Playing RuneScape Properly: a Full 2,600 Hour Journey

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[Music] [Music] hi my name is kemp q for years i've restricted myself to a low hp ironman account but my curiosity has gotten the best of me i want to see what i can do with a new account with no trade restrictions no xp restrictions just playing runescape properly to seize the full potential from every crevice of the game to start fresh with the new beginning all right this is it this is the beginning a new beginning don't know what i'm gonna do yeah for now i have no idea what i'm doing i'm gonna establish that as i go i'm just gonna play do whatever i want to do hopefully explore a lot of new content as it comes out i have never done dragon slayer 2 or anything like that so it'll be really interesting to do this to play this game from pretty much a new perspective as i haven't played a regular account in years i guess i'm just getting five thieving and i'll go from there oh my gosh no no acceptance of donations i'm never taking donations on runescape and i don't intend to on this account it's all from scratch i should say thank you though but i am my own champion what that doesn't make any sense what am i doing you didn't take it this guy all he's so nice oh my gosh don't kill me no please oh no freaky golly kidding me are you kidding me freaking died to a tree for my first death hey at least i profited bones out of that what's that 72 coins money no don't hit a five oh so lucky all right the authenticator 10k achieved and we are ready to go to the grand exchange not an iron man so obviously i don't have any of those restrictions and i can buy and flip and grind as much as i want oh my gosh i'm gonna have to go buy a lot of these myself jeez 560 gp each all right taking a huge risk here just by buying one of these for 6k i don't know if they'll sell for that much 4.1 yikes okay i hope i can sell this for 4.1 just chuck it in right away no oh my god half my cash stack is gone oh all right i managed to recover from this poor investment and i recovered back to the actually 11k now so i'm gonna keep doing this just for a little while longer i need stamina potions for quests and that's the main reason why i'm trying to make money right now yikes hey at least i'm getting crafting xp right i am losing money though to crafting i'm committing i'm gonna buy loads of opals make rings and then hopefully be able to sell them for a pretty good profit i made 22 opal rings got the mage level to enchant them and then enchanted them and they wouldn't sell on the grand exchange apparently there's no market for enchanted opal rings i ended up having to sell them to the general store taking a huge loss two agility one step at a time 10 agility five thieving 21 agility great now i can use the agility shortcut there alright making like 50 gp per unicorn horn that i make into dust okay that should be good for now how much have i made oh 22k hey that's pretty good what were the margins were they really only 48 the entire time fair enough what i'm going to do now is get 10 construction there's a cool money maker that i'm going to try out nice 10 construction i can now set my house to taverly outside my house please that's pretty cool feature you can just right click it and teleport outside no they're not buying anymore darn it i'm not getting any xp for these methods which is a problem because i do want to gain xp as you know very shortly but um i'm just doing these because they are so passive i can just keep selling these on the ground exchange over time eventually they will sell and i'm making like 500k to 1 mil per hour [Music] i'm in the money now oh my gosh 246k beautiful still got a few pestilence to sell unfortunately i kind of like took out the market for the big margins on the ultra compost i think it's going for like a little less than 1800 now yeah 17.99 so um there it's still pretty good like i'd make 700k per hour if i kept doing this but i really really want to get questing and boosting up my skills a lot more i'm actually going to use a sarah diamond brew in order to not get one hit by the fire giants of course there's another way to not get one either but just in case all right starting off with the questing finally i've made so much money recently and i can just get going with quests a lot of quests don't have any requirements and they kind of interweave with one another so what i've done is i've just bought loads of supplies for many different quests and hopefully as i make my way around gilenore i'll be able to finish a lot of quests in a very short period of time [Music] the first melee xp on this account 29 attack oh 15 thieving hey i'm friends with the gnomes now and spirit tree is unlocked trinum village quest complete happy to have gone 20 agility before because i can just boost up to 26 with the summer pie i panicked a little bit when he spawned i ran right over here and i accidentally tanked a hit when i got him in the safe spot but a really valuable trick for low levels is as soon as you are about to fight this guy just stand right there and he can't attack you and it's an immediate safe spot very valuable for low hp dakonia rock returned and the grand tree is completed looking strong already 16 combat and you're dead vampire slayer complete my trick is to get something else to attack me before i pass the moss giant because it hits very high i think like 14s or something so i like to do that and then collect my stuff that i need and then exit using the same method so that thing has just attacked me it's a single way combat zone so the moss giant will not attack first strength levels nice waterfall quest complete 44 attack 30 strength [Music] nice death plateau complete uh no attack level gain but at least i have access to climbing boots now more strength bonus i did take a break so probably could have done that in an hour but that took me about an hour and 37 minutes so not too bad happy to have some quest points on the account 14 now training my strength feels good eights oh i'm powerful i did not expect this and it was so quick to train your account and you're dead goodbye sick priest and peril complete and i have 11 prayer access to mauritania unlocked unfortunately i'm not an ultimate iron man so i'm not that cool but i at least can do like ghost ahoy and such so progress is being made outside of dead men mode i've never been able to use the grand exchange this rune scimitar just being able to buy it is very nice i usually think that at 40 attack you should have a brine saver but i mean i'm doing this from scratch still don't have that much money but i don't even care like prune scimitar isn't that much worse and i'm mostly concerned with quests at this point anyway their intimitar isn't that much worse i just want to get as many quests complete as i can so i'm probably never going to buy the brine saber it's like 200k or something so yeah the ruined simmits are it will suffice i'm going to do the quest for the shadow of the storm then with the 10k xp lamp that i get from completing shadow of the storm i can use it on any combat xp that i want so i'm going to use it on ranged which will boost me from 1 to 29 right away if you've ever trained ranged before without a cannon you know that it is very slow so i'm glad to boost it right to 29 but first up demon slayer give me that sword you fool thank you let's go slay a demon do not kill me oh my god yes all right good stuff demon slayer complete and three quest points as well one of the requirements for the shadow of the storm quest is 30 crafting so i bought 510 gold bars and i'll get just short of 30 crafting for this i'm going to go to the grand exchange to sell off all the gold bracelets that i'm making and i will have so much profit from that crafting while crafting is really rare but turn 37k into 81k so just about doubled my investment i thought you couldn't get attacked here but apparently can if this guy comes right there the reason i'm here is because another requirement for shadow of the storm is 25 thieving so i'm going to get that real quick i also started client of coren so that i can finish that up as well turns out you can just trap him but there we go 25 thieving again another detour might as well get some rks favor while i'm here and i'll get some mage xp as soon as i redeem these books hey here we go sixty percent favor very quickly obviously with the rune light plug-in it is too overpowered dirty magic there we go just doubled my magic xp and briff bryo fetus staff all right fair enough as for the rest of the arcade's favor i can just reanimate heads while i'm like on slayer tasks and such so that will boost me to 100 and that will be amazing prayer xp as well that is the most efficient way to go about this don't need to worry about those books anymore whoa chill out brother clown of courand complete here we go even more quest points literally anything 1k xp what do i want to use it on hunter yes starting off hunter is horrible but this will get me to level nine and then i'll get even higher with the orlando smith mini game as well so there we go level nine all right time to start the golem and then do shadow of the storm nice the golem complete and now on to shadow of the storm got some tv xp and crafting xp i don't expect this to be easy but i think with flinching it should be manageable i brought extra supplies just in case [Music] oh 13 hp amazing nice oh that's so good to have done started with just 12 hp and i will definitely be using this on ranged skipping so much painful levels nice 27 range right away beautiful i need quest points to start dragon slayers so i can equip an anti-dragon shield because i want to incorporate some dragon killing into training my prayer so i've just done romeo and juliet which gained me five quest points only six more to go to start dragon slayer cook's a system complete restless ghost complete some prayer as well best coincidence ever i just had these four beats that he needed on me so yay another quest point and m catcher complete all right give me those hp xps thank you very four quest points are you oh yay all right 25 hp and i can start dragon slayer where's my chronicle i'm not sure if you need to come to this part of the quest but give me the anti-dragon shield thank you very much yes all right now i can equip it for sure and i am ready to slay some dragon all right i'm off to lava dragon isle to kill some dragons i'm gonna do monkey madness as soon as possible so higher hp and higher prayer will help a lot with that that's going to get me killed got 20 rune javelins as my second drop so it's 3k not too bad there are a lot of beekeepers i love dragon isle and this guy managed to take me out oh and by the way i went back and collected these things from where i died this place is a lot safer and i can just telegraph any loots that i need at least i did survive this time around had a very good safe spot and i should be able to get 40 37 prayer probably uh with the amount of money that i have now all right this is my third trip i'm already at 31 prayer and this time i'm bringing three telegraphs just to telegraph some wines of zamrak it doesn't hurt so might as well do it and i'm gonna die here oh no oh my gosh the pk is fine oh man that's so lucky all right got three wines samarac and i'm teleporting back to lumbridge this will save me just a little bit of money because i'm obviously using so much for the bones but oh i forgot to protect item that time but i will not forget next time yeah you slay me why don't you you saved me some time in fact thanks brother here i'll get some xp on him while i'm at it thank you what a friendly guy 37 prayer with a few bones to spare time for monkey madness why do i not have law runes oh nice i can pick that up beautiful that's a safe spot right there i think it's on this tile that i was on or this tile yeah it would be this tile no this one yeah this one so nice should i switch to the mage no i'll do one more head with the bow i need something oh that's pretty good come on give me something how many casts left one cast left oh that can be it no yes that should be it that's it see a jungle demon oh nice i will take those ashes and keep them forever there we go all right yay gp on the account oh man it actually matters to me that i have that 10k yay all right now to get my training from darrow let's go you just hate peers don't you all right it's fine because i'm not up here on this count it is decided that i want to focus on strength and stamina and of course i'll get some attacking defense xp as well yeah 52 combat and 42 strength that's a huge boost as well feels good almost 50 attack for that granite hammer which i won't be able to afford but nonetheless monkey madness has been completed all right now that i've gotten some strength levels from quests i'm happy to go ahead and train it i'm going to do that on giants and then use their insult heads to get more prayer xp hopefully i can get 43 and then also worked my way towards 60 attack for the dragon scimitar your only champion when you're in this gear but plus a cape so now unfortunately i'm not a champion today but someday i will be wealthy enough to afford one all right i thought i would try my luck getting a task of hill giants unfortunately not today ice warriors hmm probably not going to kill those for quite a while until i've trained my stats up so i'm just going to continue with hill giants but there is something that i want to check i'm not getting any archaea's favor for killing the hill giants and reanimating them from their heads so what i'm going to do is i'm going to reanimate this head from the dark altar area because you can also reanimate them there and i've just gone to the completely wrong place okay it does work and i have 38 prayer now okay that's nice and i'm actually switching my location to the catacombs of karen as well because i actually have a chance of getting the totems uh stuff i've never even done that i've never killed scotizo or done any of that so i have to figure out how to make like an arc light or i don't even know what it's called so yeah hopefully i can figure that out and um get some totem bases and such first ancient shard on the account i don't even know what it does but i'll take it trip number one of the catacombs corrend completed i got an ancient shard two prayer levels and i also learned that your prayer regenerates every time you bury a bone here so that's really nice i also got six strength levels and loads of hit points this place is really great for low levels i didn't realize that jagex actually made low level content but they do make low level content and i'm enjoying it loot from hill giant so far 59k mostly from those renaults plus three unsold heads a long bone and a giant key that's a lot of profit not too bad 40 prayer yes oh so good it's just been like barely 24 hours since i started this account and i've quested quite a bit i have a lot of good stats pretty happy with where i'm at right now the last giant this is a really great method for low levels i love it now that 43 prayer is taken out of the way i want to get 60 attack but i want to have an afk way to do it i think i have to talk to this guy to start the quest but this is just in the very eastern part of zaya and this is how it begins oh right i have to use my current favorite certificate that i got from the client of karen quest on hossidious there we go and now i can start this quest all right i was just checking on some grand exchange offers before i go train but i had to stop by our ks area and pick up this book and now i'm off to the place where i can have pretty much my own private sandcraft spot because i don't see like anybody come over here it's going to be really nice to not be disturbed and i can just kind of get 60 attack super quickly and yeah it seems like there's one guy here now but i'm pretty sure i can find my own spot very easily oh yeah there we go first world checked after that one all right there's the first crab killed i should be here until 60 attack yes show it to me baby oh yes it's so nice and red and beautiful and i look like i'm on dead men mode but i'm not i'm actually just a legend on the main game oh yeah all right now i want to try something i want to go slay some revenant i think the salv amulet is incredibly underrated as you know something to train with but since i don't have that for now i'm gonna actually scroll up while i go attack the revenants it's risky don't really know what i'm getting myself into but i think i should try it what am i risking here a risk of glory so like 20k oh my gosh 25k already beautiful oh looting bag cool funny thing is people probably think i'm a bait because of how nubia look like i i would think i was a bait oh my god beautiful all right i'm banking here like that's 100k and how much like 10 minutes wasn't even 10 minutes that was like six minutes of a trip and i made 132k no burning amulet there oh that's so good hell yes all right i've been flipping and doing a lot of afk training it's so easy to get back here just with these skills necklace to the woodcutting guild let's see the profit so far 110k there 93k there that's 200 plus so much more here i'm flipping snakeskin chaps right now because they proved to be very good but i'm gonna get back to questing now that i'm done with video editing i'm gonna do the slug menace quest which instantly boosts my fishing by 7k xp i don't know what level that is but it's super high and will save me so much time 30 fire making i'd rather get started on fletching sooner rather than later so i'm just going to make some bronze arrows start from there and then actually there's a really good method that i'm going to show people 10 fletchings switching to bronze starts hello holgart matey we are going on an adventure but first we have to fix this boat no pain of one to twenty three fishing just straight to twenty four oh that's so nice all right now for a monk's friend hey nice mugs friend complete now a good head start on my wood cutting xp as well the reason i've done this is because i want to get the 36 wood cutting requirement for lost city 21 wood cutting upgrading to the mithril axe 36 woodcutting time to start lost city baby constantly like hitting max on this thing oh that was just wait i need 31 crafting no i'm so close all right just a few gems to go there we go drama staff yeah lost city complete let's go i feel like settled right now meet swamp buttocks my mauritania locked ultimate iron man how's that for some settled content nature spirit complete yeah 32 crafting not bad not bad some defense as well yes it is done magic sexy shores on the account now yeah there we go yes oh beautiful okay i just need to start fairy tale part two in order to use fairy rings but 17 farming from level one that's gonna save me so much time i can start with oak trees immediately beautiful let's see it come on no i need something uh cir i know that's a thing let's see it i think that's near the farming guild yes farming guild here i come i decided to lock in my archaea's favor and i got 44 prayer in the process just been training up my strength a little bit afk while editing and 27 farming apple trees unlocked which will pretty much double my xp right now but farming oak trees so cheap look at that 225 gp and then the compost costs 26. i'm not using ultra compost because it's just not cost effective for how cheap these things are anyway i was 8th king at sand crabs but i realized i might as well just finish this quest that i've already started the depths of despair only thing is i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to finish this quest with only nine percent hussity's favor if you want to start it you need to have 20 and wow i just did a 23. nice deaths of despair completed yeah i didn't need 20 favor throughout the entire quest just for the beginning basically there are loads of teleports on this card memoirs that you get from the client of grand quest but you cannot use any of them until you do the other quests around zaya so this is the first page from the depths of despair quest first one added right not sure how i should set this up i think i should go like this two columns of each and then just works like that super easy first trade on the account this guy was very generous he tried to get it for free but i said 30 each did he accept thank you they wouldn't buy on the grand exchange because there's a 500 buy limit or something i don't know why that is [Music] yes please thank you so much for your time and i will take my hundred percent of the city's favor and lock it in immediately two zeal lock-ins and one episode feels good okay so this is just west of the wood cutting where am i going and yeah i can recharge this it holds eight charges total what do you do what why can't it hold 100 charges maybe you get more charges later but yeah it's kind of weird all right this only requires 15 favor and 25 thieving to thieve from but i'm glad i went the extra mile and got that 100 insidious favor locked in i don't know why everybody's doing this i hopped like two worlds and so many people are thieving from this maybe there's some profit in this like don't get me wrong this is definitely the best method to start from 25 thieving but i don't know why so many people are here like dude this many people really need to train thieving or are they here to make money have no idea to be honest i'm liking this method all i have to do is bring the dog right there and then we're right there and then over the bush i cast my fire strike and after i'm out of combat then i can steal from the fruit stall [Music] this is actually one tick faster than looting from one fruit stall and you get these strange fruits so you can just eat one of them and get 30 energy back but 41 thieving is incoming and here we go another farm run and 30 farming now for willow trees ah i need to do gertrude's cat all alright let's get to it if only i had been growing this cat while i was thieving but at least gertrude's cat is complete and some cooking xp all right while i wait for my cat to grow i might as well make some money i think this will be about 500k per hour just collecting more minor fungi so i'll do it for a full hour and see how much i make oh my gosh i just thought of something really good i did a few runs of using my dueling ring to get to clan wars to recharge my energy and then i went to the grand exchange and used the fairy ring near there but let's see do is there a fairy ring here there is and can i use it am i ready to use it i'm ready to use it let's do it come on yes i could use it oh that's so nice i guess i still have to use dual rings that's fine but it's a lot faster than going to clan wars i guess because i can just bang out castle wars instead and i don't have to go all the way to the portal i can just go straight to the fairy ring this way now off to the grand exchange to sell my loot all right so i'll make a bit of money with this but i really do not want to do that again i gained no xp for that entire thing 454k cash in an hour is great but that was just an experiment that's pretty much the only reason i did that i really want to gain xp while i make money all my my fungus sold so now i have cash to play around with which is good but i do want to get the quest cape like within a month of starting this account so i don't want to waste much time doing methods that don't gain me any xp i hope i could do it within three weeks but i think i'm gonna be reasonable with this one and just say that i'm gonna get the quest cape in one month yes herb lore unlocked druidic ritual complete and 51 quest points money dork's quest complete i thought i might as well get my mining up because i want to train that soon getting some ecto tokens and trying to pump out the quests 45 prayer [Music] yes ectophile unlocked ghost ahoy completed beautiful quest to have done oh i hate walking here or using the ports it's so bad give me all the ectophiles this is a faster way of collecting i'm just dropping still still the meta and i pronounce made it that way because it's like beta but with an m beta they're both greek and that's just how i like to pronounce it okay i'm hitting 23s baby right now i'm training some slayer i was going to go afk but i'd rather pray flick these guys actually hit pretty hard but i'm not really going to do much slayer past this task i just wanted to do one task get my slayer up a bit and don't think i'm not doing the varrock mini quest the orlando smith mini game i'm i i am going to do that okay cause i got a lot of comments that said i wasn't going to do it hmm medium clue scroll yeah might as well do it what black masks 1.5 mil oh my is that how i'm gonna make money on this account what the the answer to that is probably not i haven't told you why i'm trying to grow this cat it's to do itch lauren's little helper quest once i've done that then i can have free passage to sofinum which contains the pyramid plunder mini game my goal is to train my thieving there from level 41 which i just got recently and at the same time have a chance at the pharaoh scepter an incredibly high priced item currently at 8 mil getting this item would set me up for so long for all my questing and skilling needs again still waiting for this dang cat to grow so that i can actually go to pyramid plunder 41 thieving come on i'm ready for it samurai page and oh yeah that ain't pretty that that isn't good but hey at least one medium blue scroll completed nice is this it thank you 39 fletching now that i can make iron bolts i'm not going to lose like any money on training fletching bolts are super cheap to train fletching with i don't know why more people don't do it maybe i'll find out after discovering that it's bad i don't know we'll see no no seems fine to me and i don't lose any money so