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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some rumble in the Top Lane running Comet Nimbus cloak absolute Focus Scorch bone plating and unflinching a rumble just got reworked this patch he now can go up to 150 heat before it was a hundred his Q damage got lowered but it has Max Health damage now his uh Shield got lowered but it also scales with your health uh his e has more heat now I think the damage didn't get changed on that and his alts just has longer cooldowns so I want to try and do like a a Bruiser Rumble since he scales with health now I also want to still do damage so we'll see I'm against a Tryndamere so going tank may not be the best but what I wanted to do is maybe try riff maker demonic on Rumble but a riff maker first would probably be bad in the trending here so we could do demonic first I could do like demonic riff maker hourglass and then I could probably beat him I've been leaned against the trend mirror in a while but I know he's gonna try to all win me right away so we may not be that bad since I have a some way to self-peel with my shield and keep them away I'm poking with my comet oh no every minion died there Piers Rumble is still terrible at farming under turreted okay I got my shield oh he took a turret shot I do have ignite so I could actually beat him in a fight he has a flash ghost though so he's running away as soon as we ignite him is he still in the bush okay well he took like two or three turret shots so he's just doing Tryndamere things so it's a lot harder to overheat now might actually that might just do it now he's healing oh he lived oh I can't believe he actually lived that he doesn't even have a door and shield well he'll lose this wave oh he's staying where was there a jungler I'm assuming bots on it I don't want to die to the turret well he just leveled up I'm getting out of here seems like my heat's going down slower than it was before maybe because I have more heat well I'm still down in CS after that atrocious Tower farming but twice he's kind of in a bad spot because he can't walk up to farm without getting poked got his flash that time but now I took a turret shot and I am gankable by hecarim hecarim's about there I'm fine if I go riff maker first I don't think we'll be in combat long enough to stack it up riff maker is just like a bad first item on anybody may as well just use my e to farm my Autos take forever to wind up where'd he go he's still staying the thing is if I stay another wave there's gonna be a hecarim here okay Diego do you see this see what I'm seeing Diego sure look at all them I am trying to push hold on I got the kill let's go okay cool that was a good old I needed that all right we're winning Lane versus Tryndamere for now I mean I'd really like to go armor boots versus him they do have a lot of AD Champs but I still want to be able to do damage let's do the demonic 12 Max Health burn when in the danger zone I think they made Rumble easier to play off this too because like did I even overheat once yeah maybe once it's cool to see that he might actually be playable as he was intended to be like a AP Bruiser and not just full AP full AP Mage but people I've seen are still building full AP on him so we don't find out it's a little aggressive I'm about to overheat you know what screw it let's pop them oh my god that actually did a lot of weight is so good that actually does a lot of damage ow yo I don't know if I needed a flashing I know my Cannon it like looked like he wasn't getting out of turret in time and then he's already out of turret but then he took another turret shot so I probably wasted my flashing knife I thought he was going to commit on that dive I actually think he could have got me if he didn't turn around where's hecarim what was going on down there so I want to try and purposely overheat because I think we'll do more damage to the tower but by the time I overheat this wave's dead how much damage this is it at six percent if I go for these I'm gonna die thank you he doesn't have sons but neither do I [Music] kind of want to grab sort shoes I'm gonna do it because I gotta get back to Lane quick I'm gonna lose plating and Cirque shoes have just always added a bunch of damage on Rumble okay he's going ravenous Hydra so he's gonna have healing I may need to build the Morelos this game too oh I got viego over here oh my God you get melted wait where'd he go that was easy so far so good trendemere is a trendemere player I actually did a lot of damage to him there though I mean against a tank I might actually be pretty strong Unfortunately they don't have a tank but I mean Max health is Max health is still gonna do damage to squishies it'll just do more damage to a tank because they'll have more health although ryze ryze is going to build a lot of Health hecarim May build helicopters damage items but most of the time they go dust plate now or whatever ghostblade I think I'm dead I've been outplayed by him just running at me well he's dead at least that's what I was scared of the whole time IM just right clicking me to death because I I don't have a way to peel him off if he goes so I have to be careful I have to poke him down before he goes in because if he if he runs me down from Lane I don't have a way to get away how's it going so he just got a shutdown I think he missed the plating I could get a rylies too rylies might keep him off me the thing is if he gets like one crit he gets to spin again so I'll just play safe because I feel like hecarim's gonna gank too because he hasn't been here in a while he hasn't been here all game he's camping ah who wants a piece you can make him burn his alt here hey never mind I guess it's not up yet and I attacked so fast when I overheat this is all really still on cooldown I thought it was a short cooldown for that horse's mid I don't know if I can get this oh he's still dead I don't care I'm bopping him come on I'm dead that took way longer than I thought okay he didn't come up oh my God I thought I was dead I'm gonna lose plating back those I think but I need this I need my demonic and then I'm also going riff maker the worst Mythic item there is rank three get sword I don't think China mirror's players level up there also I thought they level up W instead get off that oh you can proxy you're just gonna have to deal with him all right where'd he go oh this will make my flamethrower clear stuff better rank 2R get off of me oh I got him again yeah my ALT hurts 1200 damage slow 35 percent where's hecarim am I gonna die I don't want to die to hecarim much as I want the turret I want to stay alive be cool if I could actually heal oh oh no my whole team's losing that's not good which is with everybody's Obsession of going Kraken Slayer first is no longer a Mythic just like the fourth person I've seen build at first in the last week okay Calista and Senna are both 4-0 and 3-0 this is not looking good at all because I'm just barely able to deal with Tryndamere even though he's one in six he could easily still 1v1 me how am I gonna deal with Fred ballista in asena pigs don't die please well that's why you don't leave your turret ziggs where's he gone can't move oh my God okay Diego did you really need to flash on him when he was one HP you