RTX 4070 TIE Super Best Review.mp4

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all right let's talk about the 4070 ti ti super Tai Tai super 4070 tii super that's a a tie well today we're going to be talking about the 470 tii super and I have this card right here on my desk fancy camera angle W that's so cool but yeah this card is the Asus tough model of the 4070 tii super this name is so long that in my benchmarks I had to shrink it so it could fit on the screen and $100 graphics card that is launching on January 24th so this will be coming out tomorrow this 470 TI's main competitor is actually you didn't you didn't see that I didn't I know how to tie tie now the 7900 XT goes for around $710 right now because AMD made a major price cut if we just click on one of these cards and we can see the price history on this thing you can see that it dropped off of a cliff within the past few days and yeah I bought B this one myself the 7900 XT for $720 and it honestly made my freaking heart SN like that's still a lot of money it's cheaper than the $800 Nvidia card right now but oo that is a lot of freaking money to spend on a graphics card Nvidia also sent me this one and you probably saw it on the desk this is a 4070 super so just the normal 470 super model it's all blacked out and everything this C goes for $600 right now and it seems like there's still some models that are going for that $600 price point so just at a base level the 470 TI super let's just look at the specs of this card a video cards has a great chart here is an upgrade to the original 470 TI and Nvidia is axing the original 470 TI it has more Cuda cor and it has more vram this is the big thing because the original 4070 TI was limited heavily by 12 GB of vram but we're seeing 16 GB on the 470 TI super so what we're going to do is break down the $600 graphics card $700 graphics card and $800 graphics card to see which one in this like price range will be right for you no matter what all these cards are still very fast let's first go on an overview of these cards performance and then we're going to get into a deep dive whole bunch of different games a whole bunch of settings Ray tracing dlss but let's go over the overview first starting off with the 7900 XT versus the 470 TI super so let's first start off with the raate tracing type of stuff got to get this out of the way because as you as you would think nvidia's 470 TI super does have an advantage in R tracing versus the 7900 XT from AMD the thing is like in lighter titles though amd's card does pretty well as we see in like Hardware rate tracing in fortnite Resident Evil 4 remake it's putting up a good fight in the rate tracing preset in plague tail requium it's even putting up a pretty good fight though at times the 4070 TI super can pull quite far ahead but it's really in the games that are like Allen Wick 2 cyberpunk um Avatar frontiers of Pandora which are very heavy R tracing titles that where the 7900 XT really starts to fall behind but even in these games there's still options that you can get a lot of good performance out of the 7900 XT but kind of avoiding the r tracing and stuff like that it's also to take into account even with the 4070 TI super this brand new card from Nvidia that cost $800 even this card can struggle to do like path Trac in cyberpunk it can struggle to do path tracing in Allen wake 2 and in these games you have to use quite a bit of upscaling to get you know to like 60 FPS or if you want to get to above 60 FPS I mean you're asking for like dlss performance mode which is literally rendering the game if you're at 1440p you're rendering the game at 720p even this $800 card from Nvidia isn't exactly like awe inspiring in terms of rate tracing because when we get to the traditional raster performance of these cards that's where it gets super so you you see what I did there I said the super it gets super interesting oh my God man the 7900 XT is about 10% faster than the 470 TI super like in Allen wake 2 if you don't turn on rate tracing we see at 1440p Native settings that it's 14% faster on the 7900 XT and like if you turn on FSR quality in that game or dlss quality on the Nvidia card then you're getting 30% more performance on the 7900 XT plugtail requium again rate tracing perform better on the Nvidia card but the 79 rxt is faster than the Nvidia card if you don't use ra tracing now this isn't to say that it's faster in every single game but in a lot of games what I found is that on average it seems to work out the 7900 XT when you're not using rate tracing that it is about 10% faster than the 4070 TI super but when you take into account the price as well it's 11% cheaper so that's like a 20% Delta in terms of price to Performance for the AMD card here and that price cut that AMD made seems like it is worth like it at that price point and plus on the AMD card like you're also getting 20 GB of vram now like I know with the SE 4070 TI super it's super nice that it has 16 GB of vram 16 GB is probably enough okay especially for 1440p but even at 4K you can probably just use 16 GB of vram and be perfectly fine in a lot of games having 20 GB on the 7900 XT is definitely a nice to have it's not entirely necessary but it gives you some peace of mind and it'll probably be better at 4K in a very short period of time the real question are either of these cards actually worth you know getting the price premium over than nvidia's brand new 40 470 super so let's go ahead and take a quick look at that and this might actually surprise you but both of these more expensive cards actually do justify their price premium for example with the 7900 XT you're paying 177% more money compared to the 4070 super but you're getting about 40% more performance in rasterization in games 40% that is a lot more performance Remnant 2 for example this game was in insanely different on the 7900 XT like we're talking like 60% more performance across the scale at a lot of different settings the average might work out that it's close to 40% more performance I mean you you could argue that maybe it's like 30% faster than the 470 super combined with that and getting more vram by paying a little bit more money is not bad on the amd's side here with the 7900 XT you know if we do look at rate tracing the Gap tightens up a little bit so if you're after r R tracing you you might still want to go with the cheaper Nvidia card but the 470 TI super well it doesn't look as good as the AMD card on average from what I saw in these games the the 4070 TI super was about 25% faster than the 4070 super but it costs 33% more so it's actually a negative price to Performance ratio you also get all the same advantages that you do with the 470 super like cuz it's an Nvidia card you get better rate tracing you get dlss and