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all right all right let's start playing some rumble Top Lane versus an Olaf and a water running in this game is arcing Comet Nimbus cloak absolute Focus Scorch then we are also running demolish and then we're also specifically running the second wind with a d-ring this game I want to show you the strength of Rumble top Lane and funny enough we're also playing to one of the hardest matchups ever we're playing against Olaf so it's going to be a funny one because Rumble top Lane is one of the best champions for laning phase and then somehow we get to run up into one of the boys toughest matchups ever like all life is not specifically one you want to be running into absolutely not so we're going to be figuring this out we'll find out a way to win this matchup because fortunately Rumble in the lane is also surprisingly good which is that we kind of need to put ourselves into a good position to make it work but we'll see how that's going to go nice got my e here so the idea I have is to like in general play it safe for now and then level three and four once we have the wave into a better position then we start playing aggressively into Olaf and at that point we're going to be looking for kills so we're gonna we're gonna have to do some experimenting here I hope we're not going to be losing too many last hits I hope not if I have my w like things are going to get much better as well you know one point in life I want to mention this real quick there was a time where I actually wanted to become an absolute massive like Rumble man it was like many years ago though weirdly enough like Rumble was a slightly a different Champion back in the day despite it being almost looking the exact same the place that was completely different all right good last sitting under Tower is not exactly one of the easiest things to do but it did actually put us in a uh in a pretty healthy position to even make those trades possible now all we have to do is put this Lane into a slow push and then resetting as soon as we have the chance here we like follow it up with AQ of course but that wouldn't be a too smart idea let's walk up here we all we have to do right now is thin out this wave nice we're able to push this that's absolutely perfect in my there might be possibility we will see the jungler here good match to push it I might in fact even stay around because this guy is getting very low HP their jungle was in mid lane also good to know I will directly hard push this one too this kind of depends though on again we got him super low there's a pretty big possibility that Shaco will show up so we're gonna be in a two versus two soon hmm nice attempt from him trying to dive but unfortunately that didn't quite work out and it seems like he's gonna go for the reset so we're gonna have to hard shove it remains very low oh he's dead cool now on top of that of course we can practice too nice now all we have to do is just hard shove this so like despite the uh despite the old life Peak here we're actually winning pretty hard which does not really common say surprise because Rumble of course is also the perfect champ for laning but um Olaf is definitely part of a of a matchup that you typically don't want to run into because as soon as he hits an ax on you he can actually engage and just completely obliterate you that's uh partially a problem but let's see here I'm gonna go for a dark seal and and two parts and then this one let's go so this guy is smart because he went for mercs he also got long sword he's got he's also running the biscuits um we have to be a little careful now because he's actually taking a lot of damage with the uh with the boots plus he can get to me very easily so it's gonna be very different now he also didn't lose any Farm on her Tower which is slightly worrying nice I got it which is kind of no I'm just gonna thin it out that's slightly better I will keep this one standing so I can slow push in an easier way nice there's always the possibility that Shaco is going to show up I want to try and hit an e Shaco is currently in mid that's good to know now we just kind of need to hold the lane like this and keep paying attention to where Shaco is going to be perfect wave is massive I'm thinking about rotating towards mid lane making a play there getting a kill Maybe this guy's not running through my ultimate kind of like I expected I don't know I dropped it down I was gonna win the fight if he was gonna All In My ultimate but um I probably need some help here I do not have my some spells also sure yeah we have to play the safe he kick it all in me right now very very easily might have the ability to win it really depends it's about to get away or maybe I'm lucky but I don't think I am no I'm not lucky unfortunately hmm well at least we can proc demolish once more nice one more wave and I'm happy that guy's dead for sure can't really help him because if even if I show up what am I gonna do right I have no ultimate I don't have to damage to beat him that Shaco was using the Clone it was full HP um we're gonna go back here we will specifically buy the rocket belt