of the kandarin region on the world map were released as well not stopping after a success though Andrew rushed to further his company by posting an area on the jagex website advertising that they were recruiting programmers and 2D and 3D Graphics artists he then went down to a conference and meeting Center called St John's Innovation Center asking for an office to begin interviewing potential staff members after receiving office for holding interviews people began showing up the very next day due to their advertisements on the jagex website there was no furniture in the office though the office was completely empty Paul even said that he was setting up computers while Andrew was giving interviews which probably was quite distracting Andrew himself had no idea how to even interview someone and had to Google it mod Ian was the first jagex moderator ever being the fourth official jagex moderator after the brothers themselves and he is still working at jagex today as an audio developer he is the longest serving jagex employee he says that in his interview at the time though it was funny because all Andrew did was ask him to type something when employees did start their first task was to build and set up their own desks and computers as the company didn't have any supplied them ourselves yet by June of this year jagex consisted of 11 employees and they would either move or update their offices frequently sometimes even knocking holes in walls and just expanding from there holiday events would see a return to the game as well and five more tradable rare items all of which would come to be worth millions in the future were released again on Easter and April just like Halloween last year edible Easter eggs were dropped around the world this time for players to find and later in October red blue and green Halloween monster masks were dropped as well and in December for Christmas Santa hats were also dropped in July the character categories you could choose from when you originally started the game were eventually removed on the 11th of September the report abuse button was added to make customer support staff members jobs easier two weeks later on the 24th of September another members only feature was added being the king black dragon runescape's first ever boss monster on the same day tutorial Island was released for new players as well at the end of the year on the 12th of December the agility skill was released and the carpentry skill was removed carpentry had been put into the game this year on the stamp menu but wasn't trainable yet it did have its own high scores table it was supposed to be an early form of the construction skill that later released in 2006. player-owned houses that were going to be associated with the skill were actually in RuneScape classic at the time on the Eastern sides of falador and varrock but the areas were never accessible the original idea was that these houses were going to be auctioned around amongst the player base as there weren't enough houses to go around for everyone some would have to be homeless just like in real life eventually the idea was scrap everything was running quite smoothly players were enjoying the game and jagex was really beginning to gain traction as a proper business but the game wasn't without its faults still being so young a game-breaking bug known as the knife glitch was abused a lot by players today in regular RuneScape you can't equip knives but during 2002 in RuneScape classic you could and they gave you some attacking bonuses when you're walking in RuneScape classic you won't drop an item until you stop walking the glitch was done by dropping as many knives in your inventory as you could while you you were wielding one before you stopped walking the drop knives attack bonuses would transfer to the one wielded knife for some reason allowing players to literally one-hit monsters and other players in the wilderness to punish players for abusing this bug jagex made it to where players would die instantly if they logged into the Wilderness wielding any knives if he had any knives wielded outside of the Wilderness the knives in your inventory would simply just disappear another issue RuneScape began having was Bots to help combat them a fatigue system was released into the game on the 13th of November after performing a certain amount of actions in the game your fatigue level would reach 100 and you would be forced to find a bed to sleep in before you could continue playing other than some Bots some bugs some features that were removed and the struggle at the beginning of the year for jagex to get off the ground as a company everything was going very well for RuneScape and Jag X [Music] so the newest challenge for jagex this year was customer support their business was taking off quite successfully and at the beginning of this year this was the main area that required their attention the most up until this point everything was done by email any players that had any sort of issue would email jagex at a specific email address needless to say their emails were flooded in the hundreds of thousands the problems players were having ranged from a player being stuck somewhere losing items and simply wanting them back wanting to report other players this way instead of using the report abuse button like they should have wanting their accounts unbanned or unmuted sometimes wrongfully so pure spam emails were sent sometimes and many many more illegitimate emails that sometimes got in the way of the legitimate ones and some were even written by children that were just completely not understandable at all they just wanted to say hi to a jaymon this email system for dealing with their customers worked great at first when the game's population was smaller but over time absolutely anyone being able to email jagex at any time proved to be somewhat of a nightmare for the staff and Andrew was working hard to continue coding his system that might possibly help them sort player issues most of the jagex employees weren't trained in dealing with customer support related issues so they had to begin hiring people that had experience in this field for example in the beginning there was no way to recover your password if you forgot it there wasn't even a way for you to try and prove that you were the original owner of your account passwords couldn't even be reset because players simply just logged in with usernames at this time and email addresses weren't associated with players accounts like they are today back then this feature just didn't exist on the website Andrew and other programmers at jagex ended up having to code 20 to 30 different automated systems that each had a different function in relation to handling filtering and responding to players issues and reports that they'd send in by email or through the report abuse button eventually after these automated systems were in function jagex could relax a little the secret moderators I spoke of earlier in the Years 2000 and 2001 were eventually demoted to regular players as they were unneeded now due to jagex acquiring over 50 employees at their business the player lightning was the last unofficial jagex moderator to lose his privileges in the summer of this year the players were still going strong playing for insane amounts of hours daily RuneScape now had 5 million registered players this year in October on the 23rd of March the hate was the first player ever to achieve level 99 agility just four months after the skills released last year he was even suspected of bonding at the time but he was really just efficient and played 17 hours a day one week later on the 30th of March the player LT Angel was the first to 99 crafting she was light years ahead of everybody else in the skill and the reason why was because she had crafted Dragonstone amulets for other players for free since most didn't have high enough crafting at the time to do it themselves making her being able to train crafting for free herself as well eight days later on April 3rd the player Chili Peppers became the first to achieve level 99 Fletching another first 99 wasn't achieved until two months later on the 9th of June when half noon was the first player ever to reach level 99 herb law known today as herb lore sadly tks's Reign is rank 1 overall came to an end this summer in July when she finally quit overturning the rank to a player beware of me his brain was short-lived though as in September he was overtaken by Bone Breaker 6 but he also Quinn as well with a total level of 1 625 in December towards the end of the year then the legend himself zezima who began playing in July of 2001 took rank 1 overall for the first time having gotten better at dealing with customer support now jagex had began making some changes to the game based on players feedback on the 11th of November the official RuneScape forms was launched to the public and jagex began choosing players to become foreign moderators to help with the forum's activity though they did not have any moderator powers in game two weeks later the fatigue system was reduced on the 25th of November due to a lot of player complaints last year when you reached 100 fatigue you would have to find a bed to rest in before doing anything else there was no run option in RuneScape classic everyone walked at the same speed so sometimes this could mean traveling great distances just to find a bed so Jax eventually ended up adding an item called the sleeping bag in which you could click the rest option on it anywhere you were in the world and you'd be brought to a menu where you'd have to enter a captcha code to begin playing again with zero percent fatigue this actually turned out to be an even better way of combating bots than the original fatigue system was before speaking of bots there was a major bug abuse event this year that took place and it changed runescape's economy forever going forward a Latvian RuneScape player by the name of kite ninks would become the most famous bug abuser up until 2006. in Latvian kitnik's name literally means pest or Saboteur one who engages in the active sabotage kitnings was a creator of a program called Auto Rune autorune was the very first scriptable RuneScape bot and the scripting language was very easy to learn it was a program that redirected the RuneScape client to Auto Rune itself it could do everything Auto walk Auto fight Auto fish Auto mine and even PK other players kitneek stated that he didn't remember when the first version of the program came out but according to his internal relay chat client logs him and another hacker were talking about advertising autorune's existence on other websites since since 2002 most people believe that kite Nick's program led to the player six feet under duplicating holiday items that's actually not the case he never duplicated holiday items he spawned them on keiting's Old website within the section of the site concerning his program Auto Rune he says on November 26 2003 a player named six feet under discovered that it could be used for duplicating items he was trying to trade one of the holiday items using Auto Rune by giving server invalid parameters ironically any item in the game could be duplicated except for Holiday items and stackable items so we were actually just spawning the holiday items not duping them like everything else as we didn't even need to own the item we wanted to create or spawn during Auto rune's popularity Peak during this year thousands of players were using and abusing the program thousands of party hats were created and the other items that were duplicated were worth billions in coins not all accounts that abuse this bug were banned though the main item dupers were banned but some made quite a fortune and were never caught the items were never deleted and the game was never rolled back jagex stating that a rollback would have been an exaggeration kite Nick's along with autorune were never heard from again after the Year 2006 but his program that he created will always have an effect on RuneScape until RuneScape dies he is the reason why tradable holiday items are the prices they are now today in RuneScape 3. some of which are being real world traded for thousands of real-life dollars still to this day even as such a great issue this bug was still solved by jagex though in a matter of hours they were on top of it right away for the April easter event this year drops were actually untradable unlike their predecessors had been bunny ears were dropped around this time four months later on August 20th runescape's 50th Quest had been released which was the Legends quest the last update to the RuneScape 1 era would be the Halloween event in October of 2003 which almost didn't happen in an update jagex asked players to vote in a poll before this holiday event would have been launched they could choose between two options within this poll delay RuneScape 2's development for a day and go ahead with creating the RuneScape classic Halloween event or they could have chose the other to keep everyone at jagex working on RuneScape 2 and there would have been a Pancake Day event in February next year instead whatever that could have possibly meant the bull ended with 78 of players choosing to delay rs2 so that the untradable sights would still be dropped two months later however when the Christmas holiday event was supposed to come out Andrew wrote an update on the news list of the RuneScape website that read as follows this is just a quick note just to say that there aren't going to be any RuneScape items dropped at Christmas I really don't like having to say this but I can't see any sensible alternative this is because the last few drops actually caused a lot of upset and resulted in a huge number of complaints from players who didn't manage to get an item many players seem to get really upset about the drop which is of course the exact opposite of the intended effect jagex slowly stopped updating RuneScape classic after having received a little bit of breathing room once the company was running like a well-oiled machine during this momentary downtime in the middle of this year they began working on a whole new project the technology of the world and the internet was changing RuneScape as everyone knew it was about to receive huge makeover Andrew completely rewrote runescape's game engine and code base and began fixing all sorts of things he didn't like about the original version of the game that had been out for the past few years the scripting language was completely Rewritten and it was far more flexible basically RuneScape was Rewritten entirely from scratch nothing in the world would ever be 2D again on December 1st 2003 the official RuneScape 2 Beta was put online for paying members to try out for the very first time [Music] the players and jagex were apprehensive at first Gen X didn't know if players would take to this new shiny version of RuneScape jayex knew that some of their players entire lives revolved around RuneScape every single day and they were very mindful of that fact so the old game RuneScape 1 now would be known as RuneScape classic and would be kept online at the time just in case and this new version of RuneScape would be called RuneScape 2. when the beta launched players had the RuneScape classic stats copied over to this new version of the game but their Quest history and items were not copied over he basically started out with nothing except your stats you had gained an RSC this was deliberate as jagex wanted players to test out all the beta's content initially only the free-to-play areas were available during the first phase of the beta from January to March and the members areas and members requests that already existed in RuneScape classic were being gradually released into the Beta over this period of time there was needless to say a lot of bugs in the event that a player found themselves stuck somewhere the lumbridge teleport spell was purposely broken so that players could cast it without using runes to get themselves unstuck wherever they were this was officially the first known home teleport spell eventually after everything was mostly fixed polished and released the second phase of the beta could begin on March 3rd 2004 jagex once again copied over everybody's account files to RuneScape 2 from RuneScape classic for the last time including items and Quest Point histories now along with fixing the previously intentionally broken lumbridge teleport spell as well exactly two weeks later on March 17th the entire RuneScape 2 Beta was no longer restricted to paying members only and all free players now had access to it this new shiny version of RuneScape was mostly