stuff compared to amd's 700 XT the main price premium for the 470 TI super is that 16 GB of vram because on the 4070 because it only has 12 GB of vram is pretty much stuck playing at 1440p and a lot of games you're going to struggle to go up to 4k on a graphics card that sadly does cost $600 I wish we got more vram at $600 but yeah the 4070 super is pretty much limited to 1440p most of the time and sometimes at 1440p 12 gbes is already handicapping this card although the power consumption of these cards might be something that could convince you 470 super if we look at the total system power consumption I I have a test PC now that's open air and everything so if we're looking at temperatures here this is all open air testing the total system power with a 7800 x3d processor in the system we're talking only 336 Watts so if you really are after power efficiency you're getting a lot of performance for very little power on this card I wouldn't even call any the either the 7900 XT or the 470 TI super power inefficient it's just that they're they use more let's just talk about the models of cards that I have here nvidia's Founders Edition 4070 super I mean it ran really cool and quiet all of these cards actually were under 70° but nvidia's Founders Edition card is very premium awesome to experience but this card is at like 67° the fans were only at 1,00 RPM they were very quiet the 7900 XT from ASRock here I got the White Version because I've never had a white card before and it looks kind of cool the the fans were only at 1,000 RPM so this guy was like damn near silent this card is so quiet the GPU is only at 63° it's probably because this card is absolutely ginormous and then if you look at the 40 70 TI super the Asus tough model now this card usually goes for a little bit more than MSRP the GPU temperature was only at 61° and the fan speed was at 1,400 RPM really quiet fans I mean like in terms of the noise performance all these cards were around 40 DB and I think that 40 DB number was actually too high because I don't think any of them were louder than the CPU Cooler I had on at the time yeah these cards were very quiet very high quality but I I know you're excited for it I got tons of benchmarks let's look at these cards against each other 470 super 7900 XT and the 470 TI super the new card from Nvidia that's coming out tomorrow I literally have an hour straight of sidebyside footage I'm not going to show you all of that I've been a little gremling in here doing tests for a while so hopefully all these tests can help you and then at the end I'll again just share some final thoughts about how I think the new Gra graphics card from Nvidia is compared to what is on the market at the moment so let's jump in all right let's crack open one if we jump up to 1440p on Avatar frontiers of Pandora on the high settings at Native okay the 700 XT is about 7% faster than the 4070 super and when you take into account it also costs what 177% more that isn't exactly a good ratio and that's because this game is a r tracing title the 4070 TI super only 14% faster than the 4070 super but it costs 25% more so not a very good showing in that case for the 470 TI super now I just wanted to try if I turned on FSR 3 frame generation in this game and you can actually see that amd's card pulls further ahead when using its first party technology here you know obviously each of these these cards have enough frame rate to get a good experience with frame Generations so definitely not a bad idea to go and turn it on um we're going to be having all of the r tracing benchmarks other than Avatar here at the end of this whole analysis thing so that's what we'll look at okay jumping into Allen wck 2 this is a very demanding and also a very goodlooking title in terms of Graphics Fidelity stuff like that ATT 10 EP native so da which is dlss anti-aliasing or FSR anti-aliasing on the high settings no rate tracing or no added rate tracing that might have rate tracing built into it we can see that the 7900 XT in a game like this which is actually Nvidia sponsored it's getting 40 1% more performance than the 470 super you can just see this card stretch its legs and it's actually outpacing the 470 TI super now we jump up to 1440p on again native settings um high as well no rate tracing you can see the 1700 XT again 27% faster than the 470 super it's very fast here and the 470 TI super compared to the 470 super which costs $200 less is not showing that much extra performance here so honestly it's not looking very good for the 470 TI super now if we turn on dlss quality and FSR quality you can see that we're getting really good FPS actually on all these gpus I mean 96 FPS even on the 470 super is more than enough to play this game and but we can also just see that the SXT again is just very fast here and it's even outpacing the 470 TI super even more and surprisingly the 470 super and the 4070 TI super are really close in terms of performance around 90 to 97 that really isn't that much now if we go and go up to 4K very demanding here we can see that amd's card it is still pulling ahead it's probably because of that extra vram if we do look up at the top it looks like the 4070 super is getting limited by vram actually a really weird thing is it's using more somehow or it's reporting that it's using more than it actually has it's reporting over 12 gabes so it doesn't really make sense but you can see that that is probably an advantage for the 7900x T and the 4070 TI super in this case at 4K now you can also turn on some some upscaling so just um the 7900 XT is still putting up over 70 FPS stretching its legs above the 4070 TI super and you remember that this card costs less than a 4070 TI super so that's definitely something to take into account but if you do look at the 4070 super even at 4K here with some upscaling it's able to produce about 60 FPS which I think is just fine for this game so jumping over to cyberpunk here this is just the high setting at Native so 1440p this is not rate tracing or anything like that you can see that the 7900 XT again is just a lot faster than the 4070 super 177% more expensive but producing about 30% more performance here at 127 I mean that feels buttery smooth when you're playing honestly you could push it up to ultra settings with that rate tracing and still be fine but if we look at the 470 TI super seeing it's only producing about 133% more performance compared to the 47 super so honestly like looking at that like that is not getting the price to Performance ratio I mean it costs 25% more the main thing you're getting there is that extra vram and at these current settings it isn't this game is not demanding more than 12 GB of vram you can see on the 4070 super it's only using about 7.3 gab of vram and if we turn on upscaling