i'll take it but this is zero time i'll do this during other activities and yes all right done him a favor and oh i thought i would get 1400 14 minutes later about that's fine there we go a little boost and i should feed my cat [Music] how much longer brother come on 31 minutes goblin diplomacy quest complete and five quest points good stuff murder mystery complete 2000 coins that also helps this quest was so hard for me back in the day i couldn't find the grill where you're supposed to listen at right there i couldn't find it and then a friend of mine came over and was like at my shield look where my shield is and then i found it but this quest now these days takes like three minutes back then this was the quest of the champions black knights fortress complete three quest points and even more cash training some herblore to do recruitment drive 10 arbor nice dwarf cannon quest complete what dwarf dwarf dwarf cannon quest complete dwarf cannon cat dwarf queen dwarf quenin dwarf what the hell is wrong with me dwarf dwarf cannon quest complete jeez that took a while yay oh beautiful all right since i'm in falador and i've just turned myself into a woman made the transformation now i'll just do recruitment drive very quickly and then pyramid plunder hmm nice not soup today boys [Music] finish the quest with no deaths 1.4 millixp already to mark off episode two two runecrafting i know this isn't efficient but i want to get a room crafting level every single episode until episode 99. so i'll be holding off on some quests until my level is high enough that i don't get two levels from them access to sofinum unlocked so i've just started it's london's little helper but i'm not going to complete this quest for quite a while i just want to train my thieving badly this will be amazing money per hour planting toad flax seeds so i just boost from 35 with a garden pie and then i'm on my way to make absolute bank so hopefully i can harvest these in an hour and make like 50k or something oh i can't do that dang it no 14k nice using ultra compost it's quite the investment but it definitely pays off for how much money i'm making with this all right for five minutes of my time 53k i guess that's like 700k an hour but i'm getting xp at the same time it costs so much insanity potions to do quests fortunately i'm making so much money though with my just hourly herb runs 173k there that's so good look at that 1.1 mil bank i'm pretty happy with that i think it's mostly because of these things 42 farming means i can enter the farming guild with this boost here well red berries okay i can do that nice wait someone's in my clan chat here whoa what a coincidence my clan chat is open to all so please join and also if you have discord mine is linked in the description below so come join us over there it'll be nice to finish this contract and see how much money i get for it it would also be nice to fill this compost bin with stuff with you know fruit and such and then put volcanic ash in it and make ultra compost that would actually be a good amount of profit money all from farm runs my reward how much do i earn had 16 to okay that didn't change at all show me the money what what that's actually really good i just made 16k in like a minute oh i will take that what is that per hour that's like a lot like 960k per hour whoa day hmm another easy contract yeah i'm not doing these anymore that's so trash oh my gosh no thank you another trip of pyramid plunder this is what i've been doing the entire time by the way in between all of my farm runs going to the grand exchange i've been doing pyramid plunder in fact i've just resorted to looting the sarcophagi and the golden chest in the center that's all i'm doing i'm not even trying to train my thieving at this point i'm so desperate for the scepter because i've been doing this for like six hours either one of these things can give me the scepter it doesn't cost too much money to do this mini game but obviously it takes a lot of time there's a 1 in 1 000 chance of getting it making this money maker about 1.5 mil per hour however if i'm only looting the sarcophagus and the golden chest then i'm not getting as much xp as i could be so i'm getting about a quarter of the xp that i should i'm on a dry streak but if i can get the sceptre quickly then it will have been worth it [Music] oh my god yes [Music] it has been so long oh my god it's been too long man it's been too long i've been here for like nine hours i got 40 like 43 to 58 thieving plus the strength level yes oh happy days happy days one mil an hour man i think i spent about eight hours maybe nine hours on this all right i'm done i'm done with that how many staminas can i buy with that thing a thousand [Music] the cash back of champions look at that this is what i've chosen to invest my money into i am going to out my mage pretty much in zero time as i do other activities so by the end of this i will have 66 matches destroying my cash pile by investing in my skills for quests i need 61 crafting for lunar diplomacy 35 crafting 40 45 50. this episode i'm finding focus now that i have a good foundation of resources my goal is to continue the upward trend maintain my money through herb runs unlock new areas and work towards accomplishing a new milestone achieving barrow's gloves within two weeks of creating this account and a quest cape within a month hey there's 50 fire making the requirement for desert treasure to put my house in zaya i need 25 construction so i'm going to get that quickly just for the convenience of the farm runs plus there are like five new quests there so it'll be nice to have a house in hosidius that i can immediately teleport to 25 construction i can now move my house to zaya it's going to be so much more convenient until of course i get the zerex talisman which will be a lot better sold all my rubies off from 51 crafting i never thought this would come so soon but i'm training slayer to get 40 well mostly because i need to train my range to 40 for temple of ikoff quest which is a prerequisite to desert treasure so i'm going to be training slayer while also training my ranged with this canon black mask cannon using expeditious and slaughter bracelets who said i was in early game with my full admin [Music] uh adios fella i hope he finds his way back 18 slayer the requirement for animal magnetism but i am going for that 40 slayer requirement eventually for royal trouble or something kingdom of miscellaneous the black mask adds a 16.67 boost to both accuracy and strength and i'm definitely noticing it this is increasing my xp by so much oh my gosh i did not expect that yes 59k baby oh nice all right 10 slayer levels two range levels and we're done with this task got a medium clue scroll snapdragon seed we made some money got my clue scroll in zaya so fortunately i've literally just got my construction level up to put my house in there here i am let's go yes casket okay well it's not the greatest but if you guys want me to do every medium clue scroll i get i have a chance of rangers oops which are like 36 mil so if you want me to do that then just leave a comment probably spent 30k on that task but made 70k 40k profit what's the point of having a black mask but not flexing it everywhere you go god i'm so bad fire shots you think i'm gonna be able to hit on those oh my gosh i'm gonna die and probably do this in neve's cave which is actually an amazing place to do it i should switch out to a glory though because i think i will be quite inaccurate 47 magic 28 slayer i quite like this task i've decided to extend this task because it's very easy to have my cannon hit the fire giants twice every single rotation and i like my range xp ooh another long bone 36 range 34 slayer that's gonna end the task pretty much but i gained a lot of levels here task completed 67k and loots i'm gonna start anything for this account like i don't know a slayer tab for example then it has to be this episode if you guys have any other suggestions for what i should start doing and then you know have some kind of finale conclusion then let me know what a crappy task i guess this task isn't too bad you can just kind of line them up at the double hit spot sick one level to go until temple of ikoff all right i'll let my cannon do some work 36 slayer nice i think my cannon will keep attacking the werewolves as well all right thank you cannon for your service mithril chain what a lovely surprise to come back to and i have the letter hose and shorts task complete okie dokie so just got a task of cockatrice probably the worst task it could have gotten but i am prepared with a mirror shield and also i can't get any ranged xp because i can't cannon them oh so close to 40. this task just flew by got a medium clue scroll give me the rangers are you freaking kidding yes 40 ranged and actually this task isn't that bad with canon and stamina potions look at how many things i've killed nice task complete that only took literally like five minutes so i'm pretty happy with that lord ethan is going to slay some lizards this guy's better than me is a fury why am i so trash let's see it okay i'm going to make the most of this shades task by doing it in the morton area and also simultaneously completing the shades of more ton quest got the supplies for it this is a jade bracelet that makes this building much faster and i think it just allows me to get 100 repair state very quickly so i'm hoping it works out i don't really know what to do after this though my olive oil there we go sacred oil beautiful yeah now you're healed yay quest complete now back to my slayer task nice task complete all right that's it for slayer i'm done for quite a while because i've accomplished my goals with it i got 40 ranged for temple of ikov so i can do desert treasure quests soon and i need 40 slayer to do a couple quests for the quest cape so i'll just use a wild pie for those quests and i'll continue slayer when my melee stats are higher marking episode 3 with three runecrafting black mask sold lost 84k but the boosts made it worth it ha flash of light distraction consider yourself distracted but yeah i'm doing the dig site quest now and i should be well on my way to get all the prerequisites for desert treasure complete stats taken out of the way now just requests you know what 50 magic the requirement for desert treasure and the tomb of fire and snare i guess dig site completed boosted myself from 10 to 32 mining throughout this quest i've been a pleb i've just been teleporting to our down through the skills necklace straight to the fishing guild but now i'm going to do plague city to unlock the proper teleport flake city complete another few mining levels as well and the are down teleport spell wait i don't even have the level for it boss fight well that was a little easier than expected how do i not have enough lymphatic roots somehow i only brought 17 lumber roots i don't know what happened to the others does anybody ever choose the evil path we always kill lucy and he's just just too evil yay quest complete a few more quests to go until i can complete desert treasure but i'm doing taurus trap now 51 magic as well can teleport down i need 20 smithing no here i come night sword doing the night sword quest she's got three blurried oars i'm going to make an extra fluorite sword and i also just got one for the pluret crossbow for the falador easy diary there we go knight sword complete and 29 smithing back to taurus trap now no dialogue at all is needed with anna you can just use a barrel on her and you're mine i probably should have done this quest earlier to get the agility xp because i did train manually to level 21 a bit silly that but here we go with the boost very nice now for the last quest before desert treasure troll stronghold complete now for desert treasure let's go is is [Music] why didn't i bring a cannon this fight was so long blood diamond achieved one of four this is the worst time to get this guy but i literally just ran past this wooden barrier oh my gosh he literally just spawned as i ran past it i'm curious what he hits like how high he hits oh he's specks too i didn't know that i thought he just poked like a noob let's see i want to slam i have specs i have a hundred percent let's go baby i wonder what that was all about huh 43 ranged all right ice diamond achieved two more to go now with 52 magic i have a full two minutes of high level alchemy as soon as i boost up with the magic potion instead of just one alright fareed is that his name yes it is how's it going buddy and i'm gonna die by the way these are the new dusk robes that are a rare drop from the konar drop table for read complete and where's the diamond there it is yay all right one diamond to go the reason i brought body runes is so that i can aggro this rat and then i can far cast demons but yeah if i just like staff bash them i'd probably kill the rat because i mean i have high strength and it only has two hp oh your true power a let's see how it works against this rat obstacle hey see damas turned into a dog it is complete oh man i'm so happy i'm so happy baskets of strawberries are the lightest thing that i've found that heal the most but it requires a high hit points level for them to actually heal a significant amount with 61 hit points they heal me four and of course if you have more than zero kilograms you will fail a lot here especially if you're walking i think that doubles your likelihood of falling oh yes out of prayer out of alex and i didn't fail a single time i think that's because i was at zero kilograms i didn't bring a fire staff because it put me at one and i am happy that i didn't oh maybe that's the trick bring your boots of lightness fellas that's it desert treasure completed oh yes it's been barely over a week since i started this account and well barrows gloves before week two that's the goal the accomplishments of the last episodes have resulted in me having quite a few quest points as well as a pretty good chunk of cash but it's not enough i need a lot more in order to go for barrows gloves and get them within the next 6 days and also the quest cape before a month sends account creation it's gonna cost me runes potions and cannonballs to train a level 69 slayer herb lore construction crafting and prayer supplies it's going to cost me a pretty penny i love when jagex creates content that allows people to exert more thought energy and skill for a higher reward examples of this are zorra vorkath the inferno and the theater of blood i can't do these right now but there is another high intensity activity that jagex made that i can do and it's called last man standing to be honest it isn't worth playing there are 24 players that pay 100k for a chance at winning 1.5 mil for first place and 500k for second place even if i won every other game which take about 30 minutes each i'd be making just as much as i could at pyramid plunder but without the thieving xp so i'd like to challenge myself to try to win more than every other game and therefore making it worth it for my future progress it's time to have some fun and for the first time on this account earn my money through sheer skill and competitive strategy this is sparckmax last game of the day and this is usually not active without him here and i've put 100k in so if i don't win this game then i'm definitely not profiting obviously this 1.5 million if i were to win would increase my bank by 25 percent because i have six mail because i've spent all my money on buyables and such so yeah here's hoping to win oh god all right we are in 100k buy-in oh you made mistakes he lost ticks silly goose just gonna open that one so he thinks i uh looted it already oh yes you short bow that'll work what are you oh glory beautiful you're not escaping that easily bro come on is he frozen you suck i don't that's rude okay and i'm missing my flick so i guess it's true trap and this has really put me at a disadvantage because this guy looked at this guy dragon scimitar rune plate body he's already got a kill and a key i have a glory and a staff i guess i got some runes too but oh room gloves okay i'll take that is that guy good aloha i'm scared does this guy have anything i want no who's worse out of these two though aloha or maine i'm gonna guess mayne is less well equipped plus i won his magic short bone [Music] yes beautiful oh took off the uh sure you did bro granite mole yes spec weapon achieved yes he's not going after me yet anyway got a magic short bow now god no wrong purchase oh my gosh i need an ancient tablet that's what i was going after there i don't know why i bought that there we go ancients kind of like earlier today when i unlocked ancients all right ancient stuff beautiful oh whip damn the dragon warhammer oh that's 10 damn that's nice god why did i do arm date today oh my hands are so oh [Music] nice third h bottoms could have had him there nice he didn't use this key silly goose no food that's exactly what i didn't want but he's gone yes oh that's a bloodier key as well dark bow hmm do i even want that i do need rune arrows please have some oh i hope that's a good stack seven not really that good hmm all right i'll take the dark bow just to not let him have it i suppose my next opponent [Music] oh my gosh this could be 1.5 mil get away from him okay don't risk it go for the uh bloodier key get barrage in of course is he dead no oh my gosh there's arms no out of arrows oh my gosh this is it this is it he said he's gone 1.4 mil profit boys that's what i'm talking about yes oh my god tim is doing another game but i have nothing in my coffer i have to redeem this beautiful yes oh i'm taking another risk with this but hopefully once again it pays off [Music] ko'd not ko'd but killed nonetheless good fight man very good time to use a key as well because i was low hp fully healed now what i saw the proselyte held oh my god beautiful baby that's what i'm talking about oh yes he had so much food as well [Music] [Music] good fight man that was a hard one creep what are you talking about don't have ancients unfortunately i didn't have time to grab it i was in fight every single time bad specs unfortunately could have been like 20 20 but no cigar i think he's out of prayer that's good that was a very good gmall by him oh that was a good hit by him oh my gosh no all right i don't think i want to be messing with the smites oh my god no oh man come on baby baby this is it oh my god you're dead yes beautiful two two out of two oh my god boys thank you timothy all right i think tim is leaving so we're going to call it quits there thank you for hosting mr timothy and we are three million profit what am i doing without my profits hurry go get him there we go 2.9 mil added to the bank i accomplished my goal of winning more than half the games made some money and had some fun while doing it now i do need to train my mage i'll be actually not splashing but i will be using the smoke battle staff in a very particular location please nobody be here i have low food oh boy i should have brought a stamina potion i'm a silly goose and that's my coins on the ground no no no drop the burning amulet no no i'll get i'll get that's actually what i should do i'll get money nice the first defense level that was actually trained i started here with 22 000 experience see how high i can get before i leave 24s baby wow look at that these cats cost 500 gp each though so kind of makes sense 56 magic now i should be able to boost up to fire blast for two minutes with the magic potion rather than one you want a piece bro [Music] he can reach me with those surely nay i'll fight him back no skull trick by the way a long range baby he can't attack me with that fish nice 100k for my troubles i forgot to bring a pestle and mortar as well which allows me to crush these lava scales into one stackable inventory space i used 281 casts times the gp per cast i used 137k 91.5 k profit not too bad now that i have desert treasure done might as well take advantage of the anacar teleport that gets me pretty much right next to my safe spot drink mage potions drink mage potions oh no i should have brought a super restore for many reasons [Music] well highest price value i lost was 48k so not too bad [Music] [Music] dang i thought he was gonna die there oh i'm so weak with just this stuff maybe i'll bring a granite mall ran out of alex trip complete whoa elite clue scroll it's pretty good timing because once i hit 60 mage i am out of here done afk and i'm pretty happy with what levels i've got 60 magic time for mage arena number one unfortunately major arena 2 requires 75 but i'll get there 150k plus an elite clue scroll what all right time to unlock fossil island i'm gonna do bone voyage but i'm pretty sure i don't have any more information for this guy so i have to do more quests 600 gp made my day all right with shield of a rav complete that should boost me to 53 kudos i need a hundred for fossil island access so after this i'm gonna go find artifacts from junk and then turn them in and i should have 103 ooh my first xp lamp from this guy agility let's go oh my gosh clean necklace that's so good all right dig site pendants for me by the way i'm doing this with framed he's doing this on stream and we just happened to be doing the exact same thing at the exact same time so he's working on his pure good luck dude ooh i just sold my smoke battle staff good the last one and 103 kudos would i qualify yes i would sign me up let's go there it is the voyage has been uncursed access to fossil island unlocked teleportation to this area unlocked and now i can do birdhouse runs with a direct teleport to right here i've heard of people doing one to 99 hunter well not one but you know 99 hunter pretty much all through birdhouse runs so i'm looking forward to doing that plus hardwood tree patches which gives so much farming xp alright now that i've touched this magic mush tree i have unlocked this area now to go get the other two the first bird house this is exactly why i unlocked fossil island so early in the account because it's going to be so good for xp and so many skills farming hunter 120 000 experience in fossils that i find probably just going to afk ammonite crabs for a while not sure when i'm going to do that but maybe at some point castle wars teleports are vital making an investment into 100 dueling rings 800 teleports to prepare for all of the imminent hardwood farm runs and birdhouse runs i've just made 215 dig side pendants that will sort me out for quite a long time i'm going to start off with the premium trials here but i'm going to do a lot of quests now i need to get the requirement for barrows gloves which requires about 90 more quest points get ready for another burst of questing i'll be ouching while i do it just hit 61 magic [Music] the deathless yeah right primitive trial is complete here we go this is gonna be insane for early levels four levels from one trip you shall be free you're welcome merlin's crystal complete six quest points that's probably the highest in the entire game 92 total time for dragon slayer yay 94 quest points many strength and defense xps another three levels from a birdhouse run it's too good i really need to edit a video right now so i'm just going to go afk some ammonite crabs they have a chance of dropping fossils which i can redeem for xp at the barrock museum so hopefully i can go ahead and do that after i've killed quite a few first off i need a bank on fossil island there we go all right let's see how this works i've never done this before so pretty curious do i just stand here or something where does this guy stand i don't i won't take a spot though sorry bro no way first kill warriors guild here i come 70 strength 74 combat i should go get my room defender but i have to finish editing it takes a very long time 25 hunter and i've upgraded to the willow bird houses 50 farm doing heroes quest thieves armband achieved two more items to go i need 53 fishing to fish a lava eel so i'm gonna do some quests to boost my fishing up and then i'm gonna train fishing after that fishing contest complete jungle potion complete and i also got extra herbs for legends quest and zoger flesh eaters the reason i've just done jungle potions because taipo wanai trio gives 5k fishing xp so i'm gonna do that quest jungle potion is obviously a prerequisite i'm also going to get 30 cooking because that's also a prerequisite 30 cookies pirates treasure complete nice 5 000 fishing xp boost me up to 30. i'll go see his brothers or his sons or whatever and i also got 62 magic nice there's the fishing xp okay that's what i needed 33. also 33 cooking what are you wielding an iron spear and you're gonna teach me some attack and strength techniques sure you are buddy wait i'm 100 quest points now nice and i was about to do a fishing method here i got my three tick supplies ready and all that but i need to do fishing trawler mini game in order to get full angler outfit because it's just gonna be most efficient if i'm ever going to get it which i am to just get it now so on my way for many hours of pain i really hope i can get lucky with the angular pieces two angler pieces oh i actually got one so good why is the a lowercase i don't even think it's possible to get two angular pieces but i'll take the one yay second loot let's see it yay oh baby that's so good two out of the four oh literally trash no i won't discard them but that's a nice interface that is a nice interface i've been committing to my birdhouse runs i have 39 hunter now but i just missed the fishing trawler mini game so unfortunately i'm stuck here going to do some crafting i bought a thousand emeralds in the grand exchange last night and i'm getting 61 crafting for lunar diplomacy fifth trawler trash can 35 fishing though number six i can get this repaired as part of the are down easy diarrhea i might as