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Let me put this here... Hot! It's so pretty You have to watch over me To menbosha! [Seokjin's Vlog] Hello It's Jin's vlog I'm going to go to one of Korea's most famous chefs Chef Lee Yeon Bok's cooking class right now I haven't had much opportunity to learn how to cook from him but I did go to his restaurant a few times And this cooking class isn't actually a cooking class It's a personal favor I asked him to teach me how to cook I've visited this place a few times It has a good vibe and is a nice place to learn cooking skills [(Not an advertisement)] Cooking was my hobby and when I told him about this he gave me frying pans, pots and knives as a gift [(Not an advertisement)] I was so thankful I'm a bit older than his grandchildren but I became a good friend of his [We're indeed best friends] and visit him often like I'm one of his grandchildren He recommended me to learn dumplings [Dumplings dumplings dumplings] and I told him I wanted to learn menbosha the signature menu of his restaurant If there's enough time we'll do both and if there isn't we'll only go with one And this is a gift for Chef Lee as a thank you for teaching me It's a small gift My grandfather has a bee farm It's a small one and I brought a jar of honey from the farm [Honey as sweet as Seokjin's face] And I've got a nice bottle of wine Chef Lee likes drinking with me so I brought a bottle of wine I hope he likes them [Please] I trust that he will Okay, I'll turn on the camera later again when I get there [Seokjin's Vlog] I've arrived at the cooking class [This content was filmed in compliance with quarantine rules after the regulation on wearing masks outdoors was lifted] I'm going in now Hello! Hello, hello Hello! Hello! Hello, it's been a while Hello Hello [World-class chef!] I'm filming a vlog today and you agreed to be on it We're cooking menbosha today? Menbosha Menbosha, right I'm only going to coach you today You should do everything on your own, Jin I don't feel confident about fried dishes It's okay, I'll be right beside you I brought a small gift It's wine that has a rich cherry scent [The bag that fans love] with red petals Wine! in it Thank you My grandfather runs a bee farm and they just harvested honey Your grandfather has a bee farm? Yes, he runs a little farm Wow, thank you so much Thank you for the honey! He even gave me honey! He's sweet as honey Thank you Jin always brings gifts with him! No, no Not always! I'm gonna go and get ready [Seokjin's Vlog] Just put your arms through here Okay So now let's begin this cooking class We're going to make menbosha [This rookie cook is counting on you, chef] Let me put this here... [This rookie cook is counting on you, chef] I'm just gonna stand by and instruct you I'll try my best -Jin will do all the work -Okay -I'm just going to coach you -Only coaching -Yes -Alright There's 300g of shrimp here 300g of shrimp We've prepared 300g of shrimp You usually have to remove moisture when you work with shrimp Moisture I'll do that Just pour it Pour it over here Yeah Pour it here Cooking in front of a legendary chef No, no is making me nervous And press the paper towel down -Press down -Spread the paper towel -on the shrimp -Okay Is it okay if the shrimps get mashed? It's okay, it has to be mashed anyway Oh, it has to be anyway So it doesn't matter -Is this right? -Okay! The moisture is gone by now [How a guy in his 30s kneads] Okay, okay Press the side of the knife like this and the shrimp gets mashed -Okay, I got it -Mash them like this Hold with one hand, that's right! I mash them all like this? Yeah -One or two at a time -Keep this to one side Yeah, mash it Wipe it like this and push it to the side Push it Yeah, and start mashing again Like this That's too many... That many -is harder to mash than you'd think -So just one or two then? [It sticks to the knife and is hard to get off] Yeah And wipe it on the board or you can do it like this Like how? Like this Like this Which do you think is better? I'll try this way too That snap is amazing I have to snap it down Snap Hit it and then pull it Snap! Snap! Hit it then pull it? Snap! You have to go fast Look I feel like the knife might break You don't have to worry about that Like this -You pull it towards you -I pull it towards me! -Okay! I'll try this -Okay? It's useful if you learn a skill like this -Good job! [Hard skill for a rookie] You're doing good [Recommend the pressing down skill] I am? [Recommend the pressing down skill] This is how you become a real cook I don't think I'm doing it right You have to mince it anyway -Oh, I have to mince it? -Yeah Yes, try two at a time now I'll just go with the first way You can either press it or hit it You get better