Enemy Riven was trash talking all game... so I had to shut her up with AP Ezreal

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Ezreal in the mid lane running Harvest Sun impact eyeball ultimate Hunter absolute focus and Gathering storm we're gonna go one shot as real I'm gonna go manamune into ludens into Shadow flame and then death camp once we have two to three items we can delete people but this build is pretty slow early it needs a lot to scale we're against emo mid shouldn't be too bad into Teemo since I actually don't use my Q at this build it's you w and E and the blind won't stop that but I'm not gonna be one shotting Teemo till about 20 minutes in loss so I've called a farm we'll get a tier when we base it's gonna cue me if I walk up here their team's okay for me they're not too tanky but they have spell shield on Nocturne Morel won't die Riven could potentially die of singe doesn't feed her oh yeah Teemo and Lucian are gonna get exploded looks like teemo's gonna go gnashers first I see so many teemos just go PTA nashers again it doesn't really appear like he even hit anything so the combo is land W Ian Auto attack launch your Harvest thank you sir who died singed I mean nine times out of ten when you have a cinch on their team they're gonna run it down at least he's not autoing me he's just going for the cues which don't do much watch out for Nocturne yeah he used his potions or fighting Bob I gotta like trying roam down there it's just gonna take too long I think I'm assuming Nocturne is topside I'm always open to new ideas my new ideas for a long fight nocturne's top and Ian get an auto and a queue hey King got a double kill singe got a kill back oh my auto got canceled from the queue because I have no attack speed my Cannon I mean we could try and kill Timo here fortunate I had to flash my cue went through him but I'll take it getting a kill is really good because I actually don't do that much damage early compared to what I'm gonna do later also I have no wave clear so he doesn't have TP at least but he's fast we're gonna have some trouble in the Top Lane also I have absolute Focus Gathering that scales eyeball scales like need a long time to scale looks like we're gonna have a blue cane I mean I'll have front line with singe and Blitz hopefully we don't really have a tank killer though but they're not a bad tank I just wanted this Ruby Scarab it looks great on my mantle I want to alt Rel but I don't think it would kill her and also I don't think I'd hit her yeah I won't kill her doesn't do that much damage the timo's going gnashers as I predicted he'd be better off just going like the ludens or leandries first and actually dealing damage to me because I'm not gonna take trades where he can just keep Auto attacking me I'm gonna do short burst also the teemo's just playing around spamming Q anyway did it we hit a snipe what if I stole Dragon too that would have been dope I don't know since is a wee bit tilted just armed dude impossible comebacks are sort of my specialty oh no sinja's gonna run it down see singe is like how Scion or uh Zion does what singe does now but better like cyan destroys turrets can proxy can still feed and carry cinch kind of isn't as strong as he used to be I feel nobody plays them that much anymore and he doesn't really like become that much of a threat unless the person is really good on singed like why play stinge when you can run it down on Scion and still win and you can run it down on Sinjin not really do anything these are not Corner shrooms you can watch my video team oh my God the triple bounce I can maybe kill him here well I mean I did hit all of his shrooms I'll use my potion just in case nectarine alts me what are they doing thought oh rail's kind of low my snipe won't kill her alone Marvel attack I'm not gonna be able to play the game if Riven has like 40 kills Max rank w ow I need to just push this into turret I'm launching for three minions I don't care I'm deaf oh I got lucky he didn't eat me or I broke out of it as soon as I eat yeah I didn't feel like knocked her and like he wasn't showing anywhere else in the map I knew he'd come for me I mean at least he built armor boots he's building armor but like he shouldn't have died this much is a problem we fine I can carry please believe they really hate me and Sharina wine does affect my Q I think is two kills three kills double kill now if it was a red cane it'd be much better verse 13 but you know what I'm fine with anything that's not running it down oh that's Cornish room oh no I don't know what you wanted me to do it they gave him double Buffs I could get those back I need him to burn his shield I think I'm dead though he turns ahead that's why I wing it [Music] maybe not oh God oh [ __ ] oh let's see wait I wanted a kill temo though get out of the way damn it lucian's in the way ah damn it Blitz [ __ ] me there so hard no he's not the MVP I would have killed Teemo I was waiting for the blind end so I could kill Timo oh well I didn't know lucian's still at alt after all that and then Lucian just stands in the way like he doesn't even know I'm lucky oh well I got four kills I should have just left but I wanted I could have killed them I just was not expecting to get Lucian all to there also MF could have like come to help it was a long fight and she didn't Rome what are you doing I knew it I knew he was gonna walk on top of me so I just altered where I thought he was gonna go I thought he had double Buffs did they run out right before he died no knee Buffs uh they have two dragons we need the dragons the way Riven dies we got the turret must have heralded it it's gonna get nocturnal hello I'm at my best in the world from the bridge of annihilation I think even with my ear I get killed by Nocturnal to play get all to all right guys oh do I have ludens how much 200 more I really don't want to stay I'm just gonna go buy the component I'm not buying sork shoes here oh wait wait I could sell this dark shoes aren't good to buy till I have more AP some people call me a hero their word shut down I'm gonna have to get a sweeper see the problem is I don't have any lifesteal or healing on this build so if I do hit a leandri shroom or even a lewd and shroom I'm just losing half my health and I have to base there's an unspoken law in archeology Finders Keepers but we just need to keep queuing stack the man immune up oh God I didn't think I'd even get Teemo walk into them I was not expecting reubenism but I just saw her talk even Lucian came mid yeah five man there's a minion I think he's dead bro just save the turret what the hell are we doing my eyes she lived I mean at least they lived I forgot to sweeper he might be able to do something here oh yeah that exhaust ooh nocturne's fed and Teemo is kind of strong I mean they're all fed so go do it I can kill Luciano I always probably didn't even need to