well do that right now before the next trawler mini game starts hurry up martin nice third piece thank you for oh baby yay the third piece three out of four and 36 fishing there's a milestone for you 60 crafting you bird houses just need the legs i just want to see them please no all right one of the many bibles taken care of at least for questing anyway of course i still need 60 mining for lunar diplomacy hey i didn't even realize 1 000 total was hit recently i don't know what i got that with fishing or hunter but for now i'm training some herb lore in between fishing trawler games getting about 200k herb lore xp per hour using this which is like what does this take 20 herb or something this is pretty crazy just over 1 000 sand fuse serums made that was very quick and i got 48 herb lore as a reward but gosh darn it i gotta get this last angler piece yes oh the luck of the sea is in today yes that's so good i'm done boys why didn't i take it out i want to wear that thing it looks so good not because it looks good but because i wanted it so badly that's why it looks good oh baby i'm a skiller i'm a skiller now boys here comes 99 fishing not really probably just less than that i don't know 34 cooking i'm learning this method so this is going to be really bad but i guess i'll show the next five minutes of me doing this [Music] all right to be honest i'd much rather three take than uh continue with this cooking and fishing method this is really fun i don't know why i'm having so much fun doing this but adding the bolts to this ah it's just really good all right turns out hero's quest also requires 53 cooking so i'll just make lots of garam wants a little cheaper than making wines because i can actually sell these uh cooked ground ones for a profit and i'm not burning as many as i expected to burn so i'm actually not losing too much money and i mean if i kept doing this i would have 99 cooking in like i don't know what would that be like 20 hours or less much less than 20 hours i imagine but cooking gauntlets actually help a little bit here so i'm not going to be doing this past level 53 just getting the requirement for hero's quest and then i'm out of here i bought pretty much the exact amount of crumples i needed to cook that lava eel let me see okay so i've burnt like 30 but i originally bought 1 030 gram ones so let's go see how much i lost exactly so i spent 53k to get 108 000 experience that's 0.5 gp per xp and i'm not even at a good level to do i burned so many look at that but yeah i'm sorry to say that there was this goal that i wanted to do of getting one room crafting level every single episode but unfortunately that can't happen because i want to get the quest cape within 30 days of creating this account and i need 50 room crafting for one of the quests so unfortunately my quest cape goal trumps the one room crafting level per episode goal so unfortunate but this is just how it has to happen i had to do it i'm sorry oh 10 room crafting this is an episode 10 unfortunately but now at least i can do the varrock easy diary i just out my small rune pouch in order to do the varrock medium diary i need the ring of charos which requires the completion of creature of frankenstrain so i'm just gonna switch to the arca spellbook and i'm allowed to teleport to where is it faint constrains castle teleport and also there's the karil teleport in this house i'm sure otherwise this guy is not getting a tip where is it there it is yay people still train here that's so cute oh and he's gone never mind all right not too bad of a quest ring of charos obtained now i need to do garden of tranquility to make it an a version ah man a little break competitive last man standing hopefully i can make some money these guys are so out gearing me i'm scared oh good fight man this guy uh i fought him before i remember him he's pretty good go come on that was it that was so it oh no we both risked it that would have been a great ko all right i gotta turn my game noises on oh my god that spec beautiful and he's dead yes oh so nice good fight man that's 1.5 mil for me and a free entry for you my friend or actually he gets 500k but still 1.4 mill made full black dehyde and full mage setup as well good stuff wow spark is kind of rude spark question not not spark mac um so i'm going to take sparklish out just for being a meanie head i don't care if it's uh strategically advantageous i'm just he's mean man we gotta eliminate the uh we gotta purge the meanie heads he's going down don't worry oh good fight see why that's a little karma for him damn it man i think i'm gonna lose this game that was all i had man all right i'm just gonna accept defeat here good fight the first loss oh well i earned a free entry to my next competitive game but you know what i'll take my reward money and i think i'll go from here because it's not efficient i knew i was gonna lose that game as well i was like sitting in the lobby like oh i'm gonna lose this it was about time it was about time so here's the problem the garden of tranquility quest is a prerequisite to doing the varrock medium diary which is what i'm working on right now but i need to plant a lot of things in order to complete this quest fortunately i've just planted everything but they all need to grow now so while i'm waiting for them to grow what i'm going to do is train my room crafting to 30 or 40 so that i can actually use the xp lamps that i get from the varrock medium and easy diary on runecrafting so hopefully i can get it before the time they grow i'm not sure i'm curious if this is a good way to get to the earth altar i mean lumberjard teleports are like 12k each am i willing to spend that much i don't know but this seems to be a lot faster than just teleporting to varrock so i think i'll do this just hit 23 rune crafting now time to learn how to do lavas without magic view i think you need one single earth talisman per run so i'm gonna have to set up my inventory and my bank up to accommodate that pretty sure this will work i've got my binding necklace earth ruins and earth talisman rather and let's see how it goes all right using the earth ruins on the altar lavaroons nice none of my plans died i'm the best farmer west of mississippi 39 room crafting one to go till 40. only 64 magic and voila the orchids have grown those are the final plants to grow and we're almost done with this quest yes finally oh this quest is probably one of the longest quests in the entire game but it's done 40 runecraft i still have to do enlightened journey in the souls bane for the varric medium diary i will do that now [Music] nice a souls bane completed enlightened journey complete and 54 farming finally i can do the varrock medium diary task complete more runecrafting xp and varrock arbor too good yes oh that's so much thank you very much toby now i can train my mining and then i can do hero's quest that's what all of this was for oh my god i reckon 80k per hour is possible here 49 mining dwarven stout heroes quest here i come we as lava eel obtained time to get the fire feather all right where is she she's going down down downtown ice gloves unlocked adios amigo firefeather obtained and that's it i am now a certified hero of kilinor heroes quest complete i can also enter the guilds yes how many quest points 108 going strong i am not going to get a torso right now i probably should soon but i do want 45 defense for the berserker helmet i've already done framinic trials so i might as well do the holy grail to boost myself up to 45 and holy grail quest complete look at all that xp berserker helmet unlocked i 160 defense for the dragon defender and full obsidian which would make this account very powerful very quickly so i'm going to afk some ammonite crabs while editing a video i've been making a lot of money through farm runs mostly farming avantos while i was afk death training i noticed that my hardwood trees are ready for the harvest 55 farming time to plant my mahogany's mahogany's planted back to training whoa oh my gosh dragon fruit tree oh yes that's so much money what that's so helpful to being able to afford uh full obsidian 1.4 mil from my birdhouse runs from level what was it level 13 to 51 that is insane oh my gosh merrick medium diary come [Music] pass me again we travel through the light to a city yes [Music] yes i will be the mightiest warrior in all of yellow well in 35 xp i will yes oh my god let's go i started this account nine days ago which means i have five days left to complete my goal of achieving barrows gloves within two weeks of account creation show me my max baby oh i wasn't even praying there 31 oh my gosh 66 magic oh that's not the job i wanted but the money helps i guess oh oh that's so nice yes 29 minutes in oh my god the max hits baby they're getting higher and higher oh my god finally how long has it been oh man it's been it's been quite a while took me an hour to get an iron defender gosh darn it heck steel defender finally yes black defender beautiful oh my gosh show you my loot counter i started it uh about 30 kills yeah it's 150 for a defender so i'm pretty much at half drop rate right now but it's gonna be fine because my rng is gonna turn around right yes it is yay not too long after adam and defender yes oh my gosh two minutes later three minutes later oh that is so good oh it looks beautiful i love that blue 76 strength i'll switch to attack mode now just to tag my attack along my strength by 15 levels but yeah obviously strength is going to be the priority [Music] yes oh yeah baby the dragon defender hell yes all right i will not return to here for a duplicate until i have the barrels gloves let's go get them all right so recipe for disaster requires 48 agility but i can boost up from 43. here's hoping that i can get 43 with these fossils that i'm gonna deposit four cases built and we have four lamps hopefully these get me to 43. oh the expectations were too high i'll need to do some barbarian fishing to get my agility level to 43. nice 40 smithing time to do family crest i'm going to profit off doing the fastest cooking xp that i can possibly do turning rock rom ones into regular ones i burned 30 of them but the profit margin like look i were to cook every karambon successfully 217 gp difference and family crest complete yes please thank you so much all right another batch of karambons let's see how many i burn with my new gloves [Music] that's the batch completed let's see the potential profit ooh i made like 180k i started with 1.3 mil in rock rombond so yeah i profited and got 69 cooking so i just only burned 21 of the chrome wands rather than 30 these are pretty powerful i'm getting a little ahead of myself and getting all of the requirements for recipe for disaster there's 70 cooking for the monkey madness part now i just need 43 agility for the same monkey madness subquest and then i can boost to 48 to get on the agility course i feel like a huge noob for not knowing this existed this is just east of relica and apparently i can get to here from here i can enter the stronghold oh my gosh i am such a noob [Music] do [Music] yeah that's what i thought bro i didn't bring enough food for that fight time to complete the quest all right 42 agility from this quest what you've already done so much yet you won't tell who are you you are so inconsistent throne of miscellaneous complete and now on to royal trouble [Music] you did it nice all right good stuff oh this quest ah it's uh it's a lot better than the previous one but these cut scenes have been so long thank you very much king vargas i will take my reward apparently this is the best setup full on mining and then a little bit antique thanks to the third night for making a video on that shiloh village complete there we go big chompy bird hunting complete i've been keeping up with my consistent bird runs 55 hunter as a reward biohazard complete see you brother thank you very much four from the deep completed the ground past complete it used to be one of my favorite quests this time i found it a little more annoying than i usually do but there we go that actually marks off all of the quests that i need to complete for recipe for disaster except for the 175 quest point requirement i still need to get that but i can start the recipe for disaster subquests now so i'm looking forward to that one i'd like 167 quest points before i even start recipe for disaster because i need 175 to complete it so yeah let's get 167 real quick cheaper to complete earnest the chicken complete animal magnetism complete and i don't quite have 50 ranged but i do have 40 slayers so now i can actually do tarn's lair with 40 slider that's quite nice and get myself the salve amulet e i'm going to do witch's potion quest so i can double cook my meat to burn it which is potion complete well that was a very fast quest x marks the spot completed yay easy our down diary completed give me the cake please thank you very much what should i use this on real crafting because you'll call complete siding with the good side is much faster than starting with the bad side actually completed now 141 quest points good stuff princely rescue 59 foreign oh hello thank you very much uh messenger you have a nice day all right want to follow him oh he just does it last well that was rather quick with teleports making history completed 149 quest points getting up there now i'm gonna go make sure that ghost can enter the next world because i'm a nice guy jorlac you are free goodbye [Music] [Music] one more lost tribe complete [Music] [Music] [Music] 167 quest points achieved time for recipe for disaster all the subquests in one go let's do it first one completed [Music] goblins taken care of now for pirate pete pirate pete subquest complete oh beautiful that was so quick yes evil dave southwest complete [Music] the hell oh my god i wanted barrow's gloves damn it man this is the last subquest that i have to do and my assumption about being able to boost up to the agility requirement was wrong so i went ahead and went barbarian fishing to get the rest of the agility levels and then i finished it off with an xp lamp kind of strange way to go ahead and get myself the 48 agility requirement but i was so close that i thought it might as well complete the candran easy and medium diary so that's what i've done time to redeem the xp lamps thank you for the easies now for the medium all right this will give me 2.5 dice and this 7.5 a little overkill in fact for the 48. oh now let's go get my barrels gloves let go okay one more try there we go nice uh we got it this time don't screw this up martin oh did i burn it oh my god okay please don't burn this one please are you um please please yes oh it took a bit longer than expected but that's the last subquest complete have a nice life king of warwicky [Music] it's time for the final battle [Music] and with the poke i finish him off goodbye colonel romancer and he's been defeated goodbye and good riddance yes oh beautiful oh just two weeks into the account we've come a long way from scratch but i've made it to the end of recipe for disaster barrels gloves baby yes oh yeah oh my gosh yes yes yes yes barrels gloves baby i'm lost all right that should be enough points for the future 165 000 that's a good amount for a full inventory of overloads and absorption potions now off to get a 99 my first one and i'll get it within a month of creating this account so i'm happy about that did you guess it it's cooking starting with 70 let's get 99. and here we are 99 cooking it's a good day [Music] welcome back to playing runescape properly i managed to achieve barrow's gloves in two weeks sense account creation now my goal is to get the quest cape within one month however i'm running out of money and i'll need a lot to get the 69 slayer requirement from monkey madness 2. fortunately i discovered the most profitable way of training cooking in the game in episode 5 and also happens to be the fastest there's an old school runescape wiki page on the ranges and their distances from a bank the hostidious range decreases the burning rate but would also cause me to move my character six steps towards the cooking range and six steps back with cooking 28 quran ones in 28 game ticks going back and forth like this will slow down the rates dramatically so i decided it would be more efficient to cook at a place with zero distance between the bank and the cooking area but it's not on this list it's in moral wreck accessing that part of the corruption volcano requires a fire cape so my mission begins to earn a fire cape achieve my first 99 in cooking sell off the loot and make use of the profits for my quest cape goal 62 farming snapdragon just hit 80 strength should be training attack after the next strength level i'm definitely going to need higher melee stats in order to do this cape i only have 44 ranged definitely not using that so what better time and place to afk melee train in nightmare zone while editing videos 70 attack time to train strength 64 farming already oh man potato cacti hey i just got an xp lamp and i got 44 runecrafting from it that means nature bruins [Music] 85 strength does our fight caves here i come but not before i get 60 prayer to make my prayer potions have a larger effect [Music] i always get saved by other pkayers it's awesome here it is 60 prayer yay oh and look at my combat level let's see what it is oh i only gained one combat level what it's fine using full obsidian against the monsters of the obsidian area let's do this no i just drank a brew are you kidding me i'm so bad my supplies are quite low compared to where i want to be [Music] chad with no food this should be exciting hello guy let's do this [Music] do [Music] they've gotta die [Music] [Applause] pretty poisoned very nice come on die come on one hit one more hit please oh yes oh that was hard for me man i haven't done a melee cape in a very long time oh it's so nice to have a fire cape just elite task complete as well yes first attempt successful do i qualify for moral wreck come on buddy yes new area unlocked nice and sole for vent that i can cook literally the same tile as the bank now to go get some karambons and i'm gonna make a lot of money doing this now i expect this armor set to stay relatively the same price so i'm just going to take the risk and i'm going to get some capital in order to invest in quran once and every time i do a batch of chrome ones everything here will increase by 40 so if i start out with six mil then that's like 8.4 mil and then it goes up and up and up and it should be good so chrome bonds 99 cooking here i come [Music] i'm done de-cooking now but i just got a hard clue scroll from birdhouse run so let's check it out totally done nice hey first casket on the account let's see it okay well i'm only 69k so not that good but i'll take it the first hard hell yeah probably the last time i ever get two farming levels in one trip 67 farming now these mahogany trees are overpowered i was buying my raw karambons for 450 gp each and selling the cooked versions for over 650 each this means that i was making over one gp per xp assuming i didn't burn that many so with gaining about 12 million xp from level 76 i made a lot of money and i was also getting about 800k cooking xp per hour when i was focusing on doing one tick and here we are 99 cooking we have mastered our first skill on the account one of many on to the next challenge 66 hunter very nice only 2.6 mil i've managed to buy my melee gear back but i don't have the berserker ring i'm selling my crop wands that i profited with 99 cooking i made so much money there but i don't want to sell them for any cheaper than this so i need to find 1.5 mil from somewhere inside my bank so that i can afford the berserker ring right away here we go the berserkering give it to me yes the berserker ring beauty these guys are bad boys i don't know which one it is though it's probably pk pro i don't know oh the hackers man give it yes oh best in after what seems like an eternity of hard ruthless bloody training we have unlocked the highest tier of runescape weaponry 75 attack good 69 farming let's get that 88 strength and start slayer now somebody said mid game is really slow what are you talking about there is no mid game in runescape with nightmare zone 88 strength beautiful i've trained my offensive stats sufficiently now it's time to train defense so that i can use the piety prayer no but really it's just that i need to afk something while i edit videos and afk melee is like 70 efficient so it's what i might as well do most other things that are afk can be done much more efficiently by paying attention but training melee without slayer isn't inefficient until about 100 combat because using durodel is the most efficient slayer master to use and i'm almost there at 96 combat so once i hit this 70 defense and get that prayer level up i'll be near to using durodel for slayer [Music] [Applause] [Music] 70 defense that is what i'm talking about let's get out of here it's time to sell off my obsidian and buy a whip [Music] 13 gb back that'll make my day oh yes the first time i'm wielding a whip i love this weapon so much hey i just had a thought why am i not showing off right now i got my first 99 like three days ago why don't i do something about it yes and finally my accomplishments will be acknowledged there we go the cooking cape beauty lowballing some wyvern bones definitely gonna get 70 prayer soon so hopefully they buy overnight hey good start 66 farm making the last requirement for the quests i think that's the requirement for grim tails or something i don't or no it's making friends with my arm [Music] goodbye king troll decapitated [Music] beautiful and the fremita giles has been completed i can now wear the neat snot helm not the best in slot anymore but close to it plus 44 wood cutting look at the beast wow this quest has a lot of high requirements making friends with my arm also requires 72 mining so i'm just going to bust that out right now starting with 50 mining at the ardoun iron quarry and it ends with 69 mining in the desert quarry on the way i obviously hit the 60 mining requirement for lunar diplomacy and i managed to build up a few unidentified minerals from the mining guild i got 60 prayer before i got my fire cape and that allows me to use preserve as long as i have the torn prayer scroll for it and i like to do skilling with boosts so i might as well purchase it right now and unlock the prayer the first raids one prayer being unlocked there we go yay i learned to uh two tick teak chop and i got 57 wood cutting as a reward it took also a few hours but we got there level 44 to 57 good lunar diplomacy here i come if you guys want to see the first time i've ever activated this um skill cape on this account then uh yeah just watch i guess yay this might go in a montage someday all right that is it the completion of lunar diplomacy booyah baby 180 quest points 68 magic i can contact npc for slayer as well so that is also an upgrade in episode four i played four games of last men standing won three of them and then ranked top five for the last game i decided i wanted to pay another visit and test my luck i accidentally stopped attacking my opponent and i got pj'd are we are serious so much for that good win record oh man it has been a while but i've accomplished 74 fishing and 55 agility we're out of here time to unlock the kanderin har diary but first piety ungrateful piece of one small favor complete and we shall use these antique lamps on some runecraft if i can please say please plea yes oh so nice i thought it would require a little 50. good king's ransom here i come king arthur has been freed yes king's ransom quest complete going in for the combo oh smooch goodbye sir lancelot then stat gains as well piety will be unlocked shortly please say i can survive this i don't bring a glory he doesn't have freezes oh my god dude oh man wait am i why are no anchors getting on him what the heck okay he's being attacked [Music] yes now i'm going straight back what you gonna do about it oh boy i'm gonna get attacked here but i'm gonna tank him why is he not speccing me with melee the goose [Music] bro yes thank you fella you have a nice day all right see you later yeah oh my gosh am i going to miss this no no no please please the last bone yes the last bone 70 prayer the best prayer in the game has been unlocked beautiful perfect amount of modes as well all right i have a little problemo here i need to complete the candor and heart diary in order to access the sears course and immediately teleport to the beginning of the sears agility course so that i can train my agility to level 68 for the making friends with my arm quest but i need 75 smithing to do the kander in heart diary that's a high requirement i'm spending so much money on this it's like an entire 14 days of membership oh my gosh is this gonna be perfect again just like 70 prayer i'm also going to get the perfect amount of xp with the gold ore i had no i'm not wait please yeah there we go 70 smithy kander and hard here i come er that was about two hours ago i paid four point three million gp i'm selling them for less than one mil yikes i just lost so much money holy sh reserve is on already good please chop quickly i should have brought three tick supplies i'll have to wait five minutes yay we're bowling now get some plaques task complete a ways to make the log for this oh that's so easy actually i want my waist maple log but that animation is so sick oh my gosh this animation is so good damn another task complete and my kitten is burning live onto the mithril dragon task see ya shoot bones first kill oh my bro price mithril full no wait dragon full mithril fulham yeah oh my god 40 is it coming yay the first chewed bone on the account to be used no wait do i pick up that egg all right now i give these toxic follow me all