I mean the thing it just looks even faster for these cars now the 7900 XT is at like 170 FPS although the the Gap does get a little bit closer here with this probably because of a memory bandwidth thing because if you do look at these cards the 7900 XT has the fastest memory out of all of them because it has a 320 bit bus whereas the 4070 TI super even though it costs more because it has 16 GB of VR it means that it has a 256bit bus the 4070 super only has2 bit bus The Wider the bus width or the larger the bit number means that you can get faster memory so the 7900 XT when it's able to utilize more memory and the bandwidth of it matters then it does stretch its legs a little bit more and that's what seems to be the advantage in some of these games at 4K okay I did test 4K I don't actually have a 4k monitor per se so this is actually just kind of I put 4K as a resolution and I Ed my capture card to like emulate that what it would be at 4K and actually see I don't know why this happened but the 7900 XT is slower than the other cards in this case um oras every other one of is faster so I really don't know what happened here but you can see it's 16% slower than the 4070 super but the 470 TI Supra was again only 133% faster so 25% money again it's it's not really justifying the price premium over nvidia's lower tier option here now let's go into fortnite now this is tending p and we're on Epic settings so I just wanted to see could you play at Epic settings with rasterized Graphics so no rate tracing no nanite no Lumen and just to see like what kind of FPS we could crank in this game you can actually see that the 7900 XT at 1080p with epic settings is CPU limited you can see the GPU is not at 100% utilization there so that's take into account along with the 4070 TI super is also CPU limited I mean I think all these cards are CPU limited here I guess using um epic settings even with a ryzen 7800 X 3D a very fast processor um these these all these graphics cards are fast enough to get CPU limited which is really fun to see when it comes down to it but we jump to 1440p obviously CPU limits aren't as much of an issue with the higher resolution more weight is on the graphics card you can actually see that the 7900 XT doesn't perform as well in this game it's only 5% faster than the 470 super while costing 177% more so not a very good ratio and you don't get things like dlss and better rate tracing performance which we will be talking about in just a little bit the 470 TI super is 10% faster not really justifying the price premium over the 470 supera either so out of this bunch I mean from a lot of the games we've looked at so far the 4070 super is the best value option the 700 XT we'll see in just a little bit can jump ahead further at 1440p in direct X12 um where it's more GPU limited we can still see the 4070 super is faster than the 700 XT which does cost more so honestly if you want the best value fortnite card this is a competitive game you probably wouldn't be playing it epic settings or anything like that then the 4070 super is better than the 470 TI super which cost $200 more you know going to Last of Us Part One now at 1080p the 470 super is kind of chilling at like 140 FPS on these high settings I mean that that is really good for a game like this ever since this game launched it had a lot of problems but nowadays it's actually a very well- running and well performing title now 7900 XT this game usually favors AMD a little bit is 10% faster but if you do look at the GP utilization in the top it is G CPU limited up there as long as well as a 4070 TI super so we need to jump up in resolution to check that out at 1440p though at high settings you can see that 7900 XT is able to like break free because it's not strained by a CPU limit anymore again I'm using a very fast processor the 7800 x3d is basically the fastest gaming CPU you can get right now especially in games like this which really like the extra cash on that processor but 27% faster on this 7900 XT is getting a nice bump over that $600 card justifying the price premium as well the 470 TI super is getting 19% more performance it's at about 128 FPS I mean that's really freaking smooth when it comes down to it but it also doesn't really justify the full price premium over the card now we go to 1440p Native at ultra settings instead of high we can see that the 470 super is starting to drop down to like 90 FPS or so but the 7900 XT is still holding at like 115 FPS average 114 now and it is just like chilling let's go ahead and turn on that at 1440p and we can see that the 700 XT is now 19% faster than the 470 super um I'm using FSR on the AMD cards the reason that I'm using dlss or FSR on depending on which branded GPU is because would if you had an Nvidia card and if the game supports dlss you would use dlss in that game because it generally looks better you can see that we're only getting 19% more performance when it's only when it's 17% more expensive on the AMD card and the 4070 TI super it's just it's not really justifying that price premium at all only 8% faster if we jump up to 4 go to ultra settings at 4K to see if any of these cars can handle it now the only car that is averaging over 60 FPS here is actually the 7900 XT getting 41% more performance than the 470 super that is pretty huge okay I mean the 470 TI super is extremely close probably nobody would really care at that point it's still smooth but yeah to get that you know 4K gaming experience you'd have to jump up from the 4070 super price point of $600 if you want that maxed out but you know that's kind of unreasonable for a lot of people you'd probably either drop settings or you would just turn on some upscaling okay so if we go to Quality at 4K the 7900 XT kind of lessens its lead it's not 40% faster now now it's at about 94 FPS compared to the 470 super which is at like SE the mid 70s FPS which is still very playable on a card like that and you have to remember too dlss even in this game it looks better than FSR that's another thing to take into account I've done a more in-depth analysis of that in other videos if you want to check those out now I just wanted to look at something like a competitive game cuz just to kind of prove a point all of these cards are way fast enough to play competitive games honestly on a graphics card if you're going to be playing light titles or competitive games cuz all these cards are getting close to like 500 FPS there's actually a 600 FPS engine limit in this so this game doesn't allow you to go above 600 FPS not that you really need to but you can see that the 7900 XT and the 4070 TI super are basically pushing right up against that 600 FPS limit and the 4070 super is in around the mid 400s okay honestly it's a really good performance and this is 1440p you