well received by the community there were some players that stuck with RuneScape classic but most people moved on to RuneScape 2. the game's mechanics had changed so much that made playing easier and more enjoyable you no longer had to remain in combat until you and your opponent hit each other three times before you could eat or Escape you could do any of that whenever you wanted now the combat triangle was implemented so what you wore now had an effect on how successful you were when using melee magic or range combat for example you couldn't always cast spells successfully anymore if you were wearing full root armor which is something you could do in RuneScape classic pikang became more about skill instead of chance and all the monsters were reworked to give you more experience when finding them the combat formulas experience points rates were reworked as well which made the max combat level 126 instead of 123 like it was in the old version of the game an example of this is when you started RuneScape classic you would have level 10 hit points because you're starting XP for hit points was 1 000 and RuneScape 2 when you start your hit points would also be level 10 starting you with 1154 XP instead of a thousand within the skill players that never trained hit points at all in RuneScape classic when they were transferred over still have level 9 hit points in RuneScape 2 to this day because of this only three players ever got to level 123 combat within RuneScape classic they were gear shifter Lil yuffie 88 and sax the fatigue system was still on the stat menu and the beta first launched along with sleeping bags too but the sleeping bags couldn't be used and your fatigue would not rise at all when Skilling This was later done away with removing the sleeping bags and fatigue as a whole replacing them with random events instead to combat bots on this new game version because the Bots would surely start rolling in rather quickly Banks could also now note your items the inventory spaces were reduced from 30 to 28 Andrew thought it looked better the equipment status menu was added alongside the inventory as well making wielding items in your inventory a thing of the past as they would now be wielded here instead on the 25th of March the Dual Arena was added and players could now stake their items on the 29th of March the day the beta was officially named the main game the runecrafting skill was also released and with it zesma's reign as rank 1 from 2003 until now would come to an end due to the player Chopper man becoming rank one after this skills release Chopper mad would hold rank 1 until level 73 runecrafting because one zezma officially began training the skill in a matter of days zezma retook the rank from him on May 17th Lil yuffie 88 became the first player ever to reach level 99 prayer next month on the 14th of June player moderators were added to the game and 14 players were chosen to receive the status player moderators would now have silver crowns next to their usernames and Jack X moderators would now have a gold crown next to theirs along with this update jagex released a section to the RuneScape website that normal players could not access known as the player moderator Center where pmods could contact J mods directly July would become a big month for RuneScape 2. it was during this month that a series of hidden updates were released by jagex that made the game look a bit more polished than it originally was after the Beta had first launched a lot of the vegetation around the game was changed over time item Sprites received a massive overhaul changing the way most items in your inventory and Banks looked and the entire game frame itself was updated to look a little less thicker than it originally was the game frame wouldn't be updated again until 2007. it was also during this time in the month of July the jagex signed a business deal with a third party website called Miniclip Miniclip was a popular website at this time that featured loads of java based and Flash Player styled games RuneScape would be advertised on this website and it tripled their player base very quickly because of this jagex's account creation system on the RuneScape website actually couldn't handle all the amounts of players that were trying to register and the system eventually crashed modmark even stated that he could remember having a conversation with Andrew in which he almost decided to completely stop account creation for the time being at this time on the 7th of September the pvm community received a huge update a brand new boss monster being the cow fight Queen runescape's second ever boss along with the calvine Queens release Dragon chain bodies were also introduced into the game they were worth millions and became one of the most sought after pieces of equipment in the game at this time eight days later on September 15th kale still became the first player ever to achieve level 99 runecrafting just six months after the skill had been released 12 days later on the 27th of September because of all the downtime jagex had after being so successful recently Ian Gower decided to create the X option on item menus up until this point if we were going to withdraw from or deposit anything into your bank you you had to either withdraw or deposit 1 5 10 or all of whatever that item was when it came to cooking food you had to do it one by one so this x option update from Ian was a very big quality of life update for the players only one holiday event happened this year due to the release of RuneScape 2 and it was the Christmas event an NPC called Santa handed out yo-yos to everyone that talked to him in varrock square to this day it was the least thought out holiday event in RuneScape that ever existed runescape's last major update of this year took place on 13th of December being Castle Wars a player versus player capture the flag-like minigame in which two teams of players fought against each other as one player went for the other Castle's flag and returned it to their base it was a major hit with players and is still seen today as something very fun and nostalgic to do if you're ever bored in RuneScape going back to what I spoke of earlier jagex did have a lot of downtime during this year the Gower Brothers company was so successful during this year and their staff had grown in size because of this Andrew and CEO constant Tedder wanted to reward their staff some constant defies a foolproof idea a jolly system in which the staff would be rewarded when certain business Milestones would be hit such as a certain number Milestone of membership subscriptions they received from players in short the staff would have little mini vacations together as a group they do things like drive speed boats go go-karting go paintballing and a lot of other fun events were set up moncluffy recounts that at one point four or five jollies would be stacked up on top of each other just because of the rate of speed that the company would be hitting these Milestones multiple targets would be hit weekly but when the jollies were written they'd expect them to be months apart not weeks Andrew had even stated that some members of Staff came up to him and said that they hadn't done a full five-day week at jagex and starting because of the amount of jollies being taken every week 2004 was an all-around great year for RuneScape and jagex and for me shortly after the RuneScape 2 Beta was released to free players at 10 years old I discovered this great game and created my account Mo blocks too foreign this year opened up with a simple yet fun update on January 5th of this year the chat effects were added such as glow slide wave and Flash these chat effects are still heavily used to this day in osrs and RS3 in the same month on the 26th of January the Slayer skill release prior to the Slayer skill there wasn't much in the way of variety when it came to killing monsters around RuneScape during this time this skill meant that players would now have to explore parts of the map they never had before such as places like the desert and The Slayer Tower when it came to killing these new monsters on the 2nd of February the roving elves Quest was released furthering the player's exploration of the elflands to the west and along with this quest's release two new best in slot items were added being the crystal bow and the Crystal Shield 20 days later lumbridge and draener received graphical updates here's what lumbridge used to look like and this is what it changed into jagex wanted a more welcoming look in lumbridge due to players starting their Journeys here over near drainer the Wizards Tower Bridge had been straightened on March 22nd the Easter event released during the event players were given a basket of eggs and would have to hand them out to other players their reward would be a rubber chicken that they could whack other players with on April 4th 2005 the dragon Scimitar special attack was changed originally the D skinny special attack would drain other players run energy completely when used on them it was changed because it was obviously overpowered today the dragon Scimitar special attack removes your opponent's ability to use overhead prayers for 5 seconds April would also come to be the month that the desert received a lot of content previously there was really no need for players to venture out into the desert the biggest piece of desert content that was added was the desert treasure Quest on April 18. for the longest time this Quest was known as the hardest quest in RuneScape to complete with the release of this Quest players received the ancient magic spell book making pking much more deadlier because of the spell ice barrage but it was great for Elf Mage kids range in Imam ipking videos on YouTube on May 9 2005 the barrows minigame was released previously the combat triangle spec slot armor consisted of Rune and dragon for melee black dragon hide for range and Mystic robes for Magic the Barrow's armor was seen as rare amongst players and it was exciting when you saw somebody wearing a piece at the end of this month on May 31st the female player models received an upgrade before this update they basically used the same player model as males did only you know they had boobs they weren't very feminine looking in the slightest and a lot of female players had requested this to be changed on June 13th the room crafting Abyss was released making training the skill much easier when it came to traveling to the runes specific altars on July 9 2005 the legend himself zesma achieved not only level 99 Slayer first before anybody but with this 99 had also achieved a Max skill total level of 1980 making him the first player ever to become maxed on July 11th the farming skill was released here's a picture that many people might have forgotten about or never knew about this is what the login screen looked like when farming was released this was the first time that the login screen itself had ever been changed since the release of rs2 on August 8 2003 RuneScape classic officially closed the only way you could play this version of RuneScape anymore during this time was that you had to have been an original RuneScape classic player up until this point of its closure on the 9th of September the player 0 xbx0 achieved level 99 farming first just two months after the skill had been out 10 days later on September 19th Bank pins were released furthering account security if you happen to be hacked on September 26th Port serum Remington and some of thurgo's area had all received graphical upgrades these graphical upgrades mainly consisted of the port serum docks and the surrounding trees and other vegetation within the regions being changed it was also during this year that other areas in RuneScape received graphical upgrades as well for example Barbarian Village was changed into what it looks like today shortly before the year 2006. around the same time falador also received an upgrade it used to be gray instead of white September 26th also brought a whole new look to the RuneScape website it received a graphical layout similar to the way old school runescape's website looks today on October 4th 2005 the Czar fight caves released and along with them a brand new boss monster that monster was disjad at a combat level of 702 and if he killed him after having survived 62 waves of other monsters you received the brand new best in select Cape being a fire Cape this was seen as a major achievement some players still can't kill Jad today before the Fire cape's release the legendscape was the best in slot cave this month of October was quite a successful year for Jag X players were enjoying the game loving the new content being put out by jagex and they received an investment from a business called Insight Venture Partners Insight was a business that invested in other businesses similar to jagex that developed online software games and other internet-based technology the month of October ended with the release of the 2005 Halloween event that occurred on October 31st during the event non-aggressive zombies could have been found in Lombard swamp the zombies had an insult option if he insulted them the zombie would take off its head and throw it at the player if the player caught the head it would be Theirs to keep the zombie head could also be talked to or held up in the air as an item triggered emo other zombies had a scare option if he scared them they'd break apart and put themselves back together and it would scare you the player ultimately giving you the scaredy mode for the first time this event also marked the first time ever that the Grim Reaper would visit players when they died in game the last update of the Year 2005 was the Christmas event that began on December 19th during the event players could help Diego run his Christmas Workshop making decorations that would later be used to decorate a giant Christmas tree in the center of Barack you could also find imps running around across RuneScape with decorations as well and he could shake them distill the M's decorations after decorating the tree you would complete the event and be rewarded with different colored hats scarves and three marionette puppets foreign on the first of January this year a player by the name of XXX Neo xxx7 was the first player ever to achieve 200ml XP in a skill that skill was Fletching on January 12th over 5 000 RuneScape classic accounts were banned by Jag X RuneScape classic wasn't being as monitored as closely as it once was due to RuneScape 2 becoming the main game version that people played because of this spots were overwhelming RuneScape classic even though the game had already been closed to new players by this time one week later on the 19th of January over 15 000 RuneScape 2 accounts were banned for macroing as well these two instances of mass deletions of accounts marked the beginning of a long battle against bots the jagex would have to take on during later years on January 20th the player Eve 340 was the first player ever to reach 200 mil cooking XP on January 22nd 2006 zesma achieved 500 000 XP overall being the first player to ever do so on the 20th of February RuneScape received another boss monster that had a combat level of 300 5 that boss was the chaos Elemental along with this boss Monster's release a new Dragon weapon was added to the drop table being the Dragon 2-hander Sword which was highly sought after and worth a lot of money during this time the king black dragon slayer is found within the Wilderness but the kbd itself isn't actually in Wilderness territory within its Lair so the release of the chaos Elemental boss marks the first time players ever received a boss that could be found in the actual Wilderness on March 7th the giant mole was released underneath thalador as well on March 15th jagex added runescape's 100th quest which was recipe for disaster and For the First Time Players received a new best in slot pair of melee gloves being the barrows gloves prior to the barrows club's release the best melee gauntlets that you could obtain was the steel gauntlets after the completion of the family crest quest it was also during this month in March that the player the old Knight had officially maxed his RuneScape classic account being the first RSC player to ever do so unfortunately one month after this in April he passed away due to Colin cancer in honor of his death and fame within the game jagex kindly placed this hill and Grave in the wilderness on April 10th The Forum moderators and jagex moderators posts on the forums became more distinguishable on the same day the 2005 easter event had released after completing the event players received the item