right heal up toxic before we go on our adventure wait did we do it hey we did it nice i've killed the queen done i'm done all right let's uh let's buy this granite body and complete this hard candor and task get rewards please let me purchase it i don't even know how this thing works really kill queen okay so that's the only requirement and it's 95k i will take it thank you very much yes wait yes so there we go i am the best champion in the world 15k tv xp we're on our way to 60 thieve and let's go that didn't take too long just realized it's been 28 days and 1503 total 50 room crafting nice all right that's all the quest requirements for uh well room crafting taken out of the way yes oh my gosh yes oh yes the wedge here i come and we've completed the kander and hard i'm happy i'm very happy antique lamp for room crafting primitive no anything i'm the future baby there we go 60 agility no longer needs summer pies for this chorus 55 to 60 went by pretty quick ah sony magic that will be nice for ice burst when i do slayer and a short while later 70 hunter all from birdhouse runs there we go the first bond purchased self-sufficiently on this account the first month of membership for this account was paid for externally but now i have to be completely self-sufficient with bonds so my membership from this point on will come solely from my gp that i make in game saying goodbye to that three mil hurt so i want to make my money back and i'm gonna try my luck doing some pking i don't have vengeance my stats are horrible but maybe if i look bad enough at the game then people will attack me and underestimate me i'm gonna change my name just for this pk sesh that i got going so [Music] all right cooker chef 29. now people can't give me donations while i pk oh yes i look pretty newbie i need to buy a godsword in order to get any kos bandos is too expensive i might have to go for the zamrak yeah let's buy it not a lot of gp to start out with six mil plus five plus four so yeah we got about 15 minutes start and hopefully i can turn this into a lot of money let's see how much i risk if i'm on school yeah that's a pretty good amount so if anybody wants to attack me i'll just go ahead and let him [Music] one mil that would add to the bank quite nicely [Music] i feel so newbie without venge it's gonna be bad gonna be real bad oh man oh man no we tabs he's got a warrior ring eh i'll take that add that to the collection oh good hit so far see how this goes [Music] light ballista or maybe i can smite him for him still be quite a bit of profit [Music] don't save and you're 81 out of 85 okay yep you are what uzumaki this guy i'm maybe actually able to kill [Music] oh my god oh my god please yes no way what the hell just happened what'd i get thank god he came back in the wilde what was he thinking 300 death oh the first prophets through pking beautiful i'm taking every single potion they're worth a lot and i'm poor 182k not too good but i'll take it for my first kill good fight uzumaki 16. oh gf dude that guy risked quite a bit of money now yeti does so let's see if we can take them out nice got the tag okay it does nothing though let's just go for this guy what this guy risks quite a bit he's an anguish [Music] come on no that would have been so good why was his prayer done i think i smited him oh man that's why you take those chances got to see every opportunity and it didn't pay off this time but who knows maybe next time i knew you'd do that he should have been dead there man oh my gosh i got him nice beautiful yeah peers don't risk much meanwhile i risk 500k so don't call me a safer when i have 80 hp all right uh the same guy just attacked me i went in for the smite but man once again not much loot oh he's got venge he's a big boy he's running with the big boys he's got anguish though so if he has a ballista then no he doesn't all right we gotta bring out the big guns for this guy defender and fire cape let's go come on okay okay good oh he's he's gone all right i don't know why i didn't eat much there but you know i'm not complaining i'm not gonna say a word that's the biggest luna fpk so i'm happy that's a lot of d-bolts there 170k plus a few more things [Music] he's gonna do it he's i knew it i knew it it's just too tempting the bait is too enticing good luck good luck to you too and he's got claws and i'm gonna smite him for him let's go come on one more hit then i'm going in for the spec please no oh it's a shame you're a scrub that's mean all right oh and he's dead nice beautiful combo ballista i didn't even see that oh beautiful yes that's the first big pk on the account and he had a warrior ring yes we got a big ko for big loot back to being a noob with my cooker chef 29 look yes all right nothing for the looters pull the chris archie here and take everything baby we haven't died yet i'm so happy about that almost 1 mil pk very nice very nice i'm very surprised i didn't die that was mostly just for fun after spending so much money on a bond i thought i'd try to make a little bit back and i managed to do it i also pk probably around 500k in cash on top of this so half a bond achieved all right now i've made a little money from pking i have purchased an abyssal whip and a black mask now i do have enough money to buy obsidian plate body and obsidium plate legs which i didn't have enough money before i went pka so i'm happy wow i didn't realize how expensive slayer was geez i actually can't purchase that obsidian plate bunny legs because this cannon is gonna cost me a lot but it'll be worth it i just need to make my money back somehow this is what i've got for slayer gear yeah i don't have obsidian point body or anything like that monk's robes will do just fine yeah at 100 combat i'm able to access dorado slayer which is the fastest xp for slayer in the game switch to lunars now i can use npc contact all right the first assignment from neve what do you got for me 55 inc okay all right there task complete total of 20 slayer points pretty much starting from nothing in that respect so hopefully i get another good task it's not too bad the slurry levels are climbing but my comment level isn't i'm probably not going to hit 100 comment by the time i hit 50 slayer so unfortunately i'll still have to use neve but yeah hopefully that's only for a short while until my defense gets up there and uh i get a hundred combat there we go 50 range for the magic short bow black demon's task complete nine tasks in a row i'm actually going to use konor for my next task because he'll give me a lot more points i'm just going to guess oh i got it nice all right 100k pretty trash apparently can't npc contact konar until you talk to her so catacombs of grand hellhounds [Music] yes the first slayer unique on the account and i also got a hard clue from this task so we're doing pretty well whoa 90 points nice we're gonna unlock this all right let's use the brimstone key hopefully get something juicy not too juicy but i'll take it also at hard clues so yeah into the wilderness we go boom yay casket not as lucky as guns chilly today but money was made whoa good task task complete i need another assignment fire giants i have just gotten in the hp level i'm just gonna keep using eve until i hit 100 combat and that should be okay task complete 158 total uh i think i'm gonna block uh hellhounds and tell cerberus yeah it's not too much task complete on to the next one another assignment black dragons i'll do it nice that was a very quick task pretty much just entering someone else's house switching to the lunar spell book and then using npc contact give me another assignment because i skipped the fire are you kidding two black dragon tasks in a row all right let's go all right another task complete oh my gosh yes boys 100 120 dagganoth rex supreme and prime here i come to slay you let's go so yeah let's upgrade the black mask with all my spare nightmare zone points and now i can use magen range much more effectively i'm going with a magic short bonebudd uh imbued ivan staff and then my melee setup is the best out of all three and that should probably carry me through most of the dk's upgrade your ivan staff whoa 200k all the pain all right it is done i will thank you oh i had to do that for a medium task anyway nice worth it because they require two different spell books so i have to get rid of the ivan staff discard that for a bit um and i'm going to bring some kind of blood spell to heal up off the spinal ups that i think is vital like i've never done this solo before boys so i'm kind of scared nice even here i get all my hp back that's cool oh there we go okay okay okay just pray mage just pray mage okay and then melee for flick nope nope that isn't that's not right oh [ __ ] i don't have any run no all right wait what did i get okay [Music] [Music] oh that was horrible yeah the cannon it would just help so much so i just yeah i'm just gonna place the cannon and it should be fine do these go through each other are you serious like they go through each other this would be so much easier if that wasn't the case least to say dagging off kings was very difficult to learn doing it on a med level account without a blowpipe and no trident however it's definitely possible i'm just making mistakes that i can learn from and hopefully i'm gonna be able to solo all three dk's my pet rock i never claimed one before what do you mean another thank you what i need to do go north set up my cannon kill supreme with rex blocked wait should i kill rex first or should i kill supreme yes kill rex first so i need to lure all three at once that's not gonna be too easy all right i'm getting the hang of this i think rex is about to spawn which isn't good but try to kill supreme before he gets to me this is where i learn why people don't usually bring a cannon even if they're lacking in the range which is what i am i only have a magic short bow and blue d hide they still don't bring a cannon because it's just not good it attacks all the spineless and it barely attacks prime it only does it once per rotation so although ranged is my worst skill the cannon isn't going to help me in that regard at all of course i still made many mistakes in my prayer flicks but i was getting better i'm proving though prime and supreme aren't on the same tick i'm currently poisoned and my antidote is in that pile there so after rex dies i'll be able to go get it mithril pick not exactly the best drop that was a quick kill or not quite yet i guess oh yeah and i messed up all right nice oh elite task complete nice and two kills yes progress is being made oh oh lots of swordfish there geez sweet and super storm stuff oh that's so nice i think i know what i'm gonna do i'm not even going to bother with prime because what is prime drop a sears ring what is that worth 700k or something what i'm really going after are the rings from rex and supreme so maybe i just will leave prime alone entirely freeze wrecks when i need to stand under supreme and yeah i think that will work out best for me like right now i would need to freeze rex in order to not get hit yeah so because i couldn't freeze rex i took a lot of damage from him and i'm gonna take a lot of damage there but that's okay all right good mission [Music] that was close five seconds left till rex spawns uh i have too much supplies now i think what i should bring is um i should bring more emergency food now that i've gotten better at this method and much less uh prayer potions because i usually flick anyway uh so i don't really use that many prayer pots i should just bring emergency food and i'm healing all of my hp back on rec so i'm pretty much self sustaining here all i'm using pretty much are runes and then a few prayer potions but that's pretty much it but yeah my mentoring very very full unfortunately it's not full of rings just an axe but yeah 49 kills left maybe i'll manage something oh no not the drop i wanted my god oh my god yes beautiful bait oh my four mil that's what i needed that's why i'm here oh and they're on the same tick that's so good oh my gosh i'm so happy oh man progress being made 55 slayers well it's a happy time this was a good trip i'm very very happy 37 more dks to go i'll be able to finish that in the uh the next trip because i've actually learned a lot about how to do this um yeah i just wasn't getting the flicks right earlier and it's very difficult to set up so i need to know exactly what to do when i'm initially setting it up yeah i do need a lot more runes but i can afford them because i have a berserker ring oh so good i love this task these are really fun and these dagon off bones as well they sell for pretty funny not too bad thank you very much there we go now i'm gonna find a cold necklace just to make my casts a lot more effective i'm also purchasing emerald bolts e which will poison prime if i'm gonna try to integrate this range method i might as well take it seriously i think this is my best chance of being able to kill prime after getting barrows gloves two weeks ago i had a goal of getting the quest cape from within a month since account creation but that day is today it has been 30 days since i created this account and unfortunately i have failed my goal of getting the quest cape in this time frame but i'm still doing my best to get it as soon as possible i'm training slayer for the level 69 requirement in monkey madness 2 and using any dagger off tasks as a way to make money what the hell holy sh no way i have to freeze this oh my god that is incredible some other guy comes in and i managed to snipe the archer's ring i did do more damage oh my god i must have done more damage before i died oh man i'm sorry bro [Music] he's not happy he's not happy no way that is ridiculous but yeah basically i died um so i wasn't very happy about that one but i come back to a little treat so that's not too bad this is worth so much as well six mil i guess i can use the archer's ring for my trip now hell yeah in the last episode i struggled so hard to solo all three dk's on this med level account without 75 range or 75 magic it is incredibly difficult i dare say it's harder than doing the inferno but with every death i tried to learn something new and although i still die sometimes i have improved massively this task is amazing for money so the more i perfect my method the more money i'm gonna make just wanna poison the um prime here all right this will be the last kill because i completed this task and i got two rigs so i'm really happy about like 130 kills or something but i gotta get prepare for this supreme to come in nice they're off tick it's beautiful task complete there we go yes oh that's a beauty look at that cash stack oh and yeah that's the first diagonal task complete now to go hard on the slayer training i can now afford full obsidian and a fury oh next assignment 163 cal fight pretty good task nice my fury just purchased time to claim it just reflecting back on that dk's trip like that was a lot of fun learning everything um but then again it took so long to stop dying and like get my flicks correct and everything but soloing dks on an account like this yeah that's that's definitely one of the biggest challenges i've taken taken up on this account and it's not like six chads where i was able to complete that but i was able to instantly re-enter the another attempt to kill six jobs whereas here i had to run like took five minutes to get back to where i was so that that's a huge time waster there every time i die so yeah i did die a lot but in the future i'm not gonna die nearly as much because i know what i'm doing and how to set it up now so i should be a little more capable if i ever get another dk's task which i hope i do because it was very profitable task complete alright the last task with neve for the foreseeable future i'm just about to hit 76 attack and 72 defense so i'll be 100 combat and i'll be using durado dragon off again are you kidding me what the hell oh man basically back to back if that was possible holy sh alright different setup this time i've got the fury for one i've also got the bracelet of slaughter so that i can kill more this task um other than that i'm bringing the dragon dagger as well because i'm a little more comfortable so i can get some specs and speed up my kills and other than that i think i'm set i have about 570 561 casts i think either way yeah let's let's do this oh my gosh not another one ah that's all right another dragon axe don't mind it's better than nothing eh finally i remember to put my bracelet on gosh and it actually procs there we go nice nice 57 no way again oh my gosh yes oh baby i'm so pleased oh yes oh what can i buy with that what could i buy today's a good day oh i'm so freaking lucky six mil baby oh getting some good hits and damn that's awesome i did not expect that with only 56 range pretty good 72 defense all right another trip complete but only because i ran out of ruins once again so i'm just gonna buy a lot of them but i can afford it because of that archer's ring so yeah i'm super excited about that oh it's so beautiful that one sold for six mil i'm happy with that what i love i know that was gonna happen all right three dragon axes from this place but i also have three rings so i really cannot complain no way oh my god i am so lucky i am so lucky oh so many pvms are going to hate me right now the practice has paid off i've made so much money today just from doing this oh beautiful whoa okay five rings now all right oh no rig of life oh same rarity as berserkering feels bad man 74 magic one to go till i can use the trident and the last dagon off here and likely the last monster that i kill with neve for quite a long time i don't know if i would ever use neve again durodell is just a lot better selling another berserkering how much is my bank worth now 29 mil it was like 15 mil when i started i'm pretty sure when i started dk's so yeah made a pretty penny from that thank you very much also got very close to 75 magic once you get the trident dk's tasks will be a lot more efficient i'd say before i continue with slayer i'm gonna do the karamja hard diaries in order to teleport next to duradell so that i can actually use him as a slayer master first i want to do legends quest because on the way there's a task that's part of the krem jihad diary that i can complete so i'm going to go ahead and complete legends quest and get that out of the way at the same time all right it was about time that my herb lore level exceeded my runecraft wait my construction level's still lower all right it's time to do legends quest i'll need some weight reducing gear hood let's go there we go the legs the hood and i'll get the spottier cape and then we'll do legends quest also buying some uncut emeralds for really cheap right now their standard market price is 817 and i'm buying them for quite a lot less than that so i'm happy about that one that should be some good crafting levels for when i finally get around to monkey madness 2. i brought sarah down on page two instead of radomus notes for this quest hmm yeah i'm a genius i am a g see they look the same look at that look i mean they're this similar color okay um here are the death wings that i need to kill for the krum jahar diary pardari task complete holy sh i did not expect that i haven't done this quest in so long i don't know if i've ever done this quest i think my brother did it for me back in like 2008 or something i shall return for you and why are you laughing you just died why are you laughing you crazy this is made of pure obsidian so it should work with the full obsidian set if it doesn't then they should add it because that would be cool why are there two radomus urkels this quest is so old oh my gosh well i guess i'll just work closer towards 75 magic for the trident which will be awesome for my dk's tasks that is all the training complete legends quest completed plus i also completed a hard karamja task 55 construction that should be sufficient for a few tiers of gothic's runs i'm gonna end it there and then go get tears of gothics running i haven't done one for a few weeks 112 tiers not my best but should be quite a bit of room crafting xp there now it's time to do the karamja easy medium and hard diaries to have easier access to duradell nice all easy tasks complete no way oh my gosh gout tuber wait where's my spade there it is can i take this i am so lucky oh my goodness i need that for the medium diary and i didn't want to shell out 800k for that oh my gosh yes oh man i've done i've killed like three of these these plants so there was like a three percent chance i got that hell yeah light jungle is apparently the best to hack down for the gow tubers so if you are ever going for 100 i recommend doing the light jungle because it's worth quite a bit of money all right there we go 100 favor and now i need to get an opal machete so i need one more opal actually yes all right my medium diary has been completed spent 800k on this freaking machete all right now all of the easy and medium tasks complete now there's just a short list of the hard tasks so this shouldn't be too difficult wow i have never seen people use this teleport for just convenience of getting to the fight caves but yeah does our fight pit here i come all right the second to last task complete now i just need to kill a dragon in the brim haven dungeon and that'll be it for the hard diary and that's it all tasks complete thank you for the visage hey no visage easy lamp medium lamp thank you very much all right gloves three and i can now teleport to the gem mine let's use these on you guessed it runecrafting what i did this all for pretty close to durodel now and the gem mine is obviously pretty cool place too someone was just here doing a clue scroll just like me got this hard from dk's very nice very nice 416k good stuff and i got some purple sweets to kill me back up because no more food left 10 hp left i'm just gonna keep hopping to delay the poison timer because it's 18 seconds and i can reset it just by hopping worlds so i think it'll be a little more efficient than going to the bank yeah i have no more food left so kind of a struggle here but i'll just keep popping worlds no big deal oh that took a lot longer than expected holy cow well registered is complete at the very least well pretty much now i can actually charter to port iris so that's going to be a lot more convenient in the future all right greater demons not really in the mood for that i think i'm going to cancel this task cal fire pretty good i'll take it all right test complete total of 85. i'm actually oh yeah i'm actually going to do konar now because 19 tasks in a row my next one will be 20 so i want to capitalize on the extra points there with konar all right corner what you got for me here oh that is so bad no i'm skipping it i'm skipping that oh right back i oh man i kind of i was thinking like if that happened that would be so awesome and it did on drop rate i should get one of the brimstone keys being on a conar task and that would completely negate any costs of this task and i would probably even profit so i'm very happy with this one 59 range just from these two tasks i've gotten two range levels so yeah the range is flying up yes there we go now i just have to find it where is it right there yes 60 slayer coming in nice 20 tasks complete and 145 points that's pretty good let's go back to duradell and sukwa it's not too bad um thank you they're pretty quick right please say i can go through here yay all right we're in business oh clue scroll nice and yeah this is the first burst task the only thing i've ever really bursted is uh maniacal monkeys so yeah bursting slayer is a completely new thing to me seeing as i'm you know an old school player i'm not familiar with these new things so yeah that's pretty good magic speed power pretty good slayer xp per hour task complete 148 trolls that's a pretty good task ah very nice to have port tyrus unlocked oh so much better please nobody be here please please please please please please yep just get me out of here all right what's in the casket but at least we completed it five hearts complete troll task complete black demon's task let's go all right here we go 61 ranged i can now equip the roon crossbow which will allow me to take on dk's much more effectively alongside my upgrade with the red dragon hide that i unlocked at 60 ranged so that will be a lot better if i ever get another dk's task which i'm sure i will with durodel he still assigns them last tag enough task i doubled my bank so if i were to get another one i'd be pretty happy i probably wouldn't get the same amount of luck but still dk's are so much profit the hard clue scroll pretty much every task without fail there we go black demon task complete this casket beautiful let's see it oh my god that's horrible 26k for my heart you're kidding me bro oh that just happened sold the ruined pickaxe for 49k i tried to buy one earlier for my clue but it wouldn't buy for 30k uh this is weird this is really weird should i go buy more at the dwarven mine and sell them this is something i've never seen before all right here we go to um this shop all right thank you mr mirnoff we're gonna buy one more room pickaxe because that's all i could really afford i mean i could out my room play body and i'll have three room pickaxes and i'll try to sell them for like one mil each or something i don't know this is pretty weird i've never seen anything like this an alcohol going for three times what it normally goes for you know people aren't selling them and they're really common from like everything so yeah this is kind of strange all right let's see about our next task all right doordale what's the call man please it'll be good good i'm gonna skip that one hey i saw the ruined pickaxe nice that's so good that's so strange i think i sold it for seven did i