only through practice You'll never improve if you don't try You have to mince this now And you mince it just a little bit It still needs texture Texture You usually mince with the blade but for this, you'll use the knife spine It's rhythmical Yeah, it's easy if you go with the rhythm If you don't make it rhythmical it oddly feels unnatural You'll be amazing at drums I'm actually horrible at those things It's weird [NANTA time] The rhythm is kind of hard Okay, that's enough! -I shouldn't mince it too much? -No Do you know how to separate egg yolks? Yes This egg is white There aren't a lot of white eggs these days You are skilled at it as you often cook I learned that you have to remove the chalaza Now you have to beat it I don't have to remove the chalaza? It's okay -It is? -Yeah I don't remove it when I cook either I couldn't feel that big of a difference Yeah I just mention it when I want to sound smart When you cook something like this you have to start with the dry ingredients Dry ingredients? Yes dry, like starch 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon Yeah, add a tablespoon You're going to make the shrimp mixture now -Is that a full tablespoon? -Yeah, shake it a bit Yes, okay Shake it off -Let's add one more - So 2 tablespoons [Makeup not needed when looking good without it] 2 tablespoons [Makeup not needed when looking good without it] This is potato starch, okay Potato starch Do you know what this is? It's lard Lard! I didn't know you could use it for cooking This is the secret to menbosha The secret to menbosha Lard! It adds flavor and holds the mixture together Is it okay if the secret comes out? [Secret open] -It's okay -It is? -1 tablespoon -1 tablespoon? Full? -1 tablespoon -That should be enough And you used one egg earlier Yes Half of that Add half an egg Half? -For it to be savory -Savory! 1/3 tablespoon of savory 1/3? -1/4? -1/4 [1 tablespoon of world star energy] 1/4 tablespoon of savory -Do I mix it now? -Yeah, wash your hands and knead it to make it sticky With my hand? Knead it together -With my hand? -Yeah Don't I have to wear gloves? Or just with bare hands? -Your bare hand -Bare hand, okay People who cook keep their hands clean and don't use plastic gloves [I guess it's universal] It's been a while since I used my bare hands when cooking Knead it like this -Okay, I got it -If you knead it like this it becomes sticky Oh, sticky? I'll take it from here I have to do it at high-speed? Oh, you're left-handed! Yes, I am Quick like this? Yeah I have to knead it quickly? Not just mix it together? Yeah, kneading will make it mixed together Good! That's enough -It's enough? -Now what you have to practice is making shrimp balls Shrimp balls? You make shrimp balls to put it on the menbosha bread I'll teach you the skill It just... pops out like this [Cute pop] You grab a handful and squeeze it [Pop!] And it pops out [Pop!] Again, grab it [Pop!] and pop it out [Pop!] Then you pick it up with your fingers and drop it on the bread That's menbosha Try that a few times It looks hard It's better to make it a big handful You can control the size with your grip anyway With control -Pop! -Yes! [Failed pop!] It looks weird No, no, if it looks weird... If the shape looks weird just push it back in -Push it in -Push it in and reshape it You use the thumb like this Keep rolling the ball to make it round -Pop -Yeah, use your thumb [Successful pop!] Yes! Squeeze it again -Yeah, like that! -Oh, I did it! And another important thing is you don't pick it up with your whole hand Lift it with just a small part of your hand Like this On the tip of your fingers Make the least contact And give it a little push with your thumb to put it on the bread So this hand is always used to shape the ball [Cooking is hard] and then when you put it on the bread use the other hand to push the ball So Yeah, try again Here we go -Pop! -Yes! And pick it up and push it With this finger Push it like this -Push it like this -Yes, like that Yes! Got it? I'm gonna cut the bread now Try a couple more times while I cut up the bread That's the most important skill to learn when you make menbosha -You can make menbosha anytime once you master that skill -Your class is hard Huh? Your class is hard It has to be hard if you want fluffy menbosha You have to trim off all four crusts Just the crust? Yeah, and quarter it off then you have 4 pieces [Like when you make an X on mosquito bites] Make the cuts as slim as possible As slim as possible Imagine you're using a saw Saw? Look, they've broken off [I was nervous in front of a master I'm usually better than this] -It's a failure -No, not a failure Like you're using a saw Get it? Like this Then you get beautiful slices They don't break off Try it again