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hi guys welcome back to low range in this episode we're in the center of Australia following the old gun Railway we get to the most remote Pub in the world and see Lake air from the sky they're lucky are we what you're looking at is Australia's great Inland Sea contains 65 000 million Mega liters of water enough water to cover all the land on the planet half a meter over search for this seat drove explorers mad the belief that Australia's large rivers almost lead to a huge inland body of water Drew men into the desert obsessed one of these Believers was Charles sturt he led three such Expeditions into the center but with no success in 1878 sturt died and nine years later a shallow ball was sunk near the Outback town of Burke an endless water erupted out of it Australia's great Artesian Basin had been discovered foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this journey has a starting from Alice Springs and taking the algon Heritage Trail South to the Aboriginal community of Fink once we're across the border we'll take the Unidad a track to the smallest Outback town in Australia and that's we were hoping to see Lake air with water in it and lastly we'll make our way to Cameron's corner okay guys just where we uh swing off under what they call the old gun Heritage Trail oh cool so um that's the old garden railway line isn't it I did my early learning my early schooling in South Australia where the garden was something of State pride you know it was one of the biggest achievements South Australia had had and um it was still running obviously it was still running until I was in my early 30s so it was a big theme for me and yet these days I think a whole generation or two movies kind of missed out on that which is a shame the original gun Railway was constructed with the intention of connecting the south of Australia with the north this was a mammoth undertaking in 1879 the service started between Port Augusta and corn it took 50 years of building before the line even reached Alice Springs but it wasn't until 2004 126 years after construction began that the new garden railway finally reached Darwin in the early days it was very common for there to be washouts of the track and get this pass passengers were expected to give the crew a hand fixing the track so they could get moving again as soon as possible how good's that I knew about the old Ghana or little bits and pieces of the old Garden I knew it had been ripped up the old lines and I knew that for a certain section of it we could actually drive along the lines but I was unaware of all the history and all the bits and pieces and Railway yards and whatnot along the way this is uh rodinga which is about the last Station built or not stationed but fatlers Cottages I've always wanted to come and see the old Garden in the winter I don't need a big Sook imagine how it was for the people who built it one story tells of a conductor on the gun confronted One Day by a young woman complaining of severe stomach pains the early stages of labor flustered the conductor complained you should never have boarded the train in that condition to which the woman panted between contraction I wasn't in this condition when I boarded your damn train hey look at this there's an original bit of the Railway track imagine the upkeep on the like the maintenance things getting hot and cold a lot of work a lot of work it's funny though eh I mean no one was really interested in the center country I wonder why we got today oh flies crickets come on why would you need a fire out here it makes things hot Sub-Zero temperatures in the winter and 40 degree Plus in summer it brought to life a lot of the history that's out there and you know you close your eyes you can actually feel and and see how things were back in those days and how huge this project was I guess the funny thing about these rodinga ruins is that they're not that old you know really not not in the great terms of History this was still probably fully roofed and everything else in the 70s and 80s the reason that the old garden and the Overland Telegraph track for that matter took this particular route was because they followed the water soaks that Explorer Jon Stewart had mapped out across the country demineralization Towers were built so that bore water could be used let's try a police wagon when they called me over they just said um this Road's officially closed guys I didn't see any closed signs of it they said we'd be okay but it's still closed after all those rains any word of when the grade is going to be running through it no no she just said uh it hadn't been through since the rains I was really looking forward to this well I know the Fink region fairly well enough from the 80s riding motorbikes there and then of course we ran tours through there and we tested four-wheel drives and all sorts of things but this time around we're on our way to see Lake air with water in it that alone is one of those bucket list excitement things and then to find out on the way to think that the track we're On's actually supposed to be shut it's just nobody left the signs up venture Adventure it's funny when you're out