Easter ring when it was worn it would turn the player into an Easter egg eight days later on April 18th the popular minigame Pest Control was released along with void 9 armor which became to be popular transitions from dragonhide or Barrow's armor when it came to training melee range or Magic on April 27th jagex had announced that RuneScape had passed a new record being that 197 000 players were all online at once on May 31st 2006 the construction skill was released before this skill players had to wander around RuneScape with no real area that they could call their own player-owned houses was a very exciting update for the players having been anticipated by them as far back as 2002. this update of course though would bring on one of the most infamous bugs in RuneScape history on June 6 2006 otherwise known as 666 the player occurs to you achieved level 99 construction before anybody else due to the money he gained from staking in the Dual Arena because of this he held a very public house party at the Remington house portal on world 111. his house was huge and being the first to 99 was far more progressed than any other player's house in the game due to the massive amounts of players inside his house the lag became completely unbearable and curse you was forced to kick all players from his house some players were partaking in combat related activities inside the house though and when they were kicked they found out that they still had the ability to attack other players while being outside of the Wilderness numerous players abused the bug but only one level 115 player named durial 3-2-1 took it a little further by Ice barraging multiple people in falidor what little footage that was filmed of this event focused on this player alone and because of it Dario 321 went down in history as the main user of the bug cursed you the owner of the house was later banned on August 25th 2006 two months later for real world trading this event became known as the falidor massacre and became so Infamous that jagex has even stated that the events of this day were Canon and runescape's actual historical lore having taken place on the 14th of September and the year 169 of the fifth age the RuneScape 3 there's even a memorial plaque of this in falidor park dedicated to all those that perished at the hands of Dorial five days after the Fallon or Massacre took place on June 11 2006 the player novalife officially passed zezma and obtained rank 1 overall on the high scores after gaining level 99 construction on this day he was also the first player ever to reach 2178 total level being maxed on June 12th the next day the Warriors Guild was released next month on the 4th of July the stronghold of security was released on August 29th all Giants dragons and demons received graphical upgrades and new sounds this was the first time NPCs ever received any graphical upgrades since the launch of RuneScape 2. so this was a very controversial update amongst players at the times I personally prefer the older sounds and models on September 27th the lumbridge home teleport spell was released for new players that wanted to make their way back to lumbridge if they got lost on October 18th skill caves were released up until its time there was no way for players to show off their level 99s other than the high scores until these capes came out these skill capes also came with specific emotes the players that already had 99s got these capes immediately and lower levels would follow them around asking moat plots meaning they wanted to see the skill Cape emotes this is where I got my username from on October 30th the 2006 Halloween event was released and players that completed it got a skeleton costume and a pumpkin mask on November 21st RuneScape received its 23rd skill being Hunter my favorite skill and the same update the icons on the game frame and the snap menu were also updated less than two weeks later the player dark 4 is 67 achieved level 99 hunter first before anybody this year ended with the 2006 Christmas event in which players would receive a reindeer hat for completing it the Gower brothers were worth around 32 million pounds this year and this year would have also been considered by many to be runescape's Peak [Music] Seer would be the year that everything changed RuneScape YouTube channels were becoming very very popular and more and more players began documenting the game's history as it unfolded jagex this year would become ranked 59th in the Sunday Times article 100 best small companies to work for on January 4th of this year the Barbarian assault minigame had released giving players a new best in slot plate body other than Barrow's armor which was the finder torso exactly one month later on February 4th a 14-hour long Riot ensued in falador on world 28. the riot occurred due to a popular RuneScape YouTuber NPK or elf Mage being muted he was muted for luring other players Into the Wilderness to film his videos two days later on February 6 the feminic Isles Quest was released placing the Island's nadisnot and yatizo into the game as well as giving players a new best in slot helmet being the natison helmet on Valentine's Day on February 14th RuneScape released dedicated German servers on March 20th all chickens cows and rabbits had their graphical appearances upgraded on April 18th the Wilderness Stitch was released and attempts to stop players from luring each other on May 1st Jax posted an update on the main page titled Bots and Real World Trading they began mentioning bots in Real World Trading quite heavily during this time listing off statistics for players to read about how many accounts they were actually Banning each week at one point in time it was made clear that they were Banning 8 000 accounts weekly for breaking these rules on May 4th RuneScape achieved a Guinness World Record for having reached 1 million membership subscriptions on May 8th small spiders cow fights scorpions and the metal dragons also received graphical upgrades with graphical upgrades becoming the new Norm it was only fitting that eventually it carried over into RuneScape cities on May 29 2007 varak and all of its NPCs changed forever and received a massive graphical upgrade this would be runescape's biggest makeover yet for any City for the first time because of this change four days later on June 2nd more rides occurred in World 64 65 and 66 and it caused runescape's very first entire server blackout on a lighter note on June 13th of this month zesma became the first player ever to reach 1 billion total XP overall on June 26th runescape's game engine was updated and an entirely new game frame was implemented being the main game frame that we all know today in old school RuneScape on July 24th party Pete's room was officially moved to a more populated city being falador next month on August 6 Clan chat was released before Clan chat player's only way to communicate with each other was through private messaging so this was actually seen as a pretty great update four days later on August 10th jagex saved a copy of this 2007 version of RuneScape and deleted any older version of the game Forever This is why old school runescape's revision is the revision that it is old school runescape's revision at the beginning was a revision of August 10 2007. August 28th the god Wars dungeon was released bringing loads of new armor and weapons into the game on the 18th of September the zmi altar was released this boosted Room crafting's original Max XP per hour rate from 25k to 50K on October 2nd another city received a major graphical upgrade being Edgeville on October 23 2007 after being with jagex for five years and implementing many great updates constant Tedder unfortunately resigned from being CEO at jagex and he was replaced by a man named Jeff Edison on November 5th the assist system was released the system allowed other players to give XP bonuses to their friends while they were training on November 11th the skills interface was upgraded again and it went from this to this on November 26th the grand exchange was released Northwest of varrock West Bank this was a massive change to the way trading was done in RuneScape player interaction was no longer needed and merchanting clans became very popular very fast a lot of players like the GE and a lot of players hated the GE the update was extremely controversial December unfortunately started off in a bad way and it only got worse from there for both players and for jagex Real World Trading and Bots had only gotten worse sometimes it seemed as if Bots had taken over entire cities Bots at this point in time made up about 30 percent of runescape's player base on the end of the illegal activities gold Farmers began stealing players credit card numbers they would then use these stolen credit card numbers to make RuneScape member accounts to farm gold on players quickly began realizing that their cards were being stolen and used Banks began returning thousands of real world dollars to players that had their private information stolen in this way and it caused some serious problems for Jack X with real-life Banks the banks began thinking that Jack X was behind all this stolen money that was being refunded to people and jagex's a company almost wasn't allowed to be able to accept credit card payments anymore because of this Paul Gower stated that if that had happened they would have really been screwed as a business because if there's no Jag X there would be no RuneScape in runescape's 50th the year anniversary documentary Andrew recounted these times stating in his own words they got to the point where where we were like there's only two ways that we could possibly tackle this we could either a start selling the items ourselves because that would basically dry up the gold farmers markets and they would have no Financial incentive to keep breaking our counter measures or we could do something really radical which could completely break it which is restricting trades so on the 12th of December 2007 jagex had announced that they were going to make a decision that they didn't take lightly at all and that they were going to begin adding a trade limit at the beginning of next year on the same day of this announcement the Wilderness received a massive update the Wilderness volcano Bounty Hunter and clan wars were put into the game along with this update the Dual arena for the first time ever was changed to free to play ending this year on a lighter note though the player who had originally achieved the whole 99 herb lore before anybody else back in 2003 finally achieved 200 mil XP overall on the skill before anyone else as well the player was half noon so it essentially took him five years to achieve this [Music] on January 2nd of this year trading and staking would never be the same again they were now capped a limit limited by the amount of quest points you had on your account if you hadn't completed any of the quests you could only trade and stake within a limit of 3 000 coins if you had completed all the quests your limit you could work within then was 25 000 coins merchanting was significantly harder and gift giving became a thing of the past it was also during this year of the month that because of these controversial updates and the massive amount of hate that came with them jagex had to completely remove the rants section on the RuneScape forums shortly after this they also removed the compliments section as well because all the hate just spilled over into that form too on January 15th the summoning skill was released and along with it another new version of runescape's game frame and Stat menu for the first time in runescape's history the stat menu had received a scroll bar summoning would also unfortunately Mark the day that the zezima era came to an end in RuneScape on zezma's original YouTube channel zezma0213 he had posted a message that stated I have stopped playing RuneScape competitively because it's getting progressively easier over time with it getting easier to train skills and gain XP I've lost a sense of accomplishment and what I've worked hard to achieve since I started in 2001 if things will continue to get easier it ruins the game for those of us who have been here since the beginning 11 days later on January 26th the player syzaji became the first ever maxed free-to-play account on February 8th the player Nikish Ledet achieved level 99 summoning first after zesma had left the high scores Players green098 Yoga Sun and King Duffy 1 battled it out for rank 1 overall but it was later King Duffy one who obtained and kept the rank for a while until he was beaten by gurt jars March wasn't too bad of a month for 2008 though on March 5th jagex released a new website with loads of games on it called funorb the two most popular games on the website at the time would come to be arcanists and armies of gilinore a lot of play players actually switched from RuneScape to this website to play these games because they were so fun man I miss arcanists on April 9th the fist of gothic's minigame was released on May 8th jarex posted an update on the runescape's homepage titled an image of the future this News Post would Mark the beginning of many more to come within the next few months depicting a brand new version of RuneScape in which it featured High detailed Graphics this was huge and pretty exciting and the community had loads of questions not everybody was pleased but players who supported it and didn't support this update alike were filled with much anticipation in its release regardless this would become one of the biggest updates in runescape's history furthering the sad times of a lot of things coming to an end in RuneScape Ashley Miller otherwise known as fat wrecked a very popular RuneScape video maker at this time unfortunately passed away due to heart failure in this same month on May 21st quick chat was released giving permanently muted players a way to finally speak to other players around them other than using emotes as they had previously on July 1st a member's only beta launch of RuneScape HD had finally gone live RuneScape also received major graphical changes among a lot of cities because of this on July 14th RuneScape HD had fully been released to all players on the same day of rshd's launch the tutorial Island was removed and it was replaced by a new tutorial called learning the ropes that was featured on the quest menu players didn't really take to this new tutorial however and they missed tutorial Islands since it had been in the game since RuneScape classic because of this a few months later learning the ropes was removed and tutorial Island was put back into the game also on the same day of these updates the item lending system had been put into the game for players that were still upset about the trade restrictions on August 22nd jagex had achieved another Guinness World Record being given the title most popular MMORPG on September 15th the Corporal Beast boss monster was released and along with it its sigils and its Shields the Divine Spirit Shield was actually worth 1 billion gold when it first released making it the first item ever to be just as expensive as rare holiday items on October 15th PVP worlds were released in an effort to bring pking back to life since the remover of the Wilderness early in the year on November 11th the very popular stealing creation minigame was released on November 26th RuneScape received its first Grand Master Quest ever being wild Gothic sleeps with the release of this Quest dragon plate bodies and dragon claws were released into the game as well Dragon claws changed speak gang a lot especially when it came to rushing other players and the dragon plate body was highly sought after when it released due to having been anticipated ever since the dragon chain body came out in 2004. on December 11th RuneScape released French servers you can now play RuneScape on English German and French worlds something didn't quite seem right about jagex this year amongst the players for the first time in RuneScape history RuneScape was facing an issue that it had never faced before a decline in its player base there were exactly 15 updates throughout this whole year that had to do with payment options and updates on how you could pay jagex for membership subscriptions it seemed as if jagax was very much mainly about their money and profits this year on the news feed to a lot of players something they hadn't been all about in the years before or if they were they hadn't been so public about it at least like they were during all of 2008. in fact the very last update of this year on December 19th was jagex announcing that you could now pay for membership on