and I'm not going for um the alternator instead I'm actually going to go for this one and then also this one because for the same value you get 60 AP you do not have the effect but that's okay like we'll get the the very next time we buy I'm just trying to be efficient with my uh with my damage here oh at the end of the day I'm still missing two so got it nice I'm not hiding him well I got my ultimate I just don't have to use it no ultimate needed all right this is how much I did oh man I gotta love the way how Rumble works I'm not gonna lie always interesting to play Rumble because the champ is so unique in like the design of this champ is so weird people in general also don't really know how to play against them they expect Rumble to be weak but he's not perfect now we can reset I'm purposely hitting r on the wave so I can just reset faster um that's going to allow me to not lose any lasted on my way back so that one don't need that anymore I'm just gonna get the blue trinket and let's go back like that ultimate right there was absolutely needed because otherwise all life would be hard shoving the wave right now and he would end up like getting a plate on me it's got lifesteal and he's got a pickaxe it's got a lot of damage I think he's probably going Hydra build I'm probably taking the way if you're depends I've got ignite ready so if if he's gonna fight me or approach me whatever I can fight him [Music] yep and we got him to take a lot of damage to make that work but it did work out actually you don't have to tell me twice nice I considered this matchup to be done we're gonna be uh we're gonna be snow snowballing this game very hard I'm glad I also run demolish in this game because it does allow me to get the it does actually allow me to get the blades down which is partially a problem when you play Rumble because you don't have the ability to like Rush down Towers if that makes sense right it's kind of hard to do sometimes depends on how well you use the the overeat system as well thus make it slightly easier if you use the overage system to try and get more attack speed of course uh uh yeah let's go back so now we're given a choice do we go for rocket build or do we go for zanya um I mean do we go for zanya or do we go for shadow flame I'm personally thinking towards going Shadow flame since having a good time but goingsonia is certainly not bad either because with Rumble you can you can use zanya and Q at the same time basically not being able to take any damage so maybe maybe I'm considering going Sonia probably will the more I think about it the better it is we could just walk up to the sky now because we're clearly stronger than this guy there's no doubting it got it this whole left can absolutely notified me whatever like no matter how hard this guy's gonna try it I think we're going to be killing off this guy though he's gonna walk off this direction sure I can probably block him oh I am not happy with my old placement I thought I was gonna block off this direction I should have blocked it off both my bad shut down there's no way in life right I am not happy bro with my with my ultimate placement because I was thinking that nafiri could like block this direction I should have just threw it like this that would have been better because then he would have to walk into my ultimate regardless that would have been 10 out of 10. let's go Shadow flame and then afterwards we can go either zanya or rapidans I'm gonna go for this one for now I'm also specifically buying this one I'm not going to go for the alternator because even though we get the nice sweet effect from the alternator uh this item is gonna do far better for me because I get the 60 AP like buying off this item is usually pretty hard to do because 1250 gold is not something you typically get Drake is up though we gotta go Drake soon don't want to lose this one got it might have to go with Drake after this next wave there's no fights happening yet they could be coming Top Lane oh wow several people bro there's like One Auto I there's not so much damage so Nautilus did and that guy is actually quite tanky and I also killed Shaco almost at my attack speed not bad that could be a free trick for my team three people taking hero then going top side my teammates could have taken this one would have been so worth it yeah kind of I suspected I need like 350 or a little bit less if nafiri could force these guys to stay we can actually get the kill easily um I guess this one's the real one no an ally has been well I'm gonna push we gotta go Drake next time kind of wish you could have had a kill right there not gonna lie we do get the item now okay Shadow flame it is quick question thanks for being such an educational you know videos and streams a no problem man no problem all right I'm coming down with my ultimate right now so we're gonna have a good time if I place my ultimate correctly in a fight it's going to be an absolute easy one well I had to do that I couldn't refuse that I I had to press my heart there it was too tempting to do it thank you since we actually do have like two kills on them I'm not gonna rotate to the Drake