in the desert you'll be driving along and there's nothing for ages and then you always seem to find something that's just that little bit different hey Kenny I wonder if that mountain thing on the left-hand side is um a table top for the guys most of those mountains over there have a flat top except for one uh it looks like it's got a nipple on top of it I think it might be cold over there well I've seen that mountain that the boys were having a good old chuckle about before so I suppose it didn't really do it for me but um the funny thing is it used to be known as maiden's breast so it's not as if they or even me were the first ones to figure there's a bit of a similarity well that's Blake's for you mate I've got a bit of a bit of rattle going on here in the rear uni that's the diff and that's the uni can you see it it's a bit flogged yeah it doesn't seem too pretty though it's called universal joint universal joint bit flog you happy with the diff play yeah that's not bad is it no that's all right yeah okay well that's not too bad we'll get into Fink because that's only about probably 30 40 K's or something it's not bad bad no explode Aboriginal communities can be fairly intimidating to people who aren't used to them for a whole lot of reasons one of the ones is because if you're a white fella in an Aboriginal Community you're like a ghost you know you can walk through and no one's going to notice it the dogs might have a sniff at you people will talk right across your face and everything else until you say something to them you have to say g'day or smile or do something and then you'll get a smile back and think it's always been one of the nicest Bunches of people on Earth they're just lovely people the front one moves the same way too is it yeah what does that mean does that mean you fill it full of grease and cross fingers yeah probably been like that since we left then they must have just changed the design of the Unis or something if you could suss out that Workshop see I go for a run we're rocking around to the council Workshop see if they have a grease gun pack uh some grease into the Yanni's of Milo I know the boss man of the council has got the keys to this store room here which has got the grease gun so I'll set up a couple of traps around town vanished nowhere to be seen so we'd have to wait for it to come here to his ute and NAB him on his way well let's hear glenny's he keeps on going and he finally found him good on you mate right out let's give this a go guys gee that's a loose fit Keno I'll do your tight and fit okay ah can I it's working yeah this is a good thing to remember you know look Pete is the local Council employee the only one in the whole community and his primary responsibility is to keep the electricity and the water happening okay and then slightly under that is things like helping people out repairing things but basically he's the guy who does pretty much everything around here that needs doing so you can vet he's the guy with bits and pieces and he's also a really helpful fella too well with the uni as good as it's going to get for a while we head out of town obviously we spent a few hours fixing while I was late in the day so it was advised that we don't travel at night and we take take it very cautiously even in the daylight because there's still a lot of spikes from the Old Railway line and the wash away it's where the road have been washed away from the recent flubs this is such a beautiful time of day as the sun dips closer to the Horizon we've got our eyes peeled for a campsite they found a clearing big enough for all of our vehicles and we start getting set up I guess we've done this a few times now but it really doesn't take as long at all that's it guys I got well done here mediums here here here here medium rare here and here you are me gleno good is a meal there's a bushman's meal that one so I'm going to enjoy it so much and I know Glenna is going to enjoy it even more than me man that smells good [Music] every morning just after first light there's a few minutes before even the birds have woken up it's like the Earth is catching a breath between the night and the day and just having a moment of peace but it doesn't last for long [Music] [Music] it cost us a bit of time walking around with my life oh I might as she as long as she's driving better I like how the plan changes every five minutes it's great ah the old girl feels heaps better now and just look at that smooth ride yeah we'll drive along the road and saw a grave on the right hand side but it was um big open flat plane going out to it was quite quite nice to to drive on there's a lot of lonely graves in Australia Joseph McFarland and what's the story behind this fella 1883 he wow he was a Teamster you know working on the bullet race so he's um he accidentally shot himself the Aboriginal bloke he had offsiding for him reckons he was reaching down to pull this saddle out and underneath the saddle was the shotgun which was loaded and it went off and discharged straight through him when the inspector got here there he was dead on the dry and so he pretty much put it together straight away and they buried him here and it's a funny lonely