funorb and RuneScape Via SMS the year 2009 started off with runescape's logout timer being changed from 90 seconds to 5 minutes on January 13th on January 27th an update was released that allowed players to filter their magic spells and teleports on February 9th another update was posted by jagex titled the future of RuneScape within this update it was explained that Jeff Edison was resigning as jagex's CEO and that he was being replaced by a man named Mark Gearhart otherwise known as mod MMG an interview was later published after Edison's departure in which MMG gave his speculation as to just why he resigned the quote by Mark was as follows the problem was a year or so ago there was let me say confusion a subtle word as to what part of the business was important I expect Jeff's Focus was just sort of on-profit and lost columns and all of the attention was sort of on members members members and members conversations and getting free players to convert to members by putting membership hooks into to the free game unfortunately that had a really negative effect on the community as you've taken what was an epic entirely free game and turned it into a sort of a demo for the members game which was never the idea so unfortunately we had a year where we did that one of my first orders of business in February was ripping that part out there are various things we did to monetize free players such as serving long-standing free players video advertisements something like 10 or 15 seconds long which was profitable was simply wrong not in the spirit of the free game absolutely wrong Mark Gerard knew that RuneScape had been out of touch with its Community most of 2008 and it began to attempt to reintroduce transparency between the business of jagex and its player base dragix began using social media specifically Twitter and YouTube at this time as a platform to communicate with their players once again because of Mark's proposed changes on February 10th the soul Wars minigame was released four days later on February 14th and quite fitting for Valentine's Day I might add the player lover Romeo achieved 200 mL XP in agility and Mining at the same time being the first player ever to do so in both skills on February 16th an update was posted on the main page in which mod MMG would host a q a and answer some players general questions about himself as the new acting CEO as players didn't want a repeat of 2008. it was during this time that when asked if he even played the game at all he answered that he currently had 90 quest points and a total level of 892 on an account in fact much of 2009 would consist of numerous q and A's with MMG furthering his mission of bringing back transparency and a connection between jagex and the players on March 31st most likely due to this same mission for transparency the rants section and the complements section of the RuneScape forms was officially re-added speaking of forum updates the RuneScape forums was opened up to free players for the first time ever and this would become permanent if you were a free player that had 12.5 mil XP on your account you could now access the forums on May 6th Wilderness only PVP worlds were released in Runescape as well the original PVP worlds would allow you to attack anybody you wanted all over gilinore however in these worlds the fighting would only be restricted to the Wilderness giving players back a sense of the Wilderness being dangerous as it was up until the end of 2007. on June 9th the rest feature was added to RuneScape alongside the Run energy orb next to the minimap there was also musicians put in place around the world that the player could sit down and rest at that would restore their run energy also but much faster than just resting on their own on July 24th RuneScape servers were released in their fourth language ever which was Brazilian Portuguese on August 11 2009 jagex had partnered up with Machinima from YouTube and they held a video making competition on the 25th of August the competition was over and a popular YouTuber at the time named Excel had won the competition Excel had already been partnered with Machinima and had made hundreds of videos for them already so his idea for the competition was to actually make a comical video of him trying to come up with an idea for the actual competition for winning he received lifetime membership as well as a paid way State trip to the UK to hang out at and tour jagex Studios he was accompanied by his good friend another famous YouTuber named Cameron at the time otherwise known as The Noob Show on September 7th a player by the name of unknown leves became the first level 3 account to achieve level 99 Slayer which he was able to do through the Civil Wars minigame ten days later on September 17th tutorial Island was once again removed and replaced by a brand new tutorial called unstable foundations it was essentially a remake of the previous learning the ropes tutorial only this time it was actually voice acted by jagex employees being runescape's first piece of voice acted content on September 23rd living Rock Caverns were released in RuneScape and a specific Rock was taken out of the desert mining Quarry simultaneously the Quarry had been the best XP per hour until this rock was taken out forcing living Rock Caverns to become the best mining XP per hour during this year making it quite clear that RuneScape was beginning to enter the age of social based Skilling on October 1st display names were taste this meant you still logged in with your original RuneScape username from when you created your account however your in-game name could be changed to whatever you wanted it to be furthering account security when it came to players being hacked unfortunately though this update caused the beginning of a RuneScape username trading black market for rare usernames on November 18th the RuneScape Forum avatars and the adventurers log was released on the RuneScape website that displayed your most recent achievements you can navigate to any player's Adventure or log by searching them on the high scores or by clicking on their new form profile avatars on November 25th RuneScape classic was reopened for a short amount of time for paying members even though the year might have started out a little rocky in some areas many players considered 2009 to be a really good nostalgic year to have played Runescape or to have started RuneScape jagex received a number of Awards this year as well they were listed in the Deloitte technology fast 50 a program that recognizes and profiles the fastest growing public or private technology companies within Central Europe and it was because of this systematic profiling that jagex had received the best company one to watch award they also were ranked 29th most successful game studio in the world by develop magazine they were given the best desktop game project award at the Duke's Choice Awards and also one developer of the year at the golden joysticks Awards [Music] on the 23rd of January in 2010 a strange event began happening on every single RuneScape game world every single player in RuneScape at the same time was forced to perform an emote called The Strange power when this event happened to you you'd receive a message in your chat box that said you feel a strange power unleash itself upon you after the emote would end players characters would be forced to face the north towards the Wilderness and nobody could figure out why many players had took to the forums and began writing their theories and conspiracies on February 1st the trading restrictions had received an update as well previously you were limited by the amount of cost points you had that didn't go away but you could Now train more items or gold to your friends based on how long your friendship had existed in months for example if you had been friends with a player for two months your trade limit between each other would be double if you were friends for three months it would be tripled and so on and so on on February 22nd Diamond Heim was released into the game and it gave players a little bit of an explanation as to what that strange power remote was all about originally players thought that they were being forced to face the Wilderness after the emote had ended but it was later understood upon Diamond heim's release that this area was the true Direction they'd be facing at the end of the emote Diamond Heim wasn't accessible when it was released but it became clear to everyone that this strange event was happening all in the name of a new skill that would soon come to RuneScape on February 26th jagex announced a prize draw called the big ticket if you had previously won any competition the jagex had hosted such as their last Machinima video competition you could now have a chance of winning this big ticket competition as well if you won the big ticket you would get to travel to jagex again and win a lot of other prizes along with that they were meant to be 24 players win this big ticket thing however the competition was later scrapped without any explanation as to why and only three players ever won it March 3rd of this year brought a number of updates the RuneScape login screen where players would originally click click here to play was done away with and a new Lobby system was put in its place when he logged into the lobby before you entered the game you'd be able to join Clan chats see which of your friends were online and you'd be able to chat with them there as well on the same day of this update the hit point skill was renamed to Constitution your hit points now known as life points were multiplied by 10. if you had 75 hp you now had 750 LP players hit Splats were also multiplied by 10 as well if your max hit was originally 25 it would now be 250. jagex made this change to signify that when players had originally hit zeros they wouldn't actually be hitting zeros in the system they'd just be hitting less than a one but not exactly zero and they wanted to show that fact to everyone better this change was not mentioned before it was released though and major riots ensued because of jagex being so vague before and after its release this was seen as a massive update to the players and a lot of them were not happy about this change 10 days later after this on March 13th the first bonus XP Weekend had officially launched giving players a 2.7 times bonus when Skilling on the weekends players were extremely apprehensive about this update at first thinking that this would surely break any sense of achievement amongst the player base but it actually turned out to be a massive success of an update and bonus XP Weekend still occurs on select weekends in RuneScape 3 to this day on April 1st jagex released a news post along with a cartoonish-looking map that was called wet and wildy and it was described in this news post that jirex was going to open a RuneScape theme amusement park in the future this was obviously an April Fool's joke but a lot of children at the time were quite upset when they found out that this was unfortunately fake including me at the time jagex a RuneScape amusement park would have been pretty freaking cool man on April 11th gerd jars became the first player ever to achieve 2 billion XP overall the next day on April 12th the dungeoneering skill was released and it was the first skill in RuneScape the players could level to 120 because of this guard jars quit the game on April 14 2010 something went wrong in the dungeoneering skill and it led to a bug that allowed players to reach absurd room crafting XP per hour rates inside of the dungeons this was fixed immediately and for the first time ever the RuneScape servers were rolled back on May 7th the player's Skiller 703 achieved level 99 dungeoneering before anybody else had scalar 703 was ranked one overall at this point in time with 1.2 billion XP overall but was later passed as many players gained engineering levels over 99 on May 25th RuneScape launched their first ever downloadable client you can now play RuneScape from your desktop instead of having to play it in an internet browser on the 12th of June an unknown update caused climbing boots to Skyrocket to a price of 75k before this they had been worth a few hundred coins some players that figure out that this change was apparently going to be happening before it did though and climbing boots were purchased in the hundreds of thousands creating billionaires overnight after the update released this was never fixed barely addressed and caused major rioting within falador on world 66 as well on June 15th jagex released ancient Effigies into the game you could use these items to gain massive amounts of XP with their releases players could no longer tell the differences between efficient Skilling and the use of ancient Effigies and this affected Skilling competitions at the time very negatively amongst the community because of this update the assist system also had to be shut down and done away with on August 22nd the player Temple Marcus became the first player ever to achieve level 120 dungeoneering thus making him the new rank 1 overall player on on August 28th the very first maroon Fest was held in London in the United Kingdom it was a way for jagex to reconnect with their players in the real world and online as they would also stream the entire event this being jagex's first public event however the entire staff was a bit nervous that it might not have meant event goers expectations and because of this they actually refunded every person's ticket that attended runefest in 2010. this Rune Fest was a massive success though in hindsight ticket refunds definitely did not need to happen runefest would go on as a traditional event in the real world each year the jagex would hold in the UK and it's still to this day an event that is very looked forward to by many on October 18th loads of new game sounds were being put into the game for both players reactions and monsters reactions instead of a small grunt your player would usually do when you were injured your player actually screamed now October ended this month with jagex once again for the second year in a row receiving the title of best developer at the golden joysticks Awards on the 29th on November 24 2010 the way RuneScape players logged into the game was changed in an attempt to further account security previously you had to log in with your username but for players that registered past 2010 they would now be given the option to log in with an email address instead of a username on December 21st after three long years jagex released a poll on the front page of their website titled Wilderness and free trade it was a poll that allowed players to vote on whether or not they wanted the Wilderness to be brought back and the trading and staking limits to be removed there was no no option on this poll however and the votes were not verified meaning that people quickly began spamming the vote counter over and over due to this first poorly executed poll jagex released the same poll once again three days later on December 24th with the proper vote spammer precautions in place and this time the poll actually did have a no option jagex stated that the poll prior to this one did not have a no option before because if players didn't want the Wilderness and free trade to return all they had to do was simply not vote it was also during this month in December that Andrew Gower had been put under a lot of stress since he had first created did RuneScape back in 2001. things were changing and he was unhappy with these changes and more so having to be responsible for them he would later say in runescape's 15th year anniversary documentary The Following I suddenly realized whilst I wasn't in charge all of a sudden what I had to say didn't matter so much people would be doing things not the way I wanted them to do them that was the whole point of course I didn't want to be responsible I just wanted to be able to advise and help and nurture the game I had made without having to be so responsible but as soon as that responsibility was taken away I realized oh dear you can't have it both ways without the responsibility you can't have the authority you can't have one without the other and by trying to make myself less stressed and reduce the responsibility I had also reduced the authority and I made a mistake quite frankly it eventually reached the point where I wasn't doing anything for jagex anymore and there was no sort of date when I left either it was just something that sort of faded away Andrew had finally sold his stakes in jagex and left the board of directors at the end of 2010. mod Mark in later years would state that he never got