don't need more than this I just wanted to show you this to prove a point I wouldn't spend as much if your goal is to play light titles this is more for like more intensive games and stuff like that a new title that just came out which I've actually had a lot of fun with is called pow world um the Pokemon with guns game yeah it's this one so I went ahead and Benchmark this uh it's it's actually really fun I'm I I kind of think I'm going to get addicted to it so yeah I got to I got to record this so I can so I can play that but yeah we're at high settings at 1440p and you can see that the 7900 XT doesn't actually perform that well in this game it's only 16% faster than the 4070 super and then the 4070 TI super is actually almost 30% faster than the 4070 super so that is a like actually a positive price to Performance ratio compared to the $600 card but you know something that's weird about this game is uh there is no FSR or or temporal super resolution this game is an Unreal Engine 5 and you know we can actually see very good performance in it and stuff like that but because it doesn't have FSR or temporal super resolution you can only really compare the 470 super to the 470 TI super within this game now I should have put a black box in the middle here but you know that that's what it looks like that's that's the little alpaca thing that I'm riding on and it looks beautiful too like this is unal Engine 5 and it runs great okay it runs like fortnite if you don't turn on Lumen and nanite and stuff like that like it's super smooth just showing that Unreal Engine five games can run good it just it takes a a good team to make them run well a 4K you can obviously see that the all the cards drop down a little bit now pay attention to the FPS numbers I think the 470 super looks a little bit choppy here but it didn't actually run choppy that's just how the capture card picked it up but we can see that the 4070 super is barely getting about 60 FPS here but the 1% lows are dipping dipping into around the 50s and then if we go to the 7900 XT I just don't think this game runs very well on AMD cards it's only 16% faster here even though we went to 4K where usually that card performs better cuz it's the more vram and stuff like that and you know the the 1% lows are a lot lowerer as well in the 40s whereas the 4070 TI super is able to stretch its legs here costing a $800 and actually justifying that cost again if we turn on some upscaling here we're on dlss quality obviously there's no upscaling for AMD cards so rip so yeah but we can see that the 4070 super is at about 80 FPS at 4K here very playable I mean this game doesn't require super high FPS or anything like that I don't know if in other areas if you have PS would drop more or once you build up your little Pokemon Village or po Village or whatever they want to try to call it here uh if it gets more CPU Limited in those areas that's what well like I'll have to see later on but you can see the 470 TI super is getting about 30% 32% more performance here is good it's it's worth the price premium if you can pay it or want to pay it now let's look at a plague tail requium this is a little bit of an older game not not not crazy I mean it's only like a year old I think if we're at 1080p at Ultra quality settings we can see that even though this game does is actually sponsored by Nvidia AMD 7900 XT is performing really well compared to the 4070 super 35% fast you're getting like 160 FPS I mean it is killing it in this game it runs super smooth these cards are probably way too fast for 1080p but if you really want to see 1080p performance this is what it looks like you know what I mean they are just absolutely killing it now if we go to 1440p Ultra quality scaling so this game always does upscaling but Ultra quality is basically native you can see the 7900 XT is 38% faster than the 4080 super it only costs 177% more so that's a really good price to Performance ratio if you want to jump up in price to get this card obviously AMD does offer some other competition like the 7800 XT at around $500 right now so costing less I would assume that it probably performs similar to the 4070 super in this game now we can see that the 7900 XT is getting about 120 FPS very smooth the 4070 TI super the brand new card on the right is justifying its 25% more price premium compared to nvidia's $600 card doll card on the left it's getting about 113 FPS or so now 4K though Ultra quality scaling again the 4070 super it just can't really handle 4K without some scaling or something like that it's only getting about 44 FPS here so if you are a 4K gamer or you plan to play at 4K then you're probably going to be looking at the 7900 XT which is getting like 58 59 FPS or the 4070 TI super which is getting like 55 FPS you can always use a little bit of scaling to get these cards you know up and if you're on the Nvidia cards you can use dlss like this game doesn't even have FSR now jumping into Resident Evil 4 at 1080p obviously these cards all of these are super fast run prioritized Graphics which doesn't have Ray tracing on it it's basically the highest settings in this game and the 4070 super is over 100 or 200 FPS I mean you could play competitive Resident Evil 4 it got a little bit of crap when it launched for you know vram optimizations and stuff like that but generally speaking this Resident Evil 4 game it runs really really well now the 7900 XT is is like 18% faster technically justifying its price premium but you don't get things like dlss and better rate racing support so yeah but the 470 TI super is only 15% faster than the 40 7 super if we jump up to 1440p we actually see the 7900 XT probably as the game is requiring more vram and more memory bandwidth now it's 26% faster than the 470 super and the 470 TI super is only 18% faster than the 4070 super so that's not justifying its price premium unless you really think that that vram is going to be an issue for you but if we look at the V vrm like actual utilization in the top we see that the game is asking for like on the Nvidia cards like 7.3 GB and only using it about six whereas on the AMD card it uses more vram it's asking for about 10 GB and using about 7.6 if we go to 4K 7900 XT is 36% faster than the 4070 super and by the way you can look at these percentages and see about how much faster the 7900 XD is compared to the 4070 TI 4070 TI super is only 18% faster than the 4 470 super so you can see in the middle that we're getting the most FPS on the 7900 XT at like 97 996 FPS 470 TI super on the right it's getting about 84 FPS still fast performance for Native 4k on high settings but at the same time the AMD card is just pulling ahead here and it's in the middle of the pack in terms of price pretty good deal when you look at that there under Remnant 