RTX 4060 Ti, 4060, 4050 Specs and Release Dates | Arc Battlemage | AV1 YT Streaming | More GPU News!

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tons of GPU news for you today let's start out with the latest leaks and rumors on the upcoming gpus 4060 TI box packaging design instructions coming from Nvidia to board Partners at least that seems to be the case uh this is on Twitter from mega size GPU who has accurately leaked GPU information and boxes uh in the past now we're seeing again where the company would put their own logo this would be guidance from Nvidia and there's nothing on this list of you know key features that is mind-blowing or confirms any of the important specs on the graphics cards However the fact that this is coming out now does indicate that we should be seeing you know the 46 CTI soon-ish within a couple of months but when exactly well that depends on who you ask wccf Tech has come out with the headline that the RTX 4060 TI I should be expected along with the RTX 4060 in may they are also uh listing these specs that we're expecting on these gpus which I'll show in another chart here in just a minute if you want to get at the rumored uh performance that they'd be getting at if you just go off of their raw compute power which does not always line up directly to gaming performance the compute power where you just kind of look at its uh you know fp32 compute which like yeah anyway it doesn't perf do not take this as being a gaming performance graph but it gives you some indication of how it Stacks up versus the rest of the uh the lineup wccf Tech is uh showing the theoretical performance of the 4060 TI as right around the performance of a 3070 TI so you know how exciting this is going to be is going to depend a lot first of all and how does the actual gaming performance end up and then where is its where is it priced because that's going to be a really big deal where is it priced we also see on this chart where the theoretical performance of the rumored 4070 would fall putting it right around the performance of an RTX 3080 and again the price is going to be everything on that one and we've seen uh bad news on the rumored pricing we'll see what ends up actually being the case and again the RTX 4070s uh been heavily rumored to be launching on April 13th but when are we going to be getting the 4060 and the 4060 TI well if we go back to mega size GPU who I say has leaked things accurately in the past and is the source of our box art here 's this is his information on release dates he's saying the desktop 46 DTI should be at the end of May so that seems to line up with what we're hearing from wccf Tech by the way a lot of times wccf Tech um just quotes tweets like this for their sources but in this particular article which came out before this tweet for mega size GPU um they just kind of mentioned they got in additional details kind of implying their own sources wccf Tech does um often cite their own sources probably have someone within the aib chain or some kind of factory somewhere you know that overhears something and then lets them know uh anyway so for mega size GPU who does have a pretty good track record as I've followed it uh saying 46 DTI in the end of May but the 4060 not decided yet so again a little bit different here than what we're seeing with 4060 and 46 DTI both in May and that could be that maybe they'll launch the both in May but maybe they're not sure if the 40 60 will be part of that maybe they'll hold off on that either way this is new new information for mega size GPU that we could be seeing the 40 50 in June so if we follow all of the um rumored release dates that's putting it basically as April is the 4070 May is the 40 60 TI and maybe the 4060 as well and then June with the 4050 so we could be getting at least one GPU launch per month as we go here now there was a request in the comments here from any specs on the 4050 beyond the release date because we really didn't have much at this point he's saying six gigabytes of vram so no no specs beyond that but I'm sure a lot of people would be really disappointed to see that because the RTX 3050 had eight gigabytes of vram so this would be a step backwards at least in vram we'll see what it means for the overall performance now videocards.com had articles covering all of this and I like their um their summary tables that they throw in at the end to kind of summarize all that we're seeing here so basically what we're seeing is that the RDX 4050 is rumored to be coming out in June and all we know is six gigabytes we which would indicate probably a 96-bit bus because you can only fit so much vram on a bus width anyway now again that's pretty disappointing to see it's also probably going to be on ad107 now according to the wccf tech leak and others the RTX 4060 would be on the full implementation of 8107 and that would be an 8 gigabyte card and coming in about 115 watts and this one again wccf Tech is saying in May mega size GPU is saying undecided but then the 4060 TI coming in on the ad106 chip so a better chip than the 4060 and 4050 although it's saying 8106-350 which would usually indicate it's a little bit cut down the 400 ending I think usually indicates it's the full fully implemented chip and again that looks like it's coming out in May also rumored to be eight gigabytes on a uh 128 bit bus now 40 70 is the one that we're expecting to um looks like they put the wrong date right here oh well 40 70 is expected to be coming out uh in April and we're expecting on the 13th according to all of the rumors again none of this is official from uh from Nvidia and again this is rumored to be a 12 gigabyte card similar to the 4070 TI and this is on a cut down version of the ad104 whereas the 4070 TI got the full implementation of ad104 so again uh we'll have to wait and see what actually happens with all of this although with the 4070 we're getting even more indication that it is indeed at least a 12 gigabyte card with MSI also uh uh having some of the naming schemes of their cards leaked which include the 12 gigabytes at the end so we're we're pretty certain that this this is happening also again usually this close to launch we've seen so many rumors of that April 13th release date that I'm going to be pretty surprised at this point if that one does not end up coming to pass and again uh review embargoes are rumored to be the uh the day before um now speaking of upcoming gpus how about Intel's next Generation