the chance to hug him and just say thanks for everything [Music] January opened up this year with jagex celebrating runescape's 10-year anniversary because of this the company actually gave out ten thousand dollars to one lucky player every single month of the year because of this anniversary on January 10th RuneScape received the next boss being the first monster ever in RuneScape with a combat level of 1000 on January 14th the voting for The Wilderness and free trade to return poll was closed and three days later on January 17th jagex had confirmed in a News Post that they would both definitely be brought back the poll ended with almost 1.2 million players voting yes making up 91 percent of the poll compared to the other players that voted no for the change on February 1st 2011 the Wilderness and free trade had officially been re-implemented into the game and Bounty Hunter worlds were removed unfortunately many players had left because of the Wilderness and the free trade update at the beginning of 2008. here's what RuneScape looked like in 2008. here's what RuneScape looked like in 2011. I myself attempted to return to the game in 2011 after I had quit in 2009 but when I came back even though the Wilderness and the free trading was back everything else still seemed now more than ever unrecognizable I myself wouldn't return to RuneScape again until 2014 after hearing about the release of old school RuneScape one year after it had already been out this case of mine unfortunately for jagex at the time would be the cases of many throughout these years even though they brought the Wilderness and free trading back in 2011 RuneScape as a whole since 2008 had changed drastically on April 12 this year Clan chat was renamed to friends chat and a more proper version of Clan Chan was put into the game for actual Clans on April 21st jagex won the Queen's award for Enterprise within the Innovation category on May 3rd The Capes of Distinction were released the player castle Wars would be the first player ever to obtain a completion Escape just 20 minutes after the update had released Castle Wars had helped jagex with the requirement suggestions for this update and because of this he and he alone would be the only one with the completionist cape for about three months after they were brought into the game on the 28th of June the Loyalty program released this was a shop that was introduced into the game world that you could visit and purchase items and auras for your player based off of how long you had recurring membership status some of these auras did things like making your player deliver the last killing blow to a monster 100 of the time though a very small thing it did Mark the beginning for a little glimpse into the future of RuneScape as the game would soon start leaning towards a pay-to-win style on July 22 6 Clan citadels were released on August 6th some bug abusers had actually obtained the rotten potato by pickpocketing mod chriso within the stealing Creations minigame this marks the first time ever that a non-jaymond player had a jaymon item in their inventory on August 18th the refer a friend system was introduced by Jag X if you referred a friend and your friend achieved a certain level status within the game after playing for a bit you as the referrer would receive a 10 XP boost for one week players were limited to five for first per year September marked the month where the tsuwami era would begin in RuneScape as he would climb to rank one overall and hold it for quite some time Swami is actually a good friend of mine and on a personal side known here I do miss him as he hasn't played the game in a very long time on October 4th RuneScape received a small yet sort of big update the camera controls were no longer limited by your arrow keys as they had been ever since runescape's creation you can now use your middle Mouse wheel when controlling the camera instead October 25th 2011 became known as botany day jagex had released a program into the game that they called cluster flutterer this banned over 7 million of illegitimate accounts in one nine unfortunately apart from all the positive sides of this update there was one negative factor a third of runescape's player base had vanished Bots had literally made up about 35 percent of runescape's player base at this time and a lot of young players couldn't understand this to them it just seemed like RuneScape was becoming less popular or that the game was dying neither was really too much the case it's just that 98 of all bots in RuneScape had just been wiped out completely overnight on November 11th RuneScape received its very first fully voice acted Quest being one fiercing note on November 22nd an update on the main website was posted called RuneScape Revolution within this update RuneScape received another game frame change more particle and graphics reworks and to top it all off the high scores was permanently removed for free players this meant that free to play competitive Skilling would become a thing of the past on December 6th the tool belt and muddy pouch was released in RuneScape as well you no longer had to have your money in your inventory you could keep it in a little pouch near the minimap and the tool belt would hold a variety of tools such as Spades hammers Tinder boxes and so on you would never again need any of these tools when training the skills that they were associated with if you had placed them in your tool belt menu [Music] during this year jagex had reached over 500 employees at their company it was also during this year that inside Venture Partners had increased their stake in jagex they increased it from 35 percent to 55 percent giving it a controlling factor in the company's decisions from here on out on January 4th of this year all barrows armor had received a graphical upgrade on January 10th RuneScape received the best browser game award and The Game of the Year award on on February 14th the Czar City along with all of its inhabitant NPCs received a major graphical upgrade which at the time I thought looked awesome funnily enough because of this update though players had to relearn Jad all over again because he had received new animations on February 28th the squeal of Fortune released marking the beginning of microtransactions being put into RuneScape on March 6th all player armor received a massive graphical reware for example melee armor went from this to this on March 13th lodestones were put into places all around gilinore players could use these lodestones to teleport to any City they wanted to at any time 2012's April full event was a really funny one jagex had posted that they were giving out green pea hats in lumbridge if he went to lumbridge it wasn't exactly a green party hat you received like most people were hoping for however instead it was literally just an actual P that you could put on your head and the same April Fool's update jagex also released a very hilarious video where they showed off what they called at the time Jag motion an exciting new way to play RuneScape in virtual reality April 2nd was the day that microtransactions officially made their way into runes game the squeal of Fortune had already been out since February but you couldn't buy spins up until now up until now it seemed like an innocent update you could now buy these spins with real world money or you could get them from a ticket from Monster drops essentially children began gambling on this game this caused major riots like RuneScape had never seen before the Wilderness and free trade had just been brought back and the whole removal of it in the first place in 2008 was because of Real World Trading so jagex seemed extremely hypocritical amongst players for releasing this update in fact even some jagex moderators were not happy about this update to many with the introductions of micro transactions RuneScape became just like every other game out there and was considered no longer special shortly after this update Paul Gower resigned as he had promised that RuneScape would never receive microtransactions as far back as 2003. 22 days later on April 24th free players and members could receive even more spins on the school of Fortune by completing quests on April 30th 2012 the Rune span was released a whole new plane of existence in which players could train runecrafting this update skyrocketed runecrafting's XP per hour rates and because of it having 99 runecrafting at this time time became one of the least popular achievements something completely unheard of before this update released on May 4th modmark gerhardt released an update on the game's website calling the squeal of Fortune a massive success despite all the hate he even said it was one of runescape's most appreciated updates since the beginning of runescape's existence due to 90 of the player base engaging with the wheel yeah it was probably a success because children became addicted to gambling their real world money away on May 10th fire making was completely changed instead of lighting logs in a straight line like everyone had before players would now create bonfires in which other players could throw logs on other players fires receiving fire making XP when he used another player's bonfire you were also given a slight bonus and boost in your XP rate for the skill as well the game was completely changing and runescape's biggest update ever began development on May 18 2012 the evolution of combat beta signup period was released for paying members of the game to apply for on May 22nd Queen black dragon boss released with a combat level of 900 on May 28th a single update was released titled squill of Fortune win more win big jagex had announced that it was now even more possible for players to win bigger prizes when spinning the wheel for example the 200 mil cash stack on the will had been changed to 500 mil and you had a 10 times better chance of winning it on June 4th the school of Fortune was changed to the squill of Neptune featuring more aquatic items you can now obtain a rare category item called a fish mask that blew bubbles on the wheel and it was also tradable yet somehow today isn't really rare at all even though it's a discontinued item I guess it just goes to show that if the player base doesn't like something strong enough even intended rares simply just won't become rare with time this fish mask was the first rare item that had been introduced to the game ever since Santa hats released in December of 2002. 10 days later on June 14th JX announced that the school of Fortune spins were on sale for 50 off and if you bought them you'd also receive more bonus spins when spinning the wheel because of it on June 26th the evolution of combat Beta had officially launched for the applicants that had signed up to try it 50 000 players were accepted for this on July 1st 2012 the school of Fortune's will was replaced with nothing but XP lamps for one wink during this week XP rates of players skyrocketed based off of how wealthy they were in the real world furthering the pay-to-win concept the game decided to take on on July 17th the Solomon's General Store was released along with Rune coins you could buy Rune coins off of the RuneScape website with real world money and use those Rune coins to purchase cosmetic items from the newly released Solomon's General Store furthering the company's decisions with microtransactions on July 19th jagex had announced that RuneScape had received over 200 million accounts registered on their game on August 10th even more skins were added to the Solomon's General Store for players Shields and weapons four days later on August 14th it was announced that jagex had once again doubled the amount of cash on the school of Fortune on August 29th another news update was posted where mod MMG once again called the squill of Fortune as well as this time the Solomon's General Store massive successes despite even more hate on September 9th of this year gilinore was being changed heavily in preparation for the release of the evolution of combat a lot of Landscapes at this time were having their graphical appearances upgraded on September 26th Botany Bay was released this put an area in the game where all bombers would go if they were caught cheating in game players could visit Botany Bay and make fun of them when they had been captured it was a funny little update and the technology and programming behind this new body detection software was actually developed by former botting website owner Jack mob who was later given a job at Jag X by Mark gerhorn because of his programming skills on the 9th of October the king black dragon runescape's first ever boss monster finally received its own graphical upgrade the rest of October's Updates this year were all about the school of Fortune and the Solomon's General Store on November 9th jagex released a poll in which players gave their feedback about the evolution of Combat coming to RuneScape here were the results eleven days later on November 20th the biggest most controversial Community splitting update in runescape's evolutionary history the evolution of combat was released across all RuneScape servers during this year jagex's turnover as a business Rose almost 50 million pounds most likely due to the school of Fortune and the Solomon's General Store [Music] everything [Music] on January 23rd of this year an update was posted on the main news feed in which mod MMG finally agreed with the community about the school of Fortune and the Solomon's General Store admitting that most of 2012's update feed was dominated by the two microtransaction shops the next day on January 24th RuneScape player so wrecked made a video on YouTube challenging jagex to release an older version of RuneScape he created a petition for this change on and 44 770 people had signed it previously in 2012 a private server was created called 2006 game but it was shut down by Jag X on January 2nd of this year after having 500 000 players registered on it the community's passion for the older game version became very clear to Jack X on February 1st mod Mark released a form thread talking about the passion for the developers and the players alike that all took part in 2006 Escape he even asked Andrew Gower at this time what he thought about bringing an older version of the game back and Andrew immediately agreed that this would be a good move for Jag X however most J mods estimated that old-school runescape's lifespan would only be about 6 months before it would have to be shut down wrong so 12 Days Later a huge advertisement for a poll was displayed on the main website that read old school RuneScape you vote within this poll there were a number of Milestones that could be met in correspondence with the vote count the voting ended with a total number of 449 351 votes due to players votes almost reaching a specific Milestone old-school RuneScape received a proper development team that would update the game consistently and the first six months of old school RuneScape membership would be absolutely free for everyone it was Maude Philip who found an old hard drive that contained the August 10 2007 revision of RuneScape in the back of a safe at Jack X headquarters on February 22nd 2013 old school RuneScape was officially released to the public just five days later osrs player ads rate was the first player ever to achieve a level 99 in osrs being the theme skill on March 1st the player vongola achieved level 99 cooking first as well over in the other version of RuneScape a new era began in the game as the quest the world wakes was released marking the beginning of the sixth age within the game version's lore meaning that all other quests prior to this one had taken place in the past within the fifth age that's actually really interesting and cool to me on March 18th suami would become the first player ever to reach 5 billion total XP overall making him also the first player to have ever gained 200 million XP in every single stat on March 29th the HTML5 beta of RuneScape was announced this HTML5 client was at one point in time thought to be by Jag X the future of browser gaming with this massive client change soon to be happening to RuneScape 2 jagex decided to begin officially calling this game version RuneScape 3. on April 17th the RuneScape 3 beta program was released for players to sign up and try out the new graphics associated with the HTML5 client on April 4 RuneScape 3 received an update in which the game frame could be edited around your game screen much like customizable Huds on other video games along with this update a massive overhaul and rework of RuneScape 3's songs were done by an actual Orchestra they had previously