sort of a place to die isn't it Shame about this Stone breaking yeah apparently the local word is that it's there's been quite a bit of destruction of white fellow stuff because there's a bit of resentment amongst the mob and they tend to take it out on anything the white fella left that's the local word but nobody knows for sure that's all well we might leave this fellow alone eh I think so mate he's been alone for a long time yeah these rides are different after a bit of rain aren't they yeah it's washed away in it I need to get the grater through it thing about the roads out here is that all they've done is run a grader through the middle of a flat Paddock and that means that whenever there's a lot of rain on that flat Paddock the road's going to turn into a river and for most of us for most of the time they won't make a huge amount of difference but you'll see whenever you see a rip in the side you know the grated Edge you'll know that water's come through and whenever water's come through there's likely to be a dirty great big rut and sometimes that rut will be the same size as your wheels which means it can rip your front or back end off or something it can be quite dangerous so it's really all about trying to take it easy when you can and being aware that the other great thing that happens when a road turns into a river is that there'll be a whole lot of soft silt and sand and stuff like that you can always just disappear in the corrugations they're pretty wild I think wolf eats getting a bit car sick all the wash aways that we encountered were okay if you're traveling slow at you know what a say 20 30 kilometers an hour when you come up to them but if you hit these at greater speeds say 80 or 100 kilometers an hour gonna do massive damage to your car you may even roll it they're that big there's the gate guys this is the South Australian Border and it means being up there is about 10ks mate back in South Oz again eh we're attracted to it's like a magnet to us it's a tiny little wall I thought since we left Dallas we wouldn't be far from the border but we'll probably take one of your shortcuts again every job always right always ah Mount deer I guess it's the great big breathing spot after a SEMO Crossing but it doesn't matter which direction you hit Mount deer from it's always welcome we're lucky that Dave and his family are even here at the moment a lot of places like this are closed in the summer and February is definitely summer in the land down under while we're here we'll do all the usual things have a cold drink sign the guest book and of course enjoy a good old meat pie tradition people well that was just a pick-me-up we needed before heading out into the blistering heat again it's no surprise we didn't pass anyone else on the way in [Music] we're out here in the middle of summer there's not many people out here the reason we're here is for the water it's rained but what sort of brought it home to me is the Heat and the Flies and that sort of thing it's a very harsh environment but also the distances between destinations there's nothing close there's never a short trip between towns it's always basically a full tank of fuel so this is never runs cup of tea out here you know these sorts of conditions a lot of people would be heading back to the big smoke with their tail between their legs quick smart all right Crossing up he goes never crossed interested to see if there's any old ruins mites sleepers or anything because uh we haven't sort of seen anything from up north have we oh there's plenty of Miles I've always wanted to come out and have a bit of a look around the old darn Railway line and this is much right at my house that raised been on the right hand side and on the left and there's nothing there ready sleep is gonna be it my range is all about finding the different things you know and Dalhousie had been on the original plan but everyone goes to Dalhousie and thanks to a road closure we were forced to go to waringa forced where I would have known how nice iringa was gone and stayed for a month [Music] the arena campsite was awesome we came over this hill and it had been dry all day we hadn't seen any water and next thing there's this big water hole surrounded by beautiful gum trees and I went this has got to be one of the best campsites on this trip when I first jumped in the water at a ringa well firstly I thought it was a mirage I think this can't be real in the middle of the Outback he hits his massive water hole there's a fish in there and I'm sure there was a big Cod that got me on the back but the feeling of getting that water it wasn't hot it wasn't like bath water it was nice and cool it was refreshing it's exactly what we needed after a couple of thousand kilometers on Dusty hot roads I didn't realize this at the time the daringa actually used to be part of the Sydney Kidman Holdings Kidman himself lived in a homestead not far from here and on top of that John McDowell Stewart camped here many times during his explorations in the 1860s Camp right here at this Waterhole this really is something special right now special request from the gleno can we have some meatballs meatballs well we could except we've got