2 this game was wild now I don't know what was exactly wrong with the 4070 super in this game but it just does not perform as well as the other cards we can see that the 700 XT was 63% faster at 1080p native on high settings the 4070 TI super was 46% faster on Native 1080p High settings it is crazy performance compared to the 470 super now even with this performance Gap you can see that the AMD card is still pulling ahead here even though it's cheaper than the the $800 Nvidia card on the right so definitely in terms of price to Performance it's still there I am wondering if this game really likes memory bandwidth this game doesn't really use a whole ton of vram but maybe the how fast the memory is maybe it really likes that on the AMD card it does have the fastest vram or it just really likes AMD and I don't exactly know why and uh that's a mystery we will never find out at 1440p these 7900 XT again 65% faster than nvidia's offering like if if you just are playing Remnant 2 this game loves the 700 XT or this game hates the 470 super whatever way you want to look at it but that's that's what was going down here but again the 7900 XT costs less than the 470 taii super I I I messed up my naming hopefully that the guy doesn't come for me and try to get my tie that's a pretty pretty good look for the AMD card this is definitely one of its best titles here so I don't if you know exactly why it's perform performing so well in this game let me know in the comments ments below I am interested to see that but let's go and look at dlss or FSR quality at 1440p here and again the AMD card it's just like in all of these it's performing super well what's interesting to see is the 4070 TI does TI super TI super so many so many names so many letters is getting like at 60% more performance than the 470 super now so it's neck and neck with the 700 XT and that's probably because we are actually CPU limited even though I have the best gaming CPU in the world on my computer here it is still CPU limited here but we're at we're CPU Limited at a very high FPS so it's not that big of a deal so the 4070 super is getting about 80 FPS which is definitely respectable for 1440p Ultra but if we look at the other cards I mean the 700 XT is just like Fast Man I mean it's over 100 FPS at 1440p Ultra like what is is this card on crack or something like I don't I don't know but this game it loves this game man it eats it up for breakfast and the 4070 TI super is again actually justifying its price premium over the 4070 super by getting like 40% more performance here it's not because of vram on these cards or anything like that we're only using or allocating up to 10 GB on the AMD card which typically uses more vram and if we go to 4k on high settings you can actually see that the 4070 TI super the beginning starts a little a little bit weird here but it is what it is the 7900 XT is 56% faster than the 4070 super and performance like this actually matters because the 4070 super is at like 40 FPS so that's that's a probably range you might not want to play on like but the AMD card is getting over 60 FPS with 1% lows at about 50 and the 4070 TI super isn't hitting 60 FPS in this case so the AMD card is actually getting you that performance that's going to push you over the edge to feel good at playing at 4k on Native High settings so if we turn on the quality upscaling from FSR or dlss again I actually I think FSR looks pretty bad in this game but at 4K I couldn't really tell like if I'm being honest I couldn't really see the difference between these so you can probably use these upscales at 4K and be completely fine but turning on quality upscaling is able to get the 4070 super above 60 FPS which might feel pretty good you can see that the 1% lows are pretty low they're in the low 40s so you might feel that 7900 XT again 50 uh 49% faster I'll be exact for you guys it's getting like 90 FPS at freaking 4K High settings in a game that is very freaking demanding Remnant 2 goes super hard man and the 470 TI super is 43% faster than the 470 super getting close to 90 FPS so this is kind of a neck and neck tie between the XT and the the the taii super I don't know what to I don't know what to call this card to like shorten the name and it's just like it's just really long so if we go to Starfield now this is a game that usually favors AMD cards even after the extra patches which made it run better on Nvidia graphics cards we're still seeing that the 7900 XD is significantly faster than the other ones at like almost 40% more performance getting it like 120 FPS at 1440p Native High settings so this this XT I mean it's killing it but if we look at the 40 70 TI super it's only getting 18% more performance than the $600 than the $600 card here not really justifying its price premium and then if we turn on dlss or FSR quality which is actually 67% resolution scale so that's why that Starfield is a little weird with it you have to drag a resolution slider in order to you say that 7900 XT is very fast getting it over 140 FPS 470 TI Supra on the right is getting 19% more performance than the 470 supera at about 125 126 FPS we go to 4K though we go to the high settings you can see the 470 super I mean this is where it kind of starts to fall off a little bit it's only getting like 50 FPS in a firstperson game which definitely doesn't feel as good to play on but if you go to the 7900 XT it's 35% faster and that's jumping us over 70 FPS average in this area this area is very graphically demanding on the graphics card specifically so yeah this is pushing them to their limits and you can see that the 1% lows are at about 60 FPS so it would probably feel quite smooth the 4070 TI super is only 133% faster here so really not a good showing and it's getting like 61 FPS now if we do turn on some upscaling at 4K I mean like again like I said in the other games you can't really see if you use quality up scaling at 4K I couldn't I couldn't freaking tell although I don't have a 4k monitor so maybe maybe maybe I'm not a good example here so I was just kind of looking what it looked like through my 1440p monitor the 470 super with some upscaling is over able to get over 60 FPS actually in the mid 70s 700 XT is like almost 30% faster at like almost 100 FPS I mean we're so freaking close to that there the 4070 TI super only 133% faster again not showing very good performance numbers here now um I have this little slide here cuz I edit this in and this is the ray tracing performance between these cards and we're going to start off here first with Allen wake 2 now this is using the r tracing High preset and the high settings within the game so this is basically Max and this is all path tracing so if you know R RT overdrive and cyberpunk the ray tracing overdrive preset uses path tracing