sell it for 78k i think i did what the hell this is weird man so i bought 10 rune pickaxes 78k that's crazy okay so 5000 trading sticks to be able to go down here wow that's definitely worth it and i don't even need a rope i guess this is the first time i've ever doing this dragon yeah i got it i got it all right thank you wow that's a really easy unlock thank you very much holy [ __ ] oh no i don't want to be alfie today what the hell what the [ __ ] oh i don't have an anti-dragon shield wow that was really dumb oh my god i can hit 31s with this what the hell it's just simon's blast can't wait to see what i can hit with 75 magic and trident all right steel dragon task complete mostly just did that for the points and it's kind of fun anyway so yeah i've just kind of decided to just use the house portals to get my slayer tasks because i can drink at the ornate pool replenish everything and switch to lunars and then if i ever have like a burst task then i can immediately switch to ancients right there so this is just a little more efficient i think i did do the chrome to hard diary just to access dirt all more easily but i mean this is so good i probably won't even use that control task complete no it's not happening not too bad sukwa task complete oh that's pretty good my first task of blood velds on this account i've been buying a lot of emeralds for the crafting grind which i need to go on in order to get 70 crafting for monkey madness 2. so now it's time to use them because i'm pretty much out of money and i have to sell these back to get my money back and then buy cannonballs because i'm out of those so here we go on to 70 crafting 63 slayer i'm also alking just to expedite the process towards 75 magic i need that before i get my next dagon off task if i don't have 75 magic before my next dk's task oh it's not going to be good that is complete 29 in a row konar should be next if i can be asked but i'd rather get a daggernaught task right now so i might go ahead and try for that one i don't think konar signs many daggonhof tasks all right darydel give me diagonals no oh man i don't know if they're worth doing all right worms you're going out ooh black demons yeah i'll do it that took a long time but task complete and 75 points as a reward all right and the clue from that task rewards me with another clue scroll okie doke yay cats get uh 72k all right super super task complete and bloodbail it's pretty good effort has paid off 75 magic that has unlocked the trident of the seas beautiful 65 slayer i can now kill dust devils which are a really good task to get so i'm looking forward to that all right there we go task complete all right door dolls i gotta skip that one [Music] back to where i just was jeez another blood veld task complete and i got a hard clue scroll hey there we go so i got a hard clue scroll that required me to go to gutenot or something i didn't want to do that so i decided to just claim a master clue scroll from this no real harm if i can't do this but let's see it uh yeah i'll do that later i want to finish 69 slayer off black dragon it's good for points i guess new assignment cal phi that's what i'm talking about oh wait switch to standard don't forget that good i've done beyond 88 strength all through slayer just got 89 strength there flight test complete and the next one no way oh my gosh 190 diagonals baby that's what i'm talking about let's go make some money hell yes this is gonna cost me quite a bit of money so i've had to sell my full obsidian there but yeah i'm gonna buy a lot of blood runes i also need the trident uh alongside my blood bursts because when i'm done healing i'd rather get more dps uh one mil it will be worth it and there we go trident purchased all right i want to see how much it costs to get the upgraded cape so far i've already spent 160k just on the staves now to check how many runes i'm going to use so i've just done some quick maths and i realized that even if i use the triton of the seas which has a max hit of 23 at my level i'm not going to get an extra max hit with this cape because it'll just be 25.76 which is the exact same rounded down as 10 increase in damage with the just the colt necklace as 12 percent with the occult necklace plus the 2 bonus from the cape so it turns out that i'm actually not even gonna bring this cape to dagenhauts but might as well get it by the end of this quest cape grind i really wanted to have accomplished a lot of things and major arena 2 cape is one of them so might as well just complete this right now you don't want to go too afk because you're going to get torvesta copies oh boy oh boy no will they not attack him hello why'd i lag oh [ __ ] i'm now got one now he runs run away buddy oh i'm in my clan chat but my clan chat isn't going to come save me they're full of 10 hp iron man speaking of that if you want to please join ken qcc we'd love to have you all right let's go enchanted symbol let's hunt down those godly ungodly demons the trick is to make sure your run is turned off otherwise you will no matter what take two steps towards your opponent so i would end up right in his melee range like right next to that gate there he's got that big sword you want to avoid that jeez this one was easy oh sh oh good dragon dagger i want to be careful of that give me that hand thank you for the ring crafting xp oh boy ah there we go the demon has been slain give me the heart yes getting so many capes lately the cooking cape the fire cape a mage cape number two all right there we go let's redeem our reward now in view yes they're oh it's so pretty it's so pretty there we go hey thank you thanks yeah yay 816 blood runs used plus two stabs that i purchased for 80k each the other god staffs that comes out to 512k in total with all the potions and an approximation of the dust and lava runes so yeah not too bad a little cheaper than i expected it's a sad day when you have to sell your cannon if i don't get a ring this task like an archers or berserker oh it's gonna be pretty hard on the bank i'm yeah investing in that toxic trident so i need a little more cash all right is this it can i afford it had to sell so many things yes good nice try another swamp let's go it begins we resume the dks hopefully i have some luck yeah the red dehyde definitely an upgrade from the blue plus the rim crossbow [Music] man oops [Music] i expect many pogs if i survive this not over yet right quick prayer this time i would have died if it wasn't fairy would have died ring of life are you kidding me oh my gosh i'm so dry of a good ring here i mean i have this 80k profit but i need a good ring [Music] oh no way yes oh my gosh beautiful what do we what do i mean no way it took a while oh i was a bit dry there but we got it yes the archers ring yes oh i have to go scrounge through my bank looking for something to sell because i have money cash money here we go the upgrades are flying in i'm too eager to finish this task and get that 69 slayer oh my gosh we're actually kind of close you know archer helm i saw archer and i was so excited oh the [ __ ] man the cuck two orchard rings one task how incredible would that be oh my gosh can we get six million yes a little more than that as well oh beautiful prime count is so low oh yeah it's because my range is 66 you know and before i was doing this at a 50-something range i would just pretty much tank prime the entire time easy dragon stone oh my god all right there we go task complete noise there we go 67 slayer also earned myself six mil from the archers ring plus a few other random loots another simon please dagon new trolls you're trolling me but i'll i'll still do it i'll still do it yo all right all i've done is teleported to lunar isle courtesy of my chat this is a great idea what are you doing here fremonic be gone and here i am in relica oh that's so nice 40 tasks in a row only 10 to go until 50 and that'll boost my points quite a bit so i'll be happy about that worms i gotta skip those all right dust doubles yes the first dust devil task that's beautiful 68 slayer there we go one to go until i can do monkey madness too gotta get that crafting up still but yeah good progress all right task complete i need another assignment what the hell diagonals holy cow yes let's go first to ancients don't forget there we go here i come money monsters coming for you we're ready let's go another trip oh [ __ ] don't fail fish this martin come on you have this come on you've got this in the bag [Music] a few moments later ah died to spin ellipse i'm not too angry about that one because it's just kind of rng at that point skeletal top feels bad man oh my god that's three today could have been three b rings jeez what is this peckish whale lock oh yes phil oh my gosh i don't know what that was but i'm happy yes oh hell yes after all the the freaking rings of life we finally get another berserkering yes that was what was that like the second third rex of the task or the third rex of the day yes oh i'm so shocked that i'm mailing supreme i'm such a noob finally it dies geez all right i'm just going to poison this little guy no oh my quick prayers were on mage no why why was i quick praying a mage one diagonal left and i died all right finally just much money awesome nice five mil cash attack fire all right i'll do that one i need the points yes 69 slayer the requirement for monkey madness too we out of here we're not even finishing this task 67 crafting just three levels to go for monkey madness two holy cow 71 hunter 70 crafting all the requirements for monkey madness 2 and only one level to go only one skill to go until i can get the quest cape i just need 68 woodcutting so yeah we are progressing back to the quest grind after so much slayer training here we go all right before we begin monkey madness 2 i have to fly to the grand tree it's going to cost me three magic logs 2k fire making xp hey i'll take that for three magic logs finishing up watchtower quest that's a lot of magic xp that would have helped towards the grind towards the trident now i can do monkey madness too gotta be smart about this something about this feels wrong so yeah now i use a rope if this was the wrong route then i would have had to climb all the way back up but i chose the smart path i'm at croc here we are and crook has been defeated i thought of the first place i checked awesome all right guys here we go last time i did this i failed once probably won't be so good for me this time around oh evil bob man this is the only time i'm ever doing this random event holy [ __ ] i haven't done this in like two and a half years it's good to be back in escape room oh i just got caught oh i was checking the freaking guy to see where to go man oh oh that was tick perfect no but yeah two accurate magic compo hits works just fine works wonders if you need a budget setup twisted bow is pretty good too but yeah this only costs 1.5 k yes glow has been defeated see you in the next battle glow oh wait you're permanently dead where did you teleport me to oh nice thank you monkey man is too complete access to the crash site caverns demonic gorilla is unlocked loads of xp i can also purchase that teleport thing check the health first that's right yeah so i think i require 69 wood cutting for making friends with my arm and that will be the last skill requirement before i can do all the quests so once i get this i'm going to burst through every single one starting with 199 quest points about 90 to go these allotments of hardwood trees came out when fossil island was released and swapping between all three teak trees i'm able to efficiently 1.5 tick the t-claws which means that i have a chance of getting a t-clog and getting dxp for it every 1.5 ticks i believe it's the fastest form of tick manipulation in the game [Music] for you if you want to use that oh wait that's that was the level 68 woodcutting hell yes all right we're done yes every skill requirement for the quest cape time to do another rush of quests but first 73 farming for gout weeds achieved see you freaky forester is he coming with me he's gone see ya there we go edgar's room is completed i can now teleport there as well oh it's gonna be so nice for like um god wars dungeon and such where's the teleport yeah right there 200 quest points the milestone they're only 269 quest points so 69 to go dream mentor complete good amount of experience there as well plus a whole set of new lunar spells dragon slayer 2 is coming up in just a few short quests so i would like 70 range for the boss fights it's definitely not necessary with like ruby bolts for example but yeah the red dehyde it's not going to cut it i'd like some black dehydrate i'm going to go do some revenants for the first time on this account it'll be quite brief i don't think i'll be doing it that much but just a 70 ranged it shouldn't be too bad pretty much ready to go i've purchased 10 sets of gear hopefully that will get me enough to get 70 range total price check of this tab 839k hopefully i can increase that by quite a bit here we go the salve amulet imbued hopefully this is the only one i ever have to imbue recharging this thing yeah it would cost me 800 000 nightmare zone points but we've completed an elite task in our down area as well let us begin with our first trip of the revenants turns out that with just red dragon hide and a magic short bow i wasn't able to get that many loots when i was the best ones were like super restores for example but most of the time i would start attacking a monster and someone else would immediately come on with a blowpipe and they would get the kill because the blowpipe is a lot better of a weapon i could have just prayed range the entire time they weren't even freezing are you kidding me what the hell ah first death and it wasn't even a busy time when i was doing this but plans were hopping on every single time i got to the rev caves i found myself dying and teleporting out very frequently wait i could use a crossbow here i just realized price cross bow oh it's 30 mil it's freaking expensive nevermind i was wearing red dragon hide and my magic short bow isn't worth a lot of money clans didn't have much reason to attack me the ones that did didn't really know what they were doing so good fight i've done this for over an hour now proved to be very very very bad look i've lost money yeah my range is just not effective you know blowpipe is a little too overpowered same with the crossbow insulin's little helper completed i've earned myself the amulet of cat speak now and there we go the final quest before dragon slayer 2 a tale of two cats complete with that quest out of the way it is now time for dragon slayer 2. once i finish this quest i have access to vorkath and the ava's assembler which is the best cape slot for range training the boss fights for this quest will be difficult without that 70 range i didn't manage to get it while killing revenants just because they were so bad to do but i think i'll manage as long as i get some lucky ruby bolt specs item chest okay all right let's see if there's any cool animation i'm a huge fan of runescape animations so bro that's so bad elvik is defeated and so are the last of the dragon kitten goodbye zorgoth that was for bob yes the red dragon hide warrior has prevailed bob any sacrifices were made to save gilanor but we've done it dragon slayer 2 complete access to rune dragons access to this bang access to the mythical cape is it right here yes beautiful there we go one hundred thousand strength xp very nice but i still have to redeem my monkey minus 2xp as well so let's go do that just over a month into the account and i've completely filled up my bank fortunately i can consolidate some keys with the key ring from one small favor quest as well as talk to the wise old man who will delete all my unnecessary quest items removed all of the junk and oh my gosh i just eliminated how much is that that's like 89 slots the right sword yes still there okay good carp yes i still have the carp okay nice now i just realized still don't have my ava's assembler where is it four cat head that's right no i have to kill freaking more cath man oh i don't have the range level for that all right decided to just try one vorkath kill to see if i can get the assembler or maybe you know dragon bone necklace something good new content let's go this is a much harder version than in the quest this is fun man i might do this like and just bring a bgs like that would be a fun way to play ruby's so overpowered especially with the cameron hard which i have done it's very nice oh double re that's what i like to see hey 69 range voracath has been slain and 54k that's really bad i think i'm gonna bring a bandos god sword that would help quite a bit i have to sell some things all right how much is the bandage god sword how much are we out 11 freaking oh man vandals god sword extra one mill to make a tab for four cats starting with 689k plus this gear so yeah let's just say a mill i'm starting with and before i get ava's assembler let's see how much money i can make and this time i will profit another vorkath kill let's go poke here the first smack on the account let's go [ __ ] that's pretty bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh yes oh that's the assembler oh yes beautiful also made a lot of money while i was doing this grind 36kc not too bad ah beautiful i've never worn this thing in my life until just now ah very nice another best in slot item unlocked and also profited over 1 mil i was having fun with it so i thought i would do 12 more kills didn't get any uniques but i did make more money new personal best pog back to questing resuming with the dwarven storyline in keldagrim and giant dwarf completed another quest point and 213 total yay for zanac dead but revived once again death to the dorgasoon has been thwarted and the quest completed another slice of him complete and the ancient mace has a prize 74 farming oh loganovo fruit and there go my last man standing winnings i'm one day left until i have to renew my membership so yeah the bond is soaking up my money and there it is another 14 days wow this guy looks really cool i like that animation we should be able to do that after completing this quest well the ascent of arceus has been completed all right i'm fine you gained some archaic that's a lie where's my 110 liar golden helmet i'll have to make another one of these in wilderness during the hard wilderness diaries but yeah there we go now i look good whoa a rune pickaxe is a reward hey that's like 32k between a rock complete 32k cash thank you very much oh wait no it's only 19k nevermind blackjack very nice probably won't go there until i can plant six traps which will be at 80 hunter so i need double the xp that i currently have but i'll get there it'll take some time [Music] wow nice concept that i've come up with for this and it is basically this concept of random event eligibility groovy baby and that completes the rum deal quest [Music] oh boy oh boy come on hit him yeah nice goodbye the barrel chest anchor this will be very nice for pking so i'm glad i uh glad i'm doing all this quests so many perks of this wait take it take it yes and the world has been healed the great brain robbery completed it's been like probably 10 years since i've done this quest last and uh yeah i kind of understand it better now that i've taken a few history classes since then oh yeah there we go cold war has been completed 26 quest points not too bad next up contact going alphabetically contact quest complete just got 75 farming that unlocks magic trees please say no seven days i want to change my name back man i hate this name freaking cooker chef29 [Music] nice and search the myrik complete now in aid of the myrik oh that animation holy cow that looks amazing damn i've brought you the rod of avandis ultimately my endgame moneymaker will be theta bloods so i i'm one step closer to getting the medallion for that as well yes it is done oh man this quest is takes a very long time but yeah it's finally completed and i will collect myself some xp doing theater blood on this account it's gonna be so good i'm gonna play it with full volume it's gonna be so good oh looking forward to it now where's this guy i need to talk to yes there we go beautiful oh the dragon's banalion what a beautiful little item there and i get some experience more room craft i guess oh do we get a level nice we do 56 runecraft a taste of hope was the last mort meyer quest as well i've finished the entire quest line yes wanted quest complete 235 quest points getting there and this is one of the quests i've never done before on any account ever so yeah this is pretty cool bowa sword what the hell wow this quest ends in a cliffhanger jeez they should continue this quest line there's potential devious minds complete 33 quest points to go until completion of all quests eagles peak complete and i've unlocked the eagle transport system so yeah the first time for this holy cow that's pretty cool i'm not on his back though oh wait i'm flying through a rope i see nice i have to push this boulder from this side luckily i brought a necklace of passage so i just pretty much teleported from there to here and here we go push it yes nice now i have unlimited access to uh the desert through this teleport method and that's fitting as well because the next quest begins in the desert with an acros lament let us begin an acros lament complete 240 plus point fairytale part two here i come the godfather is a bad man fairy at least we've completed the quest fairy tale part two complete i don't think i've ever done this quest before either so there's another first time for me no it was the boatman the entire time forget about tail complete all right forsaken tower here i come in order to do the forsaken tower i need twenty percent love a king's favor so yeah 2.4 and i'm mining volcanic sulfur this is going to take a little while oh finally yes i've hit it 20 favor now back to questing i wish i could get my hands on that hammer that would be a nice weapon to use um goodbye and please give me a little canes favor boost me to write the 30. getting 20 was so painful 30.7 very nice plus i get another page towards my current wires that is uh very good only two pieces to go but getting back to the alphabetical order of the quests grim tails 71 woodcutting requirement fortunately i have a dragon axe to boost me up oh really getting up there now i should be at like 246 all right i'll take it dwarven helmet the hell nice hand in the sand complete 247 and 62 thieving i have to scroll down quite a ways for the next quest making friends with my arm oh boy a few boosts for this one ah i see i still need to do these quests right all right let's do um [Music] my arm's big adventure let's go my arms big adventure completed and as a reward i get a rake head and a rake handle i don't think many people will permanently own these ever i'll be one of the first i think so i'm happy with that 248 quest points 21 to go and one step closer swan song complete 250 quest points i suppose that's a pretty good milestone as well quest complete oh 1650 total as well with that construction level 10k strength xp roving elves complete now for the worst quests on this list mep1 and mep2 warnings end part 1 completed some pretty good xp rewards and it wasn't too bad i expect mep2 to be a lot worse though 255. dark beasts holy cow i've never seen these like in game for myself i've only seen them through other people this is uh new territory to say the least and it's complete yes oh beautiful yay oh that's so nice 67 agility as a reward that's good only 9 10 eleven more quests to go something like that all right let's do it hey would you look at that 74 hunter i now no longer need to boost with a hunter potion to make the magic birdhouse and then six levels to go until i hunt my own black chinchampas with six traps in the wilderness olaf's quest complete queen of thieves complete and now i'm thirty percent biscuilly's favor that will save me a lot of time in the future why are you still here why are you so rude tell me about your plans no oh man dragon bone man complete do it i did it nice holy [ __ ] oh my goodness all right let's do it i nearly have a quest cape and that was the first time i ever killed a goal just now what alrighty then oh there we go the last one holy cow that quest took ages no wonder people don't like this one very much oh man i'll take the bone sack even though it's good stupid to carry around silly guy 5k per xp i'll take it eight more quest points to go very nice rat catcher's complete probably one of the worst quests i've ever done honestly i hated it but um you know what it's all right because we're very close to the end slug menace coming up the last thing i'll ever see three hit oh they'd knock out see you it's about time i unlocked the armor proselyte very nice slug menace complete oh man while getting chasey in favor to complete one of the last quests i get xeric's talisman i have to find it though i don't know where the hell it is where is it where is it there it is oh oh that was a bit scary there yeah very nice that's a full coverage memoirs book and all of the correct quests complete tower of life complete 267 quest points hey that was a very quick quest travel totem complete and that was also the penultimate quest one more to go ah it's been a long journey but we're almost there and here we go oh that looks so cool probably even cooler than the quest cape animation super strength pot granite malt oh no that would have been so good oh wait no that's actually what i'm supposed to do and then operate the beacon ring right operate yes nice oh zaf's a badass i didn't realize it was him yes give me the experience and that is the final quest oh it's beautiful look at all this green look at all this green baby oh i've never activated this