about 2.8 minutes because we're really hungry it's the end of the day we've been traveling all day actually that's none of those are good reasons but I have wanted to try this for a fair while what I've got here is volversed look at that I got three of them bulwurst is a South African sausage um very tough a lot like South Africans full stop bank anyway the whole idea is we're going to use these as our meatballs um I've got Glenn and Ken working on cooking up the pasta because this is going to be spaghetti and meatballs Ruthie style we're just going to put about two tablespoons of olive oil and a good old gleno Shake of salt in the pot and then when that water comes to the boil meanwhile I'm cutting up the bowl worst to make the meatballs how easy is that how's that water going guys ready ready for you oh lovely there you go mate how many grams in that all right 25 500. I'm waiting all that happened oh that was our real mate oh you are a real Surfer aren't you not a recliner you just went down with the big splash no problems at all how do we go with that uh oh yeah that's the way look see what glenno's doing when you're camping don't bother mucking around with great big lengths of spaghetti break it up a little bit it makes it so much easier at the next stage she's eating it there you go looking after you rhino there's going to be a little bit of cooking in this so um why don't you come back in about one Beer's time when I've knocked up this sausage oh hang on just before you go ah fingers are slippery just whoops come on out of there mate look at that a little bit of extra protein off you guys um just a little bit of extra garlic is that all I live taste sorry mate I'll put in some more as soon as it stopped rolling welcome back Not A lot's happened except gleno's come up with a name for our meal tonight uh what was it mate knob pasta there you go knob pasta because we put just a knob of garlic in it is that right that's it yeah I thought you'd say that watch the check you know right oh here we go now we've cooked up the bowl worst okay it's just about cooked you could cook it longer except we're really hungry and we've cooked it up with a little bit of garlic and it just smells fantastic at this stage this is basil pesto don't mind the look of the stuff that's really good now look at it whoops don't listen to the sound it makes either okay all right now over here tomato puree there we go whack that straight on top I can go in our bin and of course this is tomato paste right now what else do we need and over here I have this is just a can of button mushrooms it's because our producer Mel she insists that we have something vegetable in everything so I don't know if a button mushroom is a vegetable it's probably a fungus or something but there you go Mel buttons in they go close enough John this is because Mel's Nana reckons that my cooking's lousy so if you're watching this Nana no pasta you wouldn't like it anyway okay now we're going to whack in some honey why because we can here we go good squirrel of honey and of course one I wanted to put tomato pieces in and I'm going to yes I am and this don't worry about the smoke bit that's what it says in big letters down here it says chili and garlic we're not even interested in the garlic because we've already got lots of that in whoops just a little bit made a bit of a mistake there sorry Nana just a little bit extra have you got my pasta spoon over there yep sure do there you go mate just a little serve to start with thanks mate oh you want some Parmesan you're going you want to do it if you have to page Russell Clark could be wrong if he was dead yeah Mike do you want something you want to do it yourself I thought that was yours I'm not fuss mate I'll eat anything except stuff I've cooked myself you know that's a bit of a worry whoops is that yours yep knob pasta beautiful how easy was that can we please have a report on the knob pasta certainly can if you um if you want to impress your mate cook them up some not pasta it'll make a knob out of someone right on mate let's go sit down after such a hearty meal we slept really well [Music] [Music] I'll tell you something for nothing a lot of birds reside in the gums of the ringa Waterhole and they don't believe in sleeping in I'll tell you who does though three points for you mate well six points to you hit the van hey your turn now Keno's been to sleep for hours everyone's up packing this stuff away and he's still in the Caravan just snoring his head off uh any complains if we make too much of a racket outside sporting day mate I thought I was in a meteorite shower or something we'll just get that from moving up for hours mate come on we've got to make a move whenever can I cop this mate these cattle yards were used during the days Sydney Kidman owned the station when Kidman left Adelaide at the age of 14 he had one horse to his name by the time he died at 78 he owned 200 000 cattle and 250 000 sheep funnily enough the Kidman family has just announced that they're putting the business up for sale with many of the cattle properties being held by the company for over a hundred years what a legacy eh [Music] ah finally a chance to wash all the dirt