so you can see here that the 7900 XT is actually 50 51% slower than the cheaper 470 super so if you're really after rate tracing on this card I mean it is like the AMD card is getting crippled here if we jump up to 1440p and actually choose a more reasonable set of settings like low settings in this game while using Ray tracing on the low preset you can actually see that the 7900 XT is able to kind of like like the Gap isn't as wide when using a smaller amount of rate tracing we also see that the 4070 TI super even with these settings this is lighter rate tracing and stuff still isn't able to get you know 50 FPS in this game or 60 FPS that like even with the r Trace this I can't quite get there so you know as I said quality upscaling looks pretty good at 1440p so we do turn that on see that the 470 TI super at $800 is able to use a little bit of rate tracing in Allen Wick 2 and still achieve over 70 FPS so that is good at least but you know the the 4070 super it's able to do over 60 FPS at $600 so isn't exactly justifying the price Prem premium Now if we go and max out this game at 1440p um I don't know why I just had like a murderous intent when I did this and I did that to the 7900 XT I mean that poor card it's at like 11 FPS and you can just see the slideshow that's going on there the other cards are able to get kind of like a cinematic like 24 to 30 FPS or so and you can see the 470 TI super this is probably a vram thing we can see at the 4070 super is actually allocating over 12 GB of vram I don't know how that's working but yeah it's acting a little bit weird and that that is actually leading to the 470 TI super even with upscaling on to pull in like 32% more performance here at 1440p now using full path tracing and everything and upscaling on the 4070 TI super it is not able to get 60 FPS in the game so you're paying $800 and you're still not quite getting there which does feel really bad I'm not going to lie crank even more upscaling so performance from dlss or FSR we can see that the 4070 super is actually very close to 60 FPS the 4070 TI super is at like 70 FPS I wouldn't exactly say that the the upscaling looks good at this resolution but at least also the 7900 XT is able to kind of play the game at around 33 FPS I just don't know why you'd even bother to play this on the AMD card like it just doesn't run that well again like I am a mass murderer I have I'm crazy I I went to 4K and turned it on Max settings and you can see the 7900 XT struggling at 5 FPS both the Nvidia cards I mean they are they're crying the 470 supers at 12 the 470 TI sup is at 17 FPS I don't know what was wrong with me like man I just I remember when I was doing these benchmarks I was laughing like a maniac man you can actually just see how this this footage is getting out of sink because the both the 4070 super is running slow and the 40 the 7900 XT is just running super slow it's not even close it's not even close to being done with the benchmarker on look at it go man yeah this just kind of proves like uh I don't know why you would bother to uh use Ray tracing on this AMD card like it just you don't buy it for Ray tracing now if we go to 4K and we use performance upscaling which probably looks okay again I don't have a 4k monitor to really look at this properly but the 4070 TI super is like 27% faster here and it's getting around the 40s so you could maybe combine this with with frame generation which we will look at a bit later and to actually get some kind of reasonable performance but I don't think it's going to be that significant here now we go to cyberpunk and instead of actually using the the ray tracing o overdrive preset at first with the full path tracing I wanted to look at RT Ultra because this is slightly cut down it's not as demanding but it's still super demanding just just see if the AMD card could hang here and next you see that the cheaper Nvidia card is faster than amd's competition which costs 17% more and amd's card is 14% slower so that's a good price to Performance Advantage for the 4070 super again though this is R tracing and none of these cards even the $800 Nvidia card on the right only getting like 50 average FPS and in this Benchmark run usually the FPS is higher than it would normally be while you're playing the game so I'd expect the 470 TI super to probably be around 45 to 40 FPS while playing and that's not exactly that good if we use quality upscaling actually see here I mean I'm not saying the 79 XT is like great at rate tracing here but it's at least getting about 60 FPS with quality upscaling so in a pinch on an AMD card if you really need to use raate tra racing it could Pro probably work I'm not saying I wouldn't buy it for it I definitely wouldn't because we look at the 470 super which costs less it's getting like 75 FPS in this game and that that's actually pretty smooth for a first-person shooter like like cyber Punk but if we look on the right um the 470 TI super is only getting 11% more performance and that's translating to like 88 from 78 on the left side it's not justifying its price increase unless you really need that 16 gigs of vram and even at this preset in this game we're not using we're not using more than 12 gigabytes now I am a little worried that very soon games are going to be using more than 12 gabt like if if we turn on the rate tracing overdrive preset in this game this game this uses uh pretty more than 12 gbt of vrm you can see on the right side of the screen with the 470 TI super it's using over 12 that that makes the 4070 super run a little bit slower here getting like 22 FPS that's a cinematic experience if you ask me isn't getting good performance though that's like the thing is like you can pay more to get this raate tracing Advantage for nvidia's card but it still can't run it like it still can't do it it's still under 30 FPS here now amd's card is surprisingly putting up more than a of a fight than I thought it would I mean it's at like 16 it's not good but it's doing something so if we turn on performance upscaling so this is rendering up from 720p upscaling it to 4K I'd say that FSR doesn't look good with this and dlss is barely passable I mean dlss even looks really blurry in this case 470 TI super is getting like 77 FPS though so I mean you can get a smooth gaming experience with that card and even you have enough frame rate you can also use some frame generation to get a bit more performance or bit more visual smoothness out of it is on the left side and it's getting like 70 2 FPS and that's not really that far off from the 4070 TI super so I'm to me it's kind of hard to justify that price premium I mean it's 25% more money on the Nvidia cards here 7900 XT is at about 50 FPS so in a pinch if you really have to on this card you could maybe use RT