with Arc battle mage well these aren't expected to come out until next year more details on that in a second but WC sorry uh videocards.com is reporting on a video from Red gaming Tech on YouTube uh and red gaming Tech has leaked information in the past including uh slides that seem to be from uh from Intel indicating their release schedule which indicates that battle mage which will be their successor to their Arc Alchemist gpus the battle mage ones are rumored to be coming out somewhere in quarter one quarter two quarter three uh of 2024 and um anyway so the latest uh rumors here are on the specs of the card so it's rumored to go up to 64 XE cores which would be double what the a770 had and clock targets around three gigahertz on a 256-bit bus a question mark on whether that'll be gdr6x or just gddr6 memory and a 48 megabyte L2 cache and similar die size to an ad103 that's like the RTX 4080s this would be similar die size to the 4080. although the um the rumored specs of all this and again launch uh somewhere in quarter one or Twenty uh or a quarter two of um of 2024 and they're you know less certain of big improvements in Ray tracing all of that anyway so according to this article from videocards.com that the speculation is pointing towards at least RTX 4070 TI levels of performance although again we'll have to see if that comes to pass because rumors of Intel's Arc Alchemist series were pointing towards 30 70 or maybe even a little bit better performance and then it ended up falling short but a big part of that seemed to be the um the software stack the drivers things like that being up to par so with more development time more time working on drivers I have hopes that Intel will become more competitive here and maybe actually be competing a tier up although I'm my favorite thing about the Intel gpus right now is their pricing and if they're more competitive perhaps they would not be priced so aggressively so then maybe you gain something and you lose something but we'll have to see what happens speaking of their their drivers they are getting a new driver here on March 29th looks like the main thing here is support for Crime Boss um also uh not listing a lot of fixed issues or anything like that so it looks to be mainly a day one game driver support although uh videocards.com is reporting that Intel is releasing its first Arc Pro GPU driver in four months so the pro pro series has not had a lot of love on the driver support I think they've been working uh probably a lot on getting their gaming drivers up to stuff but there's a new Pro driver out now let's move on to some other news how about steam will stop supporting Windows 7 and Windows 8 next year as of January 1st of 2024 so I mean next year is in day one of next year steam will officially stop supporting Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1 operating systems steam client will no longer want run on those versions of Windows um so definitely uh yeah something to consider now they're saying that this is uh basically forced on them on the fact that they use an embed embedded version of Google Chrome uh which will no longer function on older versions of Windows and in addition future versions of steam will require Windows features and security updates only present in Windows 10 and above so anyway you can read all the details there yourself but basically just be warned if you've been like every Windows has sucked since Windows 7 I'm not upgrading well if you use steam you might kind of need to at this point anyway uh I thought this was interesting Nvidia says cryptocurrencies add nothing to society and a better usage of all of those that GPU compute power would be AI now this is interesting uh coming from the company who uh in 2022 as reported here uh Nvidia was forced to pay 5.5 million dollars as part of the settlement with the SEC uh because they did not inform the investors on how mining impacts GPU demand and according to that SEC filing and video is aware of cryptocurrency mining driving part of their business and even claim that Nvidia Senior Management wanted to go after the crypto mining Market as reported by CNBC so in other words uh Nvidia admits now that cryptocurrency adds nothing to society but it does uh add potential Revenue to the company so obviously they're going to seek profits wherever it's available uh now they're more excited by AI because apparently it does more for society but also um also generates lots of money for them so anyway I mean their company they're out there to make money there's nothing crazy surprising there or anything now OBS Studio 29.1 beta 1 is up uh and on GitHub if you search this for av1 we can see that this has added support for streaming av1 and hevc over rtmp to YouTube so you can now stream to YouTube using av1 um however and again this is saying not twitch is saying currently only supported by in the abled for YouTube so that that's part of the issue with all this av1 streaming av1 is really exciting for streamers because at a lower bit rate like you would use when streaming your stream can look better uh than the older encoders however the problem is you need it supported by the platform you're streaming to and the software you're using to do the streaming so OBS software is now able to stream to YouTube at least at least YouTube will accept the signal and it's able to send the signal now YouTube itself to my knowledge is still not going to Output the stream in av1 it's going to transcode it I believe um but this is still better better for the stream quality because the ingested quality will be better at that bit rate if you're sending it using av1 so I'm really excited to see the development of av1 streaming and more support for it all over the place um let's see this was just an article on that same topic um how about the ryzen 7 7 800x3d we should be expecting this very soon this article says in 10 days but this article was published two days ago at Tom's Hardware um but really while there was a release it showed up in the uh SI software uh official Benchmark ranker but the actual Benchmark numbers here did not seem particularly useful so this is really only interesting in the sense that it shows that this is probably being tested and maybe even getting towards uh reviewers sometime soon um because we like I said I think are expecting the this coming in uh just a little over a week now AMD has published their official numbers for the 7800x 3D which I've