been done by a synthesizer as an example of this here's what the song Harmony now sounded like compared to its older version foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] from April to July within RuneScape 3 most of their updates were about the HTML5 beta program the squeal of Fortune and the Solomon's General store along with a brand new website makeover it was also during these months that localized moderators were reinstated on the forums as Community managers for the other non-english RuneScape 3 servers on August 16 2013 the players so wrecked that originally created the petition for old school RuneScape was hired at jagex two days later though on August 18th he would be fired before he could even start the job due to a video leaking of him saying that he as a Jag X moderator would have definitely abused his powers he also said some pretty racist stuff on August 20th within RuneScape 3 the Divination skill released nine days later on August 29th the player I'm choices achieved level 99 divination furnace before anybody on the 5th of September this year old school RuneScape received its very first original update that didn't exist in the real 2007 game version being the nightmare Zone jagrix had been doing research on gold farming again and they had found that over fifty percent of the RuneScape community at some point in their RuneScape careers had purchased gold and that they wanted to do something about it on September 25th jagex made a decision that they did not take lightly with old school RuneScape they had released membership bonds within the game it was essentially an item in game that you could redeem for membership after you had bought it off of the old school RuneScape website the idea for this update happened when someone had come to modmark and mentioned a video game that they were playing in which actual membership for whatever game that was was an in-game item that could be purchased modmark thought seriously about this as well as Jax as a whole wondering if they could do the same with the osrs membership the company had remembered 2012 and how horribly it went with the introductions of micro transactions like this and everyone was extremely worried and apprehensive but the old school RuneScape membership bonds turned out to be a massive success and still are to this day the only form of microtransactions that exist within old-school RuneScape following this update Real World Trading had dropped by 61 percent on October 27 23rd teen old school RuneScape player Jeb Rim became the first player ever within the game version to achieve all level 99 stats on the 12th of December this year jagex CEO Mark Gerhard was forced to resign from JAG X he was forced because he had disagreed with microtransactions becoming more and more prevalent within RuneScape 3. the board of directors at Jag X wanted to keep adding them and he didn't want any part of it and tried to fight it so they voted him out he would remain CEO another year before leaving however due to Legal contracts on the next day on December 13th RuneScape 3 player drum gun was the first to achieve 200ml XP in the Divination skill old-school RuneScape ended this year with the player vestfold achieving rank 1 overall on December 28th overtaking the ring from the player user who had previously been rank one overall for the past month [Music] on January 16th of this year osrs received an update that placed a hit points orb and prayer orb next to the minimap one week later on January 23rd the stronghold Slayer cave was released at The Gnome stronghold as well giving a little more variety when it came to training with Slayer skill over in RuneScape 3 on February 4th the school of Fortune was reworked and renamed to treasure hunter instead of buying spins you can now buy keys to open chests on February 6th osrs received a mechanic called quick prayers in which you could click your prayer orb and it would bring up multiple specific prayers for you that you had chosen to be your quick prayers along with this update the HP orb received the heal option when you were poisoned as well and the Run energy orb that was displayed on the minimap could now be clicked whenever you wanted to run somewhere instead of having to navigate to the wrench at the bottom of the game frame also in the same update boss monsters loot that they dropped would now be broadcasted within the game's chat on March 13th the Wilderness within osrs received a massive rejuvenate and many boss monsters and other high-level monsters were put in place around the entire Wilderness making it much more dangerous to venture into on April 1st a long anticipated skill called sailing was released in old school RuneScape as an April Fool's joke and a nod back to the past anticipation players once had when they believed that this skill might have been coming to the game on April 10th the smoke devil and the Kraken boss was released on April 24th the mother loan mine was released into osrs as well making training mining a bit more interesting than it you know already was on April 28th RuneScape 3 had received Master skill capes players who had achieved a virtual level of 120 in skills now had new skill capes to show for it on May 1st RuneScape 3 also received portable Skilling stations these stations were very close to the banks that furthered the aspect of social Skilling within that game version on the 8th of May something that never existed in the original 2007 version of RuneScape was released into osrs being Bank tabs which many players found to be extremely useful especially if you're like me I am so OCD about that on May 14th drum gun had officially passed tsunami in RuneScape 3 becoming the new rank 1 overall on May 27th old-school RuneScape was opened up to free players for the first time for a short period of time originally you needed membership to be able to play osrs but during this time anybody could now try it out on June 19th within the game version Clan Wars was released in the desert on July 2nd drumgun received 200 million XP in the farming skill capping his account at 5.2 billion XP overall because of this drum gun would be rank 1 overall in RuneScape 3 permanently until a new skill was released on July 14th legacy mode was added to RuneScape 3. within legacy mode worlds you can now play RuneScape 3 without the evolution of combat the combat instead would be much like the older version of the game on July 17th an osrs JX noticed that the monster spawn timers were sort of outdated and they reworked them to match up to the current player base numbers along with this update loads of Boss monster pets were added into the game on July 24th the osrs free-to-play trial period was extended due to the massive success that it was in the same update the boss monster kill count numbers were added to the game's chat on the 7th of August jagex had released old-school runescape's first ever downloadable client prior to this everyone used a third-party client or their internet browsers on August 8th within a period of two 12-hour long streams osrs player and massively popular YouTuber and streamer Bodie had raised 50 000 pounds for MacMillan cancer support by live streaming old school RuneScape on August 21st in-game poll boosts were released in osrs Bull boosts were added at every single Bank in osrs and it made getting votes and feedback from players for Jack X much easier so far jagex had released only poll past updates in which results of the votes exceeded 75 percent positive on the 9th of September random events were made optional and the same day a News Post was posted on RuneScape 3's website and old school runescape's website it was an official letter from Mark Gerhard officially resigning from jagex and saying goodbye on September 18th jagex released Bounty Hunter Center within old school on September 22nd priftinus was finally released in RuneScape 3. this city had existed on the RuneScape map for 10 years before this but was never officially implemented until now on October 11th at runefest 2014 jagex had announced that the original plans for the HTML5 RS3 client had been scrapped on October 13th heavily inspired by faux freedom and bodhi's gameplay during this year with an old school Iron Man and Ultimate Iron Man modes were released within RuneScape 3 and old school RuneScape it was also the same day that longtime popular RuneScape YouTuber Chris Archie had officially joined jagex and would now be known as mod Archie hosting many of the company's live streams and videos on their YouTube channels from here on out on October 16th the Corporal Beast was released in Old School along with the boss's Spirit Shields and sigils on the 12th of December the trading post was released in every Bank within osrs the grand exchange had not existed yet in old school RuneScape during this time the trading post was implemented because prior to it players had been training with other players through a website site called zybes they would put their items up for cell and be pm'd by another player in game they would meet and make trades The Trading Post would put an end to this being virtually similar to the previous website itself but it was in game instead December ended 2014 with old school RuneScape players sick nerd achieving rank 1 overall on the high scores [Music] on January 8th old school RuneScape received a new boss monster being zolra the snake next month on February 5th the dragon Defender was released as well with the massive success old-school runescape's extended free-to-play trial accumulated it was decided on February 19th that old school RuneScape would receive permanent free-to-play servers this brought so many players to old school because of this decision from JAG X on February 26 2015 the grand exchange was released in old school RuneScape and the Trading Post had been removed from the game this update was highly controversial and the old school Community was essentially half and half when it came to this decision after its release players no longer had to stand at a Barack West Bank spamming that they were selling something on March 5th loads of more achievement Diaries were put in place in old school RuneScape along with this update and achievement diary skill Cape was also released that players could obtain if they completed them all on March 13th RuneScape 3 Iron Man player dreary became the first RS3 Iron Man to achieve level 99 in all skills on March 19 old school received an update to the chat dialogues you can now press numbers when choosing dialog options and you can press the space bar as well to continue to the next dialogues in the chat on March 23rd RuneScape 3 saw the release of its 200th Quest being the dimensions of disaster on April Fool's Day this year Jax posted a news update on the osrs page in which they described how they had recently implemented the quest while Gothic sleeps into the game as well as Dragon claws Dragon claws weren't out yet in old school RuneScape the quest wasn't actually in the game but a pair of fake dragon claws actually were you could click a wheeled option on them and your player would perform the dragon claw special attack deep mode after the event was over they were renamed to Diego's claws on the 21st of April this year a jagex moderator by the name of mod reach was fired for reasons that are still unknown to this day though it was widely rumored that he was planning to implement a major bug into the game that would have damaged old school's economy immensely on April 24th jagex proposed a new old-school RuneScape website designed to players here's what it looked like this wasn't old school at all to many and players quickly shut this pole down with no votes immediately jagex still to this day has never proposed a new osrs website design again on May 7th partnered Slayer was released in Old School which made training Slayer a little more fun now that you could do it with a friend on the 21st of May the world switcher was released on the logout screen within the game on June 4th old school RuneScape finally received a resizable game screen option in which players could now play old school RuneScape in a full screen mode instead of within a tiny resolution if you were playing on the original fixed mode on the 25th of June Platinum tokens were released into the game and each one of these tokens served as a substitute for 1 000 gold coins each so if you hit Max cash in RuneScape you could transfer some of that wealth into Platinum tokens and still be able to hold more gold coins after doing so as you can imagine these became extremely popular among stakers at the Dole Arena on this same day all boss monster rooms and dungeons within the game received a peak option letting you know if another player was inside killing the boss monsters that you wanted to kill already on July 13th RuneScape 3 had received a high-level group combat activity known as raids and along with them came two new boss monsters being Beastmaster durzag and yakumaru on July 30th of this year osrs received the ability to customize your F keys and alongside this update a music skill Cape had also been added for any players that had unlocked every single song within the game on August 8th the Jad pet was released an XP number drop counter was released and a page on the osrs website in which Grand exchange item stock changes could now be viewed and tracked by merchanters on August 14th osr's player links Titan achieved level 99 range making him rank 1 overall within the game Link's Titan still to this day is rank 1 overall currently within old school RuneScape on August 27th osrs received a new boss as well being the hellhound Slayer boss Cerberus jagex had released some great updates to old school RuneScape this year but every now and again they would propose something that players would quickly vote no on another example of this would be that during this month the sailing skill was actually proposed to the play players to be a pole but it was in my opinion unfortunately voted no against by the majority of players I only wanted it because I along with many had anticipated this becoming an official skill ever since 2006. over in RuneScape 3 on September 14th the player Lama Orr became the first Iron Man account to have obtained a trimmed completion escape on September 16th RuneScape 3 received a new game mode called darkscape a mode in which PVP was enabled all throughout the specific Game World on the same day for an undisclosed reason localized moderators were once again removed from the forums this time permanently it was also during September of 2015 that old school runescape's player base had officially passed RuneScape 3's player base making osrs the more popular version of both games on October 1st another Slayer boss was released to old school being the Abyssal sire along with its release more Abyssal weapons were added to the game as well on October 5th RuneScape 3's stat menu was updated to where players could see their virtual levels past 99 even though most skills during this time were still capped at 99 and not actually 120 like dungeoneering was on October 13th the very first osrs Iron Man player being Leslie had achieved level 99 in all skills on October 15th the Max Cape was put into osrs for all players that had achieved level 99s in all skills as well at the end of October on the 29th a game mode similar to RuneScape 3's darkscape mode was released in old school and it was called Dead Man mode the same rules applying to this mode is RS3 and PVP in dead man mode worlds were allowed anywhere on November 5th Skilling pets were released in osrs as well making Skilling after level 99 seemed more worth doing as there was still an achievement you could obtain on the 19th of November the Max Cape was updated to be able to be combined with the fire Cape Ava's accumulator and the zamarok Sarah Doman and gothic's Magic capes 2015 ended this year with an update to osrs December 3rd in which skill capes now had perks when they were worn for example the magic skill Cape would now allow players to swap between spell books five times per day foreign [Music] on the 7th of January old school RuneScape had received its biggest update yet it received a brand new continent in the Northwestern corner of the map called Zaya over the course of mid-2015 development blogs had been talking about this continent's release and loads of concept was put out depicting what Zea would look like when it did release however the continent didn't even really seem like much of a continent when it did release it was interesting to explore but honestly the whole thing was sort of a big flop when it first came out the continent was very