overdrive it's not great though when we jump to 4K I'm a mass murderer man like I don't take that out of context I'm not a Mur but none of these cards I mean 4K with rt overdrive even just the vram you can see on the right side of the screen the 4070 TI sup is using 13.7 GB of vram at 4K here these started in sync the 4070 TI super is like way far ahead because it's genuinely running faster it's like someone like there's a PowerPoint presentation and on the the right side of the screen they're clicking it faster on the left side they're clicking it slightly slower and the 7900 XT one in the middle they're clicking it I mean they're they're just chilling the person's falling asleep while they're clicking this PowerPoint presentation turning on performance upscaling at 4K does let the fastest card here get a 4070 TI super to get around 43 FPS not even ideal for this case and that frame rate still isn't high enough to use frame generation or anything like that we're going to look at it but it's not that good okay so but if we do look at fortnite and we go to Lumen which is software kind of R tracing from Unreal Engine 5 let's look at this at 1440p you can see all these cards are you know getting over 120 FPS like the 700 XT is still 8% faster than the 470 super not justifying the price premium but it's not that bad and the 470 TI super is getting 12% more performance compared to the 470 super we're not getting CPU limited or anything like that here so the 4070 super is just if you want to play fortnite seems like uh seems like it likes this card I don't exactly know why but it's getting good price to Performance ratios here you might have noticed too in all these benchmarks the other cards have a power measurement in the top there that shows how much power the card is drawn I couldn't get that to work on the 7900 XT I don't exactly know why but I just couldn't get it to work if we go to Hardware rate tracing in fortnite this is supposed to leverage the hardware on Nvidia graphics cards mostly AMD cards aren't as good at this we jump up to 1440p all the cards are still getting out over 100 FPS at Native resolution so that's pretty nice and I'm only doing High settings see now the one on the right is scoped in like I don't exactly know why why that's happening you can see I'm G Stacy I just killed Miles Morales rip man you wouldn't really play fortnite these kind of settings but you know if other Unreal Engine 5 games are like this like even like Po world and stuff like that which doesn't even use Lumin and stuff if it's like this then it it could be quite good and we turn on quality upscaling you see that then again the 4070 super is clearly the best value here because both of the other cards are like 20% about or more expensive than that card but they're not getting 20% or more performance in it so yeah the 4070 super is clearly the best option here we go to plugtail requium now this game only has R traced shadows in it but they also don't even do that much to the look of the game like you can play this game without ra tracing you even freaking know if I'm being honest but it's a it's still an interesting Benchmark to to use because the 7900 XT probably because of how fast it is in general just turning on rate tracing doesn't hinder it a whole lot because it's just the Shadows so especially if you look at this here it's still getting 18% more performance than the 4070 super and the 470 TI super is faster than the 7900 XT um it's I think pretty much proportionately increasing its its price to Performance compared to that card what's interesting though and this might be because of the upscaling difference within this game but the dlss quality versus the quality temporal upscaling in this game that the AMD card has to use means the 7900 XT is getting 14% less performance than the 470 super and then the 470 TI super is getting 177% more performance than the 4070 super there isn't that many instances where 470 TI super is actually justifying its price increase at 4K Ultra quality upscaling here we can see on high settings with r Trace Shadows that the 7900 XT the 470 TI super are actually performing very similar here even with the rate tracing but when it comes down to it I mean all the cards are only getting like 30 FPS so this isn't really settings You' probably be considered playing at now with the quality upscaling that means again that the 7900 XT runs a lot slower at 4K but the only card here here and maybe you could say this is an argument to justify the $800 Nvidia card here on the right side is that it's 29% faster than the 47 super that is getting it up around 60 FPS now it is to consider that we sell some frame jutters and all these cards the 1% lows are kind of bad but it doesn't really represent Real Performance in this game this is like a cut scene and every time the camera Cuts there's like a chance the frames could stutter you see the Nvidia card on the right side the $800 card is able to get 60 FPS at 4K with a a little bit of upscaling so it is pretty good all things considered it doesn't like this this price premium doesn't seem to be unlocking a new level of performance or unlocking a new settings tier in games that makes it reasonable or not thing is like if we run into a game like Resident Evil 4 which has a pretty light rate tracing implementation in it I actually saw in a lot of cases that with the r tracing on I got better performance than with it off so the AMD 7900 XT is still 14% faster in the 4070 super not really justifying its price premium but you know all these cards are over 200 FPS or on the RT preset and all these cards the 7900 XT is technically justifying its price increase it's getting 172 FPS it's pretty much neck and neck with the 4070 TI super which costs $800 compared to $710 on the 7900 XT now if we go to 4K this is where that performance the extra performance could matter so the 7900 XT even with ra racing is pulling 37% ahead of the 470 super this might be because of vram things maybe it's not showing the numbers correctly that how much vram it's using it's saying that this 470 super is only using like 6.2 GB um but maybe it's using more vram or at once more vram that's what's holding it back so much taking a quick look at dlss frame generation obviously AMD has its competing technology FSR 3 frame generation but that still isn't really in every game and DSS has a much wider implementation people have modded it into games so if you want to check out my video on how to mod FSR 3 into games like Allen wake 2 then you can go and check that out in the top right corner of the screen but DSS frame generation if you have a high enough base frame rate then you're able to do something like path tracing to Isen wake 2 and get over 60 FPS but the latency on it is pretty high now if we look