already talked about in the past and mentioned that these are obviously cherry-picked results um but the exciting thing here will be the 7800x 3D will hopefully offer the gaming performance or at least within a few percent of it as the 7950x 3D similar to how we see here in Horizon zero Dawn it's showing 24 percent better than 3900k whereas in AMD Zone slides are showing the 13 the 7950x3d maybe 27 better than 3900k so maybe a three percent difference in that one game overall we're expecting it to perform about the same as the 7950x3d but coming in at a much lower price point um so it would be a lot more exciting um for gamers who don't need the extra non-cash cores for gaming now I will mention along these lines at the 7900 not 50 x 3D which in my opinion is kind of the weirdest one because you only get six of the V cash cores rather than eight um and it still was pretty expensive well speaking of the price we are seeing it at least with a 20 off promo at Newegg which is at least a little bit below MSRP now so I'm hoping we'll start to see prices on this one start to come down as especially as the 7800x 3D comes in now uh in other motherboard news as far as you know motherboards that would support these and other a uh ryzen 7000 series chips AMD a620 motherboards are apparently already starting to be listed by retailers for less than 100 US dollars although they're not actually available to purchase and videocards.com actually has some uh some pictures I I think available of some of the first a620 motherboards so it looks like a620 will be on the way um so these would be cheaper but also cut down um on their feature set I believe we saw a driver come out that indicated that the a620 series will not support pcie Gen 5 so that would be the biggest thing so you'd get now a lot of people don't need that right now but in terms of longevity of your system um one of the big advantages to the am5 platform is that it should support a lot of future uh CPU upgrades that's why a lot of people would buy into it so if you cut down some of the some of the things you maybe don't need right now like pcie Gen 5 it reduces cost right now but if you're planning on hanging onto the board for a long time if we see video card like right now it doesn't matter but like if you see video cards like um some of the ones we saw in this last generation where they only get like four lanes of pcies or they they worked perfectly on pcie Gen 4 but if you're using on a pcie gen 3 motherboard with only the four lanes then that's a problem um could we see a similar thing come out in the future where you know you get something that only has four lanes of gen five uh I don't know I'm just saying that if you're buying it for the long term that would be one of the trade-offs here but we'll have to see what happens when we get the reviews out for these things now it looks like dram prices have dropped 20 in quarter one and Will are projected to keep falling in Quarter Two this is coming from Tom's Hardware looks like they're getting the uh information from Trend force and you can see uh yeah overall uh quarter to quarter um major drops here for Dram just all over the board and in all the segments so I think from a consumer perspective good that brings prices down and um let's see in other news o-n-d-a onda launches its first GeForce RTX 40 GPU the RTX 4080 magic sword this is a Chinese company it looks like coming out with their first RTX 4080 GPU as reported myvideocards.com over here although if it's only available in China probably not too much information uh not too useful to most of my viewers so let's just move along to dlss 3 coming out today in Forza Horizon 5 along with nvidia's image comparison tool icat uh getting support for hevc and uh X support to look at it and Export it functionality now I haven't had a chance to look at uh dlss three and Forza Horizon 5 yet myself um I'm I'm not sure this is a game that really needs that any card capable of running uh frame generation is probably also capable of just running Forza Horizon 5 um at pretty high frame rates and settings already the game's not incredibly demanding also I wasn't a huge fan of the dlss2 image quality in this game I felt it looked kind of smeared and over sharpened with with too much ghosting that was my personal opinion maybe yours differs but again also I felt like the game just runs well enough without upscaling now dlc3 frame generation isn't upscaling so it has its own image quality issues which I'd be interested to look at in this game don't know if I'll have time to do a video on it or not um but anyway let's move on uh how about Diablo 4 maybe becoming the second PC game to support Microsoft's direct storage API to lower load times now this is not a confirmed thing it just looks like data miners on Reddit are pulling up files that look like they could be related to direct storage within the game um now this would be interesting because so far the only game to actually launch with direct storage support is forespoken so this is could possibly be the second game um that we uh would actually see that in which would at least be interesting and the last thing I'll leave you guys with today is that apparently Newegg incorporates chat GPT into its PC Builder and online shopping experience for customer peace of mind um it's unclear exactly how it's being uh integrated there's a bit of a quote here from the company we're always evaluating our e-commerce technology to ensure we're providing the best customer experience through testing we've proven that chat GPT has a practical use for Newegg based on the added quality and efficiency it creates we deployed chat GPT to improve content both on-site and off-site to help customers find what they want and Elevate their experience AI doesn't replace employees but it adds resources to employees uh anyway I don't know so it looks like it might end up helping them write stuff for their site and maybe be used in their in their chat or something I don't know I hope all of you guys here's the bullet points on how it will be used I guess sorry um yeah I hope all of you guys have an excellent day I'm gonna go eat some breakfast I'm hungry
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 46,898
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Id: UCAs9HG9qG4
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Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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