out from under the cars well I'm sure it won't take long to come back again I was going to the Natural wash all right guys we turn left keys we're eating the data and this is the uh fabulous in the data track he made it new Beauty I've always wanted to do the union data track good while we're doing it here we go 17 case I've seen it fairly busy sometimes in the winter months you know but um in the summer months and especially in the middle of the day well this is Australia's hottest and driest town so they just go and see their stuff and who can blame them it was just like a ghost town it's uh it's a town that everybody in Australia knows the name who Nevada people want to go there might have something to do with the time of year February been really hot but even the pink Roadhouse was shut with a few flies around though that was about it we couldn't get any fuel at earn the data so luckily we've still got enough to get us to the next town of William Creek hopefully the fuel station there is open [Music] foreign ER bridge on the old garden railway and it's the largest single span bridge in South Australia still is to this day as far as on the way but look at this for an amazing project I mean this is in the 1880s so you think about it it's 30 years after the last convict ship came to Australia and it's 30 years before the first world war it's actually 20 years before Australia was even Australia so this was actually the little colony of South Australia making a major project 60 Grand 60 000 pounds worth of project in the days when the average black probably earned five pounds a year for chasing sheep around a paddock it's an amazing thing it employed a whole lot of people so you see really in the 1880s it was projects like the garden railway South to the North and the telegraph line hooking up Australia to the rest of the world that was like this little convict colony suddenly playing with the big boys we were telling the world that we have come of age pretty impressive bridge I hope it's here forever so all the locals that we've come across out here they're all telling us we're crazy what are you doing here but um we're here because it rained the deserts cops and water it's the best time to get out here it might be hot and flies everywhere and that sort of thing but I think it's worth it definitely worth a trip when it rains in these parts there's one particular place that people flock to see and we're getting closer to that place with every kilometer we've made it to William Creek population six and we're all very relieved to see someone Manning the Bowsers it's open yeah all right a bit dry yeah I can imagine it sounds like you might need a bit Yeah the track's a bit dry too yeah yeah so I'm a bit of a pub connoisseur I don't mind going to a pub and having a look around and when John was telling us that we're going to end up in the most remote Pub in the world that got me pretty excited uh definitely looking forward to that what's that hey dog hey yeah Trev John good Trevor yes oh my God you look like me something slightly crazy about isolated pubs I've seen some really weird things happen there g'day all right you're good oh yeah we had to put a collar on him so he didn't get shot this is the place has Traditions like any place and one of those Traditions used to be to hang g-strings but the whole point is that the health department came along and said this is a health risk when bureaucracy that does nothing for a place like William Creek comes along and starts adding restrictions you gotta fight back what's up mate oh [Music] don't look familiar it's weed hey guys can't come to like here uh in the wet but they're going for a flight nah mate heard great things about this what better way to see Lake air with water in it than from the air I say hey hang on a minute that fella over there looks familiar not is it must be twins or triplets or quads you felt gonna be flying us too like we can do everything out here wow whether it works out or not it's another thing this bike pumped our fuel because behind the bar he drove the fire truck and when we went to book our Scenic flight over Lake air he took the booking I don't know whether to trust this guy all right well listen to us who do we see you or the dingo about booking a flight tomorrow morning well the dingo probably howl outside your door in the morning he'll get you out of bed just see me I'll sort out your flight yeah okay to take you for a fly all right well let's go and see where else Trevor's hanging out in this town there [Laughter] so we got up early head down to the airstrip get ready to jump in the planes for the flight Lake out it's dark morning Talia I'm Glenn how are you business class up to the left is it yeah so who's this little girl who's young enough to be my daughter but um you know I rapidly realized that she's one of the most efficient Pilots around at one stage she was the youngest Chief pilot in Australia [Music] just we're taken off just noticed the sun ready to start cracking into the sky I guess I felt a little bit privileged to be seen like with water in it because it doesn't happen very often like air from the air wow foreign [Music] [Music] just a bird's eye