Use the side you're comfortable with Is this frozen bread? No Refrigerated bread? It's just fresh bread Just saw them off Yes! Feel the difference? This is how you pick up skills [Chef's knife was really high quality It slices you with just its aura] Okay! I feel the difference Right? Quarter it -Exact quarters -Make lines and cut it Draw center lines and you get quarters This is easy Exact quarters Saw it Yes I think it's a failure It's okay Okay, that's great -Now that you've made quarters -That doesn't look like quarters It's okay, you don't always get exact quarters Really? It's a sandwich, so you put a ball on a piece and cover it with another I'll place them Okay Then that makes it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! 8 8 is a set of menbosha Really? Yeah Now, should we make the sauce? Or should we make the sauce while it fries? Is it the sauce that I like? Yes, yes I really wanted to learn that Then let's go with the sauce The sauce first? Yes [Seokjin's Vlog] Chef, can I do this? What? Can I make a menbosha in this shape? [Had to ask] Then you'll have to make two Like this, I think Oh, yeah I cut this like this Like this? Like this? Yeah Okay, okay, a bit sharper on this side -Can I make this one sharper? -Yeah, try it BTS menbosha This is BTS menbosha Now you mince it I've crushed garlic a lot before but they escape -My skill is... -That's a skill too [Hope the garlic pals that escaped live a happy life] Skill [Hope the garlic pals that escaped live a happy life] -My mom is great at it -Like you hit the shrimp earlier Just like you hit the shrimp It ran away It does run away! It doesn't stay still all the time! Okay! Good Is this good enough? Now mince it I'm too nervous to mince it Why? I haven't cooked in front of people before [Tried cooking noodles in front of my parents and failed] I'll mince this much Can I ask to see how you do it? What? How you mince garlic How experts do it I minced this much I wanted to see how experts do it We do it like this We hold on to this end Go around the board Go fast? Yeah, don't use too much force It makes it that much hard There's a machine for this these days You press a button and it minces things for you I've stopped using it because it was too much work washing it I know you asked me for a demonstration because you didn't want to do it yourself No, no! No! Should I do it? [He saw right through me (joking)] It's almost done It's almost done, but I could still... It's done Can I go with my instinct and pour it? Sure Proportionate to the garlic The same amount as the garlic? Well, twice the amount as the garlic [Koreans live with the garlic power] Twice? That's a lot of ketchup It's for a big serving -This much? -Okay Sugar About 2 tablespoons 2 big ones? -Like this? -Yeah [True chefs don't measure the ingredients] Doubanjiang is supposed to go in Doubanjiang But this is XO sauce -XO sauce -I think XO sauce will be okay too So XO? Yes, XO! I think XO sauce could make it even better Let's go with this Add 2 big tablespoons 2 big tablespoons? Yes From the bottom? Yeah One Two Vinegar Go with my instinct? Yeah, go with your instinct No, I don't trust myself How much? Half? One and a half! One and a half? It's a lot of vinegar! It won't make it that sour Oyster sauce, half... Oyster sauce is about half a teaspoon Half a teaspoon of oyster sauce A squirt? Something like that [A tiny squirt] A bit more Be more generous with it Now you just have to measure up the sweetness It should taste sweet when mixing is done That's why the sauce was sweet Yeah, it's a sweet sauce Try a little taste It does have a similar taste It has a different kind of flavor [The original recipe is different] It's good Now we will fry the menbosha Fry the menbosha Yeah Make a couple of these Okay, squeeze it like this -Pick it up and use my thumb -Drop it onto the bread and sandwich it Okay Seokjin, do a good job Don't embarrass yourself Start with a handful That's too small -It is? -Yeah Big amount Yes Too... Is it too ugly? Okay -No, too... -Too big? Trim it a little, it might not be enough [(Spoilers) The shape isn't important It will be covered by bread anyway] Is that too small? It's fine This is too ugly It's okay Just roll it with your thumb a couple of times I'll shape it one more time And use your thumb -Okay, okay -Okay That's pretty Slide it with your thumb That's right Yes That one looks like our restaurant's menbosha -Your restaurant's menbosha -This size Okay Your menboshas are a bit big then [Let's just go to restaurants for yummy food, everyone] This is the most dangerous part -I feel like I can go faster now -Why? Oh, you're feeling arrogant already? Arrogant... This is where I feel arrogant and try to go faster No, no Then I'll