animation before or ever even worn the cape ah quest point cape here we go it will someday be unequippable but until that day it is mine the quest point cape has been achieved how many days has it been how many days 48 days not the initial goal but we made it there eventually and i was i was quite efficient on the way so should i do it should i activate it hell yes it's going into montage someday man oh it's done it is done that's awesome that's complete beautiful after the questing grind 801 out of 808 i'll just have to organize the bank a lot i still have the bronze sword and bronze square shields that i got from tutorial island they were just sitting there just in my bank boy have we come a long way since then you know i'll keep them keepsake items just hit 70 slayer nice all right so the plan for the future i want to get the infernal cape within 90 days of creating this account so i have about 43 starting from now i also want to get done with all of the hard diaries and the entire game plus i'd also like base 70 stats and getting that 70s layer that i just got will help in achieving that i really want 75 range for the blowpipe so using the cannon here obviously is uh propelling myself towards that goal as well it's mostly the idea of getting all the money necessary for the inferno that's what's going to take me the most amount of time and i'm not going to get a twisted bow i don't think i will anyway in the next 43 days i don't think i'll be able to afford it maybe i will but i'll probably be repping an acb for the inferno so it should be pretty fun to go for that to have an infernal cape decently early on the account will be quite exciting as well task complete there yeah all right 47 tasks in a row i'm now going to transition to wilderness slayer to boost my points up a little bit i also want to use the canon to get 75 ranged as soon as possible all the best ways to make money for me including killing demonic gorillas and also killing dagenhoff kings require the blowpipe they don't quite require it but it will speed up the tasks dramatically so i'm going to go into the wilderness with a vigorous chain mace and the cannon and that will boost up my range quite substantially i hope and at the same time i'll be getting a lot of slayer points but not before i get 58 construction just to surpass my rune crafting level four tears of gothics which will gain me some room crafting xp the most i've ever gained from this actually because i now have the quest cape so i should be able to get a lot of tears pb for me 173 tiers collected probably not the best but there's some room crafting xp for me holy cow i gained 10k from that pretty good all right how much is this gonna cost me 6.6 all right that's not too bad i'll just chuck in an offer nice first weapon from the revenants let's charge it up this looks pretty sick i like the purple on it damn i must kill it in the wilderness 86 lesser demons that's actually the only task out of all the tasks from cecilia that i will extend with slaughter bracelets so let me get those out i'm bringing the obsidian shield i didn't know this about a year ago i figured out it has a plus five strength bonus which is you know somewhat similar to the dragon defender so i'd say this is a very good weapon and i don't risk my dragon offender obviously i'm in very deep wilderness and i would lose it if i die so instead i'll just lose the obby shield and that'll be fine i really like this task because it's amazing range xp per hour oh my gosh i just hit a 46. should i use piety i don't know uh-oh uh-oh getting attacked here and i'm dead wow that was a very quick trip and very shortly after 84 hit points first wilderness task complete ends are you kidding me am i going to lose points doing wilderness slayer skeletons it's not too bad first mysterious emblem has a drop awesome second will be task complete maybe i should just bring a glory it's plus three prayer bonus it's only minus two strength yeah i think i'll just bring it glory because then i can protect my aubie shield and lesser demons that's very good i'll take it hopefully i don't die again this thing is ridiculous 53 and then 50. what the hell how's the range coming along oh beautiful 12k to level and i just got that level recently quite nice 75 for the blowpipe here i come demonicrylus and dks hey another mysterious emblem and the task is very close to complete as well there we go three wilty tasks lots of loot holy cow four mysterious emblems and very close to 73 range new task ice warriors yeah i'll do it hey fourth task complete and i didn't die this time why doesn't it give me anything all right is this a lot oh man where's the last step all right answers to casket yes all right give me some guns chilly luck please i need that third age kite predictions let's see yeah okay it probably could be worse but that was so [ __ ] wait am i scold what the hell bro pick up yeah i thought i'm a school [Music] 71 slayer nice 14 dragons left to kill but i'm going to bank because i just got these onyx bolt tips i do not want to get slain with them wow 228k just from the inventory yeah it's still pretty good like 350k or so a little bit more than that not bad nice task complete and i profited a decent amount not as much as i was expecting but there's 145 slayer points for me i will take it new task let's see it oh i can do that nice task complete i gained quite a bit of money from that one a few mysterious emblems 100 banditos all right damn 1.2 1.3 mil from mysterious emblems hell yeah weldy slayer pretty good 73 ranged just two levels to go that's beautiful whoa that is a big milestone the second 90 on the account and it is strength but yeah it's nice to keep my strength level well above my attack level the chords chain mace is helping quite a bit with that that was a very quick task next one rogues another task complete new task skeletons easy one nine tasks in a row one to go okay no thank you goodbye we are skipping that one and lesser team is that's pretty good and i ran out of ether but the cannon does most of the work anyway we have completed this task there we go 125 points as a reward beautiful 340. finally my points are climbing up there new task roger that was a bit scary so there's a pka there but we managed to evade him when i use the vigorous chain mace i risk all of the ether charges that i put into it but when i'm this deep in the wilderness i don't want to risk that much so i bring a dragon scimitar instead it does the job especially because these rogues only have 17 hp anyway also a shout out to my clan chat if you ever need a cc to join or just want to talk to some friendly people feel free to join kemp qcc there are always people active in there and if you have any specific questions or just need help with something i'm sure many of them would be happy to help simon and sweeney are skipping that one definitely oh just skip three tasks in a row four ice warriors all right spiders nice that's an easy one lesser demons hell yes very well worth it just complete how badass would it be if two like void rangers came and specked me out at the same time oh that'd be badass of them i mean it'd be a really good way to kill me quick that's that's a really good way to kill people actually oh [ __ ] speaking of people killing me are you kidding [Music] he just he just attacked his friend instead have i tanked it have i taped it i taked it yes next task 99 all right task complete lesser david's beautiful more range xp hey there we go we just hit 72 slayer that is the requirement for wyverns however i don't see myself killing those anytime soon but regardless 72 slayer nice milestone you had the perfect amount of cannibals there nice got some mysterious emblems and 19 tasks in a row the next task will boost me quite a bit of points task complete and 480 total slayer points now i could get the black matte or not the black mask the slayer helm upgrade right away but i think i'm going to focus on my blocks on the duradell task list first revs interesting we are doing this task what do i risk what how do i risk that much holy [ __ ] that's a little bit much oh my god we're leaving goodbye wait i'm going to pvp i did not remember that part of this steal holy cow let's get out of here what does mythical cape give in terms of uh gets crushed doesn't it he gives spot six crush man this is the perfect setup igor's chain mace and mythical cape i like it oh [ __ ] alfie got me chicken wings and they were spicy and i just rubbed my hand in my eye oh oh my god oh all right task complete and black demon we'll try it out i want your shield [Music] yes how many one i said one dragon plate leg trade me [Music] let's sell this and just buy it i lost like 14k on that month ice giants all right task complete hey 30 tasks in a row completed with that last one 350 points yeah i'm kind of needing to skip a lot of tasks which is unfortunate but at the very least i am progressing my range to ever closer to 75 76 farming animal plants interesting green dragon task complete now for chaos druids haven't had these assigned before so this will be interesting task complete elders were a lot longer than the normal ones but i had a chance at some good loot thank you thank you task complete and look at that 42 000 range xp until 75 range and 9 black dragons that's simple enough nice 25 points there nice i probably would have died there task complete also got 73 slayer i want to check something i think i started wilderness slayer with about 29 mil how much do i have oh 31.2 not bad birth warrior task complete yeah that's probably going on the block list i think yes it is another task bears pretty easy bear test complete now for ice giants i don't know what this is the second or third bond purchased on this account but here we go another 14 days of membership a little break between tasks i just competed in the deadman mode tournament and while i was doing that i was 8th king on this account i got from 92 to 94 strength i also got 86 hit points and 104 combat but now back to wilderness slayer for a new task of bears that's task complete in the future i might kill callisto for my bear tasks i think that'd be a fun way to do it next task earth warriors all right hey there we go task complete didn't quite manage 75 range i'm so close though and the task where i get 75 range 107 wait do i do those i do do those those are in the revenant caves here we go oh very nice 75 range there beautiful i can now wield both the blowpipe and the twisted bow the most powerful weapons in the entire game ice giant task complete quick task a total of 550 slayer points bears again hmm maybe callisto pretty strapped for cash right now like 12 000 coins yeah pretty bad but i do need to charge my vigorous chain mace with more ether if i want to do this callisto task so just selling off some emblems that i got and i can buy a lot of ether with this all right i think that teleporting is probably the most dangerous part of this but yeah i'm headed to callisto now and hopefully i can manage this safe spotting technique that i've never done before in fact i don't think i've ever killed a wilderness boss or at least farmed one i've probably killed one and so i've killed chaos elemental of course but other than that no i am a virgin to this so hopefully i can learn this pretty quickly poison spiders that's not good i should have brought an antidote and there's callisto holy crap alright so we've marked three tiles and let's try to lure callisto for the first time okay looks easy enough [Music] here we go the first wilderness boss that i'm breaking the game with callisto you were soon to be dead 55. nice oh nice the first kill and 17k all right i'll take it that's a big loot that's why i'm doing this well a lot of the reason is because i would like the pet the pet's pretty cool you know i wouldn't mind a little bear cub following me around uh but also the money is helpful as well as you saw i had 12k cash earlier i do need a lot of money right now so hopefully calista will help me out with that 64. what oh my god 57 this thing is getting demolished dragon bone kill number five chaos runes soul runes that's good for vulnerability casts i guess thank you kill number seven 250 cannonballs oh and the first picare he's found us [Music] put on the barrels gloves for some defense and he's going in for the range his switches are pretty slow so i think it should be okay and here we go the escape all right so now we know that i need about five and a half brews in order to tank i will probably just bring eight in the future and bring more uh prayer potions 373k and just a few kills not too bad i'm gonna make a few upgrades to my setup here i'm gonna get the warriors ring wow i uh can barely just afford it there just thought i get that extra stab bonus because callisto is most weak to stab for the setups that i have anyway it's quite weak to slash but i uh only have the option to use stab on the vulgaris chain mace i'm repping the obby shield and offers plus five strength bonus which is pretty close to the dragon defender but i do need the accuracy for callisto because it's so tanky i'm also going to imbue this new warrior ring that i just purchased i was barely able to afford it look how much cash i have left yeah that's not good hopefully i can make more money from this task though and here we go the second imbued ring 650k points goodbye luckily i've done a lot of nightmare zone on this account 59 good start oh double i love this dragon defender it's going to make me hit so much more accurately already that kill was so quick jeez magic logs as well as a loot oh i love this task [Music] no that was a good hit what are you doing dude silly guy telly yay [Music] oh i'm so glad i got the mage prey on when they t beat me otherwise i would be very dead kill number 10 ah i don't need that in unnoted form darn it wait wait that's actually good unloaded super restores that's great bruh oh my god that is the best thing i could have gotten what no way oh baby oh i literally was just about to leave because i didn't bring a teleport i have the r down cloak but i don't even know if you can use that in the wilderness who cares i just got six mil oh my god that is so good yes i am so lucky with getting six mil drops two archer's rings a dragon pickaxe i just got a dragon pickaxe 32 i hit what am i gonna buy with this you know i recently got 75 ranged probably gonna buy a blowpipe there we go yes uh from 1000 gp to almost six mil not bad back to backtrack and pick it oh no whoa mr symbolum nice rune pickaxe as well kill number 24. all right it's about peak time so there are a lot of pkayers at the callisto spot now at first i wasn't getting pk'd at all but then eventually they caught up to me so now just finishing off my bear task i'm happy with my 6.5 mil profit that i made at callisto now just back to the regular bear task and continuing with getting lots and lots of slayer points task complete and a new one mammoths oh task complete i also got a mysterious emblem and i now have 600 slayer points firej i don't like that task new task oh my god again all right and there we go task complete also managed to score what is that another 163k why really i'm losing points at this rate if i get this literally every other task man that ain't cool skeletons oh here we go one more task until 50 complete ice giants beautiful hey there we go task complete 960 slayer points today marks the 75th day of this accounts creation and i am proud to already be preparing for one of runescape's ultimate challenges [Music] so here we are mapping out the plan to take on one of runescape's biggest challenges the inferno but as my account is only two months old i've spent most of my money on trying to get my skills up and complete quests so it comes down to the task of unlocking one of the best money makers in the entire game at 10 mil an hour i can help other people get their torsos pretty much doing all of their work for them but in order to join the people that are already doing that i need to prove myself to them i need to qualify and pass their trial there's a test they put you through and if you don't pass you have to wait another week until you can take the test again in order to even take the test however i need to get level five in all rolls of barbarian assault all right that took quite a long time to kill the queen but we managed to do it and that is the second one i've ever completed many more to go before i get level five in all roles however the third queen defeated and my attacker role is now at level four one to go and then i'm switching rolls probably the healer next 77 foreman 75 hunter all from birdhouse runs and there it is level five healer beautiful nice that's a pretty quick queen even though i'm going with you know just random people we performed pretty well that time oh a new personal best for the queen time 22 32. is that it for all of the roles hopefully so defender 500 points nice all right that's it mastered all the rules and now i can start helping people get their torsos and they'll pay of me a lot of money for that i think about eight mil per hour so here we go let's redeem the mastery yes uh beauty good stuff i don't even have my torso still but i'll probably get that just by um just by practicing with the people that are gonna train me up let's do this i was looking at the guides provided by ba services and the attacker guide suggests that i need to have the crystal halberd i need all of these parts one through five in order to even join the clan so i have to get my hands on that but that requires the hard western province's diary i have to get 70 thieving fortunately i have a lot of the other requirements out of the way but yeah 70 thieving is next on the agenda starting out with the unbearded bandits from 63 to 65 off to the metaphytes nice there's 70 thieving i'm gonna actually go for 72 because i can boost 100 percent guaranteed with a skirt juice or squirt juice to level 75 and then pickpocket from the gnome for the western province's hard diary and there it is 72 thieving time to get out of here what the hell who is this guy traveling merchant what easter event maybe i don't know all right give me your beer glass shelves yes nice all right can i go here yet no all right looks like i got to do the mini quest i think i just have to do one run of this and then i get myself the squirt juice to boost myself to 75 thieving oh that was close that was close the squirt juice nice can i make it right away oh no i should have brought a stamina with two of the fruits i got myself the summer squirt juice now to well first of all buy some battle staffs because i'm keeping up with that doing that every day hello nomi boy and farmer scores pearl nice name dude wow this this strength level is really staying at 106 there isn't it there we go nice all right now i have a minute and a half to pickpocket a noom let's do this don't fail too many times i'm using preserves so i should be okay i have a whole like 80 seconds left yay all right that is the western provinces that's probably one of the hardest tasks to do because you do need at least 70 thieving for that one so there we go one of the heart is completed now i have to do the easy medium and hard western province diaries and then i can get the crystal halberd i also need 65 construction but that shouldn't be too difficult i have to get about double the xp i currently have so yeah it should only take about an hour or two nice 65 construction yes all right now my tears of gothics won't go to construction for a very long time and we'll just go to room crafting which is good because in the past it's gone on construction which isn't good i can also build a pool of some sort in my garden area 60 herblore oh that's spendy 75k at least i can afford it there superior garden is being built nice this will be very useful for the rest of this account especially with this thing here and the teleports from that i don't have the levels not near close enough yes actually i can build a spirit tree holy crap i did not realize that all right i will do that at some point but for now let us build the restoration board am i missing and the first of many restoration pool built now i can restore my spec which is already 100 but yeah i can also add the stamina potions as soon as i get the boost from 65 to 70 which with the tea that my butler is about to make me will come very shortly servant make me tea how much does it boost me plus threes to 68 maybe just plus two all right well that's exactly what i need and here we go the stamina pool excellent all right i'm just gonna rotate this thing and then i will have a stamina pool right there very easy access i haven't built like anything in my house i don't even have like a glory this is the first upgrade of many i've got to kill some chompies for the western province's diary so i'm making my own myth or brutal arrows they wouldn't buy on the grand exchange killing chompies is probably one of my most hated tasks on this entire game but it has to be done i have to kill 300 to complete this hard diary so yeah pretty painful but i'm collecting a lot of ogre bellows to do it i'll be back shortly for full void at which i could immediately upgrade to elite void once i have the hard western province is complete but for now just doing the novice boat for the easy task and then i'll also do the intermediate and veteran for the other tasks on the medium and hard diaries whoa nice 87 hit point and there we go 75 defense i can now equip pretty much everything in the game cover i think i need 75 prayer for the elijah but other than that yeah i could be the tankiest person in the world right now big milestone there novice and medium boat completed now just for the veteran nice all right how many points do i have now i have 12 total all right that's a good start for the 1200 or something i'll need for all the helms the elite pieces and all that stuff yes finally all right i killed 30 choppies it was better than i remember it being but yes i have received the first chompy bird hot easy diary complete runecraft xp thank you elder gnome child this takes a long time don't it i just want some bass they're not very expensive all right there we go medium tasks complete now for my runecrafting xp again now just for the hard originally i claimed a shield when i finished roving elves but i need a bow in order to do the hard diaries so here we go 900k down the train oh it's brutal but worth that obviously hey i passed it and i didn't even know it 304 chompy birds killed oh that's the fire i'm so i'm done with this i can now do the hard western provinces diary got a few steps to do on that one but the worst grind is over i cheated a bit and used the uh the whip for most of the kill but will the crystal bow will it work yes okay i could just use it for the last hit nice another task complete monkfish cook here it is i need to kill zora and with what better weapon than what it drops the toxic blowpipe definitely the best thing i could possibly use and the first time i'm ever going to use it after recently getting 75 ranged so here we go the first time it's ever been on this account i'm looking forward to using it all right i watched a few seconds of a guide and i've seen people do this on stream for years and years and years so you'd think that i could be able to do this i've done a few kills in the past but when i say a few i really mean just a few so i'm quite inexperienced with this but i'm going to board the sacrificial boat and i i would like to ride it hello haha all right i'm uh looking forward to this i'm probably not gonna do so hot on this first attempt but i'll try my best this did not go as well as anticipated goodbye second attempt once again failed why are the oh my recoil um it died my recoil ring ran out i didn't expect that excellent also only one recoil ring this time whereas i would have needed two last time i don't i don't get it i don't get it but you know what i'll take my about 100k loot not too bad and we completed a hard task that is very good very good indeed i want to keep this wool pipe man it is it is just such a oh i'm so glad i have it now i'm going to let you in on a little secret fletching is very easily trained with profit through making bolts instead of darts and the mechanics are the exact same just got 69 fletching i can now make roon bolts which have the most profit because they're you know pretty expensive i bought these for 322 gp each and i can sell them for 341 each or even higher i think as much as 390. making bolts i'm just doing it while three tick fishing it's pretty efficient i should probably not drop those and configure this correctly but yeah this is a very good method i'm liking it a lot i also got 75 fishing a few minutes ago i'm waiting for my palm tree to grow over the western provinces hard diary but i might as well do the verocard diary i've had the stats for ages nice all right three eu roots because i have very high farming and i might as well plant another you sapling i brought it anyway in general i haven't been doing yew tree runs because they are very expensive compared to just fruit trees this guy's a legend alright another task complete now this is probably being really idealistic but i'm hoping i can get a lot more kudos than i have here i need 153 for the varicardari so yeah maybe i could scrape that probably not though explore the city and maybe do some quests i've done all the quests what are you talking about bro well at least i get some runecraft xp out of it thank you now i just need seven more kudos moment of truth is my palm tree completely healthy yes ah excellent all right the second to last task i still haven't bothered uh making something in my house but there we go i also got 78 farming and the second to last task complete what can you do for me well you could give me a painting the isafdar