squarish and the surrounding areas didn't seem very natural looking as they could have been jagex worked hard on this continent and Zaya looks great today but when it first released it seemed very unfinished and not much content could be found on the continent itself on January 21st jagex added in addition to Zaya being some boss monsters known as the lizardmen shamans the shamans would drop a new Dragon weapon being the dragon Warhammer a very useful weapon for bossing that is still very much used in osrs today over in RuneScape 3 on the 25th of January the game's 27th skill was released being the invention skill on January 26th the very next day and also under 24 hours the player's scuzzy had achieved level 99 invention first followed by achieving level 120 invention first the very next day on the 27th as well on January 31st the player lay me became the new rank one overall player in RuneScape 3. Lamy is still rank 1 overall in RS3 even today on March 9th of this year jagex had released seasonal dead man moaned worlds players would be able to play dead man mode on these worlds for 3 months only until their accounts were reset after they'd been reset the top 2000 players that had progressed their accounts the most during the season would then qualify to participate in the dead man mode seasonal Invitational Tournament hosted by jagex later on the prize for winning these tournaments would be ten thousand dollars on March 21st the first osrs player to place first in a Deadman mode Invitational was the player you never learn on March 28th unfortunately darkscape and RuneScape 3 was a officially removed and done away with due to players not really being interested in participating in that game mode on April 14th next month old school runescape's Banks were once again updated with item placeholders if you have the placeholders option toggled in your bank your items would stay in the bank at a number of zero after you withdrew them instead of just disappearing on May 6 the monkey Madness 2 Quest was released in osrs on June 6 2016 RuneScape 3 and old school RuneScape somewhat celebrated the falador massacre by each game version putting on their own events to commemorate the day the original Massacre took place in old school RuneScape you could find durial 321 killing players in falador and in RuneScape 3 other players became durial and attacked other players around them jagex also recreated cursed U's house as it was in 2006 for players to visit furthering Zaya's development in the year on June 9th osrs received a new Slayer dungeon on Zaya being the catacombs of karend seven days later a new boss monster was also put in the catacombs being the demon scottizo on July 6 Matt Master Level clue Scrolls were introduced into old school and along with them loads of new rewards Master Clues is still popular to this day as content for streamers on Twitch on the 5th of July this year RuneScape had received a massive expansion to their worlds being the Eastern lands a continent that was rumored to release for a long time as far back as the year 2005. on August 4th The Last Man Standing minigame was released in old school RuneScape and the game was similar to a Battle Royale on August 5th the J mods of osrs released a News Post discussing third-party clients third-party clients are clients that you can play old school RuneScape on such as roonline which offers an immense amount of tools used for for Skilling that the original official osr's client didn't have while runelight had been confirmed to be perfectly fine to use from JAG X other third-party clients that the players began using were beginning to get them in trouble one such client the jagex mentioned within the News Post was a client called RuneScape HD this client completely transformed the game into an HD version of old school RuneScape jagex stated that this client was into distinguishable from bonding clients within their botting software detection systems and that using it would most likely result in players accounts being banned because of this jagex began becoming more transparent about which third-party clients were okay to use and which ones sometimes even unfortunately were not even if they weren't cheating related clients on August 22nd RuneScape 3 had released their own set of Skilling pets on August 25th the construction skill in osr has received a massive expansion upgrade prior to this update there weren't very many tools within players houses that could help them when they were Skilling in the game that all changed after this update brought loads of useful tools to players houses and players had more of an incentive to train construction after a certain point that was previously seemingly pointless on September 8th training fire making in old school RuneScape became more fun and less pointless when jagex added a boss for the skill called the winter toad in which players would work together to defeat making fire making now a social skill and actually a pretty good money making method before this when he trained fire making it seemed like you were just burning your money away for no reason with the logs you had bought for four days later on September 12th jagex had announced that RuneScape had achieved a milestone of 250 million accounts registered on October 6th free players with an old-school RuneScape had received their very first boss monster being a level 106 Hill giant called obor prior to this the only monster that would have been considered a boss in free to play was elvarg the dragon that the players would defeat during the dragon slayer Quest on October 25th Ian Gower the last founder of RuneScape still working at jaganx decided to leave the company to pursue other projects on the 10th of November old school RuneScape received a new Iron Man mode being hardcore Iron Man mode players who didn't die at the Corporal Beast cave by accidentally missed clicking on their way to the bathroom would keep this red status simple next to their name so long as they never died sorry booty if they did die they would be downgraded to a normal Iron Man account on November 11th hardcore Iron Man mode player iron Seto achieved the title of final boss in RuneScape 3. this title required the player to have killed all boss monsters in the game 100 times without dying on November 17th the continent of Zay and osrs received a massive graphical overhaul making it much more natural looking as it had originally been planned to be [Music] on March 30th 2017 Club Penguin was officially shut down just kidding just making sure you're paying attention I'm actually not kidding Club Penguin was shut down anyway on January 5th of 2017 old school RuneScape received the chambers of zarek commonly known as raids within the Kevo slow lands on the southwestern region of the continent of Zaya during raids players would work together to get through rooms filled with puzzles and tasks before coming to the end where the final boss the great om would reside ULM had a combat level of 1043 being old school's first boss monster that was level 1000 this activity would also bring on loads of new rewards for players to try to get for completing the raids the most popular being the Twisted bow which today is worth 1.1 billion coins within old school RuneScape making it the fifth most expensive item in the game as of September 17 2020. on February 2nd osrs also received an update that put silver jewelry in the game for the first time these silver jewelry items would also come with teleports and many helpful attributes when it came to Skilling on February 23rd the shift-click dropping system was added to old school and construction became a lot easier when keyboard shortcuts being added to the building menus as well on April 5th jagex had changed their logo for the first time ever since 2008. throughout jagex's lifespan as a company including this new logo there has only ever been three jagex logos altogether on May 25th a world map orb was put into old school runescape's game frame near the minimap it allowed players to view the world map in game and see where their players were walking at on the map in real time prior to this update you had to look up the map online or view it on the osrs website on June 1st old school RuneScape received a new best in slot Cape over the fire Cape similar to the Tsar fight games where players would have to survive 63 waves of monsters jagex had released another mini game called The Inferno within this minigame players had to survive 68 waves of monsters before reaching the final boss on Wave 69 being a level 1400 monster called Zuck at one point during this minigame you are literally attacked by four different jads all at once if players managed to defeat Zuck They will receive an infernal Camp as a reward the best Cape within the game still to this day widely considered by the community to be runescape's greatest pvmer the player wooks would come to be the first osrs player to complete the Inferno just two days after it was released on June 3rd granting him a reward of a real-life version of The Inferno Cape sent from JAG X on June 5th of this year RuneScape 3 received an update that had been anticipated ever since 2005 being the menopause area within the desert this huge update finally LED players to being able to access an area within RuneScape that had been on the map but inaccessible for the past 12 years next month on July 7 2017 in an update titled unfinished business jagex announced on RuneScape 3's website that they would be canceling all future RuneScape 3 expansions that had been planned instead they would be backtracking working on previously unfinished content in the game that was supposed to come out years ago but never did and they would also begin working on fixing glitches and bugs that had to do with content that had already been out in the game for a long time 10 days later on July 17th old school RuneScape mobile was announced to players for the very first time everyone was very excited and the update was originally planned to release in the winter of 2017 this year but osrs mobile didn't actually come out until October in 2018 instead on July 20th the castle Wars minigame was released for free players they could access the minigame through a portal located at clan wars in the desert on August 20th RuneScape 3 player manir knob became the first free player ever to achieve 200 mil XP in all free to play stats on September 7 the fossil Island was released to old school RuneScape next month on October 9th the Fletching skill was released to free players within RS3 for the first time ever since its Creation in 2002. on October 26th osrs received another boss that resided at the top of the Slayer tower being the grotesque Guardians on November 1st jagex launched their first Skilling competition within old school called King of the skill King of the skill is a competition that still sees reasonably is held today in which players would have 24 hours time to get as progressed as they possibly can within old school RuneScape Before Time runs out here is the result of the first king of the skill competition on November 23rd the Mage Arena 2 was released giving an upgrade to the magic god capes that had existed in the game ever since 2003 these new versions of caves could also be combined with the max cape on November 29 2017 a video was uploaded by some members of the old school RuneScape Clan front line exposing mod Jed abusing his jagex moderator powers to help their rival Clan reign of terror in illegal ways during old school RuneScape tournaments where real cash was on the line he had supposedly released IP addresses for DDOS attacks to be committed and gave reign of terror information about updates before they had released such as the Revenant caves in the wilderness Majid was a member of Reign of Terror himself and he had been rumored to have been doing this as far back as march 2016. on November 30th the very next morning Majed was questioned by jagex company seniors about these allegations against modjet denied everything saying that the screenshots were faked and not enough evidence was found to Warrant any sort of punishment and he was led off the hook on December 1st jagex began investigating modjet further but still ended up concluding that the statements made against him were false and Jed decided to just officially resign from being a member of the reign of terror Clan at the time further adding to the suspicions taking place around these tournaments at this time on December 4th the dead man mode seasonal finale had taken place this day and reign of terror lost the tournament after having won the last six shortly after mod Jed resigned from their clan in the following Winks the original accusers of mod Jed making up a total of 17 members of Frontline had their accounts hacked and hijacked and the hijackers were bought on their accounts to get them banned permanently their usernames would also be changed to reign of terror related terms so it was clear who is behind this attack an anonymous jagex moderator was working with Frontline member total Terror at the time and got all of the victims accounts unbanned however after this stunt jagrix once again for a third time investigated any involvement longed could have had but he was also once again found not guilty Majid was officially moved however to the osr's mobile development team of J mods where he could do less damage if he was guilty from there he would continue to be monitored closely [Music] on January 4th 2018 old school RuneScape released an Epic Quest that was filled with Nostalgia along the way of completing it being dragon slayer 2. this is my personal favorite old school Quest and along with it the new dragon boss vorcath was released bringing Ava's assembler into the game as well in March of this year it was confirmed that old school runescape's player count had doubled that of RuneScape 3s on April 5th old school RuneScape saw the release of its first ever free to play PVP worlds on April 24th jagex accidentally switched the designated dead man mode world to World 347 because of this change players logged in with their original old school RuneScape stats on this new accidental dead man mode World players began attacking each other immediately when you die in dead man mode your stats are knocked back some levels fortunately only three players were ever killed one of whom was player deomash who unintentionally became the first player ever to have an herblore skill Cape with an erblore level of 98 which is actually kind of cool on May 3rd free to play received their second boss ever being Brio Fida the level 128 Moss giant boss on June 7th the theater of blood released in old school RuneScape this activity is a raids-like styled activity similar to the chambers of zarek's raids on July 12th osrs player masram law posted a thread on Old School runescape's Reddit page explaining to everyone that Jack X had an Undiscovered security breach regarding players accounts numerous extremely wealthy high-level players at this time were being hacked despite them all having great account security measures masrim law posted this thread after he himself lost 45 billion on his account the total wealth of all accounts being hacked at this time was worth around 100 000 US Dollars masram law would unfortunately be ridiculed and ignored by most players that responded to his Reddit thread and they called him paranoid or suggested that his account was lacking in Security on the same day a glitch occurred with the coin pouches that had been added when training the thieving skill for an unknown reason when players died with stackable items those items would turn into max cash on the ground Edgeville I reckon we'll kill him wherever he is because I yes what because of this major economy breaking bug the game was taken offline and old school RuneScape was rolled back to a previous state for the second time ever in RuneScape history on the 6th of August 2018 a very sad day occurred in runescape's history and today it didn't matter if you're an old school player or a RuneScape 3 player with heavy hearts jagex sadly closed RuneScape classic down forever deleting the game version off of the RuneScape 3 website they gave players a notice before doing this and thousands of players once again for the first time since 2003 15 years ago flooded the RuneScape classic servers for the last time a RuneScape classic player by the name of Titus Furious was streaming this event as it happened on Twitch and to his own surprise he actually began crying on his stream stating that he was overwhelmed with all these feelings of nostalgia and sadness at the same time jangx was absolutely touched