didn't even get an assist I heard I actually melted rise well I definitely don't think we're gonna win with a 46 CS Ash but he didn't commit wow wait a second my damage though I'm just scared if he presses R and keeps hitting me it's like five seconds of him just unkillable so if I can kill their bottling maybe we'll be able to survive we just like you don't really have the greatest team fight because hecarim's gonna run through the everybody all right oh we have objective bounty this is too good to be true though where is where's the enemies Emilio is also really bad when he doesn't have a ADC oh slow is actually pretty nice too you're getting cooked ah that didn't hit him if that slow hit him I would have altered I mean balling can kind of just like chill out now and Farm I don't know what Holistic Center are gonna do though I think they're gonna all Siege mid not on the cannon way Viejo get out of here the turret just got destroyed oh my God they coming oh damn they all just Dove me they're so low why did my ALT do no damage to them they were standing in it man they really just sent five top for me there I think I heard one of them Flash ing should die here oh nice Callisto literally just walked straight in oh I got a riff I feel like that should have did more damage four of them were like standing right on top of it 2K damage on demonic though not bad rocket belt might have been better though the dash and the Magic Pen but we'll see not gonna last long in a fight for at 80c's thank you all right I'm going that's three levels on them too I think we gotta give that oh hecarim's not even here it's just our junglers farming again why is Ash all the way up there fighting him why don't I get a team and they get a fire dragon great it's Third Dragon can we like do something six pressed r now of course he alts the Dragon oh it actually didn't give me one teammate this game imagine fed enemy team and they get infernal how unlucky can I get oh wait you can't even move what the hell I feel like I need an hourglass I'm just gonna get blown up I also feel like I need damage but my Ultimo solo killed Senna I don't care oh my God Yahoo can we fight while he's dead oh fight fight we get shut down we can play oh doesn't he didn't know my ult's almost back up he would have slowed her why is my team running away what the hell oh they're so bad [Music] I'm gonna kill them damn that's so unlucky we don't have teammates at least we got objective Bounty mid but we we needed to go for that like that's two shutdowns and he just doesn't own forces me to dive what do I buy I need an hourglass I take so much physical damage very tilting team like he doesn't even beat Tryndamere is a thing I do a lot of damage the problem is I can't get to kalista and Senna like they're just too fast we don't have any CC but we do have CC they just don't use it I think they're doing Baron just walked right on a meal do I need it no you kill this guy I can't commit him I know nobody's gonna follow me up oh we can always bought turret I just don't want them to get Barren but like we're gonna lose the game once they get the next dragon which sucks just like our jungler's not doing anything and there there's this all after trim walls I don't know if I can beat her I would need Flash nah I'm gonna make this guy suffer as long as possible if he's gonna grieve us he's got to stay in the game he could have literally done anything we would have won but he chooses to do absolutely nothing there we go there's one shot down surely ziggs can hold bot by staying under turret and not walking after Top Lane do we have a ADC Gap but she's actually Ash is actually coming back in the game whereas Diego is actually just getting worse and worse no way he Dives here ah there goes Seoul is our jungler doesn't know what an objective is oh well maybe we went off Elder we get to the next dragon we get older this guy hasn't been near one dragon I have hourglass okay how have they not done it yet there it is please don't fight in the jungle just let them die of us she's running the wrong way oh my God these people Ash has always caught out on the side and she never [ __ ] runs to her support or anything coming down hey I do damage it rise also does damage I could kill him maybe he'll probably live with a shield or something all right the list is kind of low oh my God he caught her no way my ability misses kill her hello get her yes we did it all right I'm hanging in there of course I'm on a ward what are the odds dude what are the odds oh there's Baron bro if I had one teammate this crazy like I'm not even doing the greatest Rumble build but this is actually kind of strong I just I don't have one player over as a building MR2 I think I gotta go death cab I don't know all right our last defense and we hold them off I'm the highest level in the game like I would even trade all four of my teammates for a Tryndamere like even he is doing more than all my teammates I can't clear with bearings oh I lost half of my holes from a center Cube okay Tryndamere went all in and died can maybe win the game off Elder if we get it Santa's ranges so far hold the fort I overheated I don't think we can kill them maybe this guy oh my God that Shield well we're killing them we just don't get anything oh I missed she's tanking turret let's go I think China's gonna kill us all until now well we have one in hip I'm doing a lot of damage actually I just uh I don't have a teammate somehow Ash is actually doing the best out of these two oh an Elder's up we actually maybe would have had a chance to win if Diego just [ __ ] used his Ulta dragon like literally baited me into dying when we could have got two shutdowns and then we wouldn't have lost every objective too please just go check yeah we also have ashy when is Ash used her e con we just give everything because my team is useless he's like he's literally clearing a camp every objective like I don't get it dude foreign at once where are my teammates okay hold the fort I think we held them off we held him off now they're gonna get Baron for free because we know nobody's gonna go check it out damn I had a really good alt there too I hit like the whole team but I think Tryndamere was zoning off everyone I need a voice down okay aviego's giving up Diego gave up like 20 minutes ago I don't even know why I'm trying to care about winning I have to do everything myself I might get them all right damn he lived with one HP imagine if Diego was there to steal it or Flash over the wall or do anything hey we got Cena finally so you're not getting him a vehicle deserves like the fattest report of all time all right let's go unlucky I want to see the damage chart I did so much damage Diego probably did like 5 000 damage oh my God I did I did 50k damage I was the whole team I think I took the most damage too yeah I did I did the most damage I took the most damage isn't in a 1v5 I was able to hold the game off for 35 minutes without getting a single objective so that was actually pretty good 2500 uncommon oh yeah like comment subscribe see you later
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 145,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PpqAgfqWLCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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