painting please yeah that's it all right that's definitely it is dar oh the most advanced tear yes excellent all right time to head to the gnome stronghold let's go what is that now is that the third hard diary complete on this account yeah kanderin karamja and western provinces oh yes and this is like i think in my opinion one of the best ones you get unlock elite void with this of course i still have to do pest control but there we go beautiful it is complete and i get some runecraft xp as well thank you very much oh 59 makes it all the better two cosmic runes that's a nostalgic message for me shields bows and halberds i will add to my collection of crystal equipment definitely 750k oh that is definitely worth it now i think i can enchant this thing at nightmare zone not sure about that one but regardless i do want to enchant my crystal shield and my crystal bow there i think it costs very few nightmares on points in order to do that let's see what are you gonna charge me here ah nice with the crystal halberd achieved i'm much more qualified for the attacker role but while i wait for an experienced team to train me in the ways of efficient barbarian assault i aim to achieve full elite void in my waiting period bro let me through oh my god i hate him it needs to be done to avoid the hell hole of free to play 3.9 mills spent on another 14 days of membership nice 76 defense one of many levels here the last game here it is let's do this one right i'm going to do my absolute best kick ass this game kill all the pests oh it's done it's done it's done i'm very pleased because that is all the void or pest control points that i will need for a very very long time until i go for like completion of stuff like the mace and stuff and i'm not going to use that anytime soon but yeah i collected quite a few points at once as you can see 1652 wood ranger helm yep thank you and void melee helm and the void mage home all right all three homes and that's it that's it for that and then i can i don't know how i can do this but i think i just talked to her do you wish to upgrade yes please thank you very much yes full void and i should wear the melee home with my whip there oh i've never worn this before ever ever ever so yeah i've just completed an elite task as well this is very good i'm very happy i think i was getting 110 120 pest points per hour with the veteran boat yeah not too bad two days of work and here we are with one of the best armor sets in the game and certainly one of the cheapest i also earned like 250k going for that so yeah free money i'll take it 79 days have passed since this accounts creation with the completion of five hard diaries and every quest i've mustered the courage to race towards my most ambitious goal yet achieve the infernal cape [Music] [Applause] here comes the money here we go the second fastest money maker in the game learning how to do barbarian assault efficiently most people want a torso on one of their accounts or they just want to complete part of the candor and diaries that means a lot of people will be doing barbarian assault and most of them don't want to learn how to do it and that's where i come in for all these people that want to play runescape improperly i can help them do that but i'm going to charge them a pretty penny if i can get good enough at barbarian assault and learn the mechanics i can make up to 11 mil per hour but it's easier said than done there are people that have figured out the fastest possible routes for doing barbarian assault getting their fighter torsos in under an hour i have to learn those methods in order to do it as efficiently as possible and then do a trial run to prove myself in front of a team of proctors ba services is the clan i'm trying to join they're the one that orchestrates the entire boosting system and they've dedicated some time towards training me up and helping me learn how to do barbarian assault efficiently all i have to do is get really good at one role i chose the healer role it's not all about brute force practice i've done a lot of reading on mastering the helo role my friends shared codes with me which refer to how many foods to use on each healer to complete everything efficiently i've studied the codes for every wave in barbarian assault and tried to commit them to memory are you doing two five two yeah i was doing two five two and then zero zero seven one is like yeah it doesn't make much sense to me two to five two you get the spawn at 30 seconds so you actually want to guess and then you have to re-poison a healer it's to get the the best time [Music] doing some nice chill afk fishing 76. whoa thank you framed day three of practice and i still have a long way before i can qualify for a rank in the ba services clan chat in the meantime i attempt to discover an afk way to train range after a bit of tinkering i discovered the best place to stand in the catacombs of korend where all of the anku will attack me that right there on the ground is my arclight hell yes the third ancient shard i remember i got my first one when i was like killing hill giants in the very first week of this account boy those were the days and these are even better days my melee stats are amazing so i could just immediately go to zami or something and destroy it so uh let's get some ancient shards out yeah i don't know how this works i've never done it before but i think i bring my dark light which is just like my silver light but after shadow of the storm quest and the ancient shards and i use them yes oh my gosh first time i've ever had it first time the higher my range level when i start using black gin champa's the less it'll cost to get all that range xp i need for the inferno i'm gonna aim for around 90 range before i do it and then beyond all this range training i still have to do magic which yeah my level for that is also very low wow dark tone and top awesome all right there we go full totem full arc light now what i'm going to do is move to the anchors that are in the stronghold of security because i do need a skull scepter um okay like the fourth anku kill here maybe even third i'll make it i'll make it one percent scales left but i have made it 78 range three levels from here just afk super chill editing a video plus many ancient shards and a few totem pieces i'm done afking so it was perfect timing really now i have the arclight a few totems for some scotizo kills and extra charges for my arclight as well holy [ __ ] that is the worst loot i've ever seen time to complete the skull scepter i have one of four pieces that i got from the anku in the very bottom level but now it's time to get probably the easiest piece to get which is the left right scroll half from these minotaurs ah there we go okay we got bottom of scepter as well oh yeah second kill okay oh what two in a row oh man this was the easiest grind of my life nice that is the requirement for vera cardaria now i just need to assemble all the pieces together i've played this game 15 years i have never done this before oh and then assemble fully good yay invoke let's do that yes all right hard task completed excellent i need 153 kudos as part of a step for the varicar diary i have 151 so i'm too short so i need to do the mini quest curse of the empty lord and i can get ghostly robes after this not that they're much used because i'm 76 defense but yeah oh this guy's gonna attack me that guy didn't attack me what i'm just like what is wrong with him and edgeville dungeon this guy is actually vegora the person that the goris chain mace is based off of so that's a pretty interesting factoid i don't know much about them as you can see i'm kind of skipping through this dialogue but i'm sure you could read up on them if you're curious noise and that's the mini quest complete i think as soon as i go talk to the guy i started it with there's a guy equipping it right now the chain base he found it he should give it back to vegoro and that's it curse of the empty lord is completed maybe like for your summer trainer i wonder if you use it on him like he takes it then you just don't get it back yeah that'd be that'd be a really good easter egg nice 161 kudos excellent a little overkill there but i'll take the runecrafting xp and i can now unlock the vera car diary orlando see how far i've come what do they say to me thanks for all your help mate yeah you're welcome bro here we go veracar diary completed excellent toby here i come now i'm going to be able to make a lot more money buying the 60 battle staffs it's just supplementary it's not going to be my main source of money obviously some room crafting xp as well 15 000 for level 60. oh great that also makes for a base level of 60s and all stats 79 farming hey hey 60 discounted battle staffs yes thank you very much let's see i just spent 420k on this and i just made 72k and that took all but 15 seconds so that is some pretty good profit per hour railcar diary definitely worth completing i wouldn't have guessed that nightmare zone is actually like 40 to 50 percent better than killing ankus and that's mostly because the overloads it keeps your range level up and even if you don't use overloads you have these super ranging potions which are obviously much better than ranging this is just ridiculous like i have a glory instead of the salve i'm not killing the undead it's just crazy how good nightmare zone is and it's so much more afk as well i was getting about 70k range xp per hour from 75 to 78 range at thank yous but now i'm getting about one hundred thousand va services is hosting races so that's a really good way plus a fun way to learn how to do the gila roll here sorry sub 14 yay that's a pb that's good it's not too bad you're just learning these guys are nice about it i kind of didn't perform too well but you know it's a it's a work in progress 1327 oh i thought i was doing so bad that entire time nice okay at least i pb by five seconds i think we were last place though that's two races complete i p-bead in both of them but clearly i have a lot more to learn i'll resume with the barbarian assault practice in a bit but there aren't any teams going on right now so i'm gonna have to do that later aside from just earning money through barbarian assault boosting i'm gonna have to train my mage and range up in order to have any chance of beating the inferno money will help with that but there is a way that i can earn 150k magic experience per hour and make one mil per hour but there are a few steps i need to take before i can do that method i'll begin by getting the freminik easy diary complete ah all the easy tasks complete nice now i just enter my house and a few moments later done with the medium as well once again i need to boost my thieving level to 75 from 72 so squirt juice noise ah there we go okay and nice about halfway for the hearts yes i'm an extraordinary human and i've completed the hard feminic diaries can now use the tan leather spell and i get a lot of runecraft xp thank you very much nice level 61 there going strong tan leather yeah alrighty this is it now i saw my blowpipe unfortunately i didn't want to have to do that but i did need the capital to start investing in some leathers and a lot of runes i need natures and astrals for this spell and unfortunately my hopes and dreams were crushed when i figured out that this is actually only 400k gp per hour instead of 1 mil per hour i just did the calculations incorrectly when i first calculated out the profits but still it's a lot of mage xp per hour and i'm not losing any money and while i wait for my assault team to assemble this is a really good way to fill the time make money and train towards that 94 magic man this is gonna be cool i like this i like what i'm doing right now i really like it tan leather yes ah excellent all right it's pretty sick mage xp i'm making a lot of profit as well just the margin on these two things is quite high and i can make five dragon hides into leathers every single cast 79 magic good start let's see got something you've won mahogany planks okay all right let's do it again and six in a row more room arrows okay well let's price check this out of six gambles except what whoa that's actually quite a bit nice all right almost a mil elite clue scroll yes oh that's really nice that's awesome okay sweet 10 gambles completed and i got an elite clue i can use that to go for the bloodhound pet as well two pet grinds in one that's why i love this so much because i'm going to be making 10 mil an hour plus have the chance that barbarian assault pet plus loads of elite clues scrolls like how how good can he get oh hey i uh got a pb there dang that's a lot faster than my tv before that it was 13 27 before i just beat it by 23 seconds progress is being made 288 sharks for my 13th gamble that's a lot of money sweet this is good for ironman that was a total of six gambles 760k not bad hey another 80 milestone there can cast string jewelry probably won't be doing that because i have tan leather a lot better [Music] day by day gamble by gamble i get a new personal best almost every day it's taken me a lot of practice oh my gosh that's a pb and a half oh yes but after 8 days and more than 60 hours of practice i get another teaching session with my friends and ba services himself one of them proposes that i could take the trial but if i fail it then i have to wait another week until i could take it again seven days is something that i cannot afford to lose but i've been trained by the best and despite my nervousness i decide to go for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the [ __ ] it would be the case that on my trial run the only run that really matters i would get three minutes above my personal best and i'm doing this with people that know how to do barbarian assault so my time should be really quick and it's all dependent on how my performance was apparently we had some down time between the waves that i didn't realize and that puts our time back down to 1345 however generally speaking you only pass the trial if you get past a 13 30. i'm 15 seconds off of that [Music] yes oh my gosh yes oh hell yes boys that's awesome man i'm gonna go tell everybody that help me train i gotta go tell him after seeing that time i did not expect that at all i thought it was a definite fail but apparently my 60 hours of practice came through and i was able to pass the trial on the first attempt i'm gonna get 11 mil in like a 50 minutes holy sh this is it that was it i did really well that run with the exception of wave 7 i think i screwed up unless i get scammed i should get paid quite a hefty amount of money look at my bank total right now with the exception of that stuff which isn't worth much 24 mil total bank is he joining me he's trading yes oh my gosh premium cash 11 mills yes and it was all earned fair and square you know anybody can do this anybody can learn and join and my week of practice has paid off now i can make upwards of 11 mil per hour another 70 milestone just a few more to go until i'm base 70s in preparation for the inferno i'm gonna have to train up my range and magic levels i would like 90 and 94 respectively fortunately with my new money maker that makes me 10 mil per hour i'm gonna be able to afford the best methods possible but before i unlocked this money maker i decided to tinker with some good ways to train magic and also make profit i unlocked the tan leather spell your staff saved you nature awesome my goal complete the inferno within a hundred days of account creation it is currently day 88 i have 12 days to make 400 mil unlock rigor and archery train my range and magic levels purchase my gear and then complete the inferno yes okay look at that 24 to 35 oh my gosh i could buy so much with that legit and i get my rank in the clan chat as well wait 73 [Laughter] 75 magic logs right now i have a master clue scroll one of the perks of doing barbarian assault on top of the 10 mil per hour i get lots of these this will slow me down on my goal for getting the infernal cape before day 100 but it's worth it to do all my master clue scrolls that i can i'm not gonna drop any on this account 77 78 79 nice 80 fire making it's done a little earlier than i thought it would be magic pile logs excellent all right now i can do this master clue scroll by remains okay that's how you do it sick i don't think you can boost up to the 70 agility requirement for the sarah diamond step i have yay 82 mage 69 agility 70 agility also happens to be a huge milestone for the account boom yes it's my torn clue scroll here we go the first casket of the master variety on the account oh uh what wow no mimic and probably the worst master clue scroll you've ever seen that is so bad 86k to get oh and he got an elite we're done with another leech and he gets his torso and i've been doing this for a while look at those points oh wait oh i can get it oh my gosh i mean i'll collect my money first but i didn't realize i could get the torso now yes premium torso elites thank you very much guys i could get my torso i didn't even realize the five points every queen kill went by so quickly i started this with like 30. i've done that many queen kills up to 391 here we go the penance torso oh beautiful unlock for the account namely for pking oh it's gonna be fun to use this thing be the last step yes oh excellent another master complete number two wow that is a whole big fat pile of [ __ ] got a hard that's a little luckier medium clue scroll easy clue scroll as well from the gourmets first step of the new master uh okay how much did that one gang get me oh that got me a lot of favor no i only need three more gang kills 100 chasing favor now i can continue this master clue step my master clue task to kill lizardman shaman i made it a little bit more difficult on myself than i had to oh god no [Music] kill it kill it did i do it trucking warhammer no but i did complete my challenge and that was a little harder than i expected it to be let's go to sherlock and we get a casket now to see the reward oh a mimic oh okay okay first one third master clue i get a mimic i don't know how rare they are but let's get ready for it i'm a little scared because i've never done this before don't even have a guide but uh yeah please die it looks like it's gonna attack with melee okay don't stand under it oh big hit and the finish oh god yeah first mimic killed on the third master here was the loot 324k okay i got some extra bernars for killing the mimik that's uh that's pretty cool to know what i got because i killed it another 11 mil i think i've only done premiums so far if it was doing a regular i would get eight mil but instead i got 11. oh well yeah apparently no scam today 11 mil profit in just over an hour not bad another 10 gambles 743k no what crafting level 87 what i can boost from 83 quite easily with the new mushroom pie so i think i'll do that the nice thing about this is that while i'm waiting for my assault team to assemble i can train up my crafting at the same time another 11 mil and crafting now 76 just seven levels to go i have a ge offer in that's over 10 mil yeah i'm at 100 mil bank those rubies in the grand exchange they put me just over 100 mil yes that's a huge milestone barbarian assault is paying off 78 hunter two levels to go until i go anti-pka black chinchampas all right the dragon fruit tree has grown i spent 165k on the sapling let's see how much i get back in the fruits i got a lot of farming xp's so i'll take that let's see how much i get back what i thought i was being clever i thought these were like 10k each nope i'm just silly let's not plant those they cost a lot of money never planted a kalkwa tree here but it's a first time for everything i think this is the only patch in the game for this type of tree but yeah you can plant it at level 72 and it's very cheap farming xp might as well take advantage of it another 11 mil i think it's my fourth one maybe fifth let's see it oh i got a mimic okay i used every single piece of food all right okay 440k you know my loot keeps getting better and better every single time the fourth master completed not too bad another 11 mil and we got a few gambles to do here oh i got an elite clue look at that cash stack damn nice another level six to go my plan is going well making about 10 mil an hour and crafting during downtime i'm making so much money that i'll soon be able to start training my magic and range levels i see myself bursting maniacal monkeys in the depths of a batol first and then later i'll come back to chin up my ranged [Music] just logged in and a lot of grand exchange offers went through i still want to buy this code i want though so i'll probably try to pay higher for him 1750 total with that 80 crafting wow that's pretty cool [Applause] [Music] there it is it's been a while it has been a while but there we are 83 grafting and i have finally gotten the requirement for this master clue step the previous ones i got 80 fire making 70 agility and here we are with another skill requirement have i done it now uh yes oh good finally it is done that took a few days but it is complete here we go the caskets okay not the best loot got about 50 ml cash to my name i'm gonna start buying supplies for bursting i think i need the imbued heart and lots of runes managed to buy the imbued heart and the ring of the gods these will both be super helpful for my mage training hello josek it's been a while since we've talked but i think it's about time that i get a ancient book thank you very much now i just need ancient page four it won't buy on the grand exchange a little odd it's been about 12 hours since i've logged in my offers went through i have finished the ancient book now and i have a tormented bracelet this will be incredibly afk with how much prayer bonus i have boom yes alright my mate setup is complete in terms of the gear now i just need to buy the runes 20 mil left should be enough i've had 72 prayers since piety it is now time to train that up i actually forgot about that for a moment i'm going to get 80 prayer because if your prayer level is divisible by four then you're hitting a new threshold for how much you restore every time you drink a prayer potion or if you drink a super store so getting 80 prayer now is going to be a little more efficient than doing it later after i've done all of my bursting and chinning and all that 74 rigor nice cost me 60 mil it's gonna break the bank 75 is that the requirement for elijah yes 76 77 and that is the requirement for augury now as soon as i have the money for those prayer scrolls i will have unlocked every single prayer in the prayer book 78.79 there it is that is all i need 80 prayer and here we go now i'm gonna get bursting i've purchased my runes on the ground exchange it is time to train the magic oh my god it is plus 39 i've never seen it that high that is the power of the devout boots and here it is the mage training begins and viewed hard up all the way to 91 nice 83 magic 270 000 xp per hour that's pretty good should be only an hour to my next level in that case 89 hit points 85 magic 86 87 hey all right here we are with i want to get the message so i'm not gonna let these monkeys distract me from it 90 magic now i'm going to sell these excess chaos runes and buy blood runes so that i can cast ice barrage instead plus 34 magic damage as well as prayer yeah the miter gave me quite a bit but unfortunately i have to sacrifice it for another max hit with the barrage spell i'll be able to hit 40s with this all these bonuses really add up the imbued heart temporarily boosts the magic level by one plus 10 percent so since i'm 90 now i'm actually gonna boost up to level 100 there we go i need to activate preserve in order to make this last as long as possible and there we go autocast barrage can we see any 40s right away oh there's the 40. nice this is good man this is good i just logged in okay i guess i get my spot back what the hell that guy just i don't know what that's a weird coincidence i log in he dies 92 magic and that is beautiful 93 magic one to go until 94 which of course permanently unlocks barrage as well as vengeance yes 94 magicians look at that there's little fireworks ice barrage now i don't need a boost in order to cast it and those little bats in the inferno will have nothing on me another 11 mil and i p bead almost 100 gambles now daniel wow i did not expect those offers to go through 10 thousand black chinchampas another investment into the accounts and book of law page set excellent one two three four nice that's plus five prayer bonus and plus ten range bonus one gp over does it both yes yes all right i'm ready what's my prayer bonus here 27 still hey my kodai went up in price yes nice i made like a mill off that thing time to unlock one of the best players in the game definitely behind piety but still this is the only time i ever get to do this all right this is it learn rigor yes it is done excellent now augury beautiful a full prayer book now time to train the range yes oh excellent all right 90 ranged i've gained 2.95 million xp from about 6.5 k chins i started with exactly 10 000 blackton champas and i'm going to call it there i'm actually so eager to get inside the inferno and get that infernal cape though now that i've hit level 90 i'll boost up 13 levels instead of 12 so that'll help out quite a bit and yeah i'm just getting into the inferno and hopefully i can make it but first still need to make some money for the saradomin god sword buy the code i want back and a lot of other stuff another 11 mil make a little more money here with the daily battle staffs how much will that be like 50k profit everything helps now time to get the rune pouch there's a few rune pouches there in case i ever lose one pking i've purchased all the gear i need to take on the inferno it's kind of a budget setup obviously i can't afford an elijah spirit shield or a twisted bow but it'll have to do for my goal from scratch i've come this far and it is day 96. if i want to get the infernal cape before day 100 i have to do it in the next four days running on scraps here i sell my items for my last piece that i need to complete my setup the twisted buckler let's go [Music] i failed my goal of getting the infernal cape within a hundred days of account creation the last time i killed zuck i snuck 17 brews into the inferno and i also had a twisted bow with pretty much max gear i didn't end up needing the additional 17 brews but i think it was a very strong motivator and confident boost while i was doing the waves obviously in this run and i have an armadillo crossbow as well as blessed d-hide which is a lot different from the max gear setup i had last time the only plus side to this is that i trained my range magic and hp levels a lot while doing inferno attempts however i was already on scraps when i started this and as it turns out i had to start scrounging for money going through my entire bank selling everything off in order to buy zoro scales runes and other supplies [Music] so [Music] [Music] eventually getting to zuck wasn't a problem i had practiced enough that i didn't need to use any resources until wave 63. six times i've made it to zuck and six times i've died [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] yes yes oh my god yes yes oh my god it is done with the goal of achieving the infernal cape done and dusted i begin the fourth month of endeavoring with much more ahead of me since then i've got 83 attack achieved 83 farming 73 agility and 82 fishing i claimed my old lms winnings completed a master clue scroll and lost the ability to equip my quest cape with a new area to explore this episode features some difficult new challenges and focuses on breaking many personal records 84 farming 80 hunter that's what i'm talking about now i can plant six traps in the wilderness for my black kimchampa hunting i don't think i'll be doing birdhouse runs much longer actually no need i think it's more efficient to just do black chinchampas on a regular account that is so yeah that'll be my next task for hunter in the last episode i spent two weeks learning how to do the inferno with an armadillo crossbow in ancient staff and full guthix dehyde as a fun challenge i decide to put my knowledge to the test and see if i can complete the inferno with a 10 mil budget let's try should be set like my range defense bonus almost 400 with a budget set setup [Music] leave 55 one brutos used one restore used well that's it all right it was fun i made it pretty far did all right i do like this idea of trying the inferno with a 10 mil budget so someday i will revisit this challenge and i will complete it but for now that's a personal best of getting to post zoc healers a new master clue and it requires me to make an infernal axe i need 85 fire making oh no first ever winter taught crate on this account give me the pet [Music] whoa all right calm down there with the money geez nice 83 fire making already only two levels to go i didn't realize you make so much money doing winter taunt yes whoa that's a lot of loot let's see how does it look it looks horrible 84 yes another piece warm gloves another unlock back to back actually bad loot but i got 69 wood cutting that run 85 fire making a pretty good loot overall goodbye smoldering stone that's worth a lot of money so yeah adios that's cool emote here we go the master clue oh my gosh yes a casket at last the clue is over and we receive ah [Music] man and yet another master clue reward it's so bad it's so bad oh my god all right beauty not even an hour later and 70 construction now i have two more skills to get before i can do song of the elves woodcutting to 70 and herblore to 70. 