by a stream so much so that they canceled closing classic down for a little bit long enough for Titus Furious to complete the final RuneScape classic Quest that was ever made being the Legends quest on the very next day on on August 7th after RuneScape classic was deleted forever the entire fun orb website and all 43 games on it were also deleted permanently it was during the same month that mod jet had finally been connected to a series of account hijackings on September 20th jagex officially fired mod Jed and returned several billions to the affected accounts in the News Post jagex stated that they were working with the police on this investigation and couldn't say much more due to this being an ongoing legal battle mod Jed rigged so many competitions that involved thousands of real world dollars and his actions were in direct violation of the non-disclosure agreement act within the Jack X employee contract all of his crimes of theft equaled up to hundreds of thousands of dollars being stolen to this day mod Jed's actions have gone down in history as the largest in-house scandal at jagex on the 9th of October in 2018 jagex proposed a new old-school skill called warding that was basically all ready to go to be implemented warding was going to be a skill that worked with other skills in which players would use magic to craft items such as armor a full guide skill cape and everything that makes up a skill was almost all finished and ready to be put into the game however the yes count on the polls never fully reached 75 percent sometimes getting really close too the skill was eventually scrapped and canceled in 2019 despite being almost completed in its development due to jagex being quite sure that it was going to pass in the polls that it had failed in on October 30th old school RuneScape was officially released on mobile devices and the player base skyrocketed because of this reaching up to 150 000 players online shortly after Mobile's release by the end of this year old school runescape's player count was four times that of RuneScape 3. [Music] 2019 opened up in RuneScape 3 with a complete rework of the mining and smithing skill both skills were reworked to be more useful and profitable and they became more interesting to level up all the level requirements were changed so that they made sense as well for example you used to require level 85 smithing to Smith Rune armor but it was now changed to where you could make Rune armor if you had level 50 smithing instead the content didn't stop at level 50 smithing though as four brand new armor tiers had been added to level 60 70 80 and 90. within the mining skill rocks had been changed to where they no longer depleted and players could mine rocks together from now on you can now mine completely AFK if you wanted to but if you were paying attention while mining you could take advantage of some perk mechanics that had been implemented within the skill that AFK players wouldn't be utilizing for a long time before this update Mining and smithing hadn't really evolved with the rest of the RuneScape 3 game version over the years so this update was pretty exciting for RuneScape 3 players on January 10th over an old school RuneScape the Cabo slow lands received way more content on the continent of Zaya this addition to the continent brought a new Slayer master named konar konar resides on the top of karome Slayer dungeon underneath Mount kurum if you received a Slayer task from her while killing the monster she had assigned you you might receive a drop called The Brimstone key this key could unlock the brimstone chest near her giving the player additional items after their Slayer task was complete the Kevo slow lens also brought a new boss to old-school RuneScape underneath Mount Carroll called the alchemical Hydra and lastly the lowlands received another Edition being a guild associated with the farming skill within the farming Guild players could take advantage of its many features including extra farming patches all new seeds with abilities for patch growths and they could fight a new Demi boss monster called his spori for 12 000 farming XP as well all of these new updates weren't perfect though and there was one major bug that had caused runescape's third ever rollback in Runescape history for an unknown reason the fifth most valuable item in all of old school RuneScape a twisted bow spawned on a specific ground tile near the farming Guild the word got out rather quickly and players rushed to this spot to obtain the bow hundreds of billionaires were made in an instant and it was never fully confirmed by Jag X just how many Twisted bows entered the game this bug would have damaged runescape's economy catastrophically because of this all of osrs was turned offline completely for two hours the bug was fixed and jagex rolled back the servers to a time before the bug had entered the game and all the Twisted bows were confiscated on the 7th of March within osrs the special attack ore became clickable as well for all weapons that had a special attack on April 10th jagex announced that they would begin hiding poll results from players who vote in polls within old school RuneScape polling updates is a fundamental part of what makes old school RuneScape great old school's very existence was decided by a poll back in February of 2013. in the six years prior to this update that have followed polling had been pivotal in shaping the game game as only updates 75 percent voted for by the majority of players within the Game Pass however it started becoming clear that the current polling system of this time was not working anymore for the vast majority of the osr's community content which would benefit smaller groups of players often suffered in the polls despite the fact that this content would have had minimal impact on the wider player base plus only a very small group of players were actively voting at this time despite the community growing hugely within the past 18 months what this essentially meant was that a small portion of the community were the ones deciding the content for the majority of players this was never supposed to happen and the other reasons behind this decision to begin hiding pole results are pretty complex after this update poll results only became visible after polls for updates had ended polling is still an issue today and it is still an ongoing development by Jag X on May 13 2019 jagex had released a development blog titled the new player experience jagex had been began studying how legitimate new players had been operating within the game the learning curve of the game can be pretty steep and it was found that most new players were dropping out before they even got to experience the real game because of this jagex implemented some things around RuneScape that new players could take advantage of within their first few hours of playing these things would include tasks for players to follow to get them better acquainted with how the game works if they had chosen an option that they were completely new when they registered on June 20th laryn's keys were added to the Slayer Master castelius tasks much like the brimstone Keys you could use these laryn's keys to unlock chests in the wilderness that would give you the same rewards as the brimstone chest would only in Greater quantity due to the dangerous locations that these chests were in on July 4th the fourthos dungeon was released giving old school a new level 318 boss being saraknis the spider on July 25th the song of the elves Quest was released which also added the Elven City priftinus to old school RuneScape a city that had only existed in RuneScape 3 up until this point but had all always been on the old school map on August 29th the PVP minigame Last Man Standing received an entire revamp players could now choose their loadouts before playing the minigame and a point system was added to be spent in a shop for rewards on September 12th all house portals in the game received an advertisement board near them where players could advertise their open player-owned house more efficiently than just spamming on September 26th the feminic Exiles Quest was released furthering the feminic lore in the north on November 14th jagex announced another game mode that was added to osrs called The Twisted league in this game mode players would play on an Ironman account that was restricted to the kebos lowlands and karend on the continent of Zaya and the game mode would also receive its own section of high scores on the osrs website with all the other modes this year ended with a RuneScape YouTuber named rendy uploading a shocking video to his channel on November 26th exposing a major economy-breaking bug that a few people were taking advantage of and few people to this day still don't know about because it was attempted to be hidden essentially these few people were having 2 000 accounts that they owned fill up a game world and crash it this would create a 15-minute rollback within jagex's systems on the specific world that they had crashed during this 15-minute window players would trade Max cash between four different accounts and then the world would crash when the world went back online those four accounts were discovered to have been rolled back by 15 minutes but still would have the cash that they had traded amongst themselves and was later confirmed that at least 110 billion coins were duplicated using this method within Randy's video he shows that he attempted to contact jagex numerous times about this game breaking bug but got no real response consisting of a plan of action X jagex moderator mod Ronan even commented on this video using his personal YouTube channel goody saying if only you knew how bad things really are which is uh kind of scary most of these 2000 accounts were later banned but the game was never officially rolled back jagex supposedly was rumored to abstract down the rest of the duplicated gold but even I'm unsure if this was ever confirmed this bug was never discussed Again by Jag ax [Music] on January 9th of this year old school RuneScape received an update where you could now wield armor and eat food while your bank screen was up on January 23rd the Wikipedia website had been integrated with the old school RuneScape game client players could now use the Wikipedia by clicking on the wiki icon near the minimap on February 6th osrs received a new level 814 boss monster called The Nightmare on March 5th the game was updated to where hit Splats that weren't your own were now tinted to a darker shade to avoid confusion when it came to what you were hitting on the attacked monster over in RuneScape 3 on the 30th of March the game had received its 28th skill being archeology less than a week later RuneScape 3 player lemie became the first one ever to 99 archeology he would continue on to dominate the high scores by also being the first player to achieve level 120 archeology as well as being the first to 200 million experience in the skill too today lamia is still ranked one overall in RuneScape 3 and always will be until another new skill releases in the same same month on March 28th jagex posted a Company announcement both on RS3 and osrs websites stating that jagex as a business had been purchased for 530 million dollars by MacArthur Fortune holding LLC a us-based global asset management firm still to this day MacArthur Fortune holding believes that there is a lot of potential in RuneScape but whether that comes in the form of new content or just new forms of monetization will only become clear with time on June 4th a glitch with an old-school RuneScape occurred after the release of darkmeyer along with its Associated Quest sins of the father shortly after this content released players began reporting issues with their items disappearing and being replaced by other items jagex acknowledged the bug 10 minutes after it was discovered and then initiated a fourth ever server rollback to the game reverting player data to a state before the update and glitch had happened next month on July 16th The ferox Enclave was released in the wilderness in osrs The farrox Enclave is a safe zoned area that was placed in the middle of the wilderness when this update came out clan wars and Last Man Standing had existed within the desert but were removed and placed here within the ferrox Enclave in the wilderness Instead The ferox Enclave also contains a portal to Castle Wars as well as death's new office a room where your items would now go when you die any items over 100 000 coins would require a specific fee based on the item values that you had lost upon death in addition to death's new office further death mechanics were updated you would now drop a gravestone where you had died that you could see on the mini-map and players would have 15 minutes to reclaim their items now after dying as well before any of the leftover items would be transported to death's office on September 9th jagex released a new members Quest called a poor scene of Interest a quest that was designed to introduce new players to the Slayer skill this Quest added a new Slayer mastered called sprya that is located in Draenor as well as a new low-leveled monster called the sour hog all of this history brings us to today currently it's only the third month of the year 2021 it wouldn't have felt right to include 2021 in this video yet since we still have nine months left to go which is why the timeline only goes to 2020. first and foremost thank you all for watching I hope that this was quite a journey for everyone while it may have only been a two and a half hour Journey for you I actually announced on my Twitter that I had started working on this video last year back on August 6th during 2020. it's been an eight-month Journey for me and it has been filled with so many emotions I've learned so much that I never knew about RuneScape the RuneScape players community and Jag X as a company I started this game in 2004 17 years ago at the age of 10. I have been playing for over half of my life if you took all the time that I've spent on this game and added it all up I'm sure that I'm spent years logged into the world of RuneScape it feels like I've lived in this virtual world almost as long as the real one sometimes I've lived quite a life because of this game because of RuneScape I've become a YouTuber and I've been afforded to live a life that allows me to follow whatever dream I wish to pursue at any given moment my life would have been so different had I not discovered this game at such an early age I've made friends online that I've known for years and I mean a lot of years my best friends you know who you are and you know that I love you from the Gower Brothers humble beginnings in their parents kitchen to an international experience that has touched over 250 million people's lives RuneScape has brought people together both online and in the real world for a very very long time the game is now 20 years old but has somehow withstood the test of time and is popular if not more so than it ever was before the majority of the player base are veterans who have been playing for over 10 years we keep playing this game because of the long lasting friendships the nostalgic memories of simpler times that we wish we could return to and to escape from the ever-changing and sometimes stressful circumstances of our own Real Worlds though we know every inch of this game's world today though nothing is as new to us anymore as it once was years ago we keep coming back and we keep playing we know we've been here before but we can decide to be whoever we want to be in RuneScape whenever we want without having to look too far into the future to do it whether you're a RuneScape 3 player or an old-school RuneScape player this game is home to us all and I couldn't have made this video unless I just like all of you grew up in gilinore too foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mote Plox
Views: 1,857,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runescape progress, old runescape, osrs, oldschool, 07scape, 2007, 2007scape, 2007 pk, pker, pking, stake, staker, staking, max, stake bank, max hit, compilation, rage, fail, zezima, funny, jagex, jagex ltd, chris archie, mote plox, series, part 1, episode, bank vid, 1 - 99, guide, lets play, tutorial, fast, money, gp, botting, commentary, top 10, duel, duel arena, dueling, skilling, method, per hour, skype, scam, item scamming, lure, luring, live, stream, livestream, drop, mote, mote pl0x
Id: tZlj694lcxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 36sec (8856 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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