make a mistake and get scolded We're running out of the shrimp mixture Let's do this one then Should I make a bigger ball? No, no, it's the same -The same? -Don't try to make it big Because... That's too big If you put too much mixture in it it won't look nice Okay -It's... -Just a regular size Okay Put it on the bread I'll do it I'll do this one You have to shape this one because of the size It's a waste There's shrimp on my hands [Finished making the shrimp balls using all the mixture!] Saengil [Saengil = Chef's puppy] [Seokjin's Vlog] For this it's okay if the oil is on low temperature but it can't be too hot It can't be too hot? It'll burn if it's too hot So start from a low temperature You're starting with those? Yes, I'm going to fry these two first To make sure they keep their shapes You use chopsticks? Yeah, just lightly It isn't... I'll flip them if you coach me Okay, okay It's getting fried and the shrimp mixture will cook So it won't break up even if you poke around but it might break up if you touch it when it's not cooked So it's better to touch it once it's brown? Yeah Chef... You have to watch over me [Rookie's urgent call] Not yet? Okay, okay Huh? Nothing I was nervous it might burn You can flip it Right now? The bottom side or this side? -Yeah -How? Just go to a side -Yeah -Go to a side? Go to a side of the pan -Yeah, flip it -Okay, okay I did it Go to the wall, yeah -I got it! -Now push them to the center [Rookies get most excited when succeeding on their first try] Now Okay, shape them Oil, please don't move around Okay, okay Please don't move around Hold on, hold on! Stay still [How dare a piece of bread move around when a human is talking to it] Got it, got it I told you to stay still -Thanks to you... -It looks great Right now, right now! It's so pretty [That shape makes me happy wherever I see it] This frying pan and oil love BTS as well -So it means we have great luck? -Sure How long do I have to fry it? -Or do I have to judge with my eyes? -Your eyes! That's the best way You know when the golden color of fried bread appears I take it out with this and move it here? Just grab the menbosha and move it here Careful Don't break it -Be careful of the corners, they break easily -The corners break easily -I'm a great cook -Okay! Put it here [I'm a great cook] This is the first fry Yeah, later you have to fry it one more time And now Should I fry these? Wait, the oil is too hot Oh, okay, you said it can't be too hot Did you just dip your finger? To check the temperature That must've been hot! The oil is splattering! I've lived my entire life with oil Masters are really different! Now you can start frying It's cool now? It cools if you put more oil in? Of course! Because the new oil is room temperature What degree is that? It's still too hot, about 170 degrees Can I try that too? No, I won't I'm scared I was surprised Just once? Just a bit? If you do it you have to make the dip quick and put your finger in your mouth Really? You have to cool down your finger That's the condition? Yeah Chef, why would you do something like this... [Do not try this, it's very hot] You don't have to do this [For real, do not try this It is hot] 180 degrees! [For real, do not try this It is hot] So hot 180 degrees! 180 degrees! Okay, okay I've never seen a non-chef dip their finger in -Really? -Yeah! That's amazing [First non-chef to try it] Put them in the oil first and then heat it Should I put them all in? Put them all in You just fried those two separately because they're special? Yeah Because we had to keep the shape Chef, I don't know how to say this but my finger still feels hot It should be, it would be weird if it isn't [PLEASE DO NOT TRY IT IT IS HOT] You're the first non-chef I've seen that dipped his finger in oil That's very brave of you BTS should be the first for everything It was very brave! I was really surprised I didn't think he'd actually do it I flip these a couple of times and then fry these again and then these, and eat them -to complete today's class -Yeah, that's the end It looks great The shapes look nice The oil is not splattering It isn't It's my first time trying frying dishes Is oil always this still? [I don't eat fried food that much either] No, no [Guess that's why I tend to not gain weight easily] It depends on what you're frying and how you're frying it Doesn't the oil splatter everywhere when you fry tteok? Again, it depends on the kind of tteok Some kinds of tteok make the oil splatter Splattering all over the place Have you tried it before? No Why would I when I know it would make the oil splatter? You'll end up in big trouble if you put something like pork rind in oil This is why professionals don't get injured Yeah The most important thing you