70 woodcutting and 70 herblore song of the elves you're next [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] song of the elves completed and privthinas unlocked first order of business in this new city complete the gauntlet both the regular and corrupted versions is that a pb for me yeah 437 not bad getting better i think i needed a fire cape for a cinematic shot in my last episode so i decided to do the fight caves to get one nice all right 43 minutes pretty afk not too bad second fire cape achieved this time with range instead of melee i think i had 44 range i did the melee cape first on this account just a few months ago 62 runecraft all right i have 74 agility one short of the requirement but i'll use preserve and summer pies to boost myself up i've never done this course before sick i'm one second off the world record yeah to be fair it's pretty easy if you just get a portal right there then you have the world record layout just don't fail like that and you'll be fine there we go 75 agility at the briefty nasa agility course oh my gosh i did not realize i had that many marks of grease and i do have uh some pieces already so the legs and the hood very nice i may no i'm not quite done with full graceful but i will go ahead and uh redeem my marks of grace here i'm pretty much done with uh sears course now because a lot of my other agility xp will be done through the preeftinus agility course as well as fishing at the barbarian fishing area don't buy multiples top gloves boots noice oh my gosh i only need five more tokens let's get her done hell yeah and here we go the final mark of grace for a full graceful thank you very much full graceful a few weeks ago i got a master clue step that required me to fletch a room dart since then i've been training my fletching level alongside agility and fishing i get pretty bored of regular 3-tick fishing i decided to challenge myself by getting two bolt fletches and two fish drops in the same 3 tick cycle believe me it took a long time of practice yes i did it oh my gosh oh beautiful three tick with the teak logs two fletches and two fish drops beautiful oh that was my goal that was my goal i don't think i can do much beyond that and certainly can never do anything like that consistently but it's just a fun goal to have and there it is after many levels of agility training and some little fishing xp as well i have 77 fletching now it's time to go ahead and make that rune dart for the master clue and we've done it beautiful i have done the clue let's return to sherlock what's my challenge ranging mix poke oh no what does that require barbarian oh my god all right 76 herblore here i come level 71 72 73 four seventy five seventy six uh i don't know if i've ever done this before but i think i'd use a sturgeon or something on a ranging caviar how do i do this i did it yes i didn't deposit my cash eric don't do that oh my god now i got all three pieces what you gonna do bro oh i got the casket yes open or puss all right whoa damn not much loot boom headshot oh my gosh i got a casket already all right let's open it up right away let's see what we get right right slay a neck reel oh my god instead of training my slayer i decided to do some gauntlet runs to try to beat my pb whoa [Music] [Applause] hey that's something that's not bad cool [Music] what man i wanted the blade of sale door no way 86 farming in the gauntlet from getting one xp drops yeah just the one xp drops that's it alrighty then yes yes i am now a soul bearer mini quest complete that has dropped since i've last used it in fact it's halved in price it used to be about 6.2 mil this is my weapon of choice and the slayer point accumulation shall begin 98 magic axes let's go finish her off hey and there we go 74 slayer one to go until i can do my master clues rule step kill a necriel no pk is gonna find me guys don't be ridiculous oh my god i almost got him i almost got him sayonara fellow have a great one my friend lesser demons yes lesser demon task complete and a laryn's key i'm gonna collect these until i get 100 because i think they're gonna buff them anyway and another task spiders it is time to kill the spider boss um [Music] yeah i was saving the last clip and some pkers came and killed me they said hi kim q and then they killed me they smited me i tried to drink a restore i clicked the restore potion and it didn't click for some reason because i was saving my clip so yeah i i lost my ava's assembler uh this poison is gonna what oh that was my 50th kill count i thought i had done 50 before i yeah never mind i guess i only only done 49 one tip you can do to avoid poison damage log out and then you can log back in and it'll take another 18 seconds for it to inflict a lot of hardcores have died because they didn't know that and just like that i've got the assembler back [Music] what oh my goodness i did not see that coming at all oh my gosh i i just completely forgot that was on the drop table if i'm honest what oh man i feel very wealthy right now hey mysterious emblem and cannonballs beautiful 87 farming i wasn't even recording but what another one you're kidding me oh my god i can't stop getting lucky oh this is great so much money from venonatus in only 21 kill counts yes that is so good kill number 33 onyx bolt tips 486k wow now if only i could find them there they are 97 ranged and there's a supply drop just when i need it hey there we go 83 kills in total and that marks the first venonatus task complete nearing that 75 slayer requirement from a master clue i got about 40 000 slayer xp from that task not too bad dark warrior task complete mammoths mammoth task complete scorpion task complete and 125 slayer points earned callisto here i come with the new traver parchment i'm able to bring my infernal cape past level 30 wilderness without risking losing it also i figured this time i should bring a dorgashun crossbow because the special attack decreases the defense of the opponent i have never missed with the special attack because it has increased accuracy as well as the effect of decreasing the opponent's defenses what the hell that was a fast kill jeez [Music] [Music] hey that's pretty good what wholesome interaction we've just had i've managed to escape with 1.4 mil loot [Music] oh my god no way no way i actually killed him anti-pk sunny jim kaboom the granite ball paid off he even saw it before like i failed the switch earlier loot from that trip 378 k plus 475 k about 850 k lots of pk's so once again i've decided to finish my bear task at just the normal bears but i did make some money at callisto happy with that one scorpion task complete magic axes task complete lesser demon task complete scorpions very quick task scorpion task complete i got a champion scroll oh my god ice giant task complete and we safely escape with the giant champion scroll was risking it for a bit there let's redeem and task complete dark warriors task complete and at last 75 slayer has been accomplished i can now kill the grotesque guardians as well as complete my master clue step i've had this master for a very long time so it's nice to be able to complete it now at last the casket and we get 73 to 75 slayer and i got 500k okay okay but i did make like 17 mil off of venonatus task and stuff like that it wasn't too bad wasn't too bad last man standing is no longer in the beta it's in the game and you can profit from playing it i managed to get rank 4 on the high scores although it's mostly dependent on how much you play and over that duration i got a few highlights from the mini game [Music] oh my god beautiful ko i love that combo oh my god the blood bros upstairs why is he hiding up there no no no no [Music] [Music] in the old lms i used to have a 22 win rate but now it's getting better winning just over one third of my games another casket let's finally get something good please 12 45 that's my first sub 13 as well yes i'm getting better now time to gamble my barbarian assault points i do this mostly for money and elite clue scrolls but you also have a 1 in 1 000 chance of the pet which i would like [Music] i hate you i hate you i hate you so much oh my gosh you baited me with the pet there we're gonna stay sculled it's gonna be okay you're ready to log out nope okay ah finally we finished the master no more trash loot all right here we go theater of blood grind begins just after burning so much money on my inferno attempts i only have about 100 mil bank fortunately the theater of blood is one of the best money makers in the entire game and although i've never done it on this account i was in the third team to complete it when it was released so i have a little bit of experience to help me out [Music] i managed to get up to 13 kc without seeing an item and then up to 19. so a little bit of a dry streak before my first purple fortunately i was kept in high spirits by raiding with some friends oh good luck [Laughter] wait what oh my god oh nice 189 tiers should be a pb 11 000 runecraft xp beautiful still my lowest stat if i want to be base 70s i should probably train that up a little bit i got a purple yes oh my god finally right actually this is my first ever loot from theater blood on this account just grab it all right redemption up come on here we go oh there we go that's a profit for me anyway all right 25 kc the first loot in my name i still use methods that were created in the first month of theater of blood because that's when i did it last so i'm still pretty bad at it rakesy framed and i are all at very similar stages in our accounts and we're all ready for theater of blood framed had to go though so i messaged raxi but he was busy at the time as well so my friend asked should we just try it by ourselves duo with me oh my god yeah good luck to me jesus duo okay we'll we'll duo frost it began with consolidating my inventory taking out all non-essentials so that i could bring as many brews and restores as possible theater of blood does scale down to the amount of people in the raid but only as low as 3 people so this is very difficult especially with how unfamiliar i am with the new methods the nilocass room is incredibly difficult and it's also very highly rng dependent but somehow we were able to get through it with our first attempt and no pillars went down either which is a nice plus good job but naturally i'm a big noob and i died at soda's deck this caused us to wipe the raid oh good fight that was good though that was a good personal best for sure i've had one split in 39 raids so unlucky man now back to another duo attempt and we finally got to verzik 86 attack [Music] i'm dead only time i get bounced that really sucks that was our best run break the dry streak for us please okay yes we finally yes oh my god it has been so long oh man thank god legards all right well at least we got a freaking purple i think it is impossible for a while seven mil each yeah let's see that's even less 6.5 mil each i'll take it i'll take it money well done guys oh my god i do feel like i'm going to get a pet though so but doodle no feels bad [Music] oh my god oh yes finally yes i brought the fire cape for this one and it paid off all right boys redemption up gridlocked please [Music] nice oh hell yes oh my god between three of us as well that's so nice oh the second best artist here you go gridlocked you can have it on your account you can even wear this [ __ ] yet all right you can wear it for a second don't scam me okay look at that beast hello gerd lorked oh i have so much cash in my inventory right maybe i should just log off and not pay these guys [Music] there you go this changes everything dragon warhammer achieved next upgrade should probably be the avernick defender another day another duo attempt with my friend frost all right i'm confident we can do this today oh 68 yes oh yes we did it holy sh yeah duo okay first two okc yeah oh my goodness zero deaths first duo overall time 50 minutes as for the loot uh yeah let's not talk about that good job team wait died of crap study craps yes oh we all did it oh my god hell yeah what i got mvp no way two sides oh they are nothing on the abyssal tentacle hell yeah three magic seeds oh personal bests yes that's what i was going for 69 kc by the way i don't know good luck fellas yes at last oh the dry streak is over oh defender hill oh look at that that's what i'm talking about hell yeah no records [ __ ] all right well at least it's an item all right staking our chest guard hell yeah luckily double the profits up to 12 mil each oh what i even see we got a purple okay well good luck us cool 81 mil time to buy some pagasian booties there was nobody online that i could do theater of blood with i randomly found this team and i decided to join their discord it was fun to try out some 5 man tobs they're not very common and yeah i didn't know these guys at all but they seemed really cool so i just trusted them turns out one of them pulled a scythe yes it is sick should we take our pants off first scythe of a tour split beautiful there we go thank you boys appreciate you man we got it we have to hit the back to back boys true 83 defense time to make a significant upgrade buying the blade of sale door which has the same stats of a rapier except uses the slash attack style fortunately from all my time in the gauntlet i have plenty of crystal shards to charge it oh my god we had to die to get a purple all right at least that's 20 mil feels good all right i'm gonna buy out my teammate splits and get this a vernick defender hilt for myself excellent all right and here we go creating the avernick defender beautiful oh that's sick now the only con about this is that i can't sell it back if i need to buy something else but that should be all right because i do have a pretty steady flow of cash with theater of blood oh not too bad that's better than just a sure it's like a lot better 19 mil profit oh what back-to-back what the hell oh dude imagine that 40 mil profit each in two raids that's beautiful and there we go 26 more salaf amulets [Music] they're just out of the crowd just six hour wow nice good job man i friggin planked so much that duo jesus no wipes hell yeah we're uh very consistent i got roon or so you know what that's uh that's pretty good i'll take it five duo's complete now we are getting pretty consistent with this i'm happy good job man i think that's our first no death duo beautiful and never lucky i was struggling with cash for a long time but i finally been able to fully charge up my blowpipe it's such a nice feeling this duo's going sick so far i can't believe you've used like no splines uh did you hit any okay i hit zero dude i jinxed it this is what happens when you hit one hammer spec in a duo way no way dude oh my god i think i brew up twice and then head to the melee tile why not just die cuz this duo took a long time to get to my friend and i'm i'm slaying it look at these heads with zarpus defeated it's time to take on verzik with less than half supplies between us my ball i didn't have a brew on me i was 71 hp and i didn't have a brew on me good job friend holy we had no food we had no freaking supplies that was sick well done oh my god i just got 99 reigns hey that's pretty good no i missed it i just got 99 strength there it is baby another 99 at the theater yeah i've had two 99s in three raids 88 farming one third of the way to 99. nice dragon defender beautiful back in episode 7 i had a cooking cape and was pretending to be a noob and went peak hang for the first time i haven't pk'd since then so that's why i decided to get a dragon defender and see what i could do with my new stats and vengeance that's my first derox fight ever really i've never really derock fought before fight to the guy and 3.7 mil profit was happy with my profit and i wanted to do something a little more risky go ahead and see if i could derock bomb anybody if i lost the derog set no big deal because i just pk'd one anyway [Music] happy ballistic pk oh my gosh yes that was awesome i've never done that before i feel like c engineer what what clause clause what i i pk clause what oh my nah no no way oh my god i was happy about the ballista i didn't see the claws oh my god i want to do this combo more often you guys will see this in the future maybe i'll even get more claws holy heck [Music] tango down progressing nicely just through tears of guthix 63 runecraft oh baby i love to see a purple we have an agreement if we free for all of scythe then it's all mine let's see oh thanks daph all right i'll split it with this guy not too bad not too bad 43 mil profit in one raid feels good oh we got a purple oh [ __ ] oh man here we go dude yeah if it's scythe if it's hey that's actually so good i'm so lucky with my to be drops i haven't seen i like i haven't gotten a justice or split in so long 47 mil split thank you good luck got the gl stack oh my god yes it worked the gl stack worked hell yeah all right i what i wasn't even gonna be oh he's upset yeah this uh this guy's an iron man his only missing item is a rapier let's see what we pulled today [Music] no no no what the hell is our luck dude i keep pulling rapiers every i probably pulled more rapiers than uh heltz at this rate duo rapier yes oh baby it's like our fifth trio together let's see what we pull at least i got an elite it's my first justice or piece in so long potentially my first chest guard i don't remember if i've had one before only 20 mil my first just as your piece on the account this is the first time i'm checking my collection log and as it turns out i have the same amount of rapiers as hilts which is yeah pretty lucky my spirit tree in the farming guild is fully grown now i can do this step is it complete yes excellent nice casket acquired and the loot oh i got a mimic okay claws are overpowered that was rapid and the loot 600 deaths for doing that mimic that's not bad but the xamaric page has seemed to have gone down a lot in price it is now time to make the slayer helmet on the account i haven't done this before i still have to buy the perk malevolent masquerade and now the slayer helmet is made cool oh one of the very few sherlock clues i can't do well now i gotta get at least nine mining levels oh and i need to get full prospector as well why that's such a i mean no wonder it's a master clue scroll i guess jeez the first step in a long journey 72 mining actually unlocks the upper level of mother lode mine which is quite nice because i need the full prospector outfit so yeah i'm just going to go ahead and unlock that yes yes free fall purple it's been so long since i've had a purple oh my god i wasn't even mvp i sniped it from uh mr clint here let's see it rapier bro oh my god yes free-for-all rapier there we go look at that beautiful cash stack there 190 mil just a 91 attack nice oh my god i got a purple why did i just offer to split with secondaries why he playing so much it's going to be a sight just whatever let's see good luck man face card really yeah rip indeed oh i was mvp nice and we're back 73 mining the threshold has been met 100 golden nuggets now i can access the upper level which is a lot better for me it's a lot faster and more afk which i really like here we go to the upper level i'll be here for quite a while 77 mining and finally unlocking full prospector that is gorgeous but still need 85 mining for this master clue with theater of blood as my primary source of money i'm eager to complete as many as i can and with every purple chest i made use of the profits upgraded my gear and returned to earn more loot i did this consistently and repeated over and over again months pass eventually i'm able to purchase a scythe with max gear [Music] that's a purple that's a purple alright good look us not too bad [Music] oh my god oh my god i got it what no way holy crap oh what kc 370. that's sick man my first pet on the account my first pet after all these skills [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with all my progress over the last year and a half i've created a great account unlocked one of the best money makers in the game pulled myself up by the bootstraps and made my way to max gear and then got the little zik that's a great way to end this journey under the name of playing runescape properly but that doesn't mean i will stop playing on this account in fact i've recently made some good progress of course i insured the pet so i won't lose it on death i also got a few miscellaneous skills here and there 90 herb lore to make the best potions in chambers of zurich and also 90 crafting i'm going for 99s of both of these stats but this will do for now also i haven't been able to use my quest cape for a long time but now i've completed the fremonic exiles and sins of the father so now i have that cape unlocked again and that's sins of the father complete quest cape re-unlocked i will still upload videos about this account but more in an adventure video type style the series has been so rewarding in that i was able to recapture what it's like to be a noob in runescape i learned the best updated methods for training the account in the shortest amount of time and i think thousands of others did as well until updates drastically changed the efficient route i took on this account this series can act as a guide for new players for years to come so i leave playing runescape properly on as much of a high note as it could be it's been an amazing journey but this is where we say farewell thank you for watching [Applause]
Channel: KempQ
Views: 2,378,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runescape, osrs, oldschool runescape, kempq, mmorpg, mmo, game, runescape gp, pc games, gaming, Free To Play, Mobile, Old School, adventure games, fantasy games, endeavorent, new account on runescape, first thing to do on a new runescape account, playing runescape properly, full series, money making, from scratch, level 3, new account
Id: 5Q544GpYktk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 272min 43sec (16363 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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