because whether I am there or not it's not gonna have any impact so it's better for me to go back top side against Olaf here actually Shaco stolen that sucks man that sucks I couldn't change anything to prevent him from stealing though because he would just queue across the wall whoops miss my Cannon still got my rocket belt available I am not fighting him actually I gotta be careful with this guy probably Shaco cook on top now he's spawning gotta hurry up I will not stay up here nice now let's quickly get the component the component all right we're gonna be going for this one I refuse to go for zanya now because we are having a really good time with the shadow of flame ever since and if we combine rocket Bell Shadow flame with rabbits we basically uh dish out the maximum amount of damage you can possibly do you'll see for yourself and then right after that we can either go void staff or zanya so he will get a zhonya eventually got my ultimate he actually ever decided to go the other direction okay okay all right fortunately My ultimate is only 70 seconds it's not that much got it I'm not gonna Auto attack all right I want to get that Cannon this time I refuse no trading kills Jacob caught me again sure lost my stacks though can really say how happy I am with this let's go for another one I'm selling my d-ring that's I don't need my diving anymore Deering is nice of your full HP Rumble but that's it well almost holy tree for the healing okay an actual question do you find playing League of Legends fun not leak itself but fun playing it fun yeah I mean that's why I'm here tell me twice I I know that there's people out there that are playing League just because it's leaked but I don't know man I'm having fun that's why that's why I'm still here no of course it's it's partially like of course like it's also my job but I mean I chose it to be like that right because this game is fun like I mean not this game I mean League itself right that's always an interesting question do you actually have fun playing League because there's a lot of people out there just play league because it's league and they they always have a bad time if they lose a game but like they always come back to this game but like secretly people like this game people say they don't like league but they do secretly like it that's why they play it I can't fight off the Tristana because I do think there's some other dude right behind it actually there's three people showing not the Shaco can't really all lean I would like to I just can't actually do it they got mine maybe maybe make a play here shaco's actually in the jungle yeah I'm not sure we left off too probably across what happened to that one wait a second really we get nothing out of that bro that's slightly a disappointing actually through my ultimate into Gangplank because he was like hugging the wall that way I can dish out the most damage but he walked out of it way too easily actually well we got TP on Mid I need like a little bit more actually I already have enough we can't we can't reset yet because the Drake well this is probably something we have to try and fight for oh never mind yeah sucks another opportunity that we miss hmm well I'm gonna have to go back now I got my revenants almost rapidance will make a very big difference cool let's go now you will see how much my ultimate's gonna do you can see that it's already doing 1991 damage okay if they stand in my ultimate that long My ultimate will kill them alone and that's like excluding my arc in common we we still have more damage coming from my ruins itself foreign I think we can make a big play right here it depends well they they could see me yeah that's probably gonna mean they will go for Baron say how happy I am with this I can't one behind this one impossible nope only got one should have jumped on it like a second earlier and I think I would have killed everybody because they were all trying to prioritize the baron my bad I did solve the HP on Baron so I could have tried it oh man what a tough match I'm not gonna lie bro there's plenty of kills that we missed weirdly enough though my my uh my jungle has been farming the majority of the time unfortunately though like he's actually two levels behind Seiko has a lot of impact and he's actually ahead as well oh no he could see that bro he could see that oh the old life apparently is not going in all right yo that Olaf could have like definitely all did that guy I'm not gonna lie foreign love to see how to support us like farming the jungle while the jungler is farming the lane I don't know let's make the play no w I'm Gonna Keep My ultimate never mind I am impressed bro I don't know I am so strong in this game but like it is absolutely impossible to make any kind of difference here like these guys have been scaling up ever since I was honestly expecting to be able to kill Olaf without using my ultimate but my genre just disappeared in two seconds yeah rough one we had a good time early game but this game is starting to get pretty bad now are gone all right we're gonna go bad once more you know what sucks the most like with Rumble you have pretty decent wave