at a game like cyberpunk on performance upscaling with you know dlss frame generation we're able to get 122 FPS actually if we look at that latency in the top it's under 50 milliseconds that's probably going to feel good to a lot of people so genuinely you could get 55% more smoothness by using dlss 3 frame generation whereas you look on the right side of the screen and the 7900 XT is only at like 50 FPS with this performance upscaling so it's having to use a ton of upscaling to get that and the Nvidia cards are able to use you know dlss which does look better than FSR and use this Frame generation that's in more games to actually get more smoothness and in some cases more performance with things like Ray reconstruction and stuff like that and if we jump up to a resolution like 4K with performance upscaling well we can see if we use frame generation it's not really saving and this is something interesting that that I I have a theory of why this is happening frame generation is supposed to quote unquote like double your frame rate but in this Cas it's only getting us 32% more frames think this is because the cores or the parts of the GPU that work on frame generation to make it happen are getting overloaded by using dlss performance upscaling using all the rate tracing and stuff like that and the ray reconstruction there's so much that are relying on these cores that the frame generation gets pushed to the side and it's only able to give 32% more frames if we look at the latency it's like almost that's in like the mid 60 milliseconds to 70 it is pretty high it's not exactly the best experience we look at AMD 7900 XT well you won't be able to do it on there anyways we look at frame generation in a game like plague tail requil we know that the 7900 XT still gets good performance even with Ray tracing here with performance upscaling and stuff like that we look at frame generation it's getting us only 46% more frames but our latency is still quite good and the base frame rate at over 100 was already good performance anyways like a dlss frame generation is just kind of a winning more type of thing in this case actually in a lot of games it is because you need a lot of fps to get make it look good anyways so frame generation is kind of a winning more thing and it is in more games than what FSR 3 frame generation is at the moment on an AMD card now hopping into Starfield using frame generation this game FSR 3 is coming to this game quite soon it's supposed to come early this year but but we haven't seen it quite yet and frame generation is only getting us 37% more frames here that's only getting us from 100 to 125 FPS the latency is still good so I don't exactly know how it's working it's actually also lower than with frame generation off so uh maybe it's like a low latency thing that's going on here you know I've had the tie on for this video to represent the 4070 tii super but honestly I'm finding it kind of hard to represent this card and almost every game that we showed it is not justifying its price to Performance increase and there is so much hype building up to this card it's like oh it's like they fixed the 470 TI that Nvidia fixed their card Woo they put 16 gab of vram in it which don't get me wrong I like this card has 16 GB of vram but the original 4070 TI always should have had that much a year ago I don't know what to say like this card doesn't really justify even its price increase over in nvidia's own competition and if we put into perspective against amd's competition on the 7900 XT since they dropped the price of that c to $710 which we've actually seen AMD do that before this isn't the first time it's costed almost $700 I don't know if Nvidia didn't know that at $800 that AMD is just going to drop the price of their card to $710 and make it more competitive but clearly amd's competition there if you're just after rasterization performance 7900 XT is just a better deal all around you get 20 GB of vram 2 which is really nice for gaming at 4K wider memory bus width which means it's also going to be better at gaming at 4K if you're more interested in doing that and when you're paying like 700 plus dollars for a graphics card it wouldn't surprise me if you want to game at 4K so nvidia's card here isn't exactly the most attractive looking card at that price point the thing about is AMD 7900 XT it isn't even pH phenomenal either cuz if you compare it to the 470 super which cost $600 I mean in some cases the 470 super I mean it draws a lot less power and like in a lot of cases it's not that far in terms of performance and then you're getting nvidia's dlss and better rate tracing support in a lot of games at a cheaper price point compared to amd's $710 competition the 470 TI super almost feels like an upsell from am or for viia because this gives you 16 GB of vram which the 470 super is definitely limited because of 12 GB of vram yeah it's basically just how much do you have to pay because the 470 super at $600 is a good deal the 7900 XT at $710 does justify the price increase over the 470 super I mean it's on average from what I saw like 30 to 40% faster and then the 470 TI super doesn't really justify the priceing increase versus the 470 super or the 7900 XT the only thing is 16 GB of vram on an Nvidia graphics card at a cheaper price point than what this 40 480 super is going to be at $1,000 which also has 16 GB of vram obviously I just want to point out again too like Nvidia sent me these cards for review um but they did not morph my opinion on this in this video because obviously I'm not too thrilled about this card I think it's okay you're paying $800 where there is better value out there already so let me know what you guys think about this in the comments below I don't think the 470 TI super is living up to the hype obviously this has been a lot of work I have a lot more comparisons built up and ready to go I have so much like footage and testing I only went over a fraction of it in this video I have been a gremlin like when I say that I have been a freaking Gremlin testing graphics cards and I have a new test PC a 2 PC setup it just it has been all grind here so obviously system specs from the description if you want to check that out let me know what you think about the 470 TI super in the the comments below I'll see you guys in the next video you have a good one and uh [Music] peace
Channel: Vex
Views: 63,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070 ti super, 4070 ti super, 4070 tie super, review, benchmarks, testing, rtx 4070 super, 4070 super, rx 7900 xt, 7900 xt, vram, 4070 ti, 4070 ti super vs 4070 super, 4070 ti super vs 7900 xt, RTX 4070 ti super vs rx 7900 xt
Id: B1kpl01oE68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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