view like being an eagle and seeing the colors and oh the dimensions and how low oh that mirror effect I've heard about it but I've never seen it and until you've seen it oh you just don't realize how special this is [Music] thank you the flight over Lake air was was very special it's something that's on a lot of people's bucket list and I got to do it I got to do it at Sunrise which was very special the colors in the lake the reflection in the lake [Music] we are actually very lucky to see it with water in it it was beautiful there was no wind or anything like that um yeah it was sort of a a once in a lifetime opportunity I think we've kicked that off the bucket list and we're on a high that was just one of the most magnificent things I've ever seen time to head south and jump on the stress lucky track and as you do in the outback we're bound to see a few eccentric things along the way the water tank that looks like a dog a Boston looks like a jet plane what's that a window it looks like a daffodil I believe someone had a lot of time in their hands right side the gun polka boss it's a hover bus I've got a load of this oh nice also it's all right dolphin in the fence back there I think that place is on its way to becoming an Australian idea it's been years since I've stopped into the bubbler screens and I reckon the guys will get a real kick out of this [Music] not a bad spot John it's pretty amazing isn't it really the way you got this you know water and Greenery in the middle of all this desert most people don't realize but back in gondwana days Australia did have an inland sea over millions of years when ocean levels rose water became trapped in a natural dip in the center and formed a sea but when the ocean levels fell the whole area became land again and when those Seas drained away they left clay and silt deposits behind which hardened into impermeable Stone now as time went on and the rivers crossed the land they left Sandstone so all of a sudden you have Hearthstone that nothing can get through and on top of that you've got Sandstone that filled us water and that makes an aquifier if it rains now on the Great Dividing Range does it that water then come here in two million years yeah wow you're gonna go in no we're not allowed to I don't reckon you'd be able to get get out it looks like the whole Bottom's like quicksand Lane I'd go down pretty quick the heat can really get to a bloke out here feeding look I don't know what I did but I don't know if it was ignoring me it was a bit weird it's like you've seen a ghost or nothing the stress Lakey is just wide flat boring and beaten up by trucks and it's just no fun when I had a look at the map and realized that there was just a chance we might be able to go another way well everyone was into it as John does on our shortcut and we took a turn and that's where the adventure actually started there's nothing that gets me going more than turning down a track I haven't been down before especially when I've really got no idea of what to expect from it or even if we can get all the way through that's the real Adventure now yours is uh the most Mountain country's a whole lot more interesting than the sales lady certainly is mate my VMS actually says that we're in the north Flinders I think we might have taken a wrong turn I don't know how we ended up in the Flinders again yeah you spend all your life you know wanting to come to the Flinders and we've done it a couple of times in a row dude it's kind of an accident but shows what a big place to clean business yeah it's a beautiful place very pretty carving our way through an old track in the most northern part of the Flinders ranges was really Specky I mean this is the oldest part of one of the oldest ranges on Earth and it looks at even the rocks look kind of shabby and worn and oh boy is it special it's just beautiful country and you kept getting the feeling that you might be the first person to look at it for a while too wow that was fun ability down to about zero that's what happens in Milo when you hit the ballast that is a lot of bulldust right there fire out [Music] sometimes you take a risk and it pays off and this time it did Big Time ah well certainly found our um slightly smaller track guys our goat track you mean looks like it's been graded at one time yeah yeah it was a road at one stage but no one's been here for a fair while it's the way we like it island or something pretty harsh here this is almost like a farm tree and it's supposed to be the main route I love it yeah I think we're on a track that has not been traveled for a long time the track went from being fairly wide and and not too hard because it accessed a talc mine and a four-wheel drive station then all of a sudden it just peeded out into you know you can still see there was a track there but no one had driven there for months certainly not the other side of the rain so that's when you get real Adventure uh Big Dipper coming up can't oh not if you've taken out the right way I think you probably want to straddle this humpy bit so that you don't drop a wheel down into that little low bit I imagine that [Music] you're done can I I'm dropping in and I am through the Humpty Dumpty