ignite if I hit him hello he's not alone wow field goal and I don't know oh no why is this cane keep hinting just so I hate blue form Kane I'll get the sword shoes Kane keeps trying to go like one for one but he doesn't even get the one oh let's clear the wave for his life and we didn't get the cannon though yeah that man turret will live this is a rough one once it's a ruin I can do you think it sucks is the nocturnal it's just gonna make this very difficult to do anything I still need another like two items to play the game or I need people to stand in front and go in first I mean this is fine but [Music] I prefer if he didn't die anywhere oh let's do this we need dragon 's not here all right I hit Teemo instead that's actually even better than hitting well so close man I had the angle wrong and then I hit the dragon so I can't fight it whatever let's just do this damn it oh my God Blitz steals the kill I needed that so bad too all right Somebody's gotta go top okay she's not staying top I mean she's coming behind us damn that was a huge Bounty too that was over 700 gold plus a blue buff scam I should have waited I can't eat in right now I think ribbon's behind me somewhere enemy is almost stacked up I rarely know what I'm looking for this turret's not gonna survive though if they dive I'm always open to new ideas oh my God where'd he go oh good good all by voice actually this game does not want to give me a Kill okay they're running it down now oh my God okay my damage is coming online it's fine Kane's actually doing stuff so I don't mind if he got that thousand gold shut down oh I want to Ian but it would hit a minion he's gonna just put more shrooms I mean nocturne's not up yet I don't think he has all yep okay that Lucian would follow up with an ALT there I have Shadow flame good I'm getting there one more item I just need a death cap and then we're one shot in people I mean I can probably one shot people now if they weren't so fed so tanky too I could probably one shot Teemo with a w e same with Lucian yeah we can win this ribbon somehow nocturnes more fed than Riven and sing is actually building like defensive which is good we're fine we just gotta watch the objectives I mean we got the last dragon they're not on that there's no way sinja's gonna make us us all deal more damage I don't want to be caught in an awkward spot on a fight oh my God uh Lucian got assassinated but this guy is really low why are you standing there enemy can't see I would love to help I was Kane's AFK speakers in the past the thing I'll never have is wave clear unless I pick up like a nashers or something I could get a Lich Bane but I need Death Cab void as my last two I think I might not need a void it doesn't look like they're gonna build it more ah she's healing fight around mid night I hate the word steel I prefer liberate or procure and nocturne's gonna help me if I push up I don't have wave clear but I have Champion clear another day another bullseye can't believe we're vending to go in there hey golf bro I can't get them off how long was that fear holy cow oh they're all dead okay time for it not bad not bad still alive Teemo if not turned just holds me like that it's very hard for me to do anything and even when he doesn't alt me I can't see anything I got a good alt that hit like the majority of them but that's good we're getting uh we're getting the dragons now not really dragons I want but better that the enemy team doesn't have them because they would be too fast for me to hit them huh relax I blindly teleport I need a little bit more money but I can't push this way [Music] only 70. Magic I won't say anything I don't have time to grab the road it's gone all right guys well I have my second large rod I just need the right setup I can't be looking to go in first first team I really want to go in first but if I go in first I get Nocturne altered and I just will die this would do like half of his health okay that did a lot more than half of his health y riven's getting a Maw she's actually not the problem anymore Teemo has leandries now see how it took him 26 minutes to get this if he would have bought it earlier he'd be so much stronger because the only thing he's useful for right now is his shrooms I need the enemy team to engage first or I need singers to like fling one of them to us oh my God where'd he go oh we're online baby I thought I was caught there I wasn't expecting the Lucian all from the side oh don't move Cannon they wanted me see I'm gonna get Perma nocturnal really he didn't put any shrooms those shrooms must have been there already if I hit Lucian with a W and then ultim he just dives from Full HP I think oh my God yeah he would get overkilled from Full HP I have death cap X Drinker doesn't save Riven all cooldowns is not actually that long it's just I don't have that much Haze to reset it like 600 AP are they Nerf static with ap I mean I could have built a static for waveclear but I wouldn't do as much damage with my w and E I mean we're surviving without wave clear it's it's not that bad oh my God oh hooker do you see anything I don't mind if I leave nice uh I was expecting an action out there you can get the in him or Baron I don't mind Baron everyone got exploded this hits for 1300 this hits for nine that's over 2 000 damage from just two abilities I have and then this adds another 800s so that's over 3 000 damage in my my burst right now and I don't even have full build so yeah as long as they don't pick me and I can just hit e or a w on somebody they're just dead [Music] um I kind of want the Dragon I'm in avoid 500 for void this will heal me I'm just gonna chill in this bush oh okay I think riven's tilted off [ __ ] store whatever I don't know why Riven went in alone I think Riven is really tilted oh yeah where isn't Riven talking [ __ ] too he's like saying we should have ff15. oh Teemo died we're good we could probably end the game off this push I want to get the void oh it's GG come on yes 1400 damage out to end it not bad see we're really weak early we needed a lot of time to scale I scaled though and then they all just started getting one shot and they didn't know what to do so if you guys enjoyed leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't and last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next check out my website zwag.gg a Siege actually uh came back there I thought it was gonna be a doomed game with him running it down but he actually did the third highest damage on the team I did 40K you already was AP is our Rune stats harvested 2400 Sudden Impact at a thousand and other than that I'll see you guys later thank you again for watching peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 338,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0pYy6sNllew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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