clear but getting like an inhib wave down soon it's going to be rough these guys are probably still up here oh they're going to mid lane all right cool older steady nice Drake spawns in eight seconds if we could push mid lane we can actually set it up properly but we are getting the lane pushing like by these guys instead can leave this behind as easily that gasket all there and wreck everybody can't get anything more in here okay in my opinion it's over it's kind of over not gonna lie sucks man we we had such a good time in the lane bro but like as soon as we get to the mid game we're just getting crushed over and over it's partially like the teen com that does it because they have a much better team comp if it comes down to team fights and their scaling is just 10 times better like for nonetheless he can just cast R in or cast Q in and that's it we don't have any Frontline or whatever to like tank it missing this I don't know if my Sonia is going to make any meaningful impact either it really depends maybe with like a five-man ultimate car and five Man ultimate Q we can try something out but that's very unlikely like we need to get a fight in the jungle to make that work s and we're gonna go bottom the inhibit bottling is not gone yet we'll try it out maybe if he gets on here we can make a beautiful uh meaningful difference I don't know I'm about to find out kind of sucks to see Olaf actually like getting back mm-hmm Olaf's up here I don't know where everybody else is I can't tell them [Applause] oh this guy's dead nice My ultimate is only 60 Seconds sidestep if we get caught like once Biola with the cube or basically dead I don't know it's going to make the lane so much worse yeah what I was afraid of the uh and if it goes down at some point we don't have to clear to like get rid of this not bad my ultimates on cooldown I wonder if this works it actually worked bro unbelievable that's just how much damage My ultimate actually does as an example that's the fake one by the way we need one more item and what I'm thinking about is a demonic embrace void staff would also certainly not be a bad idea [Applause] hello there time this heart thank you for the aid of monsters up now hey welcome back to the saw family as always cannot believe that this game is still standing their team comp is so much better in the late game because they're running a gangplank in mid but I have no expectations of ever making it out of this base especially because they got a Shaco they're also about to get four four tricks and it's also in the mountain Drake by the way it's in the jungle if you could get a combo off if I can get one good ultimate of good placement then we can actually kill them both yeah there it is never mind they didn't get succeeded morning I was hoping they would get cc'd by Sentra back Top Lane again oh man like this game is in my opinion a pretty boring one because we never make it out of the base anymore we have to rely on the enemy teams walking in here again they walk away can't actually push this Lane out because we just don't have the wave clay to do it I can't tell him that guy there's probably some dude behind it they will push once again let's see what we can do there's a gangplank running in our base oh there we go zanya making uh making useful here that's precisely what I wanted when I when I bought Sonia this guy actually did All In Me In The End cool well I guess the game's really gonna end here I don't think we can defend this let's try I've got my ultimate in 25 yep got him who knows maybe we can turn to still I'll go for voice stuff let's go of course drops that down can't actually get him they're maxed out or at least for V almost are thank you there you go that that's like the type of wave cleat that you're looking for bro just use the overheat system try and like dishes like dish out all the all all the other texts not bad there's three still of them alive so we can hard push okay we're maxed out my teammates are still halfway with their builds 38 minutes of like farming in Bays man I cannot believe it not even not even one time in this game we managed to make it out even my mid laters is standing at the base look [Applause] horse Baron let me charge it up real fast that will help okay let's have some fun shall we not enough Ava's worth trying you know Olaf is a beast legging bam hey this is Rumble top Lane thanks so much for watching today's speeds of it and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Daveyx3 Off Meta
Views: 13,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rumble, rumble lol, rumble league, rumble league of legends, rumble guide, rumble guide s13, rumble guide season 13, rumble top, rumble top guide, rumble top guide s13, rumble top guide season 13, rumble gameplay, rumble gameplay s13, rumble gameplay season 13, how to play rumble, how to play rumble season 13, rumble season 13, rumble s13, rumble combo, rumble runes, rumble build, rumble build s13, rumble build season 13, best, daveyx3 off meta, daveyx3, league of legends
Id: -2nSHQfeGvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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