well done Humpty Dumpty what are you doing can I just checking out the bush walking leaflet mate what out here yeah all right it's 38 degrees hey guys it's going to be great it's gonna be Fitness get out of your comfort zone what do you reckon you Keen or what oh yeah mate love to yeah yeah yeah they're right up here right how good's the view gonna be from up there yeah it's only 7.1 K's it's 38 degrees we'll Trot it in come on three and a half hours oh I'm I'm just gonna have to grab me water bottle and a couple of things mate okay yep yep let's go mate no I've got some walking shoes in the car mate I'll meet you's up there okay cool that's where I'll stop for a drink just I won't be long mate just be there in a minute [Music] come mate oh yeah mate yeah you know it just I gotta find me a water bottle wanna end no no I'll be right there nope all right I'm gonna get going yeah okay mate I'll be with you in a minute all right bud I've spent most of the day in my load 50 plus degrees getting blasted in the face by dust and Keno hops out of his air-conditioned Hilux and wants to do a bush walk look yeah get out of my comfort zone give it a go I gave it a crack [Music] don't know what happened to John though [Music] well as it turns out we never made it to Cameron's corner on this trip because it was shut for the summer doesn't matter one bit though we'll get there next time on this trip I became grateful quite a few things the first thing is traveling with a bunch of guys with a can-do attitude the second thing is traveling with vehicles that are ready to go well maintained and the third thing is having a tour guide like John Ruth it's quite Eerie coming into the Outback when it's this hot in summer I always thought it was a No-No but John he just knows his stuff and I'm so grateful that we did this trip it was times yeah it was really tough mainly because of the heat but who am I to complain here's Ruthie driving along in Milo with no air conditioning no dust seals it was it's a trip of a lifetime that we've just completed as a younger man I used to pride myself on being a bit of a hard bugger and this trip I kind of feel like the young me came back again I feel younger and stronger because of it because it was hard and it was hot but it also just makes you appreciate once again that there's another season out here there's a stinking hot season with water around it's different you don't see it all the time I kind of feel like I've put another dot on my personal map if that makes sense and and I've been here before but I've not been here like this before and that's good that's all the hat like that man's got a bit of glass you haven't seen anyone for a while have you yeah are you rolling Gavin Are You Gavin Rawling I can do that okay where's that Melanie no laughing oh he's really enjoying it we're not even rolling anymore we're not filming anymore Glenn [Music] um flowing straight in my mouth [Laughter] look at the man with the Halo on his head up here and and the distances between between look what Mel the producer puts us through she's had me sitting out here in the bloody boiling sun and there's actually a Keno print on my darchie chair show us your back [Music] I never asked for these guys signature so I'm gonna get this tattooed like a hardcore fan you got a sign of two then can I hey he's got a really funny spot for you to sign oh one says [Laughter] well here's one towards a six-pack three hours of sunshine is equal to the soaking a bucket of chlorine oh what if people only hear an hour ago John oh there was probably some dirty trucky here sleeping on the table oh I think I can just see him now ah the rods are itchy I'll just scrub me right on the table off but you've been traveling with Gavin how can you say that was the funniest thing you've seen all day when you're traveling with this guy yeah I have a thoughts and cool to not sleep what happens when it stops yeah glenno doesn't sleep when it gets about an hour and a half when it wakes up cranky naturally seasonal I think the difference between these and the Smith's chicken crisps hang on just is uh the packet and Melanie of course wants to go the long way the uh half a dozen other places which are east and west of that track I was actually thinking this grassy I agree yes I'm not a Master Chef I'm a bush cook and how do we filter water in the outback easy [Music] foreign I put my mic on around my seatbelt very good at this aren't I you want a ref you want bad rep you want really bad rope oh geez it's hot in here what do you got well I see files an icy cold water oh mate what's the temperature in here 46 degrees oh my little my no no oh no oh no thanks kiddo oh dear foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Trak Yakker - Home of DustemUp
Views: 42,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #4WD, #Offroad, #4x4, #overlanding, #desert, #Travel, #camping, #Tough4WDin, #bushcamping, #bushcooking, #adventure, #survival, #roadtrip, #4wd, #theghan, #4wheeling, #oldghanrailway, #exploreaustralia, #southaustralia, #lowrange, #low range, #dustemup
Id: VvTwhTb_Onw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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