should look out for when making menbosha is that the oil temperature cannot go down It's okay if it goes up But if it cools down the menbosha will absorb the oil Absorb the oil? Yeah If the oil cools down Watching them have a bath reminds me that I should have a bath too They're having a bath in oil? Yes -Their arms are up from enjoying the bath -It's too hot for that [What kind of joke was that] I shouldn't dip my finger in now, right? I could Chef, then I have to do it too! So please don't do it [Chef lives such a young life] No, no! -Flip these -Oh, flip these? Okay, okay I was surprised Should I take these out? Yeah Should I use chopsticks or this? Use the chopsticks to move it one by one Over here It's golden brown Move it over here And -This looks pretty golden too -Yeah, flip it over This looks good, should I take it out? Yeah, okay That looks great Whoa, don't move Oil has a burnt smell too It does This is my first time frying something You have to flip it Quickly No! -No! -Hold on [It was the most important one and it failed] No! Chef, I think the oil was too hot -This... -Oh no! [I think the chef got flustered too] Pro-tip Scratch the burnt surface with a knife This was to teach everyone a new tip I'll try scratching one too Jin burnt one on purpose to show this tip [It wasn't on purpose, for real] Yes, yes It's a professional technique Yeah Hot! [The oil was even hotter Do not dip your finger in] Wait, it's so hot It's cooked so well! Come out Come out! Wipe the knife Isn't it hot? Hot! Isn't it hot? [Restaurant mystery: How do people grab hot things like that so easily (Like rice bowls)] This is enough Okay, it looks like a good color to me Yeah This is BTS [Unsatisfying BTS logo I'm sorry, members] And if I turn them around ARMY I burnt them... [ARMY, sorry It wasn't on purpose] BTS FIRE! Good [Seokjin's Vlog] Good job Thank you! [Wine with Jin's love (Not that I made it)] This is good wine It's great How is it? Is it good? It's amazing It's amazing? Yeah -I'm glad -It's perfect Let me try a bite then Chef, I'm sorry to say this to you but I think -it's a bit better than your restaurant's / -Yeah! [Shouldn't have said it if you would be sorry (Chef, it was a joke!)] Am I talented or is it because I had you beside me? You're talented I feel threatened for Mokran The staff are saying it's delicious It's a hit You saw the speechless faces [It was a real hit They cried after just a bite] -I was surprised too! -"Wow, Jin made this?" That speechless face They say "It tastes a lot better than I expected" Try to make it again at home It's a bit difficult to make on my own [I didn't try] Watch the video It's actually not a difficult recipe It's not that it's too difficult Yeah But I need someone to watch over me... I might dip my finger in the oil again [Having a supervisor is really important] Menbosha is... It's an easy and simple dish And delicious [It's not easy I recommend taking a cooking class] It's not easy for beginners to make it this delicious but it turned out so great I'm so... There's a possibility of failure for beginners? Sure It can burn if you don't keep an eye on it Everything is a skill in cooking You didn't know how to trim the bread You broke it off But once you learned the skill it trimmed off neatly Every little thing is a skill I just pressed down on the bread at first Yeah And I learned the skill to trim it Thanks to you I learned about menbosha today from the recipe to when to start frying it and I also learned how to fix it when it gets burnt We burnt it on purpose, right? [It really wasn't on purpose] Right! You wanted to teach me that That just happened to be the logo the BTS logo, and that makes me sad But anyway, I hope lots of people watch my vlog and enjoy making menbosha To menbosha! [Still don't know why we made a toast to menbosha] This was Jin's vlog Today I learned how to make menbosha from a great hyung I'm friends with [Hyung who is almost 30 years older] The result was very satisfying and I'm very happy Another reason that I'm happy is I had a glass of the wine I gifted to Chef Lee That may be the reason I feel so great right now Anyway, the menbosha turned out great [Deep frying could be very dangerous Please be careful when you cook] I hope you try making it and share it with one another [It wasn't a fun video but I hope you enjoyed it] I had a lot of fun filming the vlog and BTS will go on Run BTS! No, this isn't it [Not Run BTS] Run Seokjin! [Seokjin's Vlog]
Views: 7,289,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, 알엠, RM, 슈가, SUGA, 제이홉, jhope, 지민, 정국, k-pop, 방탄, j-hope, Jung Kook, Jimin, BTS V, Jin
Id: EDVsc80kA2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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